He couldn`t comprehend the tragedy that had occurred a few seconds ago. Yet, he still kept his tight grip around the yellow glooming tentacle that resembled a human hand. Sleek, yet rough, felt Karasuma two fingers anxiously brushing against his wrist`s arteria, trying to measure his pulse while both teachers sprinted. His feet hurt from the impact of his movement`s dynamic had with the stoney paths he hasted to cross silently. What had been his driving force, his motivation even, to rescue his colleague and target from an almost successfull assassination attempt their students have had performed so eagerly. His smile had fallen the moment Koro- no, his target`s jaw tightened to force a smile, when his eyes lost their animosity, when he suddenly whispered his gratitude of friendish companionship into the rising wind. Karasuma acted on instinct. Throwing  himself at the sentient  being to cover him from the explosives filled with material that would injure him but woudn`t be able to reach the encircled creature. His dread mirrored their students shocked expressions. The chief executive officer had leaped from the dusty ground to bring a frozen ad in disbelief gaping Koro-Sensei up on his metamorphed feet. Furious gun shots had followed his attempts to exit this surreal situation.
Where were his thoughts traveling to now? They nimbly climbed a hill, the depression of which they used to drive down into the undergrowth of the area of forest and fields, which was darkened by the night. Both of them seemed to be practiced in analyzing hiding places within seconds and practicing them effectively.
Koro-Sensei finally rested his gaze on Karasuma. Although he seemed bewildered of Karasuma`s actions he didn`t miss to follow every unspoken instruction of the usual stoic man. As Karasuma relaxed upon losing Class 3-E in the uneven terrain, Koro spoke up breathlessly:
"The dread invoked in your eyes uneases me, Karasuma-san." "Forgive me my bluntness. I acted without thinking.", Karasuma replied sharply. "That hoarse, underlying tone in your voice gives away your irritation. May I get offered an explanation as to why you doomed the entirety of eart`s inhabitants and the planet itself by saving me? Not to forget the rise of our students social status and their now forfeited financial support!", blooming anger filled his voice. 
Karasuma`s reply was determined: "You obviously don`t intend to destroy our planet, our home. And I can`t let you cease to exist. When I noticed your glasy eyes and your ghosty expression, I acknowledged what I had been suppressing until your smile wavered."
"After the class` vacation on Okinawa...Well, you found a misfigured and life-treatheningly injured dog puppy lingering behind a tossed trash can behind the classroom, early in the morning." "I appeared behind you, after loud shiveling noises startled me. We reluctantly nurtured this puppy back to health. You named him Janus because he opened a door to you heart. He opened mine to you."
The teacher turned his head to the wide-eyed assassin. "Can my love for you alter your fate, Koro?"
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How are you? PS.: I am totally NOT stalking your tumblr for updates or posts...
hey!! doing okayish rn, just casually forgetting that i have a tumblr blog and going silent for months at a time lmao
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Post was submitted by an anon, but I sadly couldn’t put it on queue.
A heart-shaped pile of red lilies is placed on Koro-Sensei`s desk. 
 Koro-Sensei: [smiles maniacially] Suddenly gets tackled on the ground due to a pieece of the roof falling and Koro-Sensei saving Karasuma-Sensei. 
 Karasuma-Sensei: "I brought you your favorite flowers to show my appreciation..." 
 Koro-Sensei [kisses Tadaomi`s forehead]: Je adore tes pétits fleurs, mon chèr ami!" 
 Karasuma-Sensei [is shocked and hesitates]: Je t`adore cordialement." 
 Koro: "Marriage at sunset?" 
 Karasuma: "YES"
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Karasuma tells Idina off, which brightens Koro-Sensei`s day. Therefore, he decides to inite his fellow teacher to an evening picknick, whichh results in cuddles, a confession and a halt to the assassination attempts on the agent`s beloved octopus.
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Karasuma is being tested by the principal. He is to take on a mission to inspect the moon`s landscape. The teacher and agent proves himself more intelligent than their principal. Since he is as smart as Koro-Sensei, and both surpass every creature on earth in skill, kindness and intellect, Koro-Sensei brings his beloved colleague to the moon, establishes a habitat he can survive in for him and tells him a tale of the trabant`s actual destruction.
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Koro saves Karasuma from falling off the same cliff Akabane jumped off. Seconds before attacked and tackled from his own government`s colleagues, Karasuma admits to Koro that he won`t attempt to assassinate him any longer. Since it was nightfall Koro had offered his friend his robe to keep him fron cooling down due to the night`s breeze. Kara`s reason for ultimatively sparing Koro`s life weren`t voiced as Kara`s silhouette were to be illuminated by the moon`s embracing light. His angel fell!
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I am currently writing a fanfiction on Korsuma for you! :)
omg yes!! please, i would love to share it to everyone!!
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My reallity (not idea but reality because of my lack of a life) is that Koro-Sensei approaches Kurasama-Sensei after a teachers` seminar in the main building of their school. Kurasama agrees to accompany Kuro on his walk along the coastline. After subtly expressing his friendship with and towards Koro, Karasuma is told how Koro lies about intenting to destroy the earth to keep the corrupt globe`s governments from hunting him down, while he admits to deeply care for his students and colleagues.
oh my goodness i'm very sorry for forgetting abt this blog!! i'll post all of the asks for u soon!!
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i hate you /j /lh
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NO- /lh /j
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around 2 months ago i made this. do i regret it now? no.
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just, don't!!! please!!!! I know someone who shipped that nasty stuff that followed this blog and knowing that is just BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK
Can we normalize not shipping Karasuma with his fucking students
Karasuma x Irina is fine
Karasuma x Asano is fine
Karasuma x koro also fine
Karasuma x Nagisa
Karasuma x karma
Karasuma x CHIBA
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God I love your art!!
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Korosensei shenanigans 😎
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around 2 months ago i made this. do i regret it now? no.
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An idea based on a dream
TW for body horror and gore
So, the dream is basically something called “snow” (there was another word to the name but as i woke up i immediately forgot about it) and how it starts is that my friend pings me and tells me, “what if Karasuma had “[insert forgotten word] snow?” and then it immediately flashes to a person covered in blood and wings, possibly in a snowy pine forest. I haven’t thought more of it out yet, but the basics is that it’s a disease that causes you to grow wings all over your body. The wings fly on their own and cause you to get in horrible shit like getting your eyes stabbed by tree branches and such.
So, what about that one sentence my dream friend told me, “what if Karasuma had “[insert forgotten word] snow?” Well here’s comes the good stuff! Very small, but I literally do not have the motivation to write out a fanfiction for the life of me. 
Karasuma and Korosensei go on a winter trip in the mountains. A day or two passes, and Karasuma says he has to go out and get some wood for the fire. Several hours pass, and Koro gets very worried. He goes out to search for him, and the first things he sees in the snow, are small, bloody, dismembered wings.
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Yeah man I realized I probably can’t post consistently on this blog aaaand then completely forgot about this blog lol /lh
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Oh hey
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So fucking true
heres some userboxes
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i was going to make the entire class, but i dont have the spoons for that. if you want a specific character i didnt do you can request them.
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