#tae course perth
crookedrup · 11 months
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Here is the list of courses commencing this month:
We develop people, we improve business
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mariana2m · 1 year
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leporschespam · 1 year
Getting to Know Your BL Mutuals
rules: answer the questions and tag some people. include the tag ‘g2ky BL mutuals 2022’ on your post so we can find everyone’s answer. 
(optional ofc <33)
i was tagged by @braceletofteeth <33 thank you!!
wow this got really long,, good luck yall
What were the BLs that took you by surprise last year? 
i won't lie, i wasn't surprised that i enjoyed kinnporsche, but to the extent that i did (and of course still do), that was kinda surprising. they had me paying to watch a livestream of gay™ the musical, and i'm not even mad. it was my first thai bl, so, oh lord, my standards were raised.
last twilight in phuket - controversial, but i think i prefer it to i told sunset about you (though itsay is so so good). i didn't know 13.43 mins could make me feel so much, but there we are, and i'm very happy to be in that situation.
What were the BLs that you felt a bit disappointed with last year? 
oh i have some very controversial opinions on this–
- there's one that everyone really loves that i didn't finish, thought it was trying to be bigger than what it was (if that makes sense), and just found it really... boring. it got to one plot line and i'd had enough– though i'm willing to give it a re-try because, granted, i was in a kinnporsche mourning period when it came out. im not even gonna name it because i swear everyone i follow loves it (welp-)
- to my star
again, controversial, but i haven't seen this being talked about as much as the last one. i haven't seen s2, but oh my god, i'm sorry but i was so bored, and this was before kinnporsche so my standards weren't even insanely high, yeahhh
- blueming
it wasn't *bad*, but the way everyone hyped up made me think it was gonna be something really special, yeah i was definitely disappointed
- cutie pie
didn't finish. arranged marriage is never my favourite, but i'd heard so many people say how good it was, and sometimes you have to trust the crowd. i didn't find that here. i may well re-try it, along with the unnamed show further up, but yeahhhh. best part was perth, and he genuinely might be the only reason i try it again.
What was your favourite BL last year? 
unsurprisingly, kinnporsche :)
i'd been without a favourite show for a little while, which is so so unlike me. i tend to need something to consume me and kinnporsche just did that. first ep and holy fucking shit, *that* is what i'm talking about. i hadn't actually heard of it until an edit came up on instagram, and i instantly downloaded iqiyi, found ep 1 and 2 were out, binged those, and fell in love really
when i say it became my favourite show just from the first episode, i truly mean that. it was the biggest power move of a first episode and ughdhdh perfect <33
i've tried (and will continue to try) to convince my mates to watch it. i have been successful once with the whole show. a few of my mates just know vegaspete as KFCock, but yknow a win is a win, they are aware of their existence, which i'll gladly take.
Favourite BL/GL couples (not just of 2022) 
grouped by show/film~
kinn and porsche (kinnporsche)
vegas and pete (kinnporsche)
kim and chay (kinnporsche)
arm and pol (kinnporsche - they're canon idc)
chan and big (kinnporsche - also canon, you cannot convince me otherwise)
moon-jo and jong-woo (strangers from hell - absolutely canon)
oh-aew and teh (i told sunset about you – but not after ep 3 of i promised you the moon, nawww i'm so mad)
art and golf (till the world ends)
joke and long (till the world ends)
sam and mon (gap)
arisa and ying (the stranded)
nat and gun (the stranded)
jack and krit (the stranded)
jia-han and birdy (your name engraved herein)
kuina and ann (alice in borderland)
jae-young and sang-woo (semantic error)
tae-sung and hae-bom (cherry blossoms after winter)
park and pong (big dragon – i've watched 4 eps, i'm staying for them and them only. yai and mangkorn? no- park and pong? fuck yeah!! i haven't finished it yet, i'm doing one ep per night, so four more to go. i'm surprised it's getting a season 2, but i'll take it for park and pong instead of the main two ✋️✋️)
that was long– anyway it turns out i definitely need more gl recs, which i expected, but yeah, please gimme recs
If you had to suggest a BL for someone, what would it be? 
allow me to suggest a few~~
- mafia, but *sometimes* make it wholesome. and then add a hearty dose of PAIN. perfect :D,, i know i've already said it, but i'll say it again it's consumed me, and i'm so grateful. i had some of the worst exams when it was coming out, and kinnporsche genuinely got me through each week, kept me smiling, made everything just a bit more bearable, and i am forever grateful for that.
strangers from hell
- what do you mean it's not a bl. of course it is. whatever moon-jo and jong-woo have going on is most definitely *not* heterosexual. also there was way more chemistry between those two than jong-woo and ji-eun. if you're looking for a comfort psychological thriller, this is it :D - i mean it's the most wholesome show i've ever watched, just two guys bonding over shared interests and falling in love (aww)
till the world ends
- on my knees begging someone to watch it– it's really pretty, made me cry, from a very small film company and eee i love it
i told sunset about you (& last twilight in phuket)
- so so aesthetic and pretty and ughfhhf– last twilight in phuket is maybe one of the prettiest thing i've seen. itsay is also so so pretty. HOWEVER, for the sake of your own sanity, don't watch i promised you the moon. i mean ep 1 is really good, but after ep 3 and maybe ep 2? hell naw
semantic error
- this may have been my first bl? idk, anyway, it'll forever have a soft spot in my heart, it's wholesome enemies to lovers 😌😌 also i'll say series > film – the film is literally 3 hours long, which i wasn't prepared for so that's kinda on me, but yeah
cherry blossoms after winter
- i had shitty mocks when this came out and it made every thursday so much better. it's really wholesome and very much screams comfort.
the stranded
not explicitly a bl, however there's one canon mlm couple, another borderline canon mlm ship, and basically canon lesbians. it's kinda like a thai teen version of lost (idk if any of yall have seen that) but yeah :)
What was your non-BL favourite last year? 
i think it's gonna have to be happiness
mwah, beautiful, stunning — childhood friends with unrequited love to fake marriage to found family to requited love, and zombies like that is the SHIT!!
south korea just owns zombies honestly, because everything i've seen is so good, even the not so well rated ones (this,, train to busan, all of us are, #alive - to some extent)
other mentions 😌😌
:: little women (the kdrama) is another elite show, highly highly recommend it. my trust levels went all over the place during it, but hell yeah
though i do feel robbed about a certain ship. not even a hug :|
:: money heist korea is another one!
forgive me for not having watched the original,, but anyway i've heard that tokyo's really annoying in the original which sucks :/ oH nairobi is bi, because i said so
the end~
tagging (ofc optional <3)
@songtaegguk @achilleanskops @badboyvegas @kinnporsche-n-chill @subtextsays
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scotianostra · 3 years
 Johnny Ramensky, the Scottish safe cracker was born on April 6th 1905 in Glenboig, Lanarkshire.
This is the type of story that would make a great film, so settle down to enjoy the life of the man born Jonas Ramanauckas, who became known as  John Ramsay, Gentleman Johnny, and Gentle Johnny
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His father was a miner who died when Johnny was young and the young Ramensky also became a miner. It was while he was down the pit that he learned his skills with dynamite which were to prove so useful to him in later years.
Johnny drifted in and out of trouble from the age of eleven and moved to the Gorbals area of Glasgow during the Depression with his mother and two sisters. He developed an amazing physical strength and acrobatic ability but in order to obtain some money, he became a burglar, specializing in robberies involving climbing up external rone-pipes to gain entry to premises. He also developed skills in picking locks and safe-cracking with explosives.
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While his activities were criminal, he had his own code of conduct and raided business premises rather than people's homes. And when he was caught, he never resisted arrest. His philosophy seemed to be "if you are caught, you are caught - it's all part of the job".
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His life of detention began at age 18 when he was given a term in Borstal but later he served various terms in both Barlinnie and Peterhead Prisons. He eventually spent more time behind bars than outside. It's often easy to sentimentalise and sugar-coat the past, there was something about him which meant that even the police who snared him and the courts which he frequented as regularly as others visit their local supermarket, regarded him as somebody who was more interested in eluding an alarm and breaking a code than becoming rich from his forays.
Johnny was married during one of his spells out of prison and the couple had a baby daughter. But in 1934, while he was serving a sentence in Peterhead, he was told that his young wife was dead. He was refused permission to attend the funeral and Johnny's sense of justice was outraged. So he made the first of many escapes from the prison.
  In 1942, he was serving yet another jail sentence in Peterhead Prison. The army offered to give him special commando training and Johnny accepted. After all, it meant he was out of prison, earning a wage - and fighting for his country. Part of a crack commando unit, he was dropped behind enemy lines and used his skills with both explosives and burglary to good effect, stealing important German documents.
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During the war in Italy, he entered Rome with the first troops to reach the city and blew open the safes in 14 foreign embassies - all in one day!
For his commando service and dangerous exploits, he was awarded the Military Medal and given a free pardon at the end of the war. But not longer after his return to Glasgow he was back to his life of burglary and was caught and jailed again.
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In November 1955 he was sentenced to 10 years’ "preventive detention" at Peterhead Prison, which should have given him a few privileges. But he found there were none. He served over two years with exemplary conduct and still there was no move to the better conditions of "preventive detention". So Johnny responded in the only way he knew how - he escaped. Of course, he was later recaptured but he was at least given an opportunity to put his case to the prison authorities - which achieved nothing. Johnny escaped (and was recaptured) from Peterhead (Scotland's strongest jail) no less than five times including three times in 1958. Sometimes the prison warders didn't know whether he was inside or outside the prison. His fifth escape evoked wide-spread sympathy amongst the public which was illustrated by a song "The Ballad of Johnny Ramensky" by Norman Buchan (a Member of Parliament), which was printed in the Scotsman newspaper, and another musical tribute, Let Ramensky Go, was penned by none other than Roddy McMillan, the star of Para Handy.
Not long after starting a prison sentence in Barlinnie in Glasgow, Johnny was in the exercise yard and suddenly threw off his boots and shot up the wall, using cracks in the mortar as toe-holds. He reached a roof - but could get no further. Equally, the warders couldn't get him down - and Johnny was demanding to see the Chief of the Prisons Department! Attempts to reach the roof were met by a barrage of roof slates - watched by a growing audience outside the prison walls. He stayed out on the roof for five hours, eventually coming down when it started to get cold.
In 1962 Detective Superintendent Robert Colquhoun (retired), said "Like most policemen who have come in contact with Ramensky, I find him an engaging character, the kind of man who, applying his brain to another, more acceptable, type of occupation, could probably have made good." Before he had retired, DS Colquhoun received a message from Johnny (who was once more in prison). He had heard that the policeman was seriously ill. The message contained his good wishes for his speedy recovery, plus the advice that he’d been taking too much out of himself chasing Johnny around! As he grew older and the escapes continued one question was being asked: Why does he keep on doing it, at his age and in his state of health? A police officer who knew him well said "Johnny never expects to get far when he breaks out now ... he's just got to do it to prove that he still can."
Johnny remarried and started a second family during his all too short periods out of prison but persisted in his life of crime into his old age - by which time his abilities as a cat burglar were beginning to fail him. In 1972 he collapsed in Perth Prison and died shortly after in hospital. In addition to his family, the many people who attended his funeral came from both the law enforcement and the law breaking sides of society. Whatever his faults, Johnny Ramensky was respected by them all. His obituary appeared in every Scottish national newspaper.
That's not the end of Johnny Gently though, he lives on at Peterhead Prison, now a museum where Ramensky served so many years behind bars, has created a exhibition space which highlights different aspects of his career.
I couldnae find the Roddy McMillan  version of Lat Ramensky Go, but former BBC Young Traditional Musician of the Year, Claire Harings makes a great job of singing it, the lyrics below are the original version, Claire sings a slightly different version. 
Let Ramensky Go
There was a lad in Glesga town, Ramensky was his name Johnny didnae know it then but he was set for fame
Now Johnny was a gentle lad, there was only one thing wrong He had an itch to strike it rich and trouble came along He did a wee bit job or two, he blew them open wide But they caught him and they tried him and they bunged him right inside
Alley-ee alley-ay alley-oo alley-oh       Open up your prison gates       And let Ramensky go
And when they let him out he said he'd do his best but then He yielded tae temptation and they bunged him in again Now Johnny made the headlines, entertained the boys below When he climbed up tae the prison roof and gave a one-man show
Alley-ee alley-ay alley-oo alley-oh       Open up your prison gates       And let Ramensky go
But when the war was raging the brass-hats had a plan Tae purloin some information, but they couldnae find a man So they nobbled John in prison, asked if he would take a chance Then they dropped him in a parachute beyond the coast of France
Alley-ee alley-ay alley-oo alley-oh       Open up your prison gates       And let Ramensky go
Then Johnny was a hero, they shook him by the hand For stealing secret documents frae the German High Command So Johnny was rewarded for the job he did sae well They granted him a pardon frae the prison and the cell
Alley-ee alley-ay alley-oo alley-oh       Open up your prison gates       And let Ramensky go
But Johnny was in error when he tried his hand once more For they caught him at a blastin', and it wasnae worth the score
The jury pled for mercy, but the judge's voice was heard Ten years without remission, and that's my final word Ten years, my lord, that's far too long, wee Johnny cried in vain For if you send me up for ten I'll never come out again
Oh give me another chance, my lord, I'm tellin' you no lie But if you send me up for ten I'll sicken and I'll die
Alley-ee alley-ay alley-oo alley-oh       Open up your prison gates       And let Ramensky go
Now Peterhead's a fortress, its walls are thick and stout But it couldnae hold wee Johnny when he felt like walking out Five times he took a powder, he left them in a fix And every day they sweat and pray in case he makes it six
Alley-ee alley-ay alley-oo alley-oh       Open up your prison gates       And let Ramensky go
Alley-ee alley-ay alley-oo alley-oh       Open up your prison gates       And let Ramensky go
Alley-ee alley-ay alley-oo alley-oh       Open up your prison gates       And let Ramensky go..........
Here are some reports on him.......[1958:] Twelve hours after Johnny Ramensky had done his fifth and most baffling "vanishing act" in Peterhead jail yesterday it was not known whether he was INSIDE or OUTSIDE the prison. This was admitted late last night by a Scottish Home Department spokesman. Here is the sequence of events leading up to the cracksman's third escape in ten months.
Because of rain, 45 prisoners, including Ramensky, were being exercised in one of Peterhead's large prison halls. At 1.40, the exercise ended and the squad began a 50 to 70-yard march, in organised lines to the tailor's shop. At 1.43, they arrived at the shop WITHOUT RAMENSKY.
The alarm was raised. Every corner of the prison was searched. But there was no trace of the "King of Peterhead". No rope or ladder with which he could have scaled the jail's 18-foot wall was found. One theory was that Ramensky had a key to the back door of the tailor's shop, which is only ten feet from the wall. For it is believed that he had a key for the tailor's shop door on his October break-out. Out went the word to police all over the country:
 "Ramensky's free again."
Two hunts went on - in swirling snow and at temperatures below freezing point - for the 53-year-old convict who, despite ill-health, had made another freedom bid. Throughout the whole of the North of Scotland road blocks and police checks sprang up. Tracker dogs went out. A strong cordon was thrown round the immediate prison area. For on his last bid in October, Ramensky was found, after 40 hours of freedom only 200 yards from the prison. It was ill-health that beat him then. He collapsed after a child spotted him in a barn.[...]. 
Last night people living in the Peterhead area spoke of him without fear. For he is known as "Gentle John" and those beside the prison take bets on how long he will stay free. His escape in February this year lasted 24 hours, before he was caught in Peterhead's main street wearing a warder's cap and a long black coat.
One question was being asked: Why does he keep on doing it, at his age and in his state of health? A police officer who knows him well said last night: "Johnny never expects to get far when he breaks out now ... he's just got to do it to prove that he still can.
"Here is a description of the clothes worn by the wartime Commando who cracked safes behind enemy lines: Brown moleskin trousers, brown battledress tunic, brown jersey, blue and white striped shirt, black leather shoes ... and possibly wearing a cap. (Daily Record, Dec 18)
The six-day hunt for gentle Johnny Ramensky was called-off last night. And baffled police admitted: "There are still no clues." [...] The authorities believe that 53-year-old Ramensky, if still alive, is bound to make a mistake sometime, or to leave a clue somewhere. It is understood that police opinion is split over the reason for the absence of a "trail." Some feel he is dead in the sea, but others are convinced he is in the Peterhead area, possibly quite near the prison, and is being fed and sheltered. (Daily Record, Dec 23)
[1959:] Johnny Ramensky (53), the safe-breaker who made a sensational jail-break from Peterhead prison, remaining at liberty for nine days, is back in prison. He was caught at Persley, on the north bank of the River Don about three miles from Aberdeen. A police spokesman said after the capture that Ramensky was looking wonderfully well, apart from being footsore, and considering the long period he had been on the run. He was dressed in blue dungarees and a green jersey and his shoes were cracked and torn. It is understood that no police charges are impending against Ramensky on account of his escape. There have been no reports of break-ins or thefts. His fifth escape has evoked wide-spread sympathy amongst the public. During the war Ramensky was an instructor to Allied agents in blowing safes. (Weekly Scotsman, Jan 2)
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taekookieah · 4 years
Memories (1)
Chapter 1
 “You excited?” Taehyung asks excitedly as he jumps out of the car, grabbing his bag and starts walking towards the entrance of the building.
“A little nervous but yeah I am” Riley follows closely behind Taehyung, looking around her surroundings.
The studio was made from an old home which, funnily enough, was located right across the road from her work. She loved the area as it was a few hundred metres away from the river that was brimming with life, both people and animals. Everyone loved to go to the river to wind surf, paddle board, go fishing, walk their dogs or ride alongside the river and enjoy the peaceful serenity. There were also plenty of bird species that littered alongside and in the river but the most prominent of them all were the black swans that lived there, hence the name the ‘Swan River’. Riley loved to go for walks along the river after work and enjoy the sun setting as she listening to her music encapsulating herself in her own little world.
Riley had seen the art studio from across the road but never imagined she would actually be going inside. Art had always been something that Riley was good at but she was always a perfectionist and constantly put herself down for her work. It was more a hobby and one that she enjoyed playing with from time to time but the idea of going to a class scared her a little as she was always paranoid of people judging her lack of skills.
Taehyung was always the artsy type, constantly drawing, going to art museums, taking photographs and editing them every chance he could. It’s what he lived and breathed, so when the chance came along that he could go to a professional art class made him as happy as a kid on Christmas morning.
“You never told me how your meeting went with the photographer the other day” Riley says as they walk through the front door and was greeted by a small elderly woman sitting behind a desk taking a call but smiled brightly at both of them when they entered.
“Oh man it went reeeeaaaally well. The dude has an amazing portfolio and an incredible reputation, not to mention he is hot to boot. Oh I should totally hook you two up, you need a good dicking” Taehyung says casually making Riley choke on her own spit as she flails her hands about quickly looking back and forth between the sweet old lady and her stupid brainless friend just blurting out whatever came to his mind.
“Tae, shut up” Riley smiles through clenched teeth at the old lady and kicks Taehyung’s heel making him yelp.
“Seriously though he is candy for the eyes. I would totally bang him however I have eyes only for the one and only Park Jimin” Taehyung sighs as he flutters his eyes lovingly. Riley gags but fixes herself as the lady ends her phone call and looks at the pair happily.
“Are you two lovelies here for a class today?” the elderly woman spoke with a wobbly voice but they were able to make out what she was saying.
“Yes, my friend Robbie said he was taking the class today” Taehyung said as he bowed to the lady in respect. Despite living in Australia for half his life Taehyung was always one to follow his Korean heritage. He respected anyone and treated everyone kindly, except for Riley that was.
“Oh yes Robbie told me some friends were coming along for a class today, come in come in!” the lady stands up and waves them over to follow her through one of the doors leading to an area where there were large artbooks spread around the room and a table set up at the front where Riley suspects where the teacher will take the class from.
“Take a seat anywhere you like, Robbie won’t be too long. All the materials you need are on this side of the room so help yourself to whatever you need,” the lady pointed to one side of the room where supplies littered the entire length of the room. “If you have your own utensils, you’re welcome to use them as well” the lady gives them a little wave as she made her way back to her station.
Riley and Taehyung started squabbling over where they should sit. Riley wanting to be further away from the front as she didn’t want to grab anyone’s unnecessary attention but Taehyung was so excited he wanted to be front and centre. So with much reluctance Riley sat down next to Taehyung a few metres away from the front of the room and watched as other people started entering the room.
It didn’t take long until the room was almost full making Riley squirm in her seat as she wasn’t particularly fond of big crowds but she managed. Soon after a man in his early thirties walks into the room greeting a few people along the way. He was tall and gangly but held himself well, his shirt and pants were covered in splashes of old dried up paint. Riley smiles at the man as he makes his way over to them, raising a hand as he greets Taehyung who stands up and brings him in for a hug.
“Tae, you made it” the man calls out cheerily as he claps Taehyung on the back.
“Of course, I told you I would come. Robbie this is Riley, Riley Robbie” Taehyung gestures between the two and Riley stands up to shake the man’s hand.
“Thank you for letting us come to your studio, it’s lovely” Riley says as she takes her hand back.
“Why thank you you’re very kind. Now today we are going to be doing some anatomy sketches, our model should be here soon, are you guys ok with nudity?”
“A-ah umm”
Taehyung smiles widely but Riley stutters with her words as she didn’t know what today was going to bring.
“Apologies if it makes you uncomfortable, if it makes you feel better I’ll ask our model to take his shirt off only, is that ok?” Robbie looks at Riley with a sweet smile. Riley can feel her face heating up but shakes her head.
“I’m fine really, I just wasn’t expecting this” Riley rubs the back of her neck nervously.
“Just take it step by step, I’m sure you’ll be fine. Anyway, I better get set up, give me a shout if you need any help with anything” Robbie gives the pair a nod before walking off.
“Tae sweetie, why didn’t you tell me it was this type of class?” Riley slowly looks over to Taehyung who was nonchalantly taking selfies and photos of the room.
“Because I knew you wouldn’t come if I had” Taehyung gives Riley a peace sign and jumps out of the way just in time to miss Riley’s fist connecting with his arm.
“Why you piece of—”
“Good morning everyone, I hope you’ve had a good start to the weekend” Robbie stands up in front of the class silencing everyone in the room making Riley sit up straight in her seat.
“We have one of our favourite model’s come back to grace us with his presence, Jungkook please come in” Robbie calls out to the back of the room where a figure had been leaning casually against the brick wall with his arms crossed. Riley had to stop herself from gaping, the man was absolutely breathtaking.
Riley raked her eyes up and down Jungkook’s form taking in every detail. Jungkook was tall and lean, his shirt clung to his form almost too tight to the point where you could easily see the rise and fall of his chest. He was wearing a pair of ripped jeans that hugged his thighs sinfully where you could see his muscles shift with every movement. His face was almost too pretty, large eyes that held an innocence about them but his dark onyx pupils that had an ominous feel about them. His eyebrows were immaculate and well-shaped for his face and his lips were full and sharp.
Riley watched as Jungkook pushed himself off the wall and started making his way to the front of the room, greeting everyone with a slight nod of his head making everyone swoon.
“Hyung, good to see you again” Jungkook’s voice was lighter than Riley had expected with the way he carried himself but she found that she liked it better than what she had imagined in her head.
“Likewise,” was all Taehyung could choke out as he continued to gape at the man. Riley leaned over to shut his mouth as she didn’t want to be rude to anyone. Riley’s movement caught Jungkook’s attention as she brought her hand to cover Taehyung’s lips who still hung his mouth wide open.
Jungkook locked eyes with Riley making her breath stop, the deep intensity of his gaze made her slightly dizzy but she didn’t dare to look away, almost challenging him to see who would break first. No words were spoken between them but it was almost as if Jungkook was trying to decipher Riley. With a little smirk on his lips he exhales through his nose and nods his head her way before continuing his way to the centre where he turns and leans his backside against the table, leaning back and placing his palms flat on the surface to keep himself propped up.
“That’s the photographer I was telling you about” Taehyung leans over and whispers in Riley’s ear.
“Seriously?” Riley whispers back in surprise to which Taehyung nods his head. Taehyung wasn’t wrong when he said that the man was a sight to behold.
“Perth” Taehyung and Riley say in unison, rolling their eyes in amusement as they sit up in their seats. Perth was one of the most isolated cities in the world and there was a running joke for those who lived here where everyone knew each other from one connection to another.
“Thank you for taking time out of your day to be here with us Jungkook, I know you’re a busy man” Robbie greets Jungkook with a hand shake to which Jungkook happily complies.
“More than happy to help” Jungkook smiles brightly completely changing his demeanour.  
“I’ll go through a few things first before we begin as we have a few new people today” Robbie starts and goes through all the rules and regulations with his classes. Riley can tell that he takes his job seriously and that he loves it with all his heart and soul with the way he talks about art and what it means to him. He asks a few people in the class why they are here and where they want to go with their journey. A few people give simple answers to just have fun while others tell about their dreams of becoming a true artist, all of which Robbie gives his undivided attention to.  
Riley makes sure to turn towards whomever is speaking and gives them her attention however she feels a chill down her spine as if someone is watching her closely. She peeks to the side to find Jungkook looking at her with a tilt to his head, his eyes hovering over her form making Riley lick her lips nervously and swallow deeply. Jungkook keeps his eyes planted firmly but flicks his eyes between her and Taehyung whom is listening to the woman who is currently speaking. Riley clears her now dry throat as she brings her attention back to focus but by then everyone was turning towards the front.
“Alright let’s get started” Robbie makes his way back to his station and gets his pencil ready.
“We are going to start off by just drawing in our own way, I just want to be able to see what your style and skills are like, then I will guide you through ways that can help you improve”
Jungkook looks over to Robbie and nods as he reaches his hands to the bottom of his shirt and lifts it up and over his head. The room was quiet to the point where you could hear a pin drop, everyone’s eyes were drawn towards the man in front of them. Riley didn’t blink once, too afraid to even move as more and more skin became exposed to her, but what she hadn’t noticed earlier were the tattoos that littered Jungkook’s arms and shoulder. The patterns that adorned his skin were skilfully crafted and well executed, the black ink complimenting his pale skin. His left arm was covered top to bottom while his right forearm only had a couple bands that wrapped around his wrist. Some of the ink on his left arm creeped along his collarbone while there was some Japanese symbols on the right side of his ribs.
Jungkook went to unbuckle his belt but Robbie told Jungkook that it wouldn’t be necessary today. Jungkook just shrugged his shoulders as he buckled his belt back up, tugging at his jeans to get more comfortable as he jumped onto the table raking his fingers through his jet-black hair.
“Make yourself comfortable Jungkook, as for everyone else start whenever you’re ready. I’m going to walk around in a few minutes to see how everyone is going.” everyone nods their head enthusiastically as they pick up various utensils, some using charcoal while others used pencils and paints.
Riley looked down and realised that she had yet to get herself anything to work with but she was too petrified to move. Riley looked around as everyone started their work and then back to Jungkook who had shuffled back onto the table. He had his left leg dangling off the edge while the other was bent up with his foot planted firmly on the desk. He leaned his right elbow across his bent knee while the other rested on his thigh casually sitting comfortably. Riley started sweating nervously not knowing what to do but thankfully Taehyung came to her rescue.
“You kind of need something to draw with you know” Taehyung whispers as he reaches over and places a pencil and eraser in her hand giving her cheek a poke.
“Thank you” Riley whispers back, cheeks flushing from embarrassment.
Riley shuffles herself in her seat to get more comfortable. Riley looked intensely at the paper in front of her trying to decide how to start. Riley flicked her eyes towards Jungkook who was looking directly at her. Riley was sitting right in front of him so it was only natural that he would be looking in her direction but the intensity of his gaze made Riley’s face heat up even more. Jungkook raised an eyebrow knowingly which ticked Riley off a little. She takes a deep breath to compose herself as she raised her pencil onto the paper and starts her work.
She kept it simple, starting off with a few circles and lines to give herself somewhat of a guide to fill in the proper proportions of the man laying in front of her. Once in a flow Riley was in her own little bubble, eyes darting back and forth between Jungkook and her work as the drawing started to come to life. Taehyung tried to make little jabs at her here and there but soon gave up knowing that when Riley was in her zone it was hard to break her concentration. Once Riley finished the basic outline of the man she leaned back in her seat and stared at it for a while figuring out the next move.
Riley hummed to herself as she stared at the man sitting on the table whom had started gazing into nothingness, his mind elsewhere. Riley took the chance where she could look at the man easily without his unnerving glare looking directly at her. Riley raked her eyes over the man’s torso taking in the details of his muscular build. He was strong, there was no denying it. Riley has had her fair share of seeing men topless due to her housemates constantly walking around half naked all the time but Riley could tell the difference in their different builds.
Jimin had a smaller frame, his skeletal build more petite compared to Taehyung’s, however his muscular build was more well defined in comparison. Taehyung was tall and had longer limbs which accentuated his features, but his muscular build was not as strong or well defined as Jimin’s.
Jungkook was in a completely different ballpark. He was the same height as Taehyung but he was just as well defined as Jimin, possibly more so. His shoulders were broad and his waist was tiny making Riley silently curse him as she was slightly jealous about it. Riley took her time and started drawing the finer details of Jungkook’s body, her eyes darting back and forth between him and the paper. It was at this point where Riley really started to look closer, taking notice of the ink that painted his skin. Riley squinted her eyes as she tried to picture out exactly what each tattoo was. Rather than drawing the tattoos in she started drawing off to the side, writing notes of which tattoos were located where.
First to note were the Japanese symbols on the right side of his ribs. Riley tried her best to get the symbols correct as she was curious to search up the meaning behind them. The second tattoo was a camera but its style was quite unique and drew you in the more you looked. There were a few splashes that made it look like the ink had been thrown on and was starting to drip from corners of the lens. Riley tried her best to replicate it, writing notes here and there of specific details just in case she forgets later.
Next were the roman numerals that were below Jungkook’s left clavicle and went onto the front of his shoulder; V.XXVI.LXII, Riley was able to figure out the date of them but she didn’t know what it represented, another mystery that she wishes she knew the answer to. Continuing on were the letters G.C.F scribed just below the crook of his elbow. Another mystery and one that had Riley making guesses left right and centre as to what they meant.
Riley could see two other tattoo’s peaking on the back of his left forearm and shoulder, one looked like a pair of horns and the head of an ox and the other looked to be a white tiger however she couldn’t get a clear picture so she left them out. Looking back at her work she looked through her list of notes to see if there was anything missing but after triple checking it was time to fill in the missing pieces to her work.
“You take very good notes” Robbie says behind Riley making her jump in her chair grasping at her chest from surprise. Robbie apologises, chuckling at Riley’s sudden surprise.
“I didn’t mean to scare you, sorry” Robbie says as he squats beside Riley, eyes drawn towards her work.
“It’s ok, I was in my own world” Riley quickly waves him off, face aflame from how embarrassed she felt.
“You’ve got a great eye for detail, this is fantastic” Robbie says hovers a finger over the lines that Riley had created.
“You’re using quite strong strokes too, how bold” Robbie states as looks over to Riley with a smile on his face.
“Should I not be doing that?” Riley furrows her brows together already scolding herself for making a mistake that she didn’t know about.
“Everyone creates art differently and I can see from this that when you commit to something you put everything into it, I admire that” Robbie says as he grabs the pencil behind his ear and flips Riley’s paper over carefully to a new page as to not damage what she has done so far.
“I’m not an artist by any means” Riley mumbles as she watches Robbie scribble out Jungkook’s form with quick, precise lines that were lighter compared to Riley’s but looked cleaner.
“I beg to differ” Robbie says as he continues his little sketch.
“But I—”
“You draw yes?” Robbie buts in, side eyeing Riley with a raised eyebrow.
“Well…yes” Riley fiddles with the pencil in her grip.
“Then you are an artist” Robbie states simply. Riley looks at Robbie and then back at the piece in front of her that had already taken form.
“This is my style, sure I have the skills and experience of a professional but the only difference between you and me is the amount of time I’ve practicing” Robbie puts the pencil away and looks over at Riley with a sweet smile.
“I can adapt to other styles of art but this is the type of drawing I like to do. It’s not perfect but it’s me, that’s all there is to it.” Riley looks at Robbie’s piece and sighs in amazement. He had managed to do all of what Riley had done plus add the details of the tattoos but in a way that seemed just perfect.
“As for you,” Robbie looks at Riley knowingly. “this is you” Robbie flips the paper back over to Riley’s own work and for the first time Riley was looking at it from a new perspective. She had been staring at her work for the past half an hour and was beginning to hate it, but looking at the differences between Robbie’s work and her own made her start to appreciate her skills. There were area’s that needed more work and of course the details of the tattoo’s had yet to be put in place but Riley actually liked what she was looking at.
“Just because we have different styles doesn’t mean you can’t draw, everyone has their own styles and you should embrace yours. Don’t put yourself down Riley you’re doing great” Robbie smiles as he talks but his eyes were on the work in front of them which made Riley’s heart beat hard and strong. For the first time she was genuinely proud of her work.
“Thank you” Riley mouths out to Robbie who smiles once more and pats her on the shoulder.
“Go on, I’m itching to see what the end product will look like” Robbie then stands up and moves on.
Riley couldn’t help the grin on her face grow. No one had ever spoken to her about any of her creations in a way like that. It made Riley determined to keep going, to push herself to learn and grow. Riley looked back to the model who was flicking his eyes back and forth around the room trying to stay as still as possible but every few seconds his eyes would flick back to Riley.
 Jungkook had been watching Riley for a while, there was something about her that just drew him in wanting to know more about the girl. Jungkook let his eyes wonder over Riley’s figure for a while but he couldn’t stop staring at her face. Riley was pretty to say in the least, she had light skin with freckles that littered her arms and speckled her rosy cheeks. Her hair was dark auburn that changed colour in the light. She was small but looked fit which was something that Jungkook truly liked in a girl. What caught his attention the most were the colour of her eyes. Jungkook could look at them for hours and not tire of them. At first glance they looked blue but the longer Jungkook observed he noticed there were hints of green as well.
Jungkook took pride in his looks, he knew the effect he had on people and he enjoyed the attention, most of the time, but today felt different. He is used it, however the way that Riley was looking at him felt different. Instead of the feeling of lust and want that he feels whenever someone looks at him, he feels something else, something that he can’t put his finger on. It makes him want to get inside her head, poke and prod to see what she is thinking.
Jungkook flicked his eyes over to Taehyung whom he had met only a few days ago. There meeting went really well as they clicked right away and there was no awkward conversation and no straight forward flirting either which was new since almost every model Jungkook came across would try to pull some sort of move on him. Jungkook looked at their pair and wondered if they were an item which made Jungkook feel off. He watched on as they interacted with each other constantly bicker and argued over small things, continuously poking one another, more so Taehyung than Riley, but Jungkook could see that they were really close.
 Riley bit her lip unconsciously as she filled in the finishing touches, eyes flicking about the page over and over to see what she could fix. She had to physically stop herself from continuing to touch up anything by forcing her pencil down and holding her hands behind her back to not feel tempted to continue. Riley looked around the room and could see that everyone was finished or just finalising the finishing touches, some showing others their art.
Riley looked over to Taehyung where he was still scribbling away happily. Riley was happy to see her friend having as much fun as he was, she felt warmth spread through her body.
“You know you’re meant to be looking at the man at the front, not me” Taehyung looks over to Riley cheekily wiggling his eyebrows. He loves to make fun of Riley and always makes silly remarks about how Riley secretly loves him and wants to keep him all to herself all of which Riley denies and punches him in response without fail. Today was no exception.
“Shut up you asshat, are you nearly done?” Riley punches Taehyung’s shoulder lightly as she scoots her chair over to look at her friend’s piece.
“Wow Tae, why the hell didn’t you tell me you were this good?” Riley gapes at Taehyung’s work genuinely surprised with the level of skill that he had managed to pull off. Taehyung waves Riley off bashfully and even blushes a little having not expected Riley’s genuine praise.
“I’ve been practicing” Taehyung rubs the back of his neck and he smiles his boxy grin.
“No kidding, seriously this is great” Riley shuffles her seat back to her spot but Taehyung jumps up and sits in her lap side on, wrapping his arms around Riley’s neck as he looks at her work.
“What the hell this is incredible!” Taehyung nearly falls off Riley’s lap as he leans forward, face barely inches away from Riley’s paper.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were THIS good?!” Taehyung exclaims as he looks over his shoulder with a look of bewilderment.
“I’m not that good Tae stop it” Riley laughs as she slaps Taehyung on the back.
“Jungkook look at this!” Taehyung calls out and picks up Riley’s work turning it to face the male. Riley jumps out of her seat trying desperately to grab the sketchbook back but she wasn’t fast enough to react in time.
Riley stands still as she watches Jungkook over Taehyung’s shoulder. Jungkook shift his attention to the pair, eyes landing on Riley’s artwork. Jungkook doesn’t say anything as he pushes himself up, swinging his legs off the table and lands on his feet making his way over and taking the book into his hands. Jungkook looks over the piece slowly making Riley start to sweat nervously, her heart beating fast in her chest.
“Can I take a photo of this?” Jungkook looks up to Riley through his long eyelashes.
“I…huh?” Riley scrunches her face in confusion not sure if she heard right.
“Only if it’s ok with you, I won’t if you don’t want me to” Jungkook shakes his free hand now unsure as to whether he should have asked in the first place.
“No no, it’s ok” Riley steps around Taehyung who was silently holding his breath from excitement wishing that he could record this moment right now.
“You don’t mind?” Jungkook hands back Riley’s sketchbook.
“Not at all” Riley looks down at her artwork and then back up at Jungkook with a big smile on her face. Jungkook just looks at her face and has to stop himself from sighing heavily from how adorable she looks.
“Great, I’ll just go and get my camera…yeah” Jungkook turns to leave the room but remembers he doesn’t have a shirt on so he quickly jogs over to the table grabbing the item of clothing and throwing on as he walks out the door.
“Well well well, looks like you’ve got a fan” Taehyung hugs Riley from behind, lifting her up and twirling her around.
“Taehyung stop it, put me down!” Riley squeals as she’s being lifted off the ground but it was short lived as she’s put back onto her feet.
“You should sell it, he’s got a crazy fanbase you could make quite a pretty buck off this” Taehyung squeezes Riley tighter but she just shakes her head as she looks at her piece.
“I don’t think I could” Riley says.
“Why not?” Taehyung exclaims.
“Because I want to keep it for myself” Riley pouts as she looks over to Taehyung.
“Because you like Mr. Jeon Jungkook ay?” Taehyung whispers into her ear making her unconsciously shiver.
Jungkook runs back into the room but stops halfway when he sees Taehyung all over Riley, holding her and cuddling into her as they sway from side to side. Jungkook’s tongue pokes the inside of his cheek as he makes his way over to the pair, his bag slung over his shoulder. Jungkook clears his throat making sure to smile even though he wants tell Taehyung to get off Riley.
What is wrong with me?
Jungkook shakes his head at himself as he waves at the pair making Riley squirm out of Taehyung’s grasp and elbowing him in the gut.
“Please ignore him, he was dropped when he was a baby” Riley says making Taehyung pout sadly.
“No surprise there” Jungkook cheekily smiles at Taehyung who just flips him off making Jungkook chuckle.
“What’s with the bag?” Riley looks down puzzled, “I thought you were just getting your phone?”
This makes Jungkook chuckle lightly as he shakes his head. Jungkook gestures his head over to the table and walks over placing his heavy bag down and pulling out his camera equipment.
“I have standards” Jungkook looks over his shoulder to look down at Riley who just swallows.
“May I?” Jungkook looks down at the sketchbook to which Riley just nods and hands it over carefully.
“I won’t break it, I promise”
I promise
A familiar voice calls out in Riley’s head making her furrow her brows angrily. Jungkook notices the change in her demeanour but it leaves her face just as fast as it showed. Jungkook wanted to ask but decided against it, turning back to focus on the task at hand.
There was a small crowd forming, everyone watching what the whole commotion was about. Riley took a step back and turned to head back to Taehyung, burying her face into the man’s chest. Taehyung didn’t need to ask knowing full well what was going through her head.
“It’s ok” Taehyung hushes Riley brushing his long fingers through her hair to calm her down.
Jungkook makes quick work, not wanting to hold up the class even more than he has. Jungkook apologises to Robbie but he waves him off as he’s cleaning up his materials reminding his students to do the same. Everyone sighs in unison as they tread back to their stations and starts cleaning up.
“Common we should clean up” Taehyung rubs Riley’s back slowly letting her go. Riley nods her head and silently starts packing her things, making sure not to leave any mess behind.
Riley watches from the sidelines as Jungkook assembles his camera and goes about trying to figure out the best angle for the shot. He opts to climb up the table onto his knees giving him enough leverage to get an overhead shot. Jungkook brings the camera up to his face, one eye shut closed while the other looks down the lens. After taking a few shots and deeming the photos good Jungkook climbs back down from the table putting his camera away safely making sure the equipment is secure before closing the bag and slinging it over his head. Jungkook looks over find Riley and Taehyung picking up their bags to head out the door.
“Riley, your sketchbook!” Jungkook calls out jogging over to hand it back. Riley turns eyes wide and a gentle smile on her face but it was one that didn’t sit right with Jungkook.
“Oh, silly me I nearly forgot thanks” Riley takes back her sketchbook clutching it close to her chest.
“It was nice to meet you” Riley bows and quickly turns on her heel heading straight for the exit leaving Jungkook behind.
“I’ll see you later Jungkook” Taehyung bows to him as well and rushes off quickly following after Riley.
Jungkook stands there with a million questions wracking through his brain. Robbie cuts off his thoughts as he stands in front of him and goes to shake his hand.
“A pleasure to have you here as always, don’t be afraid to pop in and do some artwork yourself” Jungkook thanks him and heads for the door. As he’s climbing down the creaky wooden steps he spots Taehyung and Riley climbing into a car and talking for a bit before the engine starts up. Jungkook walks over to his car and opens the boot where he keeps all of his filming equipment when he travels and places his bag carefully in place before closing it shut. He walks around and climbs into the driver’s seat and revs up the engine but he doesn’t leave, not just yet.
Jungkook looks over to see Riley and Taehyung still sitting there chatting away but it’s too far to properly see their facial expressions. Soon enough the conversation ends and Taehyung goes to leave the parking area, making a quick turn onto the busy highway.
Jungkook sighs as he grabs his seat belt and secures it in before reversing out of his parked spot and follows but turns in the other direction even though every bone in his body wants to follow them to make sure that Riley was ok.
 “We’re home!” Taehyung sing songs as he opens the door where they find Jimin in the living room doing his routine stretches.
“Welcome back, how was it?” Jimin rolls over and hops to his feet making his way over to the pair.
“It was fine” Riley says casually as she moves straight for the stairs wanting nothing more than to curl up in bed for the rest of the day and play some games on her phone to distract herself from her stupid brain.
“She had another incident” Taehyung presses his lips into a thin line.
“I tried talking to her about it but she kept ignoring me, I don’t know what to do” Taehyung looks up towards Riley’s room worry clear on his features.
“Let me try” Jimin squeezes Taehyung on the arm as he walks past to head up the stairs.
“Good luck” Taehyung says but only loud enough for himself to hear as he watches Jimin’s form climb the stairs two at a time and make his way over to Riley’s room where he gently knocks on the door and patiently waits for an answer.
“Come in” Riley’s muffled call comes through the door. Jimin turns the doorknob and slowly opens the door peaking his head through as he looks around the room to find Riley on her bed with her back facing him.
Jimin slips through the small crack and closes the door behind him as softly as possible. The boy makes his way across the room and takes a seat on the mattress, his weight dipping the bed as he swings his legs up and crosses them beneath himself.
“Hey” Jimin makes sure there’s space between them giving Riley time to open up at her own pace.
“Hey” Riley sighs out heavily before rolling over onto her other side so she could face Jimin.
“There’s something wrong with me” Riley says making Jimin shake his head in disagreement.
“It’s been over a year Jimin and I’m still—” Riley huffs out defeated as she brings her palms up to cover her eyes not wanting to cry.
“There is nothing wrong with you” Jimin says as he scoots closer and starts stroking his index finger over Riley’s hairline.
“You went through something traumatic, and there will be times where things can trigger memories. You can’t blame yourself for something that’s out of your control” Jimin continues to stroke Riley’s hair wishing that he could offer more to stop the pain she was feeling.
“It still hurts” Riley chokes as she tries to stop the cries from spilling but can’t stop herself.
“I know” Jimin moves to lay down, wriggling himself closer and tangling their legs together. Jimin then opens his arms when Riley moves in closer, her fists grabbing at his shirt desperate to hold onto anything.
“Please don’t leave me” Riley hiccups as she tries to slow her breathing down.
“I will always be here for you” Jimin hugs Riley closer as he strokes the back of her head and neck.
  Taehyung was frustrated with himself that he couldn’t talk to Riley the way Jimin could. Taehyung knew that they had been friends since high school and that they were extremely close but he still felt a little jealous that Jimin had that sort of connection with someone else. Taehyung huffs as he jumps off the couch as there was nothing on the tv that caught his attention.
He knew that Jimin was never confident with him being in the kitchen since there had been a few incidences where he nearly burned it down but at least he knew that he couldn’t mess up making some tea for Riley and Jimin. Taehyung grabs the electric kettle and fills it up with fresh water from the tap and sets it back, turning it on and letting it warm up.
“Teateateateatea where is it?” Taehyung mumbles to himself as he rummages through multiple drawers and doors as he wasn’t used to the layout.
“Ahah!” Taehyung finds the tea tucked away in the corner of the kitchen and picks out what he believes is Riley’s favourite.
Just as Taehyung pulls everything out he turns off the kettle just before it boils. Taehyung remembers Riley going on and on about specific temperature to which he used to rolled his eyes at because it’s just boiling water it can’t make that much of a difference, but he didn’t want to ruin something that seemed special to her. After debating with himself for a few minutes over how many tea leaves were acceptable Taehyung finally poured the water into the pot and set it on a tray alongside with three little cups.  Carefully Taehyung slides the tray into his arms and carries it over to the staircase where he stops at the bottom looking up at the second floor.
“Don’t drop it Tae you got this” Taehyung breathes out and takes one step upwards, the tray wobbles in his tight grip. Step by step he makes his way up safely onto the second floor and takes a few steps away from the edge to calm his nerves. Taehyung makes his way over to Riley’s room and presses his ear to the door but couldn’t hear anything on the other side. Putting down the tray on a nearby table Taehyung gently raps his knuckles on the door peeping his head through to see Jimin curled up on bed with Riley. A small pang of jealousy ran through Taehyung seeing the pair like that but he quickly scolded himself as this was not the time or place to be getting riled up over this.
“I made some tea” Taehyung gently called out as he picks up the tray and bringst it inside, closing the door slowly with his foot. Riley stirs at Taehyung’s words and raises her head to peek over Jimin’s shoulder.
“What kind?” Riley asks weakly sniffling as she blinks her eyes a few times.
“Silver needle” Taehyung places the tray down letting out a big sigh of relief that he hadn’t spilled a single drop.
“Really?” Riley’s eyes started to sparkle in interest as she pushes herself up into a sitting position with Jimin following suit.
“I’m not sure if I made it right” Taehyung picks up the pot and pours the tea in each cup delicately.
“The fact that you made it already makes it ten times more special” Riley smiles genuinely for the first time since the incident making Taehyung sigh in relief. Taehyung hands Riley a cup first and then one to Jimin who gives him such a tender smile it makes his heart soar. Taehyung and Jimin watch with bated breath as Riley blows on the beverage and takes a tentative sip humming as she swallows.
“This is really good Tae” Riley’s smile grows as she takes a few more sips, gently swaying on the mattress which Taehyung knows it’s a sign of pure delight. Jimin takes a sip of his own and his eyes widen slightly in surprise.
“Looks like you’re the new tea master around here” Jimin gives Taehyung his signature eye smile making Taehyung heart soar even higher.  
“Hey now, don’t forget about me” Riley pouts as she finishes her cup and puts it aside.
“We all know you’re the Tea Queen” Taehyung gets down onto his hands and knees bowing deeply.
“All hail the Tea Queen!” Jimin jumps down and joins Taehyung on the floor.
“Hahaha guys please stop” Riley laughs as she tries to pull the boys by the arms but they wouldn’t budge.
“Long live the Tea Queen” Taehyung raises his arms up and bows down once more.
“Long may she rein” Jimin says but stars laughing as he bows down.
“Oh my god, please arise my loyal subjects” Riley pulls the pair up off the floor and into her bed where she wraps her arms around them.
“Thank you both so much for being here for me, it means more than you know” Riley says through her giggles hugging them close. Jimin and Taehyung reciprocate and wrap their arms around each other. They stay like this for a while before Taehyung’s phone buzzes in his pocket. He wanted to ignore it but whomever it was they were sending text after text and it was starting to annoy him.
“Sorry guys” Taehyung sighs as he pulls the device out of his pocket to shut it off but stops as he looks at the ID sending said messages.
“Who is it?” Jimin lays Riley down letting her head rest in his lap and continues to stroke her hair.
“It’s Jungkook” Taehyung manoeuvres himself so his back is leaning against the wall, bending his legs and keeping the phone close to his chest.
“Ohoh it seems he’s worried about you Riley” Taehyung’s smile continues to grow as he reads the messages to himself. Riley sits up immediately scooting closer to try and read the messages but Taehyung keeps them out of reach.
“Jungkook?” Jimin raises an eyebrow at the mention of his name.
“Yeah, he’s my new photographer I’ll be working with, turns out he does some modelling at the art studio we went to this morning. You should totally see Riley’s work by the way it’s dope, he actually took photos of it because he loved it so much” Taehyung keeps Riley away by shoving his foot into her stomach as she tries to grab at his phone.
“Do you mean Jeon Jungkook? About your height, dark hair, tattoos and piercings all along his ears?” Jimin lists off the man’s features to which both Taehyung and Riley look at him.
“Don’t tell us you know him too” Taehyung says in amazement.
“He’s one of my new students, he’s an incredible dancer” Jimin shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly.
“See Riley, he’s a multitalented guy who’s super attractive and he’s worried about you. This is a sign!” Taehyung pokes Riley’s side making her squirm.
“I doubt it” Riley mutters to herself as she curls up into a ball.
“He’s a nice guy when you get to know him” Jimin smiles down at Riley and gives her a poke as well.
“He would be perfect for a good hook up! I’ll set everything up” Taehyung jumps up quickly typing away darting left to right as Riley gets up and chases after him.
“No. Tae stop. We didn’t agree to this” Riley grabs onto Taehyung’s arm and pulls but he wouldn’t budge as he types out the last sentence and presses send.
“Tae!” Riley all but cries out slumping to the floor.
“What did you say?” Jimin walks up to Taehyung who flinches and throws his phone towards the man already knowing it would be a losing battle if he tried to keep anything away from Jimin.
“I told him that you were fine, which you are, and that we should meet up for drinks sometime. Jimin you can join us if you’d like” Taehyung says joining Riley on the ground who hadn’t budged.
“Why are you doing this to meeeeeeee? Can’t I enjoy being single?” Riley kicks her legs out and flails about, just the thought of seeing the man again makes her stomach queasy.
“Because you need to move on. In all seriousness I’m not saying you need to suck the guys dick but just spend some time with him, get to know him. Who knows you may make a new friend” Taehyung pats Riley on the back who just glares back at him.
“I kind of have to agree with Tae on this one,” Jimin says whilst reading the messages Jungkook had sent making the others look at him in surprise. “Not the dick sucking part but the part where you could make friends with him. I mean you haven’t really given anyone a chance to become friends with you ever since you and ‘him’ broke up” Jimin knew to tread carefully when bringing up Riley’s ex but he was right, she had been pushing people away.
“I know” Riley deflates.
“We will be with you the entire time and if you really want to call it quits we’ll take you home” Jimin suggests to which Taehyung nods his head sharply. Riley mulls it over in her head thinking of the worst possible outcome but she stops herself knowing how her imagination can blow things way out of proportion.
“Alright fine I’ll do it”
“Yay!” Taehyung calls out in glee and jumps around happily.
“I’m choosing your outfit” Taehyung opens up Riley’s wardrobe and flicks through her clothes.
“Is this really all you have? I gotta take you shopping” Taehyung starts pulling everything off the racks and dumps them onto Riley’s bed.
“Hey!” Riley calls out
“Hush I’m working” Taehyung waves Riley off while he busies himself rummaging through her draws and pulling out pairs of pants and shorts.
“I’ll take care of the makeup” Jimin calls out as he runs out of the room and heads downstairs where he keeps his palettes and highlighters. Taehyung’s phone buzzes once more making him stop in his tracks and picks up the device reading the text.
“Tomorrow is a go people!” Taehyung shouts out happily as he throws Riley a pair of ripped white skinny jeans and a grey top.
“Go put these on, I’ll get other looks together and see which one’s the best” Taehyung picks Riley up and shoves her towards her bathroom. Jimin comes rushing back up the stairs with his makeup kit and starts to unpack.
“This is going to be so much fun” Jimin singsongs as he rummages through the eyeshadows deciding what kind of look he wants to go for.  
“I’m going to kill you guys one day” Riley calls out as she closes the bathroom door behind her.
“We love you too” Taehyung and Jimin call out in unison.
1 note · View note
audible--silence · 3 years
Words from the north - the whole unedited note from my phone
Words from the north
Watching the sunset over the Cape range tunes. A light yellow through to dark blue gradient swings through the sky with a string of Aqua running down the centre a single star sits above as a full moon shines lightening up the town of Exmouth after a day spent in the sun in the sand
I am convinced the only difference between the average joe and a poet is one pays attention to life, understands the dictionary and writes things down
From the one day the conditions called for hoodies and cameras rather than wetsuits and surfboards
Smelling like mosquito spray, salt water and sweat is a way of life
Surf forecast up here looks like sitting in SoSo looking out the window staring at a palm tree to figure out what the wind is doing and asking ya mates that walk in the door “hows the surf?”
You know you’re doing something right when you start feeling guilty for all the fun you’re having
And I would’ve gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for you meddling kooks
From that one time we thought itd be a good time to be homeless together for a week. By the end of it we were somewhere between brothers, lovers and mortal enemies all at once
Sea’s of red dirt and shrubs for hours and hours and hours on end
The sound of birds chirping, the wind rustling through the tall grass and the camp fire crackling away as the sun hides away behind the towering mountains im front of us. Shades of purple, red and yellow take over from the normal red, green and blue that make up the scene. I relax into a camp chair as twilight starts to take over. Indi is editing photos while Noems takes charge of dinner. Despite many attempts at offering help, we were both benched from kitchen duties. Another day of adventure comes to a close and the contentment sets in alongside the anticipation of what tomorrow may hold
Worth the wakeup knock on the car at 4am in the freezing cold
Worth the bitter windchills knocking our balance on the slippery rocky path up in the dark
Worth racing the sun to the top of the mountain
Worth choosing between having my fingers warm or my camera in my hand
Worth struggling to see by the light of a phone torch
Worth not feeling my fingers for two hours
Worth it for the golden yellow and blue light peeling over the horizon
Worth it for the feeling of being awake and alive before the sun is up
Worth it for the view of the cliffs side
Worth it for seeing the wind blasting trees
Worth it for the view from the top
Worth it for the oranges on the way down
Worth it for the tunes and singalongs
Worth it for the smoked salmon croissants
Worth it for the snacks and the beers in the carpark
But first, let me check my engine oil 🤙
You can tell where all our money went when you look at us, none of it went into shoes
At a fucked up level though thats just evolution. The strongest survive (colonialism)
“But what are ya gonna do with that information though? Just make your own meaning and chase that” (on the topic of the meaning of life)
The ritual of fires every evening after a days adventure and then every morning to boil the water for our coffee before we go again
The grit that came off my skin
The knots that became of my hair
The red dust that washed off me as I stepped into the first bit of hot water id felt in what felt like a very long time
The black under my finger nails
The red and yellow stains on my hands that the soap didnt wash off.
The holes in my shorts, tshirts and sweater
The red stains on my towel after drying my face
The rash on my face after shaving
Tilting your head back in ya camp chair to escape the heat of the roaring campfire and getting a glimpse at the sky absolutely glowing with stars was a constant reminder of how fucking good we’d got it
And you say sheeeeeesh
nice garyyyy
“Oi dad, what are ya doin?”
“25 ak47’s and a piece of plywood, thats what im doin”
Im in full travel mode now. All i think about is whens my next meal, when do i have work and hows the surf. Also wheres my weed.”
This post brought to you by…
All my friends do lots of drugs
“Ya livin the dream ya lucky shit” - taes dad, post
An observation about all the people you see on social media who you idolize in some capacity: when you meet them in real life, no matter how much idolization or importance you think they carry, when you meet them in person, they all still behave like normal people
I’ve completely left behind my old way of life.
I’ve forgotten what its like to go to a bar.
To dress cool.
To think about what im wearing.
To think about impressing people.
To think about who to see.
To think about what event to choose from.
I’ve forgotten what its like to look up at tall buildings.
To see lots of concrete.
To walk past unfamiliar faces that dont smile when you walk past them.
To order coffee in a takeaway cup.
To eat nice food.
To see my friends at pica bar for drinks at the last minute plan
There came a time about two months in where i began to get over it all.
Doing dishes with a water bottle and a tea towel that smelt like smoke. Sitting in the drivers seat on your phone, tired because you dont want to have to brush your teeth with a water bottle and climb like a contortionist into your car’s bed every night. Sick of having to plan when i want to take a shit. Sick of having to set up and pack down my kitchen every time i want a coffee or some lunch.
Sick of not having anywhere to be but knowing im in one of the most beautiful places in the world and feeling a burning pressure to see it all. Sick of having to buy ice every two days
Sick of emptying water from my esky
Sick of laundromats and planning how long I’ll last on a single outfit
Sick of worrying if im spending too much time sitting in the cafe
Sick of being the tag along in everybody else’s group of mates
Sick of drinking beer every shift
As time goes by, you learn the intricacies of a place. Where all the rocks are on the track to the camp. Who in the carpark not to wave at and who to have a chat to. Where and when to be to get a free drink. How to steal a shower. When
More and more i find while living out of my car thst routine is important. Something to ground you. For me, its making coffee out of the car, no matter how inconvenient it is. Before inevitably giving up and buying an oat flatty at soso. - talk more about habits
Some things that dont grow old:
Seeing the surf going off
Seeing familiar faces out and about
Turtles next to you in the water
Whales breaching in the distance
The moon rising over the ocean or the ranges
The sky full of stars when the moon doesn’t shine
The sun and the warmth no matter the season
Town beach hangs with good crew
The feeling of a shower after a few days of salt water
The people at work
The chats at work
Free beer at work
The life in the oceans
The vibe of fun
Never knowing where you’re gonna end up after you wake up
Whatd you see when you nearly died?
A big pair of tittys and a snickers bar
The moon rises in front of me for the third night in a row. I watch it from my car, a leftover slice of pizza from work in one hand and my phone in the other. Im one of the very few people lucky enough to witness this insanely beautiful sight and yet it feels in this moment it feels unextraordinary. How spoilt with wonder must you be for this to feel normal. The same goes for this whole place. This is paradise and right now this is home. This is standard. Only when I get back to Perth and am able to look back with the 20/20 vision that is hindsight and realize just how special it all was.
I wish I was more conscious at the hour of 6am, snug in my bed, parked in the bush as the sun rises over the bay in front of me. An explosion of pink and gold dominates the sky, shining through the bushes and the trees around me. The sound of the waves crashing behind the birds chirping. An easterly wind rustles lightly through the trees. I’m so sure it’s beautiful. If only I was awake to take it all in.
Instead, i roll over and try and escape the golden light for a minute or two more.
Hey siri play lots of nothing by spacey jane
Sometimes Id like not to feel like a fugitive when i take a shower, other times, the stars as my landlord is a pretty good deal
Its not a mistake its a decision
Maker of questionable decisions
I dont wanna face this day for fear of what will come. For I know how good it can be, and I know the fuckery that this day holds
Holy fuck thats a lot of cars
Yeah its cos nobody fuckin lives anywhere
To be fair I’d stalk you
A happy change of plans
Like all good road trips, this one started out with unfortunate circumstance, poor planning and a significant lack of caution. We planned for months to leave WA and drive across the nullabor, up through NSW and into QLD and at the 11th hour, three days before we were due to leave, we find out that covid has closed the borders. Again.
So with a house I had already moved out of, a plan in shambles on behalf of a big bad virus, and a car all prepped and ready to leave, we did the only reasonable thing to do. Changed course by a few thousand km’s and headed north with no idea what we would do, where we would sleep, what we would eat, where we would stay, who we would hang with and where we would surf.
Our first day saw lots of last minute preparations, plenty of driving to all manner of songs and podcasts from everything to the worlds dumbest grifters to Australian alcoholics talking about orgasms. I shut the door on 25 Chatham Road for the last time. We drove through familiar and unfamiliar roads. Memories of standing on the side of these very roads ripe in my mind. Except this time, with my whole life in the backseat of the car, in a setup Reubs and I built. Hell of an upgrade from a backpack and a thumb. After hours of rolling green hills, that resembled what I imagine new zealand to look like we parked up on the side of the road. Very true to form. We set up the tent, brushed our teeth and had dinner in the form of a banana and a beer and then got to bed as the sun set. I woke up at 25 Chatham and now I find myself falling asleep somewhere between Northampton and Kalbarri in my car.
“Traveling is just tetris on wheels mate”
No matter how far away you travel to try and escape modern society, if you look up at night, you will still see a satellite and you will be reminded that no matter where you go, you are a member of a species that can get itself to space
Shit i like:
Squeezing kenny
Cooking in car parks
Paying for wifi and toilets with beer or hot chocolates
Surfing. All day
Chatting shit
Staring at the stars
Eating brownies, chatting shit and staring at the stars under the shade at dunes.
Making new friends everywhere
Chatting to literally everyone
Having nowhere to be and never thinking about home
Telling Tony to get fucked
Surfing bombie and paddling back in twilight glassy waters
Dinners and laughs with friends in the whalebone carpark
Breaking into RAC for a shower
Coffee dates at soso
Waking up to ben packing a tent
Laughing till my ribs hurt
Tonic water with lime
No internet for weeks
Chatting to esther and alice at dunes
Staring at groms wiping out
Carpark hangs
Never having an empty passenger seat
Never being able to see out the rear view mirror
Never being alone
Cooking in the carpark opposite the cop shop
Drying shit on the car every time we parked
Listening to lots of nothing a million times
Chaos at froth consisting of surprise drinks, random chats and boats
And the curtain closes.
On two months and nine days of nonstop adventure and fun. Unpredictable, unprecedented fun. The people you met were of a caliber I’d not encountered and never considered to be my own but from the get go and proved time and time again over the course of my time up north, they were.
I dont know how I’m going to fare when I get off this plane in two hours and have to see my parents, exist in cold weather, deal with a broken car, find a place to call home, figure out a new job and find my way with my friends who I can never be the same with after this.
The wheels are up. Fleeting views of the ningaloo coast and the cape range out each side of the planes window; a farewell of what I’m going to be missing. The red dirt and wildflowers underneath us where I’ve spent most of my nights sleeping look exactly as they always are. Untouched and still. I know I’ll be back soon. I’ve got so much more to see. So many more people left to meet. So many more memories left to make. So many more waves left to surf. So many more beers left to pour. So many more sunsets left to see.
Exmouth, for two months you sure have changed me.
I dont know your history brother but if i had to take a look into your past im guessing id see a lot of pain, chaos, missing love and bad mates who dont know that they’re bad.
You’re a good dude man im so fuckin sure of it but you seem so hell bent on starting a fight and proving a point. To whom i dont know. Your break up has obviously destroyed you and your coping mechanism is alcohol and trying to get with women. You’re incredibly kind and generous to your friends and a fierce antagonist to anyone who isn’t. You need help and you know it but you dont know how to find it or who to ask.
The hardest thing about you is that you need to change your whole view of life. Theres more than you think to it. I know there’s someone in there waiting to be found. I wanna be the guy holding the torch while you search.
You’re a good guy,
I dont wanna see you get killed by some drunk in a fight or waste yourself away in a bottle and a job you hate because you didn’t know there was another option.
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whistlekick · 7 years
Grandmaster David Oliver is a Taekwondo practitioner, instructor, former national team coach and organization chairman from the United Kingdom.
Grandmaster David Oliver – Episode 214
…You trained a lot longer, you got more experience in life than they have. And mainly, to be honest with them and not to try and make out that you’re someone you’re not.
GM David Oliver with his step daughter, Cassie Oury
There are times in life where success doesn’t seem possible. At a listener’s suggestion, I reached out to GM David Oliver and invited him to come on the show. He accepted, but the hurdles we jumped through to make this episode happen were unlike anything I’ve experienced in the history of the show. From various technical issues to scheduling challenges, it seemed that some greater force was trying to keep me from speaking with him. Fortunately, Grandmaster Oliver was accommodating and we were able to work through everything.
In the end, the episode came out great. This is a man with more than 50 years in Taekwondo. Someone who actually knew General Choi. He’s dedicated his life to martial arts and now the organization he oversees has more than 25,000 members. It was an honor to speak with him and I hope you take as much wisdom from our conversation as I did.
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Are you following our YouTube channel? We release every episode on YouTube, and it’s a great way to set up a playlist of the episodes if you want some motivating, martial arts background during work. We have other videos over there, of course, and it looks like we’ll be adding more quite soon. Check us out at youtube.com/whistlekick.
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Show Notes
Books – The Art of War, The Book of Five Rings
On today’s episode, we mention Mr. Alex Gillis and his book, A Killing Art.
You can find out more about the TaeKwonDo Association of Great Britain at their website and Facebook page. You can learn more about Grandmaster David Oliver at his website. If you’d like to email him directly, you can do so at [email protected]
-Show Transcript-
You can read the transcript below or download the PDF here.
  Jeremy Lesniak:
Good morning, or afternoon, evening. Whenever you’re listening, welcome. This is whistlekick Martial Arts Radio and it’s time for episode 214. Today I’m speaking with Grandmaster David Oliver, a tae kwon do practitioner, instructor, former national team coach and organization chairman from the United Kingdom. At whistlekick, we make the world’s best sparring gear, and here on martial arts radio, we bring the best podcast on traditional martial arts twice each week. Welcome, I’m Jeremy Lesniak and I’m the founder of whistlekick’s sparring gear and apparel. Thank you to the returning fans and welcome to all you, new listeners. Are you following our YouTube channel? We release every episode on YouTube, and it’s a great way to setup a playlist of the episode if you want some motivating martial arts background during work or some other project. We have other videos over there of course and it looks like we’ll be adding more quite soon. There are times in life where success doesn’t seem possible. At a listener’s suggestion, I reach out to Grandmaster David Oliver and invited him to come on the show. He accepted, but the hurdles we jumped through to make this episode happen were unlike anything I’ve experienced in the history of the show. From various technical issues to scheduling challenges, it seemed honestly that some greater force is trying to keep me from talking with him. Fortunately, for me, for the show, for you all, Grandmaster Oliver was incredibly accommodating and we’re able to work things out. In the end, the episode came out great. This is a man with more than fifty years in tae kwon do. Someone who actually knew General Choi. He has dedicated his life to martial arts and now the organization he oversees has more than 25,000 members. It was an honor to speak with him and I hope you take as much wisdom from our conversation as I did. Let’s welcome him.
Jeremy Lesniak:
Grandmaster Oliver, welcome to whistlekick martial arts radio.
David Oliver:
Hi, thank you. Glad to be here.
Jeremy Lesniak:
Well, thank you. Well, I’m glad to have you here I appreciate your patience with calendar schedules across time zones and technical difficulties and all that but finally, we’re here. I know I’ve had several folks from the UK reach out once they heard that we were going to be talking to you asking when it was going to happen and now it’s happening and of course we’re airing this as soon as we can. Share your thoughts with the world.
David Oliver:
Okay, that’s fine.
Jeremy Lesniak:
We started in a pretty rudimentary way but I think it’s really important so I don’t want to deviate from that.  How did you start as a martial artist?
David Oliver:
I started in 19… I was, well 00:56 I started in Australia in 1969. I was living over there in Perth, I had emigrated there and I was working with a guy on a building side I was a brick layer and we actually went out drinking one night and he got into a bit of a row and he, we had a confrontation with someone and he kicked this guy. And I’d never seen anybody do that kind of thing before and I asked him what it was and he said “Oh I do karate 01:31 karate” because it was at that time when we’re just working together and there was nothing else to do, I started training and that’s how it got started. And then when I came back to England, I looked at a couple of karate clubs but they weren’t particularly that impressive and then I’ve seen a demonstration of Taekwondo, that impressed me so I started then and that was 1970.
Jeremy Lesniak:
Okay, so when you started karate in Australia, did you know anything about karate at the time?
David Oliver:
Nothing whatsoever, I have no knowledge of it whatsoever. I boxed quite a lot when I was still young in school boy boxing, I’d box at a local 02:16 boxing club. But I’ve never really heard of karate, I know absolutely nothing about it. So, I’ve never even seen it.
Jeremy Lesniak:
So, you’re interested in participating was because someone you knew was doing it, maybe you were impressed at what had happen with that fight if you want to call it that?
David Oliver:
Yeah, I was impressed with the fact that he could use it in self-defense wise to you know defend himself. Yeah, that what impressed me and I thought oh02:46 I’m going to be able to do that. So, we kept talking and like I said we were working together on building sites at the time and we used to go out a lot drinking and fortunately at that time because I was away from home and, so I just thought, I was bored so I said I’ll take this up, I like it. And that’s how it got started.
Jeremy Lesniak:
And clearly something about it resonated for you, you were interested enough that you were continuing to pursue it and then interested in pursuing something similar but different. What was it you found in martial arts?
David Oliver:
Well, I got, I started reading books about it. Mas Oyama’s book and things like that and old karate books. Not Taekwondo at this time, I don’t know nothing about that. So, I was always reading about that and looking at it and got more and more deeply interested in it. And then when I saw Taekwondo I started 03:45 jumping out, breaking boards, breaking bricks and sparring and then I got into it and I wasn’t 03:54 I started training and when I did start training, I was training everyday, not missing.
Jeremy Lesniak:
What was it about that demonstration that kind of pulled you away? Or is that a good way to describe it?
David Oliver:
Yeah it was the, actually I think the power because although I’d seen some karate and I’ve read books and seen things like that but these guys were jumping over the back of six people and breaking wood and they broke bricks and then the sparring it was very powerful and it was the highest standard than at that point and then what I’d seen in karate at that point.
Jeremy Lesniak:
Okay, interesting.  Here on the show we like to tell a lot of stories and anyone that has trained in multiple styles across multiple continents I’m sure has quite a few stories, would you tell us your favorite martial arts story?
David Oliver:
Yeah, I’ve got a lot but I’d speak of one I’d tell the most as a kind of a disastrous story. I was a national team coach and we went traveled to Naples Italy for the European championships and we’ve been ensured by the chief instructor and the treasurer that everything was looked after for us. So, we flew out, when we got to Naples we were supposed to be picked up by the coach and taken to the hotel but when we got off the plane there was absolutely no one there whatsoever. So luckily there was a guy who’s managing the team with me he had the name of the hotel so we got to get the boys and jump into taxis and get to the hotel. When we got to the hotel we were informed, there is no room booked here for you, and we know nothing about it. So, we talked to the manager then he did get some rooms available and we had to use our credit cards and the next morning we were told again that we’d be picked up and taken to the venue but again nothing materialized. So, we had to catch a bus and a train to get to the venue, just took us about an hour. Then when we got to the venue, they wouldn’t let us in because they said that the entry fees had not been paid. So, after a lot of arguing they were inside got at the chief instructor he came in and got us in to the venue. And then the competition started and when it came to the one of the finals, one of that guy’s called *name 06:35 hometown favorite’s Italian guy, he beat him 06:42 very emotional, threw himself on the floor. The referee at the time was a Greek big guy, 6’6 called Dmitri and some come out of the crowd 06:53 and attacked him and so obviously it all kicked off so it’s like a riot in the stadium and 07:01 and calm it all down so that was the end of that bit but then *name 07:07  who was at the time he asked me to pick a European select team to fight a North Korean demonstration team it was the first time they’ve been out of North Korea and 5 man team so we’ve put 5 guys to spar against them, 5 breaks and a team pattern. We won all 5, spars and we won all 5 breaks and during one of the breaks when the technique was a 360 jumping back kick, where the guys did it in a chair and the North Korean guys jumped up, missed the boards, kicked the guy low not to 07:42 the chair anyway that we carried on and then we did the pattern, obviously they’d been practicing the pattern for months 07:50 and we hadn’t so at the end 07:55 general choice and that the whole thing was a draw because the sparring and the breaking was not as important as the pattern and I think that was just about the of it for me after, that’s ridiculous but there you go. So that’s about the most thing I remember in that tournament’s 08:13 I’ve been to many, many over the years but that one stands out more than any other.
Jeremy Lesniak:
There’s a lot there and certainly as one of the tenets of Taekwondo perseverance comes to mind first of.
David Oliver:
I know
Jeremy Lesniak:
I’m curious about what General Choi said do you think he truly… As a Taekwondo practitioner currently myself this you know that statement that the forms are more important seems to be counter to what I’ve always been taught within Taekwondo, so I’m wondering, do you think he only said that for the benefit of the team or was that something he believed?
David Oliver:
Oh, I think he believed, I think he believed it and I met him in so many occasions and I think he believed that, I don’t think he was really interested in the 09:07 competitive side that much not the sparring side 09:10 in particular. And nor it was the cheapest of 09:14 **************************wasn’t interested in it either.  And so, I think that was the big problem there and I was the opposite, I was very competitional 09:30 *** so with our team so I think that’s 09:36 at the time.  That’s also of course because North Korean, first time out of North Korea I suppose I lost a bit of face really.
Jeremy Lesniak:
Sure, well that’s interesting. I don’t know if you’ve, I mean you’ve certainly were around for more of Taekwondo’s history than I have been but I’ve read what I can in Alex Gillis’ book I don’t know if that’s something that you’ve read through.
David Oliver:
Yeah, I’ve read it yeah.
Jeremy Lesniak:
A book I find fascinating, if I may ask someone who lived part of that history, what do you think of that book?
David Oliver:
Oh, I loved that book, I think it’s absolutely spot on. I think you got it right, that’s one of the few books I’ve ever read I think that really tells the truth about Taekwondo and its history, because a lot of it has been changed around cause a lot of people will tell the different side of the story but I think it’s a really good book. I’ve met Alex Gillis and I think it’s such a very honest, straightforward book which a lot of people wouldn’t want to write but he had the guts if you like to write it down.
Jeremy Lesniak:
Guts is a good way to put it and listeners long time listeners of this show know that that book comes up from time to time because it is such a different book, they’re really, to my knowledge isn’t another martial arts book that takes that same style to any other direction.
David Oliver:
Yeah, it’s an outstanding book I think, something I always tell people to read, sometimes I go to meetings where people who don’t understand Taekwondo but involved in sports councils and things like that and to try and explain to them 2 styles of Taekwondo it’s very difficult when they don’t understand it so I just tell them to read that book and I think that does the job.
Jeremy Lesniak:
It certainly does illustrate a lot of the differences without a doubt.
David Oliver:
Yeah, definitely.
Jeremy Lesniak:
Outside of martial arts sir, are there things that you’re passionate about, any hobbies?
David Oliver:
I’m a big soccer fan, 11:48 within Premier League football team called West Bromwich Albion. I’m a big dog lover, I’ve got 2 American bulldogs which I look after a lot so those are the things and it mainly, my passion is really still Taekwondo and martial arts. And all styles of it I liked it. I’ve seen different people and I have watched people it’s yeah, that’s 12:20 and families really, going away with my grandchildren and things like that.  Enjoying all of that is in fact coming out of Tampa Florida in 2 weeks time actually to a tournament out there.
Jeremy Lesniak:
Oh wow, yeah let’s see which one is that, I’m trying to run through the calendar in my head.
David Oliver:
It’s Scott McNeil 12:43 ***I think it’s on the 23rd of July.
Jeremy Lesniak:
Yeah, there’s quite a few to go on that way.
David Oliver:
Jeremy Lesniak:
So, interesting. Now when you say you are passionate about martial arts and not just Taekwondo, what do you mean by that?
David Oliver:
Well because I think sometimes people think that you know, Taekwondo people at times think there is nothing else in Taekwondo and I know there is some absolutely excellent karate people 13:16 as well, because I when I started, I read a lot of karate books and see karate and at that time Great Britain had a very, very big and good karate community. There was one in advanced Taekwondo, 13:33 well in advance, they’d been doing it a long time here. And they had a very good team and very good competitors and they all used to compete every year, regardless of style in London, once a year and I would just go out and watch it and I’ve made some very good friends they do karate 13:50 and I just think it’s the person not the style, I don’t think you can take somebody out of one’s style who’s good at it and put it in another, he wouldn’t be good in that. So, I’m not blinking about Taekwondo, you know I think a lot of Taekwondo people are and I find a lot of karate people 14:12 ************ The other thing I find about it is a lot of Taekwondo people are very grade orientated. You know where as in this country a lot of the high-grade karate people aren’t.
Jeremy Lesniak:
What do you think creates that culture?
David Oliver:
I don’t know it just seems to have gone mad with people, well people being the masters/ Grandmasters and some of them has not really trained that long at all. But I think the culture has got worse since you know you now got 14:53 which is now I know the same thing at when I was in WTF as well. And I think the culture had to come from the top unfortunately and people now just think you know oh I’m a Grandmaster or that or whatever and then it seems that they’re obsessed with it instead of thinking about training, what they can put back into it.
Jeremy Lesniak:
And because if I remember correctly, you have quite a few schools that look to you am I remembering that?
David Oliver:
Yeah, in my organization. The TAGB yeah, we have got 600 schools, we got 25,000 members, it’s the largest group in Europe.
Jeremy Lesniak:
It is a larger organization regardless of where we’re talking about it, I mean that just to oversee that much. Have you, is there an effort you’ve made or things that you’ve sent down to your school to try and combat that cause what I’m hearing in your words is that it’s something that you disapprove of, so I’m wondering if it’s something you’ve worked to change in your organization.
David Oliver:
How’d you mean the master/Grandmaster bit?
Jeremy Lesniak:
David Oliver:
Yeah well, we just make sure people do the proper times, you know train hard 16:17 the black belt and time periods between each belt. We don’t let people jump grades or anything like that, people who’ve got their grade they’ve earned it they’ve done their time 16:29 You know we have a lot of professional instructors in fact I was the first professional instructor in the UK doing Taekwondo so yeah it, you know we try to run a very professional organization, you know and make it a benefit for the students and the instructors.
Jeremy Lesniak:
I’d like you to tell us about a time when maybe life was challenging and how you were able to use or reflect on your martial arts for that?
David Oliver:
Well, I’ve been divorced twice I’m married for the third time so those times were very challenging and I used to find it when I went in tour I just had to switch off and not worry about things like that I was teaching all the time I was running three schools I was teaching seven days a week and also, I had a 17:25 my father died my mother died, sister in law, brother so I had a lot of bereavement and things like that. I’ve always found out that I could call on this strength mainly from doing martial arts really in training and dedicating myself to that, and that’s how it’s helped me 17:46 When I was teaching I didn’t think about anything else I was just thinking about teaching getting the best out of students and I found that it helped me a lot.
Jeremy Lesniak:
Do you have advised for people that maybe are struggling and they’re stepping into a school as a student and they have a harder time you know leaving those troubles at the door, what might you tell them?
David Oliver:
Well for me again, once they step into the gym they’ve got to just switch off and got to concentrate on what they’re doing I just think it gives them strength 18:24 if they’re taken out of their environment that’s really bothering them and they go there into the 18:31 and then you know they can forget everything, that they could just train and dedicate themselves to that 18:37 ****** I know that, I’ve got a student now who’s training and who 18:46 lost their husband it’s a lady and since she’s been doing this Taekwondo it’s given her a lot of strength and she’s threw herself into it and she’s made a lot of new friends and she’s got a new 19:00 and she gets to travel and she just, it’s just helped so much and I’ve seen a lot of people 19:07 in different ways when they had problems.
Jeremy Lesniak:
If you look back over your martial arts career, who has been the most influential person for you?
David Oliver:
My instructor, without a doubt he was, his name was Bob *** and he was the first person to be graded with a black belt in the UK by the RTF and 21:19, he was the first one and I was his first black belt. And the school that I joined it was his school and he passed that over to me and that occurred because he went to work abroad. And he didn’t want to teach anymore, but I’m still friends with him today. I found him a very straightforward honest person he always told he had a great integrity and he still has and I still see it to this today and he’s very, very well respected and again by all martial artists not just Taekwondo people.
Jeremy Lesniak:
Did he ever offer you any advice or any words that really stuck with you, that you’d be willing to share?
David Oliver:
He didn’t particularly advise me but he always told me that you know, you’ll have to be honest with the students, be upfront be straightforward with them let them know you know, that you’re not a demigod you know you’re just 22:18 you trained a lot longer, you got more experience in life that they are. And mainly, to be honest with them and not to try and make out that you’re someone you’re not. That I think is the best thing and I’ve always carried out forward and I like to think that all of my students would think that of me and in fact the people in my organization.
Jeremy Lesniak:
And that ties in what we were talking about earlier.
David Oliver:
Yeah exactly.
Jeremy Lesniak:
If you could train with anyone that you haven’t, anywhere in the world, anywhere in time, who would that be?
David Oliver:
Probably **** and *** 22:59. Also a boxer who I really like because I’m still very interested in boxing it would be Roberto Duran. Because I’m a big boxing fan, I may start to mention that when ** but I’m really a big boxing fan.
Jeremy Lesniak:
And what would you hope to learn from those gentlemen?
David Oliver:
I just somewhat drive them on cause obviously they’re all very competitive and what made them the way they were and pushed on and pushed on hard and I believe they still train now anyway. And I’ve seen lots of films and stuff of them and DVDs and things and those impressed me.
Jeremy Lesniak:
We talked a little bit about competition and how it didn’t go so well that time at a European tournament, and you mentioned in there that competition is something that you enjoy. Tell us about your time as a competitor.
David Oliver:
Well, when I was a competitor I won the British championships that was a time that there was no weight division and things like that and sparring equipment was just bands feet and I also represented Great Britain and for other team 24:15 which I really enjoyed and then I passed that on and then when it came to having an organization, when we split from the ITF, we then started entering into open competition to which we weren’t allowed to do beforehand. That is very enlightening, very good and we established ourselves as one of the best teams around and that’s start on from 24:47. When I was coach we won the ITF world championships in Argentina. We won the European championships in Naples and then obviously we split from the ITF in 1983 and we formed our own organization. So, competitions have always been in my blood, I’ve found it the thing that I enjoy the most about tae kwon do.
Jeremy Lesniak:
Do you encourage or require your students to compete?
David Oliver:
No. I used to be very competitive and do a lot of competition training and things like that but now I don’t because much large has changed from when I was started completely. I mean, there was no women training and there was no juvies, children training but now, you have a lot of ladies training and a lot of juvies training. I do encourage the children to take part in competitions but only if that’s what they want to do. There’s no you know, you’ve got to get in a competition anything like that. We encourage them and we get quite a good response and competition is not for everyone. Some people don’t like competition, they don’t you know, like being there in the arena. No, I don’t try to make it there, but we have squad training things like that. That they can go to and we have lots of competition so if they want to do it they could go. I’ll just say to them you know, if you want to try it, try it and if you don’t then you know, some people just go in and do patterns which they enjoy which is fine by me and I do still can get helps, it helps to build character when they can 26:25
Jeremy Lesniak:
When you say martial arts has changed completely, I think you’re in a unique position for me to ask you this question because you’ve train in multiple arts across a quite a length of time and across the world. Outside of women training and children training, how else has it changed?
David Oliver:
Again, I think the training has changed and people have become more scientific now if you like. There’s a lot more you know, with the stretching and things like that. People are more informed of course they got the internet and all these kinds of things so, it is different but the class is different as well especially over here where people do contracts for training so you know, there are obviously organization that understand the interest in as you would say in America, chasing the dollar. So, I think that’s how it is changed where the people when I started just wanted to train and nothing else, that was it. They dedicated themselves to it. People today are not dedicated, they like to do it, class on Monday and then they’re swimming on the Tuesday and play racquetball on a Wednesday so it’s not the same.
Jeremy Lesniak:
It’s become part of their life and not their life in the way.
David Oliver:
Yes, exactly. Like I said I would train seven days a week and if I tell my students and then they go “seven days a week!?!” but I did train seven days a week. If I wasn’t in the school training, I trained on my own or I train with the one of the other guys who was in my class at the time. And all the way through, even I get older, I was still training at least three to four times at dama gym with other people who were around me in my organization so I’ve always enjoyed that part of it.
Jeremy Lesniak:
What part? We have people of all style…
David Oliver:
The physical part
Jeremy Lesniak:
It was… Imagine that you’re talking to somebody, I can certainly empathize with that. You know I’ve trained pretty much my whole life and I’m very passionate about martial arts hence the show, but we have some folks I’m sure listening that are new to martial arts or maybe even considering martial arts. What is it about martial arts for you that you are so invested that you would train seven days a week?
David Oliver:
Because I said the individual thing that you can’t prove all the time, you know you keep taking some other classes like aerobics classes or all other kinds of classes that kind of things, yet there’s no improvement, there’s no goals. With martial arts, you can always improve all the time. You can get better and it’s an individual thing it’s not a team game. Even if you go in the tournament as team, you still individually 29:39 for your performance, and that’s what I found when I go 29:43 is the fact that I could go train on my own and still enjoy it and I’ve always felt good at the end of it and that for me is a goal for people that to improve themselves. Physically, mentally and emotionally I think that what give people in martial arts the edge and I don’t think you see it at other sports at times.
Jeremy Lesniak:
How about movies? Martial arts movies, do they do anything for you? Do you enjoy watching them?
David Oliver:
No. I’m not a fan, I don’t watch them. I don’t. Obviously, you will remember Bruce Lee in Enter the Dragon but I’m not a big fan of martial arts movies, no. And I think now in some respect become a bit pointless because they can just mimic you know, take the matrix and things like that you know, they can just do it with technology. So, I’m not 30:49 if I go to the movies, I want to see an actor. I don’t want to see a martial artist being a second-rate actor.
Jeremy Lesniak:
How about books? You’ve mentioned earlier your passion about karate books as you were training in karate.
David Oliver:
Yeah. Well I read a lot of the 31:05 karate books yet but, normal books I do like to read factual books. My favorite book is Bravo 2-0 about SAS in Iraq, I also, I like those kinds of books and my son was 22 years in the marines and I got to watch him train quite a bit and I got very interested in it so I read a lot of books about wars and things like that I find those very interesting.
Jeremy Lesniak:
Are there any martial arts books that you might recommend to our listeners?
David Oliver:
I think the Art of War probably but also Five Rings, which is a samurai book quite good I think. But I mean there are so many books 32:04 you said to me earlier to list these books I like to recommend if they do tae kwon do but I mean there’s lots of good karate books out there that they can read.
Jeremy Lesniak:
For sure. And of course, Art of War and book of Five Rings those come up on the show all the time, they’re classics.
David Oliver:
Yeah because you know, I think it gives you more thing on the philosophy side of it so if you want to 32:33 that’s what, you know, look at those books, they’re very good.
Jeremy Lesniak:
Let’s talk about the future.  You’re still training, you’re teaching, obviously you have the admiration of quite a few people, which is why we ended up speaking, what keeps you motivated? Because I’m sure overseeing twenty-five thousand students is not simple.
David Oliver:
Actually, the fact that the organization, we built it up to be what it is today, myself and the other 33:06 guys who run the TAGB with me and that motivates me and competitions that we still put on. Next year we are putting on the world championships in Birmingham in July. So, there’s a lot of work has to go in that. But I’m also chairman of the British Tae Kwon Do Council which is the national governing body for tae kwon do in the UK. So, I do a lot of work. The with me is I like to keep busy that kind of person, I’d be bored if I wasn’t working and doing stuff all the time and getting the challenges, new things coming up and going in to it, that’s what I like. I don’t like to be just sitting on my laurels, I want to stay there and do as much as I can to improve the organization and help people how to get to open up new schools and help my own instructors as well who are a lot of them still come to train with me which I really like and because it shows how over the years there’s people that stuck with me. And I think if there was a fifth tenet or sixth tenet rather, I think it would be loyalty. And I’m a very loyal person and somewhere 34:21 martial arts magazine they said if you cut Dave Oliver’s head off, you got TAGB running right through his neck. I think I thought that was the best compliment anyone could pay me.
Jeremy Lesniak:
Fairly, you love what you do, you love martial arts, you love the impact that you’ve been able to have and sharing it with others. That’s wonderful.
David Oliver:
Jeremy Lesniak:
I think that’s the goal for so many of us, is to be able to share what we love whether its martial arts or not.
David Oliver:
34:56 I want to see little children learning and some of really high standard and I think it’s amazing, three of my own children are black belts, my wife’s a black belt. I’ve got grand children now, they’re coming 35:11 yeah, it’s just passed on. It’s in my blood really, as simple as that and anybody who knows me will tell you I’m passionate about tae kwon do and all martial arts you know, and that I’ve met some great people over the years, martial artists and some really good people, straightforward people.
Jeremy Lesniak:
If people want to get hold of you or learn more about you, or your organization, maybe they’re in the UK and they want to find one of your member schools. How do they do that?
David Oliver:
Yeah. The organization’s website which we are running is TAGB.biz and obviously we have a Facebook page, I have my own website which is tagbgmoliver.co.uk and to reach me directly I have an email which people can go straight to which is [email protected] and that comes direct to me.
Jeremy Lesniak:
Great. And listeners, no worries if you’re driving or something you don’t have the opportunity to take notes, we’ll have those over on the website whistlekickmartialartsradio.com under Grandmaster Oliver’s episode. I really appreciate you being here, thank you so much for your time. Might you offer us some last words, some final advice for the people listening.
David Oliver:
Okay. Well. My final advise is you know; a black belt is only a white belt if you stop training and that’s the main thing. Sometimes people just pack up to early, you know, they stop training, Jeremy, when could’ve carried on. I think that’s the goal, that people should still train keep going and because as you get older, I think it is even better when you do martial arts because it’s better for your health that if you mentally, physically I could recommend it to you highly. And that’s what made, I owe everything to tae kwon do, not the other way around.
Jeremy Lesniak:
When I think of the qualities that define leadership, for me Grandmaster Oliver has them, all of them. The students in his organization are fortunate to have his guidance and experience, that’s for sure. Thank you, Grandmaster Oliver, for coming on the show today. Over at whistlekickmartialartsradio.com you can find the show notes with photos and links to our guest and his organization. Find whistlekick on social media, we’re @whistlekick on twitter, Facebook, Instagram and everywhere else you can pretty much think of. Also check out the show’s Facebook group, whistlekickmartialartsradio behind the scenes. Find the newsletter sign up at whistlekickmartialartsradio.com and of course our YouTube page, youtube.com/whistlekick. That’s it for now, until next time. Train hard, smile and have a great day.
Episode 214 – Grandmaster David Oliver Grandmaster David Oliver is a Taekwondo practitioner, instructor, former national team coach and organization chairman from the United Kingdom.
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