#tae in panties? the best concept
bts-hyperfixation · 3 years
Pregnancy Roulette Part 3
Kinktober Day 31 - OT7/Pregnancy? (conception)
Warnings, overstimulation, m/m/f , hobi/tae/f!y/n
Part 1 / Part 2/ Part 4
You’re peacefully trying to watch TV the next day when they find you.
You are sat in the middle of the sofa, curled into a ball with your legs tucked into your ridiculously large sweater.
Each one flops onto a side of the sofa and sandwiches you in.
“So…” Hobi starts.
“We’ve found…” Tae continues
“According to a pregnancy blog…”
“A great way to get a woman pregnant…”
They tilt your chin back and forth as they switch talking, making you dizzy more than anything else.
“Are you going to spit it out? Or are you going to wait until I vomit on you first?”
They pout as you take their fun away.
“Well if you’re going to be like that maybe we shouldn’t tell you, we should just show you.” Hobi nods at Tae.
The younger then takes hold of your ankles, pulling you out flat so you lay across them.
Head in Hoseok’s lap, feet in Tae’s
Tae rubs at your feet, making you moan when he kneads the bridges.
Hobi lifts at the hem of your hoodie, delighted to find you had forgone panties around the house.
It seemed pointless when you knew this was coming.
He claws at your thigh, pressing just hard enough to leave red trails in his wake.
You bite your lip in anticipation as he nears your centre.
“Is this about massage? Yoongi already tried something like this.” You tease.
Bad move.
Hobi spanks your thigh, erasing the trails in favour of a red handprint.
“This is not about the massage angel, it’s just easier to make you cum when you’re relaxed.”
His signature grin looks somewhat sadistic from this angle
You gaze into his eyes trying to work out their action plan.
All the others had made you cum, it couldn’t be that simple.
Taehyung digs into your soles, switching your attention.
You meet his eyes and moan for him again.
It’s best if Taehyung knows he is appreciated at all times.
Hoseok returns to trailing his fingers to your pussy.
This time delving his middle finger through your arousal, teasing your clit with soft circles before retreating.
He holds the finger up for you to lick.
Then he takes the digit into his own mouth, groaning at the taste of you.
“You could make a man go feral; you know that?”
He returns his hand to between your legs.
You spread them a little further apart, bending at the knee so Tae could still work his magic on your feet.
He had started to work his way up your calves, applying pressure to muscles you didn’t even know were aching.
And maybe they weren’t before he was touching you.
Your entire soul seemed to ache with need for your men some days.
Hobi doesn’t start soft.
It’s not his style.
He pinches your clit and makes you hold his gaze through it.
He then rubs hard and fast, a sure-fire way to work you up.
“Doesn’t she look pretty like this Taehyung-ah.”
“Always looks pretty Hyung,” Tae responds lifting a foot to kiss.
His lips travel up your leg before he goes back to just massaging.
You groan as Hobi’s fingers dig into your clit.
Pressure in your stomach as the first orgasm is basically forced out of you.
Still sensitive from the last two days and the 110% Hobi always commits to.
You pant through the orgasm as the stimulation doesn’t fade.
Hoseok switches his thumb to your clit and pushes two fingers into your still clenching pussy.
You reach for a pillow from behind you as he flicks his fingers inside of you.
It hurts so good as the digits curl.
“Have you figured out the gimmick yet sweetheart?” Tae asks.
Not that you could answer him.
You’d bitten down on the pillow to try and take some of the focus away from the pleasure.
“Taehyungie asked you a question Y/N” Hobi uses his free hand to pull the pillow out of your grasp.
“I… I … I CAN’T!” you squeal as Hobi digs his nail into your nerves.
“It’s okay angel, we will tell you.” Taehyung’s hands are still soothing against your lower legs, so different from your elder boyfriend.
“We read orgasms help with conception, something about a lot of dopamine being released.”
“So we figured the more orgasms, the better our chances.” Taehyung flashes you his boxy grin, proud of his research.
You barely get a chance to appreciate it though.
Hobi has you cumming all over his hand for a second time.
He removes his hand, and you sigh in relief for a moment
You watch, a little cross-eyed, as he inspects just how wet his hand is.
He holds it out for Tae to have a look, the younger unable to resist licking at your orgasm.
“She’s getting a little messy TaeTae, want to clean her up?”
Taehyung’s fluffy hair bounces around as he nods enthusiastically.
“That’s my good boy.” Hobi praises stroking his Taehyung’s shoulder.
Although you suspect that was more to dry his hand on Tae’s shirt than to comfort the vocalist.
He then lifts you into his arms, cradling your back to him and spreading your legs over his keeping them wide.
Taehyung crawls onto the floor in between.
He licks one long stripe, along each of your thighs.
He then focuses his attention on your folds, collecting all of the cream that had escaped.
His tongue was soothing when it came to your clit.
Softer and gentler than Hobi’s rough hands
But no less pleasurable as he played using the tip.
He’d flick against you for a while, dip his head to collect his prize leaking from your vagina, and then tease your clit a little more.
You let out little whimpers every time he pushes down.
Occasionally his teeth tug at your hood.
You try to reach down and thread your finger in his hair.
You want to pull him away, just for a moment's breath.
But Hobi catches your arms and pulls you back.
He tuts in disappointment and nibbles at your exposed neck.
Taehyung then brings his fingers into play.
He locks eyes with you as he scoops arousal into his hand and pushes three fingers inside of you.
Each one works a slightly different rhythm, giving you no room to breathe.
The third orgasm builds for longer than the first two.
It feels like watching a balloon get bigger and bigger until you’re sure it’s going to explode in your face.
Only it doesn’t.
It gets so big you can’t help but cower away from the psycho blowing it up.
You clench down hard on Tae’s fingers as you will him to stop, unable to speak for fear of exploding.
You hold your breath as you try to force the orgasm to come to fruition, but he just isn’t quite in the right place, applying the pressure you need.
You all know what he is reaching for, they’ve made you do it before.
And it leaves you spent every single time.
Taehyung finally flexes all three fingers together and you squirt.
All over him
All over Hobi’s lap
And all over the carpet
Joonie was probably going to kill him later for that one.
You took deep breaths as Tae finally pulled away from you.
His hands hand soothingly along your bare legs.
Hobi let go of your arms and wrapped his own under your hoodie and around your waist to keep you grounded.
But they don’t let you rest for long.
“Okay baby, just a little longer.”
Hobi manages to shuffle his sweats down underneath you with Tae’s help holding you up.
The pair lower you carefully onto the rappers cock.
He rocks experimentally to acclimatise himself.
“Do you need to tap out Y/N?” He asks before he really gets started.
You swallow hard and clear the brain fog for a minute.
“No. I’m okay.” You assure him, earning you a kiss from each man.
“That’s my girl.” He grins.
He then bounces you in his arms.
You brace yourself holding on to Tae in front of you.
Leaning so Hobi has a better angle.
Tae kisses you sloppily as Hoseok jostles you in his lap.
His finger finds your clit again making you cry out for him as he pinches.
He isn’t going for an orgasm this time, just a bit of a sadist.
He doesn’t take long to finish himself off as release deep inside of your already spent body.
Tae lies back on the floor, dragging you off of Hobi and onto him.
You straddle him, barely able to keep yourself upright as you try to ride him.
Hobi slides behind you, one arm around your shoulders, the other around your middle.
He keeps you pinned to him as he rocks.
The angle drags your poor clit against Tae with each grind
But you are so overstimulated at this point it barely feels like anything.
Still the tension builds as Taehyung thrusts up and Hobi rocks.
One last week orgasm claims you as Taehyung brings himself to finish.
Hobi lets you slump forward into Tae’s waiting arms.
The younger cuddles you close as Hoseok runs off to start a bath and find you some soft towels.
The pair take care of you for the rest of the evening.
Keep you awake in the bath.
Clean you gently.
Feed you snacks.
And tuck you into your own bed with each of them cuddled into you.
Kinktober Masterlist 2021
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I have a thing for Car wash
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Genre: NonIdol!AU, SummerJob!AU
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Summary: You do car wash as a summer job each year. But this year , 7 new employees are added to the mix.
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: none
A/N: Thoses Butter's concept photoshoot are gonna be the death of me ...
Summer’s Job never been dreamy or appealing you always preferred to stay home and play games or hangout with your friends.
You were doing the same summer job from your high school’s years throughout your UNI years, this year was the last year where you could work at the same gas station you usually spent your summer’s at. You were quite happy about this news because your work there wasn’t really enjoyable to say the least.
You were working as car washer.
The staff was limited to you and Gladys. Gladys was an Australian grandma’ with an heavy accent and a loud voice.
You used to complain about the underpaid job and understaff issue to her each year , but even if she tried her best to pay you more each year, the problem of understaff was remaining.
Plus you had the marvelous advantage , note the irony, to be a woman. So of course you had some guy every now and then asking you for some porn kink including cars and water to you.
And of course as soon as you dared to say to them that it was not respectful of them to ask for such favors , well their ego feeling insecure will make them insult you ‘til Gladys will come out and try to dissolve any trouble. And if they didn’t leave… well then Tallulah will come help you out. Were Gladys was a true perfect cottage core granny , Tallulah her spouse, was a weightlifting Olympics coach. So she was , massive and looked very frightening.
But since she was often occupied most of the time Gladys would have to do the trick , and if too much persistent she would call her little brother Jeff a policeman always coming in and out of the shop to check on things.
It was nice, for a summer or two, but seeing as it’s been years since you were first introduce to this summer’s job to say it became painfully annoying was an understatement.
And this year would be the same…
Or so you though.
Gladys finally took your complains about the car wash job being understaffed and recruited a few people to help out .
When she said a few, you though she was talking about 2 to 3 people.
But no, no non no no no. Gladys took in 7 people !
She promised you your check wouldn’t take any damage by the presence of those new employees , but you sincerely doubt that.
And of course you’ll have to show them around and proceed to show them how to wash a car because of course it’s not like anybody could know how to do it by themselves.
You were moody when that tons of information’s felled down on your head, but now finding yourself in front of the 7 new employees changed everything.
Apparently Gladys misspelled car wash job for model’s photoshoot coz’ those 7 boys were for sure way too beautiful to need a car wash job.
It had to be a prank, right?
So being more self aware in what you’ve been for years you showed carefully those men of to do the job. And no it wasn’t cute or sexy, far from it.
You were dressed in your yellow hoodie and black jogging with flip-flop.
For once you wished you had were those fucking shorts looking like panties more than anything, and a crop top or something similar, like all those freaks watching too much porn often asked you to.
But no , and those guys were dressed in matching outfits in jeans and whites tee.
Even if they were very dreamy swoon over , you had more pressing issues to think about.
Like why one of them started a water fight with another one, and putting a stop to it before one of them put soap into their eyes.
“Okay guys!!! Please stop …? I don’t want to have to report you to Gladys on your first day okay? So keep that behavior for when you’re on your own okay?”
“Sorry , we didn’t meant to …” Said one.
“Huh sorry to interrupt , but none of us seems to have catch your name earlier ?” Said the guy with blue hair.
You liked his hair, it was nice, like blue waves , more darker on the edges and lighter on the center of his scalp. He had such beautiful eyes too, so sharp an-
Oh god , wait did you really lost yourself by admiring him?!
“Huh miss???”
“Y-Yeah !!! Haha my name’s Y/N !” You extended your hand , losing your mind for talking in a higher voice to him , good job at not being suspect Y/N….
And you hated yourself even more for being awkward by presenting your hand to him. But he, on the other hand sensed your discomfort and made your move seem completely normal shaking your hand lightly and giving you a cute smile showing off his dimples.
“Namjoon,…. And those two are Jungkook and Taehyung, and I hate to be the one breaking it to you but we’re probably gonna have a hard time keeping them calm.”
“Oh… Okay” You just ended , looking to the two guys involved in the previous water fight, and looking back to Namjoon’s face. He was calm and put you at ease. Hargh you were staring , good job on not being a freak Y/N .
The one all covered in jean from head to toe approached you, and ever so silently spoke to you.
“Hate to be a bother Y/N, but can I have a bucket to wring out my sponge, please?”
“Huh Yeah of course huh-hu….”
“Yoongi’s the name…”
“Oh huh well yeah let me get that from Gladys to you okay I’ll be back in just a sec Yoongi.”
He nodded very calm much to your dismay as you were starting to feel anxious about advising Gladys for more employees, maybe you should have just shut it.
You entered the store who basked in a sunny light as the morning was starting to begin for most of other people’s in the city.
At the register was one of the new employees, he wore a plaid skirt and converse’s with a white thee and jean shirt. You couldn’t believe how gracious his lips draw themselves on his face. They looked pillowy and as dreamy as the six other’s man out there waiting for you.
“Huh hello ? You might remember me from earlier ? Y/N the foremost employee?”
“Of course I do you’re the sweet mango! “
“I’m sorry what ?”
“The sweet mango ! The color of your sweatshirt look alike a mango!”
“I-I Yeah it does…”
“Would you like another nickname maybe? I’m sorry if this one doesn’t fit your style haha. What about little mouse ?”
“Do I look like a little mouse ?”
“No ,you look like a fucking rat”
Said another voice coming from behind you.
“I beg you pardon?”
You turn over to the masculine voice behind you to find yourself facing a chest. Your eyes flew up to the face of the stranger, ready to take down any bratty client. And you were surprised to face a smiling shit eating brunette man glancing down at you . He was snickering and looking at you like he was mentally undressing you with his eyes.
“Yah ! Jin ! Don’t be rude to our new friend!”
You look down to the content in his arms, some sandwiches squeezed between bottles of water.
“Wait your on job duty ! Why aren’t you with the others ?” You started to take over yourself and focus on your task, keeping everything organized.
“Some of us forgot to bring our lunch to work this morning , so I volunteered to go for it , but you’ve been blocking the line too preoccupied to talk to mister big flirt over there.”
He gestured at the cashier.
“We weren’t flirt-“
“You totally were!” Gladys interrupted you coming out from the back of the shop with several boxes of energy bars .
“Gladys I would ne-“
“Don’t lie to me girl ! Okay Jimin go fill up the shelves with those and Jin , you’re lucky you have a nice face, it’s on the house for today so go back to work will you now?”
“Sure thing Gladys! Thank you so much !” He offered her a wink before smirking down at you , going back to his devices.
“AND SHE DOESN’T LOOK LIKE A RAT! BUT YOU SURE TALK LIKE A BRATT!!!” Shouted Gladys at Jin, while a girl was approaching him to take care of her car and asking for his number. He was a blushing mess and Tae had to intervene to talk an eligible sentence to, the poor lost girl, after that.
“Now, Y/N what do you need sweetheart? I mean other than Jimin’s number of course?” She had said it loud enough for Jimin to hear it and bringing a cute smile on his face content of his accomplishments.
“Gladys please stop. “ You warned her with a tired face. She maybe looked old but she was fearless for sure .
“I need extra buckets for the boys, please.”
She leaved the register for what felt only two seconds before bringing over 5 extra buckets for you , to share.
“Thank you , you’re a life savior!”
“I know , should have started a sect when it was trendy.”
You left laughing to her dumb joke , but not before quickly glancing to Jimin. After that event you formed three distinct groups between all of you to get their heads in the game.
But with Jimin busy with helping out Gladys around the store, one of them was standing by himself.
“Okay since your alone I’ll help out for today.”
“Really? Thank you so much I was worried I’ll found myself alone when everyone’s having fun in groups.”
You looked around to indeed found them more busy playing around then actively work in silence .
“Yeah well normally having so much fun isn’t part of the job but I don’t want to kill the mood.”
“I’m Hoseok by the way but you can call me Hobi ! “ He said with a heart shaped smile.
“Y/N. Haha did you had to see Jimin assigning you a nickname too?”
“No this one’s for my crushes .” He said glancing up at you with stars shining eyes behind the comfort of his sunglasses.
“Yah! Hobi Does it mean I’m one of your freaking crushes?!” Yelled a not-so-speechless Jin , across the parking lot.
“Why don’t you come found out ?!” Yelled back a way too enthusiast Hoseok.
The day went by pretty quietly apart from those 7 agents of chaos you were stuck with from now.
Lunch came around pretty quickly and you all went to the back of the shop to have your break there , enjoying the nice breeze of the fan, while chatting.
“So , how come you’re all working here this summer?” You asked between bites of your meal.
“My aunt knows Gladys and told me she was recruiting , and since I was in need of a job I took it.” Said Jimin looking at you oh so charmingly.
“I have a thing for car wash.” Said Jin like it was completely normal.
“Your such a weirdo something hyung I swear… I was in need of a summer job saw the flyers by the campus and thought why not ? Here I am.”
Replied Jungkook slowly slurping down his noodles.
“We wanted to prove some sexist asshole that , no it wasn’t , a job only reserved to women.” Said a disgusted Namjoon swallowing quickly his part of the sandwich.
“I want to be a social entrepreneur.”
Said Taehyung leaving you with wide eyes.
“How is that related to bein-“
“If I succeed to make this place a rentable place from just the car wash then I could do anything.”
“And how would you do that ?” asked Jin dismissing his lunch to look over at Taehuyng.
“What about a photoshoot?”
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kissmetae · 5 years
Right time
x Taehyung
❧ AU: You and your boyfriend try it without protection for the first time, allowing him to finally indulge in his hidden fetish...
|| RAW SMUT | 2.1k | x reader | masterlist in bio ||
❧ Disclaimer: This is fiction. Actions and events in these stories are often exaggerated and to a certain degree unrealistic.  Please have this in consideration when reading fiction, especially if it includes sexual content.
❧ Rating: EXPLICIT || shameless sexual content
❧ Smut features: Impreg fetish, cum fetish, top!Tae, dirty talk, grinding, body worship (towards Tae), detailed, “keeping it in”... it gets weird but sweet, rough, use of cock ring lol, creaming, creampie and more...
❧ A/N: This is raw smut from start to finish. Requested by anon & anon 
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His soft pink lips moved slowly over the skin of your neck.
His kisses were delicate, pressing sweetly and leaving with a gentle smacking sound. The round freckled tip of his nose brushed against your jaw as the trail travelled higher.
 Taehyung's beautiful hands were squeezing at your waist, moving your top higher and higher with each kiss.
 His soft breathing tickled beneath your ear and an eager hand suddenly slid up under your top and squeezed your breast firmly.
 He hummed, his deep voice only making you crave him more...
You tangled a hand in his hair and he moved even closer to you.
 You were lying on your back on the large bed and Taehyung was pressed up against your side, gently grinding his bulge against your thigh.
 He was so needy...
In fact he had been needy for days without telling you.
Ever since you had the talk he couldn't get it off of his mind.
It turned it him on...
He knew he had a thing for it, but being in touch with his fetish this close only made him realize how much he had supressed it before and how much it turned him on now when it was out...
 He whimpered against your ear, rubbing himself harder and moving a hand to your clothed lowers to create friction with his palm.
 "Let’s do it" he begged. "Please... I'm so ready... I can't take it anymore..."
 The frustration within him was unbearable.
The ring was tight around the base of his length, making his straining erection even more swollen.
 He had prepared....
Refraining from touch, refraining from your gorgeous body and holding back the best he could in order to build up... But this night he just couldn't withstand it any longer and the ring did the opposite of soothing his aching need to cum.
 It all started a few days ago...
How the topic came about he didn't remember but you ended up talking about sex. He hadn't admitted it but he really enjoyed being able to talk about i comfortably. Maybe it was the knowledge of the topic being somewhat "forbidden" that enticed him.
Regardless, along the way in the conversation the topic was brought up wither you should stop using protection.
He was immediately on board, wanting to feel you raw and be able to cum inside you and knowing your body would keep it and claim it, instead of it being hindered by the condom.
There was of course 'that' risk... but that was the whole point.
You were both ready.
Long-gone ready and as ready as you could ever be to risk 'that' to happen to you. Of course Taehyung wanted it more than anything... but on the other side of it all, his fetish was awaken.
 Call it un-classy and straight up sinfully disgusting perhaps ... but the concept of breeding turned him on beyond his control.
There was just something about it... a sense of pride. A pride that he and only him could impregnate you with his own to create something beautiful.
But right now it wasn't about the beautiful.
It was about the nasty, lust-filled need and longing for the sense of pride to hear you moan as he gave you a part of him.
 He felt himself throb and bit his lower lip hard.
He would break and lose control if he didn't stop now, but the curve of your thigh against him gave the best sensation... but it was nothing compared to the temptation of the unknown sensation.
 Taehyung quickly sat up by your side.
Your thighs were clenched tight and you were well aware of how wet you probably were by now.
The sight and sound of your lover rubbing himself against you for pleasure is nothing but arousing...
The sound of his sweet deep groans as his need grew stronger and the imagines it triggered your mind to have.
 His long slender fingers unbuttoned your jeans and pulled them down your thighs along with your panties. His hands were hasty, rushing to get them off and tossed the two pieces of clothing to the floor.
 You sat up, crossing your arms and pulling your top off your head, tossing it to the floor as well along with the dismissed clothing. As you reached behind to unhook your bra Taehyung grabbed a hold of the hem of his sweats and you couldn't look away if your life depended on it...
You could clearly tell the lines through the fabric and how he wasn't wearing any underwear...
Apart from that his shirt was already long gone on the floor thanks to your eager hands.
 His upper body was a sculpted work of art.
Broad toned shoulders, distinct collarbones and a wide chest shaping the top of his V shaped torso. Soft honey golden skin, huggable and lean with a vague line by the hips and a thin trail of dark short hair leading from his belly button down.
 He was careful in his movement at first, carefully pulling down and helping himself with his free hand before yanking them down his thighs and kicking them off, revealing his long toned legs.
 But your eyes were focused on something else.
 His distinct almost heart shaped tip was a deep shade of pink caused by the black rubber by the base.
Had he been wearing a cock ring? For how long? No wonder he was so needy...
 He felt confident seeing you stare.
He knew you were attracted to him, just like he was attracted to you.
His eyes kept moving from your face to your breasts to your hip and back.
You licked your lips as they began to feel dry...
 The faint veins stood out more than usual and a drop of clear thick fluid was slowly leaking from his tip and down the head.
 Your heart was beating significantly harder, your inner thighs were glistening and your lips were slightly parted.
 He pulled his hair back with a comb of his hand through it and you practically felt ready to faint then and there from arousal and attraction.
 Taehyung swallowed and your eyes moved to his thick neck.
 This was all too much... 
How could someone be this attractive all at once? Not only had his personality captivated you but his appearance was a top tier bonus of its own.
 His hands suddenly reached out and grabbed your shoulders, pushing you back down on the bed with him on top of you on all fours.
No words were spoken but his lips were parted as well, looking more kissable than ever.
 His expression reflected what his lower area clearly showed... lust.
Lust and hunger.
But with a tiny hint of shyness to it.
 But it was all blown away when his lips suddenly came crashing down against yours in a heated kiss.
 Your hands reached for his cheeks, desperate to pull him closer. But the quickly escaped into his black curly locks, causing him to hum against the kiss in pleasure.
 There was no time for nothing more.
 He reluctantly pulled away from the kiss and pushed your thighs further apart so he could get in between them and your heart beat raced even more.
 He grabbed his thick dick with his hand, moving closer and positioned himself by your wet entrance, unable to wait anymore to feel you around him.
 His tip touched against you, pushing against your entrance and sliding in ever so slightly before his hands landed on your hips.
 With a deep groan he pushed.
Sliding in with the tip and half way in, stretching you.
Your core hugged him tight and you were already desperate to feel him fill you fully and deep.
 Taehyung moved to lie down on his forearms on top of you with his hands clinging to your side and nuzzled his face against your neck.
 With a hard thrust along with the sexiest grunt you had probably ever heard he pushed in all the way. Really pushing... he wanted to get in all the way and it was ringing every bell within you and making your arousal leak over him.
 His breathing was shaky and you held your hand pressed against his toned back.
 It felt so much better to feel him raw... the pleasure was the same but the emotional intimacy was on a whole other level.
 He pulled back and out, barely at all and thrusted back in, picking up a steady rhythm of short hard thrusts.
Each one was on the border for him... the pleasure and the ring was going to make him cum too fast, he knew it would...
A few thrusts and he was ready to explode? He shamed himself.
"Pathetic!" He scolded in his head, forcing himself to hold it until you were close at least.
 But doing this only caused him to be more vocal, whimpering loud and long with heavy moans.
To you it felt heavenly.
He thrusted faster, longer stroked but just as deep, making you feel almost euphoric as you leaned your head back.
 You held him pressed close and his head nuzzled against your neck gave you a limited view over his shoulder of his bare behind moving against you.
You had to suggest sex in front of a mirror some time... seeing it was a turn-on on its own.
 Taehyung's movements were greedy.
He fucked you hard, releasing anything and everything with each thrust that had bothered his mind.
"Your body feels amazing." He managed to groan between the heavy breathes.
 You couldn't see, neither could Taehyung but you could feel very well how he had managed to make you cream on his dick.
The thrusts felt more slick and he went even faster.
"Fuck." He groaned.
 "Taehyung..." you pleaded.
 You felt the build up getting heavier and heavier and the muscles in your legs were tensing.
 "I can feel it baby... I'm going to cum so hard." His voice was deeper than usual.
He moaned, hitting his hips harder against you with his lips by your ear.
"You're going to get every drop baby." He ensured. "I'm going to fill you up you up so good."
 His words only made it harder for you to contain yourself and you could feel the tension building up within even more and you were struggling to hold it.
"I... I'm going to cum..." You whimpered, moving your hands to his flexed biceps and squeezing them hard.
 The words alone were a relief for him.
He thrusted harder, focusing deep and not daring to pull out any more than half way.
The pounding was enough to break your tension.
 He was letting go, all his focus now was his release.
You moaned his name again and he smirked, hitting a few more times before your orgasm claimed you hard and made your muscles tightening hard around him.
Another cursing fell from his lips, this time in Korean.
 Your breathing was heavy and your release felt like a long awaited hard finish as it all let go. 
Taehyung's thrusted in deep a final time, remaining still and pushing in when his voice failed him and he moaned loudly as he came hard and heavily.
 His breathing was so rapid you were almost concerned that he was hyper ventilating at one point when his body fell heavily on top of you.
 You could feel it...
The warmth and the throbbing...
He rocked his hips gently, letting out the entirety of his release as he began to calm down.
 "Are you ok?" He panted, whispering.
"I feel amazing..." you assured and caressed his messy curls.
"I don't think I've- ever cum this hard." He confessed, still a little out of breath.
 "It feel different."
He nodded and caressed your sides with a soft hum.
"I want to stay inside a little more... to make sure."
"Make sure of what?"
"That nothing spills out... It would be sexy seeing it leak down your thighs but I want all of it to stay in."
"How come?" You asked with a sly smile, still caressing his head.
"I like the thought of my cum being in you... and the risk of making you pregnant with my child..." 
You already knew the answer, but hearing him say it excited you.
"All we can do is hope."
"No. I'll make sure of it..."
 After a while of relaxing cuddling Taehyung carefully pulled out slowly.
As his tip slipped out you leaked slightly, unavoidable of course but Taehyung was quick to grab his pillow and placed it under you to angel your hips up.
The hormones that came with his release had washed over him hard and he turned into an overprotective huggable boyfriend in the span of a minute.
 He placed a soft kiss at your cheek before resting his head against your shoulder and placed his hand over your lower abdomen and began soothingly caressing the area. All while you traced your nails up and down the back of his neck in a relaxing manner. 
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Skirt Skirmish
Summary: Love is a fickle thing, really, as settling down with a frat boy wasn’t really part of your plan. Neither was fooling around in the middle of a drive-in movie while your husband was rocking a skirt but there’s more to it than meets the eye. A night in the middle of the woods changes everything for you and Taehyung.
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Words: 5.8k
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Genre: Smut, Angst, Horror
Warnings: Age Difference, Mentions of Cheating, Monster/demon/creature, possession (?), Violence, Jimin is a psychopath in this fic that gets away with murder and reader is an accomplice, Mentions of past relationships, Character Death, Post-pregnancy, fingering, oral, riding, car sex, submissive Tae, Tae actually gets trauma from wearing skirts, mature language
“They’re looking at me weird aren’t they? Ah, I knew I shouldn’t have made that bet with Jungkook. He is just an ignorant frat boy after all.” You adjust your own skirt since your husband’s glamor was making you feel less feminine. You have to admit, being 32 and still having trouble with your self-esteem is not a good look for you. Tae introduced you to the concept of loving yourself, long before you actually even discovered what you liked. You knew you were straight, you just started having doubts once you graduated from college and found out that no man wanted to date you because they were all either gay or taken. You had previous husbands but that’s a story better told later.
Then one fateful day, you met 20 year old Tae. He was just a college sophomore at the time. All he did was hit on you, thinking you were another girl who went to his college. He was a notorious playboy around his school, so no girl dared to enter his den. The lion grabbed you, but you managed to fight back.
After meeting Taehyung a couple times outside of work, you finally decided it was time to take the next step. You asked him out on a date, first. Tae was so stunned that he had no words, but luckily he liked you enough to at least give it a shot. After the first date, you spent the night in each other’s arms. No, not like that you perv. You just fell asleep on the same bed. You were tired and Tae was tired and it just happened. 
The rest was history, you and Tae knew you were meant to be after your three year anniversary and to your surprise, Taehyung was the one who proposed. That day was so special for you, since you also found out your best friend was moving in with you, since your parents didn’t trust a helpless girl like you alone in the city.
“Need I remind you that you were just an ignorant frat boy when we met? All you wanted to do was get into my pants any way you could.” You tut, clicking your tongue as Tae’s eyes twinkle with something a little more than just mischief. 
“And boy, am I lucky I did. Your pussy is the best thing I’ve ever been inside. Even after so long, you still clench around me like a virgin. So cute.”
“Tae, shut up!” You blush as someone in a neighboring car seemingly glares at you. No one can really see you that well, since your windows are tinted. Taehyung has nothing to worry about, his skirt is out of the view of others. You start panicking though, when he lifts his skirt up above his knee and reveals a tent peeking out from under his briefs. 
You would love to lean down and suck him dry but you were in the middle of a crowd, what if someone caught you? You’d be so embarrassed. Like the time you were at the supermarket and an old lady thought you were Tae’s mother. Why do people always assume things? You just wish they’d mind their own business. “Puppy, no. We’re not doing that.”
“Oh come on Y/N, I know you’re dripping. I can practically smell you from here. I’m no werewolf but I do have the nose of a dog. It’s a family trait.” You knew this. Taehyung came from a long line of well renowned farmers who had noses better than those of Blood Hounds. The most interesting part is that Taehyung can actually smell when you’re on your period, or pick up on a change in hormones just from a small whiff of your natural scent. You weren’t big on perfume, so Tae could tell right away. It comes in handy for when your period skips a month, or when you think you’re pregnant. Tae would know, but as he said before, he’s not a wolf. Even if he could smell your period blood from a mile away, he couldn’t predict if you were pregnant or if you were having an off month. All he could tell were the obvious things, like the smell of your arousal. 
Even now as he’s hunched over his seat, his ankles crossed, maintaining a proper position as he takes a whiff of your drenched panties, even your scent is enough to make him nut in his seat. His skirt was doing a horrible job at hiding his bulge, since you could make out the hard-on a mile away.
“Taehyung Kim, get your nose away from me right now. We are not doing this in the car.” He lets out a low whine, making you regret opening your mouth in the first place. Ah, the guilt trip is a horrible thing, especially when you have a husband as sweet as your Tae-by. (Like baby)
“Fine, we won’t. If you didn’t want me, you could’ve just said so.” He folds his arms, an adorable pout taking the place of his normally handsome boxy smile. You put your knees up on the seat, watching the movie as it plays on the big screen in front of your car. Normally people get out of their cars to enjoy the movie, but you felt like it was unnecessary. You also found your mind wandering again as your cute husband lets out an audible sigh of defeat. You feel bad, but you also don’t wanna get arrested. Nevermind the teenagers in nearby cars making out while the movie is playing in the background. You and Tae just didn’t roll that way, you weren’t risk takers.
At least, you aren’t as brave as your redheaded beau, but you could learn a thing or two from him about adventure. That’s why, you were determined to try stepping out of your comfort zone with the one man you trust and love enough to do something as dangerous as this.
You start small, moving your hand from his knee to his upper thigh. He doesn’t question you, unmoving as you continue moving up, your fingers massaging his cojones before moving to his twitching cockhead. Tae has surely caught on by now, staying still as you continue moving your palm adjacent to his cock, making sure you can reach his sweet spot. There isn’t much you can do, with two layers covering his manhood and restricting you from accessing what you want to reach. You keep it low key as Tae flicks his skirt up, expressionless as you let your fingers wander and you fish out his dick from his sticky briefs.
The only indication that anything is happening at all to your lovely husband is the shallow breathing and the way he stretches his legs every once in a while as you push him closer to his orgasm. You’re tempted to lean over and use your mouth, but you want to see where this goes, so you continue pulling his cock, teasing him like he spent every waking moment trying to get you to fuck him at least twice a day. You and Tae have a very different dynamic, that's for sure.
When it’s needed, you take full control. Tae loves it. He loves it even more when you squeeze him tight enough to push him over the edge and release his first load of the night. You don’t let it go to waste, of course, licking it up from your fingers and hands before wiping the wet globs of semen from your hands and sanitizing as well. 
“Wasn’t that a lovely movie? How about you take me home so we can continue where we left off?” You smile, Tae snapping out of his gaze as you start the car, pulling out of the parking lot so you could go back home to get your freak on.
“Wh-that fast? It just started though...did I miss something?”
“Good question, honey. How about you answer that after fucking me in the back of our car like there’s no tomorrow?” You pull over on the side of an unfamiliar road, making sure to park your car more towards the forest-like area, ignoring the strange howls from the wind. The sky looks ominous, endowed with moonlight, yet no stars. It’s not a full moon, however the environment is strangely silent. You ignore the strange feeling in your gut, focusing all your attention on your husband once again.
He’s discarded his skirt and briefs, finding no need to cast away his shirt since you were going to have to drive back home anyways after this. You found it odd that Tae didn’t question you for pulling into the middle of a forest area when you could’ve just driven straight back home. 
Luckily, when Tae’s cock is buried deep inside of you, he gives you a fruitful reminder that he is indeed the man you married, the same man you teased during the drive-in movie. “Tae, I’m gonna cum.” You whisper, your voice low as you feel him shift above you.
“Let’s cum together, dearie.” You ignore how ragged he sounded just now, his breaths sounding unnatural and more like he’s gasping as he draws near to his climax. It’s not at all like the first time, he actually sounds like he’s having trouble breathing.
“Tae, babe, do we need to take a break?” You ask, watching as a wicked smile curls onto his lips. He languidly cums inside of you without asking, hot white cum splashing your inner walls and making your toes curl as your entire body sucks it up.
“Nope. I’ve already released my seed inside of you. Now, we just have to wait. Can you see him yet?” You’re fatigued, ruling out Tae’s strangeness since it was the middle of the night and Tae did work overtime today. It’s easier to believe things when you are in a state of exhaustion, whether it’s physical or mental. Right now, you were both.
“Okay...I’m just gonna drive. Let’s just go home and get some sleep. Thanks for tonight Tae, I really enjoyed the movie and what we just did back there.”
“Mmm.” His reply is late, and what’s even stranger is the fact that you didn’t cum for the first time ever with your husband and he couldn’t care less. 
The next morning, you wake up to find a strange creature standing at your door. It’s not moving, just standing directly outside your room and staring. You were definitely creeped out. The sheets next to you rustle as Tae turns around, a red mop of hair sticking out from under the covers as he mutters something incoherent.
“Tae, honey, I think I’m seeing things.” You wake him up, to find that the creature is still there, foul thing still staring at you with its two beady eyes, great big wooden legs, and a giant torso with a connected head. You don’t even know what it is, but it's not natural. You’ve never seen such a terrifying thing before, and the world was suddenly starting to make less sense.
“I’msorry!” He shoots up in a flash, surprising you with his words as he blinks twice and rubs his eyes to glance at the same place you were staring at.
“Do you really not see that...thing?” You ask, unmoving.
“I’m sorry. It was the only thing I could do, it was following me too.”
“Pray tell, when did this start? When did you start seeing this thing, exactly?” You blink twice, the monster suddenly disappeared from your sight in an instant.
“I...I cheated on you. I’m so sorry baby. I wasn’t thinking and I just slept with her and-”
“How many times?” Your response is surprisingly calm, as expected of an older woman.
“O-only once.” You sigh, frowning as you look down between your legs. You suddenly felt the urge to squeeze out all of his cum from yesterday in one go, although that would be painful, you didn’t want to have a cheater’s cum inside of you.
“I’m very disappointed in you but right now it seems this thing is passed through sex. I think I need to have sex with another person to pass it on, but it would be unwise to let it go loose. I think I should get an exorcism or a baptism or something to clear it from my soul.” You feel like this is the plot of a very terrible movie, but it makes sense, considering that you had this strange feeling the night before when you were in the forest.
“You’re a wonderful person. I don’t deserve you, and although you might hate me for what I did, just hear me out. This thing, whatever it is, is lucky that it latched onto you. Maybe you could help it, all it does is just stare and it hasn’t shown any signs of hostility. I was going crazy, looking at it everyday and just wondering why it picked me. However, I still don’t know why it didn’t transfer to you earlier, we had sex a lot of times after I cheated and it never helped.” He sheepishly rubs the back of his ear, you wish you could scream at him or punch him in the nose, but you simply love this idiot too much to cause him any harm.
“My friends were right after all. You were a playboy once, so what were the odds you would actually change? I kinda guessed you did cheat on me, but I thought it was earlier in the relationship like when we were dating. You hung around that Naya girl a lot and I can’t believe I never realized it. This entire time you have been hurting me.”
“Honey, no. That’s silly, I would never--”
“—don’t listen to him, tell him what’s on your mind. I am here to help you.” You hear a voice inside your head. A comforting voice really, it sounds like a soft blanket to your ears.
“It is your job as my husband to take care of me and protect me from harm, however you have done the opposite. Dooming me to see visions of a being that only exists to perturb me and distract me from work.” He clenches his jaw.
“Look at him, he’s probably wondering what he’d do with himself if you cut off his money. Pretending like he’s a sugar baby. He’s just using you for your money.” You feel a surge of adrenaline. The strange being was right beside Taehyung, peering down at you as he spoke to you with his mind.
“Are you with me for my money?” You ask, finally cutting him off as he rambled on and on about all the reasons why he’s the perfect match for you. Now that the creature was pointing it out, you did think it was strange.
“What?! No, where is this coming from?”
“He’s just playing dumb. He’s not actually a puppy like you thought, you know? I’ve been inside his brain, I know what he thinks of you, how he thinks his wife is only good for a decent fuck and some cash.” You gasp at that, how real it sounded. You couldn’t imagine the thought of your Taehyung thinking such a thing deep in his mind. But if the supernatural creature heard it, he cannot be lying, surely. 
“He’s in your head, right? He’s talking to you, driving you crazy like he did to me, right? Making you believe that I’m not in love with you, that our life is an illusion. Well, wake up dearie. At the end of the day, no matter who I slept with in the past, I chose you. I love you enough to have wanted to marry you, and that still hasn’t changed. I still want you.”
Any control that monster had over you disappears. You feel light in your heart as your husband reminds you of that wonderful feeling called love. You forgive and forget, although the fact that Tae cheated still remains heavy in your heart, and he makes up for it everyday, piece by piece. 
Until one final day, you snap.
“Taehyung, I want you to wear this skirt. I bought it from this thrift store downtown. I got a matching crop top to go with it,” You throw the bag on the table, but what Tae finds inside rendered him speechless. “You’ve been cheating on me for a few weeks now, right? I found these clothes in the back of your car while I was trying to vacuum the backseat. They don’t belong to me and they certainly don’t belong to you, so who the fuck have you been seeing behind my back?” Before you can say anything else, Taehyung falls back, cowering as he nears the couch in the living room, trying to get away from the terrifying creature behind you.
“I-I can see him.” He points right behind you, as you smirk down at your clueless cheater husband.
“Of course you can. He’s my manifestation, after all.”
“Wait, wh-what?” Taehyung trembles, as you kneel down in front of him, crushing his jaw in your hand as you grip his face to look at you.
“I’ve been suspecting you for a while now. We may seem happy on the surface but we both know what you’re really like. You can’t stay away from temptation. It’s in human nature. Lucky for me, I’m not even human. So I don’t make mistakes.” 
“Y/N, what are you saying?”
“I’m gonna use you as my personal cum dump, Tae. In case you’ve forgotten, we’re bound till death do us part. This little beast here is my second set of eyes. He’s been watching your every move when you thought you were going crazy. And don’t you dare bring up divorce. You can’t escape me.” 
You’re done playing innocent. This whole time, you were using your little victim card. You were the ultimate master, controlling this creature with your mind. Everything he tells you is a reflection of your own thoughts, and he feeds you valuable information. You aren’t crazy, but you are certainly too much in love with Taehyung to just kill him like every man that came before.
Ah, the re-introduction. You were actually experimented on in a lab illegally, and with your newfound powers, you were able to escape with a group of friends. You haven’t heard from them in years but you’re sure they’re all just afraid of being captured again.
That was when you were a teenager. A nice old woman who lived in the middle of a small shack in the woods took care of you, teaching you basic things like reading and writing and she quickly found out that you were exceptionally intelligent, learning everything you were supposed to know from kindergarten to ninth grade. 
You spent another two years completing your education at home, she was a teacher back when she was working in the city. The old lady taught you everything you know, and in turn, you used your beast to protect her. He could attack on your command, and you knew what the surrounding area looked like. You can tell when a person is lost or if they went there looking for trouble.
She left this world a long time ago, passing away in her sleep before you sought off to find a college. That’s when you met your first husband. Namjoon.
He was brilliant, he always had a knack for machinery. He loved building things and inventing new ways to ease your life. You became his girlfriend a few days after meeting him, after completing an English project you had for college, he just asked you to be his girlfriend. And you said yes.
At first, you were happy. But then, your beast told you that he was secretly unhappy and he was cheating on you. Like a fool, you waved it off.
One fine day, when he asked you to meet you in front of the water fountain at a famous park uptown, you thought he was going to break up with you. To your surprise, he knelt to the ground and proposed to you in front of all those people. You were blinded by your happiness to notice that your beast was unhappy.
Your beast was your heart, but lately you felt like he was against you. Your own creation, at that! Luckily, no one but you could see him, unless you enabled someone else to. You hadn't worked out all the details yet, you weren’t sure if it’s a good idea to let your husband see him.
About 3 months later, the visions started. Namjoon saw him, first only out of the corner of his eye, a shadow passing by so quickly he barely caught it. Just barely.
But then they got stronger. He was starting to see the monster at night, at the window, outside the bedroom door, beside your figure. He couldn’t sleep well at all. Finally, he talked to you about it, telling you that he was miserable because he kept seeing some creature that didn’t exist.
Then, one night…you heard him getting up to leave the room. You assumed he was going to use the bathroom so you didn’t think much of it. That’s when you heard a scream and a crunch. You knew something was wrong. It was too quiet.
You switched on the light to find your husband, dead on the floor. He was holding a knife and it looked like his arm was twisted the wrong way. He fought with someone, and you knew he wasn’t human. That was when you first doubted the beast. You never had any ill intentions towards your husband, you loved him dearly. However, your “heart” seemed to disagree.
So you moved on. After mourning his loss for a year, you decided to move to a different college in a different town. You found yourself attached to a new group of friends, and a new boy who seemed to be weaseling his way into your heart. His name was Jimin.
He was just as cheerful as kind, handsome as he was sweet, and all around a really fun guy to be around. His presence made everyone around him feel energized, and you knew by the way your heart skipped a few beats that he could be the one to fix your broken heart.
You went out with him a few times for coffee, but that was nothing more than just a friendly interaction. You grew frustrated with how he wasn’t reciprocating until one day, you found out about his little secret. He was a psychopath, someone who hurt others for his own pleasure. You saw him through the window of his dorm, as he killed a girl while she was clad naked only in her underwear and bra. He was shirtless as well, you could tell that he probably lured her in by making her feel a false sense of security through the blanket of intimacy that’s sex.
You just stared at him, you and your beast staring at that crazy man. However, when he looked down to meet eyes with you, you grinned, smiling sweetly as you always do with him.
He smiled back, still not knowing of the crazy things that had to come being involved with you. You started by helping him clean his mess, you made sure to get a mop and some towels to clean blood from the floor and any other surfaces.
“So why are you helping me?” He asked after a lengthy silence. 
“Isn’t it obvious? I thought I was pretty obvious about my little crush.” You explicate, since Jimin didn’t understand right off the bat.
“This is illegal, you realize this right?”
“Oh, I like you too much to tattle on you. Besides, I have a few skeletons in my closet too.” You both kissed fervently afterwards, making out for a good five minutes in the bathroom before disposing of the body properly. That was the first murder you helped cover up.
You never told Jimin about your first husband, since the topic never came up. You never pried about your lives before each other, the lives you had before knowing how crazy you both were about each other. Compared to Namjoon, Jimin was rough.
He was a lot more dominant in bed and loved reminding you how you belonged to him. Of course, that’s a story for another day since the first time you had sex, he started seeing your beast and going crazy. He kept muttering in his sleep and then talking about the voice in his head. It got so bad that one day, he was escorted out of class. 
You told him about the beast, explaining that he was your heart but Jimin did not believe anything you said. Instead, he tried to kill him. So, he fought back. And that was the end of husband number two.
You had two more husbands after that, each relationship spanning around two years, both men dying at the hands of your beast.
You didn’t realize it before, but this was actually the longest your beast tolerated this man. Taehyung was special. More special than the others. Looking at him now, you know in your heart, you want him all to yourself.
You don’t want anyone else to have him any longer. You start by destroying his phone, feeding it to your beast before stripping him down to change him into a skirt and a jersey. You start by taking away his freedom, little by little.
At first, Tae fights back. He tells you to think about what you’re doing and talk it out, but you’re done with playing the good. Now he will listen to you for a change, and pleasure you like he should’ve been doing properly this entire time.
It makes the process a lot easier when you make your daily visits and your Tae is smiling at you as you kneel down and put your hand under his skirt to feel up his voluptuous dick.
“Mmm, would you like to join me in the bedroom, dear?” You ask, smiling at his little bulge.
“I-is that okay?” You nod.
“You’ve been a good boy for me Tae, it’s fine.” You kiss him fiercely before unlocking his handcuffs and pulling him towards your bedroom. You climb on top of him, kissing him as you finger him as gently as possible, preparing him for your dildo. 
This has become something of a routine, you would come into the room and give Tae some food and water and if he’s a good boy and doesn’t talk back, you would take him to your bedroom to spend the night with him. The first time, he tried to run away after punching you in the stomach. You quickly recoiled and held your womb, whispering in a ghastly voice, “You’re lucky you didn’t hit me a little lower. I might not be able to give you children if you damage my womb.” You had no idea what was going through Tae’s mind when he did that, so you isolated him for a week, only sliding the food and water in through a doggy door in your makeshift prison. You had it installed a while ago for your front door, but you went ahead and switched the two doors and now your “guest room” is Tae’s room.
The only thing you could lean on was your beast, who continued feeding you information, how Taehyung’s side chick actually left the country to pursue her dream after an opportunity presented itself, not even looking back or giving Tae a slight goodbye. She never texted him back, after he said “Goodnight” to her one time. 
You feel like karma was starting to take its effect. The only thing in your way was Taehyung’s will to leave. You don’t know why your husband tried to escape the first time, as he never repeated it, only staying still as you climbed on top of him and rode him to your high.
He stayed silent, only grunting or cursing under his breath. You could tell he was breaking, or a lot more weaker than he was before. You had also only given him skirts to wear, which in turn squeezed his waist and only made him more uncomfortable. 
After a good month or so of the same routine, you decided to grant Tae the privilege of wearing sweats. He was so happy, he jumped to hug you. However, from the beast’s perspective, you oils see Taehyung growling at him.
After some time had passed, you allowed Tae to walk around the ground floor of the house as he pleased. He was allowed to watch TV, solve puzzles, and pleasure you whenever he felt like it. Life was a lot better this way, with you controlling him like this. Although, you have to admit you do miss the old Tae, how he used to make you laugh and how he would always give you that boxy smile.
Maybe you did take things too far.
“It’s great that you’re making your husband your little slave. Look what a good slut he is, slurping your pussy like it’s the only one in the world.” You hum in reply, concentrating on Tae as he spits on your labia. 
He’s not happy though, and neither am I. He’s miserable. You frown as your husband continues licking down your slit, hitting that sweet spot that makes your toes curl.
“You made me, I know you better than you know yourself. This is what’s best for you.” He growls, you know it would be best to listen to him but what has he ever done for you? Killed the loves of your life?
“Tae, stop. I’m retaliating. I can’t do this. I want you back, I want to be free with you, but he doesn’t want that.”
“YOU MADE ME SO I KNOW WHAT YOU WANT, LISTEN TO ME YOU INSOLENT HUMAN.” You cower, Tae immediately jumping in front of him, holding up his fists in defense.
“Tae, honey, I know you think you’re helping but you were locked in a small room for hours on end with no exercise unless you count sex. Your muscles are really out of whack.” 
“Um, trying to save you from a horrible creature at the moment. Can you try to at least not insult my body? You did this to me.” Tae puts his hands on his hips as you move in front of him.
“Leave us alone. Leave me alone. I don’t need you anymore. You took advantage of me!” You grip Taehyung’s arm as he growls at you. Slowly, he starts disappearing. Like dust, he crumbles and all that’s left is residue. You grip Tae tight, holding him steady to keep him from falling in shock. “Fuck, you haven’t eaten. Ohhh, we need a doctor.”
Taehyung helps you out after he wakes up, having been diagnosed with Hypoglycemia after not eating well for the past month. He forgives you just as you forgave him for cheating on you earlier.
You made sure to take care of him, slowly returning to normalcy after a torturous time. After being forced to wear skirts for three weeks straight, Taehyung had trauma.
To support him, you threw out all of your skirts and got pant suits instead. One fine day after arriving home from work, you find Tae moaning in his room. However, he isn’t alone. He was in bed with another woman and all you could do was clasp your hands over your mouth and cry. This is what you get for trying to turn him into your slave. You deserved this.
You run away from home that night, leaving to find something to take your mind off from things for a bit. That’s when you meet someone at the convenience store.
“Rough day?” He’s obviously older than Taehyung, by a couple years. 
“You know it. I just found out my husband’s cheating on me, again.” He puts his phone down, leaning over the counter as you vent to him.
“Oh really? Well sorry if it sounds impolite but I’m a doctor and I just had to ask, are you having problems in the bedroom? I can’t think of a reason why he would cheat on a lady as sweet as yourself.” You blush at the compliment, smiling before defending Tae.
“No, it’s not any of your business either. And for the record...I can’t think of a reason why he would do it again.”
“What about the first time, you said he cheated again, right?” You shrug. “May I ask if he's younger than you?” You scoff.
“Yeah, he’s about 8 years younger than me. He was a frat boy in college. That’s how he got my heart.”
“Hmmm, ever stop to think why he would cheat on you now?”
“Shut up. My Tae would never–”
“Ohhh Yoongi, my darling Taehyung just gave me this diamond ring. He called me his special gen.” You see a girl, who looks no older than 16 running into the shop.
“Aish, Soojin, I told you to stay away from that guy.”
“You know someone named Tae?” You ask the girl, untying your scarf from your neck in anxiousness.
“Yeah, my boyfriend Taehyung. He’s rich and he has a huge house. He also lives with his older sister but she wasn’t home today.” Your face goes pale.
“His last name might not happen to be Kim…could it?”
“Yes, exactly! Taehyung Kim who lives on 1292 Burbank street, do you know him?” You nearly faint, the man from behind the counter running over to help you up.
“That’s my husband, and no, he’s an only child. It seems that you’ve been played, little Soojin. We’ve both been played.” You close your eyes, feeling dizzy as a high-pitched ringing racks in your ears.
When you wake up, you’re in the hospital, the cries of a newborn filling your ears like music. It’s your daughter, you gave birth to her yesterday.
You passed out from the pain of giving birth that you dreamt up a whole scenario where your husband cheated on you. You vaguely remember that day you had sex in the back of your car and you were pregnant a week later with your first child.
Afterwards, Taehyung was cautious around you and helped make the entire pregnancy easier. He massaged you, pleasured you, and made amazing food for you.
During the entire birth he was by your side. Not once did he cheat on you or leave you for another woman. He was yours from the moment you laid eyes upon him.
“You’re awake,” You found Tae sitting right where he was when you gave birth, beside you. “It’s a girl. What do you want to name her?” You breathe in relief, pain leaving your body as you lay eyes upon your child for the first time. Her eyes are jet black as she peers at you curiously.
“Let’s give her the name we picked together.”
“Awww, Amie. Amie Kim has such a nice ring to it.” Your husband kisses your cheek as you both speak to your baby in hushed tones, ignoring the machines as they continue whirring in the background.
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thirstybtsthoughts · 4 years
goddamn that tae and jk threesome anon owes me a new pair of panties! something about that entire concept (tae taking you from behind, sucking off jk while already being fucked by tae, both their moans, AND tae's hand in your hair controlling your mouth on jk like 😳) just struck a super sensitive cord, holy shit i deserve that
Right?!!! It really hit me deep too, it’s such a hot thought like ughhh I may have also wet my panties 💦🥵. A taekook threesome would ruin me in the best way 🥵
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heartbreaker-johnny · 6 years
Kinkmas day 4- Public Taeyong
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A/N: I don’t know how good this is and I’m sorry it took so long to post??? Send help
You cocked your head to the side, only half listening to the story Wendy was telling you. You loved her, you did, it was so nice to have another English speaker around. Though “around” was really just when you saw her as SM or music events. But as much as you loved her, you were much more concerned with finding Taeyong. You had arrived at the SM Christmas party together and thought you would be together all night. That wasn’t how it ended up. He had been talking to one of the Exo members, he had been yanked away from you so fast you weren’t sure which one, and you had managed to keep an eye on where he was throughout the night. Until now.
Your eyes were darting all over the room, trying to find any sight of your boyfriend, hoping he hadn’t had to leave for something. You were sure to anyone else you looked insane, but to you, you were an overly anxious girlfriend.
“Y/N, you’re not even listening to me!” Wendy pouted, snapping your attention back to her.
“What?” You said. “Oh, sorry. I just can’t find Taeyong. I swear he was right over there talking to Suho or Chen but now I can’t find him. I hope they didn’t make him leave without me.”
It was often that his managers would tell him of some last minute schedule or something he had to attend to so he was often leaving unexpectedly.
“He’s literally right behind you.” Wendy laughed.
“What?” You asked confused.
As soon as the word was out of your mouth, hands appeared on your hips. You turned your head to see a head of grayish blond hair resting on your shoulder.
“Hi baby.” He said, giving you a kiss on the cheek.
“Hi. I was just looking for you. Where did you go?” You asked him, reaching up to run a hand through his hair.
“Restroom. Then Eunhyuk Hyung stopped me for a bit.” He informed you.
“She was starting to freak out.” Wendy teased.
“I was not! I just wanted to make sure he didn’t leave me here.” You shrugged.
“Well now that you two are reunited, I’m gonna step away and use the restroom myself. I’ll text you later Y/N.” Wendy said before heading in the direction Taeyong had come from.
Taeyong turned you around in his arms and you placed your arms around his neck.
“How you doing baby?” He asked you, a soft smile on his lips.
“I’m good. It’s nice to see everyone here. I don’t see them a lot.”
You and Taeyong had met on the set of one of NCTs music videos. You worked as a temporary assistant to a video director and being at that shoot had actually landed you a permanent position with a photographer SM used a lot. The photographer you worked for usually just shot photos for album covers and picture teasers and he mostly worked with the girl groups or people who’s concept worked well with the style be shot in. You usually only saw the other NCT members so it was nice to see the rest of the company.
“I’m sure everyone else is just as happy see you too.” Taeyong said, happy that you got along well with his coworkers.
“What about you? Are you having fun?” You asked him.
“I am, but I know I could be having a lot more fun with you.” He said, rubbing circles into your hips and biting his lip.
He was horny and you were his favorite remedy.
“Is that right?” You said, resisting the urge to roll your eyes at him.
“Did I mention how stunning you look tonight?” He asked, tugging on the short silver dress you were sporting.
“I do recall you mentioning something about that.” You teased him.
“You know, we could sneak a way for a bit. There’s an empty room down the hall that we could hide in.” He said, raising his brows at the idea.
“Tae, we can just sneak off to have sex. We’re at your company, with tons of people around.” You reminded him.
“That’s what they make locks for babe.” He rolled his eyes at you.
“People are definitely gonna notice we’re missing.” You said, trying to resist the idea.
“Come on baby, live a little. I want you, now. I don’t want to wait until we get home.” He said, pulling you closer to him. “Besides, you said you wanted to try something new.”
You had mentioned to him that you were open to exploring more in your guys’ sex life. This wasn’t exactly what you had in mind but the idea was tempting and the thought alone of you and Taeyong being intimate in public...it got you pretty aroused.
“I swear to god if we get caught and I lose my job...” You started, eyes locked on his tempting lips.
“If we get caught and you get fired I will hire you as Marks personal assistant. The kid could use one anyway.” He shrugged.
You didn’t say anything, just let your arms trail up and down his arms.
“So is that a yes?” He asked, hopefully.
You nodded and watched his hopeful face turn ecstatic.
He pulled you away from the party and down the hall to the last room on the left. He looked around, making sure no one was around, before pulling you both into the room and locking the door.
It was a small room, a keyboard and a bench were on the other side. There were no decorations, just a light switch on the wall
“What’s this room used for?” You asked, curious.
“It’s a writing room. It’s where we can go when we wanna write lyrics or something. They’re mostly used by artists.” Taeyong said, walking over to you, wrapping his arms around you. “My favorite part is it’s soundproof.”
He leaned in and pressed his lips to yours, softly at first, the quickly picking up the pace. His hand traveled up your spine, then moved around to cup your breast. He softly kneaded it, the silky inside of your dress gliding across your nipple. It never took much to get you turned on when it came to Taeyong. Him looking at you alone was enough to get you wet. There was just something about him that you’d never had with anyone else.
You pulled away to breath as he began the assault on your neck. It felt so good you couldn’t help but let out a soft moan.
“Tae, what if someone tries to come in here?” You whispered.
“Johnny is on look out. If anyone even comes this way he’ll take care of it.” He said between placing love bites on your neck.
Thank god for Johnny Seo.
Taeyong continued to work your body but you honestly couldn’t take it anymore. You quickly unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off him, his smooth chest and stomach aching to be touched. He reached behind you to undo your dress but you stopped him.
“There’s no time, it’ll take me too long to get back into it. People will start to notice we’re gone soon, we have to be fast.” You told him, reaching down to unbuckle his pants. As much as you loved his foreplay, you were ready to go now, and it wouldn’t be long before someone called him asking where he was.
He nodded and helped get you out of his pants. Thankfully he was wearing boxers with an opening in the front. You shimmied out of your panties and hiked your dress up around your waist.
Taeyong picked you up and pushed you against the wall. You wrapped your legs around his waist for extra protection from falling and you could feel how hard and ready he was for you. He lined himself up at your entrance, looking to you for permission.
“Please Tae,” You whined. “Just fuck me already.”
“Yes princess.” He smirked.
He thrust his length into you, you both let out a moan when he bottoms out. You hadn’t realized how long it had been since you both had had straight up passionate sex, until now. He was always so busy and tired when he came home, you didn’t want to bother him with your needs. You pretty much just sucked it up and waited until he asked. Now was a perfect time to make up for it.
His thrusts were hard and fast, his hips pushing you harder into the wall. He placed a hand behind your head, keeping you from getting hurt. Your hands clawed at his shoulders, desperate to grab at something. He felt so good inside you, his cock hitting all the right spots. You clenched around him, making him growl and pick up the pace even more.
You could feel your stomach tighten and you knew it wouldn’t be much longer for you.
“Tae....oh god I’m gonna cum.” You moaned out, throwing your head back.
“Hang in there baby. I’m getting close.” He groaned, the grip he had on your ass was sure to leave a bruise.
You did your best to ignore the fire in your belly but it was too much for you. You had been deprived of his sweet cock for so long. It was almost too much for you. He just barely hit that one perfect spot and that was it for you. You came hard and loud, completely forgetting where you were. He helped you ride it out, peppering your neck with sweet kisses. Once you came back to earth, you realized Tae hadn’t cum yet. You felt guilty and knew you couldn’t leave him hanging.
You got out of his grasp and sank to your knees.
“Baby what are you doing?” He asked as you took his cock in your hand.
“Finishing you off.” You said before your mouth sunk down on him.
Taeyong groaned deeply, his hands automatically going to your hair. You moaned at the taste of yourself on him, sending a shiver through his body. You hollowed you cheeks and bobbed your head up and down at a rather fast pace. You took him in your mouth deeply, making sure each time he hit the back of your throat. It wasn’t comfortable and you gagged a bit but you didn’t care. It was his turn to feel good and you so badly wanted to taste him.
You could feel him twitch inside your mouth as you ran your tongue over the vein that ran across his shaft.
“Fuck baby,” he said, pulling on your hair a bit. “You’re so good to me. So fucking good.”
You knew he was close, you could feel it, so you pulled back and put all your attention on his sensitive tip. Your hand worked on the rest of his shaft, moving in sync with your mouth.
“Shit baby,” he moaned. “Just like that. Fuck me just like that. Such a good girl.”
You ran your tongue over his tip and looked up innocently at him. You moaned around him once more and that was all it took for him. You looked so perfect with his cock inside your mouth, looking at him like that, he couldn’t help but to cum in your mouth. You swallowed every drop, pulling back to wipe your mouth in case any slipped out.
“Fuck angel. You’re so perfect. You took my cock so well.” He panted, coming down from his incredible high.
“It’s only fair. I haven’t came that hard in a long time.” You admitted.
“I know. We needed this. I need to pay more attention to you.” He said, picking up his pants and putting them back on.
You stood up, helping his button up his shirt.
“You pay plenty of attention to me. You’ve been busy and tired. I understand.” You smiles sweetly at him.
“I know and I love you so much for that. But I need to be a better boyfriend. I can’t let my job be an excuse to slack off. Let’s make a promise to do this at least once a week.” He suggested.
“Have sex at your company?”
“No smart-ass. Have sex in general. I hate having to schedule it but I think right now that’s all we can do. I know I show you I love you every other way, but I don’t want this way to slip too.”
You pulled down your dress and smiled at him.
“Sounds like a plan. I don’t mind scheduled sex. Just as long as it’s at home, where we don’t have to watch our backs.”
He chuckled.
“Yeah, this was hot and all but I definitely would rather take you in our bed.”
You looked around the room, trying to locate your panties.
“Did you see where I threw my panties?” You asked your boyfriend.
“You mean these?” He asked holding up your black lace panties.
You reached out for them but he pulled them away from you. You pouted at him, confused on why he was holding them hostage.
“I think I’ll hang onto these. I might wanna take you again before we get home. Easy access.” He smirked at you.
You blushed but rolled your eyes and headed for the door. You peaked out, making sure the coast was clear before you both walked out of the room. You rejoined the party, Johnny walking up to both of you, a smirk on his face.
“Well that didn’t take long. Must not have been that good.” He teased.
“Well maybe we’ll let you watch next time so you can see just how good it is. Sound good babe?” Taeyong fired back, looking over at you.
You smiled devilishly and shrugged, tugging your boyfriend away from his band mate.
“Hey, wait up, I wanna get in on that!”
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mininky · 6 years
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Summary: Taehyung feels needy after meeting a person who wasn’t supposed to come back in the picture.
Paring: Taehyung x fem reader
Word count: 2.5K
Warnings/genre: Smut, explicit sex scenes, unsafe sex, public sex
a/n: this is a drabble based off opia and I recommend reading it first, but it’s not necessary.
   Taehyung hadn't expected the night to go this way at all. He had expected to go to this large company event for not just the museum he worked for but a few others owned all by the same person to be entirely uneventful. He figured that he would talk with a few coworkers, get to know a few of the other curators, gorge on free wine and cheese and have a good but somewhat boring time with you. He had not expected that all of your connections in the local art scene stemmed from your ex, or that said ex would be here. Taehyung was now lamenting on how pathetically small the universe could be as he tipped back his wine glass.
   He wanted to curse the world. He wanted to fuck you on the table just to show off that you were his. He was feeling needy and small and slightly pathetic, but he was sure that by the way your hands clutched onto your wine glass you weren't happy by this turn of events either. His eyes moved up from your knuckles turning white to the hollow smile on your face to the man standing across from them. Jackson, he said his name was Jackson.
   He was everything that Taehyung wasn't, and that irked him. Jackson was certainly more muscular than him. More animated, louder too (although Taehyung was fine with being quieter. He wasn't sure how you still had functioning ears after dating that guy for three years.) But what really upset him was how well this guy seemed to know you, the way he asked you questions as if he had never left from your life. Tae knew that Jackson was the one who broke up with you, and right now that was making him feel a little nervous. Ah the great Tae, feeling nervous about a girl. In a strange way, it reminded him of a year ago when the two of you first started dating. 
   Tae thought he had gotten past all of this, finally grown confident about being the man by your side. But now, as he stares at who could have still been the one standing next to you instead he can't help but feel a little anxious. Over the last year, he had fallen hard. The idea of love was an abstract unrealistic concept to him before he met you. Now it was abstract and tangible, a part of his life that changed and grew every day. He couldn't imagine his life without you, he couldn't imagine going back to the man he used to be. He grew, not just with you as a couple, but as a man. He was finally a person he could be proud of. All of this should have made him stand tall about being yours, confident that he was yours. But he saw that look in Jackson's eyes, and he suddenly felt very territorial.
   Who the fuck was this dude to saunter over and pretend he hadn't been gone for over a year? And why the fuck did he think that he could just completely ignore Taehyung's presence as if he was just some fucking decoration? Eye candy Taehyung might be, but that's most certainly not all he is. And he wanted this tool to know that. Taehyung was roused out of his own internal seething by the sound of your voice saying his name.
   "Yes, well Taehyung actually invited me here as I was trying to say. Jackson, this is Taehyung. My boyfriend. Tae, this is Jackson." Taehyung extended out his hand, trying hard not to glare as they shook. He'd been standing here for at least fifteen minutes before you even introduced him (not that it was necessarily your fault, Jackson had come crashing over like a damn tornado with little care of the fallout.)
   "Nice to meet you, Jackson."
   "Oh, you're dating someone?" Jackson looked questioningly at you, his eyes not even meeting Tae's as he shook his hand. Seriously, who the fuck did this jackass think he was? God, Tae really wanted to just rip off your dress and show off all the hickies he left on your thighs just to say 'look at what I did and you can't!' Okay, so maybe there were still parts of Tae that hadn't fully grown up yet. He was acting internally a little childish. But hey, he hadn't actually started pissing on the guy yet so really wasn't it all okay? 
   "Yes, and Tae is actually the curator at the Seoul Museum of Art."
   "Fascinating." Jackson finally glanced over at Taehyung, clearly sizing him up before turning back to you. Tae handed off his glass of wine to a passing server before resting his hand on your lower back and standing closer. "So...how long have you two been together?"
   "A year last month." Tae gave a boxy grin down at you as he watched your eyes search up for him, a coy smile stretching over your lips. That's right, be gooey and madly in love with me damnit. Make this dick realize that not only is he missing the best thing ever, but he can't fucking have it again. I. Won. Suck it, ex-boy.
   "Oh. Well, congratulations. Oh, I think I just spotted Mark walking in. I should go say hello. I'll see you guys later." Tae nodded as he pulled you slightly closer to him, watching the other man walk away with narrowed eyes as you let out a long sigh.
   "Sorry about that. He can be...a lot."
   Tae snorted, glancing back down at you. "That's one way of putting it. You're much too polite though. You don't have to apologize for him."
   He watched you glance over your shoulder again at the other man. Your ex. God, this was not the night Taehyung envisioned. "You're right. I don't. He's not that bad though, I'm kind of surprised that he just ignored you. He's usually the type to make friends with everyone."
   "I don't want to be friends with him."
   "Tae..." He could sense the warning tone in your voice and he glared down at his feet wishing he had another glass of wine to make all of this more bearable. "Don't be like that. He's just an ex. He doesn't mean anything to me anymore. You do. All I was trying to say is that I'm disappointed in him. I feel like the two of you could be good friends."
   Tae snorted again before breaking off into a dry laugh. "No, no I have no interest in being friends with some douche who didn't realize how fantastic you are. Even if he were God himself if he hurt you I would have no interest in him." He glanced back over to see you staring up at him, eyes slightly lidded and blush fanning over your cheeks. "How could anyone not see perfection in this? Blind fools, that's who. I think you've gotten to know me well enough to know that I don't entertain idiots. Unless they're Jin, then in that case occasionally." 
   "Tae." He felt your hand snake up to his neck as you whispered into his ear. "Meet me in the bathroom in five minutes." Oh god, this night was amazing. Holy shit. His eyes were glued to your ass shamelessly as he watched you walk away from the room. It took every ounce of self-control to stay rooted in place. He watched the time tick by slowly on his phone before trying to not skip over to the girls' room down the hallway. 
   The moment he opened the door he felt your hands tug at his wrist before marching over to one of the furthest stalls and slamming the door shut behind the two of you. His lips crashed into yours, tongues entwining together as he lifted you up against the door and wrapped your thighs around his waist. That familiar scent of citrus enveloped him as his thoughts started to grow hazy with lust. A groan fell out as your hips jutted against his rapidly hardening cock. "God, you're so fucking perfect. And mine, all mine." His gaze focused on the way your bruised lips parted, small pants and quiet moans already bubbling out from you with each rock of his hips.
   "Tae, Tae please fuck me. I don't want to wait, I need you. I need to feel you." Part of him wanted to drag things out just to listen to you beg some more. But he was too needy, his mind already a mess and dick already taking over most thoughts. Besides, taking your time in a bed is one thing, but it's next to impossible in a tight bathroom stall. His hands ran along your thigh as he pulls up your dress, fingers swiftly pulling apart your wrecked panties and delving into your slick core as his mouth latches onto your throat until a wake of red and purple blossoms underneath. He leaves vivid bruises trailing to your collar bone before pulling back and grinning down at the sight of your fucked out expression.
   "You're such a fucking minx. Look at you, getting fucked in a bathroom because you can't even wait. You have me wrapped around your little finger and you know it, but right now I have you wrapped around mine." His voice is husky and dripping with lust as his fingers curve up in just the right spot. He grins as he watches your eyes roll back and a deep moan rattles through you. "Not yet baby. You can cum all you want on my dick." His fingers pull out and he watches with blown out eyes as you whimper before pulling the wet digits into your mouth.
   He's quick to take off his belt and finally free his dick. God, you look like heaven as his fingers pull out with a pop before he latches his hand around the base of his dick. "Turn around, baby." As he moves slightly back so you can twist around, ass jutted out and soaked panties glinting up at him. "Perfect, god you're so perfect. How did I ever get so lucky? Best fucking pussy I've ever seen." He yanks the underwear off to the side before sliding in, memories of the first time the two of you slept together surfacing back up. Your core greedily pulls him in, the squelch echoing through the bathroom as he fills you to the hilt. Pride rushes through him at the way you clench around him and low choked moans spill out of you. He's doing that to you. He's the one that you want. He's the one by your side. He's the one that gets to make your toes curl, gets to listen to your moans, gets to watch you fall apart on his dick.
   His hands wrap into your hair and he snakes you back so your arched against him. "Tae, oh god, please move. Please, please. I need you." That's right, him. You need him. Not some other shmuck, Tae. He pulls back slowly, groaning when he slams back in with enough force to make the door rattle.
   "I wonder, what that ex is thinking? He doesn't know that right now I'm fucking you in the bathroom. Did he ever know how fucking sinful you were? Did he ever fuck you right? I bet he didn't." Green might not be the best color for Tae, but right now he's too far gone to care. Too enwrapped in the euphoria that only you can bring him to care if he sounds pathetically jealous.
   "Tae, only you can make me feel this good. Only you." At the sound of your hoarse whisper, he slams back in. He starts going at a faster pace before slipping one hand into your panties and rubbing quick circles into your clit. Each time he thrusts in he can feel you spasm around him. Each time he pulls back your dripping pussy just pulls him back in so easily. It's utterly addictive. The way you feel, the sounds you make. 
   The sound of the bathroom door opening and the noise of the party outside momentarily coming in has you freezing under him. He knows that you aren't usually the type to have sex in public, but for Tae...well let's just say that the thrill of it has always been one of his favorite highs. He waits for just a moment as he listens to two women talking to each other before moving into stalls most likely closer to the front.
   He leans down as he gives a harder thrust, the noise ringing through the room clearly before he whispers into your ear. "Trust me, love, you can be as still as you want but they can still hear your pussy getting wrecked. Besides, I think my pretty girl wanted the world to know that she's getting the best fucking dicking in town if you wanted to have it in such a public place. Did you want that? Did you want everyone to know how well you get fucked?" He feels you clench around him at his words, whimpers falling out of your lips as the faucets turn on and the women are quickly scurrying out of the bathroom silently. "Come on baby, let go. Cum for me." It only takes two more thrusts before he feels you spasming around him, a silent scream leaving your jaw open and eyes rolling back. "Fuck, fuck." Tae can feel his balls tighten, dick twitching as he cums with you.
   He swears you're made of magic. Every time he cums he sees heaven, but only when he's buried deep inside of you. Only when he sees your wrecked face, only when his name rolls off your lips. It's only when he feels the cum start to trickle onto his pants that he finally pulls out. He watches with glee at the way his seed trickles out of you as he pulls your underwear back into place and your dress back down. A dreamy smile is plastered on your face as you turn around and pull him down for another heated kiss. "I love you Tae. And you're not wrong, you really do give the best dicking-down in town."
   For possibly the millionth time after meeting you he couldn't help but once again think that you might just be the death of him. But at least he'd go out his favorite way. The two of you are all giggles and kisses as you spill out of the bathroom, hand in hand and drunk off sex. At the same moment the two of you leave he looks over to see Jackson walking out of the men's bathroom next door with a look of clear understanding as to what you two just did. And Tae can't help but give him his award-winning boxy grin as he leads you out of the party and back home. Really what was Tae thinking, getting jealous? How could he, when you chose him? And that was really all that mattered.  
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dovechim · 6 years
planning ahead (m)
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➾ taehyung x reader
➾ 2.7k
➾ request from anon, part of breeding series 
➾ warnings: unprotected sex (pls be safe and use condoms!!!!!!!) also dub con. please do not read if this offends you!!
➾ summary: technology has reached its peak when taehyung gets notified of your ovulation dates through his phone. baby making sex is so much easier when all he has to do is convince you to let him put in just the tip, and rely on your hormones to do the rest. you call him a sly fox. taehyung thinks it’s just planning ahead. 
Taehyung always watches you a little more closely around this time of the month. It’s not like he doesn’t pay attention to you usually; he prides himself on being a caring boyfriend, but he likes to put in the extra touch when it matters. 
He’s just thankful he managed to hook your period tracking app to his phone while you were asleep. Now he receives notifications on your upcoming periods, mood swings, sore breasts, and best of all: ovulation dates.
So it’s safe to say that you’re always pleasantly surprised when he offers the timely backrub or goes to the store to pick up your favourite brand of tampons plus chocolate. But this time, Taehyung decides to use the wonders of technology to his advantage. He’s already studied and read up about everything to do with ovulation and conceiving online, the most important takeaway being that he should try to convince you to have sex as much as possible in the days before you ovulate. And he’s also held off on touching himself for the past week to ensure that he has the biggest, thickest possible load for you.
Also another blessing is that you can’t use birth control because of how it makes you gain weight like crazy. So all he has to do on his part is to convince you to forgo the condoms just this once, and if everything goes well, you’ll be so worked up by your upcoming ovulation that you’ll agree to just hop on his dick.
Taehyung makes sure that you’re as relaxed as possible, wearing only his shirt and lounging in bed, skin moisturized and ready to fall asleep when he makes his move. Bonus that the next day, your actual ovulation day, is a weekend, so he can spend all day buried deep in the depths of your fertile cunt.
He starts with soft kisses to your neck, making sure to bury his nose right in the crook behind your ear as his hands slide over your waist, pulling you closer to him. He’s already half hard, which you feel acutely against the side of your thigh as he pushes the hem of his shirt up to expose your bare breasts, nipples already peaking. Taehyung takes pleasure in swirling his tongue around them, relishing your little sighs of pleasure as he massages your flesh in his large hands. You’ve always loved the attention he gives to your chest, and you always feel the most feminine under his large hands that ghost over your nipples just right.
His attempts at initiating sex at this time of the month don’t go unnoticed.
“Tae,” you caution, threading your fingers through his hair. “If we fuck now, you need to wear a condom. It’s not safe.”
Taehyung is still too preoccupied with sucking cherry blossoms into your chest, staining your skin with his marks, but he gives you a nod to satisfy you. He can always convince you later, make you beg for him to just slip his cock in bare just for a few strokes. “Shh, baby let me make you feel good.”
And you don’t question him, because your sex drive is higher than ever, not to mention that you’ve been constantly dripping wet for the past few days. Taehyung kisses his way down your stomach, pausing for a moment at your bellybutton before moving on to the hem of your cotton panties. He pulls them down without a second’s hesitation, pressing the crotch to his nose before he sights your drenched core.
“So wet baby? Already?”
You can only blush in return, attempting to close your legs, but Taehyung won’t allow this. He wedges his broad shoulders in between your legs, suckling wet kisses up your inner thigh that have you squirming and begging for his mouth elsewhere.
But time is ticking, and Taehyung wants to get to the main course quickly, so he doesn’t tease. Instead, he latches his mouth onto your core, tongue swiping at your arousal. He switches between your clit and dipping inside your entrance just to work you up even more. The taste of you is making him dizzy, sweet saltiness on his tongue travelling straight to his dick, and if he hadn’t known you were ovulating, he would have guessed it anyway, judging by the sticky translucent arousal that drips from your pussy.
Taehyung can’t help but dip his fingers in to play with your dripping arousal, admiring how sticky you are between his fingertips and imagining how these ripe little egg whites will carry his sperm all the way to your waiting egg. But your impatient little whine has him back on task, lips wrapped around your clit as his fingers delve in deep, searching out that one spot that has your fingers tightening in his hair.
He remembers that to increase the chances of conception, you should only cum after him, so he teases you right to the edge where your inner thighs are trembling before drawing away, cocky smirk on his lips as he kisses your belly.
“So desperate and greedy, princess,” he comments, wiping his lips with the back of his hand.
You ignore his jab and reach for his boxers instead, pushing them down impatiently until you see his leaking tip, dripping with precum already. Your mouth waters immediately, wanting to take him in your mouth and deep throat him to completion, but Taehyung stops you with a hand on your wrist.
“Might cum once your lips close around me,” he admits with a sheepish smile before sliding underneath you. “Ride me?”
You grumble at the thought of having to do most of the work this time, Taehyung silences you as he rubs his length against your neglected clit. Sparks are reignited in your belly as your core clenches desperately, and Taehyung has his hands on your hips.
“W-wait, condom,” you remind him, leaning over to try and reach the side drawer that’s hopelessly out of reach. “Tae, can you grab a condom please?”
But he hesitates, eyes widening as he caresses your skin with his fingertips, and it’s the gentlest of touches that pulls you in. “Just let me rub against you? Please?”
You hesitate, knowing that there’s still sperm in precum, but how can you resist when he’s stroking your hip so lovingly like this? When you remain silent, Taehyung knows he’s won the battle and slides your cunt onto his dick that lies flat on his stomach. The resulting wet, slick noise has you both groaning, and your hips swivel as you grind on his cock.
Every push of your hips has your clit right where you want it, and if you look down, you can see just how much precum is drooling onto his belly.
“Fuck, you feel so damn good, pussy so wet against me like this,” Taehyung encourages you to grind harder, pushing your hips so that the tip of his cock occasionally catches against your entrance. “Harder baby, you’re dripping all over my cock. What a mess you’ve made darling.”
Your muscles are aching, legs numb as you push yourself harder, feeling your orgasm just in reach. But the friction is not enough, there’s something lacking as you continue to grind on his cock. You almost sob in frustration, aching muscles protesting as your pace slows, and Taehyung soothes you with his lips against your neck. He reaches for his cock and rubs the length of it against your dripping core, imagining how good it would feel to guide your hips down, pussy sucking in every inch of his cock.
“You wanna cum?” His low, timbre voice in your ear as he sits up, arm wound tightly around your waist, his cock trapped between your bodies as he caresses your back soothingly. “How bad do you want to cum, princess?”
“S-so bad,” you choke out, wrapping your arms around him and hiding your face in his neck. “Please, please, make me cum, Tae.”
“That badly?” He chuckles, and you nod silently against his neck. “Then let me put it in. Just the tip, princess.”
You freeze, feeling his cock twitch in between you as he says this, struggling against the sudden carnal lust that clouds your brain, convincing you how nice it would feel to have him slide his thick cock deep, pound you hard into the bed until he cums nice and deep in your fertile little pussy.
“J-just the tip.” You relent, and you can feel his exhilaration as he flips you over, spreading your thighs to reveal your soaked core to his gaze.
Taehyung gives himself a few practice strokes before he nestles the tip against your pussy lips, and you immediately tighten around him when you feel the slight intrusion. He groans low in his throat, arm muscles trembling on either side of your head.
“So tight, god, your pussy feels so good baby,” he lavishes praise on your breasts even as he withdraws slightly, only to wedge his leaking tip back in.
You’ve long forgotten how much sperm there is in precum, all you can think about the sinful way he grinds his hips so you feel his head teasing your entrance shallowly. When Taehyung shifts his weight to free one hand to play with your clit, you whine and sob his name, having been denied of your orgasm twice already.
Seeing as you’re absorbed in the need to cum, Taehyung allows himself more than just the tip, sliding in one or two inches to feel more of your wet, glorious heat sucking him in and wrapping around him so tight. His balls feel so heavy, and the only place he plans on spilling his seed tonight is your sweet pussy.
“Taehy-ung,” your voice catches as he rubs sweet little circles around your clit. Not that you didn’t notice him pushing in a few inches deeper, but what was intended a warning turns to a dulcet moan as he feels your walls pulse around him. The sensation of his cock stretching your walls apart has you breathless, and it’s even more intense because of his teasing when usually he likes to ram it in deep from the get go.
“Does my cock feel good, princess? You’re so wet, and you always take me so well,” Taehyung presses a kiss to your forehead even as he gathers the slick from your entrance to continue teasing your clit. “Bet you want me to fill you up all the way? Feel my cock deep?”
“I want to but, T-tae,” you grasp his bicep, one hand against his lower belly to stop him. “Get a condom please baby.”
“I’ll pull out later, sweetheart,” he reassures you with another kiss to your lips, before suckling at a sweet spot behind your ear. When you don’t insist that he pull out immediately, Taehyung grins in victory before sliding all the way home and bottoming out deep, hitting your soft cervix in one stroke.
You can only moan as you arch your back into him, feeling every single inch of him. “Remember to pull out, baby,” you pant into his ear even as he begins to thrust hard, intent on bottoming out every single time. But your body language is saying something different entirely, as your legs wrap around his waist involuntarily.
He answers you with a grunt, relishing the way your pussy sucks him back every time he tries to pull out. Just having your soft, ripe body under him, legs spread and pussy fucked wide open with his cock has him nearing his edge already.
“You’re so perfect, letting me fuck you like this, you feel so fucking good baby,” he pants in your ear, feeling your legs tighten even more around his waist to draw him in deeper, almost as if you don’t want him to pull out. “It’s gonna feel so good when you cum, princess, you did so well for me tonight.”
“I-I’m so close, Tae please.” At this point all thoughts of asking him to pull out have vanished from your mind, only concerned with reaching your high.
“You want me to pull out, baby?” Taehyung risks reminding you of this very crucial point, but he doesn’t want to cum inside without your permission. So he can only rely on his ability to convince you to have his baby, trusting that you love him enough to want to commit to him like this.
You can feel his breaths against your neck, and his sloppy thrusts indicate that he’s already close. The rational part of your brain is telling you that he needs to pull out, but then again, you’ve already risked it plenty tonight. “N-no, cum inside me.”
“Fuck, really?” Taehyung’s breath is stolen from his lungs as he takes in your rosy cheeks, fucked out expression and desperate eyes. “Even if it’s not safe? You know what happens if I cum inside your pussy baby?”
“Yes, fuck, I want it, want your cum so bad,” you can feel your orgasm right there, the head of his cock teasing as he brushes against all the right spots that make your legs interlock around him tighter. “I don’t care what happens.”
“Then cum for me baby, cum around my cock like the dirty girl you are,” Taehyung coaxes you over the edge with his fingers giving a sharp pinch to your clit, and you release around him immediately, sobs and whimpers falling from your lips as he groans. “Fuck, that’s right princess, gonna fill you up so good, here it comes!”
His hips are still pumping into you, and your legs wound tightly around his waist as he thrusts deep before exploding, ropes of thick cum painting your walls and splashing against your cervix. He continues pumping through his spurts, and the warmth of his seed has you wilting against him, satiated as Taehyung makes sure to keep his cock deep inside you even as your pulsing walls pull his seed deeper inside you.
“You’re so full, sweetheart,” he drops a kiss on your forehead as the vestiges of your high fade away, enduring the pulses of overstimulation as your walls clench around him weakly. “Nice and full of my cum.”
“You planned this, didn’t you?” You glare up at him accusingly, but all attempts at anger melt straightaway as he cuddles you close, arms around your waist as he shifts to your side, flashing you a grin in answer. His cock softens eventually and he cups your crotch carefully to make sure nothing spills out as he withdraws, the end result only being a small drip down your inner thigh.
Taehyung cleans it up with a finger, brushing it against your pussy lips to deposit his semen back where it belongs before pushing himself off the bed to grab a pair of clean panties from your drawer. Watching his broad, tanned back rummage around your underwear drawer makes a wry grin spread across your lips as you watch the love of your life. Taehyung has to force himself to look past the more risqué pairs in favour of a practical, white cotton pair, although he notes their existence. He comes back to the bed, tilting your hips up tenderly to help you slide on the underwear, making sure the cotton is snug against your pussy lips to catch any leakage before he snuggles back into your chest. Any other time he would have loved to see it drip from your lips, but this time he wants every drop to stay deep inside where it belongs and hopefully do its job.
Slightly amused at his meticulousness, you relax back into his arms, feeling him start to drip and soak into your panties already, thinking about how sticky they’ll be in the morning. “You’re really serious about this, aren’t you?”
“I just… kept thinking about how pretty these would look,” Taehyung kisses the underside of your breast. “Filled with milk for my babies. And how beautiful you’ll look all swollen with them.”
“You’re a sneaky little brat, Kim Taehyung,” you can’t stop the weariness from creeping into your voice as you push your lips into the crook of his neck. “And I sure hope this one doesn’t take after you.”
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