#taegi roadtrip
taeguiary-blog · 7 years
poor enough
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pairing: kim taehyung | min yoongi
genre: angst, smut, fluff | the holy trinity 
word count: 2,127
prologue: bullet points and arrow flags
Jimin tapped his foot against the concrete driveway as he waited in the middle of a dog pile of lug gage. He checked his watch, eyeing the second hand tick further and further hoping that time magically went back two hours. Two hours that this stupid thing had been group texted about and they were all now going to be stuck with one another thanks to his lovely best friend Kim Taehyung.
Of course they were late.
He groaned as the other four boys carried on behind him playing some game Namjoon learned at a frat party last night. If Jimin spent another ten minutes out here, he might try to teleport to wherever they are with that shitty car and beat their asses to a pulp. He isn't going back home when he already said his goodbyes, and Jimin did not want to go through that tear fest again with his neighbor's dog.
Thankfully, the rusted green bus running on black fumes pulled up just as he began to imagine his slow death from heatstroke.
Hoseok didn't bother to turn the van off as he stepped out to open the doors to throw their luggage into the back. "What took you so long, we have been here since the dawn of creation waiting on your asses." Namjoon says, a small glint of annoyance seeded in his words as he started to grab things and load them into the back of Hoseok's van.
"Remember, god created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, kids." Jeongguk smiled and started finding his own bags to carefully place in the back on top of the disheveled pile Namjoon created.
"We won't tell him about your summer fling last year then, Guk." Seokjin hit Hoseok's shoulder pointing at Taehyung, still in the car. Completely quiet. "What the hell is going on with Taehyung?"
"Tae stayed over last night talking about, uh, Tangerine last night—" Yoongi auirked an eyebrow up at the code name as everyone around him averted their eyes from his view as Hoseok continued, clearing his throat. "And as his thank you for listening to his pining and whining plus cuddles, he helped me wash the Pimp Mobile. We gotta make it shine, make it easy on the eyes." Taehyung sticks his head out the window at the mention of his name (and the fruitful name that he chose to ignore as a rosy blush crept up on the apples of his cheeks as he laid eyes on said Tangerine.)
"There is no way in hell I am calling your shitty Volkswagen Nineteen-Seventy a pimp mobile, Jung." the tangerine spat grabby his bags, slapping Hoseok's shoulder playfully with a smirk with his free hand as he passed by.
"Yoongi, my man, don't hate," Hoseok pats the fender affectionally. "I just call her what she wants."
"Vans don't talk, dumbass," Seokjin scoffs. He quickly pulled Taehyung out of the passenger's seat and sat down down in his place, only realizing it when his ass hit the pavement. "Alright then, hop in, Your Highness," He scratched the back of his head, brushing off his pants and Jeongguk outstretched his hand to pull him back up.
"Don't worry about it, Tae, his brittle bones just can't take the climb to the back."
"Jeon Jeongguk, these brittle bones will step out of this car and castrate you."
"Oh full name, Guk, you better run." Namjoon chuckles, leading the pile of boys climbing into the empty rows.
Jimin flicked Jeongguk's forehead, "Let's go, I am not letting you start shit before we have even left the driveway." Yoongi sets his small backpack in the floor a Seokjin's feet, slamming the door behind him. "Don't let your nasty fucking feet touch my bag," He yells, walking around, his reflection in the headlights as witness, watching him get to the driver's side. "Anyone wanna take a last look or a quick piss because I am not stopping until it is Jimin's turn to drive."
"Please, more of that place is the last thing I need," says Jeongguk, but he still glances back as the pulled away.
"Angsty-graduate Teenage Jeongguk, I dig it." Hoseok mumbles, eyes already closing from leftover exhaustion from last night's escapade with Taehyung.
How would he know their light saber fight would turn into a 'Everything Wrong With My Life' support group cuddle session? How would he know that Taehyung would want to go get ice cream at two thirty in the morning to lick away his feelings and watch them drip down the cone?
Jeongguk looked at the road as they drive out of his neighborhood. He watched as they passed their old high school, the older roller rink where he met Jimin and Taehyung as a freshman. He still has the shirt that had Taehyung's slurpee stain intertwined into the light fabric, stitching the bond of a soon to be best friend. "Wow..." he said, "we're really leaving aren't we?" Jeongguk turned to Jimin.
"Hey, we will be back if one of us doesn't die. You just graduated, it is okay to enjoy the false feeling of freedom and fake yourself out and live a little."
Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Yes, I will positively, without a doubt, enjoy having to suffer with everyone's mood swings and audacious personalities for three months."
"Taehyung, it was your idea, shut the fuck up," Seokjin exclaimed with a falter tone. "You can have the seat when we pull over, stop being a little bitch."
Yoongi purses his lips together, "Let's just get this trip over with, shall we?" He looked back in the rear view mirror to glance at a certain red head, with a masked scowl. (Trying his hardest not to smile.) They weren't together, they weren't apart; it was complicated... if you count friends with benefits complicated. It really shouldn't be. So many people need a healthy fuck from his friend once in a while and go in, think nothing of it. Said friend was Taehyung, also known as Strawberry. (Taehyung wasn't the only one to pick up a not so oblivious code name to vent about him) He would moan all night thanks to Taehyung's mouth and the next morning, he couldn't help but melt at the boxy smile he finds laying across from him. He melts at everything he does, his jokes, his laugh. His decision to hop scotch at one in the morning and decide to skip classes when they woke up on the lawn, limbs tangled together as the sun peeks behind the clouds, brightening the backs of his eyelids.
And that is exactly how he got stuck driving, that stupid melting sensation. He couldn't say no when Taehyung whined in his ear as he pled on the phone to meet up with everyone else at Jeongguk's place. He even told him to save the front seat for him so he could ride beside of him. Yoongi seemed to see Taehyung already there and chose not to worry about defending shotgun— and then Seokjin happened. And now, he is trying not to chuckle at a pouting, heartbroken Taehyung enveloped in Hoseok's arms.
But don't get it confused, he isn't in love with Kim Taehyung and he most definitely can't see himself settling down with said boy. Kim Taehyung was the perfect blend of sweet and wild, the exact opposite of Yoongi, mellow and somber. Taehyung wanted movie dates and sharing popcorn instead of blowjobs in the back row ignoring the movie. He knew he enjoyed it, but he also knew that is not all he wanted. And therefore, Yoongi deemed himself and his actions unworthy for Taehyung.
"Eyes on the road, Lover Boy, I don't feel like dying today." Seokjin smiled, pulling out his earphones from his pocket. Yoongi reached over the slap the surface of his blue hoodie, "My ass, you know it isn't like that," Seokjin hummed, "Whatever you say, Min," and with that, he presses play.
Jimin held Taehyung's hand and Hoseok ran his fingers through the newly dyed roots, Jimin was humming one of the songs he was learning in dance, Taehyung shutting his eyes to the fretful melody.
Namjoon and Jeongguk switch back and forth between new books they have read and arguing over dividing equal space. Though, he could see Namjoon spreading out his legs a little or Jeongguk adjusting his head against the seat towards Namjoon's shoulder, but pretended not to notice.
They were so far apart, different hometowns, years between the fickle breaths they take, melding together in the air around them, so close. They found eachother, one by one, and eventually, they found the perfect balance between home and comfort.
Truth be told, Taehyung wanted to go on this trip to distract them from the things tearing them apart. Seokjin moved out, relocating two blocks away from him recently.
Taehyung, I am two blocks away, you can still visit whenever you want.
It isn't the same, Seokjin, and you know it.
Namjoon was leaving in six months to blend into the other side of the world, acceptance letter, drenched in tears as he handed it to everyone else on movie night.
Don't forget me, Joon.
Taehyung, you know that won't happen.
Jimin and Taehyung were roommates, best friends, nothing could break them they knew, except a dance scholarship that took him away from his own room to a cold room full of mirrors.
You want to have a movie marathon tonight?
TaeTae, I have to practice this new choreo, it is kicking my ass.
Jeongguk just graduated, he wanted to travel the world, figure out who he was. They all knew he would go back home, souvenirs packed to the brim in his suitcases. As soon as they return from whatever the hell trip this was the rest of them knew he wouldn't go to his scheduled classes, he would be gone. They're just trying to fool themselves for a little while longer, keeping him close for as long as they can.
Do you think you could go with me, Tae?
Dont worry about me, Gukkie, I will be fine back here.
Hoseok basically raised Taehyung, though there was only a years difference between the two. He held his hand in the hallways in school when he felt alone, whispered how smart he was when he was curled up in his bed, finals nearing. He sat with Taehyung, Jimin and a quiet Jeongguk (sometimes, he wishes he was still that quiet around the older men) at lunch by the fucking trash cans, eventually brought over Namjoon and Yoongi when they grew curious about the boys. After school, they would all meet up at the cafe Seokjin worked at, easily growing an attachment to the diverse personalities that blended together.
You mind if I sit with you today?
Uh, sure, if you don't mind sitting by a trash can.
And Yoongi, his studio was only halfway across town, he knew that. About the work piled on his desk only left time for their booty calls, to fall asleep in one another's arms, Taehyung waking up to an empty bed. He wasn't going anywhere, and Taehyung was glad for that, but the emotions that attach to his name makes him wish he would. Taehyung thought about breaking it off, he even tried twice, but the words garbled in his throats like saltwater and he couldn't escapee the trance Yoongi's eyes put him in. Smirking, he would push Taehyung into the sheets and he would forget what he meant to do in the first place. But he couldn't imagine a life without him.
You know, I really hate you, Yoongi.
Maybe, someday you won't, Taehyung.
They were all together, but apart.
And Taehyung was repulsed by it.
"Promise me something," Taehyung spoke up, Jeongguk hitting the back of Seokjin's head as he pulled out his headphones to listen.
"What is it, now, Taehyung?" Seokjin mumbled from the front, eyebrows creasing at the blank expression that washed over the younger's face.
"Promise me that even when we're apart, even when we haven't talked to eachother in months, we will still be together. We'll always be family."
Jimin quickly wrapped his arms around Taehyung's waist and smiled, "Of course, TaeTae. Always."
Namjoon nodded, Jeongguk gave him a fist bump mumbling what was close to an 'I Love You' that made Taehyung grin. Hoseok pulled his hair gently and released it, pouting. "Of course, idiot, get some rest, you had a long night."
Taehyung nodded, messing with the string that hung and the bottom of his shirt as Yoongi cleared his throat.
"Kim Taehyung, I'm not going anywhere. Especially without you."
The van grew into a peaceful silence, Yoongi exiting out of their town.
They were free.
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