#taegi scenarios
euphorajeon · 2 years
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If Taehyung and Yoongi were colors, they’d be on the opposite ends of the spectrum. It applies to everything that has to do with their lives, one of them being the clothes they wear. Yoongi is more of a monochromatic man, while Taehyung never misses a day to look vibrant.
Maybe the universe is fucking with them, because the day Yoongi chooses to step out of the black-and-white getup he usually wears, is also the day he meets Kim Taehyung after not seeing him for the past four months.
It’s after he rakes eyes down the younger’s body that Yoongi realizes they’re both in the similar brownish hue, looking like autumn and pumpkin spice latte even though spring has just ended.
Yoongi also notices that both of them have hairs with the ‘cold’ colors, looking like a paradox that completes each other in some way. Taehyung has his blue hair light though, keeping it bright unlike Yoongi who opts for dark purple for his strands.
“Hi, Yoongi hyung,” the younger greets in that low timbre of his, “long time no see.”
The smile he offers after is short, a hesitant gesture and Yoongi wonders if he’s even worth the smile.
“Hey, Taehyungie.” Old habits die hard, they say, but Yoongi doesn’t have the time to amend his slip-up as Taehyung goes to his side before beginning to walk, forcing him to do the same.
There’s a reason the older hasn’t seen Taehyung for months, and it’s because they are in different departments of the campus, they would have to make effort to meet. There hasn’t really been the need to, since they.. well. But Taehyung is here now.
Yoongi voices his thoughts aloud (he’s always been known for his bluntness and Taehyung’s always been known for not minding, so) to which Taehyung replies that he’s here to see someone today, who’s monochromatic like Yoongi but a bit brighter, that’s why Taehyung is wearing a more muted color, to prevent from scaring this said person away. Yoongi huffs out a laugh at that, and says no one is going to be scared of you, Taehyung.
Taehyung only smiles at that, and Yoongi notices that he’s really close that the back of their hands occasionally brush each other’s with their movement. It saddens Yoongi that he only feels bland at the knowledge, and briefly wonders if Tae feels that way too.
Yoongi feels the tiniest brush of Taehyung’s pinky finger on his forefinger first than the breath the younger let out in a whisper of his name, but he could’ve easily imagined it because it’s gone as fast as it appeared.
And Yoongi figures that’s the reason Taehyung retracts his finger, the person shouting Tae’s name with a big smile on his face.
“Oh, hyung, you’re here too,” the person says upon noticing Yoongi’s presence there.
“Hi, Kiddo.” Yoongi lets out a genuine smile.
Taehyung was right, this person is similar to him and also wears black all the time. He’s also a bright kid who smiles a lot more than Yoongi, and he thinks Taehyung would go along well with this kid.
Yoongi steps away. “I guess this is my cue to leave,” he says, “I’ll see you around, Kiddo, Taehyung.” He nods to each person before walking away.
Yoongi hopes that Taehyung has put everything behind, just like he already has.
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“You know Yoongi hyung?” Jeongguk asks when Yoongi disappears from their sight.
Taehyung doesn’t take his eyes away from where Yoongi turned in the corner as he answers.
“Just an old friend.”
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april 21st, 2019
masterlist | secreto
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borathae · 10 months
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"This is a little story about how Yoongi and Taehyung spend their days when the rest of the family isn't home."
Pairing: platonic Vampire!Taehyung x Vampire!Yoongi
Genre: Slice of Life, Fluff
Warnings: there are no warnings because this is nothing but sweet fluff and happiness, they go on a little ride with their horses, they're so important to me, hinted polyamory
Wordcount: 2.8k
a/n: i love them i love them i love them 😭 my two babies :( the header is ruining me btw, they're so pretty fandsfna
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Yoongi is listening to music. It plays on his speaker and fills the room with its melodies. He already made a lot of progress with your witch office today. 
You, Jungkook and Hoseok are currently visiting Emma and Seokjin in Gordes for around two weeks, which meant that Yoongi finally had time to prepare his surprise for you. There is no reason for it, nor a special occasion, it is as simple as that Yoongi loves to make you happy. There is no better feeling in the world than knowing that he could make you happy. And because your witch business has been going so well lately, Yoongi decided that it is only fitting to surprise you with your very own witch office. Until recently, you made your potions in the main kitchen which often ended in stuff getting into your food and turning it inedible. Yoongi hopes that by surprising you with your very own kitchen, he can make it a lot easier for you. He can’t wait to get your reaction. He already started dreaming of it and feeling really giddy once he wakes up.
The room he chose for the surprise has been unused for decades. Yoongi already forgot its original purpose, but he liked that you had a window to look out of and beams to hang your flowers from. The floors were rotted and the wallpaper peeled off from age. Yoongi spent the first two days ripping everything out and then spent another five days replacing the floors and wallpaper. He went for a dark shade of your favourite colour and added wood panelling to bring it together. He also fixed the fireplace, making it so you could actually use it, and rewired the electricity so you wouldn’t die as you turned on a lamp. 
It is day eight today and Yoongi is currently busy with getting the kitchen working again, kneeling on the new floors, when a familiar scent hints his nose. 
He pokes his head out from under the sink, meeting Taehyung’s eyes. The latter seems to be back from a ride. Horse follows him with his normal scent and he is still dressed in old-fashioned riding clothes.
“You have made impressive progress”, Taehyung says, looking around the room, “I love the colours.”
Yoongi sticks his head back under the sink. 
Taehyung rounds the kitchen counter and sits down next to Yoongi. He pokes his arm, making Yoongi move his head again.
“You are very cool, hyung.” 
“Thanks”, he says and looks back at the sink. He is almost done. 
“Do you want to come with me for another ride later? The weather is lovely today.”
“I don’t know yet. I still gotta rewire the stove.”
“I can help you with that.”
“No offense, but if you helped you’d kill her accidentally.”
Taehyung nudges Yoongi’s arm, “you are mean.”
“Sorry Tae. You can help me with the cabinets though. I’m sure you can paint them prettier than this.”
“Yes, indeed I can”, Taehyung giggles excitedly, “oh hyung, this makes me very happy. I shall change clothing and begin painting right away”, he says and stumbles to his feet, “will we go on a ride later?”
“Fine. I’ll ride with you.” 
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One can call them old-fashioned or stuck in time, but the two vampires put great care into what clothing they wear for riding. Their petticoats and shirts are tailored, their vests hug their figures and their pants are perfectly ironed. They also make sure that their boots are polished and their leather gloves fitted. And while Taehyung goes for a colour pallet of whites and blues, Yoongi is dressed entirely in black. 
“Where shall we ride?” Taehyung asks, sitting proudly on his horse. 
“Where did you go?” Yoongi asks, sitting just as proudly. 
They pass their stable workers, greeting them with a nod of their heads. 
“I went west to the forests.” 
“Mhm. Wanna go east? For a change?”
There are hills waiting east. The grasses are tall and from the highest point, one has view of the town. 
“Yes, we could do that”, Taehyung says and gives his horse a gentle kick to increase its tempo. 
Yoongi follows next to Taehyung, looking left and right in case enemies showed up. It is a lingering habit from a more dangerous life. One he can’t seem to shake even now in times of peace. 
The two vampires put some distance between the stables and them, when Taehyung breaks the silence with a deep sigh.
Yoongi looks at him and the smile he sports.
“Isn’t the weather wonderful?”
“Mhm, it’s not bad.”
“Indeed it is nice. I think we made a lot of progress with the room today.”
“Yeah, I think so too. I can start with furnishing tomorrow.”
“Oh truly? I shall hurry up with painting then.”
“Mhm  I can help.” 
“That is very lovely of you, but truly I can manage.”
“Mhm. Okay.”
Taehyung looks at Yoongi, giving him a smile. One Yoongi retorts shyly.
“I think it is so romantic of you to surprise her. She is very lucky to have you.”
“No”, Yoongi shakes his head, “I’m lucky to have her. She makes me happy, so I wanna make her happier.”
“Well that is wonderful to hear. I can see that you make her very happy, hyung.” 
Yoongi flusters, rubbing his neck nervously.
“I try”, he murmurs, feeling heat rise to his cheeks. 
It isn’t long and the two vampires reach the top of the hill. They stay seated on their horses, looking at the town not far from here. The sun is hiding behind clouds today, which makes being outside comfortable with the two light-sensitive vampires. Despite the hiding sun, the day was still bright and the view of the town clear.
“This will never lose its beauty”, Taehyung says.
“Mhm, yeah”, Yoongi agrees.
Taehyung inhales the fresh air and sighs happily.
“May I help in decorating her office? I have ideas which she could really enjoy.”
“Yeah, you’re better at it anyways.”
“Thank you. I really enjoy interior design.”
“I know. You like it”, Yoongi says, unknowingly filling Taehyung’s heart with warmth. He knows him so well. 
Taehyung turns his horse so he was looking at Yoongi. He grins. Yoongi studies it.
“What say you to a race, hyung?” 
“A race?”
“Yes, we shall race back to the stables and the winner gets one wish granted by the other person.”
“Alright, if you want to”, Yoongi says and turns his horse. He rolls his shoulders, tightening his grip on the reins, “I’m not easily beat though.”
“Neither am I”, Taehyung says and gets into position, “we will start after the count of-”
“Hya!” Yoongi doesn’t let him finish as he commands his horse into a fast gallop.
“Yoongi! You cheat!” Taehyung screams after him and tells his horse to run, “I wasn’t finished explaining the rules!”
“There are no rules! You’re just slow!” Yoongi calls back and runs faster. 
Taehyung furrows his brows. He is overtaken with playful competitiveness, speeding up with tears gathering in his eyes from the wind. He laughs as he does, feeling incredibly light in his heart.
“You are a total cheat, hyung!”
He passes Yoongi very soon, laughing and cheering loudly because the stables were too close to allow Yoongi to catch up.
“Yah, you brat!” Yoongi laughs, trying to catch up but it is too late. Taehyung races past the stables, slowing down his horse in front of them.
“I won!” he cheers, throwing his hands in the air in celebration.
Yoongi doesn’t slow down. Yoongi gallops past him.
“The last to get to the forests loses!” he calls out. 
“You are playing unfair games!” Taehyung complains and rides off. 
Yoongi has already put significant distance between them and he needs to catch up. 
“You are so unfair, hyung!” Taehyung laughs, meeting laughter as Yoongi’s answer.
It has been decades since the two vampires raced each other. It was the beginning of the 1850s and Namjoon hadn’t shown himself in almost seven years. Life at the estate was quiet. Yoongi hid in his wing for most of the time, while Jimin and Taehyung tried to learn how to function normally. One day, Yoongi took them out for a ride and he raced them until the horses were happily tired and the two recovering vampires had forgotten all about the past decades with Namjoon. At this time, Yoongi didn’t really know about what Namjoon put them through, let alone that he still regularly finds them to inflict more pain, so asking them for a race was merely out of his own desire. 
Back then, the vampires didn’t show that they enjoyed it. No laughter was shared, the conversations were dry and their faces stoic. Their emotionless hearts didn’t really feel the need to show that they enjoyed the time with each other. But one must know that if emotionless vampires spend time together even without their emotions, it was a very obvious sign that they enjoyed each other’s company.
Today it was obvious that they liked the time spend together. Today, Taehyung feels vast of air when he sees the utter happiness on Yoongi’s features as the older vampire looks over his shoulder. His black hair is tousled from the wind, his pale cheeks are flushed pink and his dark brown eyes are crinkled in laughter. They are spilling tears as well because of the wind.
“You’re slow”, he teases and looks back to the front. 
In this moment, Taehyung doesn’t even care that he is slow and that he will most definitely lose. He saw Yoongi’s honest smile and can still hear him laugh like an excited boy at the candy shop. He sounds unlike the Yoongi he knows and yet he never sounded more like himself. 
“You are such a cheater, hyung! I would have won”, Taehyung calls out and squeaks in laughter. Riding a horse has never felt more freeing before. 
Yoongi wins as expected, celebrating his win by jumping off his horse and doing a little dance. 
Taehyung joins him soon, placing his horse next to Yoongi’s and jumping off. 
He runs to Yoongi and connects his palm with Yoongi’s arm. Yoongi stumbles back, teasing him by humming a victorious melody.
“You cheater. I won back at the stables”, Taehyung whines.
“Yeah and then I won right now”, Yoongi teases and does a little butt wiggle, “I won, I won, I won.”
Taehyung should be mad at him for cheating. He should whine about it more, but he can’t find it in himself to do so. 
Yoongi looks so happy. So carefree. And it doesn’t feel awkward between them. 
Taehyung feels overwhelmed in happiness. He closes the distance between them and takes Yoongi into a hug.
“Tae, come on”, Yoongi tenses up instantly. His butt wiggles stop, but a deep chuckle rumbling in his chest lets Taehyung know that he is still feeling good.
“My wish is to give you a hug”, Taehyung murmurs and nuzzles his face into the crook of Yoongi’s neck.
“Yeah? My wish is to not get hugged. Tae come on, you know how this makes me feel”, Yoongi complains and tries to push at Taehyung’s chest. 
“But I love you, hyung. Do you not love me?” 
“Course I do. Just”, Yoongi wiggles, “let go of me.”
Taehyung releases him from his hug. Yoongi fixes his coat and meets his eyes.
“Yah, come here you rascal”, he says and attacks Taehyung with a gentle head lock.
“Hey. Ah! Release me”, Taehyung squeaks in laughter, fighting him gently. 
Taehyung can’t remember if he ever play fought with Yoongi. He is quite sure that he didn’t. He watched Jungkook and Seokjin play fight each other on many occasions. He also knows that when Jimin feels playful he likes to pretend to practice boxing on his arm. And Jungkook regularly has his moments where he playfully slaps people’s butts. But he never had a playfight with Yoongi. This is new and it’s making him squeak in laughter while Yoongi laughs just a squeakily. 
The play fight ends with Taehyung attacking Yoongi with a hug and the Creator whining loudly. 
“I won”, Taehyung says, releasing him.
“I let you win”, Yoongi says and drops onto the ground. He stretches out his legs, resting back against a tree, “I’m stronger than you.”
“Yes you are”, Taehyung says and sits down next to Yoongi, “does this mean that I have another wish free?”
Yoongi chuckles, “I never agreed on that.”
“I think I have another wish free.”
“You’re a brat”, Yoongi says fondly.
“Mhm indeed”, Taehyung relaxes with a smile, “I shall voice my wish later.”
“Fine. If you want to.”
The two vampires can look out at the endless grounds this way. The meadows, the forests, the lakes and the various flower gardens. They see the estate in the distance and the hills even further away. 
“You seem carefree today”, Taehyung says.
“I feel carefree. I don’t gotta worry about life fucking me up again.”
“Yes, I agree it is rather healing to think that we live in peace these days.”
“I still don’t think it’s real. Sometimes I wonder if I’m still stuck in Namjoon’s curse and all the good things happening lately are just my brain making up stuff to escape the pain.”
Taehyung reaches over and pinches Yoongi’s upper inner arm.
“Ah”, he flinches away, touching the spot instantly, “what the fuck? That hurt. Why did you do that?”
“Now you know that this is real.”
“I just said that sometimes I wonder, not that I actually think it isn’t real.”
“No, I understood you, but we had to make sure.”
Yoongi snorts in amusement, clicking his tongue.
Taehyung chuckles, relaxing happily. He follows a breeze of wind as it dances through the grasses and trees. 
“I think about these possibilities as well”, he confesses after some time of tranquility passed.
“You do?”
He nods his head, “I do. I sometimes wonder if my current perfect life is just another cruel mind trick of Namjoon. There were many occasions where he made me see wonderful things only to pull me back to torture again when the fantasy felt the most healing. The pain he inflicted afterwards always felt especially unbearable”, he says and touches his own hands as if to wipe the memory from his nerves, “I am scared that sometimes all of this isn’t real and that one day, I will have to return to being tortured again.”
Yoongi reaches out for his hand and closes his fingers around it. The shakes, which had started to gradually overtake Taehyung’s hands, stop. Taehyung looks at their hands then into Yoongi’s reassuring eyes 
“It’s real. You know?” Yoongi says softly.
Taehyung takes a shaky breath. He nods his head. 
“I know”, he whispers and allows a small smile to brighten his features.
Yoongi retorts it and looks back at the endless meadows. He slips his hand from Taehyung’s to play with his own thumbs instead. Taehyung traces his own knuckles. Moments before, Yoongi’s thumb grazed them mindlessly. Taehyung still feels the touch. He blinks the emotion from his eyes and looks at the swaying grasses. Their horses are close by, getting their afternoon snacking in. Taehyung’s horse was brown in colour and was dressed in dark blue gear, while Yoongi’s horse had fur blacker than the darkest night and wore black leather gear. It fit the two vampires. 
“I like that you open up to me these days”, Yoongi says into the silence.
Taehyung shifts his eyes from their horses to study Yoongi’s side profile instead. His older friend’s lips were perfectly pouted and his nose perfectly sloped, so that he had a doll-like elegancy to him. Taehyung thought him beautiful as artists thought nature beautiful and photographer light. 
“I only feel comfortable doing so because you made it safe to talk to you”, Taehyung answers him, “yes, I am aware that I wasn’t a safe space for you either, but I am grateful that you decided to become one for me and Jimin. I hope we can be safe spaces for you as well.”
“Mhm, yeah”, Yoongi doesn’t say more, but Taehyung didn’t need more. Just from those two words, he knew that Yoongi was honest. He smiles.
“Look at us, hyung”, he says, nudging Yoongi’s upper arm softly.
“Mhm, look at us.”
“I really like you, hyung. You know?” 
“I know, Tae. Me too”, Yoongi says as his eyes still follow the wind in the meadows. A sense of serenity surrounded him. The kind of serenity which hasn’t followed him for long yet, but Taehyung knew it will only grow from now on. He felt tranquil as well.
“We are truly at peace, aren’t we?” he says as he stretches out his legs. 
“I don’t know.”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t wanna jinx it.” 
“You won’t. The world is at peace and life is good”, Taehyung nudges Yoongi’s arm again, “you truly kept your promise to her. You made the world a safer place.” 
Yoongi smiles, “yeah, I guess I did.”
The two vampires will sit under the trees until the wind carried the first smell of evening with it. It will be a time well spent with conversation which naturally morphed into them working on music together.
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syuga-s · 3 months
something good can work
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(a.k.a who do you blame part two)
w.c. 8.2k pairing. Yoongi x fem!reader, Taehyung x fem!reader genre. same ol' angst sorry, nothing smutty just big emotions a/n. YAY THE 2ND PART IS OUTTTTT!! i didn't think i'd take this long i don't even have an excuse,, very poorly proofread, i'll get to that sometime later i just wanted to get this out lmao a very special tag for @amyz78 ♡
Gemma chimed in, her eyes sparkling mischievously as she surveyed Taehyung. “Ooh, cute!” gave him a wink and added, “You sure know how to pick ’em.”
As you and your girls exchanged hugs as if you hadn’t seen them in forever, Jin’s keen gaze fell on Taehyung, taking in his appearance with a quick yet thorough assessment. With a friendly smile, Jin extended his hand in greeting. “Hey man, I’m Jin. Nice to meet you.”
Taehyung returned the gesture, albeit with a slight hesitance in his movements. “Likewise bro, Taehyung” he replied.
Noticing Taehyung’s vintage baseball cap adorned with the logo of the team, Jin’s interest piqued. “Nice cap,” he remarked, gesturing towards Taehyung’s headwear. “you a big fan?”
Taehyung’s eyes lit up at the question, “Yeah, love the game,” he replied, a hint of enthusiasm seeping into his voice. “I’ve never been to a live one though, it’s my first.”
“I highly recommend the live experience,” Jin chimed in, his tone friendly yet genuine. “There’s nothing quite like being at the stadium, especially when you’re cheering for your team.”
Taehyung nodded in agreement, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “I can imagine,” he replied, his eyes flickering with excitement. “I already feel a whole different vibe compared to watching one on TV.”
As the conversation flowed effortlessly between them, Jin couldn’t help but notice the subtle nuances in Taehyung’s demeanor. Despite his initial reservations, Taehyung seemed to relax in Jin’s presence.
For Jin, deciphering people was second nature, a skill honed over years of observation and analysis. With each passing moment, Jin found himself growing more intrigued by this newcomer in your life, his protective instincts kicking into overdrive as he sought to decipher Taehyung.
Between the shouting at players, ordering beers, turning over to talk with the girls, and all that. The conversation between Jin and Taehyung flowed to their lines of work.
As the game progressed and the atmosphere at the stadium grew more animated, Jin found himself engaged in conversation with Taehyung, although with a growing sense of unease gnawing at the back of his mind. Despite his best efforts to remain cordial, Jin couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something off about this guy.
“So, what do you do for a living?” Jin inquired, his tone casual yet genuinely curious.
Taehyung’s expression took on a smug air as he leaned back in his seat, a self-assured smirk playing on his lips. “I’m a property developer,” he replied, his voice laced with a hint of superiority. “It’s a rather lucrative field, I must say.”
Jin raised an eyebrow, masking his growing annoyance with a polite smile. “Ah, I see,” he responded evenly, refusing to let Taehyung’s arrogance get under his skin. “I’m a dentist myself. It may not be as glamorous as your line of work, but it’s great I must say.”
As they discussed their respective professions, Jin couldn’t help but notice the way Taehyung spoke about his life with a hint of condescension, as if he were talking to a lowborn rather than an accomplished professional. Taehyung’s tone was laced with a thinly veiled superiority, his demeanor exuding an air of so-called refinement and sophistication.
Jin resisted the urge to roll his eyes, choosing instead to maintain a composed facade.
Despite Taehyung’s attempts to assert his dominance, Jin remained unfazed, silently vowing to keep a close eye on the developer in the following hours. After all, beneath Taehyung’s front of sophistication lay a man who showed a hint of nervousness in his demeanor.
Throughout the day, Taehyung remained somewhat reserved, his responses measured and cautious compared to the outgoing self you’ve seen on your dates. After all your best efforts to include him in the lively banter and inside jokes, you couldn’t shake the feeling that he was holding back, as if unsure of how to navigate the energy coming from your friends.
After the baseball game came to an end, you and your friends decided to grab something at the burger joint owned by one of your close friends. The cozy restaurant provided the perfect spot for more conversation, the main reason being to get to know your new lover boy, yet Taehyung seemed to cast a tiny speckle over the gathering. It seemed as if he shrank himself around your friends.
As you settled into a booth with your friends, Taehyung’s presence became increasingly subdued, his responses to the group’s banter growing more hesitant with each passing moment. Despite your attempts to include him, he seemed somewhat detached.
The conversation with you and your friends quickly turned to gossip about one of your former friends. Sam’s incredulous expression mirrored the disbelief in her voice as she exclaimed, “Can you believe she actually did that?”
Gemma, shaking her head in amusement, added, “I mean, who literally never returns borrowed clothes? She got herself an outfit, thanks to the three of us. Shoes from Sam, a jacket from you, and a dress from me.”
Amidst the shared laughter, Taehyung appeared to be struggling to find his footing. His usual confidence seemed to falter in the face of your friends’ dynamic energy, leaving him somewhat quiet.
Jin, ever the observer, chimed in with a wry grin, “Sounds like she’s always been a handful.”
You shot Jin a playful response, adding, “Oh, you have no idea.”
As the conversation flowed around, Taehyung remained quiet, his gaze flickering between your friends. Sensing his discomfort, you nudged him playfully and teased, “What do you think? Ever had a friend or an ex like that?”
Taehyung managed a hesitant smile, his eyes darting away briefly before returning to meet yours. “Uh, no, nothing too crazy,” he replied with a soft laugh. With this, Taehyung seemed to relax into the group dynamic, his laughter mingling with yours as he shared in the lighthearted jokes that came before his response.
As Gemma joined in on the conversation, you made a point to include Taehyung, gesturing for him to join in on the gossip with a playful smile. Taehyung’s hand found its way to your knee, his touch sending a shiver to you. Despite his reserved demeanor, you couldn’t deny the warmth of his presence beside you, grateful for the effort your friends were making to make him feel welcome.
After lunch, you and Taehyung walked hand in hand down the bustling streets, your friends walking ahead of you, the warmth of the sun casting a golden glow over the city.
As you strolled along, you couldn’t shake the feeling of unease that had settled in the pit of your stomach. Taehyung’s reserved behavior during lunch left you unsettled, his usual charm overshadowed by a newfound hesitance that seemed out of character.
“Hey,” you began tentatively, breaking the silence that had settled between you, “Are you okay?”
Taehyung glanced at you, his expression unreadable. “Yeah, I’m okay,” he replied with a forced smile, though his eyes betrayed a hint of uncertainty.
You tightened your grip on his hand, a surge of concern flooding through you. “You seemed a bit quiet back there,” you pressed gently, grabbing his face in your hand, searching for any sign of what was bothering him.
Taehyung hesitated, his gaze flickering away before returning to meet yours. “I guess I just felt a bit out of place,” he admitted finally, his voice tinged with vulnerability. “Your friends... they’re absolutely great, really, I can see why you love them, but I can’t help but feel like I don’t quite fit in.”
Your heart twinged with sympathy at his words, a pang of guilt washing over you as you realized the extent of his discomfort. “I’m sorry,” Taehyung murmured, squeezing your hand reassuringly. “I should have made more of an effort.”
You shook your head, a small smile playing on your lips. “God, don’t say that you’re sorry, this is just you meeting new people,” you assured him, your tone softening. “Thank you for being honest with me.”
After lunch, you and Taehyung decided to head to a nearby bar that had a couple of pool tables. Gemma, Sam, and Jin eagerly joined, excited for more fun and conversation.
As you entered the bar, the sound of pool balls clacking against each other filled the air, adding to the ambiance of the place. Gemma let out a whoop of excitement, already eyeing the pool tables with enthusiasm.
"I call the first game!" Gemma exclaimed, practically bouncing with energy as she made her way to the nearest table.
Sam followed close behind, a mischievous grin on her face. "Oh, it's on," she declared, rolling up her sleeves in anticipation.
Jin chuckled at the friendly competitiveness between Gemma and Sam, a smirk playing on his lips as he predicted an intense match between the two. Taehyung stood by your side, watching the scene unfold with a small smile tugging at his lips.
As Gemma lined up her shot, her competitive streak shining through in every movement, you turned to Taehyung and suggested, "How about we team up for a game? Show them what we're made of."
Taehyung's eyes lit up at the challenge, his reserved demeanor from earlier fading away as he nodded enthusiastically. "Sounds like a plan," he replied, a hint of excitement creeping into his voice.
You and Taehyung stepped up to the pool table, cue sticks in hand, ready to take on Gemma and Sam. The game quickly turned into a lively competition, filled with laughter, banter, and friendly teasing.
With each shot, Taehyung's confidence grew, his skills matching yours as the two of you worked together seamlessly, sinking ball after ball with precision. Your friends watched in amazement as the game progressed, their cheers and applause messing with the atmosphere of the bar.
As the match drew to a close, it became evident that you and Taehyung were on the brink of victory. With one final shot, Taehyung skillfully pocketed the eight ball, sealing your win with a triumphant grin.
Gemma and Sam applauded good-naturedly, conceding defeat with playful pouts before breaking into laughter. Jin clapped Taehyung on the back, a proud smile on his face as he praised, "Impressive, you two."
As the evening wore on and the conversation flowed freely, you found yourself deep in discussion with Gemma about your upcoming trip to a music festival. Excitement bubbled within you as you animatedly talked about the lineup, the accommodations you wanted to book, and the outfits you were planning to wear. Gemma mirrored your enthusiasm, her eyes sparkling with anticipation as she listened to your plans unfold.
"So, we'll catch the midnight flight on Thursday, right?" Gemma asked, leaning in closer as she eagerly awaited your response.
"Definitely," you replied with a nod, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "We'll have plenty of time to check into the hotel and grab some lunch before the festival kicks off."
As you continued to discuss the details of your trip, Taehyung interjected, his voice cutting through the conversation with unexpected confidence. "Oh my god you’re going to that?" he remarked, his eyes alight with excitement. "Mind if I tag along? I’ve been meaning to go for years too!"
You blinked in surprise, caught off guard by Taehyung's sudden invitation.
You exchanged a look with Gemma, both of you unsure of how to respond to Taehyung's unexpected request. Before you could say anything, Taehyung continued, his enthusiasm growing by the second.
"And hey, since we'll already be there, why don't you stay a few extra days with me?" he suggested, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "We could go and meet my dad, make a mini vacation out of it."
Your heart skipped a beat at Taehyung's proposal, but not in a good way. A mini vacation? Meeting his dad? It all felt too serious and overwhelming for someone who had only been dating him for a few weeks.
Your head spun with the rapid-fire pace of his suggestions, struggling to keep up with the whirlwind of activity unfolding before you. You hadn't even had a chance to process his self-invitation, let alone make any concrete plans.
Before you could gather your thoughts, Taehyung was already pulling out his phone, his fingers flying over the screen as he hastily began to make plans. You exchanged a bewildered look with Gemma, silently wondering if you were the only one feeling overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events.
Feeling the weight of Taehyung's expectations bearing down on you, you struggled to find the words to respond. "I... um... I'll have to think about it," you finally managed to stammer out, hoping to buy yourself some time to process everything that had just been thrown your way.
Gemma shot you a sympathetic look, clearly sensing your discomfort. "Yeah, you definitely need to discuss it further," she added, coming to your rescue.
This was all moving so fast, and you couldn't shake the feeling that Taehyung was rushing into things without considering your thoughts or feelings.
His sudden eagerness to insert himself into your future plans, coupled with his brash confidence and seemingly disregard for your input, left you questioning whether you truly knew him as well as you thought. Beneath his charming exterior lay a man with a penchant for taking control, his assertiveness bordering on arrogance at times. While you had been drawn to his personality initially, you now found yourself wondering if there was more to Taehyung than met the eye.
Was this eagerness to dive headfirst into your relationship a sign of genuine affection, or simply a desire to assert dominance and control over your life?
The rapid pace at which Taehyung seemed to be moving the relationship forward, coupled with his insistence on intertwining your lives so quickly, raised red flags in your mind. Was this level of devotion genuine, or a form of love-bombing designed to sweep you off your feet and secure your affections? As you grapple with these conflicting thoughts and emotions, you can't help but wonder if Taehyung's was just too good to be true.
As the chatter and clinking of glasses continued, you pushed back from the table. Your heart raced and your palms were slick with sweat as you mumbled an excuse about needing to use the restroom. The chatter of voices faded into the background as you stepped away, leaving behind the warmth and comfort of your friends' presence.
Standing in front of the mirror in the quiet restroom, you took a deep breath and studied your reflection. The familiar swirl of conflicting emotions stirred within you, but one thing remained certain: your gut feeling was unwavering. With a silent vow to trust yourself and your past experiences, you straightened your shoulders and rejoined everyone at the table.
Later in your room, as the golden hues of the Sunday afternoon bathed the world outside, you couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled deep within your soul. The warmth of the weekend's fleeting moments lingered like a bittersweet memory, leaving a faint trace of longing in its wake. Despite the laughter shared, the smiles exchanged, and the tender moments cherished, there was an underlying sense of discontent that gnawed at the edges of your consciousness.
With each passing hour, the realization dawned upon you like a slow-moving shadow creeping across the room. Something had shifted within you, an intangible yet undeniable shift in your emotions.
In the quiet solitude of your thoughts, you found yourself yearning for a reprieve, a moment of respite from the whirlwind of emotions that threatened to engulf you whole. What began as a simple desire for solitude soon evolved into a desperate need to distance yourself, to create a barrier between yourself and the overwhelming intensity of the feelings that had taken root within your heart.
After that weekend, something stirred inside you. The initial excitement and anticipation you had felt with Taehyung seemed to fade. What once felt thrilling now seemed overwhelming, almost suffocating. You tried to shake it off, thinking perhaps you just needed some time to yourself. But as the days went by, your desire for space only grew. You found yourself reluctant to make plans, even hesitant to text back as usual.
You were so sure you could fall in love, but the intensity of Taehyung's affection was too much. His constant need for connection, his declarations of love, and the speed at which he wanted to move forward felt like a tidal wave. You weren't used to that level of intensity. It left you feeling like the biggest red flag in the story.
Questions swirled in your mind, eating away at your confidence.
"This guy is falling so hard for you, why are you backing out?"
"Are you really that messed up if you’re not able to handle someone loving you?"
Each question felt like a jab, poking at your insecurities. You wondered if you were sabotaging something beautiful or if your instincts were warning you of a deeper issue.
You kept talking to Taehyung in the following days, but your heart wasn't in it. You could sense his growing suspicion, his worry evident in the way he asked if you were okay, if you had time to see each other. The guilt gnawed at you, especially when you heard the genuine concern in his voice. It made you question everything. Was it you? Was it him? Were you really not ready, or were you just afraid?
Deep down, you didn't trust that someone could fall in love like this in just three weeks. It felt too rushed, too intense. And even if it was true, it wasn't the kind of relationship you wanted. You didn't want to be detached. You wanted to be invested in the next person you fell in love with. You didn't want to feel annoyed or reply just because you had to. You knew you still had a long way to go, a lot of work to do on your feelings and how you dealt with relationships. You hated when they made you feel like you were the one in the wrong. Why would you be wrong to feel how you feel?
Perhaps you weren't ready for the kind of love he offered. The intensity of his feelings left you feeling exposed, and vulnerable in a way you had never experienced before.
The lines between love and self-preservation blurred until they became indistinguishable from one another. You questioned your own worth, and your own capacity for love, as doubts and insecurities gnawed at the edges of your consciousness.
In the days that followed, you found yourself locked in a silent struggle, torn between the conflicting desires of your heart and mind but despite the lingering doubts that gnawed at your conscience, you continued to engage with Taehyung, exchanging messages and sharing snippets of your day.
Yet with each passing interaction, a sense of reluctance began to take root within you, a hesitancy to commit to plans for the following week that lingered on the tip of your tongue. You were still battling with yourself, wrestling with the internal turmoil that threatened to consume you whole.
As the days stretched on, the weight of your indecision grew heavier, casting a shadow over the once-bright promise of love and romance. You found yourself caught in a constant tug-of-war between your head and your heart, each vying for dominance over the other in a battle for control.
And so you continued to navigate the fickle direction of your relationship with Taehyung. But deep down, a part of you couldn't help but wonder—was this truly what you wanted for yourself, or were you merely settling to prove to yourself, and perhaps to others, that Yoongi was no longer someone important in your life?
Taehyung had seemed like the beacon of light guiding you out of the darkness of heartbreak. You had convinced yourself that he was all you wanted, perhaps even desperately so, in your eager pursuit to move on from someone who had given you nothing. Every smile, every touch, every whispered promise felt like a lifeline, pulling you away from the memories of a love that had left you in pieces.
Still, how could you not feel insecure and fearful when someone professed such intense love after only a few weeks? It seemed too good to be true, too rushed, too perfect. It left you questioning the authenticity of his feelings, wondering if his declarations were genuine or merely a means to an end. Could someone truly fall so deeply in love with you in such a short time, or was it all just a facade, a performance put on to win your heart?
Fake, rushed, and unsettling. Not exactly the words you’d describe love as.
After a long day of work, Taehyung could sense that something was amiss. Your texts had been shorter, less enthusiastic, and devoid of the usual playful banter that had become your norm. Concerned, he suggested meeting up or at least having a phone call to understand what was going on. When you agreed to the call, a knot of anxiety formed in your stomach.
As soon as you heard Taehyung's voice on the other end, a wave of guilt washed over you. His tone was gentle and filled with concern, making you rethink your distant behavior. Despite your intentions to keep your emotions in check, it had been extremely difficult to mask your feelings. Now, hearing him speak, you were more certain than ever that you needed to end this.
"Hey," Taehyung began softly, "I've been thinking a lot today, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something's bothering you. I wanted to talk because I care about you, and I hope we can figure this out together."
Taehyung's voice was warm and earnest, tugging at your heartstrings. His words made you rethink everything that had led up to this moment. He opened up about how much he enjoyed getting to know you – reminiscing about your dates, late-night conversations, the building of a 57-hour-long playlist together, and watching movies while on calls. He confessed that he had developed strong feelings for you and wanted to pursue a relationship.
"But listen, before anything, I just want you to know that I want to be with the person you are at this very moment," Taehyung spoke with sincerity. "I am trying my best to make you fall in love with me because I am genuinely attracted to who you are, your mind and heart are truly what I love. If you let me into your life, it will be reciprocated from my end as well. My intention is not to waste your time. It's such a pleasure to coexist with you, and this call is an opportunity for us to talk about what we have. So please, tell me how you feel."
As you listened to his heartfelt confession, a whirlwind of emotions stirred inside of you. His genuine affection contrasted sharply with your recent doubts and fears. Despite his earnestness and commitment, deep down you knew that you could not return those same feelings. The realization was bittersweet, but it brought clarity – you did not want to continue this relationship.
A lump formed in the back of your throat, threatening to choke you as his words sank in. The sincerity in his voice only made it harder to confront the reality of your feelings. With a shaky breath, you knew it was time to be honest.
"Taehyung," you began, your voice barely above a whisper. "I appreciate everything you've said. You've been more than amazing, a true breath of fresh air into my life. I never thought I could open up and tell someone so much about myself, but with you, it just felt right. Every date and call we've had has brought me so much joy and happiness. It's been so good spending time with you and doing our favorite things together."
You paused for a moment, gathering your thoughts before continuing. "But if I'm being completely honest, I don't think I'm ready for this. It's not that I don't care about you or have strong feelings for you...it's just that I still need time to figure things out. I need to focus on what I want before I can fully commit to someone as wonderful as you."
There was a heavy silence on the other end of the line as Taehyung absorbed your words. "I understand," he finally replied, his voice filled with emotion. "It's important for you to take the time you need. I don't want to pressure or rush you into anything."
You could feel the disappointment radiating from him through the phone, and it tugged at your heartstrings. "I hope we can still be friends, and who knows what will happen in the future? Maybe things will be different then." Taehyung's voice was barely above a whisper when he spoke again. "This doesn't mean we have to stop going out, right? I still have so many places I want to take you, concerts we have to go to."
A small smile graced your lips at his words. "Of course not," you replied.
After ending the call with Taehyung, a sense of relief washed over you, lifting the weight that had been pressing down on your shoulders. Contrary to what one might expect, you didn't feel bad about the conversation; instead, you felt a newfound sense of liberation.
In the quiet moments after the call, as you sat with your thoughts, the sense of relief grew stronger. You weren't heartless; you were just protecting yourself. It was okay to take a step back.
You thought that everything was on good terms despite the falling out. After the call, Taehyung continued to text you, making casual conversation about movies and sharing recommendations as if nothing had changed. It gave you a sense of relief, believing that maybe you could transition smoothly into a friendship.
But the next day, unexpectedly, things took a sharp turn. You were scrolling through your Instagram feed when you noticed something was missing—Taehyung's account. His profile, once filled with snapshots of his life and moments you had shared together, was now completely gone. Your heart dropped as you tried to shake off the unsettling feeling, assuring yourself that he must have needed a break from social media.
The next day, you found yourself at a quaint rooftop gathering with your old college friends. The clinking of glasses and bursts of laughter filled the air, creating a warm and nostalgic ambiance. You were surrounded by familiar faces and inside jokes, and for a moment everything felt light and carefree.
As the night went on and the drinks flowed freely, you couldn't help but loosen your tongue. With each sip, you recounted the recent events of your love life - the highs and lows, Taehyung's irresistible charm, and the sudden ending that left you reeling. As you spoke, a mix of relief washed over you.
At 2:13 am, as you were caught up in reminiscing with your friends, your phone buzzed. It was a message from Taehyung: "U up?" You stared at the screen in surprise, his casualness catching you off guard. Despite the lingering emotions stirred up by his message, you decided against replying and slipped your phone back into your pocket.
In the following days, Taehyung's attempts to reconnect with you grew more intense. He sent friendly texts inviting you out to places where you used to dance together, suggesting it’d be "just as friends." He mentioned how much he enjoyed going out with you and how he knew music was something you loved. Despite his seemingly earnest efforts, you couldn't shake off the feeling that something about his sudden friendliness felt forced and weird.
Then, things took an even stranger turn. One day, as you were scrolling through social media, you noticed that Taehyung had unfollowed both you and your friends. His posts had disappeared without a trace - either deleted or archived - and his profile picture was gone. Confused and slightly alarmed, you tried to check the Spotify playlist you had been making, only to find that he had blocked you there as well.
"What the hell?" you muttered to yourself, staring at your phone in disbelief. The sudden and drastic changes in Taehyung's behavior only confirmed the unease that had been building inside you. His actions were volatile and erratic, and it was becoming clear that he wasn't the person you once thought him to be.
A burst of laughter erupted from you, uncontrollable and genuine. "Can you believe it? He actually blocked me on Spotify," you chuckled, shaking your head in disbelief. It seemed so trivial in the grand scheme of things, but it was also oddly amusing. What could possibly have provoked him to take such a petty action against your Spotify profile? The thought made you grin even wider as you tried to stifle another fit of laughter.
"I don't know what's more surprising, the fact that he blocked you or that he thought blocking you on Spotify would bring about some profound impact," your friend Gemma chimed in, her face lighting up with amusement.
Indeed, it was a peculiar situation to be in. It felt like being placed in a dramatic film, with events unfolding in unexpectedly comedic ways. You quirked an eyebrow at Gemma's comment, leaning back against the couch and sighing.
"Well, whatever his intentions might have been," you mused aloud, "I think it just shows how petty he is."
Gemma chuckled quietly at your words, her eyes gleaming with laughter as she nodded in agreement. The two of you sat there in the soft glow of the room, laughing over the absurdity of the situation.
“Hey, I need to ask you something,” Gemma's unexpected comment caught you off guard. "Why do you always tell them you're not ready?" she asked, her tone curious yet probing.
The question hung in the air, lingering in the space between you. It felt like a curveball, striking at the heart of your insecurities and doubts. You had never stopped to ask yourself why you constantly used the same excuse, why you always pushed people away with the same refrain.
For a moment, you were speechless, caught in the whirlwind of your own thoughts. Why did you always say that? Was it the truth, or merely an excuse to avoid confronting your deeper fears and uncertainties?
As you grappled with these questions, a sense of unease settled over you. Perhaps there was more to your reluctance than you cared to admit, buried beneath layers of self-doubt and uncertainty. Was it possible that you were using the excuse of not being ready as a shield to protect yourself from the vulnerability of opening up to someone new?
You met Gemma's gaze and offered a tentative reply. "I guess... it's just easier to say that than to admit the truth," you admitted, your voice tinged with uncertainty. "Maybe I'm not ready, or maybe... maybe it's something else. Maybe it's fear, or self-doubt, or..."
Your voice trailed off as you struggled to put your thoughts into words. Silence filled the room as if waiting for you to grasp the elusive truth about yourself. Gemma's eyes were steady on yours, offering silent encouragement and understanding.
"Or maybe... it's because I don't trust myself anymore," you finally confessed, the words tasting bitter on your tongue. "I don't trust myself to be in a relationship without screwing it up or realize someone was lying to me again."
You still couldn't believe how you were able to sense bad things about everyone but could never do that with Yoongi. What was the deal with that?
Thinking back to Yoongi, you realized how different it was with him. With Yoongi, there was no rush, no overwhelming intensity. It was comfortable, like slipping into a well-worn sweater. You didn't have to second-guess his intentions or your feelings. It was simple, without the pressure of immediate declarations of love.
But with Taehyung, it felt like you were constantly on edge, trying to meet expectations you weren't even sure you could handle. His affection, while sincere, felt like a spotlight shining too brightly, exposing every crack and flaw in your emotional armor. And instead of feeling cherished, you felt scrutinized.
You could feel Gemma's gaze soften at your confession. Her quiet acceptance of your raw vulnerability was comforting in its own way. She reached out and squeezed your hand gently, a tacit acknowledgment of your bravery in admitting such long-buried fears.
"C'mon, love," she said gently, pulling you up from the couch, "let's get something sweet from the kitchen. You've earned it."
The rest of the night passed in a comfortable silence, punctuated only by occasional laughter and the comforting sounds of late-night baking. As you nibbled on warm chocolate chip cookies - Gemma's specialty - and sipped rich hot coffee, something within you began to shift.
For the first time in a long time, instead of feeling overwhelmed by your insecurities and fears, you felt an odd sense of peace. It was as if speaking those words out loud had lifted a weight off your shoulders - a revelation that maybe it was okay not to have everything figured out.
Looking at Gemma across the kitchen island, her face illuminated by the soft glow of the overhead light, you realize something else too. You weren't alone; there were people around you who cared about you and would stand by you through thick and thin.
You picked up your mug and raised it in a toast to her, a small smile playing on your lips. "To figuring things out," you stated valiantly. The clink of your mugs echoed in the silent kitchen as Gemma grinned back at you.
"Figuring things out," she echoed, her words lingering in the silence of the room. Amidst the lingering taste of cookies and coffee, amidst all the uncertainty and self-doubt, something warm began to bloom within your chest - a sense of hope, a fresh start.
With that night serving as a turning point, you found yourself learning to trust yourself again, inch by inch. You learned to let go of the past and look forward to a future where you could be happy with or without a relationship. And most importantly, you discovered that sometimes opening up about your fears was not a sign of weakness, but rather an act of courage and growth.
After all, there was truth in what Gemma had said - everyone was just figuring things out, one step at a time.
Life went on and so did you. The days turned into weeks and before you knew it, a month had passed since your breakup with Taehyung. Taehyung's memory began to fade like a photograph left too long in the sun. You went about your life as usual - indulging in late-night movies with friends, exploring new music, finding joy in small things - all without the shadow of his presence looming over you.
Your life resumed its regular rhythm and things seemed normal again...as normal as they could be without someone.
You still missed him sometimes; when certain songs played on the street and when certain places reminded you of him – but as each day passed, these moments became fewer and further between.
One day while walking home from work, your phone buzzed in your pocket. A message from an unknown number was waiting for you, the words sending a chill down your spine.
"Hey... It's Yoongi. Can we talk?"
You froze in your tracks, staring at the screen with wide eyes. A million thoughts ran through your mind at once - why was he contacting you now? What did he want to talk about? And the most important question of them all: Were you actually going to respond?
As you stood there on the sidewalk, the world around you seemed to come to a halt. Your heart pounded in your chest as you weighed your options. Should you ignore the message and continue on your way? Or should you take a leap of faith and reply, opening up the possibility of having him in your life again?
The choice was yours and yours alone. Next thing you knew, he was calling you.
You stared at your phone, hesitating for a moment before answering. "Hello?" you said tentatively, your voice barely above a whisper.
"Hey," came his familiar voice, sending a wave of emotions crashing over you. "I'm sorry to bother you, I know this is probably the last thing you expected, but..." His voice trailed off as if searching for the right words.
"But what?" you asked, your curiosity getting the better of you.
He sighed heavily, the sound echoing through the phone. "I just wanted to hear your voice."
His admission caught you completely off guard, his raw sincerity hitting you straight in the gut.
You immediately closed your eyes forcefully and pinched the bridge of your nose.
It had been so long since you had heard his voice; it was a sound that evoked a whirlwind of conflicting feelings.
Anger, bitterness, and sadness fought against nostalgia and fond memories. You were reminded of the warmth of his embrace, the gentleness of his touch, the soothing cadence of his words.
A lump formed in your throat as you tried to swallow back the tears that threatened to spill over. Heaving a deep sigh, you braced yourself as you replied, "How have you been? It's been so long since we last spoke."
There was a brief pause on the other end of the line as if he was equally shocked by how different your voice sounded. When he finally responded, there was a smile in his voice. "I've been doing okay. Busy with work as usual, but it keeps me sane."
Why is it that you're always willing to let him into your life, without regard for what he represents to you? After all he's done in your relationship or the lack thereof? Why is it so difficult to let go of someone who doesn't care for you as you do him? Someone who is content with being friends with you, yet never tries to give you something more than that. It's so damn frustrating... And heartbreaking too, no less.
At that moment, the only emotion you felt was regret for not seeing the signs earlier when he had still cared enough to show he was serious. In an attempt to lighten the mood, you chuckled half-heartedly. "Yeah, I guess it would keep anyone sane," you teased lightly.
However, your effort at humor fell flat as he remained silent on the other end. Your breath caught in your throat, unsure what to make of his silence. Was it a sign of him wanting to continue or was he waiting for you to elaborate? You held your tongue, feeling lost and confused in this situation.
"I miss you," he murmured, his voice soft and filled with longing. The simple admission took your breath away.
"And how does your girlfriend feel about that?" you replied. At the mention of his current relationship status, you could practically hear the crickets chirping in the distance as an awkward silence settled between you.
A few moments passed before he hesitantly answered, "Actually..." His voice trailed off, unable to finish his sentence.
"What happened? If I may ask," you probed gently.
"She left. Well, we ended things actually," he corrected himself.
"Oh..." Your response hung awkwardly in the air as neither one of you knew how to continue.
Finally, after a few painful seconds, you gathered your courage to ask the question that had been burning in your mind since you received his message: "Is that why you contacted me?"
His hesitation was palpable, the weight of your question pressing down on him. Taking a deep breath, he finally responded.
"Yes...and no. I didn't want to bother you and hoped you wouldn't find out from a mutual friend. So, I decided to call..." He paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts before continuing. "Our breakup did hit me hard, not like now. I realized how much I really care about you. Not just as a friend but more than anything else."
This revelation sent your mind reeling as your heart clenched painfully. What did it mean? What should you say next? As you struggled to respond, he continued speaking.
"But now that we're both single, I don't know if that's something you'd like." The vulnerability in his tone stirred up a torrent of emotions within you, leaving you speechless for the second time.
"We've been through so much already, and honestly, I'm terrified. I don't want to hurt you again," he confessed softly.
His words echoed in the vastness of your mind. You were afraid of getting close to him only to get burned once more - but there was also part of you that yearned for him with all of your being.
"Listen Yoongi, I..., I don't know if I can call it a breakup but the last person I was with, made me realize something else..." You hesitated a bit and swallowed your tears back; they seemed so foreign.
Your head ached while listening to his silence. He had always been able to read your face better than anyone ever could. The same look he carried whenever he was about to say the wrong thing was clear. He wasn't saying anything, probably not even knowing what to tell you at this point.
And you couldn't blame him when you didn't know either, "What do you mean?" he finally asked in a low murmur.
"I don't have in me the capability to trust anymore." You whispered. "You and I tried so hard and things always go wrong, always fail miserably." Your throat constricted tightly around your words making them sound harsh in contrast. "At one point in our life, we weren't capable of sharing love. It was so frustrating because I thought I'd be fine as friends yet everything fell apart."
The words escaped your lips without any filter whatsoever. Maybe the fact that you were venting in a place where he couldn't see you was what fueled your honesty. "Every time I try, it doesn't work out and it keeps hurting both of us."
"It's not because of you though...It's..." You inhaled sharply as you continued. "I feel like I'll always find myself going back to wanting you when it's unhealthy. I keep thinking if I let you back into my life, will I end up breaking my heart again?"
As you shared your innermost thoughts, he stayed silent for a few moments longer before quietly replying, "Is that the reason why you've been avoiding me?" His voice sounded shaky with emotion as if struggling against his own demons too.
"It is and maybe that makes me selfish," you muttered guiltily. "How I feel about you, how much I care about you despite all our mistakes, sometimes hurts when I can't act on those feelings. Or when things get serious between us; it scares me out of my mind."
Yoongi exhaled shakily on the other line as well. When he spoke, his voice wavered.
"You have every right to be afraid of being hurt again and it pains me to see you in so much agony because of me. I never knew I could feel so strongly about someone who wasn't my blood-related family or some kind of soulmate but there's something about you that draws me in. I've had my fair share of experiences with women throughout the years but nothing compares to how happy you make me feel when we spend time together and talk for hours on end."
When you heard those words coming out of his mouth, something inside of you broke wide open. His confession struck deep within your core and touched upon every single insecurity and fear you possessed. How could someone love someone like you? After all the times they failed each other, after all the mistakes and broken promises that ended their relationship?
You asked softly, "If that's really what you think about me, why did it take so long for us to get here then?" Your question was laced with sorrow but curiosity too; what changed from before to now that made him contact you and finally acknowledge his feelings towards you?
He paused for a moment. When he continued, his tone was earnest and sincere. "I wasn't sure that this time would be different. In the past, there were moments when I almost reached out but I'd get scared and hold back." A self-deprecating laugh escaped his lips. "Then I realized that life isn't perfect or even stable either, and I decided to pursue what matters most in my life, you."
His answer stunned you speechless; you hadn't expected such conviction from him when earlier, he seemed unsure himself. As you tried to comprehend the complexity of his emotions, the weight of the situation began to settle in.
You choked up and dissociated there for a while until he interrupted you with a soft murmur of your name. That snapped you back into reality as tears pricked your eyes again. "Do you think I'm stupid for believing in you even though you keep screwing things up?" you whispered, feeling ashamed and embarrassed by your vulnerability.
There was another pause before Yoongi spoke once more, his voice gentle and filled with compassion. "No. Because I'd trust you over anyone else in the world." He sighed deeply. "Maybe this is wrong but we're adults in a mature relationship already anyways...so I guess it makes sense to take a chance and try to fix things."
"But that means giving yourself one hundred percent and not holding anything back." He paused briefly before continuing hesitantly. "What do you want from us right now?" His voice sounded uncertain like he wasn't sure of the answer himself.
That is when it hit you: everything you ever wanted was standing in front of you, asking you the same question. "I want to be selfish right now," you muttered breathlessly.
"Then I will give it all to you if it means being with you and seeing you happy. Whatever it takes," he answered softly yet decisively. It was clear that this meant more than anything else in this world; after all, nothing mattered as much anymore.
This time, his sincerity made you smile genuinely, breaking through the sadness that had overtaken you before. "How come you always say the best things when I'm already crying?" you sniffled.
"Because I'm terrible at consoling others but somehow managed to learn how to make you smile once in a blue moon." As soon as you heard those words escape his lips, something inside your heart melted instantly. Even on the phone, his presence was able to calm your storming mind down. The things he said and did always meant so much more than what anyone else had ever done for you.
You knew now that it didn't matter what happened between you two in the past because he was here right now wanting you, trying to build a future with you together. "When can I see you again?" he asked gently, sounding hopeful despite being cautious himself. "If that's okay..."
“It’s fine. But I have to warn you, this is going to be a long conversation and I might cry. A lot.” You told him in fake seriousness.
“Well, that would be the first time, I’ve never seen you cry in all the years I’ve known you.” He chuckled. “At first I thought you were a robot.”
“I am.”
“And then I learned you were a softie.” He continued.
“I’m not.”
“Oh, I think you are.”
“I’m definitely not a softie.”
“You are. And I love it.”
You smiled because you could hear the genuine smile in his voice.
“Tomorrow then?”
“Yeah, tomorrow.”
“Okay then.” You ended the call after hearing his quiet sigh, feeling a sense of comfort and anticipation. As you walked the last few meters to your place, the familiar sight of home greeted you, bathed in the golden light of the setting sun. You got home a little before sunset, feeling a mix of hope and excitement about seeing Yoongi tomorrow.
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depressedhouseplant · 4 months
More Stats! More Stats!
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Today we have some slightly different stats! The Top 10, Bottom 10, & Apocalypse AU entries as of yesterday afternoon.
My criteria were simple: straight up likes. If there was a tie then I’d go to reblogs to break the tie. However, there were no ties in the top 10. What I’ve learned over the past few months is if an entry is going to take off, it’s going to do it within the first 24 hours of being posted. So it’s not like I was necessarily being unfair to entries posted more recently. I’ll get a like or reblog here or there, but generally if an entry is going to succeed (whatever that means) it’ll do it relatively quickly.
The Top 10 JFW Entries (literally no one will be shocked by these results):
Felix Doting Boyfriend Y/N - posted January 26 - 136 likes
Yunho Best Man / Maid of Honor Y/N - posted January 24 - 76 likes
Ateez OT8 Valentine’s Day Y/N - posted February 14 - 63 likes
Wooyoung Next Door Neighbor Y/N - posted February 20 - 48 likes
Yunho Best Man / Maid of Honor Y/N pt 2 - posted February 1 - 43 likes
Yunho Royalty Y/N - posted March 7 - 42 likes
Yungi Youth - posted January 17 - 35 likes (the only M/M pairing to make the top 10)
Hyunjae Strangers at the Club Y/N - posted January 29 - 34 likes
Felix Doting Boyfriend Y/N pt 2 - posted February 5 - 32 likes (over 100 likes less than the first installment)
Juyeon / Aeri Hookup - posted April 24 - 25 likes
Most Popular Apocalypse AU Entry:
Part 4 - not coincidentally the only NSFW entry thus far
Least Popular Apocalypse AU Entry:
Parts 5, 7, 10, & 12 were all tied with only 2 likes & no reblogs. Part 5 is the official worst performer as it has the earliest posting date of the 4.
I also thought it would only be fair to include the bottom 10 entries as well. There were 23 entries tied with only 2 likes and even after weeding out for reblogs there were still 20 entries with 2 likes. I opted for oldest to newest to round out the bottom 10 and nothing that was bonus content for other works.
The Bottom 10 JFW Entries (read: go give these babies some love if you haven’t already):
Namgi Mirrors on the Ceiling - posted January 11 (my birthday you ungrateful heathens) - 0 likes
Jumil Oops Wrong Person - posted January 2 - 1 like (0 reblogs)
Chanlix FWB - posted January 4 - 1 like (0 reblogs)
Juric Just Talk to Me - posted January 7 - 1 like (2 reblogs)
Taegi Caught on Kiss Cam - posted January 8 - 2 likes (I’ll be honest, I wasn’t happy with how this one turned out. It was way better in my head)
SOPE Depression - posted January 25 - 2 likes (this one touches on a heavy subject so I’m not surprised it didn’t do well)
Bbangju Hooking Up with a World Famous Idol - posted February 11 - 2 likes (I thought Chanhee & Changmin were pretty funny here)
JiHope Hobi’s Birthday - posted February 17 - 2 likes (I admit this one was a bit disappointing because it had the potential for a great smutty entry but I didn’t have the energy at the time)
Yeonbin / Female OC - posted February 26 - 2 likes (This only bolsters my belief that female OCs are not a good bet if you want something to do well)
Eric & Jongho Grief - posted March 10 - 2 likes (This one also touches on a heavy subject so I’m also not surprised it didn’t do well)
Honorable Mention:
Sunwoo x Yeji / Yeji x Belle - posted May 10 - 2 likes at the time of this writing. (I’m guessing the F/F pairing was not a good choice. Sorry y’all)
I can’t say I necessarily learned anything new from these results, but more had things I already knew / suspected confirmed:
NSFW is more popular than SFW
Hotteoks (Yunho stans) are collectively the thirstiest, but Pixies (Felix stans) show up in larger numbers
Female OCs or F/F pairings are literary suicide
Y/N will always bring in readers
Sequels / continuations never do as well as the first entry / installment
But Emily I want more of (pairing / scenario / activity) that isn’t popular! Help!
Send in a request! You can either use the AMA function or DM me. There’s very few things I won’t write. I will get around to the Sunwoo / Wonyoung pt 2 that was requested multiple times, but it’s behind several other things in my mental queue right now.
Also don’t be a lurker! Like, reblog, comment, interact! I’m far more likely to prioritize requests from people who regularly interact with me. The AMA defaults to anon, but you can turn it off. Both @m-is-mickey & @theboredsquirrel can attest I don’t bite (and also will recognize you every chance I get because I love my interactive readers 💕).
Thank you to everyone who takes time out of their day to read my silly little stories. I hope it brings joy to your day whatever that day’s entry is. There are 234 days left in 2024 & here’s hoping I’ll get something for at least 100 of them 🤞🏻
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tantai-jin · 8 months
fic writer meme!
thank u rachel @fruitdaze for the tag!!! <3333333
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
23 since 2016 lmao,, i don't remember exactly how many i posted on lj from 2012-2015 but it wasn't a ton, probably 10-15 that were like 50k altogether
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
it's been all over the place since 2020 lol but p much only chinese media like danmei novels, movies, cdramas. used to write kpop rpf but prob won't return to that even tho i still like and follow many groups
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
给你给你 (yunfei)
换一世身份姓名; heaven to myself (canglan)
not-that-small talk (tell me honestly) (bts yoonkook LOL)
새벽 rush hour (yellow light, slow) (bts taegi LOL)
捡一个梦; reach for a dream (canglan)
5. Do you respond to comments?
i usually do, although i'm often quite late LOL i have a couple fics where i didn't reply to all the comments after a certain point and then i just stopped 😭 or if they are a guest user or only leave emojis as a comment then i don't reply? but ofc i see every comment
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
uhh i feel like the only thing i wrote that is complete and has an angsty ending is 捡一个梦; reach for a dream bc it was a missing scene from an angsty arc of the show. or lol jk same scenario applies to 余光 (remnants of light) bc it takes place before the end of yuwu and not in one of the happier moments
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
either 给你给你 or 换一世身份姓名; heaven to myself bc they're both disgustingly sweet and affectionate at the end
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nope! either i am writing for tiny ass fandoms or like, my fics don't get enough traction to attract haters LMAO
9. Do you write smut?
not a lot... the incomplete bingqiu au i posted has the most explicit scenes so far but i am still too shy writing it. i have to practice so that i can write more than 3 sentences of sex in a single day and actually finish the wips i started 😭
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you have written?
i have before! nothing crazy tho bc it was just kpop rpf and it would be like, two idols from the same company that have interacted multiple times! lmao. sometimes i think abt crossovers for cdramas that are relatively tame such as: two actors that have been in the same drama multiple times are reincaranted and those 2+ dramas are their different lives... but it's so niche in eng speaking fandom and i haven't fully written one out yet. also does it count as a crossover if u put characters from story A into the setting/setup for story B bc i do that a lot but i think that is fairly common at least for ppl to imagine
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't think so... again, my fics do not get a lot of traction so i don't think it's likely lmaooo
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i think there was an exo one translated into russian a long time ago but i don't even remember which one lolllll it might have been on my livejournal
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
not a whole fic yet but ive brainrotted a plethora of aus with friends before such as but not limited to mingqian actors au with lianzi (very intricate with multiple variations) and a Bunch of cdrama and yuwu stuff with another friend :')
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
i cannotttttt pick only one but ummm in the last yr-ish it's been a rotation of tantai jin/li susu + mingye/sang jiu from cyjm, mingqian from liu yao, xilian from yuwu (🤪)..... bingqiu from sv (always).... i should stop for now that's Tew Many. but i think once i finish spl, changgu will also be up there
15. What is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i feel like i'm cursing myself by typing this out but perhaps the bingqiu i posted one chapter of..... even if i could write all the p With p parts that i wanted to include, i was also a little stuck on the ending and idk if i would be able to write it in a way that doesn't feel like a cop out or just weak in general 😢 but i do like that au and i think my writing for it so far was p decent... so who knows...!
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think i am pretty good at dialogue that sounds 1. natural and 2. true to the characters! i try really hard to make imagery sound original(ish) and evocative, and to make a character's Yearning palpable
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
intricate plot, action, sex (takes me forever to write and haven't done it in as much detail as i would like to tbh)
18. Thoughts of writing dialogue in another language in fics?
i love it! i did it a little in my yunfei fic and instead of directly translating the line of chinese right there i just included the meaning in the next line of dialogue, like "what do you mean [thing they just said]" + i did it like that bc the tone of it just felt so much more natural to me in mandarin for that specific convo. not that it was something untranslatable (it wasn't) but it just felt comfier to me. i also like the thing ppl do where you can hover over the text and it will show the translation but idk how that html works HAHA someday i would like to give it a go
19. First fandom you wrote for?
exo.......... lmao
20. Favorite fic you have written?
overall i think it would be typhoon season (my incomplete but not abandoned cisswap girls ximang in hk) ! i had it fermenting in my brain for like 8 months before i wrote it, which meant i had figured a lot of the stuff for the beginning out and it was much easier to write than normal since i was not deliberating so much in the moment. i think the pacing for it was good and the reveals of backstory were placed well, and i think i adapted the characters well too even if it's only a first chapter and they haven't done a lot yet. i wanna write them again but it's been rly hard for me to think abt that specific au for many months lol. i also think my recent yzy gegedidi fic had a lot of yummy scenes even if i see some flaws in some parts of the fic's progression... but i spent enough time on it already so i will not go and fix it anymore 😌 peace
i think all my writer friends were tagged already...... this tagline (like a bloodline) will end with me
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misswoozi · 5 months
Can you tell us more about your Tae/JK/Yoongi hc, please? -xoxo, 🦒 anon
I can indeed! It's a very longstanding headcanon (seriously,,, several years old lmao) I've always shipped Taekook, Taegi AND Yoonkook so the idea of a stoner FWB threesome just came naturally??
I always saw Taehyung buying them all their own 1g cart (he prefers flower but the smell of smoke gets stuck in his apartment and he hates it) and they make a plan to just sit in his living room, smoke, watch movies and order takeout. It's just stoner bros being stoner bros... but the weed his Jungkook AND Taehyung like a truck and they go from giggly and mellow to horny as fuck really quickly.
This is a trio that's really comfortable together and really open with this kind of shit and Jungkook is quite literally the KING of subs. If he sees Taehyung is shifting in his seat and straining against his (expensive, designer) pajama pants, he'd be MORE than happy to make his way across the couch to suck him off.
Yoongi is the most mellow and he's a bit of a voyeur so he'd be watching, smoking. (Taehyung notices this, of course, and he's a bit of an exhibitionist so he fucking loves it.) When (dom!)Taehyung finishes, he suggests that Jungkook take care of Yoongi and that's exactly what Jungkook does -- and it results in him riding Yoongi.
It's maybe the most compatible threesome in K-Pop lmao these three click SO well and they fit into all kinds of scenarios and situations. But in honor of (belated) 4/20, THIS is my one true Taekookgi scenario!
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softievante · 1 year
🍰 requests
hi! by now it’s noticeable i’m very excited to be back (even if you didn’t know my old account, my enthusiasm is almost embarrassing lmao). that said, i’m opening my asks for fic requests ☺️ i won’t promise long works, but you can expect a minimum of 500 words!
groups i want to write about at the moment and its respective ships:
bts: vmin, taekook, yoonmin, taegi
seventeen: preferably verkwan, minwon, wonhui, seoksoon, verchan but for now i am taking any ships since i really want to write for the sebongs 😌
txt: any kai or soobin ship :)
things i won’t write about:
d34th feederism
immobile scenarios
emet0, sc*t
things i like to write, just so you know my favorites:
oblivious gaining
the “relationship weight” trope
light humiliation
tight clothes, clothes ripping
last, but definitely not least but i’m just a bit embarrassed by it: burp1ng 🤪
keep in mind that even though your request is not on my favorites, it doesn’t mean i’m not willing to write! i actually enjoy trying new things :) just please be aware of my “no’s”.
that’s it, hope i can get some worms from fellow weird internet strangers from this community 🌹
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bts-trashxoxo · 6 years
still wondering why their ship is so underrated bc they’re the definition of cute.
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zouchu · 6 years
Taehyung: You saved me, hyung. I owe you my life.
Yoongi: No, thanks. I’ve seen it, and I’m not impressed.
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btsficbookmark · 6 years
Sakimashita no nai hana
Title:  Sakimashita no nai hana
Author:   creativefuckerzspring
Pairing: Taehyung & Yoongi (Taegi)
Rating: Mature
Status: Complete (94,709 words)
Genre: Non-Au, Angst, Unrequited love, Hanahaki, Slow burn
When Taehyung returns to the BTS dorm after his impromptu trip to home post-Inkigayo win, Yoongi thinks he has changed. Taehyung no longer seems to be in love with him.
Note: I have read a few Non-au Taegi fics but what I loved about this fic is how real it felt, the author wrote situations that happened with Taegi in the past and it felt so real, I had to go back and watch a specific interview or an old run episode to double check what actually happened. I loved how the author wrote Taehyung’s POV, it was done very well. A lot of creativity and great ideas went into this story. 
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justbeingbrookee · 7 years
Our little Secret
 Title: Our little Secret
Pairing: Taehyung & Yoongi (Taegi)
Length:Currently 24,972 37,419 48,432, 50,632 109,717 212,685 words and counting.
Genre: Romance, Non-au, Smut, Fluff, Angst
Suddenly, a subtle and gentle finger brushes Taehyung’s, he freezes for a moment. ........ He feels..... all thoughts from the future, past and present being wiped from his memory, the only thing his mind is filled with is the smooth texture of a finger ever so slowly caressing his hand. Taehyung knows who’s finger that is, he can tell from all the times they ___
Alternative: To everyone else Taehyung and Yoongi are just friends but when the lights go off and the room becomes quiet they become much more. More intimate, MORE VOCAL and oozing with unimaginable passion.
Note: So this is the little taegi fanfic I have been writing, I thought I would share it here,lol. I have only uploaded it to AO3 this time. I have already written 35 chapters. 
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hangsang-sonyeondan · 6 years
you’re the coffee that i need in the morning
Yoongi woke up with a terrible headache. He hissed when he tried to sit and clutched his head trying to ease the pain. He shouldn't have listened to Seokjin last night, one of Yoongi's biggest mistakes. He shook his head knowing well that he can't do anything with it and that they have a schedule to attend to, so even if it's against his will, he stood up and went straight to the bathroom. He splashed water to his face, feeling refreshed a bit. Once he thinks his mind is clearer he tried to remember what happened last night.
Taehyung was the one who took care of him last night when he decided to just fuck it and got drunk. Taehyung brought him here in his room and even changed his clothes. Yoongi is 100% sure this isn't the first time the younger man took care of him, in fact, Taehyung's the one who take care of Yoongi the most. It's not that the others doesn't take care of Yoongi, it's just that Taehyung really focuses on Yoongi. He makes sure Yoongi eats well, Yoongi's comfortable, makes sure Yoongi's doesn't lock himself up on his studio, which is one of Yoongi's regrets, he shouldn't have given his passcode to Taehyung but well the younger will bother him in another way and well...Yoongi just can't resist Taehyung.
Yoongi decided to get out of his room to get his daily caffeine dose. When he got to the kitchen, he found the guy who's been invading his mind ever since he woke up. Taehyung's back is facing him and he's doing something Yoongi can't see. Yoongi made his presence known to the other and Taehyung quickly turned around to face him.
"Hyung you're awake, I was just about to go to your room" Taehyung smiled so widely that made Yoongi wondering if Taehyung is not hangover but then the younger doesn't drink alcohol as much as Yoongi.
"Well I'm awake but I feel like dying" Yoongi mumbled and sat on the chair. He saw Taehyung shook his head and then he handed Yoongi a mug.
Yoongi stared at the mug and looked up to Taehyung then raised his eyebrow. "Is this coffee?"
Taehyung is quick to nod and smiled widely "Yes! I woke up early to make some breakfast for you and I especially worked so hard to learn how to make coffee. Come on, taste it! Also I cooked pancakes because you said last night that you want some pancakes when you wake up" Taehyung explained then pushed the plate and put the mug down in front of Yoongi.
Taehyung got another plate for himself and sat beside Yoongi. He nudged Yoongi when Yoongi still kept staring at his plate "Hyung, the pancakes are supposed to be eaten, you know" the younger said while his mouth is full and Yoongi thinks he looks like a chipmunk...a cute one
Yoongi sighed and decided to eat, he has doubts because of course, it's Taehyung. No one allows him to be in the kitchen alone because he can't cook to save his life but seeing him break the rules and work hard to learn something just to prepare a breakfast for Yoongi, it makes Yoongi's insides o into jelly.
Yoongi isn't oblivious, and well Taehyung himself admitted it. The younger likes him, Taehyung harbors the biggest crush on Yoongi that at first Yoongi found it annoying because 1) Taehyung is very clingy to people especially to the ones he likes 2) He's very vocal. Yoongi still remembers all the tinmes Taehyung expressed his adoration for the older. 3) Taehyung will do everything for Yoongi, well, not just for Yoongi but you get what he means. And sometimes, it makes Yoongi uncomfortable because Yoongi is so used to being independent but as times go by, it feels okay. He honestly likes it, it feels so good when someone cares for you. And 5) Taehyung is so easy to like
Yoongi isn't joking when he said he finds Taehyung weird ever since he stepped his foot inside bighit's building. The way it's so easy to distract Taehyung, the way he just stares into oblivion when he's not doing anything. Or Taehyung reenacting a kdrama scene while doing laundry. But with all that, Taehyung is just a kid at heart. A kid who loves to be kissed on his head, wants someone to cuddle with, to hold his hand. Taehyung likes loving people and likes being loved. And Yoongi wonders if someone so pure like Taehyung is supposed to be here. Taehyung deserves all the love from this world but the world is just too cruel for him.
Yoongi dropped his fork and tried the coffee. Well...it's good. Something just right, something that Yoongi likes. He put down the mug and leaned on the table and stared at Taehyung who kept eating while telling him a story Yoongi couldn't even understand. It has something to do with him seeing Jimin backhugging Seokjin and peppering kisses all over his nape or something like that.
Yoongi honestly can't hear anything right now cause he's busy taking Taehyung's every single feature. The way he brings his hand up to brush the hair at the back of his head, the way he licks his lips. His adam's apple as he swallow. His fingers that curled up around his mug, the same fingers who love intertwining with Yoongi's own.
Yoongi honestly can't believe someone like Taehyung is real and that he likes Yoongi.
"Hyung? Hyung are you listening to me?" Taehyung pouted and waved his hand in front of Yoongi's face "I think I've told you everything, I even finished my breakfast while your not halfway with yours, is it that bad?"
Yoongi blinked many times and he tried to open his mouth to say something but Taehyung beat him to it "it's fine you know, i won't try it aga--"
Yoongi sighed and held Taehyung face between his hands. "The food is great, the pancake is perfect the coffee is even better but I was just wondering if you taste as good as your food or if you're 100% better" He said it without even thinking but he doesn't care, he just wanted to kiss Taehyung.
Taehyung smiled so widely, his boxy smile taking up a big space from his face "Well there's only one way to find out"
Yoongi wasted no time in pulling Taehyung closer to him and kiss him. Yoongi feels complete, if he feels empty for the past 25 years of his life, he's definitely complete now. And he's right, Taehyung tastes so much better than the food. He's like Yoongi's daily caffeine but so much better, much tastier. They kept kissing for minutes but Yoongi still doesn't want to let go of Taehyung.
Taehyung pulled away and said "I still need to clean up, hyung"
"That can wait" Yoongi answered and pulled Taehyung again for another kiss. He might have imagined it but he felt Taehyung smile so Yoongi smiled as well.
Taehyung is definitely someone Yoongi needs for the rest of his life.
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storytaeme · 7 years
dear santa – taegi
Yoongi knew it was a bad idea to come to this X-Rated Christmas party, especially when he finally encountered Taehyung, your local sexy Santa.
(or the one in which Yoongi has a hard time telling Santa what he wants)
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taegi week 2017 – taehyung x yoongi
❅ Prompt: (Spiked) Eggnog
❅ Elements: Fluff, Humor, Smut  |  College AU, Christmas Frat Party AU     ↪ smut includes blowjob scene
❅ Word Count: 8,785 words
❅ A/N: This may be my favorite thing that I’ve written like e v e r. I love taegi, I love Christmas, and I love sexy santa!!!! I hope you enjoy :’>
Honestly, Yoongi should’ve known better than to listen to Namjoon when he invited him out, should’ve known better than to trust his best friend when he said “you’re going to have a great time, I promise” because we all knew how that always ended. It was a Christmas party, he said. It’s going to be fun, he said. No harm, no foul, he fucking said.
Yoongi really should’ve known better than to trust a liar.
“Namjoon,” the elder froze at the door, bundled up in his thick coat, face buried up to his frozen nose in an even thicker scarf. His eyes scanned the building—a frat house, no surprise there. He expected Namjoon, an active in his Beta Tau, to invite him to their Christmas party which was supposed to raise funds for charity. It was a requirement for frats on campus to give back during this festive season, but they never really specified how. So Beta Tau loved testing waters on how far they could go in their activities to get the dough, even if most of them bordered on illegal. This time—Yoongi wasn’t so sure the frat would escape unscathed.
The bass from inside the house pulsed and carried to the chilly air outside. There were a few drunken partygoers already stumbling out on the lawn, one of them pissing, the other doing circles and poking the air. Typical party behavior. Beta Tau was lucky enough to get a house on the outskirts of campus, far away from neighbors who would surely file a noise complaint and have the cops on their asses about the mass substance abuse.
But that wasn’t what Yoongi was concerned about, drugs and alcohol were common, the huge, neon x sign glowing and hanging from the roof was not. “What’s this supposed to be again?” Yoongi turned his gaze to his best friend.
“Uh, a party,” Namjoon said sheepishly.
“What’s the cross doing up there? Doing a human sacrifice later?” Yoongi muttered, “thought that was Easter.”
“Blasphemy,” the taller man laughed, ruffling Yoongi’s hair. See, if Yoongi wasn’t so frozen and decked out in ten layers of warmth, he would’ve smacked his best friend. “But it’s an X-rated Christmas party slash festival. There’s an entry fee and price to all the drinks and activities inside.”
Yeah, Yoongi definitely wasn’t sure anymore if this was legal. Time to bolt.
“Yoongi,” Namjoon whined, hand reaching out to catch his arm.
“Joon,” he snapped right back, “I am not going to your pornhub-themed party. I’ll stick to staying clean without STD’s thanks.”
Namjoon rolled his eyes, “It’s not a sex party, hyung. Though—”
“Don’t,” Yoongi interrupted, “I don’t wanna know.”
The younger flashed a dazzling, proud grin, the dimpled one that always had people weak in the knees. However, in that moment, Yoongi could only feel irritation clouding his judgment. “It’ll be fun, I promise. Have a few drinks, first round’s on me. But they’ve got a lot of things going on and it’ll be fun.”
Again, it’ll be fun, he said.
“I don’t think so,” Yoongi muttered, eyeing the door suspiciously. It was closed and he could not even catch a glimpse of what was transpiring inside. Who knew what drunk college kids could be doing? Yoongi was a grad student already, he shouldn’t even be here getting lit with a bunch of undergrads who were still fresh-faced, bright-eyed. Really, he should be at home working on his miserable thesis actually.
“One night, just one night,” Namjoon pleaded, clasping Yoongi’s hands in his. The elder could feel the tremble of his fingers from the bite of the cold and he felt guilty for keeping Namjoon out here for this long when he could be inside downing shots and getting inebriated with the rest of his brothers and friends.
For his sake. Do it for his sake. Yoongi took a deep breath then sighed, “Fine. One night.”
“Yes!” he pumped a victorious fist into the air, “Okay, let’s get fucking hyped.”
The two strolled over to the door and Namjoon opened it up. Almost instantly, Yoongi was drowning in the thick sound of music and chatters that filled his eardrums. He squeezed his eyes shut, wondering how in the world a door opening could change the environment completely. Namjoon was still tugging him down to the man in the hallway who was apparently in charge of selling tickets.
“Friend discount,” Namjoon grinned, eyes twinkling.
“No such thing, hyung,” the kid, puffy cheeks and all, pouted, “I’m already stuck on ticket duty until nine. You know Seokjin-hyung is going to kill me if I give out discounted tickets.”
“Come on, Jimin-ah, for me, for your big,” Namjoon begged again. Yoongi thought the act was disgusting, that Namjoon could never pull off the puppy dog look and make the kid who had a strong resolve in his eyes and even stronger eyebrows cave.
However, Yoongi was once again proven wrong. “F-fine,” Jimin huffed, bottom lip sticking out as he held out an open palm to Yoongi. “Cheaper for you, I guess.” Kid must’ve had a massive crush on Namjoon if he was giving away cheaper tickets even with Seokjin’s threat (Seokjin was terrifying and Yoongi’s learned that the hard way).
Yoongi’s glance bounced over to his friend, “You really going to make me pay for a party that you’re forcing me to come to?”
“For charity,” Namjoon beamed again.
And what heartless soul wouldn’t donate to charity this Christmas month? Yoongi grunted, pulling out a few crumpled bills from his pocket and stuffing them into Jimin’s palm. The boy smiled brilliantly, clasping some sort of paper band (wow, fancy) around his wrist. Beta Tau’s Get Lit for Kids, said the printed words. He could hardly begin to imagine what the children they were donating to would think of their money-making methods. “First shot is free if you flash them that bracelet. Have fun!”
Namjoon tossed a “see you later” over his shoulder before dragging Yoongi into the kitchen area. The frat had been lucky enough to receive one of the biggest houses on campus, allowing them a crazy capacity. They were a pretty popular one, the dean biased them enough, so it shouldn’t be surprising how packed the place was. Yoongi had to squeeze his small body through to get to the makeshift bar they had set up in the cooking area.
“Hoseok!” Namjoon grinned, doing some strange bro-hug thing with a familiar face. Yoongi’s met the guy a few times, liked him enough to tolerate his presence whenever he popped by his and Namjoon’s shared apartment.
“Joon! Yoongi!” the guy laughed, always so jolly. He had put on a santa hat and was decked out in red from head to toe. Very festive. “What’s your guys’ poison for tonight? I’m playing bartender for now, so I can sneak you guys some of the good shit.”
The three of them ended up hanging by the bar a little longer, Hoseok sneaking them extra drinks until Seokjin came around to halt the unspeakable activity. “I can’t believe you both,” the eldest amongst them yanked on Namjoon’s and Hoseok’s ears, “think of the children!”
It wasn’t until Jeongguk stumbled over, tripping over his feet and words, that the night truly began. Yoongi was already a little buzzed, body warm and tingling with the alcohol flowing through his system, eating away at his liver. He could feel himself laughing more, smiling more, and even talking more. He was slowly opening himself up to these people and letting go of all thoughts of his pending assignments. Jeongguk landed on his side, arms wrapping around his waist as he snuggled into his shoulder. Sober Yoongi would’ve shoved the boy off, sort of tipsy Yoongi only laughed and tousled up his hair.
“Hyung,” Jeongguk whined, “you’re so nice and warm.”
“Okay, Jeongguk-ah, you’ve had too much to drink,” Yoongi chuckled. He was somewhat of a mentor to the younger with the kid always chasing him around and asking him questions about composing and producing.
“I just want to fuuuuuck,” Jeongguk moaned, slumping against Namjoon this time, the back of his head hitting hard against the elder’s arm.
Namjoon crinkled his nose, “Life’s not all about fucking, Jeon Jeongguk.”
“That’s what you say because you stick your dick in something every week,” Jeongguk let out another pitiful sound, flailing around. “Think of the poor freshmen who had to go through dry week and miss out on all the parties they could’ve gotten laid in.”
“Okay, well, you’re off dry week. Go and get some,” Namjoon grunted, pushing a glass of water into the boy’s hands. The frat may be reckless, but the brothers looked out for each other. It was something Yoongi always appreciated especially when they were all out of their minds.
Jeongguk held up a finger, swaying as he did so, “One guy. Only one guy I want tonight and he’s not available.”
“Who?” Namjoon asked then paused, “Oh no, don’t tell me.”
“Yes,” Jeongguk cried out in agony, draping himself all over Namjoon, “yes, I’ve finally gotten bitten by the Taehyung bug.”
There was suddenly a blanket of quietness, a collective disappearance of words, over the air as all of them bowed their heads. “A moment of silence for our fallen comrade,” Namjoon whispered, hand over his chest. What the ever loving fuck? Yoongi’s gaze darted between all of them to find them all doing the same thing.
“Uh, is this some cult ritual thing?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow.
“Hyung,” Jeongguk gasped, offended, “you don’t understand. The Taehyung bug is deadly.”
Yoongi nodded slowly as if he understood a thing he was saying. “Who—or what is this Taehyung?”
“Kim Taehyung, junior, nursing major, the cutest piece of ass around here, but also major respect for the guy who still has a 4.0 GPA. He’s fucking fantastic, hyung, like just imagine your dream man but ten times better.”
The elder had never given much thought to a dream man but this Taehyung already seemed impressive judging by how everyone seemed to nodding in agreement.
“And everyone, I mean everyone, gets the Taehyung bug at some point after joining the frat or meeting him. You just have to get it. It’s impossible not to,” Jeongguk explained again, dead seriousness in his voice, “and I thought I could resist, thought that a freshman like me who’s gotten enough dick wouldn’t get it. Immunity and all.”
“Immunity,” Hoseok snorted, “that’s what all you freshies think would work.”
Jeongguk huffed, “I know that now. But anyway, once you cross his path, there’s no going back. Everyone has had a crush on him. You just can’t not.” When Yoongi turned to confirm this statement with the rest of them, everyone—and he did mean everyone—nodded with a deflated sigh.
“So he’s a great guy and he’s cute, but what’s so special?” Yoongi asked, curiosity dripping all too obviously in his voice. So sue him. They were all talking so highly of this one individual that Yoongi wondered how he could have such a widespread effect. Maybe it really was a bug. “Why are you like this now? Thought you could resist his charms.”
“He's—” Jeongguk choked in pain “—he’s Santa.”
Namjoon sprayed out his drink all over the counter, the alcohol burning his throat and causing his eyes to water. “F-fuck, he’s Santa? Are you fucking kidding me?” he gasped, breathing heavily as if he had just ran a marathon, “what idiot—what demon—got possessed to do that?”
“Who else but Seokjin-hyung?” Jeongguk narrowed his eyes at the eldest who smiled proudly, that smugness oozing from his expression.
“Hyung!” Namjoon chided.
Seokjin quirked an eyebrow, “As treasurer, I seek only to bring the biggest amount of profit tonight. With my expectation that you all will be drinking for free and your fulfilling them, I figured the next best thing would be to take advantage of the weakest position. The Santa Seat.”
“Well,” Hoseok cursed, taking a sip of his drink, “I guess I know where I’m spending all my money tonight.”
“You got it right,” Namjoon nodded, pressing his lips together and instantly reaching for his jacket pockets, “I think I have enough for like three rounds on the seat.”
Yoongi, still as perplexed as ever, whipped his hands around to stop all of them from talking too fast, too loud. “Hold up,” he held one palm up in their directions, Jeongguk gave him a high five, he scowled. “Why? What’s this Santa Seat?”
“Thing we have every year but never sells,” Hoseok explained, “it’s really just like a college version of sitting on Santa’s lap.” Before Yoongi could ask what a college version of meeting Santa entailed, he continued, “A very underdressed Santa who will listen to all your drunken and dirty wishes.”
“Why would anyone pay for that?”
“Exactly!” Namjoon smacked his hand on the table, wiggling his index finger in Yoongi’s face. “Nobody, it never sells. We were thinking of getting rid of the segment this year because the booth is always empty, but Seokjin insisted that we could make it work. And now we know why. You demon,” Namjoon growled in the elder’s direction.
The man only smirked, proud. “Told you I would. You should see the line.”
“Still, why would anyone pay for that?” Yoongi pressed again.
“Because it’s Taehyung,” Jeongguk said sternly this time as if that explained everything. “Come see for yourself, I already spent too much there.” He faked a sob before taking Yoongi’s hand. Hoseok waved them away as Seokjin disappeared back into the crowd to manage money flow or so he claimed. Namjoon followed close behind as they disappeared into the living room where there was, as Seokjin had said, a line.
At the very front, there was a single person seated on a velvety red chair. The kid was handsome, sure, wow—in fact, he was beautiful. His face was like a doll’s, skin sun-kissed and smile blinding. His lashes were so long that Yoongi could even see them from this distance. A Santa hat was pulled over his head, leaving a tuft of hair from his bangs in view. However, what was notable was probably the fact that he was wearing nothing more than suspenders and what looked like a pair of red boxers. Yoongi’s eyes traveled further down to find a pair of boots—heeled boots that looked like they would hurt if he ever stepped on Yoongi (not that Yoongi was thinking about that god-like man stepping on him, definitely not).
Jeongguk let out a small sigh, “Isn’t he beautiful?”
“Santa’s taking a five-minute break, everyone!” A guy yelled from up front and there was a combined groan of protest from the audience. Obviously, they’ve all been waiting for a while. The guy—Taehyung—slumped against his seat as his eyes scanned the crowd. He looked tired, but the smile on his face never left. When his gaze finally landed on the trio far off, he perked up, quickly waving at him in excitement.
Namjoon nudged Yoongi forward with his shoulder, “Let’s go. We can talk to him real quick, just no service involved.” Yoongi wasn’t sure he wanted to know what service Namjoon was talking about. They slipped past the people who tossed envious glares in their direction for knowing Taehyung so personally. There were girls and guys and a few costumed creatures Yoongi couldn’t tell. The guy really did have some reputation.
“Hyung! Jeonggukie!” Taehyung brightened, making his way down the carpeted stairs. They had set up a mini stage for the occasion and the guy looked like a fucking model walking down those steps. “And who might this lovely person be?” Taehyung winked at him. Yoongi’s heart skipped a beat.
“Taehyung, I didn’t know you were working the seat,” Namjoon cleared his throat.
The boy hummed happily and playfully punched Namjoon’s chest, “You would if you paid attention during meetings.” Namjoon looked like he had been struck by Cupid.
Taehyung already looked tall from afar, but seeing him up close, standing in those blasted boots, he was even taller. He towered over Yoongi by a good few inches that had him looking up slightly to meet his eyes.
“Anyway,” Namjoon coughed, patting Yoongi on the shoulder, “this is my flatmate, Yoongi, the one I tell you guys all about.”
“You talk about me?” Yoongi sounded baffled.
“It makes for some funny stories,” he chuckled.
Taehyung’s eyes lit up in recognition, “Oh! That Yoongi. I’ve always wanted to meet you. It’s such a pleasure.” Without any warning, the man pulled Yoongi in for a hug. His bare chest felt warm against Yoongi and his bare arms circled his neck. He returned the embrace, albeit stiffly, and gave the guy pats on the back. When Taehyung pulled away, his eyes glimmering, Yoongi wanted to catapult out a window. He was fucking gorgeous. “Namjoon always talks about you, I’m surprised I haven’t seen you around.”
“Uh, grad life and all. I don’t usually go to frat events,” Yoongi said, licking his lips as he suddenly felt his mouth dry up.
“Oh, look at you, all productive. Namjoon said you work at a studio, that’s so cool. You should show me around sometime, I love seeing people at work. It’s so sexy to see someone so professional,” Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows teasingly. Heat crept up Yoongi’s cheeks at his words and he wasn’t even sure why.
“Right, yeah,” he nodded slowly.
Then Taehyung looked sheepish, almost guilty, and it made him feel guilty. “Sorry, I talk too much. People say that a lot, sorry.”
Oh God. Yoongi wasn’t sure what to say, could only open his mouth and close it nervously. He felt awkward enough as it was, but making Taehyung—this seemingly angelic, sweet human being—feel the same way was the last of his intentions. “N-no, sorry, I’m just… bad with strangers at first. I don’t talk that much usually either, you can ask the rest of them. I, uh, think you’re cool, cute too.”
Did he just say Taehyung was cute? Was he already trying to hit on him on the first meeting? Lord take him now. But Taehyung only looked relieved, sighing as the tension left his shoulders. “Thank God, just let me know if I’m rambling, I tend to talk too much when I get nervous,” he laughed lightly, “especially with someone Namjoon-hyung talks so highly of.” Taehyung gave a little giggle that had Yoongi’s heart flipping.
“Are you guys going to join?” Taehyung looked animated then, eyes lighting up, “I’m sure Seokjinnie-hyung wouldn’t mind my giving you a discount if you want to take a seat on my lap.”
“You’re an angel,” Jeongguk said, flinging himself against Taehyung, arms wrapping around the taller boy, “I love you, Taehyungie.”
Taehyung seemed completely unfazed as if this was a regular occurrence, “I love you too, Jeongguk. Now, off you go. I have to get back on duty. I’m so glad that Jiminie is trading with me later—” then his eyes widened “—don’t tell him that yet, he might be pissed when he finds out.”
“Oh, Jimin is doing it too?” Namjoon said with piqued interest. Yoongi noted the surprise and the strange tinge of something else in his voice. Maybe there was something else going on there.
The younger flashed him a smirk, “Mhmm, you should save your money for him instead, hyung.”
Seemed like Yoongi wasn’t the only one who noticed. Namjoon pinked a little and muttered something about “fucking Seokjin” before Taehyung turned to Yoongi. “So, up for a seat in my lap?”
Maybe on your dick too, Yoongi wanted to blurt out but kicked himself mentally for it.  
“I-I’ll get in line then,” Yoongi cleared his throat. Taehyung nodded, giving a little wave from his fingers before bounding back on stage. Yoongi caught a glimpse of that ass Jeongguk was talking about and gulped the lump in his throat.
Jeongguk sighed, shaking his head, “Like I said. Taehyung bug.”
The Taehyung bug. It was real.
Yoongi must be going insane. The line was ridiculous and, at this rate, it wouldn’t be a surprise if Taehyung switched shifts when he was lining up, rendering his queueing thus far pointless. He mentally chided himself for falling for this, for falling for the so-called disease that went around the frat and anyone remotely within five feet of Taehyung.
Up ahead, people were getting antsy waiting for their turn. Girls were squealing and gushing about how cute he was, how he could make all their dreams come true. After seeing what he had, Yoongi didn’t doubt it. Even guys who Yoongi never would’ve pegged to be at a frat party had fallen into the line. It seemed as if this Taehyung was friends with anybody and everybody, a good character to have.
“You look like you’re about to piss yourself,” Namjoon noted in amusement.
“Shut up,” Yoongi muttered, “it’s just weird. It doesn’t feel right being here. Isn’t this like prostitution or something?”
The younger rolled his eyes, punching his arm, “We’re not selling his body, maybe—just his services. And Tae doesn’t mind, he likes talking to people.”
“Kid looks exhausted,” Yoongi said, jerking his chin to where Taehyung sat on his throne, eyes seemingly weary.
Namjoon murmured his agreement, “Well, thankfully, Jimin can take his place soon.” He didn’t sound too thankful about it.
“So what’s going on between you and Jimin?”
The young sputtered, his cheeks turning a deep shade of pink that seemed prominent even in the dim lighting of the room. “N-nothing, he’s my little in the frat, picked him up when he rushed with Tae.”
“Mhmm, bet you love making him feel little,” Yoongi said, a lilt in his voice that indicated the suggestiveness of his words.
Namjoon’s fist dug into his arm again, earning a scowl from the elder. “Stop it, there’s really nothing going on.” Yet. Yoongi could hear him add mentally. He left it at that for now, choosing to let the two progress on their own. “How about you then?” he quickly redirected, “Taehyung bug bite you already?”
It was Yoongi’s turn to get flustered. “What the fuck? No, I just met the guy.”
“Trust me, I’ve seen people fall head over heels before even meeting him. You’re good,” he smirked knowingly.
“He seems cool,” Yoongi coughed, hoping it would put him on safe, neutral ground.
Namjoon nodded, “He’s a great guy, hard to not like him.”
“Uh, so, what’s this seat thing about again? What’re you supposed to say to him?” Yoongi questioned, fingers fidgeting nervously as they moved further forward down the line.
The smile Namjoon gave him left a bitter taste on his tongue. He didn’t like the looks of it. “Whatever you want, but if you do want to get your money’s worth—” he paused, Yoongi’s heart stopped “—you can get Santa to dirty talk you.”
“D-dirty?” the elder choked, eyes blown wide because what in the world? “What kind of—holy shit, is that what everyone is here for?”
“Taehyung’s got a very skilled tongue, just keep him away from your kids because this Santa doesn’t tell cute bedtime stories.”
He didn’t doubt that. Yoongi just wasn’t sure how to feel about a bunch of college kids paying to listen to a guy sexing them up in public. Now that Namjoon has told him what it meant to sit on Taehyung’s lap, he couldn’t miss how every person that picked themselves up afterwards was shaking by the legs and face red to the tips of their ears. Oh lord, he was fucked.
There were two more people ahead of him. He wondered if it was too late to escape—
Namjoon’s hands clamped down on his shoulders, shocking him as all thoughts of a retreat flew out of his mind. “Don’t even think about it, I came all this way for you.”
“You came all this way for yourself, you pervert,” Yoongi scoffed, “if I had known—”
“What? You wouldn’t have gone? You’d miss out on your chance to get to know him more? Aren’t you curious?” Namjoon smirked, knowing full well that his questions did the trick. Meeting Taehyung was already a hook, line, and sinker all in one, and all Yoongi wanted to do was to fall to the bottom of the ocean with him.
A smack to his side brought Yoongi out of his daze, jerking when he looked at the smart ass kid who thought that was a good idea. “You’re up next, buddy, pay up,” the kid, who really had a death wish, stuck his hand out.
“How much?” The number that slipped past the boy’s lips had Yoongi freezing, doing a double take. “That much? What the fuck? How much time do I get?”
“Same as everyone else, now pay up or go,” the guy said way too aggressively.
“Whoa, calm down, Bambam, give the guy some breathing room,” Namjoon frowned, holding a hand up in defense.
“Hyuuuung,” the kid—Bambam—whined, “it’s not fair. I’ve been collecting Taehyung’s money all night. He’s been getting all the girls!”
Namjoon bit back his laughter, mirth still swirling in his eyes, “Alright, I’ll cover for you next.”
“Are you sure? Jimin’s up next.”
At that, the elder’s brows knitted again, “Uh, so?”
Bambam’s eyes darted over to Yoongi for a quick second before returning to Namjoon nervously. “I mean, I don’t want you getting into a fight.”
“I’m not going to—what, why would I even—”
“Guys, who’s up next? I’m getting a bit lonely up here,” Taehyung called out, sticking out his bottom lip. Oh lord. Yoongi reached for more crumpled bills in his pocket and pushed it Bambam’s way before making his way up the steps. Taehyung brightened, his lips curling seductively, “Well, hello, gorgeous. Why don’t you come sit on my lap?”
Yoongi was going to nut.
The elder awkwardly made his way over, gently lowering his butt down and stopping himself from putting all of his weight on Taehyung. However, the other boy had other plans in mind and tugged him down completely so his legs draped over Taehyung’s, dangling on the other side. Yoongi, in that split second of panic, had clutched Taehyung’s—note: exposed—shoulders.
His skin was soft, so soft. Smooth like a baby’s bottom. Yoongi unconsciously rubbed it as if he was attempting to find any signs of a blemish, some sort of imperfection to indicate that Taehyung was real—human.
“Like my shoulder that much?”
Taehyung’s voice pulled him out of his thoughts and the realization of his actions finally dawned on him. Before he could jerk his hand off the boy’s shoulder, Taehyung giggled and pressed his hand down, keeping it in place. “S-sorry,” he cleared his throat.
Min Yoongi didn’t stutter. Min Yoongi was smooth and suave, calm and collected. But why did all the words and letters jumble up in his head when he was around this man?
“Don’t worry,” he grinned, that loud smile on his face again, “I don’t mind. So, tell me, what do you want today? Tell Santa what you want, pretty.”
All these nicknames were going to be the death of him. Yoongi was already expecting a shorter lifespan with the amount of stress he consumed, but Taehyung might just be speeding up the process.
“I, uh, don’t really w-want anything specific,” he said, statement coming out more like a question. Taehyung blinked at him in surprise, lips flattening into a confused pucker. “I mean, you know, I didn’t know what I was signing up for, I was just—was here to support Namjoon, yeah.” That was a good excuse, right?
For a little while, Taehyung only stared at him, bemused. After a few more blinks, he choked on a snort before breaking into a full-blown laugh. That sweet, sweet sound drifted in the air and reached everyone’s ears, prompting all of them to shut up and turn to where Yoongi was settled on his lap. Taehyung rubbed his back thoughtfully, still with tears of joy in his eyes. Yoongi wanted to crawl into a hole.
“Oh my God, you’re so cute,” Taehyung grinned, “didn’t think anyone could be this cute, but I was wrong. Wow, look at you. You’re a real angel, aren’t you?”
“Uh, I hope not.”
Taehyung chuckled again, wiping a stray drop from his eyes. “Wow, so okay, we can just talk, yeah. Tell me about yourself, Yoongi.” He wanted to yelp, surprised that Taehyung remembered his name from a brief encounter—and he had had many encounters today. He wondered if Taehyung remembered everyone’s name like his.
Yoongi needed to pull his head out of his ass.
“Well, I’m a music production major, grad student,” he searched his brain for any other things that would sound cool to say, “I’m—yeah, that’s about it. Uh, I d-don’t really know what else to say.”
Taehyung was still smiling at him, eyes crinkling cutely. “And do you always stutter this much, Min Yoongi?”
Any other person, Yoongi would snap at them and tell them to call him with honorifics. But this was Taehyung so he let it slide. “N-no, not really, I’m usually more eloquent,” he said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
The younger didn’t seem to mind, huffing a laugh as he placed his palm on Yoongi’s thigh. The presence of his hand was a weight, both literally and figuratively, a reminder that Taehyung was real. And also that his hand was really, really close to Yoongi’s growing boner. Fuck.
Taehyung was all smooth skin and gentle smiles. He didn’t notice it before but Taehyung wasn’t even ripped with chocolate abs, he had a soft tummy that protruded ever so slightly. Yoongi liked his men soft. Taehyung was the softest. If you looked up soft and squishy and cute in the dictionary, his picture would be plastered next to each of them.
“So,” Taehyung whispered, voice a little husky, Yoongi’s heart lodged in his throat, “just me then?” He was pretty sure he let out a small squeak. “I make you nervous, Yoongi?” Taehyung’s hand inched higher up his thigh towards more dangerous waters. His free hand cupped the back of Yoongi’s neck to pull him closer.
His heart was thundering in his chest, beating its fists against his ribs like a caveman wanting to break free. “Y-yeah, sort of.”
“Why?” he asked, tilting his head adorably.
“Not sure,” Yoongi admitted, “you’re very pretty, very nice.”
“You think I’m pretty?” Taehyung beamed, knowing that all along but seemed nonetheless pleased. The elder nodded in confirmation. “Mm, that’s so sweet of you. I think you’re pretty too.”
This time, Yoongi was a hundred percent sure he made some sort of incoherent, gargling noise. “Me?”
“Yes, you, baby,” Taehyung said softly, thumb stroking his denim-clad thigh. “And can I tell you a little secret?” He paused for added effect and Yoongi held in his breath. “Out of everyone here tonight, you’re the first to make me nervous.”
He couldn’t even imagine Taehyung ever being anxious over anything. The kid was confident and sweet, generally friendly and easygoing.
“Yo, time’s up, lover boy!” Bambam called then proceeded to get a reprimanding from Namjoon.
Then nervous Taehyung was gone, replaced by the sexy Santa once again. “Well, that’s all for now.”
Yoongi ignored the growing pit of disappointment in his gut. It was stupid. Taehyung was paid to make people feel special—make him feel special. That was what Santa did. With a heavy heart, he nodded and slowly slid himself off Taehyung. His legs felt as if they were going to give out any second. Maybe this was a sign for him to get back on the dating game, his resolve was pretty damn weak if he was this affected by a guy whom he just met. Yoongi bowed his thanks then walked towards the other end of the platform.
But when he was yanked lightly back, he looked back and down at his hand where Taehyung had caught it. He blinked in confusion at the younger who bit on his bottom lip almost shyly. “Don’t leave, yeah? As in, I’m going to be on break soon, I want to talk to you more. I’ll come find you.”
Fuck. Oh no. There went his heart soaring up into a world unknown, hoping for something even more out of his league. “You want to come find me?” Yoongi swallowed thickly.
Taehyung’s lips tipped on the corners. “Yeah, I’ll see you later?” His voice was stained with hope, a little hint of desperation.
Yoongi only managed a nod before he made his way down and the next person took his place. Taehyung was kidding right? This was just him playing the part? There was no way he wanted to talk to Yoongi again. All he did throughout that entire session was stammer and stutter, far from the articulate man that he was. Yoongi could spit fire tracks and drop curses on his rap like there was no tomorrow, but all that bravado disappeared when he faced Taehyung.
“Namjoon,” Yoongi choked when his best friend returned to his side, “I think—I think I’m in love.”
Namjoon laughed, passing over a drink to Yoongi who looked as if he was about to effloresce on the spot from how much he was sweating and shaking. “Taehyung, dude, I told you.”
“He’s getting paid to do this, I shouldn’t—” Yoongi wanted to cry. He tipped back the drink Namjoon had given him, gulping it down to quench the thirst (not the other one, unfortunately). The sweet drink slid down his throat easily, relieving him of some of the tension in his shoulders. He had drank up every last drop.
“Whoa, slow down there, hyung,” Namjoon said, catching Yoongi before he could hit the back of his head to the wall. The two of them were standing in a corner somewhere in the Santa’s Seat room. Taehyung had told Yoongi to stay, he wasn’t sure if the younger had been teasing him, but he did anyway. Shame be damned.
It was then Yoongi realized the sudden burn in his stomach. “Shit, what the fuck did you give me, Joon?”
“Uh, eggnog.” There was a single pause. “Spiked. Hoseok doused it with like tequila.”
“Fuck, Joon,” Yoongi groaned, glaring at the plastic cup, “you know I don’t handle tequila well.”
“Think of it as liquid courage!” Namjoon chirped as if that solved all his problems.
Yoongi directed his scathing look to the other instead, “More like liquid vomit when I toss all of this back up—”
“Hey, guys.” Another voice interjected, that familiar voice, and Yoongi instantly clamped his mouth shut. His back was turned to Taehyung and panic flared in his eyes as he looked at Namjoon for help. His best friend, being the bestest friend, instead grinned with full out dimples and turned Yoongi to face him. Fuck. Taehyung was too close. “Hey,” Taehyung smiled, eyes softening.
Soft, everything was soft. Yoongi really liked soft.
“You waited,” Taehyung said, seeming in a daze.
Yoongi stiffened, “I thought you told me to.”
“Yeah,” he nodded, “thanks.” Was that a blush? Taehyung ducked his head a little but then smiled brightly again at the elder, “Do you want to go somewhere quieter? It’s kind of crowded.” Behind him, Yoongi heard complained groans from the people in the line who had been waiting to see Taehyung. Something akin to pride bloomed in his chest because now he had Taehyung all to himself. And he had a little bit (a lot) of spiked eggnog too, which as Namjoon had said given him a pinch of valor.
The elder licked his lips and nodded, “Yeah, sounds great.”
“My room’s just upstairs,” Taehyung suggested then paused, eyes blown wide, “n-not that we have to go there! My room’s just quieter so I thought—”
“Good,” Yoongi stopped him, “your room’s good.”
“Aw,” Namjoon cooed, “look at you—”
Yoongi feigned shock as he turned to the stage, “Joon, is that Jimin stripping for Santa Seat right now?”
“Bitch, what,” the guy was too easily maneuvered and Yoongi took that chance to catch Taehyung’s hand and pull him out of there.
Taehyung stepped ahead when Yoongi gestured for him to lead the way. With a huge grin, the younger pulled him up the stairs and down a hallway past pairs making out and to one of the doors labeled with Taehyung and Jimin’s names. He clicked the door shut behind him then watched as Yoongi looked around the room, observing every inch of the boy’s tidy space.
“You can, um, sit on my bed,” Taehyung said, patting the spot next to him where he had settled. Yoongi wanted to knock his head against a wall, but chose to accept the boy’s offer instead. They sat in the deafening silence for a few moments, Yoongi internally screaming at himself to say something and ease the awkwardness. “So, how’s school?”
He choked a little, surprised by how general the question was.
“Sorry,” Taehyung bit his bottom lip again, “I’m really bad at small talk. I don’t—I’m not very good with strangers.”
Yoongi let out a small scoff, “You’re very good. I don’t even know how you manage to talk to everyone so easily like that. On the seat or meeting me earlier, I’m just—I’m impressed. That’s really good.”
“Let me correct that,” Taehyung cleared his throat, “I’m usually okay with strangers but you make me really nervous.”
This felt like déjà vu. “Yeah,” the younger affirmed softly, blushing a little, “you just seem really cool and nice. I don’t want to scare you off. I tend to be a little overwhelming at first glance.”
His nervous chuckle had Yoongi’s heart pinching. How in the world anyone could tell Taehyung that was beyond him. Yes, the boy was surely enthusiastic, but it was something Yoongi admired.
“No, God, no, I’m not cool at all,” Yoongi stumbled, “I’m pretty lame actually.” Cue his nervous laugh.
“Can I kiss you?” Taehyung suddenly asked quietly. That question came out of the blue, pulling all the words out of his head and into a scrambled mess. Yoongi was silent, unsure of what to say because this was so surprising and he never expected Taehyung to even consider kissing him. “Sorry,” Taehyung said, breathing out, “sorry, that was weird. We just met. S—”
Yoongi clamped a hand over his mouth, “Stop apologizing. It’s fine. It’s kind of weird but I don’t mind. I—I kind of want to kiss you too.”
Even with half his face covered by Yoongi’s palm, Taehyung’s expressive eyes glowed hopefully. Slowly, he pulled his hand away and placed it over Taehyung’s on the bed. The younger looked mildly taken aback by the gesture, but offered a small smile in return. He leaned forward and Yoongi followed his lead, shifting closer until their shoulders bumped and arms touched. The younger felt warm against him, radiating the heat of a comfortable summer day.
When their lips touched, Yoongi sucked in a breath. They were so soft, just like Taehyung himself. Their lips molded together, moving and shifting in sync. The elder could hear his heart thrumming in his veins, a rhythmic thumping that dulled the sound of the party outside, dulled the rustling of sheets underneath them as Taehyung pressed himself closer. They turned their bodies, Taehyung shifting to crawl atop the elder and straddle his lap.
He breathed heavily, searching Yoongi’s eyes, “I-is this okay?”
“Yeah,” Yoongi ignored the racing of his heart of Taehyung looking so soft and pliant in his hands. The younger, despite being inches taller, shrunk into himself as he leaned forward again to join their lips. It was as if they were attached at the seams, Taehyung’s hands running over Yoongi’s broad shoulders, Yoongi’s sliding up and down his back before moving to cup the boy’s ass. Taehyung tensed a little at the touch and he immediately reacted to pull his hand away.
However, the other boy quickly stopped him, putting his hands back where they belonged. “Keep them there, I like it.”
Yoongi opened his mouth to respond but before he could, Taehyung kissed him again, harder this time as a moan slipped past his lips and into Yoongi’s. His breath hitched in his throat at the action and his fingers tightened around Taehyung’s pert behind. “You’ve got such a nice ass,” he grunted against his lips.
Taehyung giggled cutely, noses brushing against each other. “Why, thank you, glad you appreciate it.”
“Wanna appreciate it up close,” Yoongi muttered absentmindedly and Taehyung let out an audible choke. “That was supposed to go in my head, not out loud.”
“I’d love it if you appreciate it up close,” he grinned again, a devilish gleam in his eyes this time, “but—” he licked his lips “—how do you feel about my sucking you off?”
Yoongi stiffened, pulling away to quirk an eyebrow at him. “What? Like right now?”
“Yeah,” he shrugged, “I’m guessing you’re clean.”
“Yeah but—”
“Great!” Taehyung chirped, clapping his hands together and bounding off the elder’s lap. “So, yes?”
Yes, yes, a million times yes? A blowjob from the cutest guy on campus who everyone fell in love with? Sign him the fuck up. “Yeah, yeah, that would be nice.”
Taehyung chortled, sinking down to his knees and rubbing his hands up along Yoongi’s skinny thighs, fingers deftly unbuttoning his jeans. He popped it open and pulled his zipper down, exposing the tiny sliver of his boxers where his bulge was poking out. Fuck, he was already hard. How?
“Wait, Taehyung, are you sure? I don’t want to like pressure you,” Yoongi coughed, feeling his cheeks flame.
The boy on the floor gave him a look, “Dude, I legit asked you if I could suck you off. I’m definitely sure.”
“O-okay,” Yoongi stuttered. He wanted to say more, but all of his neurons fizzled out the second Taehyung pressed his hot tongue against the fabric-covered swelling between his legs. A curse escaped his lips as he twisted his fingers in the blanket.
Taehyung started mouthing at it as he pulled Yoongi’s jeans down with the elder instinctively assisting him by lifting his hips up. The younger’s hands were warm on his thighs, the tanned skin a beautiful contrast against Yoongi’s pale one. His lips closed in around the thickness, tongue pushing down wet and heavy. He was so sensitive already, whining at how good the heat of Taehyung’s mouth felt around him.
Then, as if Taehyung was on a mission to surprise him further, with his teeth catching the hem of his boxers, pulled the fabric down until his cock sprung free. God, he was embarrassingly hard. So damn hard. Taehyung hadn’t even properly put his mouth on him yet—oh fuck.
He did. Taehyung’s fingers wrapped around the length, fitting it snugly in his palm, as he dragged his tongue up from the base to the tip before taking the pulsating head into his mouth. The heat and moisture that enclosed around his stimulated cock was more than enough to catapult Yoongi further into the blinding pleasure. Fire streaked through his body at the sensation, like a burning heat that licked up his skin.
Taehyung took him in deep quickly, pushing the entire length past his tight lips. He bobbed his head up and down on the shaft, fingers twisting around the remaining skin that he couldn’t fit down his throat. Then he popped it free, shifting somewhat downwards to nibble his way up Yoongi’s inner thighs. His teeth grazed on the pale skin, blooming prints of purples and blues that would surely last a while to mark his presence. Taehyung seemed to be having the time of his life, taking his time to nose his way back up to Yoongi’s cock.
Then he paused, staring for a second and making the elder fidget a little. Taehyung’s eyes flicked up to meet Yoongi’s before he dived back down, tongue darting out to swirl right around his balls. Yoongi jerked his hips up, surprised, and let an unattractive gasp escape his throat. Taehyung chuckled in amusement, but the rumble of his chest only worsened what already had Yoongi holding onto the edge of his pleasure.
“So sensitive, hyung,” Taehyung giggled, stroking his cock as he sucked one of his balls into his mouth. His lips closed in tight and tongue pushed up against the skin. All Yoongi could feel was heat, heat, heat. There were flames before his eyes kissing his skin with every one of Taehyung’s touch searing, imprinting, onto him.
Taehyung’s name left his lips in a breathless pant. “Fuck, just like that, that feels so—hng, so good, baby.” The pet name had Taehyung whimpering, mouth full of Yoongi. He swept his tongue in long, wet strokes around his balls, then—fucking shit— “holy fuck, r-right there. Oh fuck, that feels so damn good.” Taehyung flicked his tongue fast and hard down that one line of his balls that had him squeezing his eyes shut, mouth parted and lips quivering.
He was quickly pulling Yoongi to the edge, luring him in with that serpent-like tongue of his. It was as if Taehyung had filled him with this addicting drug that had his body’s temperature rising, sweat beading his face, as he tried to hold himself back. It’s been a while since he’s gotten a good blow, yeah, but this was too fast. Too embarrassing to show Taehyung.
But it felt too damn good.
His breaths came out in short puffs as his fingers made their way to Taehyung’s hair and the strands were as silky as he imagined them to be. Taehyung was still fervently working on his balls, which in turn had his cock hardening even more with the stimulation. He had the enthusiasm, that’s for sure.
However, Yoongi couldn’t have been more relieved when he finally brought his mouth back onto his dick. His pretty, pink lips stretched around the bulbous head and sucked it in. He hollowed out his cheeks and dipped his head over and over to take him in. Every time he pushed Yoongi’s cock down his throat, he went deeper and deeper. Yoongi wasn’t even sure if the kid had a gag reflex when he was sucking cock like a champ. Then he swallowed—he fucking swallowed—around his dick and the sudden pulsation had Yoongi groaning in sheer satisfaction.
“Holy shit, holy shit,” Yoongi choked, tightening his hold on Taehyung’s hair. The boy loved that so he did it again, and Yoongi tugged harder on his locks, which prompted a whimper bubbling up from the younger’s throat that Yoongi absolutely loved.  
“Fuck, you taste so good,” Taehyung moaned and stroked the length again, darting out his tongue collect the drop of precome that had leaked.
“Such a good boy, Taehyung,” the elder murmured as he tilted his head back again, relishing in the pure, unadulterated lust that coursed through his system. The feeling was addicting, electrifying, had his entire body buzzing with thrill. “You take cock so well, baby.”
Taehyung whined quietly, “Y-you should see my ass take cock next time.”
Fuck, fuck yes. “God, yeah, I want that. Next time, baby.”
“For now,” Taehyung grinned, winking up at him, “you’ll have to settle for my mouth.” Then Taehyung suckled on the tip, slurping on it as if it were his last meal. He sucked on the slit to savor the stray drops that oozed out.
Yoongi could feel himself getting closer and closer, his breath catching in his throat every time he did so. However, he was sent tipping over the edge when he opened his eyes and looked down to find Taehyung staring right back up at him. His pupils were dilated, watching Yoongi’s reaction and flushed face carefully, and his gaze clouded over with devious contentment. But the prettiest sight was his lips surrounding his cock, mouth so full of Yoongi’s dick he looked as if he was about to combust.
“Shit, Tae, I-I’m gonna come,” Yoongi stammered, pulling Taehyung off of him. The younger nodded obediently and instead circled his fingers around the shaft again, stroking it hard and fast. He tugged on it just enough to have Yoongi bowing in the absolute force of his pleasure bending him to its will. It wasn’t long before he was spilling all over the boy’s hands, thick white spurts covering his thighs and Taehyung’s digits. Yoongi was practically heaving, he wanted to cry from how good that release was even when Taehyung was still milking him dry, the younger boy’s eyes staring in mesmerization at the head still pouring out his come.
When Yoongi was finally (took him long enough, holy fuck he came a lot) finished, he quickly let the humiliation settle in his gut as he reached for a tissue to wipe himself up. “Sorry,” Taehyung said with no remorse whatsoever in his voice and instead eyes glimmering with delight, “I don’t swallow on the first date.”
“Y-you’re good,” Yoongi choked, pulling his boxers up again. Then his gaze darted over to Taehyung and the prominent bump in his own boxers. “Uh, do you want me to help? I can.”
“Not tonight,” Taehyung grinned, “come cuddle with me.”
Yoongi regretted his words almost immediately when the light in the boy’s irises dimmed. It was as if the elder could see the disappointment bearing down on his shoulders like a visible burden. “O-oh, I mean—”
“Cuddling is good,” Yoongi blurted out, licking his lips anxiously, “I’d like to cuddle.”
“Yeah?” Holy shit. If Yoongi could do one thing for the rest of his life and only one thing, it would be to keep Taehyung’s eyes illuminating that way.
The two of them huddled up together on the single bed, Taehyung’s arm draped over Yoongi’s waist and Yoongi’s arm awkwardly placed under Taehyung’s head with the younger’s insistence. Despite the stiff positioning and the certainty of his waking up with a dead arm, Yoongi didn’t find himself minding it all that much.
Taehyung whispered as if he was telling a secret, “What’re you thinking about? You’re awfully quiet.”
“I’m usually this quiet,” Yoongi muttered, slightly flustered by how intensely the other was staring at him.
“You seem like you have a lot of thoughts you keep to yourself.”
Yoongi looked visibly startled by Taehyung’s statement, by how daring and how true it was. He pressed his lips together, unsure of what to say. “I mean—I don’t really like to spill it out. It’s just… thoughts after all.”
“Is it selfish that I kind of want you to share those thoughts with me?”
Gulp. “Uh, no offense, but we literally just met.”
Taehyung giggled, scooting closer, “I know. But I just have this feeling, you know. That like gut instinct that’s telling me that I’m going to like you a lot, Yoongi. And I think, maybe, you’re going to like me a lot too.”
In that moment, Yoongi thought that Taehyung was a little bit strange, a little bit sweet, and a little bit too bold. But he hadn’t known then that Taehyung would be 100% right.
“You know,” Taehyung started, muffling his voice in Yoongi’s thick sweater. His boyfriend was warm and cuddly in the woolen piece Taehyung had gifted him for Christmas. “When I met you a year ago, I already knew about you—already knew I wanted to meet you.”
Yoongi cocked an eyebrow, arm still snug around his boyfriend’s shoulders. “Really? How so?”
“Namjoon kept talking about you,” Taehyung let out a small giggle, “I thought you were really cool but he didn’t want to introduce me to you, thought I’d scare you off. I kept begging him to let us meet, but he didn’t agree until I bribed him with Jimin.”
Whipped fucker. That guy was head over heels then for someone who was basically Taehyung’s twin. Yoongi couldn’t judge though, not when he was so far up Taehyung’s ass, both figuratively and sexually, he couldn’t see straight most of the time. “Can’t believe him,” he muttered under his breath.
“So, Santa Seat was perfect for us, don’t you think?”
“Cute,” Yoongi chuckled, “glad I met you, Santa.”
“Me too, baby, me too.”
196 notes · View notes
Taehyung: Words ending in 'ie' are so cute, like 'sweetie' and 'cookie'.
Yoongi: And 'die'.
5K notes · View notes
everythingjiminie · 7 years
Taehyung: My love,
Taehuyng: If you are smiling, send me your smiles
Taehuyng: If you are sleeping, send me your dreams
Taehuyng: If you are crying, send me your tears
Taehuyng: I love you.
Yoongi: I am in the toilet ... what do I send?
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misswoozi · 2 years
IDK why but I keep thinking Yoongi/Taehyung for the hair pulling scenario. I can’t not see Taehyung grabbing a fist full of Yoongi’s hair as he’s giving him head
I LOVE IT. YES. HEADCANON ACCEPTED. I seriously love Taegi and I think this suits them. They're both into the rougher stuff and Taehyung worships Yoongi. He'd think he looked so hot with his long hair, too.
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