#taeyeon eating pizza
itzynabi · 9 months
summary: in which someone talks to eve
set: 3 nov 2018
word count: 3.1k
warnings: talks of depression & mental health, mention of food. pls tell me if i missed anything
an: the gif is mine. if im being honest, this was a very self indulgent scenario of things i wish i was told, but it was surprisingly hard to write bcs i had no idea how i wanted to be comforted. anyways, i hope you like it! words im bold are english. feedback and reblogs are much appreciated 💐
eve’s masterlist
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A plate of food was placed in front of Eve. “How are you feeling?”
She looked up at her brother as he sat down opposite her at the table. “...I’m not sure.” She could tell he wasn’t satisfied with her answer, but he didn’t push it. Thankfully.
Following her breakdown five days ago, Kibum became very involved in her life. Every morning and night, he would ask her how she was feeling; she had to write in a journal — she didn’t have to show him anything she wrote, though; they went on walks together with his dogs. He wanted to help her.
“I’m going to meet up with Taeyeon today. You’re going to training, right?”
Eve shook her head. “The trainers are still sorting out whatever the problem is. But I’m gonna go to a dance class with Chaeryeong and Ryujin. Then we’ll get lunch and they have to do homework, so we’ll go our separate ways.”
“Okay.” Kibum nodded. “On your way back, can you pick the dogs up from the day care centre? I’ll send you the address.”
“Okie dokie,” she agreed. “Can we eat now?”
“Yes. Yes, we can.”
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Ryujin groaned as Eve massaged her shoulders. “Everything hurts.”
The three girls had finished their dance class at a studio. It was their first time going to that studio, so they didn’t know what to expect, and they quickly realised how under prepared they were. The two hour class started and ended with thirty minutes of cardio to ‘help with their stamina.’ Or so they were told.
Chaeryeong returned to their booth with a tray full of their food. “My legs felt like jelly when I was fetching the tray,” she told her friends.
“It’s only my back that’s sore,” Eve said. She stopped massaging Ryujin — causing the girl to groan louder — and turned to face their food.
Chaeryeong slid into the booth, groaning in relief when her legs stopped paining. “You’re lucky, unnie.”
“How isn’t everything sore for you?” Ryujin asked, taking her soda.
Eve answered as she sorted through all of their food, giving each girl their meal, “I did this type of stuff in strength and conditioning for ballet. It wasn’t really cardio focused, but everything would get worked out and exercised.”
Chaeryeong slumped against the booth. “I should’ve gone to your school. Then I would’ve been so strong.”
“Even the teacher said she has good muscle,” Ryujin commented, dipping one of her chips into tomato sauce.
Eve picked up a slice of her potato and bacon pizza. “I’m only strong because I actually work out,” she said before taking a bite.
“We also work out!” Chaeryeong argued, sitting up so she could start eating her cheeseburger.
“But unnie works out every week,” Ryujin pointed out as she took the gherkins out of her hamburger, putting them on the side of her plate, “we work out once a month. Sometimes once every two months.”
Chaeryeong nodded in agreement. “True. She could be a national athlete with how much she works out,” she joked with a giggle.
Ryujin nodded, also giggling. “She should do women’s footb–”
She stopped speaking as the intro to La Vie en Rose started playing from the restaurant speakers. Both her and Chaeryeong glanced at Eve, who was too busy enjoying her pizza to notice. She looked up from her plate when she noticed the silence at the table.
“What’s going on?” She asked, putting her pizza back on her plate. She looked around the restaurant in confusion before hearing Eunbi’s part of the verse playing. “Oh.” She simply said, returning to her pizza with an indifferent shrug.
She hadn’t told anyone about her mental breakdown, but she knew her friends knew that something was up with her. Eve tried to conceal the way her hand trembled slightly by using two hands to eat her pizza.
“You don’t have to, like, act weird around me,” she said when she noticed how Ryujin and Chaeryeong were trying — and failing — to pretend they weren’t watching her.
Chaeryeong chuckled awkwardly, fussing with her hair. “We’re not acting weird.”
Eve rolled her eyes dramatically with a groan as she put down her pizza. “I flopped my way out of debuting in IZ*ONE. It’s not the end of the world. I’m okay. You can talk about the group, or the song, or anything — I won’t freak out. It’s not a big deal.” Even to her own ears, it sounded like she was trying to convince herself of what she was saying.
“Well, yeah, it’s just… I mean, you really wanted to debut, Nabi unnie. And we were all voting for you and everything and… It’s just a bit awkward because you don’t seem sad but you also do?” Ryujin said, scrunching her face more and more as she spoke. “You haven’t said anything, but we can tell that something’s upsetting you.”
Eve sighed. “It’s just the normal disappointment that comes with not getting something you wanted. You guys know what it’s like, you both didn’t get to debut through the survival shows you were on. I’m dealing with it in my own way, but I’m fine. Besides, I don’t want you to feel like you can’t be proud of your sister,” she told Chaeryeong. “I didn’t debut, but she did. That’s great!”
Ryujin nodded slowly. “Acting like this must make it harder to get over it, right?”
“Yep,” Eve said, popping the last P. “It’s almost suffocating.” She stole a chip from her friends’ plates, trying to lighten the mood again. She knew she succeeded when Ryujin took one of the cubes of potato off of her pizza and Chaeryeong took a sip of her soda.
The three girls finished eating their food as they talked some more. Within another ten minutes, they had finished their food and had left the restaurant. They stood outside the building, watching as cars drove by.
“Well, it was nice hanging with you guys,” Eve said, knowing that Ryujin and Chaeryeong were going to do their homework. “Enjoy doing your essays.”
Ryujin and Chaeryeong shared a look before the former girl stepped closer to Eve. “Unnie, we’re not going to do homework. We’re… We’re going to the company.”
Eve blinked repeatedly, shaking her head. “What do you mean? There isn’t any training. There hasn’t been for a while.”
”It’s because we’re not training, we’re debuting,” Chaeryeong said. “That’s why there hasn’t been any training. Just like when TWICE sunbaenim and STRAY KIDS sunbaenim were preparing for their debuts.”
“Oh,” Eve said, not knowing how to react. She felt a bunch of conflicting emotions. “Um… I’m happy for you!” She weakly cheered. “You guys are… gonna do so well. Um, I have to go fetch Commes Des and Garçon now, but… Wow! Congratulations! Really. Bye.”
She turned around and walked away, not waiting to listen if her friends were going to say anything. She quickly went to fetch her brother’s dogs and returned home. She put some dog food and water in their bowls, still thinking about what Chaeryeong and Ryujin told her.
Eve truly didn’t know how to feel about it. She obviously was happy for them — who wouldn’t be? But she was also… jealous. She worked insanely hard to be good at her craft, but it wasn’t enough. Jinyoung wasn’t kidding when he said that her performance in Produce 48 would affect whether or not she would debut in the new girl group.
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Kibum entered the passcode to his apartment, walking in. “Thanks for coming, noona,” he said as Taeyeon walked in behind him.
“It’s okay,” Taeyeon waved him off, “don’t mention it. By the way, where are Commes Des and Garçon?” She asked, noticing how the dogs didn’t rush to greet them and how they weren’t in the living room.
Kibum frowned as he looked around the room. “I don’t know. Nabi said she’d fetch them. Maybe they’re on a walk?” He poked his head into his room, not noticing how Taeyeon went to open Eve’s bedroom door.
“I found them,” she whisper-shouted. She heard Kibum walk towards her until he was standing behind her, staring at the sight in front of the both of them: Eve curled up in bed with both of the dogs in her arms as she slept. Garçon wasn’t facing them, and therefore hadn’t seen them, but Commes Des was staring right at them. Both dogs were awake, watching over Eve as she slept.
“Was she crying?” Taeyeon asked, noticing dried tear streaks on Eve’s face. She started walking forward, but was stopped by Commes Des growling.
Kibum groaned, “Why are you growling? What’s the problem?”
Commes Des squirmed his way out of Eve’s hold, standing just in front of her as Garçon turned around to face the two idols. Eve stirred softly as Commes Des kept growling.
“Bro, chill,” she mumbled, raising her right arm to gently stroke his back. “Relax.”
“He was about to attack me,” Taeyeon joked, nodding her head slowly and squinting her eyes in the way she usually did.
Eve sat up slowly, still holding onto Garçon. She yawned as she fully woke up and rubbed her eyes. “What’re you doing here, ahjumma?”
“Kibum-ah asked me to talk to you,” she answered, pointing at the man.
Eve simply blinked. “Are you my therapist?”
Taeyeon chuckled, walking fully into the room and sitting down next to Eve. “I’m not your therapist, no. I’m just… here to talk. About whatever you want.”
“I’ll be next door,” Kibum said, turning around to walk away. Garçon and Commes Des followed him out of the room, probably so they could force him to play with them.
“Do you want me to close the door?” Taeyeon asked, pointing at it. Eve hesitated before nodding and Taeyeon got up to close it before returning to sit next to her. “So…”
“So…” Eve echoed. “What did ahjussi tell you?”
Taeyeon sharply inhaled. “That you broke down–”
“–, that your depression is worse–”
“–, and that he’s worried about you and doesn’t want anything to happen to you.”
“Oh! Also that you wrote a song.”
Eve nodded. “Oh, yeah. I did. Would you like to hear it? Or read the lyrics? I didn’t actually record it, so…”
Taeyeon nodded. “Yeah.”
“Okie dokie.” Eve stood up and walked to her desk. She ruffled among the many papers lying all over the desk, letting out a soft ‘Ah-ha!’ when she found the exam pad she wrote the song on. “I wrote it in English, but I wrote a Korean version of it,” she told Taeyeon as she walked back to the older girl and handed her the exam pad.
The room was quiet as Taeyeon read over the lyrics, only the sound of her flipping the page to fill the room. Eve used the time to observe Taeyeon. She knew that Taeyeon also had depression — she sang about it. It was through talking with her and Jonghyun that she realised she might have depression. She went to a psychologist to get diagnosed, but didn’t see the point of going to therapy because she felt it wasn’t serious enough for therapy.
When Taeyeon was done reading, she closed the exam pad and put it down next to her. “Well, that’s… Well, it’s sad. Do you want to talk about it?”
“There’s not much to talk about really,” Eve said with a shrug. “I mean, it’s all clear.”
“Okay. Then can you tell me why you were crying?” Taeyeon asked, gesturing at Eve’s face.
Eve visibly hesitated. “Um, my friends are debuting. That’s why there hasn’t been any training. The company stops training when a group is preparing for debut to stop the chances of the song or choreography being leaked. I found out today when we were eating lunch. It was just… PD- nim told me he wanted to debut a new group. He told me that my performance in Produce 48 would affect whether or not I debut in the group and… I didn’t make it into the group so… Yeah.”
Taeyeon’s eyebrows furrowed. “I’m sorry, Nabi.”
“You don’t have to apologise for anything. It’s not your fault. I should’ve done a better job on Produce 48, it’s my fault.”
“It’s not your fault,” Taeyeon told her.
“Yes, it is. I was the one competing, I was the one that performed, I was the one that didn’t do her best. I’m the one that’s at fault,” she said, feeling herself get emotional again. “I’m happy for my friends, but I feel like…”
“Like that should be you?” Taeyeon finished for her, Eve nodding.
“I’m not saying they don’t deserve it, I just want it for myself,” she explained. “I’ve been a trainee for so long, I’ll never debut at this point. I should just switch to becoming a full-time ballerina. I can audition for the national ballet and–”
“Woah, woah, woah.” Taeyeon waved her arms around. “Nabi, you’re going to debut. You just need to keep going.”
Eve scoffed. “Unnie, I’m not debuting. It’s been six years, okay. I’ve showcased everything that I possibly could — I have nothing left. The company’s probably going to cut their losses and just tell me to end my contract. I wouldn’t fault them or anything. I pretty much embarrassed them. So, I’ll just reinvent myself and do bal–”
“Why are you so adamant on giving up?”
“Because I’m tired!” She exclaimed. “I’m tired of everything. I just want to stop.”
Taeyeon wrapped her arm around Eve, squeezing the younger girl’s shoulder. “Agi-yah, I know it’s hard right now, but it’ll get better soon. Unnie promises. I’m here, Key’s here, everyone’s here. And we’re going to support you, okay? Just hold on a little longer.”
They were silent for some time as Eve calmed herself down. From outside her room, they could hear Kibum trying to bargain with the dogs to get them to let him rest. “I don’t know what’s wrong, it’s… Something is broken,” Eve said. “I’m broken.”
“You’re not broken,” Taeyeon comforted. “I know it feels that way — I know that’s what your brain is telling you —, but trust me, Nabi-yah. You’re not broken. All you need is to get help — professional help.”
“Oppa said the same thing. We’re in the process of looking for a therapist that won’t tell me it’s all in my head.”
‘I mean, technically, it is all in your head,'' Taeyeon joked, trying to get Eve to smile. “It’s a mental illness. In your mi–”
“I get it, oh my goodness.”
Taeyeon chuckled. “You know I’m here for you if you need anything? We’re in this together, okay? I don’t call you Kim Maknae for nothing, so come to me whenever. I know what you’re going through — I’ve been there. I won’t leave you to go through this alone. We’ll take it step by step by step by step. You’re doing so well and I can see your hard work.”
Eve nodded. “Thank you, ahjumma. It means a lot.”
She squeezed Eve’s shoulder. “It’s no problem. And you do realise that when you go to therapy, you’ll have to talk about your feelings, right?”
Eve groaned, throwing her head back as Taeyeon cackled. “I’m not looking forward to it.”
“Just pretend your therapist is me and you’ll be fine.”
“But,” Eve started, her voice slightly more uncertain, “I’ve, like… Like, I’ve…”
“Yeah,” Taeyeon encouraged.
Eve sighed frustratedly. “I don’t know, it’s… I’ve basically, like, found a way to mould my life around my depression. It isn’t constantly bad or anything like that, but it’s there. And I know how to go through life while being depressed, you know? And… I guess, I’m just… Who am I without depression?” She asked, not actually expecting Taeyeon to answer. “When I went to that psychologist, he told me that I most likely started feeling depressed when I was twelve and subconsciously found a way to, like, ignore it, or whatever, but he could see the effects it had on me. He said the reason it was getting more apparent than before was because I was feeling more and more stressed and he gave me ways to manage them. And I follow the tips, and I do the stretches and meditations, and I’ve, like, reworked my personality around this depression thing, and… I don’t know who I am,” she finished, panting lightly.
“I relate to that,” Taeyeon said after a minute of silence. “You spend so long being depressed that you can’t remember who you were before you were depressed. Or, you do remember who you were, but it’s so similar to who you are now that you start to wonder if you’re actually depressed. So then the question becomes, ‘Is it that I’ve been depressed for longer than I realised?’ Or it’s, ‘Am I even depressed enough to warrant seeking help?’ Or, it’s ‘Am I even depressed at all?’ And honestly, Nabi, I don’t know what it is. I so badly wish I could tell you the answer, but the truth is, I’m also figuring that out. Like I said, we’re doing this together. So, if you find out the answer to that question first, tell me,” she joked.
Eve nodded with a chuckle. “Okay, okay. I have no more questions to ask now,” she said.
“Yeah? I find that hard to believe, but I’ll take it.” She stood up, removing her arm from Eve’s shoulder. “Let’s go out there. We bought you a cake. And, hey. If you’re not added to that debut in JYP by the end of the year, I’ll use my connections to have you debut solo. Or I’ll add you to Red Velvet.”
Eve rolled her eyes as she stood up. “Why would you add me to a group that’s been active for four years? I appreciate the sentiment, but seriously?”
Taeyeon scoffed, opening the door. “It’s the thought that counts,” she whined as they walked into the living room.
Kibum looked up as he threw a toy for Garçon to chase after. “Are you done?”
Taeyeon nodded. “We talked and talked.”
He shifted his gaze to his sister. “Are you feeling better?”
“Yes, actually,” Eve said with a deep exhale. “Ahjumma said things that I needed to hear. Thanks for arranging this.”
“Of course, you don’t have to mention it,” he said, sighing as Garçon put the toy back in his hands. They all watched as Commes Des stalked over to Taeyeon, the idol picking the dog up.
“I heard there’s cake.”
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an: i dont go to jype so idk they actually stop training when a group is preparing for debut, but i thought it would be a cool thing to add/write about
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tagging: @seolboba // @ateezivy // @ateezjuliet // @cafemilk-tea // @smh-anon // @alixnsuperstxr // @cosmicwintr // @girlzwfun // @txt-yaomi // @moongrlz
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©️ kim nabi
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sweetmastermind · 2 years
Why the women hate other popular pretty women even famous..teenager girl???
Can you did tarot reading about that..
The op mentioned 7 most hated female idols by the women in korea..
Jang Wonyoung is no 1 ...she is still teenager..but get ton hate for eat pizza now..
Taeyeon is no2 ..i thought she was loved in korea...but turned she get hate in korea...now
Naeun is no3
Kang minkyoung is no4
Park soojin is no 5
Jennie is no6 cause she is it girl...
Suzy is no 7 ..i guess she is femininist and didn't hide that
I think the obvious reason is jealousy, and in part is the inner misogyny, like all of them are pretty and talented and they are considered really successful. Is really sad but a reality a lot of people go through, celebrities are in the public eye and it doesn't matter their age
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orchidrene · 2 years
Which idol do you resemble and why?
Pile 1 Pile 2
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Pile 3 Pile 4
Pile 1
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First impression:
Irene from red velvet: remember how people were like Irene is basically Taeyeon and Tiffany mixed during the sm rookies thing? You might have that vibe too. Cold, unapproachable, pretty and confident. You might come off chic and attractive. I'm sensing you getting extremely startled at small things but not being fazed by other people 💀. People might feel like you think that they're not on your level and stuff. You seem to have really pretty lips and might even have a lip habit like biting, licking or pouting.
First conversation:
Taehyung, Namjoon, IU: People are going to be shocked at your philosophical way of life and probably melancholic personality but I feel like it gets balanced out because you still seem to be extremely confident and have Tiffany vibes to yourself and people have already heard about you being players. You might be open to others' values but still follow your own values like someone in front of you is like "how can someone even have pizza with pineapple toppings?" And you're like "yeah right." Then proceed to eat a slice of pineapple pizza in front of them. People might feel extremely heard by you if they're being vulnerable though. You tend to become a very comforting and warm person when someone needs emotional support. Like IU, you seem to bond with people over emotions and experiences. Like RM, you seem to give wise and well thought out advice. Like Taehyung, you seem to be that warm friend who warms your heart and makes you want to love them. I'll say that you know how to carry yourself. You have that savage aura to yourself though. "Is it your dream to collab with JB?" "I mean it's not a dream."
Friends' POV:
Jimin (ex AOA), Jimin (BTS), Mina (ex AOA): Right off the bat ㅠㅠ you probably cut off all or most of your friends. Your ex friends see you as flirty hoes, they hold a lot of anger towards you for some reason. Maybe some of you dated one of their ex crushes? Someone extremely charming but fake 💀 like Jimin's (BTS) charm can't be denied but it's like they think your romantic suitors see you as this lovely Jimin pure, flirty and extremely cute but you're actually a Mina who victimizes themselves a lot and a Jimin (AOA) who bullies others and is a whore and bitch😭. I feel like it's their fault though, you seem to have Taylor Swift energy honestly, maybe you have a lot of suitors and ex's where it didn't work out and just the way Taylor was serious about them and is slut shamed for absolutely no reason, they see you like that too. I sense they're jealous of your beauty and how you were the most attractive friend. You might've told them that you felt left out just for them to take it as a personal attack too.
Pile 2
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First impression:
Jisoo (Blackpink): I feel like you come off a bit more of an elegant and pure beauty. I'm getting AIIYL era Jisoo vibes here. You might be seen as someone extremely funny and many people's ideal type too. People feel like you've got a very youthful appearance. The girl next door energy here. You might be seen as someone funny and someone with no bad intentions too. Might be seen as someone introverted and shy.
First conversation:
Jennie (Blackpink), Jin (BTS) and Lee Know (skz) :Turns out you're not as innocent as people might think of you to be. You might come off extremely savage and opiniated at times. I'm sensing major IT girl energy here (I mean it's Jennie.) Ahahaha ㅠㅠ you might be extremely blunt and funny too. I'm sensing you roasting the shit out of people at first meeting. I'm sensing you making a lot of eye contact too.
Friends' POV:
Sunghoon (Enhypen): You make fun of your friends, people naturally have a soft spot on you. Your friends seem to see you as someone extremely cold but cute and easy going... You might make a small but cute fuss when you don't get what you want. You're someone with a lot of work ethic too according to your friends. You might have a very good sense of fashion and be objectively attractive according to most of them.
Pile 3
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First impression:
Yunjin (LESSERAFIM): someone with positive vibes, an attractive and healthy body, someone with a lot of good vibes, might have that leader-ish vibe to yourself. Someone funny, might have a lot of libra energy. Someone balanced. Someone mature and loveable. Someone that naturally stands out, might be someone with a good amount of social skills.
First conversation:
Jungwon (Enhypen): Someone respectable, someone respectful. You might talk a lot about the dark aspects of being a human like the shadow side. About accepting the short comings and stuff. People see you as someone extremely hardworking and adorable. You might have a good voice too like Taeyeon and Jungwon types. You might joke around with others about work or a presentation and just be like "I won't let you down." In a very rushed manner. Which people find adorable. People want to just pull you to their lap??? (Jaywon🪐😔)
Friends' POV:
Ryujin (ITZY): straight out girl crush energy (you don't have to be a girl 🦋 might just be a heart throb) I'm hearing 'not shy' by ITZY. You might be a person who loves pursuing your love interests. Might see you as someone extremely desirable by the same sex perspective. Might have a very funny laugh that makes them laugh too. You might have a resting bitch face.
Pile 4:
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First impression:
Seulgi (RV): someone cute and loveable, might be a feline beauty too, someone with a lot of charm. Girl crush charm. You might be someone who looks like you're open to getting to know others. You might have a very "I'm scared but I'll do it" energy. Curiousity of a child. Really cute big baby energy.
First conversation:
Chanyeol (EXO): people might realize that you're actually a bit more shy than they saw you to be. You might stutter a bit. Might not really talk first. You might be a bit shy even when talking back. Might be extremely playful when you get comfortable though.
Friends' POV:
Taeyeon (SNSD/soloist): You seem to have something extremely poetic and melancholic about you but in a very dark feminine way. "Four seasons" played when shuffling, might have a "after all I did for you" kind of attitude towards your ex romantic partners. Might be seen as someone a bit of a player but a femme fatale. "You can go but I won't be here when you turn back." You might have the "fuck you all I'm fine by myself" energy after cutting someone off. I'm hearing "if" by Taeyeon ㅠㅠ I feel like you have an ex friend that you had mutual feelings for... That you had to cut off. They are taking you for granted right now but will be begging for you to take them back soon. I also hear you're very emotional but your friends usually don't seem to pay attention to that side of you? You're clearly misunderstood. You deserve to receive the affection you give out, please don't forget that.♡
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sombreboy · 4 years
Quality time⇢kth x jjk
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⇢18+ ⇢pairing: Taehyung x Jungkook ⇢genre: Smut, fluff, mxm, married couple ⇢word count: 3.7k ⇢warnings: Profanity, fluff, smut, daddy kink, sub!jjk, dom!kth, dirtytalk, masturbation, anal, please its fiction use lube and be safe, creampie in da ass
A/N: Serves as a oneshot within the Love Maze series AU, however can also be read on it’s own. Co-written with my lovely @velvetwicebang​​ <3 Banner made by lovely @chimoona​ <3 Thank you xoxo
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Jungkook & Taehyung absolutely loved and adored being fathers to little Taeyeon. There's no amount of riches in the entire universe that'd make them even consider trading their lives away. But... they'd be lying if they said they didn't need a break.
Ever since their little girl joined their family, both men have been busier than ever. With Jungkook being a very high demand tattoo artist, he spends the majority of his day putting art on people's skin. Sometimes he'd be able to bring the small one to work with him, but only when all he had to do was sketch-- and even then he'd get less than the ideal amount of work done. But he refused to let Taehyung take all the responsibility by himself. Luckily, Tae's job was not nearly as demanding. He could work on edits of his photos from his very couch with a baby in his lap without issues. Except for when the child was insatiable and wanted her other daddy. Adding to their exhaustion, when they both were actually home, all their energy went to keep Taeyeon happy, fed and clean. They love her so much, but... They've barely been able to show this love to one another.
With all this in mind, Jungkook had decided to plan a surprise for the night dedicated to his husband. From the amount of times he's been babysitting Joon and Jisoo's kids, they finally helped convince Kook to let them take Taeyeon for one night to let them breathe. Jungkook was very hesitant until he finally gave in; only with Taehyung in mind. He needed it.
Jungkook knew Tae would be waiting at home, as Koo had brought their baby with him to work to let the elder get some peaceful work done. After leaving his child at Joon's, he drove home feeling excited. On the way, he picked up some pizza. A simple luxury they've also rarely indulged in lately. Tonight was going to be simple, yet not. Jungkook felt his mouth salivate as he pulled up in the driveway, and it was not because of the pizza.
The exact moment Taehyung heard the familiar squeak of the doorknob, he dismissed his computer to the empty side of the couch. The elder was expecting to be greeted by Jungkook and Taeyeon— like always— but instead, he was met with a box of pizza in place of their baby.
“Kook, where’s Yeonie?” The little girl has been with them for months, it felt out of place not seeing her cute face after a long day of work, “Is she okay? Did something happen to her?” Tae’d been so busy thinking of the worst, that the rare box of pizza in Jungkook’s hold was momentarily forgotten. It was only when his husband had explained to him about the night’s plans that Taehyung visibly relaxed.
“Shit.. I’m so stressed out these days.” The elder sighed, finally looking into Kook’s soft eyes once he’d gotten a hold of himself, “You did this for us?” He looped his arms around Jungkook’s neck, “Baby, thank you. That’s so thoughtful of you..” Taehyung took the box of greasy pizza from his husband’s hand, careless as he sat it down on the coffee table. He plopped down onto the couch, forgetting about his ‘parent image’ for the moment. Tae brought a slice of pizza to his mouth, outwardly moaning at the forgotten flavor. He’s missed this, that’s for sure. “I missed pizza, thank you.” He was clueless as to what Jungkook’s motive was, “Want to watch TV? We still need to catch up on that show.”
"Sure, let's." Jungkook grabbed the remote as he plopped down next to Taehyung, turning the tv on to resume where they had previously attempted to finish half way through a show on Netflix. Kook reached for a greasy piece of the blissful garbage food of his own and quickly had it devoured, all while glancing over at his husband more than he was focusing on the movie. Without their child, it seemed like Taehyung really savored the moment to just be. It was like pieces of the old Taehyung seeped through the cracks of his father persona. Jungkook didn't really need nor want any more pizza, letting Tae eat most of it. The youngers appetite was for something else entirely.
As time passed, Kook allowed Taehyung to enjoy the relaxation of digesting and watching his show, but when deemed enough, Jungkook's patience ran low. Now that the elder got some time to breathe, it was Jungkook's turn to get what he's been yearning for.
"Daddy," Kook murmured coyly, knowing this specific word stirred something in his husband. He reached to caress Tae's cheek with his tattooed knuckles, a gentle way of asking the elder to look at him, "I have something else for you."
The elder found it exceptionally hard to digest his bite of pizza, so he sat the half-eaten piece down, now more intrigued by his husband’s daring words. It’s been so long; his needy cock was extra responsive compared to a few years back. It was obvious he’d been starved of sexual intimacy, every graze of Jungkook’s knuckles drove him mad with lust.
His inviting words were simply the strawberry on top. It was the extra boost the elder needed to finally attend to his own needs. And by the looks of it, his husband desperately needed it too. It was about time they looked after one another.. “Oh yeah?” Taehyung’s tongue swiped over his lips, “What is it?” Excitement was an understatement, and the growing bulge poking at his sweatpants proved that.
Jungkook had Taehyung exactly where he wanted him, aching with anticipation and excitement. It was endearing how easily affected the elder was-- but he couldn't blame him. Kook was just as needy after this long without any intimacy aside from kissing. ''You've been a bit tense lately,'' Kook's words were innocent as he leaned in to place one last sweet kiss on his lips. Now, he wanted anything but sweet, ''Let me take care of you.'' He murmured as his kisses traveled down Taehyung's sharp jaw, groaning into his tanned skin as one hand eagerly tugged at the button of his husband's pants to undo them and slide his long fingers underneath the waistband, ''Missed your big cock,'' Jungkook's words grew filthier, his hot breath moving to caress Taehyung's ear whilst his hand firmly gripped the hardening length, ''Did it miss me?''
Taehyung didn’t know when, but he threw his head back in a moan; the mere touch making him breathless. He’s been deprived of any kind of attention, and with Jungkook’s sneaky hand tightly holding on to his length, Tae felt like he could cum right then and there. The elder held himself back, though. Something told him they wouldn’t have time to themselves often, he wanted to make the moment last. “It missed you so much.. fuck. Wanna be inside my gorgeous husband..” The last part came out breathy, still heavily affected by the younger’s sudden need to take care of him. Hell, Taehyung wasn’t complaining in the slightest, “Bet it’s so tight too after all this time. Lemme get a feel, babe..”
"Anything you wish for," Jungkook cooed as he tugged the elders pants down to pull out his heavy length, grasping Taehyungs hand to place it on his own girth, "Touch yourself slowly." He ordered as he stood up to undo his own pants and pull them down with his underwear in one go, shamelessly exposing his already turgid cock. He pulled his shirt off too, making sure his husband could see everything, "You love seeing me like this?" Kook smile playfully as he grabbed his own length, making a show out of the way he rubbed circles on the wet mushroom head with his thumb. "Wanna help stretch me out with your cock, baby?"
“Mhm..” A strong gulp rippled in Taehyung’s throat, feeding off of his husband’s undivided attention as he stroked himself— slowly, like Jungkook had ordered. He didn’t want to upset the younger; Taehyung wanted to please, “Fuck, I wanna stretch you out like old times, fill you up with my cum..” An excited groan excited past Taehyung’s slightly parted lips. He couldn’t help it; he pumped himself faster. His brows knitted closer together, the wet sounds of his throbbing dick now more alive. “Baby sit on my cock, please.. wanna be in you again.” Taehyung didn’t care about how pathetic he sounded, if it’d get his point across, then he was pleased.
''Ah, how I've dreamed of hearing you say that.'' Jungkook whined as he firmly squeezed his cock, earning an aching throb from it. He felt his ass clench around nothing just from the mere thought of being stuffed full; the memory far from faded. He would never forget how good Taehyung feels, and he couldn't wait to refresh his memory further. Kook let himself go, his rock solid length wet and needy as he leaves it untouched and bobbing while straddling his husband. using his strong hands, he quickly makes work of taking Taehyung's shirt off to make it more fair in terms of nudity, ''Ah, my gorgeous husband... my sexy daddy.'' Jungkook purrs when he feels Tae's cock twitch against the skin of his ass, allowing his large tattooed palms to smooth over the elders soft stomach; less firm these days, a little plushier-- but no matter, it only made him sexier, and a perfect cuddle pillow. Kook's hands continued to travel upwards over Tae's still firm chest as he leaned forward to kiss him deeply, tongue finding it's way to slip into the elders mouth.
Taehyung’s wandering eyes throughout his husband’s face ceased their wandering, now fluttered shut whilst he drowned himself in the heated kiss; not failing to take notice of the bundle of unspoken emotions behind every brush of their tongues. His hands settled on Jungkook’s hips. They itched to pull him down— to give him a taste so he’d return the favor, but instead his warm palms ran along the curve of the younger’s ass, groping the rounded, firm skin. Tae pulled away from the kiss, rosy lips now a small trace of what’s to come, “Sit on daddy’s lap, baby boy. He also wants to take care of you..”
Taehyung roughly parted his husband’s flushed cheeks, flashing Jungkook’s pathetic little hole; just begging to be filled to the absolute brim.
Jungkook's eyes darkened with his growing need to feel Tae's cock stuff him full to the brim, a gasp pushed through his lips when he felt the elders rough, warm hands spread him open, his little hole clenching and unclenching around nothing--but not for long, ''Please, take care of me well..'' Jungkook's words were breathy, he'd spit in his hand before reaching back to wet Taehyung's cock, aligning the thick head with his needy entrance before slowly pushing himself down, far too eager to care about proper preparation-- it was worth it any future discomfort. A drawn out, breathy moan rumbled in Kook's throat at the stretch, eyes never wavering from his husband's expressions, observing and visually devouring every sign of pleasure in his face, ''I'm so tight for you, fuck...''
“O-oh..” Taehyung’s brows knitted closer together, and his eyes vaguely dimmed once Jungkook’s chamber of warmth fully settled in. His cock throbbed inside of his husband, trying to get accustomed to the tightness he once knew so well, but now lacked. “God, you’re so gorgeous..” Taehyung squeezed the younger’s ass, controlling the latter’s movements as he slowly rocked Jungkook’s hips into his own, holding eye contact throughout it all, “My fuckin’ husband, shit, I missed this.” He hissed out loud, drawn to every twist and tug of Jungkook’s face.
"We're g-gonna have to do this more often..." Jungkook's voice broke into a whine when he sunk deeper down on Tae's length, slowly but surely until he's fully stuffed, halting his movements to adjust to the stretch. He took a deep breath to relax his muscles, placing his hands on Taehyungs chest for leverage, "Can't go this long without feeling you again. It's too fucking good.." Kook's eyebrows furrow as they're drawn together, his expression a mix of the pleasure and faint pain. He gently started to grind his hips on his husband, moaning when he feels the bulbous tip brushing against his prostate, his own cock dribbling with beads of precum, "I missed this so much, god.. it feels amazing."
The elder peeked one eye open, his sealed lips twitching as if he was trying to conceal a smile, “Of course it feels amazing, it’s my cock.” A hint of the old Kim Taehyung peered through the cracks, and he had to admit.. it felt fuckin’ great to have zero responsibilities even if it was just for the time being. With his beautiful husband on his dick, Tae was reminded of their earlier; less demanding years. Suddenly, the ‘perfect father’ façade he’d built up in front of everyone else came plummeting down; he felt the most comfortable when faced by Jungkook.
“You good? I know it’s big.” A small smirk quickly shifted into an ‘o’ the moment his husband willingly rocked his hips faster against him, deteriorating Tae’s composure little by little, “Ah shit.. n-not too fast, don’t wanna cum in you yet..”
"I'm great." Jungkook's eyelids fluttered shut in bliss every time his small movements had Tae's cock prodding just the right spot, keeping his hips slow, simply rocking back and forth to still get himself used to the stretch his husbands blessed girth provided. Kook stopped for a moment, letting Taehyung truly feel the warmth embracing him tightly. His eyes opened once more before he leaned forward to cup his husbands face in his hands, stroking his thumbs on the soft skin of his cheeks, "I love you... please fuck me now." Jungkook begged, his doe eyes sparkling with need, "please, baby." Jungkook didn’t have to strain his voice when begging, or get down on his knees— Taehyung was already sold a while ago. He sensually traced the sharp outlines of his husband’s tattoos with his fingertips. And as if the responsive shivers from Jungkook’s painted canvas transmitted from the younger’s biceps to the rest of Taehyung’s body, the elder bit back an eager moan at the familiar sensation. “I’m gonna fuck you so fucking hard for all the other times I couldn’t..” With a feather-like touch, Tae’s bottom lip grazed upwards against the slope of the younger’s neck, gently sucking onto the latter’s unsteady Adam’s apple, “You’re gonna take all of it like a good boy, aren’t you?” His words came out as a low growl, and Taehyung’s hips teasingly grinded into Jungkook’s ass. “You’re gonna make daddy feel so fuckin’ good, there’s no doubt in my mind about it.” The elder pulled back from the other’s flushed skin, seemingly proud with his creation, “gorgeous.” The sweet moment didn’t last long, as Tae grew even needier from the way Kook’s walls closed in on him. He quickly flipped Jungkook over so his back laid on the couch, staring him down like a predator would his prey. Everything about the younger was so... addicting. Even after many years, Taehyung found himself throbbing from his husband’s expressions as he slowly thrusted into him, bending Jungkook’s legs down to his chest for better access, “F-fuck..” Tae bit down on his lip, the small scar on his forehead visible whenever he ran his fingers through his hair, wanting to see the younger clearly. “Want me to go faster?” He raised his brows, “beg then. I love it when you beg for me..”
''Yes,'' Jungkook's dark curls fell off his face to expose his glistening forehead, eyes blown out in the pure admiration and lust that swirled in his dark pools of brown, ''Please go faster, I need it so fucking bad... please." Kook cried out, his hands settling on Taehyung's lower arms in a tight grip to stay grounded, his ass clenching down harshly on his husband's thick girth. The initial pain from the stretch faded with every thrust, instead replaced with nothing but pleasure and feeling so full it makes his heart want to burst out if his rib cage, ''It feels so good, I want more, harder... Don't be gentle.'' His last words came out like a gasp when he felt his cock throb at a particularly angled thrust, pressing his head back against the couch with gritted teeth.
‘Harder’, ‘Faster’, ‘More’... Jungkook’s breathy moans in the shapes of incoherent phrases urged Taehyung to do just that. The man slammed into him— harder. “Wasn’t planning on being gentle, sweetheart,” The elder groaned at his increase of pace, faster like his husband wanted. Like how he wanted; Tae was only playing the superior part, he would’ve drilled into Jungkook minutes prior. But then again, it wouldn’t of been anywhere near as fun.. or thrilling. Taehyung fancied this best, he enjoyed hearing the younger plead for his utmost attention.
“T-tight... so tight.” More. Taehyung's hair dangled over his narrowed eyes, showing Kook no mercy whilst their sweaty skin continuously slapped against one another, the striking sound echoing throughout the empty house, “Tell daddy how you feel, baby..” The muscles in Taehyung’s chest clenched closer together, further showcasing the small tattoo layering his heart; one Jungkook had formerly etched onto his honey skin. Three daffodils; a smaller one in the middle.
"Feel so full, it's so good.." Jungkook's throaty words come out shaky every time Taehyung slams into him, causing his body to jolt upwards. With one hand, he reaches to smooth his palm over the pretty, small tattoo on Tae's chest, his heart swelling with the love he feels for his husband. After everything they've been through, ups and downs-- many downs, here they were still as head over heels for each other as they've always been; now with a family. Another thrust brought Kook back to the present, his blunt nails digging into Tae's arms as a loud cry in pleasure was forced out of the younger. Jungkook's hands travelled to run through his husbands hair, moving the sticky fringe away from his face, "you make me feel so good, so loved. I love your cock." Kook was greedy, and a glutton for being manhandled, and he wanted Tae to really fuck him dumb, like only he could. Both men have pent up stress, and what better way than to fuck it out. “I-I love you— fuck..” Taehyung’s brows furrowed in concentration, jaw slack as he moved his hands to each side of Jungkook’s head, still tightly engulfed by his husband’s radiating warmth. The elder hazily gazed down at Kook, putting a momentary pause to his hips’ rhythm before leaning down to press a sweet kiss onto his forehead, nose, cheek, chin— and lastly, lips. Taehyung knew he was supposed to be fucking him dumb, but he couldn’t help it. They rarely spent time alone, Tae felt guilty for not expressing his love more often.. Shit, he was being annoying. The movement of their lips turned less sweet, moving eagerly as it muffled their reactive moans when Taehyung began putting his hips to work once again, hitting Jungkook’s deepest places and rubbing against his prostate. Tae pulled out halfway only to ram into the younger, his movements slick from the sweat found all over their bodies. A low grunt followed after every sharp thrust; Taehyung felt like he’d lose his mind. He was deprived of sex, and now that he got it, he was far more sensitive. “‘M gonna cum soon baby boy, y-you close?”
Jungkook's haste nodding followed by short, clear chants of the word 'yes' served as his only reply as he was unable to form any coherent sentence. He was too far gone, too drunk on the pleasure he was experiencing with every loud snap of his husbands hips. The younger reached between their bodies with one hand to squeeze his aching length, too weak to ignore the almost painful need throbbing between his legs. He began to stroke himself in tandem with Taehyung's thrusts, doubling the speed to where his upcoming orgasm was building up, "I will--- slow down, just a bit..." Jungkook suddenly asks for the opposite, his free hand settled to cup Tae's cheek, the other still working his own cock, causing his insides to clench down harder on the elder, "I'm gonna cum so much, fuck... please fill me up."
Jungkook's warning only lasted for a mere minute before his whines grew higher, jerking himself off at a torturous pace until he finally reached his peak. A raspy moan-- almost a scream erupted from his throat at the intensity of it, letting go of his cock to let it pathetically gush hot ropes of his cum between their bodies, his insides spasming and gripping Taehyung like a vice grip, "Fuck, fuck, fuck!"
Taehyung couldn’t handle his husband squeezing down on him with such force. It was as if Jungkook’s fleshy walls were pleading to be filled up with his cum, as if they’d missed squeezing every last drop out of his pulsating cock. Despite Jungkook reaching his climax, the elder still chased after his own. He was close, so close.. His hips snapped sloppily into Kook, losing the drive they once had. With every harsh slap of his balls against the younger’s ass, Taehyung felt himself gradually crumble down as he dug deeper into Jungkook’s clenched insides. “Gonna cum—“ Spurts of white shot into Kook, catching them both off guard, “shiiit, fuck yeah..” Taehyung threw his head back with a strained shout, tensing up as he disposed of his warm load into his husband. He pulled out to watch it dribble down out of his hole, only to push himself back in; not quite finished, “Fuuuck, it feels so good.. you feel so good..”
Once he was sure every last drop was snug deep inside of Jungkook, Tae withdrew for good. His slick tip came out with a ‘pop’, and a low whine slipped past his lips at the cool air that clashed against his wet length.
“That was amazing, I really needed that.” Taehyung leaned down to press a kiss onto Jungkook’s lips, unbothered by the pool of cum on the younger’s stomach, “I love you, you know that?”
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© sombreboy 2020. Do not repost, edit or translate.
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jeontaehui · 4 years
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“hello, everyone! this is taehee and i’m about to do 100 questions and 100 answers!”
“ah! i’m aware that taeyeon unnie did this but,” taehee chuckles nervously, “i haven’t watched it so this is really a new thing for me.” she dramatically gasps in front of the camera, bringing a hand to her forehead as if she were an actress in theater.
taehee snorts when she realizes what she had just did, leaning forward to conceal her embarrassed giggles. she hears the staff laughing along with her, and she looks up, making eye contact with every one of them. “i really don’t know why i did that,” she straightens herself up before pressing the back of her hands to her cheeks feeling how warm they got from seconds ago. “i have absolutely no idea what came over me. i’m so sorry.”
“100 questions seem like a lot though,” she tilts her head to the side, sucking in air through her teeth as she squints at the computer screen. “i might end up talking a lot- i won’t bore you, will i?” taehee looks up at the staff again, her bottom lip unconsciously jutting into a subtle pout.
her face breaks into a grin as the production crew all answer ‘no’ at the same time. they absolutely adored her. “woah, i really like your reactions,” taehee giggles, “okay, let’s start!”
“blood type? my blood type is o.”
a small chuckle escapes the girl, “do you guys want to know something funny?” her right hand goes to fumble with the watch on her left, it was the one her mum gave her. “my dad loved to play around, and so when i was younger, i thought my blood type was z.”
you’d hear the staff burst into laughter before taehee did, bringing a hand to cover her loud ones. “seriously! i think it was in fifth grade where i knew that wasn’t real,” she reasons out, hands making vague movements in the air as she spoke. titters were still heard behind the camera, causing taehee to shake her head at them, arms stretching out to resume typing.
“i remember my dentist laughing at me.”
taehee beams, “when we have the day off, it’s usually mark that would wake up first. he’d wake me, then jungwoo hyung, then the rest will just follow and we’d all have breakfast.” 
“and even if we don’t like talk or anything, the mood’s like really calming and comforting,” she adds. “i mean that’s how i feel. so the happiest moment of my day is having breakfast with the members.” 
“being sexy,” taehee purses her lips and shifts her gaze towards the staff wearing amused smiles on their faces, some were trying to hide their chuckles at the girl’s openness. “why?” taehee asks in an accusing tone, brows furrowing together as she looks at them incredulously. she gasps, “you don’t think so?”
“okay, fine,” she shrugs, “being pretty.”
taehee pouts, “not seeing czennies, of course! i miss seeing them already.”
all the confidence from minutes ago seem to disappear the moment she reads the next question, a shy giggle sounding from taehee. “why does it suddenly feel like i’m on a dating site,” she tilts her head to the side, running a hand through her hair before typing.
“tall,” she laughs. “is that enough or should i add more?” one of the people behind the camera shout a very enthusiastic, “one more!,” causing taehee to smile brightly at them. “i really like your guys’ reaction!” she tells them, “my members should be like you more.”
“okay, they have to like the food i like, right? then... someone who likes pizza.”
“male celebrities you find handsome- OH!,” taehee claps her hands in front of her, making jazz hands in the air in excitement for a bit before typing. 
“nam joohyuk, lee dongwook, park bogum,” a playful smirk spreads onto taehee’s lips, her shoulders bouncing as she types.
her eyes widen and she looks up, “they’re all single, right?”
her remark makes the production crew laugh once more, and a grin takes place on the girl’s face. “people might take it the wrong way! i’m just asking,” she brushes it off slyly, adding, “they’re all very handsome men.”
“oh but there’s a lot though...” taehee seems to think for a moment before slowly moving her fingers across the keyboard. “emma watson.... my friend, lee naeun.... aespa’s winter....” she mumbles. “ah blackpink’s jennie unnie, she’s sexy,” and she finishes off with, “etc.”
she chuckles as she meets eyes with the staff. pumping her fist in the air, she cheers, “yes, i am very satisfied with my answers.”
“next question!”
“i consider myself quite sentimental, so,” she types, “anything that my love ones give me.”
she raises her left wrist, twisting it to show off the vintage watch that she wore almost everyday, “i’ll be honest. i don’t like wearing watches, but my mum gave this to me like eight years ago? it reminds me of her so i wear it everyday.”
“and then this one,” she then tugs on the bracelet hiding beneath the watch, rolling the thread between her fingers, before letting it go. “this one was given to me by jaemin last year... around new years? i think.”
"the members give me stuff like these for gifts. i have a lot more at home,” she beams, “they’re in this little box on our dresser.”
“i haven’t tested it but i know i can drink more than one bottle of soju,” taehee stops a smile from showing itself by biting her lip, prompting the producer to ask, “are you just saying that-”
“NO!,” she quickly protests. “i can definitely drink more than one. right? right, of course.” the production crew chuckled as she talked to herself, taehee’s dimples peeking out from the corners of her smile as she types, “more than one... for sure,” on the questionnaire. 
“ohhh,” taehee hums. “we had this like, variety show. during the last episode, all 23 members were there and we were having fun even if we were just like eating and talking with each other. compared to the previous ones, we were all doing these fun activities and like an escape room? but i found the last one the most memorable to me.”
“at that time, i really felt like i was at home.” a small smile graces taehee’s features as she nods, “wasn’t that too cheesy? it’s sincere though.”
her eyes seem to scan the computer screen and she releases a short laugh, saying, “all my ‘happy’ answers have food in them. a way to a woman’s heart is through the stomach, truly.”
“malhaebwa da eoseo da 'cause i'm not shy,” taehee dances in her seat, delivering a charming wink to the camera in the end.
“actually, all of itzy’s choreography is really nice. they’re so cool.”
“OH WAIT!!! chungha sunbaenim’s choreography is so beautiful too,” taehee gushes. “have you guys seen her choreography for ‘play’? watching it feels like a piece of art. she and the dancers pull them off so well!”
she then mumbles, “i was learning the choreography to ‘dream of you’ sometime after it came out. i’m a really big fan of her.” 
“i’ve been listening to taylor swift’s old songs a lot recently, i can’t pick one of them,” taehee says. “i think she released a new song this month but i haven’t listened to it.”
“december’s the month where i always find myself drifting back to her,” she sighs dreamily, propping her chin on her right hand and looking at the camera with glazed eyes. “i really love taylor swift, i’ve been her fan even before debuting.”
“their eyes,” answered taehee, “a person’s eyes could tell a lot about the person, in my perspective. there’s like this feeling that you get when you look at them.”
“what’s the feeling that you get when you look at your members’ eyes?”
the girl snorts, tucking the loose strands of her hair behind her ear. “what i feel? i feel like they’re saying, ‘oh noona, you’re so cool. treat us to food some time.’”
taehee tsks, “haechan’s and jisung’s eyes speak the loudest.” 
“ohhhhh, this is interesting.” taehee smiles as she glances to the ceiling above them, thinking. “what would i do?”
tilting her head at the camera, she finally answers, “i’d let them go.”
“if they’re really sorry, then maybe i’d still let them in my life, but i don’t think i’d trust them the same way ever again,” she shook her head slightly, her serious tone was enough to send shivers down the spine of whoever had heard her. 
“mmm, trust? i want to let them know that i trust them.”
taehee cards her fingers through her hair, sighing. “trust doesn’t like, only come into play to see where a person’s loyalties lie, but it can also be like, ‘do you trust me enough to confide in me? do you trust me enough to let me help you?’ i want to be able to give that kind of trust to the people i love.”
taehee squeals, “i love this question!”
“chubs stays in our dorm sometimes, before she doesn’t get to spend that much time with us but now she can. so when i’m not in the dorms, mark and jungwoo hyung just watch her because she’s like really energetic and if you leave her alone, you just won’t know what she can do,” she laughs. “and then i come home and i’m really tired so i just jump in bed and lay down for a few moments, but chubs wants to play with me so she does whatever she can do to get me to sit up and play with her.”
“and then when she notices that i’m tired or something, she’s gonna stop and lay down near me or on my stomach, sometimes she’d pat me. i don’t know where she learned that but she does that,” she chuckles, and her voice tones down a pitch softer, eyes gazing off to the side as she toys with her necklace, “that’s when chubs is the cutest.” 
“i said too much, didn’t i?” taehee scrunches her nose at the camera, “i really love my dog.”
“i don’t know if this can be considered but maybe something with ten hyung and taemin hyung,” she laughs. “like an sm station with the three of us, i think that’d be nice.”
“honestly, it would be chubs,” a wide smile makes its way onto the girl’s face as she nods. “haechan was the one who gave her to me, so it’s technically ours, i guess.” 
“that’s when i felt my love for him overflow,” taehee proceeds to make gagging noises, disappearing under the table as if she were vomiting, only coming back up to jokingly ask for water. “let’s hope he doesn’t watch this.”
“introduce your phone case, okay!”
taehee picks her phone up from the table and shows its back to the camera. it was a clear case patterned with cute drawings of different kinds of dinosaurs in shades of green and blue. 
“it’s a dinosaur phone case. we had a video call fansign event a few months back, and one of my fans told me they call themselves dinozens,” she explains, chuckling, “but i guess jaemin knew that before me because he got this even earlier than that.”
she pointed to the picture that was stuck inside, adding, “this is the picture we took for the concert tickets. i kept some, see?”
“friendship, of course!” taehee types. 
“if the person i dated ever hurt me,” she winces, twitching her head to the side before nodding, “let’s just say it won’t end well if they’re going to deal with yuta oppa after dealing with me.” 
taehee answers before typing, fingers tapping rhythmically on the table as she props her chin on her other hand, “i’d want to go home, then surf with my dad and my mom would watch us from the shore. she tried surfing but she doesn’t like it.”
“then i’d hangout with the members, eat miso soup, play with chubs,” she lists off, “tell the person i like that i love them.” the other people that were there with her bursts into laughter once again, taehee’s body shook with every one she tried to hold as she scrolls upwards, scanning the previous questions. “nam joohyuk, lee dongwook, park bogum,” she calls, her eyes playfully squinting towards the camera, “i love you.” 
“twenty years later? i’d be forty-two! woah,” taehee mumbles, “forty-two...”
“i’d still like to sing,” she nods. “i’m not sure if i could still dance by that time, i’ll try,” a giggle slips past her lips until she gasps, snapping her fingers, “i want a house!”
the crew laughs once again, this time at her innocence. “i’d have a house, then a car, and then there would be this space where chubs could play in. that’d be so nice.”
“we’re at the last question!” taehee cheers. she stands up and rolls her shoulders, smiling to the staff behind the camera as she stretches for a bit.
the girl goes back to her seat and hovers her fingers above the keyboard. “today’s tmi,” she reads, before sending a sweet smile towards the camera, “ah i woke up earlier than i usually do, so i went first and made 김치 볶음밥, with eggs, and then mark woke up and helped me, then we woke jungwoo hyung up.”
“yes, that’s how we had breakfast this morning.”
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“so we finished answering 100 questions! YAYYY!” taehee cheers, her dimples poking out from the sides of her face. “i had so much fun answering this. it’d most definitely change the next time i do something similar but for now, these are my answers.”
she tucks her hair behind her ear and clasps her hands together, the bracelet on her wrist making its appearance again, “i think it’d be nice if the other members do this too; see how crazy we are,” she mumbles the last bit of her sentence, intentionally wanting that part to be heard. she raises her eyebrows cheekily and pursed her lips, shrugging. “i’m very sure i wrote nothing i would regret in the future so,” she raises both of her hands before her, waving them cutely, “this was 100 questions and 100 answers with me! bye bye!”
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yizihuo · 3 years
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ KARINA
stage name: karina name: yu jimin (유지민) birthday: april 11, 2000 height: 167.8cm nationality: korean blood type: b nicknames: yooji, karomi, rina, yuja, sunfish, quail egg special talent: halli galli, catching stuff with her feet
favourite colour: blue favourite season: spring favourite word: cute, bbuing, uing, mallang mallang favourite food: donkatsu, jelly, carbonated drinks, guo bao rou, nasi goreng favourite animal: cat, dog, crocodile, tiger, shark favourite movie: rapunzel and frozen
recommended songs
fun facts: 
she was first revealed as a dancer in taemin’s want
she has been training for 4 years
she wanted to be a mother when she was younger
she stans iu, f(x), red velvet, yoona, taeyeon, beenzino, and park soojin
she can play the piano and has won an award for it
she was a former ulzzang
a country she wanted to visit was croatia
her ideal guy is over 180cm tall
she likes green/barley tea
she didn't know that ningning was younger when they first met, so she used honorifics for 3 weeks
she likes reading in quiet places, eating good food, and shopping to relieve stress
her favourite flavours of pringles are butter caramel and mayo and cheese
cracks her knuckles a lot
likes playing pubg but is bad at it
she likes reading webtoons and gaming
🥺 is her most frequently used emoji
she is caring and quick-witted, but can be shy
she also has bad memory
she loves lipsticks: collecting them, gifting them, getting gifted them
when their makeup artists are short on time, they sometimes let her apply her lipstick
wants to learn cooking, makeup, and producing
she especially wants to go into producing, and has been learning lyric writing, so she wants to now learn composition
her favourite amusement park ride are carousels
she gets easily startled, hence the nickname sunfish
her stage name was derived from her baptism name katarina
she can't sit down for long since she has a longer than average tailbone
she went to english, chinese and math (kumon) academies
she has an older sister who is five years older than her and is the youngest in her family
always has lipstick, perfume, ice tea, and hand cream in her bag
she didn't think she had any natural musical talent because she was casted and didn't audition, she thought she should work harder
she was inspired to become an idol after snsd, and especially admires taeyeon
she has defended snsd from hate comments on her askfm
she is very clumsy, a heodang according to winter
giselle attributes their good chemistry to karina's mischievousness
ningning thinks that she is really warm and looks after her juniors well
the reason why she has a heart as her symbol is because she wants to make her warm image even warmer with her symbol
she's into watching netflix
up until forever, she said her most memorable memory was aespa's debut performance
if she goes to japan, she'd want to visit disneyland and see the cherry blossoms
as the leader, she cares a lot about the help and wellbeing of her members
she looks up to kendall jenner for her power and aura as a model, and camila cabello for her timbre and charisma
she believes that hard work will never fail you, and that your efforts will always be recognized
prefers chicken over pizza, seasoned/marinated chicken over fried chicken
she likes watermelons
her favourite food is guo bao rou
would prefer having a five year old winter over five winters
has a bruise on her right shoulder from when she fell down from heaven, took 8 months to heal
describes giselle as long-legged person with the purest heart
describes winter as an angry maltese
describes ningning as baby with a loud voice
if she were to describe herself with three words/phrases, they would be blue, the mole next to my mouth, and I love you
if she were to describe aespa with three words, they would be sparkling, rainbow, and when we're together, the atmosphere is friendly and harmonious
musicians she looks up to include taeyeon, iu, lee hi, and kehlani
the first thing she notices of other people are their etiquette and good scent of their perfume/cologne
she uses pink shade lipsticks and keeps her fingernails short to maintain her beauty
her favourite tiktok that she did was the one where she parodied an old krn cartoon called old black shoes; it took a lot more retakes than expected but she remembered having a lot of fun filming it
enjoys swimming
once dreamt about being on a hippo with giselle
took her ged on the same day and same classroom as winter
bought succulents for the dorms named ttung-geun (short for ttungttung-han dangeun)
auditioned with taeyeon’s 11:11
was casted through instagram dms
ddongi (ningning’s pet gecko) really likes her
has a black belt in taekwondo
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onewfantaesy · 4 years
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this is so fitting - taeyeon doing homework and taemin eating pizza and watching tv
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bluehhj · 5 years
listen to me — chapter 4
LISTEN TO ME  — 0004
listen to me masterlist;
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It was unbelievable how fast the gossip ran within that University, all thanks to the staff of the newsroom. Nothing went unnoticed by certain figures, who made a point of being always well-informed to keep the corridors full of facts about each day's misfortune. And it wasn't just one or two matters, but several. If your name fell on Jackson, Lalisa, Bambam or Seungkwan's lips, all that remained was to pray that the personal damage wouldn't be too huge.
A hell.
"He broke up with her yesterday, and by text message, can you believe it?" Jinah's ears caught Boo Seungkwan's voice muttering to a tall boy as he passed the main gate. "Okay, last year, the number of people taking on homosexual here grew like grass, a real phenomenon, but he could've done things less harshly, don't you think?"
"These people are terrible," Chan said, after moving away from the entrance infected by the virus of excessive interest to what wasn't about their own lives. "You sneeze and they even write a biography about it. At these moments, I thank for being so invisible."
Jinah also thanked, at least for the time being.
The four friends separated when they had to enter different buildings, with the exception of Jinah and Jade, who attended the same course. The first class started fast, because the professor who would take care of the room in the first two schedules was very rigid and detested delays as much as he detested parallel conversations. After a long explanation based on slides and a big list of exercises, the man with bored features, left and gave place to the sweet professor of Psychoanalysis, often credited as the sweetheart of the future psychologists. Kim Taeyeon's classes were so good and practical that no one noticed when the time came to an end, and suddenly it was break time.
"Don't forget to study the subject at home now to make it easier in the week of the test," the professor advised tenderly as the college students left the room, as if talking to elementary school students. "And eat well enough to be strong, huh?"
A few laughs and "I adore her" remarks served as a response, and soon the class separated, more than half choosing to follow the path of the cafeteria and the other half split between the campus and the library. Jinah and Jade were part of the first group, and together with Changbin and Chan, they always sat at the same table between the window and the center of the cafeteria, because it gave a privileged view to all corners of the place and was closer to the snack bar. Jinah used to buy juice or even a sandwich when she didn't have time for breakfast at home, while Chan ate his fruits and Changbin and Jade shared pieces of pizza. It could be considered a kind of routine.
"Good morning, my consecrated ones." Kim Woojin sat down in a clear space on the table. "Do you guys already know the news?"
Perhaps because he was studying marketing and had to be very communicative for such a profession, Woojin would do that guy who walked with everyone and nobody at the same time. Kim's network of friends was very extensive, from freshmen to veterans, and it was very normal to see him circulating among the cliques and arranging new colleagues all the time. And even if he wasn't as gossipy as the future journalists, the versatility of his companies provided him with access to a lot of interesting information.
"About the boy who broke up with his girlfriend by message?" Chan asked, though he had no idea who the two of them were.
"No, that's old," Woojin said, and opened his bottle of orange juice. "You know Elkie from the veterinary class?"
"She's pregnant."
"What?" Jade almost choked. "With who? She doesn't even have a boyfriend."
"It looks like she's pregnant with the first-floor calculus professor." Woojin shrugged. "Maybe they were having a case on the sly, or something. All I know is that the bomb exploded and her father is very angry. Oh, and also has the story of Han Jisung with Kwon Chaerin."
Jinah almost spilled that she knew about it, because Jisung called the help desk, but her good sense alerted her in time and prevented her from doing so. It must've been very difficult for Han to be the target of all those comments, and adding more subject to the nasty mouths would only make things worse.
"I heard about this today," Changbin said, also resolving to hide certain information. "Actually, I think everyone expected that."
Jinah's eyes raced across the tables, searching for Jisung's chubby cheeks, and intimately wishing he hadn't missed coming to college. It wasn't long before she found the over-beautiful features of a dark-haired boy she knew to be Han's friend because she'd seen them together so often, and then it was easy to locate who she really was looking for. From a distance, Jisung didn't look so dejected, though his eyes were on the fruit salad and he didn't look like much to talk to the handsome boy and his girlfriend.
"It's so sad, I'd like to see them together," Woojin lamented. "They fit well. Not better than Chaerin and Seungmin, but I think this isn't the time to put the topic on the table. It's none of my business, either."
The subject ended when the eyes of half of the cafeteria turned to the door and the sighs began to be released without much discretion. The reason for so much attention was Wong Yukhei, entering the place with his dark hair wet and wearing a white shirt, which seemed minimally wet and marked his muscles of the chest and abdomen. The chinese boy was in physical education, and every monday was practice day at the pools — the perfect day to enjoy art. With his tanned skin, tall stature, and muscles worthy of full attention, Yukhei was seen as one of the University's beauty icons. Even Jinah had to admit, looking at him like that sounded more like a temptation.
Jinah decided to ignore it. Her eyes searched for Jisung's table again and now she saw him alone, since his friends were in the queue of the snack bar. Han had said they could see each other, and Jinah even promised to pay him an ice cream, so that must be a good time.
"Where are you going?" Jade asked as Choi stood up.
"I'll see how Jisung is" simplistic, Jinah walked away from her friends' table and couldn't help but hear from Bambam, who'd, in some moment, come near her friends' table, say indignantly "Is she already going to shoot the boy?! Not even two days passed! Oh, Jinah, machine gun!" But she tried to keep ignoring him and sat down in front of Jisung.
Han, who had his thoughts flying on another plane, took a few seconds until he noticed a different presence on the table. He thought it strange because he'd never seen that girl in his life, and no matter how frustrated he was and wanted to discount his anger at the first person who appeared, he forced himself to be polite.
"Hello." the girl grinned, and then Jisung remembered the voice, his eyes widening.
"How are you?"
Astonished, was what Jisung wanted to answer. He'd never have imagined Jinah to be so... Beautiful. Judging by the facts, he expected to find a weird girl or maybe an annoying nerd who spent saturdays listening to problems of the losers, because had nothing else to do — Jinah had said that she wasn't a pervert and not full of catarrh, but Jisung couldn't deny that he still doubted — and now this: a work of art in front of him, sculpted perhaps by aphrodite in an attempt to carve herself.
Life really preached a lot of jokes.
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jungwooswift · 5 years
Song Fic Drabble Game (#1)
Rules: Create both a playlist of 10 songs and a list of 10 pairings. Put the songs on shuffle. For each song, write a drabble starring one of the pairings on the list. (One song = one pairing with no repeats.) The catch is you only have until the end of the song to finish writing. When the song ends, you stop writing. Ready, set, drabble!
(Me and @bigtiddymatthew played this game together! We did the same 10 songs but with different pairings and wildly different interpretations so please check hers out and give it lots of love! And let me know which of these is your favorite so I can try and continue it until a full fic!)
Be Alright by Dean Lewis – Hoseok/Hyerin
“You’re texting her again?” Jimin asked.
“Hope, put your phone away,” Namjoon ordered lightly, nodding his chin to the end of the couch where Hoseok sat with his knees pulled protectively to his chest like his legs could somehow keep his heart from breaking.
“Fuck off,” he muttered.
“Ah, you heard the man,” said Jin. He was sitting on the floor, XBOX controller in his hands, more focused on the game than he was Hoseok’s pain and suffering. “Can we get back to it?”
“I know you love her but it’s over, Hoseok,” Taehyung said. He was in the armchair by the kitchen, high as a kite and covered in spicy Dorito dust. “I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve it. You loved her and she slept with someone else and that sucks but you deserve better. You deserve someone who loves you and only you, right?”
“Fuck off,” he repeated, words dripping venom as he scrolled vengefully through her Instagram.
“Let him grieve, gentlemen,” said Yoongi from the kitchen. He and Jungkook were mixing drinks, waiting for the Pizza Rolls to finish cooking, listening to them try to console him. “If he says to fuck off, let’s fuck off. It’s almost time to eat.”
Namjoon slapped his shoulder, then nodded along with Yoongi’s sage, slightly cryptic wisdom.
“You’ll be alright, buddy,” he said, then took the second controller from where he’d left it on the coffee table. “Don’t worry. You’ll be alright.”
Invisible by 5 Seconds of Summer – Sehun/Suho
One bag was all he’d brought with him. Suho figured travelling light was his safest bet. It’d be easy to slip into the crowd, easy to avoid detection, easy to blend in with the background.
But, then, Suho had never had a trouble going undetected.
Invisible was the word he’d always used to describe himself. Invisible was how he felt.
Would anyone notice he was gone?
Would anyone care that he was missing?
Sehun would but that was kind of the point, wasn’t it?
Sehun loved him but Sehun didn’t love him and after twenty-six years of barely existing, twenty-six years of rejection and loss and grief and invisibility, Suho was done being a ghost. He was done living a life that had never really felt quite like his in the first place.
And so he packed a bag, bought a ticket, boarded a bus and never looked back.
No warning, no note, no regrets.
He left a pot on the stove, a charger plugged into the wall and a soccer game playing on the small TV in his kitchen.
He was gone but did it matter?
He’d been gone for years.
Maybe this time, people would finally miss him.
Maybe this time, someone would notice.
11:11 by Taeyeon – Sunny/Taeyeon
It was 11:10 PM.
Staring at the clock attached to her cable box, Taeyeon pretended to think of a wish in preparation for 11:11 but the truth was she’d been making the same wish twice a day for the last two months, three weeks and four days.
Sunny had been every bit as bright, positive and warm as her name suggested but there was always something extra, something dark, something distant that had always caused a small rift, a tiny disconnect, the most miniscule of cracks in their otherwise sturdy romantic foundation.
But they’d been in love once, Taeyeon was sure of it. They held hands wherever they went, took photos to document their best days, kissed under streetlights, made promises to each other, sweet, hushed words that only they could hear.
But the thing about miniscule cracks is that they inevitably grow larger and more substantial. A small, seemingly innocuous crack, a hairline fracture, could grow exponentially, causing larger, more jagged breaks that ultimately end in something shattering.
And that something, unfortunately, had been both their once great, once beautiful relationship and Taeyeon’s heart.
She made her wish. She closed her eyes, tried not to think about Sunny’s smile, about her laugh or about her body or about the way it felt to sleep beside her, and she made her wish.
I wish I could get over you.
Gotta Get Out by 5 Seconds of Summer – Dino/Jun
Dino wasn’t sure what it was.
Aliens? A natural disaster? Terrorism?
It didn’t matter. No matter the cause, the goal was the same – get out.
It was hard to navigate the streets that day. There were too many people, too many obstacles.
He held Jun’s hand as they ran, squeezing his fingers so tight that Jun couldn’t feel his thumb. But he couldn’t lose him. Not like this. If they stayed together, they’d be okay. It didn’t matter what had caused it. The sky was falling, the streets crumbling, people screaming, buildings burning, sirens sounding. What was that in the distance? Was it gunfire?
It didn’t matter.
They had to get out.
They’d keep running. They’d get out of the city. They’d get to safety. They’d stick together and they’d be okay.
“Dino!” Jun shouted over the chaos but Dino couldn’t slow down, couldn’t take the time to stop and talk. Not now. Not yet.
“Keep running!” he yelled back. He squeezed his hand even harder. “Don’t let go!”
But Jun wasn’t letting go. He was just as afraid of losing Dino as Dino was afraid of losing him.
But they’d get out. Dino was sure of it.
There wasn’t any other choice.
Come hell, high water, aliens, terrorism or natural disaster, they were going to get out.
And they were going to do it together.
Tequila by Dan + Shay – Ten/Hendery
“Can I get a drink?” Ten asked.
The bartender turned on his heel and nodded his chin.
“What can I get you?”
“Surprise me,” said Ten.
“Tequila?” the bartender asked, already reaching for the bottle on the second shelf.
Ten’s stomach turned.
He hadn’t had tequila in over a year, not since that wedding he’d gone to with Hendery, the one in Colorado with the terrible deejay and super terrible food.
Hendery had done shots with the bridesmaids and gotten shitfaced before they’d even cut the cake. But Hendery had never been able to hold his liquor. No matter where they went, Hendery would order tequila and two drinks in, he’d regret it. But he was a cute drunk, cuddly and clingy and affectionate. At the wedding, they’d danced the night away, Hendery a mess of red cheeks and giggles, and then walked back to the hotel, hand-in-hand, singing pop songs from the 90s and stopping to make out whenever the mood struck.
Ten didn’t drink tequila anymore. Without Hendery, it was too bitter. Nothing tasted as good as it had with him, and nothing ever felt as good as it used to. And now, every time he tasted tequila, he thought back to the biggest love of his life, the biggest mistake he’d ever made and the one that got away.
“Anything but tequila,” said Ten, grimacing, preemptively feeling the hangover that would no doubt seize all of his senses in about twelve hours. “Literally anything else.”
Nobody’s Fool by Miranda Lambert --- Yoongi/Hoseok
It was Yoongi’s favorite bar long before he’d met Hoseok and that was what made all of this so unfair.
He was out with friends from work (though friends was a bit of an overstatement) and all he’d wanted to do was drink beer and throw darts. He hadn’t expected to see anyone he knew, least of all the man who’d broken his heart (or whose heart he’d broken depending on who you asked) six months before.
Did Hoseok know that Yoongi would be there? Had he gone just to twist the knife? Or had he innocently forgotten that JJ’s was Yoongi’s favorite place?
Knowing Hoseok, a kid whose mind was a steel trap and whose most driving emotion had always been spite, Yoongi suspected the former.
He was loud, boisterous, greeting people, slapping hands, flashing smiles, asking girls to dance.
Yoongi excused himself from the game, handing his darts off to a woman from payroll, and returned to the bar for another drink.
“Hey,” said one of his colleagues, a tall, clumsy man with blonde hair and dimples. He nodded his chin to the dance floor where Hoseok was twirling an attractive redhead in a tight dress and asked, “Don’t you know that guy?”
Yoongi glared, his lips pressed to his glass.
“Yeah,” he grunted.
“Who is he?” his coworker asked.
In that moment, he could have sworn he and Hoseok locked eyes.
Yoongi downed the rest of his drink, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and said, “Nobody. Let’s get back to the game.”
The Breaker by Little Big Town – Yuta/Jungwoo
Yuta recognized the irony but never appreciated it.
It had been three months but the guilt was eating him alive, the memory of Jungwoo’s face when he’d finally come out and said it, the way he’d cried, the way Yuta knew, right then and there, that things would never be the same.
He wanted to be Jungwoo’s friend. He wanted to stay in his life. He wanted to rescue him when his car broke down, wanted to see movies with him, wanted to ask him about his day.
Even now, in the midst of it, he wanted to call him. He wanted to check up on him, wanted to make sure he was eating and sleeping.
But Yuta had broken his heart. He’d shattered him. He’d let them go on for months, let Jungwoo believe everything was okay, let Jungwoo think he was in love with him.
And goddamn, he’d really wanted to be in love with him. He wanted to love Jungwoo the way Jungwoo loved him. Because Jungwoo really felt it. He believed it. He believed with all his heart that Yuta was his hero, his savior, his personal reward from the universe, the thing that made all of his past suffering and past heartbreaks worth it, truly believing that Yuta had swooped in and rescued him from loneliness, from pain, from sadness.
He believed Yuta was the hero, the one who had finally saved his heart.
How was he supposed to know how wrong he was?
How was he ever supposed to know that Yuta wasn’t the one to save his heart, that he wasn’t the hero but, instead, the breaker?
He knew when Yuta told him.
When Yuta sat him down and told him it was over, told him that he didn’t feel the same way, told him that he was never going to feel the same way.
When Yuta shot the stars right out of his sky, ripped his heart from his chest, shattered his hopes, mangled his dreams, then tried to stick around and make sure he was okay.
And now all Yuta had of him was a few t-shirts, a broken phone charger, a green toothbrush and a million memories. He stalked his Instagram, tried to get information out of their mutual friends, spent every minute of every hour of every day worrying about him, wondering if he was okay, wanting to fix it, wanting to hold him, wanting to be the hero that Jungwoo had always believed him to be.
But he couldn’t.
He was cut off, isolated, banished from the heart of the man he’d love but hadn’t loved enough.
But that was the fate of the breaker.
Junkyard by the Zac Brown Band – Taehyung/Jin
Jin had always been curious about the junkyard.
He figured that all the stories he’d heard, the rumors about the man who owned it, the whispers about the kid who lived inside, the schoolyard musings about the monsters and machines that came alive during the night, were all exactly that – just stories.
But he was curious. It was his nature. He liked to know things. He liked to be sure.
What was he supposed to do?
It was July. One more month and he’d be an adult. (Not officially, of course. He wouldn’t turn 18 until December but he would start community college and that, in Jin’s mind, was enough to make him an adult.) He was a child for just a short while longer and with childhood came curiosity.
He had to know. And that was why he’d climbed the fence.
As soon as his sneakers hit the dirt on the other side, he had regrets. As soon as he smelled it, Jin began to consider worst case scenarios.
What if the man who owned it was armed? What if he didn’t take kindly to trespassers? What if Jin found himself staring down the barrel of a shotgun? What if the monsters were real? What if the machines, the cursed, Frankenstein-esque machines that kids speculated about weren’t just scary stories but a twisted, unlikely reality? (Jin had heard these stories his whole life, the most popular of which suggested that the owner of the junkyard, a brilliant but mean-spirited man, spent his days tinkering and toiling away, taking different pieces of machines and fusing them together to create unholy, mechanical monsters capable of great destruction.)
He walked carefully, observing careful towers of garbage, interesting mounds of scrap metal and springs, piles upon piles of boxes and tires and cardboard, all of it stinking in the heavy summer sun.
It wasn’t long before he saw it, a shack in the middle of all the trash, sticking out like a sore thumb because of its apparent practicality. Did someone really live here? It was as dirty as everything else but still… out of place and that was what got Jin’s attention.
He needed to prop himself up on something in order to see (he chose a trash can, naturally) and when he did, he regretted it for what Jin saw (or, rather, who Jin saw) was far, far worse than anything he and his friends had speculated about on the school bus and suddenly, Jin found himself longing for both the days of childhood ignorance and the far-off world of adult safety.
And he wished he’d never hopped that fence and never, ever wandered into the heart of the junkyard.
Saving Amy by Brantley Gilbert – Suho/Chanyeol
He’d always worn his seatbelt.
It hadn’t mattered that night since his card had flipped twice before going off the road but he had been wearing his seatbelt. Junmyeon had always been a rule-follower. He’d even asked Chanyeol’s father for his hand in marriage before proposing. (Chanyeol’s parents had melted at that. They’d always loved Junmyeon’s manners, his old school charm. Chanyeol’s dad always called him the last of a dying breed. He said it was rare to meet a true gentleman anymore and that was part of why they liked him so much. They knew that Junmyeon treated their son with respect.)
Chanyeol had said yes, of course. They’d been in love since the day they’d met. That fateful night, they’d had a lovely meal, took a scenic walk on the beach and Junmyeon had popped the question right there in the sand, too impatient to wait until they made it back up on the boardwalk like he’d originally planned.
They didn’t yet live together which meant Junmyeon dropped Chanyeol off at home and, after a long kiss goodnight, made his way back to his apartment to start planning the wedding.
But he never made it home. Drunk driver. Three-car accident. Lots of fire. Lots of blood.
Junmyeon died on impact.
Chanyeol didn’t know it was possible to cry so much.
Junmyeon would be thankful every second of every day that Chanyeol had been spared, that the accident didn’t happen until after he’d dropped him off. Heaven was difficult to navigate and God was a busy man. Junmyeon never got a chance to thank Him but he felt, with every cell of his body and every ounce of his soul, eternal gratitude.
He was so thankful Chanyeol was alive.
But Chanyeol suffered.
For the first year, he didn’t eat. He didn’t sleep. He didn’t socialize. He didn’t date. He just mourned.
He couldn’t see him but Junmyeon never left his side. He cried right there with him. He wanted nothing more than to run his hands through Chanyeol’s hair, to wipe his tears, to hold him while he cried, to promise him that everything would be fine, that they’d be together one day.
It was three years before Chanyeol started living his life again. Slowly at first, but then with more confidence. He had good friends. Kyungsoo and Baekhyun got him through it. But he never forgot Junmyeon and Junmyeon never forgot him.
And Junmyeon didn’t leave his side until he knew he was okay. Even then, he didn’t leave it entirely. He still checked in, still made sure Chanyeol was okay, still kept tabs on the man he’d loved more than anything else.
And he waited. So patiently, he waited. He waited 61 years for the day that Chanyeol came to join him and Junmyeon set up camp right there at the gates, having bribed an angel to let him be the one to welcome him to the afterlife, to be the first person he saw.
The Black and White by the Band CAMINO – Jeno/Haechan
Jeno had never known what to call them.
Boyfriends? Partners? Lovers?
No, not lovers. He didn’t like that one. Haechan didn’t either. It was creepy, weirdly Victorian, and they’d laughed about it once, tickled by the absurdity of the term.
“Call it whatever you need,” he’d said, running his hands through Jeno’s hair which had been several shades darker at the time. “It doesn’t matter to me as long as we’re together.”
He wasn’t sure when exactly things had started to get tense but he’d known from day one that if things did ever fell apart, it would be his fault, that his own problems with intimacy and self-image and communication would soil the very thing that brought him the most joy.
“You care way too much for me,” he’d said once, drunk and cold. “And I can’t stand it.”
Haechan hadn’t taken the bait. He’d pulled him closer because he knew Jeno, knew him through-and-through, knew that he was full of shit when he said these things, knew that he did it just to get attention, did it for validation, did it so Haechan would fight for him.
But after almost two years, why should Haechan have to fight? Why did he have to keep proving himself, proving his love?
Jeno had called him six times but Haechan wasn’t answering.
Jeno couldn’t say he blamed him.
He took another shot, dialed his number and left a seventh voicemail.
“Come home,” he said. “It’s my fault. I know. I get it. I just need you to come back. I need to know that you’re safe. Please, Haechan.”
He hung up but then, in a fit of rage, hurled his phone at the wall.
It dented the plaster but didn’t seem to do much to the phone.
Japanese electronics were sturdier than they looked.
He’d really done it this time, pushed him too far, taken too much, given too little.
He knew damn sure what to call it now – over.
He even knew what to call himself – stupid, selfish, malicious, empty, alone.
What he didn’t know was what to call Haechan.
And he didn’t know if Haechan was ever coming back.
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kpopepper · 5 years
Straykids 10th member
Tumblr media
Name:Kang Har-ah
English name: Halie Kang
Born: December 2, 1999
Birthplace:Los Angels, California
Ethnicity: Korean
Group: Straykids(g)
Face claim: IU
Voice claim: Kim Taeyeon
Favorite group to listen to: Exo, Nct Twice, Got 7 and Girls Generation
Favorite color: White, it’s a pure and clean color.
Least favorite color: Blue
favorite food: Well since I lived in America most of my life my favorite food to eat is pizza. But my favorite Korean food is kimbap.
Parents: I don’t really k ow who my mother is but my father name is Kang Jo-el.
Favorite person: My father
Place I want to visit: I want to visit Africa. I bet it’s just so beautiful there.
Ideal type: I like someone cute but sexy at the right times ya know. My ideal type is Byun Baekhyun.
My idol: Girls Generation Taeyeon
The reason I wanted to be a idol: I love singing. At a young I knew that it was my destiny me ha a singer and performer.
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okaypotatoes · 6 years
Tag thing
So I was tagged by @tagersgay where did u go hon you disappeared on me lmao! (I’m kidding). 
1. Relationship status
Single pringle too awkward to mingle
2. Favourite colour(s)
Maroon, Navy blue, and forest green
3. Lipstick or chapstick
4. Three favourite foods
Uh I don’t really have any but I guess ramen (both packet and handmade), pizza (it’s my junk food craving), and like... cinnamon cookies idk im not a foodie.
5. Last song I listened to
Something New -Taeyeon
6. Last movie I watched
Just saw Oceans 8 approximately an hour ago. It was so good im dying.
7. Top three shows
TOP SHOW IS PERSON OF INTEREST Then B99 and im currently watching Queer Eye (Btw I love Antoni but he’s got to stop sticking his hands, and nose into shit as well as eating all the gross stuff from peoples’ fridges)
8. Books I’m currently reading
Great Expectations
9. Last thing I googled
Ettercaps. For my dnd campaign lmao
10. Time
11. Song stuck in your head
Give yourself a try - The 1975
12. What are you wearing?
Black trousers, black blazer and a navy t-shirt
13. How many blankets do you sleep with
14. Dream trip
Japan and Korea 
i’m not gonna tag anybody cause like cba but yeah ty for the tag trisha love you <3
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luvdsc · 4 years
tag games ;
tagging :: @eggyukhei ; @jaemericano ; @aqiaquas ; @forehead-enthusiast ; @choerrypuffs ; @latetaektalk ; @winetae ; @taeyongtime ; @nochanchu 🌼
tagged by :: @njmin thank you, lovebug! ✨
— tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
omg ok it was april 2014, and I was procrastinating on homework and scrolling through youtube. shinee’s lucifer mv was recommended for some reason, and I was intrigued, so I clicked on it. From there, it just spiraled out of control. I was blown away like there’s this one dance move where they all lined up and taemin does this hand motion so fluidly and I was like “this is it.” More shinee mvs were recommended after I clicked that one, so I kept going and watching all the other ones until I watched them all. Their music is just so different and unique, like even after all this time, I can’t find another kpop group who mimics the music style of shinee. and all their solos are absolutely god tier, too!!! they really are gonna be my first and last kpop group. shinee withstood through my stan eras for other groups. I don’t think I’ll ever stop being their fan.
I also found snsd through shinee because their mvs were recommended after I clicked lucifer too. the first one I saw is the iconic gee. taeyeon stood out to me in those mvs. her voice is so distinct, and I’ve been a fan of her ever since. She didn’t have a solo then, but I searched up all her drama osts, song features, everything because I loved her voice so much even back then. so yeah, taeyeon and shinee will forever be my faves, and I love them a lot 💓
tagged by :: @latetaektalk thank you, linh !! 💖
rule :: answer the ten questions and write your own!
— how are you today?
I’m doing really good! I’m enjoying my summer, and my day is pretty lax. I’ve been facetiming friends, watching chopped, making banh bao with my mom, and doing my daily cardio ✨
— what book has had the biggest impact on your life?
the princess knight by cornelia funke. my elementary school did this thing where your parents can buy a book to donate to the school library under your name for your birthday. this was the book my sister chose for me when I was in kindergarten. I loved that book; I borrowed it so many times and kept rereading it. It’s a children’s picture book about a princess who secretly learns how to joust. the king tries to give her hand in marriage to the knight who wins the competition, but she defeats them all and chooses to marry the gardener’s son who she loves 💕
— what is something you think everybody should have done once in their life?
Travel. There’s just something so wonderful about going to a new place, whether that’s halfway across the world or just the town a few states over. It’s a lovely feeling embarking on an adventure to a place unknown to you where you can meet new people, try new foods even if it’s just a random dish at a restaurant you’ve never been to, and make memories with strangers that no one back home ever has to know about. There’s just something intriguing about being able to go somewhere else and be someone else for an hour or a day or a week before you return back home.
— what story are you the most proud of and why?
on my previous blog, I wrote a fic called the universe of us, and it’s 21k+ wc. I poured my blood, sweat, and tears into that fic, and although I can’t read it now without cringing, I really am super proud of myself for pulling through and writing that. The concept of it was unique, in my opinion, and I would love to rewrite it someday! 💫
on this blog, I am most proud of the dumbing down of love. that fic is personal to me because it is literally comprised of my college experiences in written format and the characters embody my friends. I wrote that over the span of 3-4 nights, and that’s the fastest I’ve ever written a fic of that length. the words just flowed so easily for that fic, and the quesadilla scene was the first thing I wrote, and I’m quite proud of that scene!! 💓
— what has made you really happy recently?
I graduated uni!!!!! 💛💛
— what is the first thing you want to do after this whole pandemic is over and it’s safe to go out again?
I want to eat sushi LOL I haven’t had it in four months, and I’m craving it so badly.... I also want to go out with my friends again! I miss being able to see them everyday and our late night shenanigans ):
— if you had to make a soundtrack/playlist based on your life, how would you call it and which songs would you include?
honestly, these are just a bunch of my favorite songs throughout my entire life. some of them don’t relate to me personally, but I remember listening them on repeat, and I still know all the lyrics to them 💘
title: cue the soundtrack of my life
songs: complicated ⋆ avril lavigne ⋮ check yes, juliet ⋆ we the kings ⋮ the way i loved you ⋆ taylor swift ⋮ a daydream away ⋆ all time low ⋮ that’s what you get ⋆ paramore ⋮ i won’t give up ⋆ jason mraz ⋮ holy ground ⋆ taylor swift ⋮ lucifer ⋆ shinee ⋮ don’t go ⋆ exo m ⋮ 1000 years ⋆ shinee ⋮ breathe ⋆ taeyeon & jonghyun ⋮ coffee ⋆ bts ⋮ you are in love ⋆ taylor swift ⋮ walk you home ⋆ nct dream ⋮ i ⋆ taeyeon ⋮ tell me what to do ⋆ shinee ⋮ mad city ⋆ nct 127 ⋮ gravity ⋆ taeyeon ⋮ blueprint ⋆ stray kids
— what is your favourite breakfast food?
omg it’s this one dish that I order every time I go to the diner near my university, and it’s a smoked salmon eggs benedict with hollandaise sauce and hash browns 🤩🤩
— how did you get into writing and is it something you would like to do as your job?
I’ve always enjoyed writing, and my teachers sent me to the young authors’ faire every year from kindergarten to 8th grade. You don’t really get to write creative stories in class when you’re older though, and I stumbled upon fanfiction, and here we are. It’s not something I want to do as my job though. Writing is simply a fun pastime and hobby for me!! If I was forced to write or profit off of it, then that’d take fun out of it ):
— did you remember to drink enough water today?
yes, I did!! I make sure to drink 6-8 large cups of water a day :’) stay hydrated!!! 🤍
my questions for you:
what’s your favorite jelly bean flavor?
if you hated your child, what name would you give them?
do you pour cereal first or milk first?
do you like pineapple on your pizza?
if you could be a celebrity for the day, who would you be and why?
what are three dealbreakers for you in a relationship?
what’s your favorite word and why?
would you rather punch your ult bias in the face full force or lick the porta potty that hasn’t been cleaned after Coachella weekend?
which song(s) would you cut out from nct’s discography?
what’s the most unique/interesting food you’ve ever eaten?
tagged by :: @pwarkhans ty, sweetpea! 🌸
rule :: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE ༉⋆͙̈
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
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reblognct · 7 years
92  statements tag
the 3 most loveable people @acesymmetrical-ish, @openyoureyesfornct and @markhyuck-is-real-af tagged me^^ thxx for the tag luvs
1. Drink: orange jus
2. Phone call: my dad
3. Text message: my best friend “that’s too expensive” abt our trip to Hamburg
4. Song you listened to: Taeyeon - FINE
5. Time you cried: Sunday, worked my ass off this week and my grades didn’t pay off
6. Dated someone twice: nope
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: End of February, not really regretted but he was a horrible kisser
8. Been cheated on: I was used as rebound twice, not a very pleasant feeling
9. Lost someone special: not really
10. Been depressed: not to that extent
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: a night to never forget. it was at a party, drank one beer at first then poured myself 2 full glasses of pure vodka cuz i thought i wasn’t drunk enough yet, then proceeded to play beerpong (which i lost). then the vodka kicked in and i ran to the bathroom, threw up, lost consiousness in the toilet, slept there for like 2 hours, my friends tried to get me outta there but guess who couldn’t get up and unock the door. eventually made it out, got dragged by the leg to the kitchen where magically a bucket appeared and i threw up in. then i forced myself to climb the stairs to go to bed and i ended up sleeping, like literally sleeping (no sex) with the guy i played beerpong and had a thing with. the next morning i threw up again for like 5 times and vowed to myself i would never wanna get drunk again.
12-14: black/white/grey, blue, red
15. Made new friends: i have ^^
16. Fallen out of love: over that phase
17. Laughed until you cried: lots of times
18. Found out someone was talking about you: yeah
19. Met someone who changed you: yeep
20. Found out who your friends are: in a way, the girl was dicks before chicks instead of chicks before dicks
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: yep
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: most of them
23. Do you have any pets: i have fishes…
24. Do you want to change your name: no, lots of people say my name suits me
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: dinner with family and friends
26. What time did you wake up: 7 am
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: making this and having a nostalgic moment to the 2nd generation of kpop while listening to snsd
28. Name something you can’t wait for: my cherry bomb album
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: a second ago
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my grades
31. What are you listening right now: snsd - divine
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yup
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: naive people
34. Most visited Website: tumblr
35. Elementary: done
36. High School: my last year
37. College: next year hopefully
38. Haircolor: black
39. Long or short hair: long
40. Do you have a crush on someone: i try not to have crushes
41. What do you like about yourself: my personality
42. Piercings: earrings since two months after birth
43. Bloodtype: O
44. Nickname: ti, tiet, tiaar
45. Relationship status: single
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite TV Show: i don’t really watch tv… but i watch anime on the computer if that counts
49. Tattoos: my friends are forcing me to get one but i don’t think i’m allowed
50. Right or left: right-handed?
51. Surgery: none
52. Piercing: earrings
53. Sport: nope
55. Vacation: Indonesia, Italy
56. Pair of trainers: ? as in shoes? english is not my first language… nikes and converse
57. Eating: Asian cuisine
58. Drinking: water, ice tea
59. I’m about to: eat
61. Waiting for: nct music core stage
62. Want: a pizza and orange jus
63. Get married: someday
64. Career: too many options
65. Hugs or kisses: HUGS … with kisses
66. Lips or eyes: eyes
67. Shorter or taller: taller
68. Older or younger: older
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: nice face and personlity
71. Sensitive or loud: neither
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
74. Kissed a stranger: only have except 2
75. Drank hard liquor: yep…
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: nope
77. Turned someone down: the pizza delivery guy stalked me through the company site and slided in my dm’s, turned him down for being a creep by sending memes
78. Sex in the first date: no
79. Broken someones heart: yup
80. Had your heart broken: yup
81. Been arrested: nope
82. Cried when someone died: i don’t think so…
83. Fallen for a friend: surprisingly not
84. Yourself: yes?
85. Miracles: never occured to me
86. Love at first sight: attraction at first glance
87. Santa Claus: no.
88. Kiss in the first date: sorta…
89. Angels: Lee Taeyong
90. Current best friends name: Justine, Romy, Iris, Aldonna, Julie
91. Eyecolor: dark brown
92. Favorite movie: too many to name
I tag: @taeyongtown @seojohngho @i-adore-jihansol @sammymunchiecheerios @thirsty-for-jae @jaehyun-popped-this-cherry @renhyucks @hey-uta @johntenismyotp @why-jaehyun @iamncttrash @fairyprincerenjun @fyforeignswaggers @starrynct @https-km @teewhytrack @taebreez @l-etaeyong @jaehyundd and everyone else who wants to do it 🍒💣
you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to or have done already :)
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jaehwn · 7 years
30 questions tag
Rules: answer 30 questions then tag 20 (bye) blogs you would like to know better.
I was tagged by: @king-jaehwan​ & @k-jaehwan​ (melody!! I didn’t get the tag in my notifs but I saw the tag when I was going through the “kim jaehwan” tag) THANKS FOR TAGGING ME GUYS!! LOVE YOU ❣️❣️❣️
1. Nicknames: Debs ; is my most used nickname (some of my friends use to call me debstar but now I think about it, it just reminds me of danik saying “imma rapstar” and it’s giving me nightmares so no 🙉)
2. Gender: Female
3. Star sign: Scorpio
4. Height: 155cm
5. Time: 9:20pm
6. Birthday: October 28th
7. Favorite Bands/Groups: GOT7 (my absolute ults), wanna one (my top 1 for now), MBLAQ (forever a special place in my heart)
8. Favorite solo artists: IU (she’s so cute), cheondung ❣️ zico & taeyeon
9. Song stuck in my head: this
10. Last movie watched: Passengers ; it was an alright, pretty good movie
11. Last show watched: heart signal ; it feeds my single syndrome i’m joking
12. When did i create my blog: June 18th, 2017 (didn’t have to change it bc I copied from lena)
13. What do I post: VISHO ; mainly him but includes other wannaone members (actually thinking about making this a wannaone/produce101 blog.. BUT I’ll still be a jaehwan update blog. I am not going to abandon updates even in a million years. tell me what you guys think 😶)
14. Last thing googled: neck veins ; DON’T JUDGE ME !!
15. Do you have other blogs?: yes, multifandom blog ; which I have abandoned since making this one oops
16. Do you get asks?: No but I LOVE getting them ; how do people get asks... I’m waiting for that day people will send me their rants about how much they hate love jaehwan
17. Why did u choose your url?: Because this blog is dedicated to him lols ; I wanted jaehwan/kimjaehwan but jaehwn was the closest thing available but I’ve grown to love this url
18. Following: Many? but not as many as other people I think. I’d like to follow more tho 😊 ; I should probably go through my followers list and follow some blogs hehe
19. Followers: 426 ; I’m going to do a project when I reach 500 😎
20. Favorite colors: anything pastel, corals, pinks & purples
21. Average hours of sleep: 6ish ; rip work...
22. Lucky number: 28? ; I feel like no number has yet to bless me with some good luck (but I think I blessed my parents when I was born on the 28th 😅)
23. Instruments: Piano ; but haven’t played in a loooong time
24. What am I wearing: pajamas with a jacket
25. How many blankets I sleep with: 2 ; and I’m still cold (also, starting to get sick so rip)
26. Dream job: idk anymore. I need money and traveling would be nice (leaving this here from lena bc it is goals!) ; actually I’d like to be a part of a volunteering medical team in developing countries
27. Dream trip: America ? tbh korea even tho I’ve already been twice
28. Favorite food(s): potato, sushi, pizza, rice, avocado ; all the good stuff (typical) honestly I eat anything so my favourite food depends on what I’m craving. Currently in need of some alcohol bc I need to drink my sorrows away i am dramatic
29. Nationality: I always get confused by this question bc is it like where I have my citizenship or more like my ethnicity?
30. Favorite song now: this (don’t hate me)
Tagging: I dont know who’s done it or not, so feel free to ignore or not do if you don’t want to ^_^ @kimjaehwanswife @kimsjaehwan @donghans @kimdonghyun @ong-seungwoo @daewi @yoonjsung and any followers/mutuals wanting to do, feel free ~~
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Prompts for Requests
Feel free to choose a number from any of the categories, and if it's not there let me know, I'll work with you😘😘 I also take ideas for scenarios and imagines, and do mtl. Quotation Prompts 1.“Well, this isn’t going as expected.” 2.“Oh my god, I am so sorry!” 3.“If you had just asked, I would have.” 4.“Are you drunk?” 5.“I love you.” 6.“I hate you.” 7.“Get out!” 8.“You’re holding back on me.” 9.“This might hurt.” 10.“If you make one more stupid joke, I will kill you.” 11.“I’m pregnant.” 12.“Don’t you dare die on me, (name)” 13.“What the fuck?” 14.“Shut up and kiss me, you idiot.” 15.“Are we really doing this?” 16.0“Is that..” 17.“So you stole it?” “No, I borrowed it” 18.“I missed you.” 19.“Are you wearing my shirt?” 20.“You’re making me uncomfortable.” 21.“You look like you could use a massage.” 22.“You say some weird things when you sleep talk.” 23.“Bite me.” 24.“I don’t trust myself around you.” 25.“Are you jealous?” 26.“You’re not happy, are you?” 27.“Please remember that we share a wall.” 28.“You’re such an asshole!” 29.“Why are you at my doorstep at two in the morning?” 30.“Trust me, I can handle it.” 31.“My hair is better than yours.” 32.“Kiss my ass.” 33.“If you say that again I am going to stab you with a rusty knife.” 34.“All I need is a kitten and a big glass of lemon ice tea.” 35.“Brain over brawn? But they have neither.” 36.“I’m a lone wolf.” 37.“Did you just kiss me?” 38.“Your eyes are as beautiful as Enchanted Eden, your hair as perfect as Roasted Coffee and your lips as bright as Raspberry Bellini.” “Someone has clearly been looking at the dulex colour chart.” 39.“Well you seem busy.” 40.“Weird is an understatement.” 41.“She is a little crazy. And by little, I mean a lot and by crazy, I mean psychotic.” 42.“Please be quiet, I can’t even hear myself losing the will to live.” 43.“Take another step, and I can’t be held responsible for my actions.” 44.“I would call you an imbecile but that’d be cruel as you wouldn’t be able to spell it.” 45.“You interrupt my reading once more, and this book will become a lethal weapon.” 46.“Say that again.” 47.“If being clumsy was a currency, I’d be a bloody billionaire.” 48.“Kiss me you twat.” 49.“Your heart is as cold as my dorm room, and I can’t feel my toes in that room, so it’s bloody cold.” 50.“If you wanted a sign you should have said, and I would have punched you in the face.” 51.“What cruel irony it is to lose your glasses.” 52.“You aren’t a drama queen, you are a bloody drama emperor.” 53.“If they marked you on being wrong you’d be at the top of the class.” 54.“Have you got something to tell me?” 55.“Well aren’t you a hero?” 56.“If I were a Disney princess I would be Kuzco, as I’m fabulous and I may not be a princess but I deserve a crown.” 57.“Don’t you think we look alike?” “No. Not at all.” 58.“It’s best to not mention what happened last summer.” 59.“I wouldn’t say this is the happiest moment of my life. Once I found $ in my coat pocket and it was amazing.” 60.“The day you make me laugh is the day the dolphins start walking on land.” 61.“Come on dude! Why the hell did you shoot me?” 62.“That better be an apology pizza I smell, not just some stupid normal pizza.” 63.“I feel more inclined to take a bit out of my own flesh that eat that.” 64.“Stop stealing my clothes.” 65.“We all have secrets.” 66.“I don’t need to be protected.” 67.“So how many weapons do you have?” 68.“A nail clipper isn’t a conventional weapon but believe me you’ll be crying for your mother when I’m done with you.” 69.“Did you paint the cat?” 70.“Well you are beautiful, just not as beautiful as me.” 71.“Malteses are satanic bunny poop.” 72.“Stop being dramatic, it’s only a tiny cut.” 73.“I’m not short, I’m adorable.” 74.“Can we just cuddle and pretend we have nothing to do?” 75.“Sometimes I wish you were dead.” 76.“How the hell did the sand get there?” 77.“I’m tired, so don’t make me angry.” 78.“Does it hurt?” 79.“are you even listening?” “yes, it just takes me a while to process so much stupid all at once.” 80.“Go float yourself!” 81.“Do you think we’re bad people?” 82. “Just smile, I really need to see you smile right now.” 83. “STOP INTERRUPTING ME!” 84. “Give me a chance.” 85. “I fucked up.” 86. “I came to say goodbye.” 87. “May we meet again” 88. “I’m so in love with you.” 89. “Isn’t this amazing?” 90. “Catch me if you can!” 91. “Are you drunk?” 92. “Of course I remembered!” 93. “You owe me.” 94. “It’s just your imagination.” 95. “I can take care of myself just fine.” 96. “Since when have we ever been friends?” 97. “We’re not just friends and you fucking know it.” 98. “Just talk to me” 99. “Just shut up and kiss me.” 100. “If we get caught I’m blaming you” 101. “Do you want to kiss as bad as I do right now” 102. “How long do we have?” 103. “How did we become this?” 104. “Am I ever going to see you again?” 105. “You make me feel invincible.” 106. ”Love isn’t perfect and that’s okay.” 107. “Are you ever going to tell him?” 108. “Just let me in. I promise I won’t hurt you.” 109. “I didn’t mean what I said.” 110. “Don’t look at me like that.” 111. “I’m pregnant and I don’t want to lose you.” 112. “What do you mean you love me?” “I mean that I love you..” 113. “Why are you so secretive?” “why aren’t you?” 114. “I need a place to stay.” 115. “I’m too sober for this.” 116. “Good thing I didn’t ask for your opinion.” 117. “No. Regrets.” 118. “Leave me alone.” 119. “That tattoo is hot.” “It is?”“Yeah, makes me wonder…” “Wonder what?” “What else you’re hiding.” 120. “I never meant to hurt you.” 121. “You need to leave.” 122. “I wish i’d never met you.” 123. “I can’t stand the thought of losing you.” 124. “Can I kiss you right now?” 125. “Don’t touch me.” 126. “Not sure if you could tell, but I’m not exactly a people person.” 127. “Was I really that drunk?” 128. “Did you hear that?” 129. “I hate how much I love you” 130. “I don’t want you to stop.” 131. “We need to talk.” 132. “Does he know about the baby?” 133. “That’s starting to get annoying” 134. “You can’t banish me! This is my bed too!” 135. “I’m not going anywhere.” 136. “I’ll keep you safe.” 137. “How did you find me?” 138. “I don’t want to talk about it.” 139. “Please, don’t cry.” 140. “If you had asked me to stay, I would’ve.” 141. “I didn’t do it!” 142. “I did it…” 143. “I don’t remember that!” 144. “This is girl talk, so leave.” 145. “Hey, hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.” 146. “You’re too good for this world.” 147. “There’s nothing I can do anymore.” 148. “It doesn’t matter. You’ve moved on and I have to be okay with that.” 149. “I don’t want to feel like this tomorrow.” 150. “Are you kidding me? We’re not fine!” 151. “I’m here for you.” 152. “Don’t leave me behind.” 153. “I have to tell you something.” 154. “You can’t just sit there all day.” 155. “Not everyone is out to get you. Stop thinking that. It’s annoying.” 156. “I hate you.” 157. “I don’t need you anymore.” 158. “I wish we could stay like this forever.” 159. “I’ve liked you for awhile now.” 160. “Are you flirting with me?” 161. “Is that my shirt?” 162. “Are you mad at me?” 163. “Are you cold?” 164. “You’re an asshole.” 165. “I had a bad dream again.” 166. “Do you think I’m scared of a woman?” 167. “Where am I going? Crazy. Wanna come?” 168. “Don’t argue. Just do it.” 169. “Kiss me.” 170. “Wait a second. Are you jealous?” 171. “Oh my god! You are in love with him!” 172. “I wasn’t going to wait around forever.” 173. “This is all my fault.” 174. “You deserve better than me.” 175. “This isn’t fair!” 176. “Could you be happy, here, with me?” 177. “Do you wish things had happened differently?” 178. “Something’s clearly wrong.” 179. “Keep your eyes on me.” Holiday Prompts 1.Christmas 2.Valentine’s Day 3.Fourth of July 4.Halloween 5.Thanksgiving/Friendsgiving AU Prompts 1.Coffee Shop AU 2.Soulmate AU 3.University/Highschool AU 4.Roommates AU 5.AU of your choice Song prompts: Congratulations- Day6 You Were Beautiful- Day6 Colors- Day6 Winter Is Gone- Day6 Letting Go- Day6 This Moment- Wonder Girls Girlfriend- Wonder Girls Stay- BlackPink Find A Way- Safetysuit As If You Know It All- Lim Kim Love in Seoul- Neon Bunny Smile Flower- Seventeen 20- Seventeen I Won’t Cry- Ladies Code I’m Fine, Thank You- Ladies Code My Flower- Ladies Code Chaconne- Ladies Code Autumn Leaves- BTS Let Me Know- BTS Time And Fallen Leaves- AKMU 200%- AKMU Heaven- Ailee Home- Ailee Insane- Ailee Goodbye- 2ne1 If I Were You- 2ne1 Missing You- 2ne1 That XX- G-Dragon Love You To Death- Taeyang This Ain’t It- Taeyang Take it Slow- Taeyang Rain- Taeyeon Secret- Taeyeon 11:11- Taeyeon Fine- Taeyeon Love in Color- Taeyeon Lost in Love- Taeyeon & Tiffany Heartbreak Hotel- Tiffany ft. Simon Dominic I Got Love- Taeyeon Paper Heart- f(x) Goodbye, Summer- f(x) Airplane- Ikon Apology- Ikon My Type- Ikon One of These Nights- Red Velvet Alone- Cheeze I love you (bye)- Cheeze I don’t Love You- Urban Zakapa Yellow- Coldplay Sparks- Coldplay Somewhere Only We Know- Keane Our Deal- Best Coast Boyfriend- Best Coast Secret Love Song ½- Little Mix Pillowtalk- Zayn Truth- Hatfelt Voice- Sweden Laundry Home- Roy Kim Seattle- Sam Kim The Only Exception- Paramore Kiss prompts: 1.Good morning” kiss 2.Kiss on the forehead 3.Drunk/sloppy kiss 4.Awkward kiss 5.Angry kiss 6.“I’m sorry” kiss 7.“I’ve missed you” kiss 8.Seductive kiss 9.“War’s End” kiss 10.“Goodbye” kiss 11.“I almost lost you” kiss 12.Kiss on the nose 13.Kiss on the ear 14.Kiss on the neck 15.Kiss on the back 16.New Year’s kiss 17.Needing to kiss to hide from bad guys 18.“I do” kiss 19.Shy kiss 20. Surprised kiss 21.Kiss on a dare 22.Sad kiss 23.Exhausted parents kiss 24.Kiss of life 25.Kiss inspired by a song 26.Jealous kiss 27.Giggly kiss 28.First kiss 29.Last kiss 30.Kiss under a full moon 31.Kiss at dusk 32.Kiss at dawn 33.Kiss in a dream 34.Returned from the dead kiss Themed kisses 35.“We can never be together” kiss 36.It’s-the-end-of-the-world kiss 37.Awkward teenage crush kiss 38.Spin the bottle kiss 39.Hiding/hoping not to be caught kiss 40.Forbidden kiss 41.Sated kiss 42.Soft kiss 43.Tender kiss 44.Passionate kiss 45.Long kiss 46.Quick kiss 47.Morning kiss 48.Before Bed kiss 49.In Secret kiss 50.Public kiss 51.Accidentally Witnessed kiss 52.Against a wall kiss 53.Against a Locker kiss 54.True Love kiss 55.Caught off-guard kiss 56.Breaking The Kiss To Say Something, Staying So Close That You’re Murmuring Into Each Other’s Mouths 57.Moving Around While Kissing, Stumbling Over Things, Pushing Each Other Back Against The Wall/Onto The Bed 58.Kissing So Desperately That Their Whole Body Curves Into The Other Person’s Throwing Their Arms Around The Other Person, Holding Them Close While They Kiss Hands On The Other Person’s Back, Fingertips Pressing Under Their Top, Drawing Gentle Circles Against That Small Strip Of Bare Skin That Make Them Break The Kiss With A Gasp 59.Lazy Morning Kisses Before They’ve Even Opened Their Eyes, Still Mumbling Half-Incoherently, Not Wanting To Wake Up 60.Routine Kisses Where The Other Person Presents Their Cheek/Forehead For The Hello/Goodbye Kiss Without Even Looking Up From What They’re Doing Being Unable To Open Their Eyes For A Few Moments Afterward 61.One Small Kiss, Pulling Away For An Instant, Then Devouring Each Other Staring At The Other’s Lips, Trying Not To Kiss Them, Before Giving In When One Stops The Kiss To Whisper “I’m Sorry, Are You Sure You-” And They Answer By Kissing Them More 62.A Hoarse Whisper “Kiss Me” 63.Following The Kiss With A Series Of Kisses Down The Neck 64.Starting With A Kiss Meant To Be Gentle, Ending Up In Passion 65.A Gentle “I Love You” Whispered After A Soft Kiss, Followed Immediately By A Stronger Kiss 66.When One Person’s Face Is Scrunched Up, And The Other One Kisses Their Lips/Nose/Forehead 67.Height Difference Kisses Where One Person Has To Bend Do Wn And The Other Is On Their Tippy Toes 68.Kisses Where One Person Is Sitting In The Other’s Lap Kisses Meant To Distract The Other Person From Whatever They Were Intently Doing 69.Top Of Head Kisses
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onewfantaesy · 7 years
more of twin college au pLEASEEEEEEEEE !!!
“look, i know we generally have an ‘eat whatever from the fridge so long as u contribute to the food supply as a whole’ rule, but if u drink these cute lil fizzy wines in cans that i got for wine night with my friends, i’m kicking ur ass and making u buy double as many as i already bought”
taemin looked up from his laptop to send an unbelievable look to taeyeon, “heck, fine, i won’t touch ur fancy heckin’ wines.”
taemin blew a huff of air out of his mouth and turned back to his laptop, trying to write an essay that was due in a couple days. after a couple minutes, though, he turned to his sister and stared at her for a minute.
“wait, how the heck did you buy wine?” he asked. “you’re not 21.”
taeyeon turned to him and smirked, “i have a fake id. don’t tell my parents.”
“we’ve known each other for 2 months. chill.”
“what the heck,” taemin droned out, “you don’t even look 19, how do people actually buy that you’re 21?”
“my id says i’m from out of state,” she said, throwing finger guns up at him. “got it in high school. i’m 23 now.”
“do u just not ever curse?”
“honestly it started as a joke and now it’s a habit” taemin groaned and leaned back in his desk chair, staring at his sister upside down. “can u buy me a bottle of wine? i’ll give u cash”
“i’ll buy it tomorrow if you want,” she mumbled, going to sit at her own desk. “if you make dinner i’ll buy u an extra bottle free of charge.”
“sweet, okay. how does ramen sound?’
“bitch, at least make me a frozen pizza.”
“i can do that,” taemin said. “which one? the spinach one or the pepperoni one?”
“ooh spinach. fancy.”
“nice. how do you turn on the oven?”
taeyeon let her head fall onto the desk and groaned, telling him to turn the switch to “bake” and to set the dial to the right temperature.
“i can’t believe your dads let you live on your own”
“i can’t either, honestly”
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