#tag: Pinwheel invaders
aries-rp-corner · 9 months
Leafie awoke to find herself in a deep forest… yet the surroundings felt so familiar. The trees, the wind, the streams, and rivers… was this Pinwheel Forest? The Leavanny stood up and began to walk deeper in the forest, seeing such sight in the night truly made her feel at home again… it felt so real.
Looking at the trees where she and her brother use to perch on while eating their berries, and hang out with her old friends… a Pidove and a shiny Venipede. Remembering her mother found the Venipede wounded from his own kind, and she took him in to treat him. Making Leafie wonder if her two friends are okay after the Cipher attack… she’s really hopeful that they did made it through without being seen… Chirping sadly and angrily at herself, she is just now thinking about them after so long…while at the same time…she has been training herself to get ready to fight Mira or any Cipher Peon. That was when her thoughts ended as she spotted something glowing in the distance…
Walking over to find a pond… and a sleeping Sewaddle… but this one shook her, as he uncurled himself to reveal its her brother… tears formed as she ran into the shallow waters to see if this truly him.. her starry ghostly brother woke up to see his now evolved sister. Even he formed tears as the two embraced each other, nuzzling and chirping out of joy… looking at her brother however… a sad reality hits her… her brother is gone…but seeing his spirit here…causing her brother to look worried.
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His spirit floated up in the air and nuzzled her gently to cheer her up, as if to say: “I know.. I’m gone, but I’m not going to leave you, Sis.” The Sewaddle gave Leafie a gentle soft happy expression to her, causing Leafie to tear up more and more as she held her brother for one final time… she didn’t want him to disappear again… but learning he is with her made her smile again… truly at peace in know he is with her.
However, her brother looked at her one last time as a voice echoed in the forest. “Inform my Niece and any of her friends that Pinwheel is gonna have new ugly visitors. Your old friends are there, and you’ll be surprised for what they become! And it’s good to see they are fighting to remember you and your brother…” A man spoke, as Leafie looked back to see shadowy figures of a Unfezant and a Scolipede. Like her, they also evolved and are now protecting what they have left…
Leafie turned around to see a man and her brother, she shivered to see white scars on the poor man, yet he held the most kindest smile he had. While on his shoulder was her brother, raising his little paw up to cheer his sister. “He will be with you, just like how I’ll be with my brother, his wife, and my niece. You can do this girly, show Cipher and all what you truly are.”
Leafie smiled as she nodded, after that, she woke to find herself on her makeshift bed and everyone sleeping. Looking aside to see Aries asleep on her desk again, causing Leafie to sigh softly as she carefully placed a blanket on her. She knew dawn was coming thus she decided to head outside to take in the fresh cold air, but thanks to her coat to honestly felt nice. Looking over to the mainland to see familiar trees of her old home… chirping sadly and with worry… Cipher or their new allies might indeed invade her old home..
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