#tag: Pinwheel’s Guardians
aries-rp-corner · 5 months
“I’ve heard stories that within the Pinwheel Forest, are two titans who protect the forest. A Unfezant and a Scolipede. No one knows how these two came to be, but they have been seen working together to protect their home.. this must of happened when Cipher invaded the forest… these Pokémon must of seen the pain that those humans have done, thus they took matters into their own hands. The Scolipede dawns vine thorns all over its body as the thorns themselves are coated with poison, paralysis, and sleep toxins. Even the scars on its body, as if it fought its own kind as a form of dominance and order, having full respect as it shows the same in return.
The Unfezant meanwhile, she is a very odd one. She wears her own ribbons similar to her male counterpart, but she is very picky with her partner. If one looks strong enough to not only help her raise their young, they have to be clever with their battles… and clever they are. She’s been spotted wearing vast colors all over her body, and if a Pokémon threats the weak she will get in front of them and perform a beautiful dance… well, I think it is. Using her colors to create some sort of confusion to her opponent as they run away in fear.
The two are good in their duties… but I’ve noticed they looked worried, as if Cipher returned… but more strange men accompanied them… Ranger? What does this me?”
An old woman finished as she asked worriedly, causing both Solana and Lunick to give the old woman reassurance. “Don’t worry ma’am. Everything will be okay, we’ll investigate the Forest to see anything has happened.” Lunick spoke, giving a big smile.
“Before we go however, are the two Pokémon aggressive towards any other humans?” Solana ask, wanting to stay cautious for what the two will be facing.
“If your harm any other Pokémon, they will respond. If you are being kind to the Pokémon and being a normal trainer I believe you will be okay….” The old woman then looked down with sadness as she turned her head over to the Forest.
“Ma’am? Is everything okay?…” Lunick asked with worry..
“I remember a Leavanny who had a wonderful heart of gold… caring for every Pokémon in the forest… especially her own. She sadly passed away from an illness, leaving her young behind, I truly wish to know if those little Sewaddles are okay…” The old woman finished, as she turned back to the Rangers. Having tears on the edge of her eyes. “Please Rangers, protect the Pokémon and Forest… it seen enough heart ache already…”
“Yes ma’am! We’ll accept it as our mission! We advised you and everyone remain in the city. We have no clue what we’ll be facing. Lunick, Plusle, and Minun let’s go.” Solana spoke with readiness and determination as they settled off into Pinwheel Forest.
As the rangers left, the old woman began to softly hum a song… as she fully sang…
“There once lived a fox in the forest of old
Who donned a magnificent crown of bone
With eyes of jade and fur to match the flames
The all-seeing-owl foretold of his reign
Dreamt of the future again and again
Foretelling his story, the end of all ends
And the trees overheard what he said
The animals panicked in all different ways
The deer they froze and the birds they sang
A chorus of warning, of doom soon to come
How the great forest king would be slain…”
As the song echoed, two Pokémon rose from the darkness. Looking ready to any foe who stands in their way… the Pinwheel’s Guardians have come…
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bat-losers-inc · 3 years
Song of Cassandra: Chapter 1
Warnings: Family Drama, Family Issues, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Emotional Baggage, and Child Neglect
Summary: What is Batman without a Robin? Everyone in the family makes jokes about the ‘dead robins club’, but Dick and Jason really do have measures set in place for the day Bruce loses sight of what’s really important. They won’t let Bruce sacrifice another Robin for the cause, even if that means separating Robin from Batman for good.
Pairings: Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Stephanie Brown/Tim Drake, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Bruce Wayne, and Dick Grayson & Jason Todd
“To select a victim, to adorn it, and to drive it towards the enemies to be killed by them in time of crisis - such is the ancient rite of substitution.” — The War That Killed Achilles by Caroline Alexander
The bone-saw pinwheeled through the air and smashed into the stone facade beside them. The event wouldn’t have been nearly so noteworthy if Dick hadn’t just yanked Damian out of its path only a second ago.
“Hey, Robin,” Jason called, “get your head in the game before you lose it completely!”
In front of them, Red Hood had swapped out his dual guns for a set of brass knuckles. All around him the Dollotrons and their improvised weapons fell to the ground.
Not helping, Jason.
Robin’s domino mask hid multitudes behind its whiteout lenses. Dick read what he could from the pinched lines of Damian’s mouth and the taut muscles in his neck which trembled through each unsteady swallow. He could feel the effort it was taking him to reign it in.
“Robin, you good?” He placed a hand on the kid’s shoulder and tried to draw his attention back from wherever his mind had just drifted off to. It wasn’t the first time that he’d asked that question tonight and he doubted that it would be the last.
“Fine,” Damian replied but jerked free of his grip with a suddenness that could only mean his pride had been bruised.
Damian snatched the fallen bone-saw up off the pavement and hurled it back into the mass of flailing limbs where it sliced deep into a Dollotron’s shoulder and sent the man staggering.
“Incapacitate only, Robin!” Batman’s voice boomed over the noise of the brawl unfolding before them.
The hope was that they could save at least a few of Professor Pyg’s failed creations if they got them prompt medical attention. Robin, however, had been one-step behind the entire evening—breaking with their predetermined strategies and acting on reflex more than anything. Dick could only chalk so much up to rustiness from being out of the field.
As Robin ducked back into the fray, he had no choice but to follow him in the hopes of preventing further bloodshed. It was going to be a long night.
Back in the cave, he watched Damian unbuckle the utility belt from his waist, his uniform glowing brightly in the cave’s dim interior. His movements were calm, but the distracted look in his eyes betrayed him outright. It was much too soon for him to be back in the field after his death at the hands of the Heretic and subsequent resurrection and it showed on patrol this evening.
Dare he say it, but tonight Robin was... sloppy. And didn’t that just make it worse, he thought to himself, remembering Jason’s muttered comment earlier that night, you can’t blame Damian, the last thing he wants to do is disappoint his father.
Well, what the hell was a kid supposed to do when Batman was your father?  
Dick’s gaze cut to Bruce at the Batcomputer, oblivious to everything except finishing up his report of the night’s mission. He wanted to chuck an escrima stick at his stupid pointy head. But no matter how satisfying that would feel in the moment, it wouldn’t be productive. So instead Dick did the adult thing and waited impatiently for Damian and Tim to change out of their gear and head to their respective beds to sleep away the rest of the dark hours.
When they were alone with nothing but the clicking of keyboard keys to fill the silence, Dick cast a final confirmative glance Jason’s way. Jason raised his arm and tapped at the imaginary watch on his wrist.  
It was now or never. “Bruce, can we talk for a sec?”
Bruce turned in his chair and faced him. “About what?”
He took a breath and forced the words out before his confidence failed him. “I don’t think Damian should be back in the field.”
Bruce held up his hands, his expression transforming from mild to exhausted in a fraction of a second.  “Dick, no. We’ve discussed this. I’m not having this conversation again.”
Again, he said, like he’d ever really taken the time to listen to him the first time around.
“You agreed to give him time! We only just got him back and already you’re putting him back in the line of fire?”
He’d thought that would have been the last thing that Bruce would have done. They’d all witnessed how Damian’s death had driven Bruce to the edge, Jason especially. It had taken hours of persistence to get Jason to even agree to come here, let alone stand with him on this, after the stunt Bruce had pulled in Ethiopia.
Bruce sighed and squeezed the bridge of his nose tightly. “I’m not putting him anywhere. I put the decision up to Damian and he told me he felt ready to put the uniform back on.”
Those walls that Damian had started to lower during their time working together were back up now that his father was around, but not before the damage had already been done. Dick had glimpsed the vulnerable side of Damian that just wanted to prove his worth. He couldn’t stand by and watch the kid get hurt, even if he had to step on Bruce’s toes to do it.
Jason pushed off the clothing lockers that he’d been leaning against for the past ten minutes and walked up behind Dick’s shoulder. “You sure he really meant that? Or was he just saying what he thought you wanted to hear?”
Bruce’s face was quickly losing its composure. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“I mean, he was raised knowing he was the son of Talia al Ghul and Batman. Not Bruce Wayne— Batman. He might not think he has a choice in putting on the cape unless someone tells him otherwise.”
“And you think I didn’t?” snapped Bruce. As quick as that anger appeared, it was snuffed out just as fast and replaced with a measured response. “Robin is the one thing that gives Damian purpose. I won’t take that away from him.”
“Can you honestly say that his actions tonight didn’t worry you?” asked Jason. “He can take down Dollotrons with his eyes closed, but tonight he was distracted almost to the point of defenselessness. If we didn’t tag along and babysit him the entire patrol he might have ended up in the med bay or worse.”
“I think it’s understandable that he’s having some trouble adjusting.”
Adjusting, Dick wanted to scream. Did you see the look on your kid’s face out there? He’s not adjusting to anything.
Jason sighed and rubbed at the back of his neck. “C’mon, B. You know I don’t stick my nose in things unless they’re serious. This is serious. We’re worried about him.”
Bruce glanced between them, eyeing them both critically. “Think back to when you both were Robin. Would you have appreciated someone coming in and telling me to bench you because they thought you weren’t ready for the role? Without even taking into consideration how you might feel about the matter.”
“We aren’t saying that—” said Dick.
“Are you sure? Because it seems like you only just made this mistake with Tim.
The comment hit Dick like a slap to the face. “That was an entirely different situation—”
“You took Robin away from Tim when you thought he wasn’t in a position to handle the job anymore and gave it to Damian. Now you’re trying to take it away from Damian.”
“Robin was my mantle,” Dick said slowly, an anger months in the making rising in him. “I created it and I’m so sick of you telling me what bearing that name means or who that uniform gets passed down to like I don’t have any say in it! Especially with Damian. When you ‘died’ you left him with nothing. He was your blood son but you never bothered to give him a place in this family beyond that. So you want to talk about Damian’s place and his purpose ? Well, I gave those to him, not you.”
He thought you were going to be the one to take Robin away from him. He was so scared that his place in your legacy would be erased the moment you returned, despite all the work he had put in to change his nature.
Bruce was in his chair one second and standing over Dick in the next. “Despite what you might still believe, you’re no longer his guardian nor are you his mentor. You gave up the right to parent my child when I came back from the dead. I’m Batman and it’s time for you to go back to being Nightwing. Understood?”
Go back to not having a say, you mean, Dick thought to himself, remembering a time when all he wanted to do was go back to being Nightwing—to not have to make the hard choices. But not anymore. He’d been Batman and had a Robin of his own and those protective instincts don’t just magically turn off with a snap of the fingers.  
Sometimes I feel the need to protect him, even from you.
“I said is that clear?” Over four years since he’d worn the uniform and taken orders from Batman, but Dick’s body still jumped to attention like it did when he was Robin. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see that even Jason wasn’t immune to that tone of voice.
He absolutely hated it.
Bruce’s cape whipped him in the legs on his way out.
“C’mon, get changed,” Jason placed a hand on his shoulder and nodded his head towards the exit, “I’ll buy you a drink.”
It would take more than a year for him to realize he should have tried harder.
By the time Jason shoved into his apartment and kicked the door shut behind him, it was two hours short of daybreak. He jerked to a halt when he caught sight of him sitting in his living room, and clutched his apartment keys in one limp fist.
“Hey,” he said, voice a rough croak.
Dick stood up to greet him. “Sorry. I didn’t think to text you and I had a key—”
He paused when he caught sight of Jason’s face illuminated under the overhead lights. “What happened to you? I thought you went to talk to Steph.”
“I did,” Jason dropped his keys in the bowl by the front door. “Or at least I tried to. She was more interested in hitting something than having a heart to heart.”
It was too soon after Tim’s funeral for Stephanie to be back in the field. Even, Kate had suggested that Bruce intervene before someone got hurt on the job. Dick had wanted to laugh at her choice of phrase. Hurt? Didn’t she realize that the reason they were in this situation in the first place was because the stakes had risen way past that already?
Still, they all knew it was no good to try to force yourself back into the vigilante lifestyle before you were ready. Damian had proven that only a year or so ago and Gotham’s citizens had borne the brunt of his mistake. So Bruce had tried to step in, but it felt like all he’d really succeeded in doing was pouring salt into the gaping wound that Tim’s death had rent into their little family of heroes.
I’m so sick of you pretending like you care. Dick remembered the way Steph had flung those words at Bruce just hours ago. You only care when people can forgive you. Because all you really care about is continuing your stupid fucking mission!  
Dick could already make out the puffy bruised skin that circled his right eye and colored his cheekbone a dark purple. “Right, so the obvious conclusion was to offer up yourself as her human punching bag.”
“Better me than Bruce.”
Just the idea of it made him sad. Jason and his stupid martyr complex. The kicked-puppy of the family. “I disagree.”
There was an image that Dick couldn’t get out of his head. It lurked in the back of his mind, even now. Steph’s features pulled tight from anger and grief, her icy eyes staring holes into Bruce as she spat out, You keep pretending to care about me to what? Absolve you for what happened to Tim? Well, I don’t, Batman. I don’t absolve you!  
No, it should have been Bruce that bore the brunt of her violence. Bruce who sported a fractured cheekbone for the following week, a consistent reminder of his failings. Not his little brother who had warned them all time and time again about Bruce’s bad habits and all of the endless justifications he had to explain them away. Not Jason, who’d said Bruce shouldn’t be allowed to have sidekicks if he couldn’t keep them alive into adulthood—that if he wanted to fight crime so bad, let him, but keep the kids out of it.
Jason winced as he fingered the delicate skin around his eye. “We both know from past experience how unsatisfying it feels to go after him. It’s like punching a brick wall—he doesn’t give anything and it just ends up hurting you more in the long run.”
He knew Jason was right, but that still didn’t make it fair.  
Jason went to the freezer and pulled out a bag of frozen green beans which he pressed to his face with a relieved sigh. “What are you doing here, Dick?”
Jason never was one for small talk.
Dick stared at the bookshelf in the corner of Jason’s living, the titles on the spines were illegible to him all of a sudden like he was viewing them from a great distance. “Tim’s dead.”
“Yeah, I know. Alfred called me after it happened, same as you.”
“I can’t stop thinking about it.” Dick shook his head. “He was supposed to hang up the cape and go to college with Steph. I thought he was going to make it, but instead, he sacrificed himself on that rooftop for Bruce’s endless goddamn crusade.”
“Careful, Golden Boy. You’re sounding a little blasphemous there.”
“Good,” snapped Dick. “because I’m fucking angry. Angry that Bruce seems content to maintain the status quo while my siblings get blown up and stabbed and tortured.”
“You’re also grieving,” said Jason. “Which might explain why you’re slumming it around my place instead of spending time with Babs. When you work your way up to the bargaining stage I suggest trying Damian because I’m not helping you find a lazarus pit.”
“Fuck you,” he replied, but he couldn’t force any heat into the words. Not when his chest constricted again with that tight pain that stabbed at his lungs. He couldn’t stop the tears that pooled at the corners of his eyes and spilled over.
When he glanced up at Jason, the other boy was nothing but a watery figure standing out against the dark room. “Those missiles incinerated Tim into a pile of ash. There’s no body left for us to try to bring back this time.”
Jason squeezed his eyes shut tight like something was paining him. He didn’t go to Tim’s funeral, Dick remembered and wondered which stage of the grieving process he was on: denial or acceptance. Either way, it was clear that even he was having trouble hiding it behind that cock-sure snarky mask of his.
Jason shook his head slightly. “I think you should leave.”
“What?” Dick wiped furiously at his eyes. “Why?”
“Because I can’t tell you what you came over here to hear.”
“And what’s that?”
“That everything’s gonna be alright. That Bruce is gonna change his ways.” Jason shrugged and tossed the bag of beans on the counter. “He might change a bit… adapt like he’s done in the past. But it won’t happen fast enough to stop another Robin from dying on the job.”
“You don’t know that.” Dick wanted to punch him for how cruelly and casually he said it.
“Don’t I?” Jason grabbed his Red Hood helmet up from where it rested on the kitchen counter and flung it at Dick’s chest like it was all the evidence he needed in the world. It was. “Just because you want someone to change, doesn’t mean they will.”
“Go to him with me. If we talk to him together we can make him listen—”
“The same way he listened to us before, with Damian? Like how he listened to Steph tonight? She yelled the harsh truth right in his face, even gave him an ultimatum. And she failed, just like you did, because the truth is that he doesn’t want to hear it.”
“We just have to try harder this time—”  
“Dick… please leave. I can’t do this with you right now and I won’t lie to you just to make you feel better.”
Dick threw Jason’s helmet onto the nearest piece of furniture. “You’re a piece of shit, you know that? I’m standing here trying to tell you that I need your help and you can’t even bring yourself to listen to me.”
“That’s because I’ve already learned this lesson. Just like Steph did tonight. And it’s a really simple one at that … if you love someone, you do what’s best for them even if it’s the hard choice. Damian, Cass, Steph, Duke… they won’t be ‘safe’ until they’re out of the lifestyle entirely. And it’s become increasingly clear that Bruce can’t, or won’t, give up being Batman so what makes you think he’s going to tell them to stop?”
Jason’s words were no different than the ones that occupied his thoughts of late. So why did it feel so much worse to hear them spoken out loud?
“I can’t lose another sibling, Jason. I won’t be able to take it. Please… there’s got to be something we can do.”
Jason hesitated, his eyes dropping to the kitchen counter. The sky was starting to lighten as dawn approached. In the ever-shifting dim of his apartment, it felt like ages before Jason finally spoke again. “I want to show you something. Maybe it will help.”
He walked past Dick to his bookcase and pulled a collection of books off the shelf, revealing a hole in the wall. “I started it about six months back for Steph. Her relationship with Bruce has always been rocky. I knew there might come a time when she went off to do the vigilante thing on her own.”
He reached in and pulled out a saran-wrapped package. “I want her to know that she had money waiting for her—to get a place of her own and new gear if she needs it.”
He tossed the package to Dick. It was a brick of cash, bundled into individual stacks with currency straps. Based on the various conditions of the bills it looks like Jason had swiped them during his many run-ins with Gotham’s criminal underbelly.
“You saved all this for her?” asked Dick.
Jason paused in placing the books back on the shelf and shrugged. “Well, yeah. We know how hard it is to go it alone—the way you have to swallow your pride and values at a certain point because you need Bruce’s help, or money, or his connections. Steph deserves better than that. If she made the decision to leave the fold, I want her to go and not look back.”
Jason leaned against the edge of the bookshelf. “It’s not much when you’re coming from Bruce Wayne’s trust fund, but maybe we could start doing the same for the others; Damian, Cass, Harper, Duke... What do you think?”
“There’s certainly enough dirty operations in Gotham to fund it, but we’d need a better place to store it than a hole in your wall.”
Jason rolled his eyes. “Obviously.”
Dick’s mind was already racing with the possibilities. “And we don’t have to stop at cash. I’m sure we both have old safehouses that we don’t use and contacts with other superheroes and scientists that we can share—”
“Whoa, whoa! Dick…” Jason rubbed at his face. “What you’re talking about is building Batman’s resources from the ground up and not even that, doing it all in secret.”
“Are you saying we can’t do it?” asked Dick.
“Not necessarily—”
“Well if we have all the resources then why are we hesitating?” asked Dick.
He held out his hand. “So are we doing this?”
Jason took his hand. “I guess I officially have to stop calling you Golden Boy now.”
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ilovemygaydad · 5 years
part 3/? of punk!patton gets adopted by single parent logan
part one - part two - part four - part five - ao3 version - masterlist (includes asks)
pairings: one-sided pining moxiety, eventual logince, background pining remceit, mentions of past thomas/female oc
warnings: swearing, lots of emotions, anxiety, worry, sympathetic deceit (his name is DC), jealousy, sadness, one-sided pining, rivalry mentions, depression mentions, divorce mentions, being held back a grade, arguments, anger, crying, unhealthy coping mechanisms, embarrassment, like some angst (sorry buds but emotionally closed off patton is an angst fest), food mentions, possibly something else
***feel free to send me questions or comments! i’ll answer them to the best of my ability, and everything is tagged under “punk!patton au”
a/n: this one is.... so long
(a clarification: logan and patton aren’t really father and son--they’re more like legal guardian and child. neither of them were looking for a father/son relationship, so they agreed that it wasn’t for them. i just didn’t clarify)
a few weeks had passed since the whole clothes incident, and patton and virgil had actually become real friends
which was why patton was unnerved when virgil’s foot wouldn’t stop tapping in their first block class
patton scribbled out a quick “you okay?” on a piece loose leaf paper and nudged virgil’s leg to get his attention and passed over the note
a few moments later, the paper is passed back to patton, and virgil’s neat writing reads “yeah, just nervous”
“about what?”
“well... i was going to ask you if you wanted to join my family for our twice-monthly disney marathon on saturday. dad’s college friend comes with his son, dc. he’s a senior. everyone wears onesies, and we just chill and watch cartoons for the night. you don’t have to come if you don’t want, but i thought you might enjoy it.”
and patton’s like
this is... a thing
so he writes back, “sure. i think dc is in my photography class?”
and virgil passes the note back one last time, but the timing went poorly, and the teacher sees
she’s like “mr sanders. mr summers. are you passing notes?”
and patton rolls his eyes as he takes the paper and clips it into his binder “no, ms w. virgil thought that he’d missed some of the notes yesterday by accident, so i gave him my sheet so he could double check.”
and the teacher is like ,,,,,,, fine and goes back to teaching, but virgil looks over at patton and gives him this small, thankful smile
and if patton has some weird, fluttery feelings about it, then that’s fine
even though he doesn’t
(the note says “7pm--last house on zora lane downtown. you’ll know the one ;)” and patton finds it really cute)
so saturday rolls around, and patton picks out some pajamas to go in because he doesn’t have a onesie
logan had offered to buy him a onesie, but patton looked up one that he thought he might like, and it was nearly forty dollars. he refused to let logan spend so much money on something so stupid
he settles on a black muscle tank and black jogger sweats because there’s no way he’s going to break his aesthetic for a disney marathon
he does wear his glasses, though, because he doesn’t want to deal with the hassle of taking out his contacts before going to sleep and then putting them back in before anyone wakes back up, and he’s too blind to just go without
and he hates how the huge, square frames look on his face, and the lenses are so damn thick
but he wears them anyway because he has to
logan drives him to virgil’s house and it definitely wasn’t because logan was hoping to catch a glimpse of virgil’s dad what???
virgil was right--his house was so easy to find. it had a ranbow flag flying by the door, and about twenty little rainbow pinwheels stuck around the garden
it was either the sanders’ house, or it belonged to the world’s most excited five year old
the thing is, virgil didn’t mention that it was huge with gigantic fucking windows and a chandelier that was visible from the fucking street
patton gives a quick goodbye to logan and goes up to the door. he rings the doorbell, and almost immediately, the door swings open. there’s a tall man in a stitch onesie and round glasses smiling at him, and all patton can choke out is a small “hello”
and this man squeals
and then he says, “you must be patton! virgil has told us so much about you--come in!”
it isn’t like patton is just going to say no, so he walks inside and follows this stranger through the house, looking around as they go
the place is just as big as it looks from the outside. there’s a formal dining room to the right and a large office to the left
patton wouldn’t really call the dining room “formal,” however, since all the chairs and the table are random colors and sizes and styles
but that doesn’t even mention the vast foyer with floating stairs to the second level on the left side of the hall and bridging to the upstairs on the right
patton couldn’t believe he was somewhere so fucking nice
they keep going and patton gets a few glimpses of the shiny kitchen and lush living room as they head through a door to the basement
disney music filtered up the stairwell as they descended into the finished basement
it smells like cookies and popcorn
they round the corner and there’s a little entertainment area with a rainbow of giant, fluffy bean bag chairs and a very large flatscreen tv that was currently on the main screen of winnie the pooh
there was also a bookshelf full of disney DVDs (and even a few VHS tapes of the classics)
virgil, roman, and dc were sitting on a couple of the bean bags, but virgil immediately hopped up and threw himself at patton when he noticed that he was downstairs
“you actually came! and you have glasses!!!”
patton huffs out a laugh as he wraps his arms around virgil and hugs him back “yes, i did show up, v. i wasn’t going to stand you up. and, yeah, i do have glasses. i didn’t want the hassle of bringing my contacts and solution and shit, so i just wore my glasses even though they look stupid”
“that’s bullshit!” virgil almost shouts, but he quickly corrects his volume “the glasses look really nice, pat. i swear.”
and there’s that stupid fluttery feeling again
patton rolls his eyes as virgil releases him from a hug, and he’s actually able to get a good look at his friend
virgil’s wearing an eeyore onesie, which matches the disney onesie theme of roman’s mushu onesie and dc’s beymax onesie
patton almost feels left out in his regular pajamas, but he cuts that shit out right the fuck away
virgil gestures to the man who brought pat downstairs “that’s emile. he’s dad’s college friend, and you said you know who dc is already” he still points to the boy who was draped over his bean bag upside down and staring at them with his heterochromatic eyes—the gold one standing out against the darker birthmark around his eye. dc flashed a peace sign, and patton waved back
virgil turns his gaze to the cookies and popcorn set out in the middle of the floor by the tv “those are free to eat—just don’t get between dad and the snickerdoodle ones. he’s vicious. and, i’m only telling you this because i know for a fact that i’m speaking too fast for him to understand”
so they all sit down and watch the movie
patton decides to not notice when virgil moves from a pink beanbag to a purple one right next to patton’s blue one
the movie starts, and it’s all goofy and fun in the basement. the sanders and picanis are quoting the characters and singing along to the little songs
even roman, who signs along with a soft smile on his face
patton is kind of in awe at how relaxed everyone is
he’s also in awe at how freaking cold it is in the basement
he can feel himself curling up and shivering, and he totally regrets wearing a tank top
patton doesn’t know how, but virgil sees him shivering and hops up from his chair, whispering a hasty “i’ll be right back” before sprinting upstairs
when virgil returns, he’s holding a bundle of gray fabric that he tosses to patton
when the bundle is unfolded, patton sees that it’s a hoodie with cat ears and paws and a big pouch in the front
“sorry that it’s so cutesy,” virgil whispers. “it was the most black thing that i own...”
and patton just laughs a little because,,,, virgil’s thought process is really adorable and weird sometimes
like any hoodie or blanket would have done, but virgil absolutely had to get patton the darkest colored one
pat puts it on and instantly feels much warmer
after winnie the pooh, they change to black cauldron
roman whines for a little bit because “there aren’t even any songs!” but eventually concedes because it’s virgil’s favorite and he isn’t going to not let his son watch the movie on disney night
after that’s done, the adults decide they’re going to go to sleep
emile says it’s because they’re old, roman says it’s because he has yet to meet his prince charming in his dreams, and he is looking forward to it
as soon as the adults are gone, the teenagers move closer to the food in the middle
“so,” virgil starts. “it’s time for our gossip session. patton, you’re completely free to sit out if you feel uncomfortable”
“what, uh, does this ‘gossip session’ include...?” pat asks because honestly ???? he’s a bit afraid of what he might hear
dc decides to answer, saying, “usually it’s about what teachers are being shitty again, how classes are going, do we have any annoying group partners. that sort of fun stuff”
and patton just nods because that’s not bad at all
and then virgil does that cute thing like in the movies where he crosses his legs and rests his elbows on his knees and he puts his chin on his hands and he leans forward
you know
that thing
and he says, “sooooo dc. what’s up with that cute boy from school that you like? oh, what was his name? ryan? ray???”
dc rolls his eyes and crosses his arms, and his voice comes out clipped and low
“i don’t have a crush on remy sanders, who you already know because he is your cousin. first of all, stop doing that every time you bring him up. second, stop fucking bringing him up”
virgil just kinda goes “aw, bud, you totally have a crush on him!”
and dc flips out
“you fucking know how much i hate your teasing about crushes, and then you go and tease me in front of someone i barely know? at least i don’t do that! actually, you know what? maybe i will tell patton who you have a crush on because, fuck it! we’re letting all of our secrets out, anyway! virgil has a crush on—“
virgil cuts him off with a loud “STOP” and patton swears that time froze in that room as everyone stares at each other
“i’m sorry,” he continues. “it was so uncool of me to tease you in front of patton without your consent. i just—i think you and remy would be good together, even if it’s just as friends”
dc stands up and starts to march to the stairs “remy and i were nothing more rivals in school, and now that he’s out of the competition, we don’t have anything to connect us. just fucking drop it. i’m going to bed”
patton doesn’t really know what the hell is going on with this remy guy, but he knows some major shit just went down
he decides to focus on virgil instead of the twinge in his chest at the mention of virgil having a crush on someone
really softly, patton asks who remy is
“he’s my cousin,” says virgil “he’s technically the year above, but he got held back last year because of some personal stuff that messed with his school work.
“ever since we were kids, remy and dc were rivals in school. they were both smart and athletic and talented, and they wanted to be the best. they had a lot of chemistry despite the constant bickering, and i tried to get them to become friends instead of rivals. it never worked because remy spends weekends with his moms, so he couldn’t do disney nights, and on the days he was with his dad and could hang out, dc was busy with gymnastics.
“then, after rem got held back, they pretty much ceased all contact. i knew that both of them were hurting because they lost the thing that fueled them to be the best that they could be, but it was pretty obvious that they were missing each other, too.
“i just want them to be happy!” virgil ends, hunching in on himself
patton hesitantly opens up his arms
“do you... do you want a hug”
virgil doesn’t even answer; he just launches himself forward and pretty much tackles patton to the floor in a hug
he’s sobbing now, and patton doesn’t really know what to do, so he pats virgil’s back every so often and whispers nice things to him
eventually, virgil’s breathing evens out and he’s just sniffling into the soaked cat hoodie
patton slowly releases him and rubs virgil’s arms gently in a reassuring gesture
“i’ve never actually done this whole sleepover thing before,” pat says with a sheepish grin, trying to play up the act (even if it is partially real). “would you mind if i slept in your room?”
virgil looks surprised for a second, but then his face smooths out into a tiny smile
“yeah, sure. it’s getting kinda late.”
they pack up the leftover food and stick it in a cupboard by the stairs before going upstairs
virgil grabs patton’s hand as the make their way to his room because tbh he needs the comfort
patton doesn’t mind
virgil opens the door to his room, and it looks just how patton expected
the bed is straight ahead from the door and placed at the bottom of a large window with pink curtains. the blanket and pillows are floral patterned in pastel colors. there are tall, white bookshelves on both sides of the bed that are filled with books of all sizes and colors; however, they look to be organized by age and genre, starting with children’s books and ending with adult fiction and nonfiction. there’s a door that leads to what patton assumes is an en suite bathroom and double sliding doors to the closet. the walls are painted a very light purple, and the remaining furniture are all a slightly darker purple. there’s a wooden desk strewn with tons of office supplies and a vanity with a large mirror and makeup neatly organized in small plastic drawers
everything just screams virgil
while patton is busy ogling at the room, virgil had gone and grabbed a sleeping bag and extra pillow, setting them up on the floor
“i’m gonna go brush my teeth, so make yourself comfy in the bed!” virgil said as he walked into the bathroom
“woah, wait—i’m not sleeping in the bed! this is your house. you get your bed!” patton argues as he takes off the wet sweatshirt and looks for a place to put his glasses for the night
“nuh uh!” virgil sticks his head out the doorway, toothbrush in hand and toothpaste all over his mouth. “you sleep in the bed”
“you aren’t sleeping in that sleeping bag. i refuse to let you do that.”
“fine!” virgil went back into the bathroom, and patton assumed that the argument was over, but virgil came back out with the same fiery look in his eyes. “if i can’t sleep in the sleeping bag, neither can you. get your ass in that bed before i tackle you”
patton had never been so afraid of a 5’7”, 130 pound boy before
he quickly slid under the covers with virgil following after he flicked off the lights
within just a few minutes, both boys were fast asleep
there is so much warmth when patton starts to stir in the morning
he’s just so warm, and he loves it
he curls into the warmth, and for a second he thinks about falling back asleep
and then there was a soft giggle
patton jolted back, opening his eyes to see that he was face to face with virgil
he had been cuddling virgil
and virgil was laughing at him
“awwww, pat! you’re so cute when you’re asleep! you kept trying to cuddle me.”
“shut the fuck up,” patton grumbled, putting his glasses back on and slipping out of the bed
“but it was so cute!!!”
“and if you tell anyone,” patton growls (although, there isn’t much bite behind it) “i will end you. I have a reputation to uphold, and i won’t let you ruin it”
virgil just laughs and follows patton downstairs, teasing him the whole way to the kitchen
roman’s already there, sitting on the counter and stirring a bowl of something
“morning, dad!”
“morning, starshine. why does patton look so grumpy?”
patton slumps into a chair at the table all emo and grumpy, and virgil softly sighs
“i was teasing him, and he got a bit grumpy at me. i’m sure he’ll lighten up as soon as we have pancakes to eat.”
surprised, patton glances over at virgil. he was expecting virgil to completely expose him like the older kids at the orphanage had done, but virgil hadn’t. the smaller boy smiles gently and winks, sitting down next to pat
there’s this strong urge in patton to lean close to virgil, but he squashes that feeling down right the fuck away
“hey, has dc been down yet...?” virgil asks, and patton can see that he’s genuinely still worried and upset about what happened last night
“i am now,” dc announces as he walks into the kitchen
patton is Extremely uncomfortable right now
dc and virgil are just staring at each other when virgil speaks up again
“look, dc, i’m really sorry. it was super selfish of me to try and force your life a certain way based on what i wanted. i’ve always just wanted you two to be happy, but i let my own emotions get in the way”
there was a long pause, and for a second, patton thought that dc was going to throw hands or something
“i forgive you, virge,” dc sighs, and he sits down next to virgil. “i’m sorry, too. i was about to deal a low blow, and that was equally shitty.” he groaned and hid his face in his hands. “and you were right”
“right about... what, exactly?” virgil asked
“i have a crush on remy”
“oh. oh! oh my gosh, dc! that’s sweet! aw, i’m proud of you.”
patton has NO clue what’s going on, but he thinks it’s a nice family moment, so he decides not to intrude
dc and virgil chat for a few minutes, and patton stares at the table silently
it feels a bit like breakfasts at the orphanage where everyone else would laugh and talk and be normal kids
and he would just
all the while, roman had been cooking, and he shouts out, “alright, every-gay--i mean, except patton?”
“nah, i’m... i’m gay, too.” 
“sweet!” roman says with a sigh of relief. “every-gay, it is time for... cinnamon roll pancakes!”  
a huge--like, at least thirty--pile of pancakes was set in the center of the circle, and everyone immediately began to set pancakes on their own plates and slather the frosting on top
dc and virgil began to banter with each other and, against his better judgement, patton joined in
and it felt...
really nice
patton was getting to know virgil’s friends and family better, and it was so interesting to finally be part of some sort of family dynamic for the first time
then he looked over at virgil, who was stuffing pancakes into his face and
the feelings kind of hit him straight in the face
he’s in love with virgil
virgil, his best friend
virgil, who tried to defend him even after he’d been a total asshole
virgil, who... had a crush on someone else
patton almost drops his fork as a sick, sad feeling twists inside of his stomach
he can’t be in love with virgil because virgil doesn’t love him
for the rest of the morning, patton’s all fake smiles, and he keeps quiet
he says a quick goodbye to virgil when logan shows up to drive him home, and he sits silently in the car as logan chats with roman for a few minutes
he doesn’t turn around to wave at virgil
when he gets home, he immediately goes to his room and cries into his pillow
life was a lot easier when he stifled his emotions...
to be continued... in part four
asks are loved and encouraged 💖💖💖
tag list: @residentanchor @eeveeawesome @xionical @absolutesandersidestrash @stormcrawler75 @musikasworld @ironwoman359 @a-weirdo-with-a-computer @thegaypotatoroyalty707 @darkrainbow333 @ravenclawunicorn1 @noahlovescoffee @whymustibedraggedintofandomhell @romansleftshoulderpad @still-waiting-for-cookies @emounicorn2006 @lana–22 @angels-ofthe-sea @demonickittykat @lonelysoul43 @the-virgil-mary @five-second-cookies @noisywolfbatbakery @band-be-boss-blog @heck-im-lost@lamp-calm-sanders @patton-e @knightofbloodcancer @cloudchaser7 @really-sleep-deprived-nerd @era-eclipsed @khadij-al-kubra @anxiousmorality @are-you-really-sure-about-that @today-only-happens-once @notalwaysthevillian @backatthebein @sunshineandteddybears @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @emo-sanders-sides-loving-unicorn @dodos-in-damnation @some-lost-meme-boi @dead4sevenyears @spookyingarbageisland @the-poison-apple-of-art@radioactivehelena @the-melody-of-eliza @im-a-mess-aaaaaa @whycantihavemorethan32characters @broadwaytheanimatedseries @veryvirginvirgil @llamaavocado @unisaurioamorfo @caterpiller-tea @cornycornfriendo @simon-at-3am 
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myaekingheart · 4 years
9 people I’d like to get to know better
I was tagged by @hauntedthief! Thank youuuu <3 <3 <3
Top 3 ships: MinatoxKushina (Naruto), RapunzelxEugene (Tangled), Jack FrostxViolet Parr (Rise of the Guardians/The Incredibles) plus all of my fucking OC ships OOF
Last Song: MTC by S3rl aka the hentai girl song that I unironically love and was torturing my boyfriend with on the way to fucking Hardee’s yesterday
Currently reading: Nothing atm because school but I just finished Breakfast at Tiffany’s and my little Audrey obsessed heart has SO MANY THOUGHTS !!! 
What food are you craving right now?: nothing really because I actually just ate dinner, but we had this really yummy steak pinwheel thing with provolone and spinach and scalloped potatoes that was really, really good! ^_^
Tagging: @lasaraleen @hiddenleafstoryteller @might-guys-acorn @discendia @simply-flawsome @babyybitchhh @lighteningavenger @futurelameboi @hannashi44 @tropicalgraffiti @ohayohimawari and anyone else who wants to do this! 
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sleepyfan-blog · 5 years
Beach Day
Discord request
fandom: Undertale AU, human version
warnings: none
word count: 1,391
summary: Dream and Nightmare go on a date a nearby beach. Cross and his service dog tag along because drove them there.
Dream hummed quietly as he gently nuzzled his boyfriend, smiling warmly as he happily pressed a light kiss to Nightmare's lips, enjoying the other's warmth. It was a beautiful summer day, not a cloud in the sky as the two of them walked hand in hand down the beach, bare foot as they enjoyed the feeling of the sand beneath their feet. The sand was hot to the touch, prompting Dream to grin a little as he asked Nightmare mischievously "Race you to the water's edge to cool our feet down?"
Nightmare chuckled softly and nodded "Sounds like fun~! I bet that I'll get there first - no magic?"
"Of course no magic! And I'm pretty sure that I'll beat you this time..." Draem paused for a moment, before turning a little and staring at Cross, who was about five feet behind them, wearing a wide, broad-brimmed hat and carrying both the picnic basket and keeping a careful hold on the leash to his service dog, a very intelligent collie-doodle by the name of Chara. "Hey Cross, we're going to head over to the water!" He called out a little louder, to make sure that the other heard him.
"Okay! I'm going to scope out a good place to put down the picnic stuff... And don't forget to put sunscreen on!" Cross answered back, brandishing the bottle of lotion "Unless you want Ink to laugh at you for three weeks as you peel. Or maybe that's just me."
Nightmare chuckled softly "We already put on sunscreen before you drove us here, remember? You threatened to drown us in it before we left." Neither of the guardians were burned by sunlight, but their mortal friend's concern was sweet. Even if Sunscreen smelled strange and acrid.
"Oh... Right. Well, okay then. I just have to reapply like every forty-five minutes." Cross grumbled, pouting a little bit as he scratched his nose with a free finger, adjusting the umbrella he was holding in the crook of one of his elbows a bit "Go on, shoo! Have fun you two." He murmured with a warm smile, glad to see the couple getting along so well. He was totally going to drag his boyfriends here later.
Dream and Nightmare both nodded in acknowledgement before sprinting as fast as they could for the water line Slowly but surely, Nightmare began to pull ahead of Dream, as the negative guardian was the faster of the two of them.
Dream huffed a little, trying to push himself to go a little bit faster, his eyes widening in shock as Nightmare suddenly stumbled a couple of steps ahead of him. The positive spirit skidded to a halt, pinwheeling his arms in order to avoid falling over in the sand himself, turning and kneeling over his beloved, ignoring the way that the hot sand seemed to burn against the skin of his legs "Night, are you okay?"
"Yeah." Was Nightmare's muffled response, as the other had managed to fall flat on his face, unable to react in time. The negative spirit stayed still for a moment longer before rolling over "I tripped on a small bit of driftwood... And you came back for me?"
"Well, yeah. I wasn't going to just let you fall on your face and claim victory, that would be cheating, love." Dream pointed out, bright golden eyes warm and gentle as he gave the other a light peck in the lips before brushing the sand that he'd acquired from the other.
"Aww... Thanks, starlight. Ugh... I don't wanna run anymore... But the water looks so inviting, even upside down..." Nightmare sighed, sitting up after a moment and taking Dream's silently offered hand as he hauled himself up to his feet, pulling his beloved in close and pressing another couple of light kisses to his beloved's lips and face, feeling affectionate.
"Then maybe we should walk to the water together?" The positive spirit suggested, a warm smile lingering on his face as he continued to snuggle with his beloved.
"That sounds like a good idea to me, love." Nightmare hummed softly and nodded, wrapping one of his arm's around Dream's waist. The pair of them walked the rest of the way to the beach arm in arm, leaning against one another.
The positive spirit shivered a little as the water rushed over their feet, once they walked part way into the surf's edge. "Brrrr! It's so cold..." Dream remarked, rather surprised by that fact.
Nightmare couldn't help but laugh a little at the surprise that he could see and sense from his other half "Of course it is, what were you expecting?"
Dream pouted a little "The water in some of the AUs we visit can be quite warm! I was kind of hoping to go swimming with you... But it's too cold in this part of this world to do that. Not without magic, which takes some of the fun away."
"Aww... There'll be other opportunities to swim, love. I think that there's an indoor pool at the hotel that we're staying in." Nightmare reassured the other, amused. The two of them walked along the edge of the water line - the waves dousing their feet in very cold salt water until the two of them could barely see the overly-large umbrella that Cross had taken refuge under.
Then the pair of guardians turned around and slowly made their way back to Cross, holding hands and occasionally stealing kisses from one another. The steady sea breeze was nice to feel - as the day was steadily growing warmer.
Cross waved at them, his eyes half-closed as he gently petted Chara, sprawled out beneath the umbrella and laying contentedly on top of the blanket. "Welcome back... You ready to eat?"
Both of them nodded, sitting down next to one another and Dream asked "Are you?"
"Yeah, I could eat." The fair haired swordsman answered honestly, lifting the lid of the picnic basket and handing out paper plates. "Oooh, this all looks so good. I'm not sure where to start."
Nightmare chuckled a little, amused "Start at the top, I guess? Oh, and before you ask, I did make sure to sneak into the cold section of this picnic basket about a pound and a half of that fudge that we all really liked into the cold portion of the picnic from that cheese factory we stopped at earlier."
Cross grinned and pumped his fist into the air "Yessss! You're the best, Nightmare. I didn't eat all of the fudge that I bought... I promised Kills and Dusty that I'd bring them some but... It was so hard. I'm glad that there's more fudge to eat."
Dream couldn't help but chuckle softly at the other's excited reaction, deciding not to mention that he'd also snagged some extra fudge - mostly because he hoped to save it for a small surprise for Nightlight later. "Maybe we should have some of the stuff we brough here before breaking out the fudge?"
"Sounds good - I'm going to have some of the pasta salad and a sandwich - there aren't any onions in either of these, right?" Cross asked, hesitating for a moment. He was pretty sure of the answer, but wanted to be sure.
"No onions - no alliums of any kind. Today's supposed to be about having fun, not stabbing you with an epi-pen before Dream heals you or we teleport you to the nearest hospital." Nightmare reassured one of his best friends with a gentle smile.
"Cool. Thanks, I... I know that you guys are really good about that sort of thing but I just..." Cross fidgeted with the lid of the container "I just..." Chara let out a soft wuff and put his head in Cross's lap.
"You've got food allergies and want to keep yourself safe. I understand that these sorts of things can make you very anxious - and for good reason." Dream soothed, smiling warmly at the younger being as he gently used his aura to cheer Cross up a little - and he knew that Nightmare was drawing off some of the other's negative feelings. "It could cause you a lot of problems."
Cross let out a long and low breath of relief, nodding a little and smiling shakily at both emotive guardians "Thanks again." The three of them talked and ate companionably.
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A World of Wonder
read it on the AO3 at A World of Wonder
by Kelblue_Fire18
By being given a cabin that is near the ocean an hour away from town, her grandfather in his will meant a cabin near the ocean with thriving, magical cities, which she didn’t know existed until she got a visit from a certain group of merpeople.
Words: 14995, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Smallfoot (2018), Moana (2016), Book of Life (2014), Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies), Wreck-It Ralph (Movies), Frozen (Disney Movies), Wild Kratts, Madagascar (Movies), Robots (2005), Van Helsing (2004), Voltron: Legendary Defender, Coco (2017), Tangled (2010)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen
Characters: Original Characters, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Migo (Smallfoot), Meechee (Smallfoot), Gwangi (Smallfoot), Kolka (Smallfoot), Fleem (Smallfoot), Percy Patterson, Thorp (Smallfoot), The Stonekeeper (Smallfoot), Moana Waialiki, Manolo Sánchez, María Posada, Joaquín Mondragón, Peter Quill, Gamora (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Groot (Marvel), Drax the Destroyer, Wreck-It Ralph, Elsa (Disney), Martin Kratt, Chris Kratt, Alex (Madagascar), Marty (Madagascar), Gloria (Madagascar), Melman (Madagascar), Rodney Copperbottom, Fender Pinwheeler, Phineas T. Ratchet, Keith (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Ernesto De La Cruz, Mother Gothel (Tangled)
Additional Tags: the others characters are in here, just mentioned, mermaid au, this came up in my mind maybe a year ago, be warned, some dialogue are from a few tv shows and movies
read it on the AO3 at A World of Wonder
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ao3feed-starmora · 5 years
Slaves and Warriors
read it on AO3 at http://bit.ly/2JSi5yF
by Kelblue_Fire18
Rebellious and kind princess Payton runs away from home after she discovers her father has people of her kingdom, starting with her childhood friend, murdered for their different sexuality and has her in an arranged marriage against her will.
In the middle of the night, she runs away from home and joins the people who had escaped from an enslaving land and are en route to the Promised Land.
Words: 694, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Prince of Egypt (1998), Dinosaur (2000), Voltron: Legendary Defender, Van Helsing (2004), Wild Kratts, Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies), Supernatural, Robots (2005), Madagascar (Movies), Book of Life (2014)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Self Insert - Character, Moses (Prince of Egypt), Tzipporah (Prince of Egypt), Miriam (Prince of Egypt), Aaron (Prince of Egypt), Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Aladar (Disney), Neera (Disney), Pilo (Disney), Yar (Disney), Zini (Disney), Suri (Disney), Kron (Disney), Bruton (Disney), Baby Iguanodons (Disney), Dinosaur Herd (Disney), Eema (Disney), Baylene (Disney), Url (Disney), Voltron Paladins, Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Romelle (Voltron), Shay (Voltron), Lance's Family (Voltron), Kolivan (Voltron), Ulaz (Voltron), Space Mice (Voltron), Krolia (Voltron), Slav (Voltron), Acxa (Voltron), Ezor (Voltron), Zethrid (Voltron), Narti (Voltron), Kosmo (Voltron), Nyma (Voltron), Rolo (Voltron), Matt Holt, Regris (Voltron), Antok (Voltron), Ilun (Voltron), Vrek (Voltron), Gabriel Van Helsing, Carl (Van Helsing), Anna Valerious, Peter Quill, Gamora (Marvel), Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon, Groot (Marvel), Yondu Udonta, Kraglin Obfonteri, Mantis (Marvel), Nebula (Marvel), Rodney Copperbottom, Fender Pinwheeler, Cappy (Robots), Piper Pinwheeler, Lugnut (Robots), Crank Casey, Diesel (Robots), Aunt Fanny (Robots), Manolo Sánchez, Maria Posada (Book of Life), Joaquín Mondragón, Chuy (Book of Life)
Relationships: Moses/Tzipporah (Prince of Egypt), Aladar/Neera (Disney), Allura/Shiro (Voltron), Anna Valerious/Gabriel Van Helsing, Gamora/Peter Quill, Rodney Copperbottom/Cappy, María Posada/Manolo Sánchez, Self/Original Female Character(s), Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character & Original Male Character, Self and Everyone
Additional Tags: there are other characters from movies and tv shows, but I don't remember who, so I'm just gonna add the ones that I meant to put in, this is an AU based on a dream I had about it, this story also contains homophobic behavior both mentioned and shown throughout the story, so you have been warned, Self-Insert, had to throw it out there, contains mpreg later on in the story
read it on AO3 at http://bit.ly/2JSi5yF
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ao3feed-mcufemslash · 5 years
A World of Wonder
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2pFHHHs
by Kelblue_Fire18
By being given a cabin that is near the ocean an hour away from town, her grandfather in his will meant a cabin near the ocean with thriving, magical cities, which she didn’t know existed until she got a visit from a certain group of merpeople.
Words: 14995, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Smallfoot (2018), Moana (2016), Book of Life (2014), Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies), Wreck-It Ralph (Movies), Frozen (Disney Movies), Wild Kratts, Madagascar (Movies), Robots (2005), Van Helsing (2004), Voltron: Legendary Defender, Coco (2017), Tangled (2010)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen
Characters: Original Characters, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Migo (Smallfoot), Meechee (Smallfoot), Gwangi (Smallfoot), Kolka (Smallfoot), Fleem (Smallfoot), Percy Patterson, Thorp (Smallfoot), The Stonekeeper (Smallfoot), Moana Waialiki, Manolo Sánchez, María Posada, Joaquín Mondragón, Peter Quill, Gamora (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Groot (Marvel), Drax the Destroyer, Wreck-It Ralph, Elsa (Disney), Martin Kratt, Chris Kratt, Alex (Madagascar), Marty (Madagascar), Gloria (Madagascar), Melman (Madagascar), Rodney Copperbottom, Fender Pinwheeler, Phineas T. Ratchet, Keith (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Ernesto De La Cruz, Mother Gothel (Tangled)
Additional Tags: the others characters are in here, just mentioned, mermaid au, this came up in my mind maybe a year ago, be warned, some dialogue are from a few tv shows and movies
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2pFHHHs
0 notes
aries-rp-corner · 6 months
Leafie awoke to find herself in a deep forest… yet the surroundings felt so familiar. The trees, the wind, the streams, and rivers… was this Pinwheel Forest? The Leavanny stood up and began to walk deeper in the forest, seeing such sight in the night truly made her feel at home again… it felt so real.
Looking at the trees where she and her brother use to perch on while eating their berries, and hang out with her old friends… a Pidove and a shiny Venipede. Remembering her mother found the Venipede wounded from his own kind, and she took him in to treat him. Making Leafie wonder if her two friends are okay after the Cipher attack… she’s really hopeful that they did made it through without being seen… Chirping sadly and angrily at herself, she is just now thinking about them after so long…while at the same time…she has been training herself to get ready to fight Mira or any Cipher Peon. That was when her thoughts ended as she spotted something glowing in the distance…
Walking over to find a pond… and a sleeping Sewaddle… but this one shook her, as he uncurled himself to reveal its her brother… tears formed as she ran into the shallow waters to see if this truly him.. her starry ghostly brother woke up to see his now evolved sister. Even he formed tears as the two embraced each other, nuzzling and chirping out of joy… looking at her brother however… a sad reality hits her… her brother is gone…but seeing his spirit here…causing her brother to look worried.
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His spirit floated up in the air and nuzzled her gently to cheer her up, as if to say: “I know.. I’m gone, but I’m not going to leave you, Sis.” The Sewaddle gave Leafie a gentle soft happy expression to her, causing Leafie to tear up more and more as she held her brother for one final time… she didn’t want him to disappear again… but learning he is with her made her smile again… truly at peace in know he is with her.
However, her brother looked at her one last time as a voice echoed in the forest. “Inform my Niece and any of her friends that Pinwheel is gonna have new ugly visitors. Your old friends are there, and you’ll be surprised for what they become! And it’s good to see they are fighting to remember you and your brother…” A man spoke, as Leafie looked back to see shadowy figures of a Unfezant and a Scolipede. Like her, they also evolved and are now protecting what they have left…
Leafie turned around to see a man and her brother, she shivered to see white scars on the poor man, yet he held the most kindest smile he had. While on his shoulder was her brother, raising his little paw up to cheer his sister. “He will be with you, just like how I’ll be with my brother, his wife, and my niece. You can do this girly, show Cipher and all what you truly are.”
Leafie smiled as she nodded, after that, she woke to find herself on her makeshift bed and everyone sleeping. Looking aside to see Aries asleep on her desk again, causing Leafie to sigh softly as she carefully placed a blanket on her. She knew dawn was coming thus she decided to head outside to take in the fresh cold air, but thanks to her coat to honestly felt nice. Looking over to the mainland to see familiar trees of her old home… chirping sadly and with worry… Cipher or their new allies might indeed invade her old home..
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aries-rp-corner · 5 months
At the entrance to Pinwheel Forest, Leafie, Ana, and Aries await for Lamont. Giving Aries enough time to admire her new getup, especially her hoodie as she felt pieces of her old mask. “I really need to thank mom for this one…” she whimpered, causing Leafie to smile warmly with a chirp and for Ana huff with agreement. Leafie meanwhile looked over to see the Forest… it looked the same yet different… like visiting a familiar home that had been arranged.
“It feels different than I remember… almost a year… I do hope everyone is okay…” Leafie spoke as she looked down with her antennas followed.
Anastasia turned over to her fellow team member, seeing the concerned expression on Leafie made Ana soft as she spoke. “Surprises can happen, good or bad. Who knows, but… I do hope they are okay… maybe your old friends are still there and might be waiting for you… do you have a little promise that you and them remember?” 
Leafie thought for awhile until a memory popped up. “Oh! There is a secret path that we all know. It’s also the home of the grass guardian herself, Virizion. We promised when we reach our final stages, we will become future Guards for Virizion… I honestly hope they’ll remember me…”
Leafie looked saddened with doubt in her mind, until feeling a paw on her head as she looked over to Ana. “If push comes to shove, I’ll do my best to recreate your memory through my illusions… for now, let’s hope they remember a promise.” Anastasia smiled warmly to Leafie, getting Aries’s attention as she smiled warmly.
“I should of asked N to be here… I may not know what they are saying, but I feel comfort already.” Aries’s smile big, that quickly faded as she heard a familiar voice. Turning over to see Lamont and Rui approaching her. “I assume Wes and Michael are gonna make sure the ship is gonna be safe?”
“Yes, just in case Cipher does a secret attack. We even ask a few people if they want in.” Rui spoke softly, as Lola her Sylveon walked next to her and used her ribbons to hold her hand.
“Some may show up, but I thank you for getting me out for air… I’m still worried to see him again…” Lamont roughly spoke, looking a bit tired, but is standing strong to keep going. “I told them we’ll get a head start and we’ll be near the shore…” Lamont looked over to Leafie who in return looked at him with a soft smile. “There is… something I wish to show Leafie… it’s not only her old home…” He walked over to the forest, soon followed by the group…
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aries-rp-corner · 5 months
The sun slowly rose to greet the land, Leafie included as she used her fur coat to nuzzle up against the cold air. Ever since she cold remember, she really didn’t like the cold and her mother would make her nest extra cozy and warm for her. Her though ended as she heard the door open behind her, looking over to see her guardian, Aries.
“Leafie! There you are! You got me worried about you.” Aries spoke in worry, causing the grass bug Pokémon to whistle in embarrassment and shame. “Hey, don’t beat ya self up, I’m only happy to see ya safe.” Aries smiled warmly, as she walked next to Leafie as she set her gaze at Pinwheel Forest. “Funny, that’s where I use to set up my base camp in those woods. It’s so nice to hear the wind, some of the Pokémon, and the sea with the river echo with the wind they ride…” The woman smiled softly as the wind blew with the coldness in caries, causing the two to shiver up. “I forgot the sea breeze makes it worse…. Brrrr…..”
“Leava….” Leafie soft chirped as she nuzzled up to her coat again. She began to think about the dream and the message, looking back to Pinwheel Forest… she honestly wanted to see her old home again. Tugging Aries’s new cloak to get her attention, as she pointed to the Forest while giving Aries a concerned look.
“Something up?..” Aries softly asked as she looked up to the Forest, feeling a slow darkness creeping out from it. “Once we head on dock, I’ll ask permission to check it out and ask anyone who wants in… I’ll also ask Lamont if he wants in… the poor man looked distraught from what his brother became.”
The woman turned over to her Pokémon as she gave a soft smile. “And…if you like, Lamont and you can show me your old home. If ya like…” Aries smiled warmly as she turned over to head inside, Leafie soon followed but looked back one more time to the Forest as she returned inside to catch up with Aries.
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Slaves and Warriors
read it on the AO3 at Slaves and Warriors
by Kelblue_Fire18
Rebellious and kind princess Payton runs away from home after she discovers her father has people of her kingdom, starting with her childhood friend, murdered for their different sexuality and has her in an arranged marriage against her will.
In the middle of the night, she runs away from home and joins the people who had escaped from an enslaving land and are en route to the Promised Land.
Words: 694, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Prince of Egypt (1998), Dinosaur (2000), Voltron: Legendary Defender, Van Helsing (2004), Wild Kratts, Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies), Supernatural, Robots (2005), Madagascar (Movies), Book of Life (2014)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Self Insert - Character, Moses (Prince of Egypt), Tzipporah (Prince of Egypt), Miriam (Prince of Egypt), Aaron (Prince of Egypt), Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Aladar (Disney), Neera (Disney), Pilo (Disney), Yar (Disney), Zini (Disney), Suri (Disney), Kron (Disney), Bruton (Disney), Baby Iguanodons (Disney), Dinosaur Herd (Disney), Eema (Disney), Baylene (Disney), Url (Disney), Voltron Paladins, Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Romelle (Voltron), Shay (Voltron), Lance's Family (Voltron), Kolivan (Voltron), Ulaz (Voltron), Space Mice (Voltron), Krolia (Voltron), Slav (Voltron), Acxa (Voltron), Ezor (Voltron), Zethrid (Voltron), Narti (Voltron), Kosmo (Voltron), Nyma (Voltron), Rolo (Voltron), Matt Holt, Regris (Voltron), Antok (Voltron), Ilun (Voltron), Vrek (Voltron), Gabriel Van Helsing, Carl (Van Helsing), Anna Valerious, Peter Quill, Gamora (Marvel), Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon, Groot (Marvel), Yondu Udonta, Kraglin Obfonteri, Mantis (Marvel), Nebula (Marvel), Rodney Copperbottom, Fender Pinwheeler, Cappy (Robots), Piper Pinwheeler, Lugnut (Robots), Crank Casey, Diesel (Robots), Aunt Fanny (Robots), Manolo Sánchez, Maria Posada (Book of Life), Joaquín Mondragón, Chuy (Book of Life)
Relationships: Moses/Tzipporah (Prince of Egypt), Aladar/Neera (Disney), Allura/Shiro (Voltron), Anna Valerious/Gabriel Van Helsing, Gamora/Peter Quill, Rodney Copperbottom/Cappy, María Posada/Manolo Sánchez, Self/Original Female Character(s), Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character & Original Male Character, Self and Everyone
Additional Tags: there are other characters from movies and tv shows, but I don't remember who, so I'm just gonna add the ones that I meant to put in, this is an AU based on a dream I had about it, this story also contains homophobic behavior both mentioned and shown throughout the story, so you have been warned, Self-Insert, had to throw it out there, contains mpreg later on in the story
read it on the AO3 at Slaves and Warriors
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ao3feed-mcufemslash · 5 years
Slaves and Warriors
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2JSi5yF
by Kelblue_Fire18
Rebellious and kind princess Payton runs away from home after she discovers her father has people of her kingdom, starting with her childhood friend, murdered for their different sexuality and has her in an arranged marriage against her will.
In the middle of the night, she runs away from home and joins the people who had escaped from an enslaving land and are en route to the Promised Land.
Words: 694, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Prince of Egypt (1998), Dinosaur (2000), Voltron: Legendary Defender, Van Helsing (2004), Wild Kratts, Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies), Supernatural, Robots (2005), Madagascar (Movies), Book of Life (2014)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Self Insert - Character, Moses (Prince of Egypt), Tzipporah (Prince of Egypt), Miriam (Prince of Egypt), Aaron (Prince of Egypt), Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Aladar (Disney), Neera (Disney), Pilo (Disney), Yar (Disney), Zini (Disney), Suri (Disney), Kron (Disney), Bruton (Disney), Baby Iguanodons (Disney), Dinosaur Herd (Disney), Eema (Disney), Baylene (Disney), Url (Disney), Voltron Paladins, Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Romelle (Voltron), Shay (Voltron), Lance's Family (Voltron), Kolivan (Voltron), Ulaz (Voltron), Space Mice (Voltron), Krolia (Voltron), Slav (Voltron), Acxa (Voltron), Ezor (Voltron), Zethrid (Voltron), Narti (Voltron), Kosmo (Voltron), Nyma (Voltron), Rolo (Voltron), Matt Holt, Regris (Voltron), Antok (Voltron), Ilun (Voltron), Vrek (Voltron), Gabriel Van Helsing, Carl (Van Helsing), Anna Valerious, Peter Quill, Gamora (Marvel), Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon, Groot (Marvel), Yondu Udonta, Kraglin Obfonteri, Mantis (Marvel), Nebula (Marvel), Rodney Copperbottom, Fender Pinwheeler, Cappy (Robots), Piper Pinwheeler, Lugnut (Robots), Crank Casey, Diesel (Robots), Aunt Fanny (Robots), Manolo Sánchez, Maria Posada (Book of Life), Joaquín Mondragón, Chuy (Book of Life)
Relationships: Moses/Tzipporah (Prince of Egypt), Aladar/Neera (Disney), Allura/Shiro (Voltron), Anna Valerious/Gabriel Van Helsing, Gamora/Peter Quill, Rodney Copperbottom/Cappy, María Posada/Manolo Sánchez, Self/Original Female Character(s), Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character & Original Male Character, Self and Everyone
Additional Tags: there are other characters from movies and tv shows, but I don't remember who, so I'm just gonna add the ones that I meant to put in, this is an AU based on a dream I had about it, this story also contains homophobic behavior both mentioned and shown throughout the story, so you have been warned, Self-Insert, had to throw it out there, contains mpreg later on in the story
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2JSi5yF
0 notes