#tagging omori because i know yall will like this. ok yes.
snowyvoid · 9 months
i understand why people write hurt/comfort whump what if they died together etc etc fics. however. what if the character got to complete all of the things they wanted. what if they got their love interest, finished that artwork theyve been working on, completed their transition in the fullest sense they could, etc, etc, etc, and yes they are still chronically suicidal but they are here and alive and theyve gone through everything and they are only living out of spite but that means they are alive. their crying means they are alive. what if you dont need to be happy and okay and beautiful and human to be alive. what if they got evrythinf they wanted and they hated it all but they where still alive. and what if in all those years where they are living out of spite they start to realise oh my god i actually find this kinda fun. what if they watched the sunset and thought to themself thank god i hated myself so much that i forced myself to be alive and miserable. because i know that in a few months thibgs are going to go to shit again, but right here, right now, i am still breathing and i can feel the sun and everything is beautiful even when it hurts.
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