#tagging that wacko only bc tumblr is suppressing the palestine tag. as predicted
meyhew · 11 months
Very typical that you'd block me without saying anything or giving a good argument. But either way, I stand by what I said. Both things can be true that you can support the Palestinians without being antisemitic and support the Jewish/Israeli without being anti Palestine. And that's what the majority of these celebrities that you're so desperately trying to get cancelled are doing. I don't even know why you care so much what celebrities are saying or not saying, because like I said before, they're damned if they do and damned if they don't. And the fact that you're okay with an entire race and a specific group suffering just because it's not your people being affected and because of corrupt politics says a lot more about you than it does about the people you're trying to get cancelled. But oh well, that's on you. I'm gonna keep enjoying my favorite celebrities and all the movies and TV shows they're in, because life's just too precious to cancel everyone over every little thing and to pass up watching good content just it features a celebrate that did something I didn't approve of. You're the one in the wrong, not anyone else.
i don’t care about what a celebrity says. it doesn’t change my mind, specifically, about a given situation. but a primary role of the celebrity for decades has been to influence public opinion. why else is israel offering to pay internet celebrities thousands of dollars a post if they say they’re standing with israel? why is israel offering to pay FOLLOWERS of those people if they go on livestreams and flood the comments with israeli flags? why else do businesses in half the US states have a loyalty clause to israel? celebrities are not just making art. regardless of what they say, whether they say anything at all, they are informing public opinion. this is not a new phenomenon and this is not me trying to cancel someone. if genocide is a “little thing” you can overlook because u want to watch a movie then by all means that’s a You problem. if i can withhold my dollar from going to someone who either only publicly supports israel for their own financial gain (which is beyond shameful) or actually genuinely believes israel is fighting the good fight (which is bigoted and also stupid), then i’m going to keep my fucking money. if i can convince even one other person to do the same, then i’m fucking going to do that. 
and tell me how. How can you be in support of palestine without opposing israel. israel≠jewish as many people have explained many times so i’m not getting into that bullshit with you. my hatred for israel has nothing to do with my feelings for jewish people as a whole, thousands of whom have flooded the streets to fight for palestinians. hundreds of whom stormed the US congress to fight for palestinians. if you want to think israel=judaism that’s again a You problem, i’m not falling for that. palestinians themselves are semites so we will not be going over an antisemitism lesson again. 
but tell me HOW you propose to give palestinians their dignity and their freedom without dismantling the israeli apartheid. you cannot complacently be in the middle of this when one side is carrying out actual genocide and the other side is asking to be allowed to live in their own fucking homes. israel is bombing mosques and churches and hospitals, where it knows thousands are sheltering and which is criminal to do even if there are no civilians inside, and you want to support israel equally? fuck you. withholding food and water and electricity and medical supplies, so that literal fucking children are being operated on in the dark without anesthesia and thousands are developing sepsis because they cannot be treated properly and women are taking pills to stop their periods because they have no access to menstrual products or clean water, which will inevitably lead to fertility problems (if they even survive that long), and 50,000 pregnant women are due to give birth very soon but have no means to do so safely and i could keep going because the horrors are endless. so how the fuck do you expect me to sympathize with the other side when it refuses to accept the hostages it claims to be committing all these atrocities for and when those same hostages debunk everything israeli media and western media (they're one and the same) have been trying to get people to believe and when it kills its own people as collateral damage because the intent is to annihilate palestinians at all cost. tell me. how do reconcile all of this in your shriveled heart and be on both sides of the issue. you cannot support both sides equally.
"You're the one in the wrong, not anyone else." say that individually to the 300,000 people in london and the 15,000 in sydney and 30,000 in chicago and 10,000 in brooklyn and 25,000 in los angeles and 7,000 in düsseldorf and 15,000 in paris and thousands upon thousands in other cities all across the globe who came out to stand with palestinians. tell every single one of us that we are wrong and you, a faceless motherfucker on tumblr dot com with an empty blog, are right. bitch.
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