#tags: kongart week 2020 | day 5: insatiable | arthit has feelings about kong (big surprise)
unpopular-bishop · 4 years
Bright once joked that he and Kongpob must have the best angry sex in the world for often as they bicker and occasionally argue. Arthit throws a coaster at him and Knot laughs so hard he spills his drink, distracting everyone from Arthit’s flushed cheeks and Kongpob’s subtle eye-roll, the one he only breaks out when their friends say something he thinks is truly stupid.
First of all, Kong rarely gets angry with Arthit. He’s got the patience of a saint and the thickest skin Arthit has ever tried to pierce - he bounces back from Arthit’s admittedly moody attitude faster than Arthit can get the words out. Even when he’s frustrated or hurt, Kong has never even really raised his voice at Arthit.
Second, Kong can be pushy and disrespectful when he’s annoyed or wants something bad enough, but he’s never tried to cross any lines when Arthit is genuinely upset. He’ll spare no quarter to get Arthit to talk to him, but, honestly, Arthit is sure that if he tried to initiate sex in the middle of an argument, Kong would stop him so they could keep talking. Kong loves talking about their feelings. Sometimes, Arthit is worried that Kong has more feelings than the average man. He definitely has more feelings than the average Arthit.
Finally, angry sex is supposed to be passionate and fueled by the friction of their fight. Arthit thinks it’s supposed to be rough or at the very least passive-aggressive.
Arthit hates friction and the way Kong touches Arthit is anything but angry. Passionate, occasionally rough, sure. But never angry.
So, despite Arthit’s general attitude and Kongpob’s ability to get under his skin, angry sex has never been part of their private life. That isn’t to say that what they do isn’t passionate or, really, kind of the best sex Arthit is pretty sure it’s possible for two people to have.
Kong is good at most things, and a fast learner when he isn’t a natural talent. Sex, to Arthit’s both pleasure and annoyance, is a natural talent of his (because of course it is). What didn’t come easily at first did not take long to fix. Arthit has lost count of how many times he’s had his mind blown by this flirty junior and his clever hands.
Where Arthit feels like he has to keep things close to protect them from the world, Kong does the opposite. He makes no secret of how much he loves to touch Arthit. Arthit likes the way Kong’s hands feel on his skin, likes when Kong urges him onto his back and kisses the flat plane of his belly. He likes when he can feel Kong trembling between his thighs and when they’re connected, and he likes when he can hold on and let go all at once.
He likes the way Kongpob says his name, all “please, P’Arthit…” in that slow, quiet drawl, like he knows he’s already going to get what he wants but he doesn’t mind flustering Arthit anyway. He likes the way Kongpob kisses him, like he’s been waiting all day for the chance to press their lips together, like he would rather be kissing Arthit than doing literally anything else in the whole world.
Arthit likes Kongpob. Likes being with him, likes touching him, likes talking to him and being held by him. Loves him, even.
“Phi...” Kong hums into the space between his lips and Arthit’s skin. Arthit can’t hold back the shiver, tightening his grip on Kongpob’s previously-wrinkle-free work shirt and tilting his head back enough to give Kong more space. He gets another hum, one that rings with approval this time. Familiar hands slide under his tank top, racking up the material until Kong is satisfied with how much skin he’s bearing to the cool air of the room.
Arthit’s eyes are still heavy with sleep, tacky from the rest Kong had interrupted by coming home so late, but he can’t say he minds. It’s been over a week since they were last able to do this, and the past few days have been stressful. They hadn’t exactly been fighting, but it was as close to it at a few points. Arthit just wants to enjoy the long weekend with his fiance and forget the worries of work and weekday-life. Now that Kong’s back from the office, it’s just the two of them and their little apartment for the next three days. Arthit is happy to start their time together early, even if it means not sleeping for a few hours longer.
“Not scolding me for waking you up?” Kongpob teases between kisses.
"I will if you don't shut up."
“You like when I talk, though.”
Arthit slits his eyes open to glare at the ceiling and hopes Kong knows both that he is doing so and that it’s meant for him.
The smile he feels against his jaw lets him know that Kong has picked up both those things.
If he has a smile of his own, he doesn’t have to hide it in this room, with this person. It’s safe, and so is he, and he feels how true that is in the way Kongpob touches him like he’s wanted to do nothing else for days. Arthit lets himself relax, lets himself pull Kong close and kiss him.
Kong does kiss him, slow and deep and seemingly never-ending until Arthit is putty in the mattress, sleep-soft and wanting more. Sometimes it feels like he could happily let Kong do this forever.
Kongpob slips away long enough to strip down to his boxer-briefs before he climbs under the blanket and between Arthit’s thighs. Arthit usually has something to say about leaving work clothes in a pile on the floor, but he can barely find the wherewithal to avoid yanking Kong back into kissing range, let alone make him get back out of bed to put his clothes away. There is always the morning to clean up, unpack Kong’s suitcase, launder and hang clothes. For now, he just wants his fiance.
When Kong settles his weight down, presses their hips together, Arthit finds the sort of peace he’s been missing for days, now. Kong’s hands are warm on his face where they hold his jaw, and Kong’s lips are soft when they press along Arthit’s temple, the bridge of his nose, his lips. He breathes in and out steadily, lets his eyes stay closed and relaxed. He can feel Kong growing interested between his legs, the careful wiggling as Kong tries to adjust without actually taking his hands off Arthit.
Arthit settles a hand on Kong’s hip, slides his fingers across warm, smooth skin so familiar to him after years of this that it’s almost like touching his own. He tips his fingers under the band of Kong’s boxer-briefs, smiles when he hears Kong’s breath hitch. Even now, literally on top of Arthit and between his legs, Kong isn’t expecting anything, isn’t demanding anything from him but what Arthit has asked for. Part of Arthit wants to ask for everything. He doesn’t, only because he knows Kong would give it to him without hesitation, without a thought.
Maybe tomorrow.
For now, Arthit just wants what they have in this moment. He wants to hold Kong’s hip and guide him into a gentle roll, like waves against the sand on a calm day until their bodies are so intertwined that it will take time and effort to untangle them.
Kong says his name, a wisp of breath in Arthit’s ear, and it’s a little bit like a punch to the chest, the way it yanks his ability to breathe properly away from him. He wants them bare, he decides. He wants to feel Kong against him, wants to hold him in the dark quiet of their room and let Kong attempt to ease the quiet little ache in his heart that always exists when they aren't together.
"I like your smile." Kongpob says between kisses, wiggling out of his boxer-briefs as Arthit pushes at the waistband. He's divesting Arthit of his clothes as he talks and Arthit moves along with him to make it easier. He feels slow as molasses, and just as sweet.
"You like anything if it means getting naked." Arthit snarks and gets a delighted laugh in reply.
"I like you," Kong is warm and broad on top of him, legs tangling with his, "And getting naked."
“Guilty,” Kong admits and ducks down to press his nose into Arthit’s neck.
Me, too, Arthit thinks and lets himself tangle his fingers in Kong’s hair, hold on as Kong moves from nudging to kissing.
It’s soft and hot and quiet, the two of them moving together in a practiced, comfortable rhythm that makes Arthit’s brain go blank. He wants this - he wants this tonight and tomorrow and maybe even the next day and definitely every day after. He wants this in the form of sex, and in Kongpob holding his hand at a coffee shop when no one is around, and in him picking up Kong’s favorite food for dinner. He wants this in the house they’re going to share and in all of the apartments they have before then. He wants this in their future family, and in their present one. He wants this.
Without him even needing to ask, Kongpob gives it.
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