#taichi yagami week 2023
ashxketchum · 1 year
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Koromon...? You were waiting for me?
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@taichiyagamiweek 2023: Thank you!
I really wanted to contribute to Taichi week(end) as much as possible - even if I couldn’t put as much time into this piece as I wanted to, I still tried to represent all possible prompts altogether: Our favourite goggle boy has become an adult by now and after all the adventures he (and all the nostalgia we) went through, he chose his own path and lead his way towards a better future, together with his dearest family. While all Chosen Children would obviously be part of his Found Family, sometimes you just want to come home after one of your ambassador trips to be greeted by your son, your sister and her child, your best-friend-slash-life-partner and his child as well as by all your Digimon partners. Life is good.
To quote one of my favourite Digimon artists: “A family can be you, your ambiguously-unlikely-but-inherently-plausible love interest, your sister and your isekai soulmates wondering what exactly is up.”
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taichiyagamiweek · 1 year
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Hello, everyone! Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey!
The dates for Taichi Week(end) will indeed be May 19th to May 21st! I know this overlaps with @yamatoishidaweek, but the mods had a discussion and decided it would actually be pretty fun to have these two events overlap! (Especially since it's Taichi and Yamato, those two are attached whether they like it or not.) That said, feel free to create content for both or create something for both weeks!
Now for the important part. The prompts for the weekend are as follows:
May 19th: Adulthood & Family
May 20th: Adventure & Nostalgia
May 21st: Leader & Chosen
As discussed before, each day has two possible prompts, so feel free to use one, both, or neither in your contributions. If you have any questions, feel free to send an ask or DM this blog. The rules are the same as last year, and as always, late content is highly welcomed if needed!
Thank you all so much for your support and patience, and make sure to grab your goggles for a weekend of Taichi (and Yamato)!
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fauxfoxden · 11 months
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Well, I wasn't able to find the time to continue koushirou week, but secretly that's because i was saving my energy for taikouvember :]
Of course, I'm starting a day late, but what can ya do...
anyway, this is for the Day 1 prompt, Canon / AU I've wanted to draw something for this scene & those messages since I watched Kizuna... These two are so funny. I of course love how well they get along, but I also always appreciated how both Taichi and Koushirou can be stubborn & get angry with eachother over silly things, but they're always quick to get over it and patch things up!
Also Taichi's emoji usage makes me laugh
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taikouvember · 1 year
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Hello everyone!
First of all, thank you to all 48 participants of the interest poll, it was very interesting to see how another ship week would be perceived! Considering that at least 12 voters confirmed to be happy to dive into participating, I think there isn’t a more suitable date than June 1st, the beginning of Pridemonth, to officially announce this year’s Taikouvember event! (Title picture + new icon provided by @seventeenlovesthree)
November is the last month of autumn, right before Christmas time begins. It’s a time that can be filled with light and coziness but also lurking shadows and gloominess. So, November 6th to November 12th shall be dedicated to the platonic or romantic relationship between Taichi Yagami and Koushiro Izumi (Taikou, Koutai or mainly known as Taishiro(u) in the English speaking fandom). Since "Digimon Adventure 02 - The Beginning" will air on October 27th 2023 as well, some of the prompts are inspired by the potential theme of the movie:
Day 1, November 6th: The Multiverse: Canon vs. AU
Day 2, November 7th: Past & Future
Day 3, November 8th: Habits & Change
Day 4, November 9th: Trauma & Healing
Day 5, November 10th: Visible & Invisible Signs of Affection
Day 6, November 11th: Brave Knowledge & Curious Courage
Day 7, November 12th: Free Day
You can interpret the prompts however you like, you can take one or both for each day. If you want us to reblog your posts, please tag everything as #taikouvember or #taikouvember2023 and we will be happy to share your content, let it be fanart, fanfiction, edits or whatever comes to mind!
Rules & FAQ and a more detailed Prompt Guideline can be found here too. If you are looking for inspiration, please take a look under the cut - and the links above. We already compiled some ideas there! Stay tuned for the upcoming updates!
The Multiverse: Canon vs. AU: What is your favourite "version" of Taikou? Do you prefer the original anime timeline (Adventure, 02, Tri, Kizuna, The Beginning) or the reboot? Do you like to focus on other kinds of media, such as the novels, the manhua or the games? Or do you have your own AUs you like to focus on when it comes to the two of them?
Past & Future: What are your favourite moments that have already happened between Taichi and Koushiro that shaped their relationship? How do you imagine they will interact in the future, how will their bond develop?
Habits & Change: What are typical characteristics (one might even want to say: stereotypes & tropes) you associate with the two of them? What are things they have always done, things they are familiar with about each other, things they have adjusted to, habits they adore about each other (or are even annoyed by)? How can you imagine them to change?
Trauma & Healing: What are the things that haunt them, that may put a strain on their relationship, memories and experiences they might not be able to open up to towards each other? And what are ways they can help each other to actually heal, getting better and getting more honest or even learn to live with their trauma?
Visible & Invisible Signs of Affection: What are, in your opinion, the smaller and bigger gestures these two like to offer in order to show their love languages? How do they show their adoration, admiration and appreciation? Physically, verbally, through their actions, knowing glances or endless patience...?
Brave Knowledge & Curious Courage: How do they mirror each other and their trademark traits in certain situations? What are Koushiro's moments of hands on activity, how does he overcome his struggles to do what matters to him? What are Taichi's brightest strategies, his most thoughtful moments, his smartest speeches or interests he wants to put his own research skills to the test to?
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dutchforstrangers · 10 months
Aki • ko - Taiora drabble
For @taioraweek 2023 Day 1
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A/N: A little drabble about Taichi, Sora, their firstborn Yua and their upcoming second born... I won't say more ;) Only that these OC Taiora babies are very precious to me. Find out about them in this one-shot written in 2021.
Akiko means "Autumn Child", so you might be able to guess what this will be about.
Happy readings! And enjoy the Taiora content this week.
Day 1: Autumn | Characters: Sora Takenouchi (POV) x Taichi Yagami, OC babies | Genre: Family | Rating: K | Wordcount: 447
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It was a nice day for a walk with the trees all painted red and orange, sometimes yellow with hints of brown or brown with hints of yellow and some hidden green between it all. The sky seemed sunny yet the temperature was more chilly, the air brisk and wind sharp. Sounds of fallen leaves cracking underneath their feet were like a voice telling them to be kind and careful to the earth while move, play and dance in this serene nature.
To most, Autumn was an enigma. It had some sort of ambiguity. Colorful, fresh and light yet gloomy and unpredictable.
To Sora, the sensations of Autumn had something soothing, the season calming her nerves. She saw it like an end announcing an approaching beginning.
At that thought she smiled softly, her hand gently placed on top of the bump that looked like it was glued to her stomach.
“Mommy, what takes you so looooong?” Sora heard her daughter ask impatiently.
Yua had been way ahead of her, the sheer excitement of a simple walk outside making her run rather than walk, unable to contain those young body’s energetic impulses. Luckily for Sora, she could count on a husband that matched their daughter’s energy quite well.
“Your mother is pregnant, Yua. That’s what makes her slower than usual,” Taichi explained.
Sora watched Yua nod, then run off again for Taichi to run after. It wasn’t a punishment to be slower than usual, the sight of her little family a sight she could watch forever. And how lucky she felt to soon welcome another little person in their home.
She rubbed her by now fully grown belly, curious to the contents of it.
Would it be a boy or another girl?
What color would their eyes be? And their hair? Would their personality be more warm like the sun or brisk and sharp like the wind?
Maybe kind and careful. Maybe bustling and full of physical energy.
Excited by her own mind wandering all the possibilities, Sora rubbed a little bit harder, trying to provoke some movement from inside her belly. But there wasn’t a sign of life. Instead her bump became hard, like she had swallowed a football, accompanied by an unexpected and sharp pain.
A long exhale followed, as if she was trying to blow up a very big balloon.
“Sora, are you okay over there?” Taichi asked, the tone of his voice sounding concerned. Sora could barely look up from her apparently bent over position, still trying to breathe through the aching coming in small but intense waves.
Autumn was an end announcing the approach of a new beginning. And this was exactly that.
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uniarycode · 1 year
Hikari Yagami Week 2023 - Day 4 - Sports
for @hikariyagamiweek
Hikari and Takeru had only been in the same class for months, yet there was no one else in the school she was closer to.  It wasn’t that they knew everything about each other, but they didn’t need to. 
Takeru always knew when Hikari was down, and had a talent for picking the best gifts for her.  Franchises she didn’t even know he knew she liked, necklaces that instantly fit her aesthetic, sweets she’d never reject.
And in turn, she could just as easily read and adjust to his moods and attitudes.
So strong was their bond, it came as a shock, to her, to him, likely to all their observers, when Takeru nonchalantly kicked a soccer ball to her feet.
Hikari instantly retreated.
“I-I don’t play.” She said simply.
Takeru blinked.
“You don’t play?”
It was a ludicrous statement.  Hikari knew every rule of the sport.  Could be just as loud as her brother in calling out the referees when she felt they made an incorrect call.
She was also intricately linked to the soccer club.  Having assisted the team readily when she and Taichi shared the same school.   It was how she met Daisuke.  It was how she’d met Sora.  It was even how she met Koushiro.
And while she wasn’t n Sora or Taichi’s level, Hikari was still an athlete.  She could handle herself in other sports.
And yet, she didn’t play. That wasn’t a lie.
Takeru looked at her, attempting to solve her riddle. “Well, could you pass the ball back?”
Hikari glanced at the ball, then at her feet.  She felt woozy.  She reached down and scooped the ball up with her hands, throwing it to her best friend.
It was too much to ask for that to be the end of that.  Takeru had let the subject drop, but only because there were other people about.  Two days later Hikari found herself cornered, with a well-intentioned blond and a bag of soccer balls.
“Takeru, if we’re going to waste time, couldn’t we spend it destroying dark towers?” she asked.
He saw right through her on that. “we already agreed to take a break from that.  Relaxation is important as well.”
She didn’t feel very relaxed.
“I don’t play.”
“You don’t?  or maybe you won’t?  or maybe you can’t?” he set a ball down, about a yard in front of her.  “Can Hikari not kick a ball?”
She felt part of herself rise to the challenge and the rest fall.  “It’s not about can.” She said simply.
“Ohh?  Well then, if you can get this ball in the net before we have to leave, I’ll spend the extra time treating you to that ice cream place you like so much.  But you gotta kick it.  No hands.”
Of course, he knew what tempted her the most.  “Takeru… it doesn’t matter.  I don’t play.”
“I’m not asking you to play, I’m asking you to kick.  What’s the worst that can happen?”
Sirens, bright lights, doctors yelling words she couldn’t understand.  An angry mother, a tearful father, a frightened brother.
“You never know.”
Takeru sized her up.  “is the ball going to turn into a dinosaur?  Or maybe an evil robot?  I don’t recall those stopping you before.”
She twitched. “it’s different.”
“Well, maybe it can be the same?” Takeru said.  “Maybe this ball is Ladydevimon.”
Hikari brought a hand to stifle a giggle. “What?”
“it is.  It’s her head.”
“It’s her head.  She sat there taunting you, and she called Angewomon a goodie two shoes.  Are you going to let her get away with that?  Come on Hikari kick her -”
“Takeru!” Hikari said. “Why are you doing this?”
“Because you can’t go through your entire life scared to kick a ball Hikari.  You want to be a teacher when you grow up, you’ll have to help kids learn as well.”
“That’s when I’m an adult.”
“You can’t put it off forever,” Takeru said.  “Look at you, I’ve seen you do incredible things.  Things no other kid can say.  And you can’t kick a soccer ball?  Where’s the girl who was antagonizing a perfect-level she-devil.”
Hikari paused.  She looked down at the ball, and did her best to do as Taekru directed. Imagining the ball was actually that hag’s head.  She sulked up until the ball was right in front of her right foot, curled her knee, closed her eyes, and let it go.
It was not the most accurate kick in the world.  Not by far. But of the two kicks of the soccer ball she’d taken in her life, it was by far the least disastrous.
Hikari far preferred ice cream to hospital beds.
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genork-the-fandork · 3 years
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🦋 Kortia Valentine’s Day
🦋 Sanji Fest 2021
🦋 Digiweek 2021
🦋 Takari Week 2021
🦋 Koumi Week 2021
🦋 Kortia Farewell
🦋 Digimon Survive Week 2023
🦋 Digimon Survive Week 2024
🦋 Rain Code Week 2024
🦋 NaLu Week 2024 
🦋 Taichi Yagami Week 2024
🦋 Takari Week 2024
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@taichiyagamiweek 2023 - May 19th: Adulthood / Family
“Looking back on it today, I do regret that there aren’t many recent pictures of my family and me. I had to come to terms with a lot of things on my own throughout the last few years, but thanks to that, I am able to say that I’m proud of how far I’ve come. And even if some things have been difficult, even if I still deal with glimpses of guilt to this day... Even if there was plenty of hiding, secret keeping, unspoken feelings and mental issues, I am aware now that my family always has my back. And I’m also proud of them - and thankful for all that I’ve inherited from them: The strong will from my dad, the persistence (and probably also the cooking skills) from my mom, the constant worrying about others from my sister... But I also hope we share the same sense of kindness and responsibility. You’re doing so well, Hikari. And it’s not just you - I wouldn’t be who I am without my found family either. The connection to my Digimon partner, to all my friends... There is so much left that could be said. But since the next meeting’s just around the corner, I’m gonna be a responsible adult, keep it diplomatic and say:
Thank you. I can’t wait to take more pictures with all of you again.”
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taichiyagamiweek · 2 years
Grab Your Goggles!
Hello again, everyone!
So because an overwhelming majority voted for Yes/Maybe on the poll (about 21 people if my math is correct), we will be doing an iteration of the event!
What do I mean by iteration? Well, because I know entire weeks are exhausting to do, so I thought: how about a weekend? That way, there's less stress for everyone and we can all spend a weekend enjoying some content!
For this Taichi Week(end), there will be one or two possible prompts each day over Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. You can choose to follow the prompt or do whatever you want! The Digi-sky's the limit here!
Right now, the tentative weekend I have in mind is May 19th to May 21st. However, if a lot of people cannot do that weekend, we can adjust!
With that being said, it's time for a survey again! Follow this link to fill out the 2023 iteration of the Taichi Yagami Week survey. Thank you in advance to any who participate in it The link will be updated in this blog's bio shortly.
Note: The tag #taichi yagami week will remain the same, even with the change in timing. Much easier to track things that way.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the poll, and thank you as always for your support! (And thank you if you read this super long announcement post!)
@digievents ~ A tag to the wonderful mods tracking Digimon fandom events so they are informed!
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@taichiyagamiweek 2023 - May 20th+21st: Adventures & Nostalgia / Leader & Chosen
“Thinking back on all the adventures I’ve been through, the amount of lessons I had to learn has been rather... Painful. No matter if you’re an 11 year old child trying to navigate your fate through the Digital World, learning what your own sense of courage is, what it means to step up or let others step up instead... Or if you’re an adolescent (or young adult) in the real world, trying to figure out how to manage your relationships, how to be a role model that stands by their values and ideals... Always trying to lead - yourself as well as the people that are dear to you. Making choices is hard, always has been, always will be. Especially when they concern the actual lives of others. Looking back, I probably did not always make the right decisions, sometimes I ruffled some feathers or lost sight of myself... Sometimes I didn’t even understand what was even there to “lead” anymore.
Right now, I believe I am back on track. Having chosen my own path and working towards a better future, becoming a leader again for the sake of a symbiosis between both worlds - despite set-backs and losses, self-doubts and insecurities. But for all those humbling experiences, there were also a lot of fun, exhilerating memories I think of fondly now.
And I wouldn’t want to miss either for the life of me.”
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taichiyagamiweek · 1 year
Happy Taichi Week(end)!
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Happy Friday everyone! And happy start of Taichi Weekend! I hope you've grabbed your goggles and you're ready for the next few days!
(And big apologies for not doing my "one week to go" announcement; let's just say I had a big weekend last week too.)
Please make sure your contributions are tagged appropriately, and most importantly, HAVE FUN!
Have a fantastic weekend!!!
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taikouvember · 1 year
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Taikouvember 2023 - Prompt Guideline
If you read about Taikouvember and are excited for the event, but don’t know how to interpret the prompts, let us give you a little bit of input about what was on our minds when we brainstormed them. Maybe it will give you some inspiration!
Any kind of medium is a allowed: Fanfiction, drabbles, poems, fanart & doodles, picture & gif sets, AMVs, meta analysis, rambles/rants... You name it!
Disclaimer: It is all up to you and you don’t have to follow any of the following ideas!
Day 1, November 6th: The Multiverse: Canon vs. AU:
Stories about different timelines and universes are very popular these days - and for good reason, Digimon is pretty open for the possibility of several timelines existing. When it comes to Taikou, what is your favourite "version" of them? Do you prefer to focus on them in their original anime timeline (Adventure, 02, Tri, Kizuna, The Beginning) or do you like to explore their dynamics in the 2020 reboot? Do you rather focus on other kinds of Digimon media, such as the novels, the manhua or the games? Or do you have your own “alternate universes” you like to focus on when it comes to the two of them? Inspired by other anime, manga, fairy tales, comics, cartoons, movies, TV show, superhero stories, tropes - the possibilities here are endless!
So feel free to show off which universes, versions, dynamics you enjoy the most. Do they intertwine? Does that mean these two may always find each other, regardless of the timeline?
Day 2, November 7th: Past & Future:
When it comes to all the Digimon Adventure mediums mentioned above, we can tell that Taichi and Koushiro already share quite a history with each other. So this prompt can be the perfect opportunity for you to share what your favourite moments between Taichi and Koushiro are, that may have influenced their relationship? Whether it’s by redrawing scenes, creating AMVs or picture and gifsets, writing fanfiction or interpreting their most vital moments... Again, that is completely up to you!
But if you don’t like to look back and would rather look forward instead - how do you imagine they will interact in the future, how will their bond develop? What happens between The Beginning and the Epilogue, what are the unknown puzzle pieces, milestones you would like to see? Career wise and in regards to the Digital World, domestically, romantically...
Day 3, November 8th: Habits & Change:
When it comes to your favourite characters and ships, there are usually reasons as to why you feel drawn to them. So what are typical characteristics (one might even want to say: stereotypes & tropes) you associate with Taichi and Koushiro? What are things they have always done, things they are familiar with about each other, things they have adjusted to, habits they adore about each other (or are even annoyed by)? Feel free to depict how you see them playing off of each other, how they complement each other or where and why they might clash.
Again, if reminiscing in the past is not for you, you may want to focus on what we haven’t actually seen yet: How can you imagine them to change? Where could they adjust to and for each other even more in order to make their bond work? Could it change for the better - or even for the worse?
Day 4, November 9th: Trauma & Healing:
Sad and traumatic experiences have always been part of Digimon and will always define how and why the characters act and behave the way they do in certain situations. Taichi and Koushiro aren’t an exception in that regard; between existential crisis and near death situations, they have seen a lot. So what are the things that (still) haunt them, that may put a strain on their relationship? What are certain memories and experiences they might not be able to let go of, still unable to open up towards each other? Whether it’s attachment issues, fear of loss, abandonment or inadequacy, miscommunication or (emotional) distance, self-sacrificing tendencies...
However, let us not only focus on the negative parts - because our bonds may also be able to help us. So what are ways they can help each other to actually heal, getting better and more open or even learn to live with their trauma? How can they overcome their barriers and actually be honest with each other about their deepest fears?
Day 5, November 10th: Visible & Invisible Signs of Affection:
People have different ways of interacting with different people - and depending on the type of relationship, the type of person, there are often very specific ways to show (and receive) affection. What are, in your opinion, the smaller and bigger gestures these two like to offer in order to show their love languages to one another?
How do they show their adoration, admiration and appreciation - physically, verbally, through their actions, knowing glances or endless patience...? Do they have any kinds of “inside jokes”, communication patterns, certain touches and words, habits, quirks and rituals they react to in specific ways?
Day 6, November 11th: Brave Knowledge & Curious Courage:
Thanks to them being the way they are, they are natural plot drivers - the adventurous protagonist and his knowledgable right hand. Thinking about it more closely, they share more of each other’s central attributes than one may anticipate at first glance. So - how do they mirror each other and their trademark traits in certain situations?
What are Koushiro's moments of hands on activity, how does he take the vital first steps forward, how does he overcome his struggles to do what matters to him? What are Taichi's brightest strategies, his most thoughtful moments, his smartest speeches or interests he wants to put his own research skills to the test to?
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seventeenlovesthree · 2 months
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Since I had done a very similar drawing to honour August 3rd 2023 - and since Taichi Yagami week 2024 has been very inspiring in this regard -, I couldn't help but dedicate this day, once again, to my favourite Digimon goggle boy. He's got so much love in his heart and deserves everything good in this world, which is why I hope he'll get his time to shine again one day. 🎇
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taikouvember · 5 months
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Hello everyone!
First of all, thank you to all 30 participants of the interest poll, it was very interesting to see how another ship week would be perceived! Considering that the majority of voters confirmed to be happy to participate or enjoy the event, we shall dive into the third year of Taikouvember! (Title picture + new icon by @seventeenlovesthree)
November is the last month of autumn, right before Christmas time begins. It’s a time that can be filled with light and coziness, gloominess and melancholy, inspiring us to reminisce about our best, most precious qualities - and those of the ones we love. So, November 4th to November 10th shall be dedicated to the platonic or romantic relationship between Taichi Yagami and Koushiro Izumi (Taikou, Koutai or mainly known as Taishiro(u) in the English speaking fandom). Of course they're known for their courageous and knowledgable traits - so this time, let's shed some light on their potential other qualities:
Day 1, Monday, November 4th: Friendship
Day 2, Tuesday, November 5th: Love
Day 3, Wednesday, November 6th: Sincerity
Day 4, Thursday, November 7th: Reliability
Day 5, Friday, November 8th: Hope
Day 6, Saturday, November 9th: Light
Day 7, Sunday, November 10th: Kindness / Miracles
You can interpret the prompts however you like. In addition, you are absolutely free to use the same prompts for 2022 and 2023 if these are more to your liking! If you want us to reblog your posts, please tag everything as #taikouvember, #taikouvember2024 or #taikouvember 2024 and we will be happy to share your content, let it be fanart, fanfiction, edits or whatever comes to your mind.
@digievents If possible, I would love for the event to be added to this year's calender!
Please check our Rules & FAQ and a more detailed Prompt Guideline for more information. Stay tuned for the upcoming updates!
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taikouvember · 3 months
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Taikouvember 2024 - Rules & FAQ
Even though most of the general rules for the week were already written down in the Event Announcement Post, we would still like to specify some of our Do’s and Don’t’s to make sure Taikouvember will turn out amazingly for everyone involved!
Do's & Recommendations
The event goes from November 4th to November 10th. There are prompts for every single day - this time, they refer to the Crests of the other Chosen Children.
Interpret the prompts as you like, you can find some helpful tips in our Prompt Guideline. You may submit as many entries for each prompt as you like.
If this year's prompts are not to your liking, feel free to use the prompts used for the 2022 and 2023 events as well.
Every kind of entry will be allowed: Fanfiction, Drabbles, Poems, Fanart, Comics, Sketches, Doodles, Music, Playlists, Music Videos, Picture Sets, Edits, Gifsets, Meta, etc.
You can of course decide which series or medium you want to focus on: Digimon Adventure, Digimon Adventure 02, all corresponding movies, Digimon Adventure Tri, Digimon Adventure Last Evolution: Kizuna, Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning, Digimon Adventure: The 2020 Reboot, games, manhuas, audio dramas, novels, the stageplay, etc.
You are free to choose how to interpret the relationship of Taikou - whether that's romantic or platonic is completely up to you!
Other canon characters are allowed to be included, as long as the entries contain the original ship Taikou, the original characters, Taichi Yagami and Koushiro Izumi, and/or in extension, their partners, Agumon and Tentomon. You can also include multi-/polyships, OT3s, OT4s, etc. as long as they contain Taikou.
Crossovers, Alternate Universes (AUs) or Own Characters (OCs) are allowed, as long as the entries contain the original ship.
When posting your entries, please make sure to @ us directly as @taikouvember in the entry post or use the following tags: #taikouvember2024, #taikouvember 2024, #taikouvember. You can also submit your posts directly to our blog.
We will search the different ship tags (#taikou, #koutai, #taishiro, #taishirou, #taichi x koushiro, #taichi x koushirou) for your entries too, so regardless of what spelling you use, we will try our best to find it. Late entries beyond Taikouvember are perfectly fine, we will search the ship tags until at least the end of November. If we missed your entry, please contact us directly!
Old content may be reblogged by using our handle @taikouvember, so we can find it or you can send us content you would like us to reblog for consideration. We highly encourage creating new content though!
Don't's & Restrictions
Do not post any ship or character bashing/hate concerning any other Digimon ships/characters. It will not be reblogged.
Only post your own content, art theft etc. will not be tolerated. This includes the use of AI technology. AI art may only be reblogged if it is tagged/marked explicitly as such and doesn't blatantly copy other people's work.
Not Safe For Work (NSFW) content may be submitted in moderation and in line with tumblr's guidelines, but only if it is hidden under "Read Mores". Any kind of adult themes and triggers need to be tagged accordingly. Please understand that we may not reblog explicit, disturbing or any kind of discriminating content.
We're excited to see what you'll have in mind. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us directly! Have fun!
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