scotborn · 5 years
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Once Eggsy’s situated himself in his designated hiding spot the Scott flips the page on his tablet. It’s another mission in the middle east, one that can wait as he speaks to what any passerby would deem an empty room. 
❝ Need I remind ye GALAHAD is a trained operative... Not t’mention y’er suit’s tracking capabilities have doomed ye from d’start.  ❞
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tryingtorepay-blog · 6 years
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      They’re standing in his study; he has yet to extend the offer of a drink to his protege, but fingers inch in an entirely different direction than the decanter full of amber fluid.
      “Eggsy, if I asked you to do something for me, would you do it?”
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quarterofamaster · 6 years
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     “It’s... chia seeds-- it’s suppose to be good for you.” At least, that’s what he’d heard, but he has this strange feeling his insides might sprout after a week or two. 
     On second thought...
     “Perhaps we should go out for breakfast.”
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kingsmanwidow-blog · 7 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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agxntlancelxt-blog · 7 years
@tailoredspy liked for an excited starter (x) 
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“Eggsy!” Roxy bounded up to her best friend, eyes gleaming with excitement. She had a spring in her step that seemed a little unlike her. “My suit is finally ready! I’ve finally got my official Kingsman suit!” 
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decentaim-a-blog · 7 years
@tailoredspy shot the ♥ button!
“Your name’s Eggsy?”
What’s with these British spies? Is weirdness a CV requirement when people sign up to protect the Queen and Country, or however that phrase went? Sometimes, Clint can’t even tell if these guys ( or ‘blokes’ ) are serious half the time --- and their accents just make it harder to tell.
“Okay,” he says slowly, mouth twitching with the sheer willpower of not smiling. “Omelette you explain what you’re doing here in New York now.” 
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tryingtorepay-blog · 6 years
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       File in hand, he briskly scans it before absently lifting his attention to his younger agent. “Would you have preferred it?” He doesn’t offer Eggsy the chance to reply, gaze dropping back down to the file as he casually rounds the desk. “I do apologize for moving you out of the way, Eggsy, I’ll be sure to ask next time.”
@tailoredspy [ acts aloof ]
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quarterofamaster · 6 years
tailoredspy replied to your post: *purely staring at Q’s lips*
*trying to subtly send him ‘kiss me’ vibes*
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       “Your face is doing something weird.”
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brogueinoxfords · 7 years
Eggsy slips into Merlin's office, closing and locking the door behind him. He's exhausted, just returned from a mission. He didn't even stop to fix up his appearance a bit, hair a wild mess and his suit rumpled and dirty. Eggsy barely has the energy to shuffle over to Merlin, dropping to his knees next to the man's chair as his legs just give out, muscles overworked. A cheek presses against the side of Merlin's thigh, the boy letting out a soft, content sigh. He's home.
Merlin peered down a the lad from his office chair. He was still working on something, but finished the most essential part quickly. “Eggsy love, come on. Lets go to bed.” He’d take great care in getting Eggsy tidied up, the poor dear didn’t have the energy for a shower right now, into a sweater and then into bed.
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tryingtorepay-blog · 6 years
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quarterofamaster · 6 years
curls up in Q's lap
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    Fingertips card through Eggsy’s hair; gentle, rhythmic. The Agent had come to his flat without so much as a word, and Q had figured it to be another one of those moments where they’d be alone, together. Still, the closeness, the quietness...
     “Did... something happen, today?” He doesn’t stop the gentle motion of his fingers, as he gazes over the man’s face. “You seem... sad.” 
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brogueinoxfords · 7 years
tailoredspy asked: Last Will and Testament
Writing this was probably the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. The idea of leaving you is rather terrible, but we’ve had so much time together, more than I had ever really anticipated having after Cambodia. But sadly all good things must come to an end, and I have to leave you now. We both know it.
Fuck- this shouldn’t be so hard to do, leave you. But I’ve got to let you go darling. We’ve known this day was coming, that if you were as good an agent as any of us (and you’re better) that I’d eventually just.. wear out and you’d outlive me. Which is what you need to do since I’m gone. You need to Live. 
That isn’t to say you can’t mourn me because I’d do the same in your position. But please, don’t let this consume you. You’re a fully grown man with many years still ahead of you, don’t close yourself off because of this. You have people that care for you, that love you. You’re an uncle-in-law to some wonderful people who think the world for you, and their children who adore you. Don’t shy away from love again either. If it happens, if you’re able to find it again, hold tightly with everything you’ve got! You love so deeply, Eggsy. It was one of the many things I found so spectacular about you.
There are a few things I’m leaving for Lydia and the family that is in a separate letter for them, but everything else goes to you. My other half. You already know my computer password you ruddy menace, so all the information on that’s yours too. I’ve left you a few videos from time to time, if you especially miss me, that maybe can help ease the ache. 
Please dear, be good. Be strong, don’t come after me too soon. I’ve left this world with only one regret, and that is making you sad in my doing so. You need to carry on, love. 
There’s nothing in this world that matters as much as you, please remember this. (and yes, I know I’m biased.)
I love you, darling.
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kingsmanwidow-blog · 7 years
@tailoredspy | @chavspy “Can you boys please stop screaming about needing something to suck? We get it you’re gay and I still love you both very much.”
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chavspy-blog · 7 years
@tailoredspy hit the heart.
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“Like fuck you’re stayin’ in a hotel or any shit. You’ve always got a room at my place.”
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