#tails doesn’t rlly have any friends his age and this isn’t helped by the fact he skipped a couple grades cuz of his big brain
bestjeanistmonster · 1 month
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Dc au- the bestest friends ever
Their dynamic means so much to me, this introverted kid from the sea that hasn’t been on land before being partnered with this walking traffic light who’s always pumped for a new adventure and never does what he’s told
Tails thinks he’s the coolest guy ever and wants to be his friend while Kit tries in vain to evade the power of friendship and wants to be professional cuz he’s too awkward to make friends and thinks Tails is annoying (at first)
I imagine during an attack on Gotham, Black manta this time, and Kit was pursuing him, damaging a lot of buildings in the process (caring about property damage is for losers) so Tails and Batman were trying to arrest them both until Tails (on his own) manages to get an answer out of him about the situation with black manta (cuz Kit frankly thought it was none of the land dwellers business)
So Tails insists on helping him despite Kit’s protests and together they mange to solve the mystery and arrest black manta
Kit recognises that Tails def has some cool skills Tails is like:
“Who knows, maybe next time your on land you could stop by Gotham and we can team up again!”
Tails has been upgraded to ‘potential ally’!
(As soon as Kit and Tails become officially friends, Kit lowkey becomes attached to him at the hip, usually standing next to him, going where he goes when their on a mission together like a silent shadow. They’re a package deal!!)
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hellishvu · 5 years
Imagine BTS: when you have a nipple piercing (sfw)
— thank u for requesting!! also since last imagine i didn’t rlly like *__* i feel like i could’ve done better so enjoy these very longer and better thought out ideas ! also i feel like i should say this, guys have nipple piercings, they don’t need breasts to have one, so none of these stories are meant you have breasts. if that made any sense (@_@) also i don’t know if your still reading this but i literally love my profile picture because that’s literally me writing these stories CKSK
Kim Namjoon: ˚✧₊⁎ 
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Namjoon was in college, nose stuck in his textbooks till he had seen you in the hall. You leaning against the wall hearing your music looking rather confused of where to go. Namjoon walked up to you, poking your shoulder jumping when you turned around.
“Are you lost?” Namjoon asks while you chuckle.
“Does it look that obvious?” You gripped your backpack walking with Namjoon when he offered he could help you.
You two spent time together and decided to meet up for lunch so he doesn’t sit alone. Sharing names along the way to class. Of course he wanted to share lunch with the cute guy named Y/N, he waves a goodbye to you before entering your brand new class. Namjoon nodded trying to get himself together before walking back to his own class. Entering the room he sees his best friend Jimin looking around for him. Jimin widens his eyes waving at Namjoon with his glasses on. I guess Namjoon accepts the fact they both look like cliches of a college movie that is rated-14. Namjoon sat down next to Jimin sighing into his bullet journal.
“What is it Joon? You seem flustered.” Jimin wiggles his eyebrows seeing Namjoon lift up his head, the hairs dangling in front of his face.
“Cute boys are going to be the death of me.”
“You say cute? In this school? That’s rare.” Jimin scoots his chair closer to Namjoon wanting all the details. Namjoon explained maybe he over-exaggerated some details about your starry eyes and your perfect hair and how he came to your rescue.
“And you’re going to survive while he’s sitting with us at lunch?” Jimin chuckled while Namjoon gave him an annoyed look.
Lunch came by fast and when Namjoon was patiently sitting at the corner of the lunch room, looking around trying to see the beautiful boy once again. Jimin teasing him by saying “He’s over there!” Knowing Namjoon will turn his head at the speed of light to see no one.
You came walking in, your shirt soaked by the cooking class you decided to help with. Ending up with a classmate accidentally spilling jam all over your shirt. A great first impression indeed with many of your (new) classmates.
“Oh god he’s actually over there.” Jimin pointed, while Namjoon pushes his arm down. Seeing you walk with a hunched back not wanting the jam to touch your skin.
“Now I know why you have a crush on him.” Jimin winked at Namjoon. Namjoon shushing Jimin before he talks one more word.
“H-Hey guys haha.” You said trying to explain yourself by pointing at your now stained shirts.
“Do you guys have an extra shirt? Tried helping the cooking class... didn’t end so great.”
“Uh yeah, I do. Name’s Jimin by the way.” Jimin pulls out a plain grey shirt. You smiling at him and Namjoon.
“Thank you Jimin. Well I’m going to go change in the bathroom so I’ll be back.” You wave walking away finding the bathroom.
“Wait do you need to find the nearest bathroom? You’re still new and I could help you.” Namjoon stands up, chest puffed out before realizing going back to slouching.
Namjoon looks back to see Jimin covering his face from laughing,he waves at Jimin to stop. Jimin immediately pulls out his phone texting Namjoon instantly.
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“Uh Namjoon.” You call out from the stall, seeing that the shirt that Jimin gave you doesn’t fit. You took off the shirt being shirtless, Namjoon turning around seeing your nipple piercing. Namjoon widen his eyes seeing the metal shiny thing through such a sensitive area.
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Kim Seokjin: ˚✧₊⁎
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Seokjin wanted to watch the perimeter of the pod but it was just an excuse to have some time alone from all the spotlight. Seokjin was in the next line of royalty. The merman was raised in the expectation of modesty and good. So never in million years of his fish life will he think he’ll meet you.
Seokjin leaned on a rock watching till he spotted a male walking the ocean naked slowly emerging in the water. Seokjin dives in the water trying to catch the male before he goes too far. His peach tail flowing with the water, till he sings in the water to stop the male from going any farther.
“Who are you? What are you doing in the pod of these waters?” Seokjin asks seeing the male cover his ears.
“Jesus I’ll tell you just stop the song.” The male raises his hands up, his body being shown more when Seokjin gasps the nipple piercing shown in all it’s glory.
See the thing is, body modification was seen as only delinquents getting them. People that have betrayed the pod have piercings or tattoos. The stigma only grew by centuries. Seokjin was taught at such a young age that going on land was betrayal to the whole family and getting even a small tattoo was seen as unforgettable.
“How did you get that? How are you still swimming in our waters?” Seokjin floats towards you seeing your tattoos and piercings, admiring them but the angel on his shoulder is saying “Get away.”
“On land. Was hell trying not to get dried up like a sunflower seed but you know I managed.” You lifted your hand from the water letting Seokjin see more of your tattoos.
“How can I believe you?”
“Well I would like you to. That would be nice.” You smiled seeing Seokjin lower his head deeper in the water trying to hide his red ears.
“Gosh I shouldn’t even be talking to you. If my dad sees us he’ll abandon me.” Seokjin lifts his head up brushing the hair out of the way of his face, you sighed knowing how it feels to be in his spot.
“What if there was a group that could be your family, that really don’t give a fuck about these so called rules?” You offered knowing that the group will probably yell at you for inviting a complete stranger but you saw potential.
“They are a small group of 7 including me, Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi, Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung. We explore out of water but we always know our roots of the water.” You explain showing him a photo that you hold in a necklace, all of them doing poses. Seokjin smiles seeing they all looked so free.
“Plus we can get matching nipple piercings.” Seokjin splashes you, you saw a genuine smile on his face and who knows when was the last time he did.
Seokjin heard swimming knowing it all too well of his father, Seokjin pushes you to hide not wanting to get caught or worse you become a victim of the box of rules. Seokjin’s father rises giving an rather disgusted look to him.
“Son what are you doing here? Leave these for the peasants.” Seokjin fakes a smile shooing his father to show he’s going.
“Show me where you are, show me the land world. I want to know.” Seokjin whispers embracing you, you being shocked from his embrace. You grinned nodding grabbing his hand swimming away from whatever hell is going to be left behind.
Min Yoongi: ˚✧₊⁎
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Yoongi maybe was feeling risky tonight, it’s not like the boys made him go out for once instead of staying inside of his studio. Yoongi bought out his old cap, seeing he looks damn good in cap. Yoongi snickers out posing and checking himself out.
Yoongi walks to his crew, whistling as he walks out causing him to push them off the couch so they can go. He walks in the car with them wondering if he’ll find anyone interesting to talk about life or whatever comes to mind.
Yoongi walks in the club, looking around to find the bar. He didn’t want to get wasted just wanted something to get him a bit tipsy. He sighed into the bar stool seeing all his friends almost black out already. Yoongi got up with his drink in his hand walking towards a more secret place till he was pushed into a male.
“Ah what the fuck?” Yoongi whispers feeling the collision. You put your hands up not wanting to think the male that ran into you that you were trying to play any games.
“Sorry bro! I didn’t mean— free drinks?! Hell yeah!” The drunk got distracted by the party lights and the call for free drinks not even finishing the apology making Yoongi regret his life choices.
Yoongi still presses against the male feeling a piece of metal through the shirt the male wore. He grabbed at it thinking it was some random piece of trash.
“Ow, don’t pull on it!” You winced in pain, Yoongi backing away thinking he actually hurt you.
“Yes, I have a nipple piercing and you pulling on it hurts a bit.” You raised your drink up.
“A what?”
“Nipple piercing, metal spear I like to call it.. it sounds cooler.” You barely could hear Yoongi’s chuckle behind the loud music. You tried to signal him if he wanted to leave so you could hear him. He followed you out, walking down the city streets.
“So what do you do?” You asked hands in your pockets looking at Yoongi quirking an eyebrow.
“A rapper, my band was in the club but getting drunk isn’t necessarily my thing.”
“Question for you though, how did you decide to get a nipple piercing.” Yoongi points at your piercing being careful to not pull on it this time.
“What is it bad?”
“No it’s a huge turn on but I was just wondering.”
“You know you only live life once.” You chuckled at your own answer as you see Yoongi cringe at your answer.
“Don’t know what’s worse getting it because you got drunk one time or that answer.”
“Okay answer this question, why did you decide to pull on it!?” You crossed your hands waiting for the cross walk to clear. Yoongi looked around pretending to not hear your question. You both crossed the street, pulling Yoongi’s hand to start walking.
“This is my stop.” You said pointing at the place you called home. Yoongi looked back at you wondering if he should get your number. What could be an reasonable excuse?
“Hey, uh I can give you my number so we could go out— like for lunch! Like an apology for pulling on your piercing.” Yoongi pulled out his phone seeing the contact screen. You pulled your phone out giving it to him. Yoongi gave it back before he saw you walk off your figure disappearing slowly.
Jung Hoseok: ˚✧₊⁎
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Hoseok was an apprentice in his new found job, Yoongi being his boss along side Jungkook. He loves it seeing all kinds of people come in some making biggest regrets in their life to the smiling ones thanking them for making it possibly. Hoseok was a good looking guy, but he focused on his job. All of the flirting came with just a smile from Hoseok.
Hoseok was mid tattoo looking up seeing a male come in. Hoseok drooled almost immediately but snapped out of it by the buzzing of the tattoo machine. He went back to focusing on the tattoo ease dropping at the front desk.
“Hey Y/N, I’m glad you’re back. Finally I can stop hearing Yoongi say he misses you.”
“Misses? Are they dating?”
“Hoseok if you don’t mind could I take a break for today?” The client on the table asks, Hoseok nodding giving a reassuring smile.
“Yeah I just came back to get something on my back.” Hoseok hears when he stands up to stretch from sitting and leaning for so long. You got called back from Yoongi waving at Hoseok before meeting up to see what you could get.
“Holy shit, who’s that?” Hoseok asked the front desk recording the stocks. Hoseok looked at him seeing the head rise.
“Y/N, he comes here often. He’s a good friend of Yoongi’s so don’t piss him off.”
“Friends? They aren’t dating?”
“Did I say they were? Yoongi is just needy for his hand being held.” The clerk laughed Hoseok walking in the back seeing you up close and personal.
“Hoseok meet Y/N my best friend.”
“Hey Hoseok nice to meet you.” You offered him a hand shake, Hoseok nodding returning not without a little bit of awkwardness in it.
“Are you going to do his tattoo or do you think I could?” Hoseok clasped his hands together begging for this opportunity, his apprenticeship was full of adventures but this one seems so intriguing.
“You?” Yoongi quirks an eyebrow seeing Hoseok nod. Yoongi looked at you seeing if it was approved.
“Yeah let the guy learn Yoongi. I’ll be his practice ring.” You winked at him, making him red. Yoongi shrugged giving the designs and ideas of Hoseok. Of course the tattoo would be moderated by Yoongi.
“So is this how you want it?” Hoseok asks showing a final sketch of your tattoo. You looked at it analyzing his art style seeing if it matches your personality.
“Hoseok you did a great job.” You looked up seeing Hoseok jump with joy wanting to get working on it right away.
You two got up, you taking off your shirt seeing Hoseok blink cluelessly a couple time trying to see if he was on drugs or not. You had a nipple piercing and Hoseok was going to lose his mind a second.
“Take a photo it will last longer.” You grinned laying down making yourself comfortable on the chair that you’ve known for so long.
“I wasn’t looking at that.. just looking at where to put the stencil.” Hoseok awkwardly chuckles before putting on his gloves.
“Sure Hoseok, I’m sure you weren’t looking.” You chuckled. Hoseok knowing this was going to be... a long tattoo session.
Park Jimin: ˚✧₊⁎
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Jimin has seen the recent news, you had a nipple piercing and since you were dating you got some spotlight too. Of course Jimin told you about it and he felt bad that he had to put yourself in a situation of star fame that not everyone can handle. So when you were seen walking out of a store with a white shirt on, the wind blowing very heavily that morning your piercing was shown... to the whole world to be exact.
Headlines, news articles, and the army especially went crazy. You didn’t check social media often but when you finally did your whole inbox was filled from the brim of asking about your nipple piercing. Some questions were innocent and asking if it hurt while others asked if Jimin has done anything with it. Those you had ignored for the greater good in life.
Jimin on the other hand was shocked to see one of his members Seokjin showing him the photo. He’s never seen you topless due to you not living together so this piercing was something new about you. If he had one thing about it, it was that he was damn curious to see it in real life. The real question was how could he when asking someone to just lift up their shirt was awkward enough.
“So I’m guessing you’ve heard the news?” You asked sitting in the rooftop of your home. Jimin joining along seeing the sunrise like you two are teenagers in highschool.
“What?” Jimin acted stupid only for the reason to not make you mad, maybe you didn’t like that part of you was revealed to everyone in the entire world.
“The nipple piercing.” You said showing the articles to him, Jimin acted surprised but you could sense it in yourself that he was acting. You snickered pulling his ear.
“Don’t act stupid Jimin. I’m sure the boys went crazy over it.” Jimin raises his head looking at you before cracking a giggle.
“Trust me I’m not mad. It was bound to happen anyway.” You placed a kiss on his forehead getting up from the rooftop getting back inside.
“You coming?” You offered your hand to help Jimin in. He nods taking your hand to cuddle in your bedroom. The room being dimmed expect for the tv showing some random sic-com.
“But you’re going to have to catch me shirtless to see it.” You whispered in his ear when he was in your arms. Jimin looking up to you, pouting that he couldn’t just see it.
“Ugh really? Can’t you just take off your shirt right now?” Jimin lifted your shirt slowly at first you tried to lift it down before just accepting it. Jimin saw the metal piercing right in front of his eyes, Jimin looked at it and then back at you.
“It doesn’t hurt as much as it sounds like.” You rub his hair, Jimin lifting the shirt down before going back to cuddling with you.
“What do you think about it?” You asked wanting Jimin’s approval more then anything. You didn’t care about the media or the comments on it. As long as Jimin didn’t find it horrifying that was alright in your book.
“I find it... extremely... attractive.” Jimin places a kiss on your lips making sure his hands doesn’t press on the piercing. You smiled in the kiss placing your hands on his back.
Kim Taehyung: ˚✧₊⁎
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Taehyung once he saw it, he had no problem with it. It was so cute and pretty, that he grew entranced of it. When you two went swimming he couldn’t keep his eyes off of it. So when one day he decided to suggest a idea that made you question his insanity.
“So I was thinking, you know your nipple piercing.”
“Yes that you love too much that it concerns me.” You chuckle seeing him frown at you, from the teasing.
“Yes! I like to appreciate art aka my boyfriend not my fault. What I was thinking was that I picked your new piercing metal thing.” Taehyung lens you his phone seeing many photos of different type of jewelry.
“I do get bored with the normal studs.” You nodded seeing Taehyung’s eyes glow. You choke him playfully as he whines.
“It’s like you like my piercing more than me!” You let him go standing up covering your nipples teasing him. Taehyung sat on the couch laying down waiting for the day.
You two walk in the normal piercing/tattoo shop you usually go to. It’s local and their prices are reasonable. They know you so they poke fun when you walk in. Taehyung seeing the large rich red walls filled with tattoo designs.
“Hey Y/N! Is he getting a nip piercing too?” Your very well known friend, Jungkook laughs seeing Taehyung hide behind you. You tell Taehyung to brush him off that he’s just an asshole sometimes but he means no harm.
“He isn’t Kook. I’m here to replace my stud for something else. I would do it at home but that is terrifying. Plus you’re my best friend so..” You pat Jungkook on the back giving him a “please” look. Taehyung seeing you act around this friend, he hasn’t had the chance to meet them due to his focus on his work. You share stories catching up while Taehyung looks around seeing people getting tattoos of all sorts.
“Here’s our collection; pick whatever and I’ll help prince out with it. If the guy wants one I’ll do it also.” You thank him, looking at all the different jewelry. Taehyung pointing at some making you give him a questionable look.
“Oh! Chose this one! This one!” Taehyung points at a heart jewelry on that would have a heart around the actual nipple. You looked at the jewelry and back at Taehyung.
“A heart?”
“Yeah I’m the only one that’s going to see it anyway.” Taehyung winked, you nodding that he had a point. You called back Jungkook knowing he was going to make fun of you.
“A heart? How romantic.” Jungkook got the set up ready while you laid down holding hands with Taehyung.
“How much is a tattoo?” Taehyung asks while Jungkook was looking and examining your piercing making sure it wasn’t infected.
“Depends on the size, details, and color or not.” Jungkook says pulling out the jewelry before cleaning and sanitizing the area.
“But they are permanent, not like these bad boys. These can heal and eventually go away. So chose wisely my guy.” Jungkook puts the new jewelry causing you to look away wincing a little.
“Here is your new heart boyfriend.” Jungkook smiles as you slowly got up looking down. Taehyung hugging you that you actually trusted him with such a thing like this.
“I” You said before pointing at your heart piercing “You.” Making even Jungkook laugh, walking up to the cashier telling them the price.
Jeon Jungkook: ˚✧₊⁎
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Jungkook first saw your nipple piercing when you two decided to take a shower together for the first time, he was shocked when he saw that shiny piece of metal on your chest. Jungkook touched it seeing if you wince from pain or not. In reality you found it very cute that he admired it so much. You put shampoo on top of head trying to get him to actually take a shower instead of staring at your piercing.
“I’ve heard you have always wanted a piercing.” You rubbed in the shampoo seeing Jungkook smile from being taken care of. You ran your hands through his hair, Jungkook nodding about your statement. 
“Too scared. What if it get’s infected?” Jungkook pressed his forehead into your chest, seeing the pierce of metal up and personal.
“Well you basically have an expert here. Plus I think it would suit you well.”
“You’re just saying that because you’re my boyfriend.” 
“Just think about it Kook.” You pressed a kiss on his forehead continuing to shower.
“So I have been thinking about it..” Jungkook says while in your lap two weeks later of going back and forth watching videos of professional advice, contacting his company seeing that this piercing can match the next concept of the album fighting through them was difficult but he got the okay. 
So that means it was just time to walk in and get it, no hesitation should be happening right? While that ended quickly when he watched videos of lip piercings the first few times he looked away once they actually punctured the lip.
“Did it hurt?” Jungkook plops himself on the couch, you turning down the tv to hear him more clearly.
“What?” You turn your body towards him, Jungkook pointing at your nipple piercing. You awed understanding what he was asking.
“Uh I mean it depends on who you are. Your pain tolerance.” Jungkook nods in understand, wondering from all the times where he was in pain if he could handle it.
“Can you come with me? So you know— I don’t go getting the wrong piercing and I end up with a eyelid one?”
“Kook I’m sure you will know if they gave you an eyelid piercing but I will come anyway.” You pecked his cheek.
Once Jungkook got everything set up and got the actual piercing holding your hand tightly seeing the instrument get closer to his lip. Jungkook came home with you, he couldn’t stop staring at the piercing telling you that you two were now “Piercing soulmates.” Jungkook took a selfie sending it to you when you requested.
“Okay, it does look good I will admit that.” Jungkook giggles trying not to touch it, the cleaning steps on his lap. You would probably make sure he doesn’t mess around with it.
“I told you so. I’ll make sure it doesn’t get infected.”
“Can we kiss?” Jungkook requests as he presses his lips together. You placed a finger on his lips nodding no.
“It will get infected wait till it heals in like 4-6 weeks.” You heard him whine knowing he’s going to wait for a kiss for so long.
“That’s the first thing I’m asking when it’s healed.”
“I’m sure you’ll cover me in kisses.”
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