#take a drink everytime i say thank you (i saw it ALL THE TIME LMAOOO)
wexhappyxfew · 4 months
So I’m the anon that sent in the ask about rattling at the bars for the reunion fic (and about how I can’t wait for the pairs to KISS lol). I comment on anon sometime because I get *anxious* lol
BUT after seeing your response, I thought I’d come off anon and tell you it was me and how excited I am to hear that we will get more. Love your writing and thanks for sharing it!!
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just seeing that you’ve been coming on anon to give your love and support and then decided to introduce yourself here just MEANS SO MUCH!!!!!! THANK YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING!!!!!! <3333
i totally get the nervous/anxious bit (i do the same bc i too get anxious WAY TOO OFTEN so no worries at all!!!) you always do what you need to do for you!!!! but coming here without anon makes me happy too so truly 🥹🫶 it put a smile on my face!!!! :)
REUNION FIC IS ABSOLUTELY COMING UP !!!!!!! MORE THAN ANYTHING!!!!! and your excitement for it means the WORLDDDDD SERIOUSLY 😭😭😭 annie and brady my loves…..i’m so so excited now truly thank you <3
thank YOU for showing your love and support (it seriously makes my day, you are wonderful 🥹🫶✨) THANK YOU AGAIN
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shespsychedelic · 5 years
So this may sound ridiculous, but I'm serious. I am the goodiest of goody two shoes and the odds of me ever getting high are very slim. Could I coax you into describing your recent experiences in as many details as you can manage? Preemptive thanks, hope you're having fun and being safe.
So I’m going to put this under a cut in case people don’t want to read about this. I’m also going to just describe what everything I’ve ever taken feels like, but tbh I haven’t done that many drugs. Anyway, here you go. 
Weed: I love doing weed and being high on it tbh. Different strains affect you differently, but overall I notice that my head gets kind of floaty, and I space out. Some people get really deep when they get high, and they think about the world and things happening in it, but I just zone out and think about nothing lol. If I’m outside I tend to just look at trees or grass or the sky and take in the colors. If people try to have a conversation with me I don’t really pay attention, and I just nod along in agreement with whatever they’re saying. I definitely get the munchies on weed, so I like to get high either before I eat, or if I have a lot of snacks lol.
Coke: this one was weird the one time I did it, but I was also doing it in the bathroom of a club basement, so I was slightly paranoid that security would kick me out, and I didn’t enjoy the high as much. I only did a little bit at a time so I would get super energetic for a few minutes, and then I would comedown and have to do more. It’s nice if you’re at an event you want to get through quickly, but I generally didn’t enjoy it.
Absinthe: I’m including this one because it’s still illegal even though they don’t tend to use actual wormwood anymore. When I did Absinthe I actually had a horrible case of strep throat, and I wound up doing 3 shots of just straight Absinthe (it tastes like black licorice btw) and I woke up the next morning completely better because the alcohol killed the bacteria lmaooo. As for the high, it was quite possibly the weirdest thing that’s ever happened because all night i felt like I was drunk, but also not really? If that makes any sense?? Like I was acting like I do when I was drunk, but the blurry feeling I normally get when I’m drinking wasn’t there. I didn’t see the green fairy or hallucinate, but the colors were a little bit more vivid. 
MDMA (Molly/Mandy): this is by far one of my favorites lol. This is the pure form of what they cut to make ecstasy, so the entire time you’re on it you feel nothing but love. every time I’ve done this I’ve been so in love with everything that’s happening around me, and I feel like such a hippie with the things that come out of my mouth sjdhbv. Like once I was at a festival and my friend and I were on it, and we kept asking each other where our souls were and where they wanted to be. I kept saying my soul weas near the ocean or a river because I was thirstyyyy, which is the worst thing about MD. You get super thirsty, but you can’t drink a lot because your kidneys temporarily shut down, and can’t process water, so you have to be super careful with how much water you intake. Overall, I’ve always had a great experience with MD (except for the time I took too much and got paranoid that I’d be arrested...I didn’t but i was convinced I was lmao). I also tend to makeout with my friends when I’m on MD, but it’s never a big deal lmao, everyone’s high and suddenly the expression “free love” makes a lot of fucking sense.
Ket: this one I will never do again, not because i had a bad trip, but because I h a t e the way it made me feel lmao. Ketamine is an anaesthetic, that, when used in a high enough quantity, is used in animal tranquilizers (which is why most people know it as a horse tranq). I did this one at 4 in the morning and I was only high for probably an hour and a half but it felt like an entire week lmao. I sat on my friend’s bed and swayed back and forth, and everytime I went to move, I felt like I was walking through cold molasses. At one point my friend went to the bathroom to throw up, so my other friend went with her, and I didn’t know where they’d gone, so I stumbled out of the door to find them, and I saw my one friend hunched over the toilet dry heaving, and my other friend lying on the floor, and when he saw me he was like “Ellen come join me!” so I went and laid pretty much on top of him on the bathroom floor while my other friend was being sick, and then when she felt like she wasn’t going to be sick anymore, we got up (so so so slowly because none of us could move out muscles properly), and I swear to god getting us all back to our own bedrooms must’ve been the funniest thing on earth for an outsider to witness because none of us could walk properly shdjbvsz
Shrooms: bro that shit was SO fun. So there are many different types of shrooms, and all of them have a different kind of high they give you, and since it was Jay and I’s first time to do them, the woman at the dispensary gave us the ones that have little to no visual effects, but they make you laugh so much, and boy oh boy did Jay and I laugh our asses off. The high from these lasted about 5-6 hours, and the entire time I just laughed SO hard. We talked about Jay being partially colorblind, and the cones and rods in shrimps eyes, and then I pu tin my earbuds, played on Sunflower vol. 6 about 37 times, and stared at the ceiling occasionally giggling to myself because the beams in the ceiling were swaying to the music and the bulbs on the light fixture were pulsing with the beat, and while the light fixture and ceiling were in all actuality white, I kept seeing pink and blue layered over it, and lemme tell you, listening to Sunflower while watching a light fixture that looks like a bunch of tiny mushrooms dance, while you’re on mushrooms, is hands down one of the happiest experiences of my life. 
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