#take life slow and learn how to manage time bc one of my resolutions was to post more this year and now it's like the end of January šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€
shitysimp Ā· 4 months
The beakers paid Brandi to test the prototype of the cloning machine
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kuronekonerochan Ā· 3 years
Hi...how are you? If you don't mind me asking what are your top 5 favorite danmei novels (until now)? And why? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....
Hi, sorry for being slow at answering!
In no particular order:
Ok, so I liked the 3 from MXTX:
Ā - Grandmaster of Diabolic Cultivation/ Mo Dao Zu ShiĀ 
This one I loved but it has a particular style that ppl might not like in that it feels jumpy, confusing and with information gaps while reading, even though eventually everything that matters does end up being explained...in other works this would probably be just lazy writing, but here it is clearly an intentional choice bc 1) she doesnā€™t do this in her other novels 2) this is in WWXā€™s pov and dude has heavy ptsd and adhd, plus he tends to pretend to take everything lightly as a coping mechanisms...all this put together and itā€™s easy to understand why the story has such an unreliable narrator that even the other characters constantly point it out. I ended up loving this extra layer of storytelling.
Ā - Heaven Officialā€™s Blessings/ Tian Guan Ci Fu
If youā€™re in the mood for a saga type long ass novel with a ton of interesting side stories and side characters with a main character who is a true cinnamon bun in sweet romance with a side dish of sweet sweet aaaangst.
- Scum Villains Self Saving System
The most entertaining out of all of them. It manages to be a parody of two genres, both danmeis and wuia/jianghu harem het novels (fighter of destiny style) with OP leads, while also being its own cute and funny story with a heart to it.
From other authors:
Ā - Meatbunā€™s 2ha/ Dumb Husky and his White Cat ShizunĀ 
What if someone took a look at the parody that is SVSSS and said...ā€no, you know what? This really deserves to be an epic, long ass, and I mean, topping old classicsā€™ length novel packed with angst, filled with pain and topped with despair...and then weā€™re sprinkling some funfetti on top to fool yā€™allā€...and you know what? thatā€™s some good cake. (If youā€™re into cdramas SVSSS is to 2ha what The Romance of Tiger and Rose is to Goodbye My Princess).
- Priestā€™s Sha Po Lang:
Steampunk China plus creepy voodoo tribal ritual magic, involved in internal and external wars over petrol (with a different name) and with our leads in Iron Man suits, fighting, among other enemies hot young(er) hands on, on the field, western troop General, the Pope, that I can only visualize in my head as Jude Law. I tell you all of this nonsense just to say that instead of the ridiculous fun this should be, it ends up being a very compelling romance with lots of scheming and heavy plot and some heartbreaking scenes.
- The Golden Stage:
This is a court drama type novel with friends-to-rivals-to-lovers that is just the right length and compelling with not too many plot twists but two main characters who are really great both individually and together and this is the one out of all in the list I feel like re reading the most. It really is a solid read and I feel like Iā€™m selling it short, bc it really is good. It is similar to Sha Po Lang and To Rule in a Turbulent World, a simpler version of those but not worse for it.
(Since you said top 5 and Iā€™ve said 6, I regretfully cut down Heaven Officialā€™s Blessing bc even though I love it, unlike MDZS or SVSSS, it didnā€™t feel like a standalone novel because some of the several storylines of the side characters that I loved were left open ended (although the main characters had a complete story arc), as if this book was supposed to be the first of a series and those characters would have their own spinoff books where Iā€™d know where their story took them...except this really is a standalone, and so the lack of resolution bothers me).
>> Honorable Mentions:
- To Rule in a Turbulent World
This one doesnā€™t go in the top 5 list yet bc itā€™s not fully translated, last time I checked (tho itā€™s very near the end). As an ongoing novel, I adore it. If the ending isnā€™t terrible it might be in my top 3. Itā€™s similar to the two above in plotlines but it has a quality to it that it takes care to make every character in it multidimensional. There are no good and bad characters, even the ones on the opposite side are given something that makes them relatable and human. Plus, the characters all change throughout the novel, most of all the protagonists and the novel gives itself breathing time between events where you just chill with the characters and learn about random things like agricultural practices.Ā 
- The Wife Is First
This one is just that light fluff feel good one that is great to pick up from time to time since itā€™s on going. Dumb Jock husband did everything wrong in his first life, gets a re-do and from then on itā€™s adorable respect the spouse juice and awe of said spouse smarts. Cute. Also, thereā€™s a baby pet tiger.
>> Others I did like, just not in the top 5:
Ā -Faraway Wanderers and Lord Seventh/Qi Ye by Priest:
Qi Ye is similar to To Rule in A Turbulent World/The Golden Stage/Sha Po Lang. I really liked it still, just a tiny bit less than these. Since itā€™s the same author as SPL and I think it was written earlier, I have to say, the writing only got better.
Faraway Wanderers is a short read, but youā€™re only gonna like it if youā€™re ok with amoral main characters (I guess that is true for many on this list but itā€™s more obvious in this one bc the novel and the characters are unapologetic about it).
- YuWu by Meatbun - Still reading it, but is isnā€™t grabbing me like 2ha did.
>> I assumed you only wanted danmeis as in period fantasy bl novels, but if we go modern, fantasy or not:
Ā - Silent Readings by Priest:
I love crime fiction novels (love Ding Moā€™s novels) and this is that type of conspiracy, murder novel with smart criminals and smart investigators. Little romance, but still there.
Ā - Guardian by Priest:Ā 
Priest is hilarious and except the last part that gets a bit heavy on the lore this is just a joy to read. Also pretty short.
- Advance Bravely:
I read it a long time ago and itā€™s okayish, with some cute and some weird, problematic characters.Ā 
- Addicted/ Heroin:
Also read it (this is 2 books) ages ago...and this one is NOT cute. It starts out as a pretty normal, but kind of toxic very typical oldschool drama/manga romance right down to the step brothersā€™ trope....and then it keeps escalating to new levels of WTF am I reading?!! All I have to say for this one is, that while I cannot recommend it per se, nor say itā€™s good, the title really is fitting, bc it is addictive as f.
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fesahaawit Ā· 6 years
10 Questions to End the Year Intentionally
Good morning, friends! I read three posts this week that I want to share with you. The first was written by author Matt Haig back in 2015, but I only found it recently and it is still so timely. A note that it talks about depression and suicide, but thereā€™s one quote in particular that resonated with me: ā€œChristmas is one of those times when the idea of something doesnā€™t match the reality.ā€ It is absolutely worth reading all the way through to the end.
The second post is from my friend Bianca who wrote quite honestly about why itā€™s time we removed the pressure around Christmas. If youā€™re seeing a bit of a trend here, itā€™s true that Iā€™m still not in my usual Christmas spirit. I can echo what Bianca wrote: I love the lights! And the food! And I plan to take some days off! So I feel generally ok about the holiday season. It just doesnā€™t feel very ā€œspecial,ā€ and Iā€™m starting to realize that is also ok.
In an attempt to remove some of the pressure around it here on this blog, there is just one thing I want to say before I log off for a few days: thank you. Thank you for being so caring and supportive this yearā€”and not just to me but also to each other. Weā€™ve talked about some heavy stuff here this year, and I am so grateful that this space is one that continues to remain open and safe. Thank you for being part of it.
The last post I want to share was written by Daisy for No Sidebar. In it, she shared 10 questions we could answer to end the year intentionally. This isnā€™t about goal-setting or trying to come up with resolutions or anything else future-thinking. Itā€™s just a simple exercise that can help you reflect on the past year. For everything thatā€™s happened, that felt right for me, so I answered the questions and am sharing them here.
Iā€™m signing off for a week! In that time, I plan to complete a 1,000-piece puzzle, start and finish a new book, and spend two nights in a house on the ocean with some of my family. Thereā€™s no cell service and definitely no internet. If I could wish anything for you right now, it would be to unplug for a dayā€”and just be. xo
1. What makes this year unforgettable?
Admittedly, I feel like I am always going to remember 2017 as the year we lost the girls. But Iā€™m also going to remember it as the year I moved to Squamish and finally let myself settle in. Slowing down and letting myself really ā€œbeā€ somewhere came with its own challengesā€”namely that I could no longer manage my anxiety by hopping around from place-to-place, and instead had to make the decision to deal with it and do some therapy. But it also came with so many bonuses. On top of the beautiful landscapes, I found a community of creative, honest, and vulnerable women I feel so fortunate to now call my friends.
2. What did you enjoy doing this year?
Oddly, I really enjoyed not travelling much. It felt good to get to know my new home, create some routine and learn a few trails like the back of my hand. I also made time to read more books this year, which felt good too. :)
3. What/who is the one thing/person youā€™re grateful for?
A few people come to mind right away, but Iā€™m going to say that Iā€™m grateful I had the money and resources available to start therapy. For the first two months, I was going weekly which was costing $520-$650 monthly. That was obviously not a regular line item in my budget, and isnā€™t something I would currently be able to afford to do for an extended period of time. But having my emergency fund made me feel comfortable enough to make that decision back in April and I am so grateful for it. I never wouldā€™ve imagined that having savings wouldā€™ve been so important for my mental health, and there is no doubt that therapy has changed my life.
4. Whatā€™s your biggest win this year?
Aside from the personal growth, it would be remiss of me to not mention the fact that I wrote my first book this year! A real book! One that will be in stores in just a few weeks! (And that you still have three weeks to get the bonuses if you pre-order a copy!) There were so many lessons to take away from writing this book, but one of the most important was that it is possible to complete a big creative project. On the day I submitted the first (crappy) draft, I had this overwhelming sense of I CAN DO ANY CREATIVE PROJECT I WANT TO wash over me. I canā€™t imagine any writing project feeling bigger or being more all-consuming than a book. Now, Iā€™ve written one. So, I can do anything . . . right? ;)
5. What did you read/watch/listen to that made the most impact this year?
What an amazing question. Iā€™ll start by saying that, without question, my new favourite author is Matt Haig. The most meaningful book I read this year was Reasons to Stay Alive, which came recommended by many of you when I first shared how bad my anxiety had gotten. So thank YOU for telling me about that book, my friends. More recently, I got my hands on a copy of How to Stop Time, which doesnā€™t even come out in North America until February 6, 2018! It was one of the most enjoyable works of fiction Iā€™ve read in a long timeā€”and Benedict Cumberbatch is going to play the main character in the movie adaptation! How exciting for the author. :)
Aside from books, I have listened to every episode of a handful of podcasts: Hurry Slowly,Ā Secrets of Wealthy Women,Ā The Slow Home PodcastĀ (I did an interview with Brooke earlier this month that was so lovely!),Ā Super Soul ConversationsĀ and Terrible, Thanks for Asking. That last one cracked me wide open, but I needed it.
As far as what Iā€™ve watched thatā€™s had an impact . . . nothing comes to mind. I enjoyed a few shows: 13 Reasons Why, Atypical, The Crown and The Great British Bake Off. But I canā€™t say that anything had an impact. This is something Iā€™ve thought about a lot lately. Letā€™s talk about it in the new year. For now, books and podcasts win!
6. What did you worry about most and how did it turn out?
Honestly, I worried about how moving away from Victoria would affect the dogsā€”and two months later, we lost them both. So, I wish I could say that my worries werenā€™t warranted, and set an example for how/why itā€™s important to calm our anxious thoughts. But truthfully, March, April and May were really tough months for me.
7. What was your biggest regret and why?
I donā€™t regret moving, obviously, but I still feel guilty about leaving the girls. I know thatā€™s something I had no control over. Itā€™s just how I feel; like my leaving somehow prompted the beginning of the end for them. This is something Iā€™m obviously still working through (and might help you understand why Iā€™m still emotional about it).
8. Whatā€™s one thing that you changed about yourself?
One of the things that became apparent very early on in therapy was that I had zero boundaries in my life. I basically did anything and everything that would make other peopleā€™s lives easier, and put everyone elseā€™s needs ahead of my own. This was true in all of my relationships and it wasnā€™t healthy. In fact, it was one of the reasons my anxiety got so out of control. Thankfully, Iā€™ve been learning how to set healthier boundaries in all areas of my life. Itā€™s not always easy and I sometimes still let guilt takeover (this article on The Pool is another good read on that topic). But I have set some boundaries, and chosen to put myself first in some ways, and it does feel better.
9. What surprised you the most this year?
Most of this post has felt heavy, so Iā€™m going to share a few fun/random things!
I was surprised to find myself driving across the US, from Minneapolis to BC, for the second time in a year! (And I never thought I would drive through South Dakota again, let alone twice in one year!)
I was surprised to randomly meet up with Sarah and spend two days together in Idaho and Wyoming. Thatā€™s some travelling big magic, right there. :)
I was surprised to meet my two closest friends in Squamish on Instagramā€”and learn that one lives right behind me, and that I can see the otherā€™s house through the trees between our two homes!
I was really surprised to find Cheryl Strayed followed me on both Twitter and Instagram! I still donā€™t know how or why . . . but yea, consider me still surprised! (Letā€™s not jinx it.)
And I was happily surprised to find myself picking up and reading more fiction this year. It felt really good to fall in love with characters and get lost in a story.
10. If you could go back to last January 1, what suggestions would you give your past self?
If I had known what was going to happen in 2017, at the start of the year, I wouldnā€™t have believed itā€”and I wouldnā€™t have wanted to believe it. I donā€™t have a suggestion, per se, but more of a reminder:Ā You will never regret telling people/pets how you feel, showing them affection and making sure they feel your love. When they are gone, the only thing youā€™ll wish is that youā€™d had more time together. So I would say . . . donā€™t rush off. Spend your time with those who matter most. Because thereā€™s never enough of it.
Ā  10 Questions to End the Year Intentionally posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnwIdQ
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todaysbiggesthits Ā· 6 years
The Exam
Best Music Moment of 2017:
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Code:Ā dancing out the entire wedding reception playlist with my best girl on an empty concrete slab on a breezy texas night
BC: -The absolute stellar dance party at Codeminā€™s Wedding; most notably:
Ā  Ā  Ā ā€œCarolā€ by The Rolling Stones
Ā  Ā  Ā ā€œEnjoy the Silenceā€ by Depeche Mode
Ā  Ā  Ā ā€œCrystalā€ by New Order
-OK Computerā€™s 20th Anniversary and the listening/reflection that came with it -My four year old, Emmett, learning ā€œMapsā€ on the drums pretty much on his own
JD: February: Watching theĀ ā€œEmotional Rescueā€ scene in A Bigger Splash:
March: Seeing Stop Making Sense on the big screen at my favorite theater with mā€™gal and a David Byrne Q&A after the screening. April: The dance party of a lifetime at Code and Ardenā€™s wedding. November: Watching Parquet Courts playĀ ā€œYouā€™ve Got Me Wondering Nowā€ for the first time in years.
C:Ā "Born to Run" at a good friend's, Brian Ferguson's, wedding.
Nasty:Ā This playing at the end of Leftovers Season 3, Ep 5 - "The Most Powerful Man in the World"
Bronco:Ā Sitting on my back porch with Brenny, sipping down some delicious whiskey drinks and listening to the new Mastodon on a surprisingly unshitty Amazon bluetooth speaker. Watching his face on the breakdown in Jaguar God was quite entertaining. Also listening to the Squalus album (the metal interpretation of Jaws) with the kids, my oldest asking what it was, and him saying he wants to watch Jaws now. He was especially fascinated by the USS Indianapolis part of the story.
Laser:Ā ThisĀ 
Chap:Ā My 17 has been dominated by the two new ladies in my life. I made this mix for them:
and played it for them on random the morning they were born. This was the first song that came on:
and I finally broke down with emotion after the 36 hour experience while holding one of them while this song was playing:
Best Shows Seen in 2017:
BC:Ā This first 60 seconds of this:
Nasty:Ā Future Islands & Action Bronson
Larse:Ā Future Islands with Maddie, Nasty, and Sam; Action Bronson at The Rave - pretty sure I got a contact high just from being in the show
C: War on Drugs
Bronco: Mastodon
Codem: lvl up - beat kitchen kitten forever - subterranean downstairs ovlov - beat kitchen pqc - the bottle girlpool - logan square auditorium moving unitsā€™ joy division cover set - the bottle PAWS - cobra lounge a. savage - the bottle pictureplane
JD: 1. William Basinski and Julianna Barwick at National Sawdust 2. No Age at Elsewhere 3. Parquet Courts and B-Boys at Elsewhere 4. Liars at Warsaw 5. Deerhunter and Eleanor Friedberger performing while Bradford Cox painted her portrait onstage at Warsaw 6. LCD Soundsystem at Brooklyn Steel 7. Yo La Tengo in Central Park 8. Andrew WK at Warsaw 9. Vince Staples at Panorama Fest 10. Wire at Babyā€™s All Right 11. Vagabon at Brooklyn Bazaar
Confession of 2017:
Bronco:Ā I listened to the New Kids On The Block offering of 2017 "Thankful" (it was fucking terrible).
C: Still havenā€™t listened to LCD Soundsystem
Code: -knowing the backstory, the mount eerie album was probably the best album i heard this year, but it was too dang sad to listen to more than a handful of times. -i still loved that brand new song despite the lead cat being a creep. -i thought that this year was pretty rough for music, but my tune changed after looking back through my top tracks. Ā maybe there were just so few full albums that i liked? -i fast fwd'd through every SNL musical guest this calendar year, but i did catch the tom petty tribute from the vegas countrymin.Ā 
BC:Ā I donā€™t hate that objectively awful Chainsmokers/Coldplay song because it reminds me of this yearā€™s BOB since Creevey played it every twenty minutes for 36 holes.
Larson: Listened to more rap this year than I think I have in past years; must be Nasty's Lincoln influence!
Nasty:Ā I listened to more podcasts than music in 17.
Biggest Disappointment of 2017:
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Laser: LCD Soundsystem
Codem: -no chromatics this year. -the two lcd shows that i saw this year.
Chap:Ā The albums. I would not be shocked if I didn't listen to any of my top 15 all the way through after today.
Bin: DJT
JD: Mondanile
BC:Ā Real Estate. Ā I think they need to invite the perv back into the band.
Bronco:Ā Bison, Monolord, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, And So I Watch You From Afar. They all put out albums this year, and I've like their stuff in the past, but they did little to nothing for me this time around.
Most Overrated of 2017:
Codem:Ā slowdive, but also twod and japanese breakfast
Bin: Bodak Yellow / Cardi B
Larse: LCD Soundsystem
Bronco: -Pallbearer - just don't like the guy's voice, and though they're slow as shit, there's no good riffs or anything to connect with for me. -Code Orange - hardcore band that I just don't get. One of those 'motherfucker I'm the best!' type super close to being alt-right supremecy type bands even though they're probably completely against it. They're at the top of most metal lists this year. I've given them 4-5 spins, most in reaction to the praise they're getting, but I just don't get it. -Royal Thunder - just one big case of blue balls. All of their songs seemingly build toward a climax that never happens. It's just so blech.
JD: Did the music press even treat anything as a lasting work of art and not ephemeral content to get through a week or two of famous personality driven clicks? King Krule?Ā 
BC:Ā Lorde, I think? Ā I mean, that albumā€™s gotten a lot of love this year and I thought the lead single ā€“ ā€œGreen Lightā€ ā€“ was hot garbage. It spawned a conspiracy theory in my mind that Taylor Swift was proactively influencing and then purposefully sabotaging the work of her close friends (see Lorde, Haim, et al).
Make it Stop 2017
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Bronco:Ā Sex monsters. Can we just take all white dudes in powerful positions, assume they've sexually assaulted at least one person, imprison them, and move on? We could take everything they have, give it all to Native American tribes, then force them to walk their own trail of tears to live out their lives in the desserts of New Mexico, and force them to build the wall, but it would just be a wall around their sad sex monster reservation.
Also, Taylor Swift.
Nasty:Ā I didn't have the luxury of expending any real hate on music this year... which I'm just now recognizing as a bad thing.
JD: -Unceasing sadness and anxiety about the present and future. -Jack Antonoff
BC:Ā Life on this planet.
Code:Ā any rap station that i hear in an uber. that cardi b song was playing every time i caught a cab at 5:30 a.m. to play golf.
Larson: U2
Biggest TBH Regret of 2017:
BC:Ā Not seeing NIN at RiotFest
Larson: Skipping the Car Seat Headrest show at Summerfest because I could tell Maddie didn't want to leave Jonas' party (party was fun, so not a real loss, just wish I would have seen the show).
Nasty: Not even giving new artists a chance. I'll listen to an average album from The National 10x's before I give someone new a shot.
Codebreaker:Ā not having an opportunity to karaoke badu's tyrone
JD: -Had the worst fever of my life during LCD and could only manage standing in the back shivering. -Forgetting to go see Dinner at Babyā€™s All Right. -Not enough time with Bjork, Miguel, and Blanck Mass.Ā 
Bronco:Ā Fucked up the family calendar maintenance and ended up not being able to see the Toadies and Local H. I was pissed at my wife, but it wasn't the end of the world. I haven't listened to either in forever, and the listen I gave to the Toadies latest offering didn't knock my socks off. It was really just for nostalgic purposes. Still it sucked to have to miss it despite my best efforts to bring it to her attention multiple times.
Detective Murtaugh of 2017:
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NACK:Ā I had two separate opportunities to see LCD, and just didn't feel like putting in the effort. Was going to put this as a regret, but I don't regret it.
Code:Ā i skipped 7 shows that i had tickets for and left 6 shows early. two shows i left early due to brightness of lights. Ā mmmmmnhh
JD: Couldnā€™t hear for 18 hours after No Age. Needed two Tylenol for the headache I gave myself duringĀ ā€œYouā€™ve Got Me Wondering Nowā€ at PQ Quartz.
BC:Ā Having no idea who either the SNL host or the musical guest was for three straight weeks. Ā Tiffany Haddish? Saoirse Ronan? SZA? Iā€™m too old for this shitā€¦
Nasty:Ā Carson, Maddie, Sam and I went to watch the IU game this weekend with one of Carson's co-workers (an IU grad) who is 23.... I got rolling on a rant about how important it is to enjoy your 20s because after the impending onslaught of weddings and babies life basically isn't any fun anymore. Suspect it was a little too impassioned by the end.
Bronco:Ā I was enrolled in a three month coding bootcamp to learn Web Development. Aside from the two older ladies (50+) and the weird Brazilian idiot (45+), I was the oldest person in the room by probably an average of 13 years. They are all for the most part life-pivoting in to the dev world and they all have all the time in the world to learn new shit, do whatever they want, whenever they want...goddamnit I miss that. So maybe this is my "too married and fathered for this shit" section of the exam.
C: Wifeā€™s Pregnancy
Laser: Every time I wake up with a fucking hangover and tell myself that Iā€™m not gonna drink like that again only to get back on the saddle the next available opportunity.
Resolution for 2017 Update:
BC:Ā Put a goddamn band together. How it went:Ā 
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C:Ā Check out some jazz/blues in Chicago. How it went: FAILED
Larson:Ā  Focus on the shit I really care about instead of trying to listen to everything posted on the threadā€¦Iā€™m just going to have to be honest with myself and realize I ainā€™t got time for all this media! How it went: Terrible; found myself listening to Timeless Pop Rock hits playlist more than anything else.
Chap:Ā Check out more of the recommendations on the TBH thread. Try to organize get-togethers around TWO shows. How it went:Ā Actually not bad. I had a few solid period during nap times when I didn't feel like working. I think I was able to listen to every album I wanted to at least once.
Code:Ā make concerted effort to listen to music that i liked in previous years in addition to music from the current year. How it went:Ā i nailed my resolution, as i devoted four full months to the grateful dead and it was the best musical trimester of the year for me. it was really interesting to watch all of the new music pile up and never once feeling compelled to listen to something else. god damn did the '77 version of the band have it all figured out. i could listen to any uptown mississippi halfstep toodeloo from that year at any time.
Bronco:Ā Learn the guitar. Iā€™ve been fooling around with Rocksmith (guitar hero with real guitar) and I want to push myself to execute the more complex chords, not just stick to the powerchord simple songs like Blitzkrieg Bop, and start learning how to build and execute a solo. I also want to distill my own whiskey, build a garden shed from scratch, and learn to code. How it went:Ā I haven't quite mastered the guitar, but I can play a few songs fairly well. I did not start working on my own whiskey or build a garden shed from scratch...yet. But I did learn to code. I am now at conversational levels of fluency with Javascript and at "donde es el bano" levels with Ruby and Python.
Nasty: See a show in NY with JD. How it went: Not great, Bob! I barely made it down the street to see Action Bronson with LaserĀ 
JD: Seeing more shows with you guys is an evergreen resolution. How it went: To quote BC,
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Resolution for 2018:
BC:Ā No more resolutions
C: Catch some jazz in Chicago
Laser: get my list in on time!
Chap: While I didn't have the occasion to catch shows this year, I anticipate doing so in '18 due to some changes afoot.
Codem:Ā make more playlists for my wife
Bronco:Ā Get in shape. I want to stick to a schedule of running all year round. I ran a 10K back in June, then needed to recover for a bit, been recovering ever since...Fat Dad needs to keep running all year round without excuse, especially given that we go skiing between Xmas and New Year's and I'm gonna be a floppy legged mess. During those runs, I'll try to listen to new material each time.
Bin:Ā I'm just going to keep saying "get to NY for a show with JD" until I make it happen.Ā 
JD: See you gents more often with or without a show attached.Ā 
Most Anticipated of 2018:
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JD: MBV, No Age, Panda Bear, something surprising
Code:Ā chromatics (i think it's really coming this year), mbv, no age, DOM, CCFX full album
Bronco:Ā Tool. Fourth year's the charm...fuck those guys. It better suck me off when it finally does come out. Also a new Sleep album and a new High on Fire album...still waitin' on those too.
BC:Ā Simple Minds, Vampire Weekend, Kanye
Nasty:Ā Kanye, ASAP Rocky, Rhye, Chromeo, Vampire Weekend
Chap: After a quick glance at the list... Vampire Weekend, Kanye, Chromatics
Larse: Honestly don't even know what is on the horizon, just hope I can listen to it with this net neutrality bullshit!
0 notes
fesahaawit Ā· 6 years
10 Questions to End the Year Intentionally
Good morning, friends! I read three posts this week that I want to share with you. The first was written by author Matt Haig back in 2015, but I only found it recently and it is still so timely. A note that it talks about depression and suicide, but thereā€™s one quote in particular that resonated with me: ā€œChristmas is one of those times when the idea of something doesnā€™t match the reality.ā€ It is absolutely worth reading all the way through to the end.
The second post is from my friend Bianca who wrote quite honestly about why itā€™s time we removed the pressure around Christmas. If youā€™re seeing a bit of a trend here, itā€™s true that Iā€™m still not in my usual Christmas spirit. I can echo what Bianca wrote: I love the lights! And the food! And I plan to take some days off! So I feel generally ok about the holiday season. It just doesnā€™t feel very ā€œspecial,ā€ and Iā€™m starting to realize that is also ok.
In an attempt to remove some of the pressure around it here on this blog, there is just one thing I want to say before I log off for a few days: thank you. Thank you for being so caring and supportive this yearā€”and not just to me but also to each other. Weā€™ve talked about some heavy stuff here this year, and I am so grateful that this space is one that continues to remain open and safe. Thank you for being part of it.
The last post I want to share was written by Daisy for No Sidebar. In it, she shared 10 questions we could answer to end the year intentionally. This isnā€™t about goal-setting or trying to come up with resolutions or anything else future-thinking. Itā€™s just a simple exercise that can help you reflect on the past year. For everything thatā€™s happened, that felt right for me, so I answered the questions and am sharing them here.
Iā€™m signing off for a week! In that time, I plan to complete a 1,000-piece puzzle, start and finish a new book, and spend two nights in a house on the ocean with some of my family. Thereā€™s no cell service and definitely no internet. If I could wish anything for you right now, it would be to unplug for a dayā€”and just be. xo
1. What makes this year unforgettable?
Admittedly, I feel like I am always going to remember 2017 as the year we lost the girls. But Iā€™m also going to remember it as the year I moved to Squamish and finally let myself settle in. Slowing down and letting myself really ā€œbeā€ somewhere came with its own challengesā€”namely that I could no longer manage my anxiety by hopping around from place-to-place, and instead had to make the decision to deal with it and do some therapy. But it also came with so many bonuses. On top of the beautiful landscapes, I found a community of creative, honest, and vulnerable women I feel so fortunate to now call my friends.
2. What did you enjoy doing this year?
Oddly, I really enjoyed not travelling much. It felt good to get to know my new home, create some routine and learn a few trails like the back of my hand. I also made time to read more books this year, which felt good too. :)
3. What/who is the one thing/person youā€™re grateful for?
A few people come to mind right away, but Iā€™m going to say that Iā€™m grateful I had the money and resources available to start therapy. For the first two months, I was going weekly which was costing $520-$650 monthly. That was obviously not a regular line item in my budget, and isnā€™t something I would currently be able to afford to do for an extended period of time. But having my emergency fund made me feel comfortable enough to make that decision back in April and I am so grateful for it. I never wouldā€™ve imagined that having savings wouldā€™ve been so important for my mental health, and there is no doubt that therapy has changed my life.
4. Whatā€™s your biggest win this year?
Aside from the personal growth, it would be remiss of me to not mention the fact that I wrote my first book this year! A real book! One that will be in stores in just a few weeks! (And that you still have three weeks to get the bonuses if you pre-order a copy!) There were so many lessons to take away from writing this book, but one of the most important was that it is possible to complete a big creative project. On the day I submitted the first (crappy) draft, I had this overwhelming sense of I CAN DO ANY CREATIVE PROJECT I WANT TO wash over me. I canā€™t imagine any writing project feeling bigger or being more all-consuming than a book. Now, Iā€™ve written one. So, I can do anything . . . right? ;)
5. What did you read/watch/listen to that made the most impact this year?
What an amazing question. Iā€™ll start by saying that, without question, my new favourite author is Matt Haig. The most meaningful book I read this year was Reasons to Stay Alive, which came recommended by many of you when I first shared how bad my anxiety had gotten. So thank YOU for telling me about that book, my friends. More recently, I got my hands on a copy of How to Stop Time, which doesnā€™t even come out in North America until February 6, 2018! It was one of the most enjoyable works of fiction Iā€™ve read in a long timeā€”and Benedict Cumberbatch is going to play the main character in the movie adaptation! How exciting for the author. :)
Aside from books, I have listened to every episode of a handful of podcasts: Hurry Slowly,Ā Secrets of Wealthy Women,Ā The Slow Home PodcastĀ (I did an interview with Brooke earlier this month that was so lovely!),Ā Super Soul ConversationsĀ and Terrible, Thanks for Asking. That last one cracked me wide open, but I needed it.
As far as what Iā€™ve watched thatā€™s had an impact . . . nothing comes to mind. I enjoyed a few shows: 13 Reasons Why, Atypical, The Crown and The Great British Bake Off. But I canā€™t say that anything had an impact. This is something Iā€™ve thought about a lot lately. Letā€™s talk about it in the new year. For now, books and podcasts win!
6. What did you worry about most and how did it turn out?
Honestly, I worried about how moving away from Victoria would affect the dogsā€”and two months later, we lost them both. So, I wish I could say that my worries werenā€™t warranted, and set an example for how/why itā€™s important to calm our anxious thoughts. But truthfully, March, April and May were really tough months for me.
7. What was your biggest regret and why?
I donā€™t regret moving, obviously, but I still feel guilty about leaving the girls. I know thatā€™s something I had no control over. Itā€™s just how I feel; like my leaving somehow prompted the beginning of the end for them. This is something Iā€™m obviously still working through (and might help you understand why Iā€™m still emotional about it).
8. Whatā€™s one thing that you changed about yourself?
One of the things that became apparent very early on in therapy was that I had zero boundaries in my life. I basically did anything and everything that would make other peopleā€™s lives easier, and put everyone elseā€™s needs ahead of my own. This was true in all of my relationships and it wasnā€™t healthy. In fact, it was one of the reasons my anxiety got so out of control. Thankfully, Iā€™ve been learning how to set healthier boundaries in all areas of my life. Itā€™s not always easy and I sometimes still let guilt takeover (this article on The Pool is another good read on that topic). But I have set some boundaries, and chosen to put myself first in some ways, and it does feel better.
9. What surprised you the most this year?
Most of this post has felt heavy, so Iā€™m going to share a few fun/random things!
I was surprised to find myself driving across the US, from Minneapolis to BC, for the second time in a year! (And I never thought I would drive through South Dakota again, let alone twice in one year!)
I was surprised to randomly meet up with Sarah and spend two days together in Idaho and Wyoming. Thatā€™s some travelling big magic, right there. :)
I was surprised to meet my two closest friends in Squamish on Instagramā€”and learn that one lives right behind me, and that I can see the otherā€™s house through the trees between our two homes!
I was really surprised to find Cheryl Strayed followed me on both Twitter and Instagram! I still donā€™t know how or why . . . but yea, consider me still surprised! (Letā€™s not jinx it.)
And I was happily surprised to find myself picking up and reading more fiction this year. It felt really good to fall in love with characters and get lost in a story.
10. If you could go back to last January 1, what suggestions would you give your past self?
If I had known what was going to happen in 2017, at the start of the year, I wouldnā€™t have believed itā€”and I wouldnā€™t have wanted to believe it. I donā€™t have a suggestion, per se, but more of a reminder:Ā You will never regret telling people/pets how you feel, showing them affection and making sure they feel your love. When they are gone, the only thing youā€™ll wish is that youā€™d had more time together. So I would say . . . donā€™t rush off. Spend your time with those who matter most. Because thereā€™s never enough of it.
Ā  10 Questions to End the Year Intentionally posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnwIdQ
0 notes
fesahaawit Ā· 6 years
10 Questions to End the Year Intentionally
Good morning, friends! I read three posts this week that I want to share with you. The first was written by author Matt Haig back in 2015, but I only found it recently and it is still so timely. A note that it talks about depression and suicide, but thereā€™s one quote in particular that resonated with me: ā€œChristmas is one of those times when the idea of something doesnā€™t match the reality.ā€ It is absolutely worth reading all the way through to the end.
The second post is from my friend Bianca who wrote quite honestly about why itā€™s time we removed the pressure around Christmas. If youā€™re seeing a bit of a trend here, itā€™s true that Iā€™m still not in my usual Christmas spirit. I can echo what Bianca wrote: I love the lights! And the food! And I plan to take some days off! So I feel generally ok about the holiday season. It just doesnā€™t feel very ā€œspecial,ā€ and Iā€™m starting to realize that is also ok.
In an attempt to remove some of the pressure around it here on this blog, there is just one thing I want to say before I log off for a few days: thank you. Thank you for being so caring and supportive this yearā€”and not just to me but also to each other. Weā€™ve talked about some heavy stuff here this year, and I am so grateful that this space is one that continues to remain open and safe. Thank you for being part of it.
The last post I want to share was written by Daisy for No Sidebar. In it, she shared 10 questions we could answer to end the year intentionally. This isnā€™t about goal-setting or trying to come up with resolutions or anything else future-thinking. Itā€™s just a simple exercise that can help you reflect on the past year. For everything thatā€™s happened, that felt right for me, so I answered the questions and am sharing them here.
Iā€™m signing off for a week! In that time, I plan to complete a 1,000-piece puzzle, start and finish a new book, and spend two nights in a house on the ocean with some of my family. Thereā€™s no cell service and definitely no internet. If I could wish anything for you right now, it would be to unplug for a dayā€”and just be. xo
1. What makes this year unforgettable?
Admittedly, I feel like I am always going to remember 2017 as the year we lost the girls. But Iā€™m also going to remember it as the year I moved to Squamish and finally let myself settle in. Slowing down and letting myself really ā€œbeā€ somewhere came with its own challengesā€”namely that I could no longer manage my anxiety by hopping around from place-to-place, and instead had to make the decision to deal with it and do some therapy. But it also came with so many bonuses. On top of the beautiful landscapes, I found a community of creative, honest, and vulnerable women I feel so fortunate to now call my friends.
2. What did you enjoy doing this year?
Oddly, I really enjoyed not travelling much. It felt good to get to know my new home, create some routine and learn a few trails like the back of my hand. I also made time to read more books this year, which felt good too. :)
3. What/who is the one thing/person youā€™re grateful for?
A few people come to mind right away, but Iā€™m going to say that Iā€™m grateful I had the money and resources available to start therapy. For the first two months, I was going weekly which was costing $520-$650 monthly. That was obviously not a regular line item in my budget, and isnā€™t something I would currently be able to afford to do for an extended period of time. But having my emergency fund made me feel comfortable enough to make that decision back in April and I am so grateful for it. I never wouldā€™ve imagined that having savings wouldā€™ve been so important for my mental health, and there is no doubt that therapy has changed my life.
4. Whatā€™s your biggest win this year?
Aside from the personal growth, it would be remiss of me to not mention the fact that I wrote my first book this year! A real book! One that will be in stores in just a few weeks! (And that you still have three weeks to get the bonuses if you pre-order a copy!) There were so many lessons to take away from writing this book, but one of the most important was that it is possible to complete a big creative project. On the day I submitted the first (crappy) draft, I had this overwhelming sense of I CAN DO ANY CREATIVE PROJECT I WANT TO wash over me. I canā€™t imagine any writing project feeling bigger or being more all-consuming than a book. Now, Iā€™ve written one. So, I can do anything . . . right? ;)
5. What did you read/watch/listen to that made the most impact this year?
What an amazing question. Iā€™ll start by saying that, without question, my new favourite author is Matt Haig. The most meaningful book I read this year was Reasons to Stay Alive, which came recommended by many of you when I first shared how bad my anxiety had gotten. So thank YOU for telling me about that book, my friends. More recently, I got my hands on a copy of How to Stop Time, which doesnā€™t even come out in North America until February 6, 2018! It was one of the most enjoyable works of fiction Iā€™ve read in a long timeā€”and Benedict Cumberbatch is going to play the main character in the movie adaptation! How exciting for the author. :)
Aside from books, I have listened to every episode of a handful of podcasts: Hurry Slowly,Ā Secrets of Wealthy Women,Ā The Slow Home PodcastĀ (I did an interview with Brooke earlier this month that was so lovely!),Ā Super Soul ConversationsĀ and Terrible, Thanks for Asking. That last one cracked me wide open, but I needed it.
As far as what Iā€™ve watched thatā€™s had an impact . . . nothing comes to mind. I enjoyed a few shows: 13 Reasons Why, Atypical, The Crown and The Great British Bake Off. But I canā€™t say that anything had an impact. This is something Iā€™ve thought about a lot lately. Letā€™s talk about it in the new year. For now, books and podcasts win!
6. What did you worry about most and how did it turn out?
Honestly, I worried about how moving away from Victoria would affect the dogsā€”and two months later, we lost them both. So, I wish I could say that my worries werenā€™t warranted, and set an example for how/why itā€™s important to calm our anxious thoughts. But truthfully, March, April and May were really tough months for me.
7. What was your biggest regret and why?
I donā€™t regret moving, obviously, but I still feel guilty about leaving the girls. I know thatā€™s something I had no control over. Itā€™s just how I feel; like my leaving somehow prompted the beginning of the end for them. This is something Iā€™m obviously still working through (and might help you understand why Iā€™m still emotional about it).
8. Whatā€™s one thing that you changed about yourself?
One of the things that became apparent very early on in therapy was that I had zero boundaries in my life. I basically did anything and everything that would make other peopleā€™s lives easier, and put everyone elseā€™s needs ahead of my own. This was true in all of my relationships and it wasnā€™t healthy. In fact, it was one of the reasons my anxiety got so out of control. Thankfully, Iā€™ve been learning how to set healthier boundaries in all areas of my life. Itā€™s not always easy and I sometimes still let guilt takeover (this article on The Pool is another good read on that topic). But I have set some boundaries, and chosen to put myself first in some ways, and it does feel better.
9. What surprised you the most this year?
Most of this post has felt heavy, so Iā€™m going to share a few fun/random things!
I was surprised to find myself driving across the US, from Minneapolis to BC, for the second time in a year! (And I never thought I would drive through South Dakota again, let alone twice in one year!)
I was surprised to randomly meet up with Sarah and spend two days together in Idaho and Wyoming. Thatā€™s some travelling big magic, right there. :)
I was surprised to meet my two closest friends in Squamish on Instagramā€”and learn that one lives right behind me, and that I can see the otherā€™s house through the trees between our two homes!
I was really surprised to find Cheryl Strayed followed me on both Twitter and Instagram! I still donā€™t know how or why . . . but yea, consider me still surprised! (Letā€™s not jinx it.)
And I was happily surprised to find myself picking up and reading more fiction this year. It felt really good to fall in love with characters and get lost in a story.
10. If you could go back to last January 1, what suggestions would you give your past self?
If I had known what was going to happen in 2017, at the start of the year, I wouldnā€™t have believed itā€”and I wouldnā€™t have wanted to believe it. I donā€™t have a suggestion, per se, but more of a reminder:Ā You will never regret telling people/pets how you feel, showing them affection and making sure they feel your love. When they are gone, the only thing youā€™ll wish is that youā€™d had more time together. So I would say . . . donā€™t rush off. Spend your time with those who matter most. Because thereā€™s never enough of it.
Ā  10 Questions to End the Year Intentionally posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnwIdQ
0 notes
fesahaawit Ā· 6 years
10 Questions to End the Year Intentionally
Good morning, friends! I read three posts this week that I want to share with you. The first was written by author Matt Haig back in 2015, but I only found it recently and it is still so timely. A note that it talks about depression and suicide, but thereā€™s one quote in particular that resonated with me: ā€œChristmas is one of those times when the idea of something doesnā€™t match the reality.ā€ It is absolutely worth reading all the way through to the end.
The second post is from my friend Bianca who wrote quite honestly about why itā€™s time we removed the pressure around Christmas. If youā€™re seeing a bit of a trend here, itā€™s true that Iā€™m still not in my usual Christmas spirit. I can echo what Bianca wrote: I love the lights! And the food! And I plan to take some days off! So I feel generally ok about the holiday season. It just doesnā€™t feel very ā€œspecial,ā€ and Iā€™m starting to realize that is also ok.
In an attempt to remove some of the pressure around it here on this blog, there is just one thing I want to say before I log off for a few days: thank you. Thank you for being so caring and supportive this yearā€”and not just to me but also to each other. Weā€™ve talked about some heavy stuff here this year, and I am so grateful that this space is one that continues to remain open and safe. Thank you for being part of it.
The last post I want to share was written by Daisy for No Sidebar. In it, she shared 10 questions we could answer to end the year intentionally. This isnā€™t about goal-setting or trying to come up with resolutions or anything else future-thinking. Itā€™s just a simple exercise that can help you reflect on the past year. For everything thatā€™s happened, that felt right for me, so I answered the questions and am sharing them here.
Iā€™m signing off for a week! In that time, I plan to complete a 1,000-piece puzzle, start and finish a new book, and spend two nights in a house on the ocean with some of my family. Thereā€™s no cell service and definitely no internet. If I could wish anything for you right now, it would be to unplug for a dayā€”and just be. xo
1. What makes this year unforgettable?
Admittedly, I feel like I am always going to remember 2017 as the year we lost the girls. But Iā€™m also going to remember it as the year I moved to Squamish and finally let myself settle in. Slowing down and letting myself really ā€œbeā€ somewhere came with its own challengesā€”namely that I could no longer manage my anxiety by hopping around from place-to-place, and instead had to make the decision to deal with it and do some therapy. But it also came with so many bonuses. On top of the beautiful landscapes, I found a community of creative, honest, and vulnerable women I feel so fortunate to now call my friends.
2. What did you enjoy doing this year?
Oddly, I really enjoyed not travelling much. It felt good to get to know my new home, create some routine and learn a few trails like the back of my hand. I also made time to read more books this year, which felt good too. :)
3. What/who is the one thing/person youā€™re grateful for?
A few people come to mind right away, but Iā€™m going to say that Iā€™m grateful I had the money and resources available to start therapy. For the first two months, I was going weekly which was costing $520-$650 monthly. That was obviously not a regular line item in my budget, and isnā€™t something I would currently be able to afford to do for an extended period of time. But having my emergency fund made me feel comfortable enough to make that decision back in April and I am so grateful for it. I never wouldā€™ve imagined that having savings wouldā€™ve been so important for my mental health, and there is no doubt that therapy has changed my life.
4. Whatā€™s your biggest win this year?
Aside from the personal growth, it would be remiss of me to not mention the fact that I wrote my first book this year! A real book! One that will be in stores in just a few weeks! (And that you still have three weeks to get the bonuses if you pre-order a copy!) There were so many lessons to take away from writing this book, but one of the most important was that it is possible to complete a big creative project. On the day I submitted the first (crappy) draft, I had this overwhelming sense of I CAN DO ANY CREATIVE PROJECT I WANT TO wash over me. I canā€™t imagine any writing project feeling bigger or being more all-consuming than a book. Now, Iā€™ve written one. So, I can do anything . . . right? ;)
5. What did you read/watch/listen to that made the most impact this year?
What an amazing question. Iā€™ll start by saying that, without question, my new favourite author is Matt Haig. The most meaningful book I read this year was Reasons to Stay Alive, which came recommended by many of you when I first shared how bad my anxiety had gotten. So thank YOU for telling me about that book, my friends. More recently, I got my hands on a copy of How to Stop Time, which doesnā€™t even come out in North America until February 6, 2018! It was one of the most enjoyable works of fiction Iā€™ve read in a long timeā€”and Benedict Cumberbatch is going to play the main character in the movie adaptation! How exciting for the author. :)
Aside from books, I have listened to every episode of a handful of podcasts: Hurry Slowly,Ā Secrets of Wealthy Women,Ā The Slow Home PodcastĀ (I did an interview with Brooke earlier this month that was so lovely!),Ā Super Soul ConversationsĀ and Terrible, Thanks for Asking. That last one cracked me wide open, but I needed it.
As far as what Iā€™ve watched thatā€™s had an impact . . . nothing comes to mind. I enjoyed a few shows: 13 Reasons Why, Atypical, The Crown and The Great British Bake Off. But I canā€™t say that anything had an impact. This is something Iā€™ve thought about a lot lately. Letā€™s talk about it in the new year. For now, books and podcasts win!
6. What did you worry about most and how did it turn out?
Honestly, I worried about how moving away from Victoria would affect the dogsā€”and two months later, we lost them both. So, I wish I could say that my worries werenā€™t warranted, and set an example for how/why itā€™s important to calm our anxious thoughts. But truthfully, March, April and May were really tough months for me.
7. What was your biggest regret and why?
I donā€™t regret moving, obviously, but I still feel guilty about leaving the girls. I know thatā€™s something I had no control over. Itā€™s just how I feel; like my leaving somehow prompted the beginning of the end for them. This is something Iā€™m obviously still working through (and might help you understand why Iā€™m still emotional about it).
8. Whatā€™s one thing that you changed about yourself?
One of the things that became apparent very early on in therapy was that I had zero boundaries in my life. I basically did anything and everything that would make other peopleā€™s lives easier, and put everyone elseā€™s needs ahead of my own. This was true in all of my relationships and it wasnā€™t healthy. In fact, it was one of the reasons my anxiety got so out of control. Thankfully, Iā€™ve been learning how to set healthier boundaries in all areas of my life. Itā€™s not always easy and I sometimes still let guilt takeover (this article on The Pool is another good read on that topic). But I have set some boundaries, and chosen to put myself first in some ways, and it does feel better.
9. What surprised you the most this year?
Most of this post has felt heavy, so Iā€™m going to share a few fun/random things!
I was surprised to find myself driving across the US, from Minneapolis to BC, for the second time in a year! (And I never thought I would drive through South Dakota again, let alone twice in one year!)
I was surprised to randomly meet up with Sarah and spend two days together in Idaho and Wyoming. Thatā€™s some travelling big magic, right there. :)
I was surprised to meet my two closest friends in Squamish on Instagramā€”and learn that one lives right behind me, and that I can see the otherā€™s house through the trees between our two homes!
I was really surprised to find Cheryl Strayed followed me on both Twitter and Instagram! I still donā€™t know how or why . . . but yea, consider me still surprised! (Letā€™s not jinx it.)
And I was happily surprised to find myself picking up and reading more fiction this year. It felt really good to fall in love with characters and get lost in a story.
10. If you could go back to last January 1, what suggestions would you give your past self?
If I had known what was going to happen in 2017, at the start of the year, I wouldnā€™t have believed itā€”and I wouldnā€™t have wanted to believe it. I donā€™t have a suggestion, per se, but more of a reminder:Ā You will never regret telling people/pets how you feel, showing them affection and making sure they feel your love. When they are gone, the only thing youā€™ll wish is that youā€™d had more time together. So I would say . . . donā€™t rush off. Spend your time with those who matter most. Because thereā€™s never enough of it.
Ā  10 Questions to End the Year Intentionally posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnwIdQ
0 notes
fesahaawit Ā· 6 years
10 Questions to End the Year Intentionally
Good morning, friends! I read three posts this week that I want to share with you. The first was written by author Matt Haig back in 2015, but I only found it recently and it is still so timely. A note that it talks about depression and suicide, but thereā€™s one quote in particular that resonated with me: ā€œChristmas is one of those times when the idea of something doesnā€™t match the reality.ā€ It is absolutely worth reading all the way through to the end.
The second post is from my friend Bianca who wrote quite honestly about why itā€™s time we removed the pressure around Christmas. If youā€™re seeing a bit of a trend here, itā€™s true that Iā€™m still not in my usual Christmas spirit. I can echo what Bianca wrote: I love the lights! And the food! And I plan to take some days off! So I feel generally ok about the holiday season. It just doesnā€™t feel very ā€œspecial,ā€ and Iā€™m starting to realize that is also ok.
In an attempt to remove some of the pressure around it here on this blog, there is just one thing I want to say before I log off for a few days: thank you. Thank you for being so caring and supportive this yearā€”and not just to me but also to each other. Weā€™ve talked about some heavy stuff here this year, and I am so grateful that this space is one that continues to remain open and safe. Thank you for being part of it.
The last post I want to share was written by Daisy for No Sidebar. In it, she shared 10 questions we could answer to end the year intentionally. This isnā€™t about goal-setting or trying to come up with resolutions or anything else future-thinking. Itā€™s just a simple exercise that can help you reflect on the past year. For everything thatā€™s happened, that felt right for me, so I answered the questions and am sharing them here.
Iā€™m signing off for a week! In that time, I plan to complete a 1,000-piece puzzle, start and finish a new book, and spend two nights in a house on the ocean with some of my family. Thereā€™s no cell service and definitely no internet. If I could wish anything for you right now, it would be to unplug for a dayā€”and just be. xo
1. What makes this year unforgettable?
Admittedly, I feel like I am always going to remember 2017 as the year we lost the girls. But Iā€™m also going to remember it as the year I moved to Squamish and finally let myself settle in. Slowing down and letting myself really ā€œbeā€ somewhere came with its own challengesā€”namely that I could no longer manage my anxiety by hopping around from place-to-place, and instead had to make the decision to deal with it and do some therapy. But it also came with so many bonuses. On top of the beautiful landscapes, I found a community of creative, honest, and vulnerable women I feel so fortunate to now call my friends.
2. What did you enjoy doing this year?
Oddly, I really enjoyed not travelling much. It felt good to get to know my new home, create some routine and learn a few trails like the back of my hand. I also made time to read more books this year, which felt good too. :)
3. What/who is the one thing/person youā€™re grateful for?
A few people come to mind right away, but Iā€™m going to say that Iā€™m grateful I had the money and resources available to start therapy. For the first two months, I was going weekly which was costing $520-$650 monthly. That was obviously not a regular line item in my budget, and isnā€™t something I would currently be able to afford to do for an extended period of time. But having my emergency fund made me feel comfortable enough to make that decision back in April and I am so grateful for it. I never wouldā€™ve imagined that having savings wouldā€™ve been so important for my mental health, and there is no doubt that therapy has changed my life.
4. Whatā€™s your biggest win this year?
Aside from the personal growth, it would be remiss of me to not mention the fact that I wrote my first book this year! A real book! One that will be in stores in just a few weeks! (And that you still have three weeks to get the bonuses if you pre-order a copy!) There were so many lessons to take away from writing this book, but one of the most important was that it is possible to complete a big creative project. On the day I submitted the first (crappy) draft, I had this overwhelming sense of I CAN DO ANY CREATIVE PROJECT I WANT TO wash over me. I canā€™t imagine any writing project feeling bigger or being more all-consuming than a book. Now, Iā€™ve written one. So, I can do anything . . . right? ;)
5. What did you read/watch/listen to that made the most impact this year?
What an amazing question. Iā€™ll start by saying that, without question, my new favourite author is Matt Haig. The most meaningful book I read this year was Reasons to Stay Alive, which came recommended by many of you when I first shared how bad my anxiety had gotten. So thank YOU for telling me about that book, my friends. More recently, I got my hands on a copy of How to Stop Time, which doesnā€™t even come out in North America until February 6, 2018! It was one of the most enjoyable works of fiction Iā€™ve read in a long timeā€”and Benedict Cumberbatch is going to play the main character in the movie adaptation! How exciting for the author. :)
Aside from books, I have listened to every episode of a handful of podcasts: Hurry Slowly,Ā Secrets of Wealthy Women,Ā The Slow Home PodcastĀ (I did an interview with Brooke earlier this month that was so lovely!),Ā Super Soul ConversationsĀ and Terrible, Thanks for Asking. That last one cracked me wide open, but I needed it.
As far as what Iā€™ve watched thatā€™s had an impact . . . nothing comes to mind. I enjoyed a few shows: 13 Reasons Why, Atypical, The Crown and The Great British Bake Off. But I canā€™t say that anything had an impact. This is something Iā€™ve thought about a lot lately. Letā€™s talk about it in the new year. For now, books and podcasts win!
6. What did you worry about most and how did it turn out?
Honestly, I worried about how moving away from Victoria would affect the dogsā€”and two months later, we lost them both. So, I wish I could say that my worries werenā€™t warranted, and set an example for how/why itā€™s important to calm our anxious thoughts. But truthfully, March, April and May were really tough months for me.
7. What was your biggest regret and why?
I donā€™t regret moving, obviously, but I still feel guilty about leaving the girls. I know thatā€™s something I had no control over. Itā€™s just how I feel; like my leaving somehow prompted the beginning of the end for them. This is something Iā€™m obviously still working through (and might help you understand why Iā€™m still emotional about it).
8. Whatā€™s one thing that you changed about yourself?
One of the things that became apparent very early on in therapy was that I had zero boundaries in my life. I basically did anything and everything that would make other peopleā€™s lives easier, and put everyone elseā€™s needs ahead of my own. This was true in all of my relationships and it wasnā€™t healthy. In fact, it was one of the reasons my anxiety got so out of control. Thankfully, Iā€™ve been learning how to set healthier boundaries in all areas of my life. Itā€™s not always easy and I sometimes still let guilt takeover (this article on The Pool is another good read on that topic). But I have set some boundaries, and chosen to put myself first in some ways, and it does feel better.
9. What surprised you the most this year?
Most of this post has felt heavy, so Iā€™m going to share a few fun/random things!
I was surprised to find myself driving across the US, from Minneapolis to BC, for the second time in a year! (And I never thought I would drive through South Dakota again, let alone twice in one year!)
I was surprised to randomly meet up with Sarah and spend two days together in Idaho and Wyoming. Thatā€™s some travelling big magic, right there. :)
I was surprised to meet my two closest friends in Squamish on Instagramā€”and learn that one lives right behind me, and that I can see the otherā€™s house through the trees between our two homes!
I was really surprised to find Cheryl Strayed followed me on both Twitter and Instagram! I still donā€™t know how or why . . . but yea, consider me still surprised! (Letā€™s not jinx it.)
And I was happily surprised to find myself picking up and reading more fiction this year. It felt really good to fall in love with characters and get lost in a story.
10. If you could go back to last January 1, what suggestions would you give your past self?
If I had known what was going to happen in 2017, at the start of the year, I wouldnā€™t have believed itā€”and I wouldnā€™t have wanted to believe it. I donā€™t have a suggestion, per se, but more of a reminder:Ā You will never regret telling people/pets how you feel, showing them affection and making sure they feel your love. When they are gone, the only thing youā€™ll wish is that youā€™d had more time together. So I would say . . . donā€™t rush off. Spend your time with those who matter most. Because thereā€™s never enough of it.
Ā  10 Questions to End the Year Intentionally posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnwIdQ
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fesahaawit Ā· 6 years
10 Questions to End the Year Intentionally
Good morning, friends! I read three posts this week that I want to share with you. The first was written by author Matt Haig back in 2015, but I only found it recently and it is still so timely. A note that it talks about depression and suicide, but thereā€™s one quote in particular that resonated with me: ā€œChristmas is one of those times when the idea of something doesnā€™t match the reality.ā€ It is absolutely worth reading all the way through to the end.
The second post is from my friend Bianca who wrote quite honestly about why itā€™s time we removed the pressure around Christmas. If youā€™re seeing a bit of a trend here, itā€™s true that Iā€™m still not in my usual Christmas spirit. I can echo what Bianca wrote: I love the lights! And the food! And I plan to take some days off! So I feel generally ok about the holiday season. It just doesnā€™t feel very ā€œspecial,ā€ and Iā€™m starting to realize that is also ok.
In an attempt to remove some of the pressure around it here on this blog, there is just one thing I want to say before I log off for a few days: thank you. Thank you for being so caring and supportive this yearā€”and not just to me but also to each other. Weā€™ve talked about some heavy stuff here this year, and I am so grateful that this space is one that continues to remain open and safe. Thank you for being part of it.
The last post I want to share was written by Daisy for No Sidebar. In it, she shared 10 questions we could answer to end the year intentionally. This isnā€™t about goal-setting or trying to come up with resolutions or anything else future-thinking. Itā€™s just a simple exercise that can help you reflect on the past year. For everything thatā€™s happened, that felt right for me, so I answered the questions and am sharing them here.
Iā€™m signing off for a week! In that time, I plan to complete a 1,000-piece puzzle, start and finish a new book, and spend two nights in a house on the ocean with some of my family. Thereā€™s no cell service and definitely no internet. If I could wish anything for you right now, it would be to unplug for a dayā€”and just be. xo
1. What makes this year unforgettable?
Admittedly, I feel like I am always going to remember 2017 as the year we lost the girls. But Iā€™m also going to remember it as the year I moved to Squamish and finally let myself settle in. Slowing down and letting myself really ā€œbeā€ somewhere came with its own challengesā€”namely that I could no longer manage my anxiety by hopping around from place-to-place, and instead had to make the decision to deal with it and do some therapy. But it also came with so many bonuses. On top of the beautiful landscapes, I found a community of creative, honest, and vulnerable women I feel so fortunate to now call my friends.
2. What did you enjoy doing this year?
Oddly, I really enjoyed not travelling much. It felt good to get to know my new home, create some routine and learn a few trails like the back of my hand. I also made time to read more books this year, which felt good too. :)
3. What/who is the one thing/person youā€™re grateful for?
A few people come to mind right away, but Iā€™m going to say that Iā€™m grateful I had the money and resources available to start therapy. For the first two months, I was going weekly which was costing $520-$650 monthly. That was obviously not a regular line item in my budget, and isnā€™t something I would currently be able to afford to do for an extended period of time. But having my emergency fund made me feel comfortable enough to make that decision back in April and I am so grateful for it. I never wouldā€™ve imagined that having savings wouldā€™ve been so important for my mental health, and there is no doubt that therapy has changed my life.
4. Whatā€™s your biggest win this year?
Aside from the personal growth, it would be remiss of me to not mention the fact that I wrote my first book this year! A real book! One that will be in stores in just a few weeks! (And that you still have three weeks to get the bonuses if you pre-order a copy!) There were so many lessons to take away from writing this book, but one of the most important was that it is possible to complete a big creative project. On the day I submitted the first (crappy) draft, I had this overwhelming sense of I CAN DO ANY CREATIVE PROJECT I WANT TO wash over me. I canā€™t imagine any writing project feeling bigger or being more all-consuming than a book. Now, Iā€™ve written one. So, I can do anything . . . right? ;)
5. What did you read/watch/listen to that made the most impact this year?
What an amazing question. Iā€™ll start by saying that, without question, my new favourite author is Matt Haig. The most meaningful book I read this year was Reasons to Stay Alive, which came recommended by many of you when I first shared how bad my anxiety had gotten. So thank YOU for telling me about that book, my friends. More recently, I got my hands on a copy of How to Stop Time, which doesnā€™t even come out in North America until February 6, 2018! It was one of the most enjoyable works of fiction Iā€™ve read in a long timeā€”and Benedict Cumberbatch is going to play the main character in the movie adaptation! How exciting for the author. :)
Aside from books, I have listened to every episode of a handful of podcasts: Hurry Slowly,Ā Secrets of Wealthy Women,Ā The Slow Home PodcastĀ (I did an interview with Brooke earlier this month that was so lovely!),Ā Super Soul ConversationsĀ and Terrible, Thanks for Asking. That last one cracked me wide open, but I needed it.
As far as what Iā€™ve watched thatā€™s had an impact . . . nothing comes to mind. I enjoyed a few shows: 13 Reasons Why, Atypical, The Crown and The Great British Bake Off. But I canā€™t say that anything had an impact. This is something Iā€™ve thought about a lot lately. Letā€™s talk about it in the new year. For now, books and podcasts win!
6. What did you worry about most and how did it turn out?
Honestly, I worried about how moving away from Victoria would affect the dogsā€”and two months later, we lost them both. So, I wish I could say that my worries werenā€™t warranted, and set an example for how/why itā€™s important to calm our anxious thoughts. But truthfully, March, April and May were really tough months for me.
7. What was your biggest regret and why?
I donā€™t regret moving, obviously, but I still feel guilty about leaving the girls. I know thatā€™s something I had no control over. Itā€™s just how I feel; like my leaving somehow prompted the beginning of the end for them. This is something Iā€™m obviously still working through (and might help you understand why Iā€™m still emotional about it).
8. Whatā€™s one thing that you changed about yourself?
One of the things that became apparent very early on in therapy was that I had zero boundaries in my life. I basically did anything and everything that would make other peopleā€™s lives easier, and put everyone elseā€™s needs ahead of my own. This was true in all of my relationships and it wasnā€™t healthy. In fact, it was one of the reasons my anxiety got so out of control. Thankfully, Iā€™ve been learning how to set healthier boundaries in all areas of my life. Itā€™s not always easy and I sometimes still let guilt takeover (this article on The Pool is another good read on that topic). But I have set some boundaries, and chosen to put myself first in some ways, and it does feel better.
9. What surprised you the most this year?
Most of this post has felt heavy, so Iā€™m going to share a few fun/random things!
I was surprised to find myself driving across the US, from Minneapolis to BC, for the second time in a year! (And I never thought I would drive through South Dakota again, let alone twice in one year!)
I was surprised to randomly meet up with Sarah and spend two days together in Idaho. Thatā€™s some travelling big magic, right there. :)
I was surprised to meet my two closest friends in Squamish on Instagramā€”and learn that one lives right behind me, and that I can see the otherā€™s house through the trees between our two homes!
I was really surprised to find Cheryl Strayed followed me on both Twitter and Instagram! I still donā€™t know how or why . . . but yea, consider me still surprised! (Letā€™s not jinx it.)
And I was happily surprised to find myself picking up and reading more fiction this year. It felt really good to fall in love with characters and get lost in a story.
10. If you could go back to last January 1, what suggestions would you give your past self?
If I had known what was going to happen in 2017, at the start of the year, I wouldnā€™t have believed itā€”and I wouldnā€™t have wanted to believe it. I donā€™t have a suggestion, per se, but more of a reminder:Ā You will never regret telling people/pets how you feel, showing them affection and making sure they feel your love. When they are gone, the only thing youā€™ll wish is that youā€™d had more time together. So I would say . . . donā€™t rush off. Spend your time with those who matter most. Because thereā€™s never enough of it.
Ā  10 Questions to End the Year Intentionally posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnwIdQ
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