#taken from sabaton history 14
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A List of Things the Scoundrels Are No Longer Allowed to Do
So, I have recently read “A List of Things Skippy Isn’t Allowed to Do in the Army” and “A List of Things Dr. Bright isn’t allowed to do at the SCP Foundation”, and I decided to do a version of my own.  Some of these are taken from these other two lists.  If anyone who reads this you has any ideas for the list, feel free to add them.  
The group known as the Magnificent Scoundrels has gotten a bit out of hand.  This list was compiled by Admiral Hackett of the Systems Alliance, Admiral Kelly of the GA, Fleet Admiral Hood of the UNSC, Inquisitor Vail of the Holy Inquisition, Commander Briggs of the Frontier Militia, Princess Leia of the New Republic, and Director Fury of SHIELD in order to curb the Scoundrels’ more dangerous or inappropriate behaviors.  These rules apply to all Scoundrels and their teams/crews.  
1.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to call SPARTAN super soldiers “big boys”.
2.  The Better Business Bureau is not the correct agency for handling people who smuggle Sith holocrons.
3.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to say the phrase “I am in need of a new host body” within earshot of Imperial Inquisitors.
4.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to bargain personnel for their “souls”.  Even if they say they can get you a good deal.
5.  Government equipment is not to be used to bootleg pornography.  
6.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to cite Kevin McCallister from Home Alone as a credible source for anti-personnel tactics in official documents.
7.  The rumor that Adam Vir wears heelies while in official dress uniform is a blatant lie.
8.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to send spam emails to Ceberus.  Even if it is funny.
9.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to apply mind control devices to major political figures.
10.  Thomas Drake is no longer allowed to use time travel devices.  Especially if his reasoning is to “screw with those history nerds.”
11.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to use telepaths to alter or affect the outcomes of reality based television shows.
12.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to trade government property for liquor.
13.  “I was bored” is not a valid excuse.
14.  The Scoundrels are not allowed to begin a crusade without the written permission of the Imperial Inquisition.
15. Thanos is not to be referred to as “Biggy T”.
16.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to use fan conventions as recruitment drives.
17.  Any proposal which includes the phrase “metric fuck load” is to be denied.
18.  The video game Doom is not a credible source.
19.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to allow Starfleet red shirts to be possessed by daemons or ancient Sith Lords.
20.  When researching time travel, please refer to the work of the IMC’s ARES Division or the Starfleet, not Doctor Who, Back to the Future, or Call of Duty Zombies.
21.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to to accept or use any of the following as currency:
           Your soul
           Anyone else’s soul
           Firstborn children
           Eldritch Artifacts
22.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to join any communist party for any reason.  (Note from Thomas Drake- Hell yeah.  Those guys suck.)
23.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to join any fascist party for any reason. (Note from Thomas Drake- Hell yeah.  Those guys suck too.)
24.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to join the Imperial Cult, unless they are an already practicing member.  (Note from Thomas Drake- LONG LIVE OUR GLORIOUS LEADER THE GOD-EMPEROR OF MAN AND IF YOU ARE AN INQUISITOR PLEASE NOTE I HAVE NEVER SAID ANYTHING BAD ABOUT THE EMPEROR EVER.)
25.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to taunt the Asari about how bad they are at fighting wars.
26.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to chew gum during staff meetings, unless they brought enough for everybody.
27.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to chew gum during staff meetings, even if they did bring enough for everyone.
28.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to use Volus’s as bowling pins or bowling balls.
29.  While we do not have jurisdiction over him and thus cannot prevent their sale, none of the other Scoundrels are to purchase or proquire experimental drugs from Thomas Drake.  
30.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to imply that their superior officers served in World War II.  They aren’t that old.
31.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to use military vehicles to “squish” things.
32.  Surprisingly enough, or, perhaps not, considering what’s on there, downloading the entirety of 4chan into a Geth Colossus did, in fact, shut it down.  
33.  Loudspeaker systems are not to be used to broadcast the soundtracks of porno movies.
34.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to drink copious amounts of food coloring before urine tests.
35.  When operating military vehicles, the Scoundrels are no longer allowed to attempt “something I saw in a cartoon”.
36.  Do not dare SERE graduates to eat bugs.  They will always do it.
37.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to make s’mores while on guard duty.
38.  The Illuminati are not a part of the chain of command.
39.  Pants are not optional parts of a dress uniform.
40.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to trade military equipment for “magic beans”.  (Note from Peter Quill- They were pretty cool though.)
41.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to call medics “Dr. Feelgood” unless Feelgood is the medic’s actual last name.
42.  The God-Emperor of Mankind is not to be referred to as “Big Daddy E” or “The Lord of Bling”.
43.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to take the batteries from other peoples alarm clocks.
44.  Unless you are a certified Titan Pilot, you are not allowed to pilot a Titan.
45.  Camouflage body paint is not a uniform.
46.  “Challenge accepted” is not a valid excuse for anything.
47.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to claim that they are reincarnations of famous historical figures without proof.
48.  Thomas Drake is a human mercenary.  He does not possess any of the following:
          Laser eyes
          Laser nostrils
          Laser [CENSORED]
          An adamantium skeleton
          A map leading to “all of the Nazi gold”
          The Kronorium
          The Necronomicon
          The Book of Magnus
          “The touch”
          “The power”
          “The secret”
          “The 6th sense”
          The ability to distinguish between butter and I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter!
49.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to start theological debates between members of the Imperial Cult and the Covenant.
50.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to mock Stormtroopers of the Galactic Empire over how bad their aim is.  Even if their aim is bad.
51.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to hold “Jamaican vacation giveaways”. 
52.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to sell counterfeit Infinity Stones.
53.  Pictures of other Scoundrels in compromising positions are not to be put on the internet.  Or the extra- or holo- net.
54.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to “water” Vrul.  While they do get their energy from photosynthesis, they are not plants.
55.  The Scoundrels are not “the final bosses” of anything.
56.  The Scoundrels must try not to antagonize SPECTREs, Inquisitors, or ODSTs.
57.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to purchase anyone’s soul on government time.
58.  There are no evil clowns living under your bed.
59.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to form press gangs.
60.  The Scoundrels are not the kings or queens of cheese.
61.  If the thought of something makes you giggle for more than 15 seconds, you are to assume you aren’t allowed to do it.
62.  Crucifixes do not ward off superior officers, and you should not test that.  
63.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to mount bayonets on heavy machine guns.
64.  Try and keep all mockery of the press at an appropriate minimum.  
65.  You cannot imply your CO is possessed by anything.
66.  You cannot trade your CO to the Covenant.
67.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to use government resources to waterproof dirty magazines.
68.  Radioactive material should not be stored in the barracks.
69.  Two drink limit does not mean first and last.
70.  “I was drunk” is not a valid or appropriate excuse.
71.  Mandalorian armor is not part of any of our governments’ full dress uniforms.
72.  You should not yell “Kobe!” when blowing up enemy starships.  
73.  The “revolution” is not now.
74.  Unless you are in extremely dire circumstances, you are not allowed to eat your uniform.
75.  Body checking General officers is not a good idea.
76.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to tell police officers that belt-fed machine guns are “medicinal”.
77.  If you check the box marked “Other” on official documents, you have to fill it out.
78.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to fill prescription drug bottles with M&M’s or Mike and Ike’s.
79.  None of the Scoundrels possesses a name that, when spoken aloud, can kill.
80.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to challenge anyone to a duel.
81.  The proper response to a briefing is not “that’s what you think”.
82.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to end official reports with Sabaton lyrics.  Or lyrics from any metal band, for that matter.
83.  The phrase “to conquer the Earth with an army of flying monkeys” is not to be said.
84.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to appeal to humanity’s baser instincts on recruitment posters.
85.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to refer to N7’s Iron Eye Soldiers Space Marines janitors anyone as “the cool kids”.
86.  None of the Scoundrels have “won the internet” and are not authorized to declare that they or any other individual or individuals have done so.  
87.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to use redacted data in official reports as “mad-libs”.
88.  The following are not appropriate sources for new crew members:
          Temp agencies
          Reality show talent pools
          “Those sons of bitches who I know had a stacked deck”
          Ex-partners of any variation whatsoever
          Forum trolls
          “Angsty teens”
89.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to sneak links to Rick Astley’s Never Gonna Give You Up into official reports.
90.  None of the Scoundrels possess “voodoo powers”.
91.  “Why not?” is not a valid excuse.
92.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to make masturbation jokes when in the presence of official dignitaries.
93.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to play the song Thriller when in the presence of anything that could be considered a zombie, which includes but is not limited to Curse of Unbelief victims, Vrul Zombies, and Reaper Husks.
94.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to say the phrase “elephant sauce”.
95.  “No shirt, no shoes, no service” does not imply that undergarments are unnecessary.
96.  The following words and phrases may not be used in marching cadence:
           Budding sexuality
           I hate everyone in this formation and wish they were dead
           Your mama
           All Marines are latent homosexuals
          Tantric yoga
          We’ve all got jackboots now
          Any references to squid
97.  You can’t have flashbacks to wars you weren’t in.
98.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to ask for the day off due to religious purposes, on the basis the world is going to end, more than once.
99.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to take or place bets on what would happen if the Tyranids fought the Flood.
100.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to use the Enterprise’s transporters to steal things.
101.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to use the phrase “We fight for Mother Russia!”
102.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to sing the National Anthem of the Soviet Union when entering or exiting buildings.
103.  Adam Vir is no longer allowed to claim that “PTSD is just spicy nostalgia.”
104.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to try and get kidnapped by the Dark Eldar.
105.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to try to figure out a way to bring back the Protheans and the Forerunners so they can fight each other.
106.  Drax the Destroyer is no longer allowed to claim that he can become invisible just by standing still.
107.  Please do not confuse the primarchs of the Turian Hierarchy with the Primarchs of the Imperium of Man.
108.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to refer to Admiral Ackbar or any other member of the Mon Calamari race as “those calamari boys”.
109.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to address their superior officers as “bro”.
110.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to try and sell major political figures to Trazyn the Infinite.
111.  Peter Quill is not a god.
112.  Please refrain from using nicknames when referring to the Avengers, which includes but is not limited to calling Captain America “the spangly dude”, Thor “sparky guy”, Iron Man “my homie”, and Captain Marvel “Her”.
113.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to use Titans as personal valets.
114.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to attempt to contact the Shadow Realm.
115.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to to steal artifacts from any of the following:
          Luke Skywalker
          Shadow Revenant
          The Collector
          Trazyn the Infinite
          General Marder
          The Adeptus Mechanicus
116.  Thomas Drake is not allowed to be near any weapon capable of producing an explosive force greater than ten megatonnes.
117.  Do not ever challenge a Klingon to a duel.
118.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to flip off Force ghosts.
119.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to use the phrase “It’s boogaloo time!”
120.  The Scoundrels are to stop introducing A.I.’s to the teachings of the Cult Mechanicus.
121.  The Scoundrels are to stop referring to Thomas Drake as “Our Glorious Overlord.”
122.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to send porn to the Shadow Broker.  This is the ninth hit on you guys we’ve had to stop.
123.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to refer to the crewmates or superiors of any of the other Scoundrels as “extremely hot”.  Even if they are.
124.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to say that they are “super gay for Loki”.
125.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to pit a biotic, psyker, and Force-sensitive against each other just to “see what happens”.
126.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to use this list as a resume.
127.  The Scoundrels shall not may not begin their sentences with “thou shalt not”.
128.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to send videos of “the sax guy” to the Borg.
129.  Jack Cooper does not have “tons of gold” hidden somewhere on the destroyed planet of Typhon.
130.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to tell Jedi or Astra Telepathica recruits “You’re a wizard, Harry”.
131.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to stand in the corner and twiddle their thumbs.
132.  “YOLO” is not a valid excuse for anything.
133.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to use this list as a to-do list.
134.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to attempt to replicate the experiments of Edward Richtofen from Call of Duty Zombies.  Or the experiments of any other insane fictional doctor.
135.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to throw themselves through windows “to prove that the glass is unbreakable” for any reason whatsoever.  
136.  “Because reasons” is not a viable excuse.
137.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to refer to anyone else as “peasant” or “plebeian”.
138.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to tell new personnel fictional horror stories involving their families.
140.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to tell new personnel factual horror stories involving their families.
141.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to taunt eldritch beings imprisoned within artifacts.
142.  Speedos are not part of formal attire.
143.  If Ciaphas Cain is telling you a story about his exploits, he is exaggerating what he did, downplaying what he did, outrageously lying about what he did, and telling the complete truth about what he did all at the same time.
144.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to attempt to sell fictional stocks to the Tesraki or Ferengi.
145.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to attempt to defraud the stock exchange.
146.  No religious deity is allowed to contradict orders from a superior officer.
147.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to dress up as each other.
148.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to make pin-up calendars.  Especially of each other.
149.  Vulcan nerve pinches do not work on Chaos Space Marines.
150.  Shepard and Agent Coulson are not allowed to form a “Technically Undead Club”.
151.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to attempt to unmask members of the Mandalorian extremist cult known as ‘The Watch’.
152.  Unless you want to lose nine months pay in twenty minutes, do not play cards with Han Solo, Ciaphas Cain, John Shepard, or Thomas Drake.
153.  At all times, you should try and stay away from Revenant, Loki, and Cypher.
154.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to re-create scenes from Pulp Fiction.  
155.  Do not fake heart attacks around Dr. Krill.  The poor guy is stressed enough as is.  
156.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to challenge Thomas Drake and Liara T’Soni to a “who knows more secrets” game.  Lord Inquisitor Hector Rex was very displeased when Drake stole the Grimoire of True Names.  (Note from Amberley Vail-  How the hell did he manage to get his hands on that?)
157.  Thomas Drake is no longer allowed to steal things from the Imperium of Man or the Jedi Order, considering the consequences of such artifacts being in the wrong hands.  (Note from Thomas Drake-  Of course.  I would never…)
158.  It is not a good idea to piss off any Scoundrel that considers themselves an information broker.
159.  Introducing the Black Templars to heavy metal was, in retrospect, a bad idea.  
160.  Any ancient alien technology should be submitted to the proper authorities, not sold on Ebay.
161.  Challenging a Klingon, Sangheili, or Drev to a duel is a horrible idea.  As already mentioned.  However, challenging a Custodian to a duel is suicidal.  
162.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to use Tony Stark’s nicknames for anyone.
163.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to use telepaths in casinos.  
164.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to start “prank wars”.
165.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to sell themselves or any part of themselves to Trazyn the Infinite.  
166.  Be warned.  If you challenge any of the Scoundrels to do something sexual, they will most likely do it.  
167.  Do not challenge John-117 or John Shepard to a drinking game.  They cannot get drunk.  You will die of alcohol poisoning before they’re even a little tipsy.  
168.  While several of the Scoundrels are members of highly elite military forces, none of them are members of any of the following:
          The Swiss Guard
          The 101st Airborne Division
          The Winged Hussars
          The Immortals
          Napoleon’s Imperial Guard
          The SAS
          The 62nd Red Army
          The CIA
          The KGB
169.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to kidnap penguins.
170.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to mount bayonets on bayonets.
171.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to hand over annoying journalists to the Borg.
172.  Do not ever say the phrase “What’s the worst that could happen?”
173.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to hold contests to see who can cause more of these rules to be created.
174.  Adam Vir is to stop bringing new alien species onboard the Omen as pets.
175.  The Scoundrels are surprisingly creative when it comes to revenge. Don’t piss them off.  
176.  Unless you are a Space Marine or Sister of Battle, “Deus Vult” is not a valid excuse.
177.  If you need upgrades to your weapons and gear, please use the engineers on your team or other government approved individuals. 
178.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to host their own version of the Hunger Games.
179.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to quote Monty Python.
180.  No matter how good they are with technology, the Scoundrels are no longer allowed to get any members of the following species to upgrade their gear:
181.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to attempt to summon any of the following beings to the material universe or into space ruled by any of our governments:
          The Nightbringer
           Darth Nihilus
           Lord Vitiate
           The Old Ones
           The Kwa
           The Reapers
           The Dominion
           Any C’tan
           Any individual or entity associated with the Ruinous Powers
           Shadow Revenant
182.  If you ask them to, most of the Scoundrels will, in fact, “draw you like one of their French girls”.
183.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to bring members of extremely logical-minded species to modern art museums.  
184.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to seduce diplomats.
185.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to yell “Ramming speed!” when at the controls of their starships.
186.  There is only one God-Emperor of Mankind, and none of the Scoundrels are it.
187.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to use Batarian soldiers as target practice.
188.  The Imperial Inquisition encourages the Scoundrels to use heretics as target practice.  
189.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to initiate random fire drills.
190.  Shepard is no longer allowed to lord his SPECTRE status over Alliance enlisted personnel or other “lesser beings”.
191.  Adam Vir is not allowed to tell fictional horror stories about Operation Steel Eye.
192.  Adam Vir is not allowed to tell factual horror stories about Operation Steel Eye.  
193.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to say the phrase “We ride at dawn!”.
194.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to pool their resources to buy any starship over a kilometer long.
196.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to make clones of each other.
197.  None of the Scoundrels have holidays named after them.  (Addendum: Cain does, on the planet of Perelia.)  
198.  The Scoundrels are encouraged to stay away from the planet Perelia.
199.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to refer to their crew as “my glorious minions”.
200.  John-117 is no longer allowed to attempt orbital reentry with nothing but his suit of armor.
201.  Do not imply that Caiphas Cain and Amberley Vail are in a relationship, because, no matter how probable it may seem, Amberley will kill you.
202.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to sell toasters to the Adeptus Mechanicus.  
203.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to hold “Casual Fridays”.
204.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to use jetpacks.
205.  Don’t try to blackmail Drake. The last time someone tried to do this, it was with his sexual history. He laughed in their face and personally published the video on the internet.  His public approval rating then went up 30%.  
206.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to attempt to replicate the experiments of the Vault-Tech Corporation from the Fallout video game series.
207.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to play Triumphal March whenever they enter or exit a room.  
208.  None of the Scoundrels are to be allowed anywhere near a lightsaber.  
209.  None of the Scoundrels are allowed or authorized to knight anyone. 
210.  None of the Scoundrels are allowed to edit this list.  
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post-punked · 7 years
1, 10, 17, 24 and 25 were already answered. So let’s do the rest.
2. What is your country most famous for in history? The inception of the US both saw the coalescing of liberal ideas and inspiration for liberalism worldwide. I think that’s a good reason to be historically famous.3. What is your country most infamous for in history? The US was–is–imperialist quite often, exerting undue and tyrannical influence over a lot of other people. I think that’s a good reason to be historically infamous.4. Favorite historical era? I love the late Intermediate Era (1000-1500 CE). In most anywhere on the globe, it was a time of change (environmental, political, religious, etc.). It also contained a lot of interesting societies, such as the Inca and Ming China, as well as interesting people, such as Ibn Battuta and Geoffrey Chaucer. 5. Favorite weapon? I really love entrenching tools that are also weapons. They have the lovely dual functionality of utility and combat. There’s also something aesthetic about hitting things with shovels.6. Military unit? The Polish Husaria are probably my favorite historical military unit. For a time, they were probably the best heavy cavalry in the world, shattering enemies many times their number with a charge. They had great horses, great equipment and an awesome tradition.7. Historical dressing, uniform, or costume? Funny that you asked–I also love the Husaria uniform.8. What is the last thing you have read, listened to, or spoken of with historical reference? Thucydides’ The Peloponnesian War. It’s not easy, but I’m lovin’ it–an interesting source from a historian who made a lot of big waves in the Western tradition.9. Favorite historical film? I love Breaker Morant. While it plays fast and loose with some facts, it talks about an interesting and notable topic with excellent production, acting and writing. It also has slouch hats.11. Have you ever participated in reenactment? What it was like? Nope.12. Would you take part in reenactment? In what era and as whom? No. While I can’t entirely rule out the possibility of reenactment, I don’t have any plans in reenactment’s favor.13. [share some random historical trivia!] Defaulting, as usual, to Ulysses S. Grant: Grant was arrested for speeding in his buggy while president. 14. Why are you are interested in history? I view history as the endeavor to coherently organize the past. From that light, history is important to understanding our identity and our world. I would like to know as much as I can, and getting started with “why I’m here” and “what’s going on” seems pretty good.15. Were the history classes taught in an interesting way in your school, college, or university? What would you do to improve them if you were the teacher/lecturer? I love most history classes I’ve taken because they’ve been interactive. Largely, my history classes have encouraged me to engage with the past while reminding me that there is always a certain distance from the past. What I would do to improve history classes in general is make sure that they find this balance. Educators should strive to engage the past in an ongoing and critical dialogue that nevertheless acknowledges the ever-present challenges of dealing with another time. History is alive, and as a living entity, we need to give it respect.16. Do you own some historical item (e.g. coin, clothing, weapons, books, etc.) If yes, which one is your favorite? Nope.18. Look at the clock and assume the numbers are forming a historical year (e.g. 17;58 would be 1758) What is the world like in that year? Are any significant events going to occur? 1151 CE: the Second Crusade, the Khmer and the Song vs. the Jin are the general things coming to mind around that time.19. What’s your favorite historical book? I love the Sienkiewicz Trilogy, by Henryk Sienkiewicz. It’s not very accurate–Sienkiewicz often based his descriptions of the Polish Vistula on the American Mississippi, for example–but it’s got excellent prose and it talks about Polish history. 20. Who, if anyone, is your historical crush? Nope.21. What is your favourite history-based game? I love a lot of historical board games. However, the one I think most directly inspired by history is Sid Meier’s Civilization. It’s incredibly complex, but very enjoyable, and I love the way its mechanics interact with the history on which it’s based. 22. [random historical fact about the place you’re living in right now] The main road for my town was initially on the ground on which I sit. It was shifted due to environmental and personal pressures.23. What’s your favourite historical song or song containing historical references? Sabaton’s “40:1″ is about the Battle of Wizna, wherein a couple hundred Poles held off Nazi forces for three days. I like that.26. Who do you think is a forgotten hero we should know about and admire?Let’s talk about Ignaz Semmelweis. He made the observation that washing hands was important to preventing people from getting sick and used this observation where he could to save lives. However, his insights were often misinterpreted or challenged by the established medicinal community in the West. He died before he was vindicated.27. What’s your favourite historical “What if…” scenario? Try this one on for size: Mesoamerica has cows to start. As a result, the wheel meets the cow in the Americas, bringing disease and overpopulation. These factors and many others drive the Americas to establish contact with Eurasia-Africa, and the Americas establish themselves as a world power. 
28. Do you have a favourite “dream team” of historical figures living at the same time in a specific era of history? Nope.
29. Are there any great historical mysteries that you are interested in? I’m mostly interested in crime, such as the identity of Jack the Ripper. But most historical mysteries pique my interest. 
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