#taken on a d5300
darusen · 6 months
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christ2525 · 2 years
How To Start Doing Photography
Three normal misguided judgments and six life tips With this article we are opening another undertaking "I'm a Photographic artist" , inside the system of which we will impart to you the experience of capturing. New illustrations will be delivered week by week on all parts of photography. The examples will zero in on various degrees of peruser preparing: from fledgling to cutting edge photographic artist. This task will be driven by me, Konstantin Voronov , an expert photographic artist and photography educator. Obviously, every one of us something like once shot on the telephone or on a straightforward "platform". Be that as it may, many individuals need not exclusively to take outlines for memory, yet in addition to get delightful, excellent photos, to partake during the time spent capturing, and while transferring photographs to the Web, have a ton of "likes" under them. How to turn into a photographic artist? Where to start? Consistently, many individuals pose this inquiry. In any case, I will give a few general tips that will help you not to commit normal errors toward the beginning, and disperse a few normal misconception about photography. NIKON D810/70.0-200.0 mm f/4.0 Establishments: ISO 100, F4, 1/80 s, 95.0 mm equiv. What's more, we will start unequivocally with mistakes. Misinterpretation number 1. "A decent camera takes great photographs" This isn't accurate. Great photographs are taken not by the camera, but rather by the photographic artist. Many individuals, prior to beginning to take photos all alone, believe that proficient photographic artists significantly improve, excellent shots because of the utilization of costly gear. Notwithstanding, the camera is only a device. Step by step instructions to utilize it, the proprietor chooses. In the event that you can't attract an individual to give the best, most costly brushes and paints, you come by the very same outcome as while utilizing the easiest and least expensive. Great brushes and paints will show every one of their abilities just in gifted hands. It's something similar with photography. While working with understudies, I frequently ran over newbies who had the most costly, generally expert of the current cameras. Showed improvement over the rest? Not. An incredible opposite: their photos were more awful, in light of the fact that they couldn't sort out the perplexing photograph gear intended for experienced experts. It is ideal to pick a camera not by its enrollment in the expert class or the most exorbitant cost classification, yet by the amount it suits your degree of preparing and your undertakings. For instance, numerous costly expert cameras, like the Nikon D810, by and large don't have programmed mode and scene programs ("picture", "scene", "full scale", and so on), which makes working with them extraordinarily hard for fledgling photographic artists : It requires a long investment to dive into obscure settings. Simultaneously, numerous section level cameras, like the Nikon D5300 or Nikon D3300, can take lovely pictures on a completely programmed machine: the photographic artist can pick the most fascinating scenes without pondering the specialized side of the issue. How to pick a camera? Pick not the "most ideal expert camera", yet the model that suits your abilities and your undertakings. To go with the best decision, sufficiently it's to comprehend how genuinely you need to take photographs, whether you will figure out how to take pictures or simply need to take pictures for memory. Confusion ?2 "It is not difficult to "Take pictures!" In the same way as other imaginative exercises, photography is by all accounts an exceptionally straightforward undertaking precisely until you deal with it yourself. For instance, such as playing instruments, moving, singing ... You check out at an expert artist and think: "how might he do it essentially and normally! It is by all accounts nothing convoluted! I can do likewise! "Yet, when you attempt to make basically several dance moves yourself, it just so happens, it's not all that straightforward: essentially you really want extraordinary preparation. Exactly the same thing with photography: with clear effortlessness, it is very hard to photo well. All things considered, it requires a ton of information and abilities. Besides, both specialized (how to set up a camera, for instance), and innovative (how to create an approach, how to pick a reasonable lighting). We are at times discussing issues that would appear to be in a roundabout way connected with photography. For instance, how to design a traveler outing to have a ton of good chances ; how to cause a youngster to stand by while being captured ... Coincidentally, we will cover this large number of points in the system of this task. Remain tuned! It requires a ton of work to photo a delightful scene. It is important not exclusively to have the option to take pictures, yet in addition, as a matter of fact, to arrive at the spot of shooting. I went to the far off rural areas in the early morning to get a delightful haze. Then again, when you have the important experience, it is truly simple and pleasant to take pictures. The camera doesn't obstruct having great chances, and the sythesis is assembled naturally. However, for this you really want to prepare, study, gain insight. Misinterpretation ?3 "To figure out how to take pictures, simply concentrate on the strategy and accurately press the buttons on the camera" Method and shooting boundaries - this is just essential for the fundamental abilities. Also, incidentally, the part is the least difficult. How to change the openness? How to control center? What is white equilibrium? - This multitude of specialized issues are effectively and essentially settled, and with normal preparation, they are fixed and remain with the picture taker until the end of time. This is the number-crunching of photography, two in addition to two. In any case, photography is basically imagination. In any case, the imaginative part is considerably more convoluted and not all that straightforward. How to create an approach? What to show in the photograph? What story merits capturing? These and numerous other inventive inquiries are continually tortured by photographic artists and tackle them with changing achievement. Obviously, it merits beginning preparation in photography all along, with innovation. In any case, it's too soon to wrap up. NIKON D5200/18.0-105.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 Settings: ISO 1100, F4.5, 1/60 s, 38.0 mm equiv. Five hints for a novice photographic artist Tip number 1. See great photographs, pictures, films! The fundamental issue of most amateur picture takers isn't the absence of good visual hardware or even the absence of any exceptional abilities. The primary issue is the absence of imaginative taste. Structure a decent creative preference for yourself! See photographs of renowned photographic artists, visit presentations. Coincidentally, when did you last were in the Withdrawal and the Tretyakov Exhibition? Investigate crafted by these bosses: for what reason did the craftsman or picture taker choose to show simply various things? How is the piece organized? How did the creator function with light? Visiting presentations, perusing the displays of well known picture takers and specialists on the Web will give you great baggage for your own imagination. Also, the other way around: observing awful, average things is better not. For what reason is it significant? Envision what occurs in the event that an individual who has never seen a solitary picture is given hands and brushes? In all probability, he won't grasp how to manage them, best case scenario, he will depict something in the soul of cavern craftsmanship. For instance, a few segregated African clans can see the picture on a plane, yet even recognize colors that are not liable for their endurance, are not tracked down in their current circumstance. Since no one showed them this, they don't have the vital experience for this. It is human instinct to utilize what he has seen and aggregated insight in his life and work. This experience is an unquestionable necessity. As picture takers say, "you should be watched." Tip number 2. Travel more As we probably are aware, lying on a couch at home, you won't make great photographs! Walk your camera! Travel, walk, visit fascinating spots: presentations, celebrations, games. Consequently, you will observer fascinating scenes for shooting, gain the experience important for shooting in different circumstances. On the off chance that we discuss scene photography, it is by and large unimaginable without movement. Coincidentally, similar to representation: all things considered, frequently to take a decent representation you really want to pick a lovely spot, a decent foundation, and really at that time take a wonderful image of the model. There is likewise a simply mental perspective: on an excursion, no matter what its reach, an individual increases impressions, motivation, and is accused of inventive energy. NIKON D810/70.0-200.0 mm f/4.0 Establishments: ISO 400, F4.5, 1/200 s, 200.0 mm equiv. Tip number 3. Be self-basic To gain ground in your examinations with photography, and the quantity of lovely pictures to increment, you should be reproachful of your work. Try not to settle for the status quo, have the option to see imperfections in your work, regardless of whether everybody lauds them. For instance, the hardest pundit of my work is myself. I understand better compared to any pundit what the blunders lie in my photos. Breaking down my photographs, I comprehend that I could take it shockingly better. Furthermore, the following time I attempt, I attempt to make it happen. Truly, you will partake in the amendment of your own deficiencies, and your photos will turn out to be more gorgeous! Tip number 4. Learn photography strategy Any work starts with the specialized fundamentals. Photography is no special case. To compose books, you really want to get familiar with the letters in order, syntax, spelling of the language. Obviously, current cameras have superb robotization, which permits you to have great chances at the bit of a solitary button, without contemplating any settings. Nonetheless, the people who shoot in auto mode realize that robotization is frequently mixed up: either the brilliance of the picture isn't something very similar, then, at that point, the varieties are not something very similar, then, at that point, the sharpness isn't there. Be that as it may, I truly need to advise the camera how to make it happen! To completely control the shooting system and not rely upon the peculiarities of mechanization, it merits investigating the fairly straightforward specialized nuts and bolts of photography. How is the picture shaped in the camera? What is openness? What is white equilibrium? 
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White Admiral Butterfly
The caterpillars of this beautiful butterfly mimic bird droppings as protection from predators (@minnesota_seasons).
Taken on Grand Island, MI.
Nikon D5300, 18.0-200.0mm
#butterfly #whiteadmiralbutterfly #insect #michigan #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nikonphotographerschallenge #nikonnofilter #yourshotphotographer #earthcapture #weshootearth #bestoftheday #natgeoyourshot #worldshares #raw_community #rebels_united #nuts_about_nature #bestnatureshots #fiftyshades_of_nature #nikon_global #wildlife_photography #wildlife_perfection #wildlife_seekers #bbcwildlifepotd #earthoffline #thewildlifebiologist #raw_insects #wildlifeplanet #wildlifeaddicts #insectphotography
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andromeda1023 · 3 years
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From the Griffith Observatory post on FB today:
Lovely images of our Sun from Friday, July 2, 2021. The closeup shows large sunspot AR2835 with a great size comparison using Earth and Jupiter. Images taken by Anthony Perkic (Orion Bear Astronomy) with an 8” Newtonian, Nikon D5300, and White Light Solar Filter.
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Whimsical vibes like daisy chains in summer ☀️💭
Taken in Michigan.
Nikon D5300
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ahsarbek · 3 years
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"НЕДОСТЯЖИМОСТЬ" Лучше попытаться ухватить звезды с небес, чем сидеть и переживать, зная, что до этих звезд не дотянуться. По крайней мере, тот, кто тянется, хорошо разомнется, как следует оглядится и даже, может быть, получит в награду за свои усилия низко висящее яблоко. Роберт Сальваторе It is better to try to grab the stars from the heavens than to sit and worry, knowing that these stars cannot be reached. At the very least, the one who stretches will stretch himself well, look around properly, and maybe even receive a low-hanging apple as a reward for his efforts. Robert Salvatore Снято на Nikon d5300 объектив yongnuo 50 f 2.0 s4 iso 1250   Обработанно в lightroom Taken with Nikon d5300 lens yongnuo 50mm f 2.00 s4 iso 1250   Processed in lightroom #akhsarbek_abaev #photography #nikonrussia #nikond5300 #nikon_photography_ #lightroom #photoshop  #никон #никонроссия #starphotography #фотография  #фотоманитнас #низкийключ #vladikavkaz #streetphotography   #caucasus #russiansammer #russianature #darkmoodphotography #blackandwhite #фотолюбитель #владикавказ #loves_united_russia #lowkey #time4photo #mountains #беседка_конкурс_66 #osetia #natgeo #natgeoru (at North Ossetia-Alania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSPD5xssOMQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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airmanisr · 3 years
FLICKR_Event Highlights_019
FLICKR_Event Highlights_019 by Paulo Miranda Via Flickr: Taken with Nikon D5300 and AF 28-85mm 3.5-4.5. Nikon SB-28 speedlight with 43" silver umbrella.
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ioannis71 · 4 years
People have had partnerships with canines for centuries, and for good reason. Not only can dogs understand human speech, they may also be genetically predisposed to be outgoing. The relationship between humans and dogs is very strong.
The shots taken in a small Cretan village with my son and his dog, called Draven.
Nikon D5300
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Spheres image research.
I lost my Tumblr blog on 21st September because I posted an image of a mannequin while blogging about a talk given by a tutor. Even though I was found to not have breached Tumblr rules, my account was still terminated. I cannot ever, retrieve all the work I have done, or replace it. Maybe the powers that be will take pity on me and give me back all my work. Until then I will write a bit here and post a few things until I find out.
I researched many photos before starting this brief. So many. Below are a few of the ‘many’. To be honest, I had put my previous images in a folder, that is now gone. So these are all new images. 
The image below is dynamic. It shows movement and yet, at the epicentre show a stillness as well. The pool table is in a wide aperture and the surrounding room appears to be in focus. The shutter speed is slow enough to show a trace of where the balls have been.
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Below image shows frozen motion.
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Image below depicts a midrange depth of field. 
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Love this image. Frozen.
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Shallow depth of field.
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Everything in focus.
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I have 2 cameras. A Nikon D5300 with a 50mm and an 18-105mm DX lense. I also have a Sony A7Rii and for that camera I have an adapter and currently am using a Cannon 50mm and also I am using a very old vintage Cannon lens 135mm.
As I am an art/portrait photographer, this brief was somewhat out of my depth. I took hundreds of images trying to learn these techniques.
Below are my contact sheets.
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Learning that my images were boring in class, I was determined and took more images.
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It was during taking the images around Glasgow that I though, what is a bicycle but 2 circles and a seat. So I tried my hand at panning. Instead of using a tripod as I was told, I watched videos of panning on YouTube and then I turned my body into the shot, which I think better suited me. 
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I needed more shots. My mate Andrew is a jeweller, a potter and a fantastic painter/artist. He agreed to come to my house and bring with him silver bars, a torch and his metal melting equipment. Below are the contact sheets of that day. They were taken in the evening in my studio.
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The contact sheet below is from images captured today. I wanted to catch air bubbles in water, and also spherical water droplets. I took these images with my Sony and my manual 135mm lens. This is why the images will not have the lens info in the meta data.
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This was a fun exercise. 
Below are the images I am thinking of using for my final upload to MyCity -
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More to come . . .
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Let it go,
let the sky
take it.
Let the water
carry it.
Let the earth
hold it.
Because you
don’t have to
-Victoria Erickson @victoriaericksonwriter
Taken at Skidaway Island State Park, GA.
Nikon D5300, 18.0-200.0mm
#statepark #river #stream #skidawayisland #georgia #georgiastateparks #nikon #nikonphotography #nikonnofilter #marsh #marshland #reeds #colorful #gloomyday #hiking #hike #hikevibes #rainyday #rainyhike #water #hikingplanet #adventureon #outdoors #outdoorphotography #naturephotography #nature #savannahgeorgia #hikephotography #adventure #cloudy
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duke-cage · 5 years
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⚡️ happy new year ⚡️ this was one of my first pictures taken of my C-Class Convertible with my Nikon D5300 📸 i got from @francis.kue kue ! With a little help of @marcel_lo_loca , i got into @lightroom and this was the result ! Fedback? Go! Comment, Like, Follow, let’s grow together⚡️ ———————————— #dukecage #FriendsOfBenz #0711 #Mercedes #A205 #Benz #Stuttgart #Benzlife #CClass #MBFanphoto #MercedesBenz #Convertible #TheBestOrNothing #Facelift #cartastic #Carporn #AMG #4Matic #MercedesBenzCarCommunity #nikon #dslr #carphotography #photography #nye (hier: Stuttgart, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6ylPhwiPHd/?igshid=w7ffra6wz8up
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Final Spheres . . .
I’ve worked really hard on this project. These techniques were difficult in that, I have never really had to freeze motion, pan or blur in my portrait studio. I am, foremost, a person who loves portraiture in the studio. There was no intruction on these techniques in class, so I had to learn them on my own whilst capturing hundreds of images.
Have I made mistakes in my captures? Yes, profoundly so. I was in manual mode, however, I was having problems with my ISO. I never understood why and I said so. I set my ISO in manual mode to 100, as I always have. When I sat down to speak to Peter about my images, he asked why my iso was so high, which of course leads to noisy images. I was stumped. Truly stumped. I knew before each set that I had manually set my ISO.
My husband and I did not put 2+2 together until yesterday, 20th September. This is when I realised that my ISO was set to be adjusted on the wheel on the back of my Sony Ar7ii, which is extremely easy to turn. So, when I was setting up for any subsequent shots, I was inadvertently changing my iso. Instead of checking my ISO settings again, because I was confident I had already set it, I went about my business of taking images. I admit, this camera is new to me. I should have spent more time getting to know my equipment before using it on location. I just assumed something was wrong with the camera instead of me! I should have used my Nikon D5300, which I am familiar with. These are choices I made. Now, knowing what I did wrong, I can, from this point forward, satisfy my briefs in a more professional manner.
This is one of my most successful panning shots. As I said in my last post on spheres, what is a bicycle but 2 circles and a seat? I had seen this man on this unique bike quite a few times while walking to college from the train station at about 7:45 am. I waited for him outside the Apple store where I had seen him before, yikes (stalker much?) and prepared for my shot. I decided, even though being told I should have a tripod, and after having watched many panning videos, that I would use the technique of turning my body into the shot while tracking the moving object and simultaneously holding down my shutter button half-way to keep the subject in relative focus before release. I set my shutter speed to 1/15 second and aperture to f2.2. Again, I notice now upon looking at my file info, that my iso is at 320! It should have been at 100 where I initially had set it! You only get a fraction of a second to set your focus on your intended subject before they approach and zoom by.
Final Image #1 . . . Panning
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Below are several other panning shots I took, but I prefer the one above as his cycle is unique.
I like the image just below because it appears as though the person walking is colliding with the man on the bike.
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A bit boring, but I do think I have gotten the technique.
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Final #2 . . . Slow Shutter Speed.
I really like the texture and colour of our garage at home. It just feels like the perfect backdrop. In these next 2 images I wanted to show slow shutter speed and blur movement. It took me many tries. My first tripod was too shaky and has thin legs. It was an extremely windy day in Irvine. I needed my husband’s assistance and he works on the weekends much of the time, so this was the day he had off. Due to these reasons, my background was blurry. So I chose another day, a week later. It was cloudy, but not windy and I had just purchased a brand new panning/ball head tripod with thick legs. Magic. These images were more successful. Both of them were captured at 1/15th sec and f22. However, once again, as I just realised the problem with my iso yesterday whilst working on my ‘seeing the light’ portraits, my iso is too high. These images should have been captured in the 100-200 iso range, (I had set it to 100), however, I had inadvertently reset it to 640!
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Final Image #3 . . . Shallow Depth of Field.
For this image, I was at Findlaystone County Estate. It is one of my most favourite places to go. I could only visit once for some of the shots I took for the ‘Spheres’ and ‘Who Am I” projects.
The shot below was taken, whilst I was sitting on the ground to steady myself. The sun had just come out for a moment and was creating beautiful bokeh in the background. I actually like the highlights on the crystal ball, but am told they are distracting. I have cropped the image to remove the background bokeh and have downplayed the hightlights. There is only a very thin slice of the image that is in focus. It is right inside the crystal ball in the centre; perhaps it is too thin. I captured the image at 1/500 sec and f2.2. Again, we have the iso, which was set before I ever left the car at ISO 100! Now it is at ISO 4000! This has added unnecessary grain to an otherwise beautiful image.
For this shot, as I had to get on the ground to be close to it. My tripod was too tall and I wanted the image on the rotten log with the moss growing on it. So between me moving about, and me and my husband handing the camera back and forth between each other, I had obviously, and inadvertantly, reset the iso. 
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Final Image #4 . . .
For this image, I asked my mate Andrew, who is a jeweller, a potter and an extraordinary artist to melt some metal in my hut. Andrew told me, that metal, in this case silver, spins in a half-sphere bead when super-heated, and this interested me greatly. I had seen him melt metal in our jewellery class before. This process is awesome. I waited until evening and had Andrew arrive with his equipment. It wasn’t long before the metal was spinning. I wanted to get the bead and flames in a soft glowing light. Here I was actually in the proper ISO. I obviously never accidentally changed it. The camera was on a tripod the entire time. I used 2 cameras, my Nikon and my Sony. This image was taken with my Nikon using a 18-105mm lens extended to 105mm. It was captured at 1/10 sec, f5.6 and ISO 200.
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Below we have a wider angle than I have chose before. I focused on the crystal sphere.
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vincentjack97 · 6 years
Macro Photography Introduction
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Grant’s Eye
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My Eye
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Peacock Feather
Today we started our Macro Photography section, looking into the gear, techniques and experimenting with different subjects. Grant and I tried with a peacock feather first, we were super zoomed into it. We had bellows extended to their max reach along with a Nikon 60mm 2.8 Macro lens (A good lens) onto my Nikon D5300. At this focal length any movement makes motion blur so we had to use two flexible lights with a high light output firing directly into the subject. Lighting up the subject as much as possible allowed the images to be taken at 200th/s at 500iso.
We moved onto the eye shots, these were tough! As the subject constantly moves (obviously) and high volumes of light are needed to be shone directly into the eye causing discomfort and movement. But in the end I think we got some really nice images! 
Behind the Scenes 
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The squirrels in Fort Bragg are fearless. Taken from about 5’ away with A Nikon D5300 & 55-300mm lens https://ift.tt/2Seh05A
Hey Tumblr! My new travel blog is all about helping you travel for free. Click here for more details!
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I went for a ride out on my bike and had a pot of tea at Winchcombe on the The Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway.
This video was taken with my Nikon D5300.
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ahsarbek · 3 years
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"ПРИКОСНОВЕНИЕ К ПРОШЛОМУ" "TOUCHING THE PAST" — Я знаю, что я должен вернуться туда. Но это означает, что я должен встретиться со своим прошлым. Я так долго убегал от него... [Рафики бъет Симбу по голове] — Ой! Что это было? За что? — Это было твое прошлое. — Больно ведь. — Да, прошлое может причинять боль. Можно или убегать от него, или научиться чему-то. Король лев - I know that I must go back there. But that means I have to face my past. I've been running away from him for so long ... [Rafiki hits Simba in the head] - Oops! What was it? For what? - It was your past. - It hurts. - Yes, the past can hurt. You can either run away from him, or learn something. Lion king Снято на Nikon d5300 объектив nikon kit 15-55 f 5.3 s1/640 iso 100   46mm Обработанно в lightroom Taken with Nikon d5300 lens Nikon kit 15-55 f 5.3 s1 / 640 iso 100 46mm Processed in lightroom #akhsarbek_abaev #photography #nikonrussia #nikond5300 #nikon_photography_ #lightroom #photoshop  #никон #никонроссия #фотограф #фотография  #фотоманитнас #низкийключ #чернобелоефото #see #beautiful #beautifulgirls   #russia #russiansammer #russianature #darkmoodphotography #blackandwhite #фотолюбитель #portraitphotography #начинающийфотограф #loves_united_russia #lowkey #time4photo #mountains #osetia (at Russia, Vladikavkaz) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRRViH0MqOw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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