#taking an overnight flight or a sleeper train is like warp speed
brightsuzaku · 9 months
i do sometimes think about my silly little tags
"spaceships as people", which generally refers to the science-fictional concept of allowing synthetic intelligences (machines or computers or some other kind of being) the rights of personhood! And, this also means we would give a human who's linked, however-permanently, to a spaceship personhood as well! It's the idea of treating the "sentient spaceship" like a character (or a collective of characters) with their own desires, goals, needs, and personalities. People who share the same problems as we (humans) do, and also experience different challenges than we do.
"people as spaceships", like oh, what a cute little metaphor! Similar to the idea of your brain being the pilot of a meat-mecha, except you're basically like a spaceship flying around in space, from the perspective of your little cells! NO, BUT SERIOUSLY, IT'S STILL AN APT METAPHOR.
Eat food. Fuel yourself. Prevent internal mutiny. You're not just the captain, you're the whole vessel.
You're the spaceship that's a person, bringing this science-fictional concept back down to earth.
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