#tale healthy wizard cook learning english
moonfif · 4 years
One More Time
Once upon a big girl, called Suzy, she was an wizard.
One day wanted cook something special but she doesn't knew cook, so she invent the recipe, called Red Rice.
Suzy used this ingredients:
- Red food, as: Tomate and peppers.
- Rice
- Salt
- Oil
- Onion
- Butter
- Water
Then, she began to prepare, step by step.
First, she cut her onion and her red food.
Second, put on a pot a few of salt, oil and everything food cutting.
Third, season it, when the delicious smell began she put the rice into and fried it.
fourth, turn with the butter and added water.
Finally, her red rice was ugly, it didn't a good tasty, giat, but she feels good because she can prepare edible food.
I: colour food is important because It does seem something special, funny, delicious. Something as the colours in the food matter to our eyes, heart, mind, body,.. Don't is cool when only we eating white food, or a singular color, we can't imagine or enjoy while eating. Also, every color has its importance and vitamins, in this case Suzy wanted put much C vitamin, but she had mistaken, everybody need
the highest amount of protein and vitamins, she must cook something green, white, orange, yellow and purpple, for to be more crazy, funny and healthy. AH! Also whitout oil if is possible.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 6 years
Haven Raised Chapter 6
Summary:  Harry's life is completely changed when his aunt and uncle are forced to take him to a funeral at a relatives. Now being raised by Primrose Evans, her sister Grace and the citizens of Havenfall, his life is going to be a roller coaster.
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Harry and Ron grinned at each other as Ron sat down next to Harry, nudging his shoulder.
“This is going to be spectacular!” Harry said cheerfully. “My mother will be happy I’ve made a friend and gotten into the house I wanted.”
“Even if she doesn’t understand the houses?”
“Even then.” Harry laughed. After the rest of the sorting, Dumbledore stood up to say a few funny words and food appeared on the tables. Harry squinted at him. “He’s either crazy or he’s messing with everyone.”
“Or both.” Joked a brown-haired boy. He offered his hand. “Justin. It’s nice to meet you- I read a few books but I assume you’re not like what they say?”
“Not at all. My aunt Grace read those and made fun of them. My mother was angry and is discussing taking some of them to court.” Harry sighed. “Especially the Tales of the Boy-Who-Lived. Mom is furious she never found them before.”
“My sister has a few of those books,” Ron remarked, chuckling at the horrified face of Harry. “Easy. Mom made sure she didn’t take it too seriously. Reminded her it was a story and that was that.”
“Where were you raised?” A slightly snooty looking boy said, introducing himself as Zacharias.
“America. My biological mother had a cousin who lived there who took me in after some unpleasantness with my maternal aunt and uncle.” Harry replied. “I have a companion animal thanks to panic attacks that occur occasionally thanks to them- he’s a dog named Spot.”
“Interesting,” a boy who said his name was Ernie Said. “He tame?”
“Of course. We don’t know what breed he is other than some magical one but he’s very tame.” Harry said.
“Then there’s no problem,” Zacharias said, sounding bored. “You speak well Harry.”
“My mother’s named Primrose and she was often teased for being ‘Prim and Proper’ as a child. In turn, she began acting like it to annoy those who bullied her. I picked some mannerisms up.” Harry said stiffly. He picked at his food. It was very delicious but he found he missed his mother’s cooking. “Is that curry?” He asked, nodding to a bowl a little further down.
“Ah, you would like… oh wow no.” Justin covered his face while Harry laughed at Justin, taking some of the curries as Ron handed it to him.
“My aunt and uncle hated my heritage. My mother, however, hunted down an Indian woman to teach her how to cook traditional foods for me.” He said calmly. “I do love it, and I will tell you if you are treading the line.”
“You’re being quite open.” Zacharias Said.
“I have panic attacks and nightmares. Better warn you now than in the middle of the night.” Harry replied.
“Makes sense,” Ron said, eating a large serving. “I was nervous earlier about the one you…” he winced, realizing Harry may not want to talk about it but Harry just pressed on.
“It is nerve-wracking. I understand.” The talk turned back to family and he learned that all but Justin, another boy named Wayne who was rather quiet and himself were purebloods that year- a surprising thing given the acceptance of all from Hufflepuff. The girls- Megan Jones, Susan Bones, and Hannah Abbot- were pureblood as well which was just as odd.
“What does your mother do for a living?” Zacharias Asked Harry after they talked about their own parent's jobs.
“She runs my estate though she refuses to touch that money. As well she works at a bowling alley-“ there were no looks of confusion so he kept going, “-that doubles as a bar. I know she’s considering going to school like she had originally planned before the death of her grandmother made her the guardian of her younger sister soon. My aunt Grace- her sister- graduates from muggle school this year.” Harry shrugged. “I hope she does. She always wished to go to culinary school.”
“She gave it up for her sister?” Justin Asked.
“Full scholarship- meaning her schooling would have been paid and everything. But she chose her sister.”
“A true Hufflepuff.” A kid near them said. Harry jumped and realized almost the entire table had been listening in. Cedric, a little further down, looked somewhat embarrassed but smiled.
“It’s so we can know if the first years are okay,” he told Harry upon seeing the look. “Make sure they’re okay at home and stuff. Also…”
“Harry Potter,” Harry said dryly. America had prepared him for celebrity gossip.
The feast lead to dessert appearing, something Harry wasn’t as fond of given he recognized little. He had something that looked like a pie that tasted pretty good.
“You like treacle tart?” asked Ron. Harry blinked.
“I have no idea what I’m eating but it tastes excellent,” he admitted.
“It’s a traditional British dessert.” Justin offered. “A tart.”
“...To me, tarts are like mini pies. Not this.” Justin laughed at Harry who rolled his eyes, grinning.
After their dessert, Dumbledore stood up to give news.
“Welcome all to Hogwarts!” he said in a booming voice. “As you are all undoubtedly full and tired, I will keep this brief! Our caretaker Mr. Filch has a list of items that are banned on his door that you may all see, while our Herbology Professor, Professor Sprout, would like to remind everyone that Greenhouse Three is not to be trifled with.” His face and tone turned serious after a moment.
“As well, I would like to inform students that Professor Snape’s probation period is over. He will be allowed to take points and issue detentions once more.” A black-haired professor sneered at the students. A professor in a turban was near him and Harry felt his forehead suddenly ache. He winced and reached up to grab it.
“You alright?” Ron asked. Harry shrugged.
“As well, for this year,” Dumbledore said, “There is a corridor on the third floor that is out of bounds due to issues concerning a possible nest of some sort of breed of doxy that is particularly dangerous.”
“Doxy?” Harry asked Ron quietly.
“A pest. Their bite is kinda venomous.” Ron said, shrugging. “They’re not all that bad but a big pest at times.”
“Huh.” Harry blinked as a Prefect (whatever those were. He assumed it was kind of like what an RA was from his mom’s description of what they were when they’d been watching some show with them in it) came towards them.
“Hello! I’m Susie Danvers!” the girl said cheerfully. “If you could just follow me please?” The first years followed her out of the hall and down a few hallways, Harry feeling somewhat overwhelmed by how many turns they took when they came to a bunch of barrels on a wall. “This is the entrance to Hufflepuff!” Susie said in a clear voice. She rapped her fist on one, singing along, “He-l-ga Hu-ff-le-pu-ff.” A barrel in the middle seemed to grow and open up, leading to a large room that was very earthy, with the scent of earth and water saturating the room. The doors were round, and Harry whispered to Justin- the only one who may know what he said-
“Hobbit holes.” Justin burst into snickers as Harry looked around and saw how open the room was, light streaming in through high up windows and portraits that were moving covering the walls.
“You hit the wrong one or do it in the wrong way and you’ll be soaked in vinegar,” Susie told the first years about the barrels. A bark distracted her and Harry grinned.
“Spot!” he dropped to a knee to hug the dog who ran up to him, licking his face.
“He’s a handsome pup, Mr. Potter,” Susie said with a smile. He grinned up at her as she turned to the rest. “Now, we have two dormitories. One for those who consider themselves female, and one for those who consider themselves male. The girls are on the right, boys on the left.” Susie recited carefully. “As well, I would like to inform you that Professor Sprout holds a weekly meeting for the House so people can air their grievances and deal with other issues. She is not here right now as it is the beginning of term but she will have a one-on-one meeting with you next week to ask you questions.”  Susie explained.
The boys went up to their room, discovering it was very airy with nice windows and desks and plants everywhere. Spot had his dog pillow beside a bed with Harry’s trunk at it- right under a window. Harry grinned.
This was going to be interesting.
Their first day of classes, Harry was a little surprised by the food on the table in front of them.
“Going to have a full English?” Wayne asked as he loaded up his plate.
“I usually tend to stick with cereal in the morning,” Harry said, blinking at the options. “Or toast. Mom usually works days so it’s busy in the morning.”
“Well, we have time now,” Ron said. “Want to try anything?”
“... I feel that Dr. Diego would come here to yell at me himself if he knew what I could possibly be eating so I will stick with toast and fruit.” Harry said, eyeing the foods.
“Dr. Diego?” Justin asked.
“My mom’s friend from back home- well, her boss’s friend who she speaks to a lot and considers a semi-friend anyway. He’s the town’s doctor- healer,” Harry said to the looks from those, not in the know. “He is very big on healthy eating. I think he has a heart attack when my mother and JD- her coworker- get bored and make… strange combinations out of bar food.” Harry shuddered, remembering some of those combinations.
Professor Sprout- a plump woman with dirt all over her robes- came down to hand them their schedules then.
“As well, today I would like you all to come one at a time to the office I have in the common room after supper. We will have a short meeting, alright dears?” she asked with a smile. The first years agreed and went to their first lesson which was Charms.
The professor was a small wizard named Professor Flitwick who squeaked at getting to Harry’s name and fell off a stack of books. Harry did not want that to set a precedent for the first week at Hogwarts but had a horrible feeling it would.
At least after that, Professor Flitwick did not treat him any different. Instead, he acted as if Harry was any other student as he began teaching them Charm theory- explaining that Charms were some of the more dangerous pieces of magic.
“What not many people know is that most curses- even those you learn in Defense Against the Dark Arts- are actually Charms.” the Professor said to the class. “Charms are the base for curses, jinxes, hexes and so much more. Even more, there is much difficulty in how a Charm can be cast as one mispronounced word can lead to death. As such, we do not do practical magic for a few weeks at the very least.”
He went through the syllabus with them, explaining his plans and Harry diligently took notes while Ron scowled at the pages of his own notes and the syllabus He hated taking notes.
“Are you okay Ron?” Harry asked him in a quiet voice while Flitwick was going through something.
“How can anyone read when it’s all floating around?” He asked, cross.
“...Are you dyslexic?” Harry asked, remembering a boy in his class with a similar problem who was dyslexic.
“It’s a learning disability,” Harry said, unaware Flitwick was near them. “The words really float around for you?”
“I think there’s like special books… no wait, magic…”
“We will give you the best help we can Mr. Weasley,” Flitwick suddenly said, in front of them. The boys blushed. Flitwick was keeping slightly quiet as he spoke. “But please, pay attention. I do have a dyslexic Ravenclaw in the fifth year who can spell your books for you Mr. Weasley but again…”
“Sorry, sir.” The boys said. They paid attention the rest of the period and Flitwick gave Ron the Ravenclaw’s name- a Penelope Clearwater. Luckily, they passed by a group of Ravenclaws to their second class of the day- Transfiguration with the Gryffindors- when they found the girl. She spelled his books and taught him the fairly easily spell before heading to her own class.
McGonagall took their explanation on why they were a little bit behind easily, stating she was used to first years being late, and she understood speaking to an older student well.
Their lesson with McGonagall jumped right into magic, something Harry raised his hand to ask about.
“Professor, in Charms we were told we would have to wait for a long time until we used magic. May I ask why the rules are different in this class?” he asked.
“Five points to Hufflepuff for the question,” McGonagall said. She looked pleased. “Few ask about this, and I always wait to see if they will do so. I am pleased someone has decided to.” Granger looked annoyed but interested in the answer, the Gryffindor girl holding her quill ready. “The truth of the thing is that unlike Charms, Transfiguration is a subject that when you start out, will rarely go wrong in that it can cause harm. Yes, some spells are dangerous and should not be taken lightly but the truth is that at this age, few students have enough power to cause harm with Transfiguration. Mostly it simply will not work. Charms, however, can go wrong in any possible way. Not because it is an easier subject- never that- but because it requires less forcing of the subject to change.” She turned her desk into a pig and back, too much applause.
“The desk’s natural state is a desk, not a pig. It fought me every step of the way to change and it was much easier to change back then not. As such, it requires great power to force this- power your bodies have but you are too young to properly focus. Charms are less tricky and more likely to go wrong.” She nodded. “As such, we teach you right from the start with Transfiguration so your bodies become used to forcing things to change.”
With that, they were given matches after a small series of notes- in which Harry made sure to help Ron with by showing him a cheat sheet Grace had made him of shortcuts for common words like ‘with’- and informed how to turn a matchstick into a needle.
No one but Granger got very close to it, but no one minded now that they knew why.
Lunch was after that class. Harry was pleased to see more Indian style foods were there, which Cedric- who was sitting near them- explained as being a house elf magic thing. House elves apparently served the school and could tell when someone preferred certain foods over others.
“Like how a few of our Jewish students keep Kosher- the elves will recognize it and give them Kosher food,” he explained.
The next class after was History of Magic. Halfway through the class, Harry gave up on notes and began playing hangman with Ron. He just couldn’t do it.
Luckily- no one else could either.
Later after there was supper in which everyone chatted about their days. Spot had appeared out of nowhere, feeling Harry was stressed apparently.
“What kind of dog is he?” Cedric asked.
“I have no clue,” Harry said honestly. “He just appears when I need him.”
“He’s a big dog already,” Wayne said.
“He’s a good dog.” Ron insisted. Harry grinned at his friend.
Yeah, he was.
After supper was when Sprout met with the First Years individually. She went in Alphabetical order so Harry was second last.
“Hello, Mr. Potter!” Said the woman with a smile as he came in with Spot. “Do you mind if I call you Harry?”
“No, my teachers back in America called me by my first name. It’s strange to be called by my surname.” Harry replied. “Though I understand the need for professionalism.”
“Well then Harry, I will call you as such while we are one on one. Now, how was your first day?”
“It went well. No issues other than History being boring.” Sprout nodded.
“Yes, we can't change that though. The Board still deflects it every time we bring it up. Mr. Lupin tries but he’s one voice.” She shook her head. “Anyway- Can I ask you about your family?”
“There’s really not much to say. I have my mother and aunt- though she’s more of a sister than an aunt.” Harry shrugged. Sprout nodded.
“From what I read in your file- which was given to me and discusses the bare basics- I can understand that. Your mother treats you well?”
“Yes. She gave up a position at a college for me and Grace- my aunt. She works hard to give us food and pay our bills and her boss,” he controlled his blush firmly, “has always helped us when we needed it most. She refuses to touch the money she’s given for me any more then she has to.”
“She sounds wonderful.” Sprout said kindly. “You don’t worry about her dating anyone at all? I understand some children worry about their parents falling into a new relationship when they’re here.”
“No,” Harry said, shaking his head. “She wouldn’t date anyone who didn’t like me or Grace. I doubt she would date anyone, not in our sphere of…” he frowned, trying to think of the word. “Social sphere.”
“Like who?” Harry shrugged at Sprout’s question. It was weird thinking of his mom dating at all. “Well then, I’m glad your happy Harry. Are you looking forward to any particular class?”
“I’m looking forward to an elective I saw. Care of Magical Creatures.” Harry admitted. Sprout laughed.
“You like animals?”
“Love them.”
“Well then, I suggest chatting with Hagrid, our groundskeeper. He knows all about animals and he was… friends with your biological father.” Harry froze.
“He’s a good man.” Sprout said. “A lovely one. He’ll like chatting about animals most though.”
“That’s okay. I love animals.” The rest of the meeting was just her making sure he knew how to use a quill- and her expressing interest in his notebooks and pens. Flitwick has mentioned them to her and both were interested in that he used them.
“It’s easier,” Harry said. “I’ll use parchment for assignments and stuff but I like pens and notebooks for notes.”
“Understandable.” Sprout said, nodding. “Parchment has magical properties which is why we use it still but a notebook and pen sounds much easier!”
“It is!” Harry Agreed. The session was over after that and he went up to his room, letting Ron have his own chat.
Ron came back pensive, laying down on his own bed.
Your brothers are great people but you are a great person as well. You don’t need to prove it. Sprout had told him, followed by her telling him not to listen to his mom when she compared him to Percy. That he was his own person.
Ron sighed.
He didn’t know what to think about that.
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!
Plot Points
-I changed the painful death thing because I feel that with a sudden change in seats of the board of directors that they would pay more attention to Hogwarts thanks to more attention on them. They agreed to let Dumbledore house the stone but not give that speech.
-Yes, Binns is still around thanks to greedy board members.
-Ron is dyslexic! I love this headcanon but I always disagreed the teachers wouldn’t know what to do- at least Flitwick would know someone who could help!
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