#taleblr masterlist
My ToastedGhost Headcanon Masterlist
Upon further inspection, technically Spooker ‘won’ the poll where I promised a masterpost by losing, but I have a lot more thoughts on Spooker and would prefer to write that when I’m not still dealing with finals, so... Here's the one I said I'd do :D
Absolutely the most popular ship in the fandom with minimal competition if any, ToastedGhost is a childhood friends-to-lovers kind of relationship between two people who trust each other above all else in the world. There are lots of ways to read the relationship, from unrequited to codependent to healthily married to… possibly even divorced!… Though I’ve never seen anyone take it that way. Even beyond the relationship, Toast has been widowed and Ghost canonically has no interest in women, so there’s no worry about breaking up another ship for this one to thrive.
Because the ship is as fluid as most other unconfirmed things in this fandom, I’m going to share my thoughts on how Multiple verses of the ship could work, from fluff to angst.
Solid History HC
Since a relationship between two people can be incredibly fluid based on the story told and the logic of the story, I wanted to open with ideas about how these two connect that I don't change unless I'm specifically making an AU where that aspect is changed. Consider these the base stats.
Johnny Ghost and Johnny Toast first met as children attending the same school in North Carolina, USA. Ghost has no recollection of it, but he's already dealt with Cardboard Friend by this point. Toast, on the other hand, has just experienced whatever traumatic event goes here, most of the time also being the same thing that gave Gavin his powers.
They meet through a shared love of learning about the supernatural, with Ghost being so excited he never shuts up about it and Toast actually listening and knowing how to respond.
The duo had two shared friends: Katrina and Ronnie Boast. Aside from that, Ghost was close with Dark Pit (cause they're cousins) and the whole group adopted a stray dog they couldn't agree on a name for.
Ghost is possessed by Casket for the first time while the pair know each other, but Casket doesn't become overtly active until Toast leaves. Because Ghost was first possessed on Halloween (in my hc), Toast was busy with other things at the time. The friend group had a whole conversation about it earlier in the day, and knew Ghost would be alone that night.
When Toast had to go back to the UK for high school, they kept contact over the phone before they figured out how to use a long-distance radio, meaning Ghost hogged his house's landline a lot in his freshman year. Toast first heard Casket over the phone when Ghost forgot to hang up once.
The first time the two saw each other in person again after Toast went back to the UK was to meet for Katrina's funeral. Ghost can't remember it at all, but they had some really soft moments together. There's also a chance Ghost admitted to possibly killing her while the memory was still vaguely fresh in his head.
Toast first met Mary while in University, and didn't actually fall in love with her immediately. Ghost encouraged Toast to talk to her about it, but didn't expect them to get married... or for Toast to accidentally kill her.
Toast moved back to the states after Mary died, if not already split from his family then splitting now. The two worked for awhile to try to fund PIE, which was struggling, while living in the same apartment. After struggling to hold a job outside of PIE freelance and writing his book, Toast reached back out to his family in order to fund PIE. He never told Ghost why he reached back out to them.
Even if not IN love, they adore each other and nothing can ever change that.
Relationship Possibilities
As much as I love Toastedghost, both as a ship and a friendship, this does keep the door open for variety in specifically how their relationship is defined. They can be somewhat toxic/codependent depending on what aspects about their relationship is explored.
Good Friends, Practically Brothers
Even though I’ve had some moments saying you can’t explain their relationship without romance, it is possible to have a friendship like theirs without underlying feelings on either side, and that’s beautiful. Ghost and Toast are incredibly close and that doesn’t require them to kiss when no one’s looking, and I say that with love. They are incredibly tight, and both have actively killed and died for each other, and even though Toast exasperates Ghost sometimes, and Toast has to be the responsible one when Ghost gets violent, they’ve found a way to make it work without falling into a relationship.
Because of their relationship as children, they may see each other as siblings, meaning any love between them is not only completely platonic, but it’s uncomfortable to think about it in any other way in this specific scenario. If someone sees them as brotherly love, they are just as valid as someone who sees them as in romantic love.
One-Sided/Mutual Pining
I don’t thin I’ve ever seen anyone read their relationship like this before, at least not in the long-term— I think Ghost is anticipated to have done some pining as a child— but this is a viable option for their relationship as well. Especially since Toast is coming into the work at PIE out of a marriage, one that left him widowed. If Ghost had feelings for him, the awkwardness of having feelings so soon after Mary died might be enough to make him shove his feelings back down. If Toast had feelings for Ghost, whether he already had them or developed them while living with him, it might feel too soon to try again, and eventually just never come up.
If you intend on using this one I would like to beg for some resolution someday, just because too many shows draw out the ‘one side is pining for the other’ thing for the entire duration of the series and it can exhausting when people look for any excuse to keep the couple seperate.
Dating Without Saying “Dating”
These two are so close that everyone is under the assumption that they’re dating, but they’ve never actually taken the time to define it. Largely because they never thought to. I do think it’d be funny if ghosts try threatening Ghost or Toast’s “husband” or “boyfriend” with other people around, and they’re the only one to not know who they’re talking about. I think part of the story here is them realizing that these feelings they’ve always had are teetering on romance.
I can see Ghost visiting his dad for a holiday with Toast and getting the “so, when are you two planning on tying the knot?” Question.
Dated as Kids, Never Actually Separated but Haven’t Talked About It
This is a whole AU concept idea that I literally just came up with, but I think it almost sounds cute and would love to see someone work with it. Especially since Ghost doesn’t remember his childhood very well, but Toast does. There’s a chance Toast thinks Ghost forgot but he didn’t, or Ghost did forget and Toast is trying to find a way to bring it up to him… idk, it’s cute.
They Started by Fake-Dating, but it Became Real
They get married for tax purposes and make it a joke for about a year, until it stops being a joke and starts being actual chemistry. It could have also been to get Toast’s family to leave him alone about marrying.
They Got Married!
Somewhere, sometime, off-screen, there was a Toastedghost wedding, and it was probably just as chaotic as it sounds. This could happen any time— before the events of the series, after the Puppet arc, after the Retirement arc, sometime after the channel ended, whatever works! Imagine Toast got them rings made of silver, iron, and salt to keep ghosts and other spirits away from them, and having to wear it around his neck during the Werewolf arc, or wearing both his and Ghost’s during the Puppet arc and identifying him by it in the Billion Year War. There is so much story you can tell with rings.
They Eloped as Soon as Mary Died
WOAH THAT FEELS A LITTLE MUCH— like I’ve seen headcanons that Mary and Toast were not actually that close, that Toast was engaged to her by his family and barely knew her when she ended up dying. Even then, and even with Toast leaving his family, it feels incredibly… shallow? Rude? And I would argue that this relationship is one of the more unhealthy ones, because it shows a serious sense of disregard for other people’s life and lack of empathy. I don’t know how people headcanon Mary, and maybe the only people who want them to get together like this see her character as the world thing on the planet and not someone Toast would miss that much, but I don’t say that this feels heartless as a criticism. I say it because I think it’s something fresh to explore that none of these other prompts have right out the gate.
Think about it, a Toastedghost story where they take ‘us against the world’ to the extreme, actually hurting people around them in the name of each other. Even if this isn’t toxic between the duo, it is genuinely harmful for other people in their lives, and would be something interesting to explore. This could include Toast letting Casket kill other members of PIE to keep Ghost safe, or Ghost choosing to do things he would otherwise consider bad because he needs to break Toast out of prison again.
It Doesn’t Matter How They Label, They Are Codependent
This is its own label, I’m not saying all Toastedghost is toxic and unhealthy.
Though it is cute that Ghost went from dimension to dimension looking for Toast, and Toast basically put his life on pause to get Ghost back, this was basically foreshadowing for what would happen if they were separated by choice. The moment that Ghost turned his back on Toast, Toast crumpled like a house of cards and I promise you that if it were the other way around, Ghost would have fallen to pieces too. It’s cute that they rely on each other, but emotionally they can’t get through the day alone and that means that if they have problems communicating ever, someone is going to get hurt.
Rapid Fire HCs
Ghost is likely projecting when he says everyone is in love with Johnny Toast because HE is in love with Toast and can't imagine a person who doesn't immediately adore him.
There was a period of time where Ghost planned to move to Europe to support Toast after Mary passed, but Toast beat him to the punch and seemingly immigrated to the states.
Both Ghost and Toast can cook, but while living together in their first apartment, Ghost had primary dominion of the kitchen because Toast wasn’t used to cleaning up after himself and Ghost found it annoying that he kept leaving dishes lying around.
Toast does the taxes for the household, not just because Ghost can’t read, but because he doesn’t want Ghost to know how much he’s bringing in or spending in a year. Between support from his family, the macaroni dealing, and PIE, Toast can probably afford to replace multiple cars a year.
Both Ghost and Toast prefer Ghost’s family to Toast and tend to stay in the states for holidays and avoid Toast family events. However, Toast did go to his sister’s wedding.
Because they’ve been close since they were young, Toast knows Ghost’s dad well, better then Ghost knows Gavin.
Songs and Why
- Curses by the Crane Wives
“🎶 Ashes ashes, dust to dust | The Devil’s after both of us 🎶”
From what I’ve seen, what this song is about is up for debate, but the explanations I’ve seen ranges from a murderer is in love, to it being about a person who is overwhelmed by their emotions. Honestly, I think without the context of what it “must�� be about, it works well to just consider it for them. They are two people who are likely in love in a world that does not love them much back, both have seen their fair shares of trouble and now rely on the other, using them as a lighthouse. This song could be from either or both of their perspectives, especially considering Ghost has experiences with evil houses and murder, and Toast seems to be very reliant on Ghost emotionally.
A lot of Crane Wife songs are more about relationships with problems, which is funny when I saw Curses for Toastedghost is characterizes one of the healthiest versions of their relationship.
- Bernadette by IMAX
“🎶 Family and friends becoming ghosts to dream of… 🎶”
One of my favorite songs in middle school, it is really easy to see this one as a kind of codependent relationship, and this works for them best in very possessive scenarios. It’s also a good song to point out how much they’ve lost, even if they still have each other. In all honesty, I used to see this as Only a CBF and Ghost song, but now I save CBF only for the very beginning. I think it’s important to show how Toast is affected by their relationship too, and how neither Johnny alone is the problem when any problem exists.
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Maddie’s Stimboard Masterlist!
Johnny Ghost
Jimmy Casket
Sally Acachalla
Sue Acachalla
Maddie Friend
Gavin Toast Ent (Johnny Ghost)
Barry Wheeler [Alan Wake]
Alan Wake [Alan Wake 2]
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Taleblr Masterlists
How would you guys feels if I did like, a master post every week about certain characters or groups? Like, either I choose randomly or I answer a request, but I still have it come out consistently on the same time and same day (probably around noon on Saturday). It’ll just be focused on whatever I think is important or cool, and if there’s a request I’ll be sure to answer that well as soon as I can. ^^
If possible I’ll include some things of my designs as well… anyways, my ask box is open! I’ll probably just post the one I did for the TT this Saturday and work on a new one this upcoming weekend <3
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My Josh Headcanon Masterlist
Everyone welcome to the table the first character in any media to have me considering broader sexuality and gender than cishet for characters! Josh is a warm and welcoming sweetheart with a frequently-changing story and life, and even seems to contradict themself on occasion... So I decided to complicate things. Occam's Razor? More like I'm going to do the weirdest thing possible.
As I see it, Josh-- similar to the Acachallas-- has some quality that makes it easier for them to travel between dimensions. Josh seems to lead several different lives because they happen to be multiple different people, each with their own personal lives. They are not specifically from any one dimension, and tends to live on the fringes or in abandoned pocket dimensions... with some exceptions.
Who Is Josh?
As I see it, there are several different people co-existing who all qualify as Josh. They are all ten years apart for now to give a consistent difference between them, some have different identities, but they are all Josh. This is because when Josh appears in a video, there is almost ALWAYS a conflict relating to dimensions, so maybe Josh THEMSELF is an inter-dimensional person. This makes the reason why they act so different all the time because... it's different people!!! Specifically four of them!
Josh Davenport, age 47, wife of Aaron Davenport and adoptive mother of an amnesiac Sally Villainchalla, named Cecelia Davenport, who she's attempting to redeem. The trio live alone in a pocket dimension, and are completely self-sufficient without contact to the outside world. This Josh is likely from the Villainchalla's universe, and was hoping to never have to return, and to make something from their world innocent and cheerful.
Jacob Keller, age 37, lives in Greece, the most hectic and chaotic of them all... and also a butch lesbian. Has both worked with Johnny Ghost and betrayed him. Accidentally broke up with Dummy because they didn't know the guy, really confusing the Josh who was dating Dummy. Somehow knows Gregory Gregory. Gregory and does the most dimensional travel out of all the Joshes.
Josh Keller, age 27, native to the main dimension, dating Dummy, works as a pumpkin picker, and went to school with Johnny Toast. They're close with their sister, Taylor, and are trying to reconnect with their brother, Charlie. This is ONE of the Joshes to join PIE in the billion year war. They died by falling off a roof in that timeline.
Josh Stevens, age 17, this is the Josh who would be in a romantic relationship with Jenny Ghost and Jenny Toast if the option was on the table. This is the other Josh to join PIE in the Billion Year War. They died while trying to control a Tripod from the inside.
Four different characters who all happen to be one, the structure of this analysis will likely be somewhat different than usual. I think that they're all friendly to each other if and when they encounter each other, though they never worked out a system for when they encounter someone the other Joshes know.
Relationship HCs
Aaron Davenport
The Husband of specifically Josh Davenport, he hasn't met any of the other versions of his spouse. The two live outside of the standard dimensions to try to avoid getting involved in anything horrible or hectic, and Josh loves him very much. They see each other as a grounding force, and wouldn't trade each other's company for the world.
Charlie Keller
Josh's younger brother and a bartender at a tourist trap hotel. Despite his sibling's abilities, he has nothing that he is aware of just yet, making him frustrated and a little self-loathing. Josh is not aware of the depth of what he's feeling, and accidentally brushes him off more than once. They're trying to reconnect but they've both changed so much that the old methods they used to connect won't work yet.
In the billion year war, they made it their priority to find their brother after finding out he was making up prophecies and going by Action Charlie to sound cooler than he really was. They wanted to get it in his brain how dangerous his choices were, but the wasteland got to them first.
His inferiority complex can be a problem if not considered.
Darth Calculus
Hate to say this, but while I'm not sure which one yet, one of the Joshes has joined the ranks of characters who went to school under Darth Calculus... Which likely says something about where that one's loyalties lie at the end of the day. As it stands now, only one of the four trained under him, though it's possible his influence can reach all of them through his actions toward one... not sure yet.
Josh Keller's significant other, the pair have been dating for a long while and met through Johnny Toast. She likes how sensitive but mature he is, and thinks his forgetful nature is a little funny.
Jacob randomly encountered Dummy one day, thought he was ridiculous, and orchestrated a break-up with them for the drama. She thinks the other version of her could do better. She would be disappointed to learn they repaired their relationship afterward.
Gavin Toast
Much to every other Josh's chagrin, Josh Stevens has a bit of an unsubstantial crush on every Toast she encounters, and that includes Gavin. It is also likely to Gavin's chagrin, considering he wouldn't have the time to babysit a child. They would say something, he would roll his eyes and go back to work, they wouldn't notice him shrugging them off, they probably robbed a bank together... y'know, harmless.
Jenny Ghost
Possible girlfriend!
Jenny Toast
Johnny Ghost
Johnny Toast
27-year-old Josh and Johnny Toast met each other through high school.
Same for 17-year-old Josh, but that was a different dimension, and they didn't hit it off the same way.
Sally Villainchalla
Or Cecelia Davenport, the oldest of the Joshes 'rescued' the amnesiac Villainchalla from their universe without realizing she was apart of the problem. They love their daughter, and are doing what they can to grow beyond the evil expectations of their world. Cecelia doesn't have any memories outside of the pocket dimension she's been raised in, and with any luck it'll stay that way.
Taylor Keller
Josh's older sister and someone who Josh heavily looks up to! They trust their sister's intuition and are closer with her than they are their brother.
The birth order of Josh and their siblings goes Taylor, Josh, Charlie. They are also all trans and they try their best to be supportive to each other. They don't stay together in every universe, and Josh Keller is the tightest with both their siblings at once.
Josh Davenport gets their surname from Andrew Davenport, one of the creators of Teletubbies.
Jacob Keller gets their first name from a pseudonym Josh used in canon, and they and Josh Keller get their surname from Joe Keller, who played the main character of the 1987 All My Sons made-for-TV film since 21 pilots gets their name from that. That is also their canon original surname.
Josh Stevens gets their name from it being declared in canon at one point... why they don't have the Keller surname... who knows... ;)
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My Light Zeron Headcanon Masterlist
Happy Saturday! It’s time for everyone’s favorite(?) weekly-but-not-guaranteed soirée into My Specific idea of canon!
With the amount I’ve made Light my own guy, this was only a matter of time. Because of the situation he’s in, I originally thought it was best to cover the black cat demon first, since it can help to explain the situation he’s in, but since I’ve been talking about him a Lot rn, I might as well explain how I hc him and what I think his deal is! What’s more, his situation will make it obvious what danger Spooker is in the universes where he carries the demon around, so this is a good one to do b4 Spooks.
History HCs
Light was put into the foster system at a very young age, and he doesn’t really know much about his family. He does know he’s not human, and the logistics of the whole thing, but it doesn’t really come up because what he actually happens to be is hard to define with singular words. Alien works though. Besides, no one else seems to notice or care if he happens to be a little bit different in inconsequential ways. They more care about his ego and complete lack of attention span, the two things that got him the most complaints when he was growing up. He was a lot of a handful and tended to exhaust people quickly, which made it both hard for him to make friends, and hard for the adults in charge to take him seriously. There was an assumption that he was constantly acting out for attention when he, in fact, was just like that and would be doing things whether someone was around him or not. He’s the kind of kid who does a lot of dangerous stuff because he hasn’t broken a bone yet and doesn’t realize his actions have consequences.
It’s while he’s a kid that he would meet and get close to some british kid living in the states for reasons he was kind of cagey about. He was a little sickly, and apparently was here after a poor experience with his father, though Light couldn’t imagine how bad of an experience one would have to have to move continents. The two got along great, being like the first person to have the patience to deal with Light and his energy. They weren’t together for the longest time, Toast being over to a different location soon after, but Light’s lack of other friendships and the instrumental affect that his friendship the boy had on his life basically burned his face and name into his brain for good (plus his weird last name helped). Even with they scarcely saw each other again, Light kept his memories of his first friend close to his heart. And on his sleeve— he does not hide his feelings.
From that rough start, he struggled to decide what he wanted to do with his life, eventually deciding to wait and figure it out, spending the present wasting time however he saw fit. Wandering around from thing to thing, Light is incredibly flighty, choosing to move on to whatever thing catches his fancy. He’s had a multitude of jobs, roles, careers, classes, internships, etc, and has become a real jack of all trades over time. It’s because of this that he took the night shift at a pizza place on the bad side of town. Whether he needed the job or just got super into it because of the encouragement of others is something worth considering, but I do think that’s based on the storyline. He found that for some reason, even when he chooses to veg out and not do his job, or sleep through most of it, he seemed to be doing really well according to the people around him. He wasn’t sure how that worked, but he was not about to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Eventually, he moved in with James Maloney, a person in a similar line of work to Light, and was well-known to people who were more involved than Light for really struggling at it. When the duo first met, it was through someone making a joke that Maloney should be taking pointers from Light, which was pretty embarrassing for both of them. However, the more the two actually talked one to one, the more they actually came to an understanding about the whole thing. Especially since the two actually did share interests outside of their work and were both looking for a roommate.
Appearance HCs
That’s right we’re getting a shiny new section here! Light’s design changes rapidly depending on where in the timeline he’s in, so I figured this part is a really important addition! The designs also have funky little names that I’m weirdly happy with.
Important things of note: I dunno what his natural hair color was, but the purple in his hair is a supernatural thing, not him dying his hair purple. While he curls it early on, his hair is not naturally curly, he just likes it and is willing to put that effort into his look at the time. Also, his natural eye color is purple (alien moments) but they turn yellow when he’s possessed.
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Bright colors and a sunny outlook on life! Light is a cool guy with chill vibes who isn’t really all that invested in the security job they just landed. He sees it as a way to sleep all night and still pay the bills and not much else. He has a couple other jobs on the side when he first starts working at the pizza place, since everyone eats pizza here. He meets and moves in with Maloney while he’s still in this stage, not caring too much about his job even while other people compliment him for his work with it (he has done literally nothing). He only really starts paying attention when he realizes that the ghost stories at his place of work are a little more than just stories, and even then he just thinks there’s just ghosts and an excuse to reach out to an old friend.
He’s in this phase for a really long time just because he’s ignorant and doesn’t think it’s worth looking the gift horse in the mouth for a long, long time. He probably would’ve changed his appearance a few times than just this, but I use the long red hair with curls as the baseline that this is what phase he’s in. He’s tanned because he goes out in the sun a lot, frequently spending his days outside whether that be for other jobs or just for fun. This is also meant to contrast how he gets the life sucked out of him over time.
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After realizing what’s going on and getting a face-to-face encounter with the monster at his workplace, Light starts actually trying to take things seriously. He realizes there was always a danger at his workplace, and starts trying to protect people stupid enough to wander inside. This makes him basically nocturnal and he starts struggling to see his friends during the day, making him come off as weirdly grouchy and antisocial to his friends. Maloney is like the only person who gets to see him regularly, and he’s in the process of learning about his parentage and more about his own alien roots, making Light choose not to talk to him about it to give him time to process his own stuff.
He cuts his hair short so the robots can’t pull it, he starts arming himself in the workplace, and he dedicates his time to ensuring others make it out alive. What he wasn’t anticipating was that he was actually part of the threat, and he was only able to protect people for as long as he was allowed to. He only takes care of himself to the bare minimum, not seeing any reason to actually focus on himself hen everything else going on feels more important and is consuming his time. A lot of his original style is passed to the wayside in replacement of looks that are more sloppy but faster to organize. He is also so tired.
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This is after getting turned into something undead, but before things are as bad as they can be. He tries to quit his job and avoid being a threat to other people by avoiding them, holding himself up in a house and hoping for the best, actually using the knowledge he got from his time being a guard. He’s not taking care of himself— completely malnourished, hallucinating vividly, paranoid that he’s going to be pursued by monsters even when in places they reasonably cannot get to. He didn’t intentionally get his hair this time, he only shaved part of it short because the stress was making him lose hair. He doesn’t know why it’s growing back purple, but it just freaks him out more.
Unlike when he’s being controlled by the demon, knives are not his weapon of choice. He prefers harpoon spears since he’s able to throw those long distances and not get close to what might be unstoppable. Plus, his biggest issue with the knife was not being able to get them back, while you can just slap a rope on the harpoon. He doesn’t want to be a threat to other people, but now that he’s literally an undead monster, there’s no getting around it. I imagine his friends do manage to track him down and get him to open up around this point, even if he’s terrified that he poses a threat to them, but if his friends are able to find him, other things are able to as well.
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Hehehe puns… Ultraviolet is the actual name, and this is actually based on the closest thing we have to a canon model. This is the model he has when he suddenly starts acting very weird and creepy to the PIE team, and I think making it apart if the narrative of his story is a good way to handle it. Having it so that he’s completely withered away to where his own body doesn’t feel like his own— his eye color is different, his hair color is different, he feels sunken and hollow but almost looks fine— it’s a tame type of psychological body horror that only works if you knew him before everything happened. When the demon controls him, he still moves like a puppet, but he spends so much time in that state that he almost feels weird moving normally.
Long story short, he’s most dangerous like this. He doesn’t have much control over his actions by this phase until the demon decides they’re done with him. He’s basically in the same position as the children Ghost and Spooker banished from his first place of work, except he’s the wrong undead and can’t be banished. Aside from being physically in this plane even as an undead, he’s also contractually tied to the demon. The demon has some level of power with the company, which is why its allowed to hole up at different locations and basically be handed trespassers. Cuz of that, it has power over Light until it decides it doesn’t want him anymore… and considering Light was able to be hailed as the best security guard ever was a choice done by his company, it’s safe to assume they are not a safe group to go to for help.
Things don’t actually end here, I do have stories and ideas where things never get this bad, and other stories and ideas where he doesn’t die after the demon disposes of him, allowing him to actually grow and grow up. I think just having it end on the ultraviolet stage where everything is suffering and pain would be a mistake just specifically because it’s a bit hopeless. I want Light to have a chance to go home to his friends and not feel like a threat to them anymore. And maybe lecture Ghost and Spooker for putting him into that position to begin with.
Relationship HCs
Gavin or Johnny Toast
I’m not sure which brother works better, and I think it may change depending on the universe and how this will benefit the story, but when he was a child in the foster system, he knew one of the Toast twins while they were in the states. This can go in different ways depending on which brother Light met and got close to. Either he and Gavin were close, and Light was the energetic pep to Gavin’s lackluster and kind of tired energy, or he and Johnny were close, and Light was a predecessor close friend to Johnny Ghost.
At some point when they were both still very young, Light lost contact with Toasts, and while he remembered them fondly, he had to keep pushing forward. If he knows Gavin, he got back in contact with the twin when they were older, though Gavin kept him at arm’s length to keep him uninvolved in… Everything. However, knowing either Toast or his brother is what pushes Light to eventually reach out to PIE, even when he’s under the impression that things aren’t that serious. He was hoping to see Toast again— possibly mistaking Johnny for Gavin in universes where the pair never met, and was disappointed to realize that he was actually in prison.
James Maloney
Met through work, Maloney has no idea how some slacker punk guy with a bad dye job who barely cares about his job is somehow doing better civil service than him. They get to know each other a bit, Maloney finds out that Light is just as confused as he is, and though bitter he lightens up to this guy a little. After realizing they’re in the same area that that it would be more convenient, the pair move in together and start living the sitcom life.
Light would be the first one to learn about a lot of the odd things in James’s life, like how he can turn into a bird and how his dad is an alien. Light would just smile and nod, add an interesting introspection to confirm he’s listening, and overall be a good shoulder to lean on. In turn. Light kept his problems to himself and refused to let others know what he was experiencing, which Maloney did notice when he started becoming more closed off. James still feels like he needs to help his friend in some way, even if he’s seemingly refusing help.
And they were ROOMMATES… I don’t know how romantic I want to turn their relationship, but I can definitely say that the opportunity is there.
Jenny Toast
Met through Maloney, Jenny being related to Light’s old childhood friend brought his opinion of her up by like a thousand percent. Even if she can be a bit bossy or otherwise selfish, Light appreciates her company and understanding, especially since Maloney didn’t believe in the paranormal until he realized he was paranormal. Though she would have been a fabulous option to seek help from, Light would be hesitant after hearing her mention how tired she is of her brother’s constantly getting into trouble with the supernatural.
Jimmy Casket
“Guys, are we ABSOLUTELY sure that isn’t me?”
Early in his whole situation — Despite his friends constant insistence that they have met Jimmy Casket and he is a completely different person with no relation to Light, Light’s anxiety keeps chewing at him. He knows that he does Something when he is at work, and that the something is likely very harmful to others. Being Jimmy Casket would actually give him some relief because then he would actually know what was happening and see the aftermath, but Light is rarely if ever able to see the results of his own actions. The lack of closure is difficult to explain, though.
The big difference between Light and Jimmy: When light is possessed, he doesn’t get taken over by another person. That IS still Light making up songs about murder and dancing over bodies of people he initially meant to protect. He’s just in a bit of a trance— when he wakes up, he feels like all the previous events were a dream he’s already forgetting. When it’s happening, he moves like he’s being controlled by a puppeteer… because he literally is. Even if parts of his personality shine through, his intentions, decisions, and actions are chosen by someone else. Part of what makes that so dangerous: pain does not slow him down. Jimmy can be incapacitated, Light can be killed and will keep moving… though it only gets THAT severe after he becomes undead
The Mighty Spence
SOMEHOW light is related to this GOD. Like, not a direct descendant, but still related, making him a DEMIGOD.
Not only is this a thing said in canon, this is a thing that I’m pretty sure is said BY Light in his last video of appearance. I don’t know how he’s aware of this relation AND an orphan alien, so there’s a chance that he lied about something. Taking him directly at face value in the video where he’s talking crazy half the time is something I’m genuinely trying to do, in part because sometimes the truth can hurt more than a demon making you spout nonsense to someone you claim to have known. However, from what I remember from the video it’s gonna be kind of hard to do that because he spouted so much nonsense.
Demigod Alien Orphan…
Spooker’s Demon Cat Plushie
Funnily enough, before this creature I define by Spooker… belonged to Spooker, it was already giving Light grief. Light was not aware of how dangerous it was before it was too late, not even realizing that a demon was behind his anxieties. All he knew was that he building he worked at was haunted as heck, and a childhood friend of his was a ghost-hunter. It seemed like a perfect way to encounter a long-lost friend with no consequences aside from no more haunted house at work. It had consequences.
Turns out, the demon got power/energy from the dead people under it, and Light inadvertently getting all of them banished to a different reality meant. It was kind of pissed at him. It is because of this thing that Light will often be on the side of the animatronics and other beasts in the restaurant. Light’s (and the other animatronics) real role in the place is to basically kill anyone who enters to give the demon a power boost, especially after Light calling in PIE got all the previous ghosts under the demon to be banished.
Because he is alive, Light just so happens to be the face of this whole thing to the company that hired him, and in order to avoid the danger affecting more people, the people in charge just praise him and pretend the problem with the demon doesn’t exist, hoping he stays ignorant to his own actions forever. He was vaguely aware that something was up from like week one, which is why he called PIE even before it was a real problem... So. Assumption failed.
In some AUs this demon is directly associated to the Housekeeper because of its ability to control the dead, which also puts Light into the category of people of interest in my stories where the Housekeeper is a threat. There is never a guarantee he’ll be there, but sometimes!
Looking at Light’s name, I am really tempted to say that he chose it himself. Whether that be for gender reasons or because he just liked it way more than what his og name was I dunno, but I do like the idea of him reclaiming his identity through it when he was finally able to live for himself.
Pronouns he/they, nonbinary achillien, a pile of moths in a trenchcoat.
Sometimes if Gavin needs a friend or associate, I gently (or forcefully) nudge Light into that role. Light is a really, really good hype man for someone who I imagine to be really deadpan and nonreactive, with Light being a hyper ball of overexpressive energy and support. Gavin could be committing murder and Light would be in the background cheering him on.
I kept harping on how Light was way out of his depth and his job was not everything he thought it was but I did forget to mention: Light as mistaken, the main goal of his job is not to prevent people from breaking in, but to keep the dangers inside of the restaurant from either breaking out or becoming public knowledge. Apparently his survival alone, especially while being lazy, says a lot about his character to the people in charge who know what’s happening.
Song HCs
- Roaring 20s by Panic! At The Disco
“🎶 … I don’t even know me … 🎶”
Have you ever not really liked a song, but it fit with a specific character so well that it was stuck on the character like white on rice to the point where you start enjoying the song? Yeah. That’s me with this.
I use this song to explore how he changes over time in my head, it actually helped me solidify the designs. Tracks how overtime, Light goes from an aloof guy, to someone more cautious as he realizes there’s something to be afraid of, then he starts to lose control… idk how to really explain it aside from writing out All my ideas, but
- Not Really a Song HC, but I HAVE Written a script of Light in the Meat Grinder Animation Meme
This is actually where the made ideas of how he moves when possessed came from, with him moving like a puppet and being unperturbed by loss of limbs. Since the whole point of the meme is walk cycles, this was a good way to visualize the difference between how Light normally moved and the uncanny valley of how he moved when being controlled by someone else.
I count this just because I had to listen to the song over and over to write the script and I still look it up. Kind of hard to not consider it solidified in that way.
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My Soup Family Headcanon Masterlist
As I mentioned last week, I have a lot of thoughts about Spooker, too many to get all down right now, so here’s a masterlist about his family specifically, since I talk about them individually a lot!
A family consisting of living ghosts, the Soup family has been impacted by the Chakalata being banished by PIE when Spooker was a child. The current generation of the family is seemingly entirely human at this point, but getting to know them better makes it more obvious that this is not and has never been the case.
This will only go as far back as Chakalata, though I will mention Darth Calculus and others beyond him if the need rises. This is what happens when I'm left to my own devices.
Like always, I'm opening with a history of the family. This is where I'm going to cover both where Chakalata came from and why Spooker doesn't talk to his dad anymore.
History HC
Chakalata Soup is one of many, many special children who was raised by Darth Calculus. He's been a ghost since he was born, meaning he's been dead as long as he's been alive, and he doesn't like to think about how it worked. Because he was one of the younger kids to join the program, he sees DC as his actual father and doesn't actually know where he came from initially... (though DC might've been his actual dad I'm not sure yet... I did give Chakalata a mom, her name is Flammel--) However, it is likely his origin is inter-dimensional or with some connection to the Smigglebug family.
Darth Calculus is not a good parental figure for someone to have. He's incredibly conniving and the goal of his experiments is only to further his research on immortality. Since Chakalata was never really given life, it stands to reason that he can not die. He was given a lot of incredibly invasive tests and wasn't really taught how to control his dangerous powers so he would be more likely to over-exert himself trying. He isn't... a "ghost" ghost, as those can't move objects without effort and can't leave specific locations, but his heart has never beat and he can do most things ghosts can.
As a teenager he realized how dangerous and upsetting the tests were and actually ran away and escaped for a small time. He tried integrating with a society that didn't mind how different he was from them, he fell in love, he opened a diner, and he befriended the original Paranormal Investigators. He thought their goal of making the world more aware of ghosts was admirable and would allow a better life for him and his children. Especially after his firstborn, a girl named Emerson, was similarly ghostly to her father. He liked having the organization around as he had come to befriended some of the members, and helped them find ghosts in the area to help.
Because there's such a large age difference between Emerson and Fred "Spooker", there's a chance that they have more siblings in the middle, with Spooker as the youngest. It isn't necessary though, Whatever the case, Emerson's kid Poppy was born when Spooker was still a child. Around this time, Chakalata is found by DC and is pulled back into working under him. While helping her father at one of his places of work, Emerson got high-key nuked by one of the Acachallas (Billy) and despite Chakalata coming back from the dead, she couldn't even die and was left a charred living corpse.
Spooker never really got to know what remained of PIE, despite them having a kid about his age, because when he was younger Chakalata and Spooker & Emmie's mom split up, and Spooker went with his mom. This is where Chakalata struggling to control his powers comes into play, because they were becoming harder to contain and eventually wound up hurting people, getting him banished by a much less accepting early PIE. He didn't realize how lonely it would be, or that one of his victims and his granddaughter would be pulled along with him. This, and Darth Calculus's influence, has led him to resent the organization he once considered friends.
Which is why he eventually disowned Spooker, seeing his alignment with the organization that banished him as a betrayal.
Powers and Abilities HCs
Chakalata Soup
The Patriarch, Chakalata is about to do just about everything a ghost can, including possession, with an included firestarter ability. He can make and control an incredibly dangerous type of fire that he personally is immune to. The boundaries between life and death are skewed to him, and nowadays he prefers to be around ghosts since the undead population has been on a steady incline where he lives and is starting to form a real community.
Because his form really isn't physical, he can't get hurt and does not sustain a lot of short-term injuries... making it all the more shocking that DC's tests left him with scars.
Unlike most powers, which are directly tied to emotions, he was actually Taught to set things ablaze when he got frustrated or upset to make him harder to connect with.
His head was shaved for brain surgeries and other tests. He tried growing his hair out when he left DC to hide the scars, but had to shave it again for the same reason when he was found. In DC's eyes, Chakalata is still someone he can control.
Emerson "Barnacle Boat" Soup
Not her actual nickname, but one given to her by the young (nit-so-young) Johnny Ghost upon seeing her charred face. She is not fond of Ghost for that. She thought he'd be more understanding after he spent a full who-knows-how-long as a barely-living 7-foot puppet monster, but apparently not.
She is kind of alive, in that she can physically touch and feel things, travel the world, and needs sleep, food, and water to survive. However, her heart has never beat, and she is completely immune to pain.
Her body has a healing factor that is working much, much slower than she would like. Because her body was destroyed in the explosion, she couldn't be there to raise her daughter, which pains her immensely.
Fred "The Spooker" Soup
Spooker seems like a normal living person, even being able to get hurt and die, even if he is more pain-resistant than most people he can feel it. Where do his powers come from? Well, unlike his older sister, when he dies, he goes full ghost. He is either completely alive and human or the same type of undead creature as his father, and it all depends on how recently he last died.
When he dies, he slowly starts to come back to life over time, but he's perfectly content being a ghost, he finds it fun and feels it connects him more to his family since for him it's either one or the other. If he is tied to anything, he is tied to his hat.
I don't know if I want to say that Spooker was able to travel to the Housekeeper's dimension through a demon or if he can just Do That, but I can say that Spooker disappearing when he was stabbed by Casket in that dimension is not accidental. The Housekeeper has some control over the undead, and when Casket killed Spooker, Spooker Became undead. In other words, Casket put Spooker at the mercy of one of the worst entities in the series.
Poppy Soup
She is seemingly entirely human, with a beating heart and everything, but she is immune to most forms of damage. Including fire and radiation, most non-physical things can not hurt her.
Being raised by ghosts has made her develop no connection to the living world, and so despite being pretty normal from an outside perspective, she goes to the same school as the creep.ypastas when she gets out of the pocket dimension.
She is Incredibly close to Goober, who helped take care of her when she was growing up. She knows he sees her as kind of like a "replacement" for his younger sister, who died, but she's okay with it since she feels like she's using him as a "replacement" for her mom, who couldn't raise her.
Rapid Fire HCs
Everyone in the family has a ghost-based nickname that Chakalata gave them when they were little. He thinks they're adorable and it kind of hurts his heart that Spooker is his only kid who still uses his. He did not give Goober his name, that was ALL Poppy.
Poppy considers Goober apart of the family, but seeing as Goober was a human who got killed by Chakalata's hands, mentioning him in the powers and abilities section doesn't feel necessary. Goober's powers are 'being a ghost', 'following Chakalata', and 'FIRE'.
It is also worth noting that Goober was Katrina's older brother in my headcanons and her death Heavily affected him.
When Chakalata murdered Spooker for DIE that one time, it was not out of malice. He knew Spooker would come back as a ghost and thought that it'd make him easier to connect and empathize with. He didn't realize how traumatic being murdered by his father could be.
Chakalata used to Love the early PIE team, and found baby Johnny Ghost absolutely adorable. Saying that, he actually knew Gregory Casket, and knows what happened with CBF.
Emmie, similarly, knew baby Gregory, but left before the CBF incident. Upon meeting adult Johnny Ghost, she thought he was taking a name of a previous member as a code name or something, and used what she thought was his REAL name to try to get him to act more serious.
She had no idea it was so traumatic for him until she told her dad about it and he scolded her.
Poppy sees humans as ghosts who haven't hatched yet, and will always see PIE as something bad. She's probably the one who convinced Chakalata to check out the Destroyers of the Investigators Extraordinaire thing.
Chakalata did not want to return to DC, but eventually did out of what he felt was necessity. His only goal is to keep his kids and granddaughter out from under the knife.
When Chakalata meets Spooker's adopted daughter, Woah, he is going to sob his eyes out. Not out of sadness of course, but...
Due to the pessimistic feelings of the people around him, Chakalata was under the impression that Spooker was apart of PIE to reject his father and the undead. He didn't realize that Spooker still felt sympathetic to and a connection with the paranormal, or that this PIE does not consider themselves ghost-HUNTERS. Seeing Spooker and another PIE member adopt and care for a ghost child would make him realize that his son wasn't "gone" and this current PIE was not all bad.
Might even be enough for him to un-disown Spooker.
Songs and Why
- Love, Me Normally by Will Wood
I think this is a thought process that most of the family has come to experience, with Spooker being the most recent one. This idea that they are inherently different from everyone else and this resentment of the idea because of how alienating it was. Everyone else has worked beyond it, but it's harder to do when you feel you've been left behind.
Admittedly, more of the family has individual songs.
Chakalata has To My Enemies
Poppy has Aura (and Gintlemen's Club in an AU, she shares it with Gavin)
Goober has two-- Dumb Dumb and A Million Gruesome Ways To Die
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What ideas do you have about cardboard Friend? do you believe that Barnacle and cbf are the same person?
My Cardboard Friend Headcanon Masterlist
(and the occasional guest headcanon for "Barnacle Boat")
Actually, anon, I don't normally consider Barnacle Boat and Cardboard Friend to even be aware of the other's existence, much less being the same person. I think that every trait they share is resultant of varying levels of coincidence. However, I am not opposed to considering that hc and considering what that would mean in conjunction to other headcanons of mine. My actual hcs for CBF are too complicated to summarize tbh.
Several dozen theories and headcanons under the cut!
I HC CBF as using it/its pronouns, if you're not comfortable with this I am very sorry.
Origins / Motives HCs
In order from least to most dangerous, and if something seems equally dangerous the less paranormal option will be listed first. I am not involved with nor do I use every headcanon I'm going to list here, but I like sharing everything that's crossed my mind in case someone else has an idea on what to build upon.
Least Dangerous - Cardboard Friend is the ghost of a child who just so happened to be around when Gregory was alone. In this headcanon, there is nothing dangerous about CBF at all, it's just a lost child looking for some kind of family and is not actively seeking Ghost, only recognized him. If I want to be soft with this option, I'd say that CBF recognizes T.Casket as their dad because T.Casket took in CBF before he died hoping to help the child move on. In this hc, Casket was always the dangerous aspect between Gregory and CBF's friendship. Ghost only associates CBF with the trauma of it so hard that he thinks CBF was the danger. CBF is terrified of Casket (to the point of screaming and running away), so perhaps in this hc, Casket is what killed T.Casket, and CBF is horrified of him. Can be solved through adoption and managing to convince it that Ghost is grown.
Less Dangerous - CBF is a ghost of a family member, one with history in the Casket Family and one who probably has a bone to pick with either T.Casket or Jimmy. This comes in two separate headcanons with incredibly different levels of danger, but this CBF has a problem with Casket and took Gregory to in some way protect him. This one is probably either a child, a sibling of Gregory's, or a caretaker of some kind and recognizes that there is something very wrong with Ghost after T.Casket dies. In fact, this CBF could be a memory of T.Casket living on, trying to recreate and find a safe environment for Ghost to grow up in, not realizing Ghost is grown, and unable to accept that he's changed. He doesn't mean any harm toward Ghost, but may cause an accident trying to get to Casket.
Questionably Dangerous - An incredibly complicated mixture - a clone (of a clone of a clone?) of Johnny Toast with very little of his own mind left, fused to a bunch of boxes after practically dying on them and being suddenly sent back in time. He's drawn toward Gregory like a moth to the flame because he recognizes his old friend. This would make CBF some kind of warped idea of a ghost, and I do think it actually lessens possible plotlines and creative ideas, but perhaps I'm only here for drama. In this headcanon, the most dangerous aspect is the lucidity of this version of Toast, and how he may end up being dangerous just because of how what he's been through has left him. Would he hurt Gregory without realizing it, or see hurting Gregory as a type of love, or not be dangerous at all? Depends on the author.
Unintentionally Dangerous - Created through an Ernest mistake haha... Seriously though, this hc is one of my current favorite ones: CBF is the result of Ghost's uncle Ernie (Ernest) playing with Ghost and giving him an imaginary friend, and as a result of this, it accidentally breathed life into CBF. I was going to rate this as less dangerous but between Melon Friend murdering Billy's dad and what I hc'd to be his uncle, and Lily Friend (I don't bring her up often but she's a robot who went on a murderous rampage as SOON as Billy decided they were besties) going on a murderous rampage as soon as Billy decided they were besties (I think I'm funny), I realized that Billy's friend system might be the problem, and depending on how obsessive CBF is over Gregory, it could be incredibly dangerous ESPECIALLY toward Gregory himself.
Intentionally Dangerous - CBF is a ghost of a family member, one with history in the Casket Family and one who probably has a bone to pick with either T.Casket or Jimmy. This comes in two separate headcanons with incredibly different levels of danger, but this CBF has a problem with T.Casket and is taking it out on Gregory since their actual target is dead. They are a vengeful spirit and want to see the poor guy suffer, even behind the not-very-scary outside :> demeanor. The more Ghost trusts his own reality, the better to this ghost. Can be solved with some kind of outside external help.
Danger through Memory - The first CBF with Gregory could be anything, but the CBF Ghost encountered years later is some kind of borderline parasite creature feeding off of one of Ghost's most deep-rooted fears, and Ghost being there was actually saving that couple from facing any of their own traumas since Ghost was the most interesting thing there.
Danger! Danger! Danger! - A demon that feeds on innocence or familial trust and latches onto people like parasites, this version would be what I headcanoned back when I was in middle school. This includes the demon having the ability to shape how the people perceive their own reality so it can insert itself into households. Since it sees Ghost as its brother (and a variety of other reasons) it can manipulate Ghost's mind and possibly physical age if it's given the trust. Even if left alone, it will proceed to insert itself into and kill other families around the world, and is drawn to tragedy like flies to carrion. It probably only found Gregory because it killed T.Casket when he tried to banish it, making it calling him its dad more of a mockery than anything. This thing is actively malicious toward Ghost and Gregory and is more interested in him because he's the victim that got away.
HHHHH - In the original video CBF appears in, at the end, it is said that CBF is a living old man who kidnapped Gregory. That is an uncomfortable dip into realism and depending on how severe you choose to make this background, I feel you would probably need to tag some kind of warning if you intend to write it. Since CBF is completely and undeniably a ghost by its next appearance, I find it perfectly fine to consider this point retconned.
But What is Barnacle Boat, Then?
I have my own independent headcanons for her so I’m not going too deep here. I want her to have her own Masterpost because I think she deserves it.
First point of note is that I generally consider BB to be a girl and use she/her for them, though I’m not opposed to considering they and it as well. In my headcanons, Barnacle Boat is Spooker’s older sister, Chakalata’s oldest child, and Poppy’s mother.
There is a video from awhile back where Papa goes to a hotel run by Chakalata, and someone with Spooker’s character model is there working for him. I don’t think they’re specifically named in the video, but it ends with them being almost point-blank nuked by Billy… I’ve decided that that is why she looks like that. Her whole family’s thing is incredibly complicated and deserves a masterpost of its own, but all you need to know is that she can’t die, so she can’t respawn, and she can get hurt. Being shot point-blank with a NUKE left her too hurt and radioactive to continue in “normal” society without putting people at risk, so her dad got her a job at Hell’s island… before it started collapsing in on itself.
How does she know Gregory then? Easy— through their parents.
BB, who I’ve dubbed Emerson or Emmie since I wanted her to have her own name, worked at her dad’s restaurant before Gregory was taken by CBF, and got to know the family pretty well before she set off on her own to try to start her own family and stuff. Chakalata and T.Casket were pretty tight before things broke down and imploded. She was never told about what happened since it wasn’t any of her business, but managed to figure out where she knew Ghost from while showing him around Hell’s Island, assuming he was only going by Ghost because of some weird ‘trick the ghosts into thinking you’re someone else’ plot or something… but JGS was the one who wound up banishing her father, so her ignoring his preferred name for a short time was less of a personal slight and more her not realizing it wasn’t just a nickname he liked a lot.
“Wouldn’t Spooker also know Ghost as Gregory?” They were both really young (Spooker is only a little older than Ghost in my canon), Spooks has no reason to connect the two in his head, and in my universe Spooks spent basically all his time with his mom when his parents got divorced, which is why Spooker didn’t get banished like his dad and niece. long story short— Spooker knew Gregory but probably barely remembers him and has no idea he and Ghost have any affiliation… let alone that they’re the same person.
Okay, done with her for now ^^
Back to the boxes.
General Headcanons
Food - Cardboard Friend cannot eat, it cannot experience life the same way a living person can (unless it's a headcanon where it's alive), but it does have a favorite food: Sandwiches. Not because it actually likes sandwiches, but because Gregory did. If it is a really touchy innocent specter, they just want to get closer to its.. buddy. If it's a demon, it's using the lure of sounding 'human' to lull people into a false sense of security.
Phobias - Ghost gets a couple of fears from CBF, but whether we make this innocent or not depends on the person. Personally, I think CBF was scared of birds, and instilled a similar fear in Gregory. However Ghost is also scared of old men. Once again: give a warning if you intend to follow that plotline to its conclusion.
Family? - In my headcanons, CBF is one of a kind, and there is nothing else like it in the manner of a species. It may see itself as a human and is actively seeking anything familiar to it just for the comfort of company. Unless it's a demon or living person/ghost, then it's one of those.
Education - I think part of why Ghost can't read is CBF having an actual stunting effect on him in wanting him to stay with him. I think CBF can't read, can't write, can only really talk because Gregory can. There is a chance the pair is inherently linked.
Relationship Headcanons
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Ghost's Parents Masterlist
Since someone asked about the both of them earlier in the week, I decided to give them an actual relationship masterlist.
As fun as this is to make, it's important to mention first and foremost that everything about these characters comes strictly from me. I am not referring to canon unless I want to make sure I am not actively working against anything. For the record, Peewee is imaginary, and Ghost Senior was implied to be Our Ghost's dad as a retcon to what was meant to be Ghost's canon perma-death. So if you want to use anything here, I'd be touched, just know it doesn't come directly from the source, it comes from me.
For the record, I have given Peewee his own non-nickname name-- it's Marion-- and I'm tempted to do the same for Ghost Sr. so he isn't just... Johnny Ghost Senior all the time... He's JGS now. Rolls right off the tongue.
This was supposed to post at a completely different time and is still a little half-baked. I’ll be sure to fix it up a bit later
History HCs
Unlike with Toast and Ghost, since this is entirely my own little thing, it means the story isn't as fluid. I'm able to discern actual points without feeling like I am actively trying to force a liquid to stand on its own.
High School
Neither Marion or JGS remembered their first meeting when they started dating, but before they were together, they were technically bitter rivals. (Only JGS would insist that)
When both Marion and JGS were in high school, they were incredibly active in their school's robotics team, both students much more persistent on winning than the others from their school.
They only had to compete against each other one year, but they were. Very open to the competition. To the point of lowkey annoying the other members of their team. Especially since they were past the point of adding things to their bots.
They only remembered this whole thing because one of them still had the ribbon from when they won that competition, and they realized it was the same one they both competed in as kids.
The Meetcute
While JGS wasn't born in North Carolina, he moved there before high school. He had no intentions of staying long after he turned 18, but after the sudden adoption of Ernest into the family, JGS got invested in helping his new brother and stuck around. The two became joined at the hip.
Additionally, Marion also wanted to break away from his family. He wound up going to a college in his own state for the pay benefits, but intentionally chose one farther from home. He came from a very superstitious family, so choosing a college that was well-known for being super haunted was probably a bad idea, but he dug it.
JGS and Ernest got jobs as mechanics instead of going to college, JGS not being sure what he wanted to do what his life yet, and Ernest not remembering any aspect of his life at all. Meanwhile, Marion found himself frequently visiting the shop in order to get new things for projects.
JGS is on perpetual cashier duty after blowing something up in his first week, and serves Marion almost every single time. Being a tech guy himself, he starts growing curious about what he could possibly be working on, and mentions it to Ernie.
While JGS doesn't pick up on it, Ernie realizes that he's beginning to fall in love with the idea of this guy, so he joins his brother at the register just long enough to ask Marion what he's working on. He listens for a little while, but leaves after JGS starts asking the right questions.
After a couple weeks of the two frequently chatting like this, they finally exchange numbers and begin having talks about meeting up together. Conversations turn from engineering, to other hobbies, to a broader understanding of the world.
When Ernest found out they started dating, the first thing he said was 'you weren't already?'
Unlike JGS, Peewee was raised very superstitiously, so while he had a healthy interest in the paranormal, it stopped right around where the sage ran out.
The two explored different ways to sense and collect data on the supernatural, putting their heads together to revolutionize paranormal technology as the world knew it. In the process, they caught the attention of T.Casket, an eccentric rich guy with a ambitious goal of making knowledge of the supernatural common international knowledge.
Peewee couldn't get himself to do it, but JGS saw this as nothing but a win, especially since Ernest already agreed to start working with the team ASAP.
Though JGS was often the one credited for the creation of a lot of the tools he used by T.Casket's show, Peewee was incredibly involved where he could be, and his involvement was always very obvious-- Peewee using steampunk imagery like a sign that something was made by him.
When Peewee was feeling brave, he might join the team on a mission or two, or help them do long-term research for solutions to conceptual problems. But most of the time he would prefer to stay home and maybe work the books if needed.
Because of the weird blur between the work-life balance, the two were able to turn long days at work into a date, though it also made some things more stressful than necessary.
PIE became a big part of the couple’s lives, the pair being very involved in making sure thing ran smoothly on a technical and personal level, especially after Gregory came into T.Casket’s life.
Any kind ghosts JGS met, he would introduce to Peewee to try to help his superstition. It wasn’t always helpful, but it helped expand his worldview.
Adopting Gregory
When T.Casket suddenly passed, Ernest was the first person to realize his son was likely missing for a paranormal reason, immediately taking it to his brother. Unlike JGS, he had settled down and started a family, and had a kid at home he needed to take care of, leaving JGS to figure out what the fuck is going on.
It sucks to lose your spouse at such a young age, and Peewee didn’t really take it too well, turning away from the rest of the world.
He put more emphasis on his role of a father to ignore the loss of his role of husband. He wanted to make sure that Ghost would be better prepared than his father.
It does not help that not even a year after JGS went and got himself killed, Johnny got himself possessed that same year’s Halloween.
Peewee was the first person to know what happened, but his conflicted feelings about the supernatural made him feel forgiving, and he decided to turn the other cheek for this one since it didn’t seem to be hurting Johnny.
Then whatever it was killed Katrina, and Peewee spent the next week trying to pry Ghost and Casket apart.
Despite what Toast might think, Peewee likely knows more about Casket than any other living person on the planet. Especially since he had to learn where to hide the knife rack so he didn’t get murdered in his sleep.
Song HCs
Guys my music taste is too sad for this. Like. I struggled to find a song for a happy, loving relationship that ends in tragedy because my music taste is the painful ones.
From the bottom of my heart, oops.
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My Katrina Headcanon Masterlist
Well, as the first one I've done since my Kermit the Claw masterlist, I think it's important to come back with a bang, and what's more of a bang than the queen of uncertain canon herself, Katrina!! There is so little about her in the actual channel that she is practically a fandom-made creation aside from her name, and that will not stop me from absolutely adoring her anyways.
Who she is, her real connection to Ghost and why even her image is enough to make him terrified, whether she is an actual ghost or not isn't even really confirmed. There is so much opportunity and I'm happy to cast in my two cents ^^
History HCs
Since Katrina is so varied in how people talk about her, I think it's only fair to give lip-service to multiple ideas of who she might be, whether it fits specifically into my other ideas for her or not. Everything with a star next to it (*) is a headcanon my other family headcanons for Katrina hold up with. Otherwise, I’ll go into more detail. These are how I would work with the hcs, but remember that it’s different for everyone!
Ghost's Close Childhood Friend*
In this history, Katrina has lived in the same town her whole life, never going beyond it. A bit rambunctious, Katrina tended to have a hard time fitting in with the others around them. Being the only girl in a large house of boys, aside from her mom, she was expected to act a certain way, wear dresses, not play in mud, none of which really called to her. She preferred roughhousing with her brothers or getting lost in the woods to playing alone with her dolls in the corner of her house.
She was in second grade when she first met Johnny Ghost (the Second), an odd boy with distant eyes who the teacher warned the class to give some space. Of course, this meant that everyone crowded around him the first chance they got, to size him up and figure out how much he’d manage to fit in. Not well, he was already loud and overly confident in the opinion of the other 8-year-olds, leaving him struggling to make friends. Katrina was there to hear some other kids try to break through to them, hearing them point out how Ghost was a really weird last name. Johnny replied by saying it made perfect sense, actually, since his dad was a paranormal investigator… and then had to explain what that meant to them. Katrina was awestruck at the job description— traveling around, saving lives, busting ghosts, what’s not to love? She introduced herself on the spot and demanded to learn more.
She and Ghost stuck together through the years, even as Johnny 2 and Ronnie joined the group, but Kat and Ghost lived closest and the two would often meet up for secret ghost-hunting scouting missions. While Ghost and Toast did most the actual hunting of ghosts, Katrina’s favorite part was the investigation and learning more about the situation. She was a little bit of a snoop, not being able to tell when enough information was enough and when to leave well enough alone… and that’s probably where it went wrong.
Some time after Toast left, after Ghost’s dog went suddenly missing after Halloween, Ghost signaled for Katrina to meet up with him on a ghost scouting mission late at night… which wouldn’t be too unusual, but Ghost had that same distant look in his eye he had on his first day of school. Kat knew something was wrong, but she couldn’t sit by and let whatever it was happen. Not even stopping to take off her nightgown, she slipped on her shoes and a jacket and followed her friend, like she had a million times before. She didn’t return.
Ghost's First Friend After Toast Left*
A loner more close to their brothers than anyone else, Kat was 15 before meeting Ghost for the first time, only getting introduced to him when they transferred to high school… though the kid was already well-known across the school system. Allegedly, he was loud and bombastic, but had a tendency to sneak into places or break things and blame it on the supernatural. While Katrina was interested in the idea of the supernatural as a kid, that kind of faded away after learning that Santa was just their dad in a beard and the tooth fairy was their mom sneaking into their room. That didn’t stop Kat from shooing some bullies away from the kid when they saw how frail he was.
Even after saving his butt, Kat was unashamed to admit to Johnny Ghost that they had heard of him when they first met him, referring to him and the ghost-hunting kid. They didn’t know about his dad, who he was insistent had a real job and was changing real lives with his work. While they tried to be polite about it, Kat saw it more as an interesting idea and something to make a quick buck off of through showmanship and lies than an actual thing that could save lives. Ghost promised them that he’d be able to prove to them that not only were ghosts real, but that his dad was doing something real, and the two agreed to the bet.
Kat was showered with information, videos Johnny recorded himself while out and about, old artifacts his dad brought back to him from missions, first-hand accounts recorded from someone else reading verbatim. None of it really swayed Kat, but their interest was completely restored, and they agreed to work with Ghost in the coming future on his projects and ideas, helping him find things and weeding out what was clearly lies for attention. The two families entirely started growing closer from the kids hanging out, with Johnny Ghost Senior even offering to give one of his friends who owned a business a good reference for Kat’s oldest brother. Overall, it was lovely. They even got to meet Toast over the phone! (The two had a passionate debate over radio).
Then, some time after both Kat and Ghost had a family member mysteriously pass away, Ghost approached Kat, saying they knew how to convince them that the paranormal was real. Kat was a little annoyed he was bringing up that old debate when they were working with him anyways, but shrugged and agreed to check it out. Part of them actually wanted to believe they could see their brother again, that Ghost would be able to see his dad. While Jimmy Casket exploited this hope to lure them away from safety, he technically wasn’t lying. There was nothing they could deny anymore.
Ghost's Friend Who Does Not Care For Ghosts*
The pair likely met in some form of therapy early on in Ghost’s recovery from his experiences with CBF, Katrina being a kid in the neighborhood who had seen and survived some things in the past.
She knew that ghosts were real, and it terrified her. It kept her awake at night both wondering if there were any ghosts around her… and if she would become a ghost when she passed. Ghost drew her attention by saying that his dad was a paranormal investigator, and soon she felt he was the safest person to be around in case of emergency. The two became friends, bonding over their shared trauma first, then their shared taste in shows and other medias popular at the time. As school went on, she would read books to him, and he would tell her how to handle bullies. She and Toast met, but when she found out they were friends through ghost hunting, she became uncomfortable and stopped wanting to hang out with him.
In her opinion, the ghost hunting was and would always be a bad idea, especially after all the paranormal situations Ghost barely lived through. Sometimes, even years later, Ghost has to consider if she had a point. It wasn’t just because she feared ghosts, but because she recognized that if they were really the spirits of people, then all ghosts are human, and should be considered human… even if she struggled to do that.
This time, she isn’t lured away or killed by Jimmy Casket. This time, she found herself trapped in a place that Ghost was investigating, still in early PIE and before Toast was around full-time. She was in hysterics, having never wanted to have been there to begin with, and the ghost took advantage of that to torment her. Using manipulation and fear tactics, it managed to get Ghost himself to severely hurt her, which led Ghost to abandon the case to get her to safety. She was taken to a hospital but didn’t survive her wounds.
Ghost’s First Partner*
Between Kat and Toast, Ghost was starting to consider he may have a thing for black hair and blue eyes. And boys.
None of this was the reason why they died, but when Toast moved back home, Ghost got anxious about Kat one day leaving too and managed the courage to ask him on a date. The two were managing to do the couple thing pretty good for their first time, both even being present at Toast’s wedding, but it couldn’t last forever. Not because they broke up, of course, but because Kat suddenly passed away. Even if Ghost wasn’t responsible, he still finds a way to blame himself.
Ghost’s Cousin*
One day, her uncles Ghost were childless, the next they had a boy her age. She considered that the most evident sign that they had some involvement with witchcraft, even if that was a secret she kept to herself. She didn’t know where he came from or why he was so standoffish at first, but she managed to break through to him, and became excited to see her new cousin every time she got the chance. He came to accept her company before anyone else in the family, making her death all the more painful for him.
Gregory’s Sister
The oldest child of T.Casket, Katrina took after her mother more so than her father, which he was okay with. Present when her dad was recording and planning episodes of his ghost hunting show, Katrina has been immortalized on those tapes as the little girl the team would watch while planning how to do their next mission. She would color on the ghost reports and listen intently to their plans for their next mission. She loved the camera, and would talk into it as she got older, insisting that she always knew what she was talking about. Much like her father and little brother, Katrina had confidence for miles.
Katrina was much too invested in her own ideas and things to entertain little Gregory all the time, nor did she feel it was her responsibility, so she allowed him to grow obsessed with an imaginary friend she didn’t believe in to give her more space while her father was out. She was always too busy to watch him, or she would say she was. Whether it be school work or something else, she always had a reason not to keep a close eye on him… which was alright, since she was too young to actually babysit.
When CBF reared its head, she didn’t understand why Gregory was so enamored by it, calling it a monster or a demon. It got frustrated with her screams quickly, and threw her away, like a child would do to a doll it grew to hate. Gregory didn’t realize what he saw until later, forgetting out of shame.
Gregory’s Mother
Gregory never really met her, only seeing her in pictures and hearing of her in whispers, but when Ghost saw her floating there on Hell’s Island, he knew her immediately. Even with all his missing memories and forgotten past, he recognized her, despite having never seen her since he was a baby. He doesn’t know what happened to her, he barely knows she existed to begin with, but she was the reason he was alive, and sometimes he tries to fight to remember more.
Casket’s First Victim (or first victim he remembers killing)
They were strangers, she had never met the boy in her life, but his red eyes faded to their natural color while she was still breathing.
He isn’t all there as he tries to stop the bleeding, telling her to wait while he went to find help, coated in her blood as he tried. She was never able to get a word in, and he was never able to get the help he promised her. Trying to keep him in check, Casket keeps these memories away from him, as every time he really considers them, Ghost realizes that wasn’t the only time and starts to remember and realize he may be possessed.
I don’t think that Katrina is a ghost, even with all these different stories. I believe that if she ever was one, she was able to move on and find peace despite it all, and forgave Ghost for what he did. That being said: she can still come back (happened to Maxwell). But what about the specter of Katrina from canon? That was the Housekeeper playing tricks on PIE, using someone who Ghost used to care about or in some way hurt him to manipulate him and try to get him to either turn around or suffer the consequences. For a moment, it did convince him that she was back, and that he was either in danger or putting her in danger by being there, but he pushed on regardless.
Katrina in most of my own things is Katrina Roast, however it also makes sense for her brother to be Johnny Evans since Roast actually comes from a nickname he had, not his actual name.
I use many pronouns and identities for Katrina bc i think it’s the most fun to consider their gender to be fluid and different depending on what I think would be the most impactful for a story. I meant to use more they/thems and he/hims, but I wasn’t sure how to explain it ^^;
Relationship HCs
- Gregory/Johnny Ghost
Whoever he was, however they knew each other, they were close, close enough so that losing her would hurt. And, no matter what, he will always blame himself for what happened to her. Whether she returned as a ghost or not, whether she passed peacefully or not, whether Ghost even remembers her death or if Casket was too involved— he knows enough to struggle with the memory.
- Johnny Roast*
Her older brother when applicable, Roast is the first person who will always reaffirm to Ghost that yes, he is the sole reason that his baby sister is dead now. He knows how close Ghost and Katrina were, and even in situations where she suddenly went missing, he knows that the only way that something like this could happen would be through the instigation of someone as close to Katrina as Ghost. In some cases, he may even be the one to find the body. Frequently, he is losing his older brother in the same timeframe, making him more volatile toward Ghost.
Song HCs
- Amnesia Was Her Name - Lemon Demon
Shared with Ghost, Katrina is amnesia.
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My Kermit the Claw Headcanon Masterlist
Once again was unable to come up with an easy answer on what to talk about this week, but since I just drew Jimmy Casket, I might as well talk about someone I think is associated with him. Talking about him and CBF sets the stage to talk about Casket and Ghost... Additionally, I want to talk about less well-known characters with this, I think it's ultimately a benefit.
A forgotten Acachalla, cousin of Papa, by the end of his life Kermit was a serial killer. He had an arch-nemesis in Princeton Quagmire, who claimed the two used to be friends, and was originally the person who would end Johnny Ghost's life permanently... before that was retconned. He was a cowboy and also Kermit the frog, but I ignore that second part for now.
I gave him an incredibly tight connection to Casket's story in One headcanon, so I'm happy to explain that one.
History HC
Since he is not very defined as a character, most of these are, in fact, headcanons. I do want to emphasize that him being related to the Acachallas, or at least Maxwell if I’m remembering wrong, comes from canon.
A member of the Acachalla gang in the wild west, Kermit is one of Papa Acachalla’s cousins. Not the most interested in the heists his family would do, he was more drawn to living out in nature. He would act as the team cook when they’d spend nights outside of towns and cities, spending the day hunting and fishing for the family. He was also one of the best inside of the family at bartering, just because Papa would be pretty aggressive and Jeremy tended to panic if he was recognized. While not really charismatic, Kermit was able to keep things civil long enough to buy milk and eggs… and if that failed for whatever reason, he’d just turn around and steal it.
At some point in time, he began working with Princeton Quagmire, a frequent associate of the family, as a duo of partners. While Kermit was not motivated by crimes, he was not opposed to them, and he and Princeton would frequently join in the looting if the group needed extra hands.. or guns. Though, as time went on, more and more towns began instituting firearm restrictions to prevent looting, leading Kermit to grow frustrated with having to do all these things to just try to keep a weapon. Jose got around it by carrying a crossbow instead of a gun, and Princeton was strong enough to not need a firearm, but Kermit didn’t want to learn a new weapon and he absolutely didn’t have the strength to go bare-handed.
Then one day, he seemed to have an idea out of nowhere.
Commissioning a blacksmith close to the family to make some tweaks to a knife Kermit found, he set it up like a gauntlet with a large retractable claw connected to it. He explained to the others, and perhaps to himself as well, that it would make his hunting much more efficient. Which, wasn’t entirely wrong— it did conserve the animal much more than a shotgun was, though it was more effort to trying to get close enough to use the claw to begin with. Kermit got increasingly better at sneaking up on animals to use this method, and consequently became better at sneaking up on people as well.
He spent almost all his time with Princeton, so it wasn’t really a thing where the other members of the family could’ve picked up on the red flags. Princeton, on the other hand, thought this was a normal Acachalla thing, since the family in general is so odd, and didn’t think to question Kermit’s newly increasing bloodlust. He was more aggressive when doing heists and was seemingly having fun during them as well. He was like a completely different person… Eventually, after going completely unchecked and unchallenged for a long time, it boils over and Princeton realizes Kermit is no longer discerning between threats and innocents when choosing who to attack. After a short time of trying to figure out what was going on, almost getting stabbed to death several times and a few new scars convinces Princeton that this was another weird Acachalla thing and Kermit was always going to turn out this way.
The two separate, with Princeton deciding that the pair were arch-nemeses now, but all this did was leave Kermit generally unchecked. Between his personal survival skills, his ability with the knife, and his widespread family in a time of low communication, Kermit was basically set to become an unchecked cross-country murderer. Additionally, with the longer-than-most Acachalla lifespan, he would continue to be able to do this until someone managed to kill him back. He was an urban legend or cryptid for an incredibly long time between a multitude of states, before he eventually suddenly drops off the Earth.
What caused him to suddenly go missing is not public knowledge, but the most likely scenario is that he died.
General HCs
Despite being an Acachalla, he doesn’t really have any special powers. That’s part of what makes him so concerning— aside from the lack of aging, he is an entirely normal person who is just incredibly powerful compared to others.
In the Acachalla family, Kermit is a little younger than Jeremy, but older than Papa. He’s also the only one of the cousins (so far) to not have Acachalla as a surname despite being directly related to the Acachalla bloodline.
Papa and Jeremy are both Acachallas through their father, Maxwell is an Acachalla through his father, but Kermit is an Acachalla through his mother, Mary, who took her husband’s name when she married. Unfortunately, if I’m following canon the way I’m interpreting it right now, his father is named Bobbio Fart. Meaning his mother is Mary Fart meaning his name is Kermit Fart.
Not only did the Acachalla family not know what was happening with Kermit until Princeton yelled at them for it, but with Papa getting haunted and Jeremy going through it in a supernatural way, they likely wouldn’t have considered it important. Kermit was only a threat when he went off, while the other two were threats to themselves as well as everyone else.
Soon after learning about Kermit, Maxwell died in an accident that wound up unanimously agreed to be Papa’s fault, so the attention was drawn back off of him very, very fast.
Alternatively, he and Princeton actually partnered up legally and he is Kermit Quagmire, which I find incredibly interesting and do consider a lot.
Tying into this headcanon is one that consists basically of Jimmy Casket being infectious, traveling between people who are able to kill/draw blood/who knows from the active stabber with their own weapon of choice (the knife). He is the same person every time, likely a demon of some sort, and while he doesn’t go by Jimmy Casket until he possesses Ghost, he is very much still the same person.
Princeton and Kermit never have a massive end-all-be-all fight and finish things, but there is a chance that Princeton was also possessed by Casket before or after meeting Kermit— seeing as in some Murder videos, Princeton will Turn Into Casket or vice-versa.
Kermit never met Johnny Ghost, Paranormal Investigator Extraordinaire, but he did murder Ghost’s father, Johnny Ghost Sr.
He liked to cook for his family, and would’ve looked into being a chef if none of this terrible supernatural stuff happened. He frequently caught and prepped his own food, which added to his understanding on how to use a knife before making the claw.
The whole “you wanna know my secret” thing that Jimmy does didn’t start until Ghost was possessed, with him still having people in his life to taunt to begin with being a large kickstarter for that. Since Kermit was frequently alone, he mostly just made up songs to himself and hummed while hunting people.
Kermit knows who to play guitar and taught Maxwell during slow days. Admittedly, who taught Maxwell how to play guitar has fluctuated for me, but I’m planning on settling for Kermit for the reference to The Frog
While on his death bed, Princeton has a fever dream about encountering and fighting Kermit again. This is a thing in a video, and I know ‘it was all a dream’ is dull and boring, but I think it works So Well in this one situation.
He is definitely the forgotten family member— since he’s always been able to handle himself and never had to take care of anything for his family in a long-term responsibility, they just always assumed he was okay. Even after he completely went off the rails.
Princeton is apparently a time-traveler according to what I read in the wiki, so Kermit actually learned some modern slang from spending so much time with Princeton, adding to his uncanniness as time went on.
His most frequently-stolen item consisted mostly of oranges, which he’d take right off of trees in passing towns to avoid having to pay for them. The west is well-known for its citrus, which is why I didn’t just say fruits in general.
Frogs are one of the only things he refuses to kill, because he likes their little faces. He often carries them around in his pockets or leaves them snacks when camping near rivers. This is a habit that continues into his days as Kermit the Claw.
If Jimmy Casket got any of his secrets from his time with Kermit, it would include the ‘I have a knife!’ Secret (Since the claw is concealed). An actual secret of Kermit’s would be something more akin to hiding certain things he didn’t like in the desert. I dunno, he was a pretty mild dude before he was possessed so if I want to do a thing where Casket’s secrets are picked up from and remnants of people he’s possessed in the past, Kermit’s would be weirdly small or boring.
I’ll plan relationships later, I just realized this was a day late <3
Songs and Why
- Rainbow Connection by Kermit the Frog
“🎶 Have you been half asleep, and have you heard voices? I hear them calling my name… 🎶”
Two reasons: One, it’s funny; two, it’s kinda sad.
It’s funny because I’m trying to get away from Kermit the Claw being Kermit the Frog— just because I don’t want taleblr Kermit the frog to be a murderous Acachalla, but if this is a song associated with Kermit or even a voice claim for him, it’s like a connection I can’t escape. Which I find hilarious. This is my own story and I can’t even win hjdfsdfkjsghsl…
It’s sad because of the lyrics. Like, this is something that I think he’d actually play. In the situation of the original context, it’s kind of cute and beautiful, but taleblr Kermit is not in that context. When referring to hearing voices too many times to ignore, and how he’s supposed to be something, he’s not referring to being a grand inspirational figure, but a serial killer… It can’t get much worse than that. But it’s all packaged up in this cute little tune that he probably taught Maxwell to play. Pain and suffering on planet Nat.
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overthinkingtaleblr · 8 months
My Jimmy Casket Headcanon Masterlist
I’ve seen a lot of talk about the world-renowned murderer recently, and apparently his birthday is coming up, so I figured now is as good a time as any to address this fan-favorite entity of stabbing and chaos. Jimmy Casket is an uncomplicated character in his core: he possesses people, he murders indiscriminately seemingly for fun, and he eventually goes away. He has possessed multiple people across time and space, he targets humans over animals, and he has a variety of secrets with uncertain origins that he’s dying to share. Or you’re dying for him to share them.
He is most likely something paranormal just because multiple people seem to be able to channel him, but what he is (ghost, demon, something else…) is completely up for debate. I’ll be sharing and attempting to justify my own idea, however alienating it may be… because seriously, I don’t think anyone else has ever had this take before.
What is Jimmy Casket?
Instead of opening with a history discussion, we’re opening with an identity consideration, since What Jimmy is happens to be important conceptually to understanding where he might have come from. I’ll list a bunch of options before explaining my personal headcanon. There’s lots of options to what Jimmy could be, though, and some are more paranormal or dangerous than others. This list does not imply that something is likely, but rather that it is an option based off the evidence we have about who the character is.
- Casket is a Persona
Basically saying that Jimmy Casket isn’t real, but his affects still are. He is a name that people put on when they want to do something terrible, but it is still their own will and choice to enact. It says terrible things about every person who claims to be Casket, but could compelling in its own rights. Arguably the most possible non-paranormal option, especially if we believe Casket when he claims to be world-renowned and infamous.
- Casket is His Own Living Human Person
All of those things that looked like/sounded like possessions? We’re ignoring those right now, Jimmy Casket is a completely separate living and breathing human being from everyone who he was thought to have control over. They probably just step out or run when he appears or something. Or maybe we’re using canon as a suggestion in this case, and we don’t ever need to have Casket and his flesh bags in the same room.
Long story short, this man has his own vessel and boy does he use it.
This one is only likely because trying to cut all the supernatural elements out of something that uses it as a crutch creates some rather odd concepts. Because of how he’s presented in the series, it’s nigh impossible to suggest that Jimmy Casket is 100% his own, separate, human being who has never had supernatural influence over others. Unless he does have a supernatural influence over others. Maybe he’s a witch of some kind who controls others like puppets. Maybe he’s a vampire who can see through and control his vassals.
I did actually read a fanfiction that had this concept a looong time ago, and I won’t lie, I really enjoyed the earlier chapters and still think about them. It did a lot of things differently and really leaned into the kind of horror of Casket being so destructive. Also the Acachallas were a mafia crime family and Ghost and Toast only appeared once in a flashback.
- Specifically Ghost has DID, Casket is an Alter
I try not to state my own opinions with this, but as someone who does not have DID, my understanding is that you have to be VERY careful when handling this concept for a billion incredibly fair reasons. Idek if anyone uses this… I kind of hope not ^^;
With Casket as an alter in a system, even (maybe even especially) if Casket is ultimately trying to help Ghost, it perpetuates the “evil alter” trope because Jimmy Casket is conceptually a serial killer.
Ghost is seen as more threatening because upsetting him could trigger Casket. It makes Ghost justifiably be seen as terrifying in the narrative For Having DID.
The main reason why murderer with DID is a common trope in my experience is so that even the killer doesn’t know what they’ve done, creating an extra conflict where they don’t realize they’re the culprit. Additionally, it makes the investigation harder if they get involved. This is a problematic trope similar to the ‘evil alter’ one and there are non-paranormal ways to do this without villianizing DID, including regular amnesia.
Even if Casket is ultimately good and not a serial killer, to have him kill ANYone and then have Ghost forget plays into this trope as well and suggests people with DID are in some way actively dangerous.
I’m not going to police anyone who uses Ghost and Casket to express themselves. I will say be very careful with your portrayal. You can have Ghost as a system without Casket being one of the alters in it. Additionally, if you think I got anything wrong in this explanation, lmk. Whether or not Ghost has DID is not important to the other options after this, he could or couldn’t, this one is just “Casket is apart of a/the system”.
- Ghost and Casket are a Jekyll/Hyde situation
There are two ways I could mean this, but either way it means that Casket and Ghost share a mind and not a body.
1. Jimmy Casket is the evil inside of Ghost separated from the rest of his mind and embodied in a way that changes their external appearance. The origin would have to be supernatural in order for that to happen. Think Jackson Jekyll/Holt Hyde from Monster High. Technically, this could be mistaken for a really poor portrayal of DID so I do suggest being careful with this one. Changing between the two would not be an active choice on either of their parts.
2, and the answer more common to Jekyll and Hyde, Casket is just another body and face, but that’s still Ghost’s mind in there. Ghost is using the persona of Casket to commit “evils” that he desires doing but doesn’t want the social repercussions for. This implies that he has a potion of some kind that he takes in order to trigger the change, making it a willful act.
Be careful with this one either way because even if you expressly state ‘this is not DID’, it could be seen as a poor interpretation of how DID works. (Raises hand I did this in a fic once and I’m cringing at myself as I type this.)
- Casket is Tied to “Knifey”
Jimmy Casket is an entity of some kind who possessed not Ghost, but the knife that Casket carries around. This can double up with another headcanon in this list, more likely the paranormal ones. (Casket is a human person and he’s also a knife lowkey doesn’t work—)
If Ghost was able to fully get rid of the knife forever, he would no longer deal with Casket. However, this option would also imply that something about the knife is enchanted to make Ghost desire keeping it around, or it’s physically tied to him and appears whenever he expresses emotions it can feed off of.
This also explains how other people get possessed by Casket, specifically since most of them seem to show Casket signs after being given a knife that could very easily be cursed. He may not be the only character who can do this, too.
- Casket is a Ghost who has History with the Casket Family
This one is soooo varied it’s hard to encapsulate all the possibilities. Either way, Casket is a ghost who was alive at some point, and he is possessing Ghost because they have some connection through Ghost’s bio family. Are they siblings? Is Casket his uncle? Grandfather? Father? A distant ancestor of some kind? An enemy of the Casket family? Someone who was wronged in the Casket family? I guess attempting to list all the options was unnecessary— the important part is that Casket was alive, he’s dead now, and he’s latched to Ghost.
I know multiple people who use/have used this interpretation before, so it lowkey has a special place in my heart.
- Casket is a Generational Curse
Ghost is not the first person in his family to have dealt with Jimmy Casket possessing his body before, and for all we know T.Casket was frequently possessed as well before Ghost was born. This would have been a well-known issue within the family… if there was any family left to warn Ghost. Implies everyone who has had Casket possess them is related to the Casket family, and that Ghost has been a vessel since Casket’s last host died.
Seeing as Ghost is not the first person in the family with an inclination to the supernatural, I could see Jimmy Casket being something put upon their family a long time ago for fucking around and finding out. Maybe they had an overzealous witch in the family who fucked everything up for everybody? Who knows.
This curse is likely tied to someone keeping a very very serious secret, and speaking it into the world is the only way to stop him, but they died a long time ago so Casket isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
- Casket is a Creation of the Housekeeper
This could double-up with another option, seeing as the Housekeeper seems to be able to manipulate a lot of supernatural things, or work on its own.
I specify this one just because it requires consideration on how Casket sees his creator. Does he like the Housekeeper? Does the Housekeeper have some level of control over him? Was Casket a normal entity before being exposed to the God of Chaos? Is Casket seen as the Housekeeper’s child (Demigod of Secrets Jimmy Casket, anybody?)? CAN Casket exist without Ghost for a host? Why did Casket react so violently upon seeing the Housekeeper face-to-face?
There’s a lot of options to consider here and a lot of them can really push a story forward.
- Casket is some Creature from Folklore
Anything with an obsession for blood, stabbing, and secrets and the ability to take over or control someone’s body. I’m certain there are a lot of options, knowing how wild a lot of folklore is (Chupacabra Casket, anybody?), and technically my own headcanon falls into this option.
This is a matter of specificity, and the only reason this is distinct from the other supernatural options is because it may change how evil/intentional his actions are, and it’ll wildly change how PIE would have to handle him.
If you want Ghost to be from a specific country or have ties to a specific culture, this could help immensely in connecting him to it. It also means that you could have a WILD design for what Casket looks like and how he differs appearance-wise from Johnny Ghost. Ppl who love monster designs and mythology research could do SO much with this.
Plus, most folklore are used as legends to warn children not to do certain things. If Ghost did one of those stupid things, it creates a personal explanation to how he got possessed without throwing his family under the bus, and gives you the opportunity to make your own story as to what happened.
- Casket is a Demon
Similar to a ghost, someone in the Casket Family history screwed up and now Ghost is facing the consequences. Demons and ghosts are very different and can be handled in very different ways. Maybe Casket’s a fallen angel and still has some good in him? Maybe Casket is evil to the core and LIVES to wreak havoc and ruin Ghost’s life, relationships, and more.
I’m sure there’s someone out there who better understands demons than me, be in-universe, they are powerful and horrific with a host or not. This makes Casket one of the most active threats in the universe.
Although unlike the ghost option, Johnny Ghost could have brought this upon himself by being a stupid moron and trying to summon a demon as a child and screwing up to a dangerous degree. He would do it.
- My Headcanon : Jimmy Casket is a Unicorn
Technically the same as Folklore but more specified to being an in-universe entity, Jimmy Casket is a Unicorn— a creature from the 13th dimension best represented by Stardust Sprinkleshine. I’m not sure how much of their history is canon and what was my own thoughts, but if you touch a Floating Gun that seems to exist outside of Space-Time, one will exit from a pocket dimension and possess your mind. Touching the gun again puts them back, and most seem to choose to return.
I think that Casket is a particularly crafty unicorn who managed to figure out how to not be sourced from the floating gun, either being tied instead to his knife or to a human body. He’s possessed multiple characters long-term throughout the series, and if he’s able to burrow deep enough into someone’s mind, he could completely take over their body.
I also think he was Mothman in a video where a young Johnny Ghost is terrorized by Mothman on a Halloween Night. I think that Casket somehow lost his old host and needed to find a fresh one, grabbing the first human he could find. I don’t know if the mothman is his true form, Casket mutating an animal body, or the dying body of his old host falling apart while Casket tries to operate around rigor mortis. (Spoilers for my ask blog 🤫)
Casket is not a creature who can be reasoned with outside of secrets, fun, and violence. He can possess anybody in PIE, won’t show up on ghost sensors, and can’t be warded away with most options. I think this is the primary reason why Johnny Toast hasn’t attempted to ward him off, despite seeing how much Casket hurts Ghost. Additionally, Casket can easily possess anyone on the team, including Toast, if they get on his nerves enough.
Horrifically, as a unicorn Casket can also largely bend the logic of the world, making him hard to catch and even harder to handle.
… He may eventually be somewhat defanged if treated with humanity and compromise, but he’ll always be kind of terrifying if he gets riled up. He’s like a wild animal if zoomies meant death. I can’t imagine he’d be that helpful in an investigation though.
There we go, ten options and my personal opinion! Hope I encapsulated everyone’s idea <3
History Headcanons
This is how I personally see Casket’s story up until the general point in canon where I tend to place things, and I’m not really considering videos in this. This is what I, personally, think and it may not have any basis in canon whatsoever.
- 13th Dimension to Freedom -
Before the Unicorns entered the floating gun, they existed on their native world in the 13th Dimension. They might have even been less crazy than they tend to be in the modern day, existing mostly as creatures of magic and a type of technology unfathomable to humans. Not quite “Jimmy Casket” yet, the unicorn who would one day become our point of focus didn’t have much reason to be considered differently than other unicorns outside of just being his own “person”. Maybe he has a specific emphasis for honesty, maybe he’s more likely to turn to violence, either way he isn’t a public figure or anything. He’s just a normal guy in his own society… I think Unicorns may also somewhat be a bit of a hive mind.
Then everything changed when the “Fire Nation” attacked. In all seriousness, Prince Fang and his family have been conquering dimensions for an incredibly long time. Their approach wasn’t subtle, and the unicorns took their chance to run when they realized what was coming. Tying a doorway to an item from a dimension the dragons wouldn’t be able to reach for a long, long time and tossing it through, the unicorns basically funneled into a pocket dimension tied to the doorway to escape. However, they didn’t think too hard on where they’d end up, and the doorway ended up in a position where no one could leave for literally years, kind of driving most the inhabitants to insanity.
I don’t know if the unicorn who would become Casket just used a different exit from the others, or if he took the first chance he got to get as far away as possible. Either way, the unicorn or focus managed to get away from the trap they accidentally built themselves, but still had really nowhere to go. Managing to tether his spirit to a human host long-term and eventually a blade whenever the human didn’t work out, he was free to do whatever he wanted. Not at all socialized to human cultures, that mostly led to murder while he learned how to co-exist with a host. Having as many hosts as he did, it kind of gave him a bunch of secrets to inherit as well as he moved from person to person. I imagine that any secret Jimmy tells is one that previously belonged to someone he lived as, usually picking someone who might be known to the victim.
While in the beginning, I think he tried to be in control 100% of the time, but kept either wearing himself out or breaking his victim’s mind or body, which is why he only pops in when something interesting happens now. How long this took for him to realize would be difficult to decide, since I’m not even sure at what time Jimmy entered the world. Either way, he’s a boy with a bladed weapon and a desire to wreak havoc.
- Wild West -
I don’t know how many other hands Casket found himself between before a young Johnny Ghost, but I know the identity of one. In spite of his generally cagey nature, Casket found his host dead after an encounter with the Acachalla Gang in the Wild West, but survived solely out of luck. Either due to an interest in a knife at the campsite from one of his attackers, or latching to the first one that seemed to be susceptible, Jimmy came to possess one of the gang members as his old host passed away without anyone noticing. Craving freedom and realizing this body would live for an incredibly long time, he decided to take a bit of a different route then usual.
To the rest of his family, Kermit Acachalla developed a new and passionate interest in knives, specifically one knife. And then an increased tendency to turn to violence. Maybe if they weren’t literally a gang, they would have picked up on the red flags sooner. It wasn’t all on them to notice, though, as Kermit frequently traveled one-on-one with a close friend who Casket would sometimes possess instead, depending on what he wanted to do when they separated. One was a lot more likely to bend to his will, the other one could literally travel through time, often giving Casket the opportunity to wreak havoc on the future. Eventually, the time traveler grew wise and Casket figured that was as good a time as any to stick with Kermit long-term… and also lowkey drive the man to insanity.
Kermit the Claw became a well-known serial killer, one who eventually killed Johnny Ghost Senior in a skuffle but got mortally wounded in the process. It took Casket an uncomfortably long while to find a suitable host after living easy for almost a hundred years, and then when he thought he had one, some stupid ghost hunter tried to banish him. He wasn’t picky though, and found someone else soon after.
- Johnny Ghost -
This is why you don’t go out alone, kids. You never know when mothman will corner you in an above-ground pool and possess your face. While I don’t think Ghost was specifically targeted, I think Casket’s old host had been in the area for long enough to know that Ghost and the “ghost hunter” that attempted the banishment were living in the same house. What he did Not know was that he was also the son of the Johnny Ghost who he murdered a year or so prior, really giving Casket a goldmine of trauma to work with. Weakened from a lot of crap that happened, including the attempted banishment and possessing someone with experience in keeping someone out of his head, Casket could only really take control if Ghost was feeling enough of a heightened emotion, rather than just whenever he felt interested. He found it didn’t really stop him, though, Ghost being Incredibly passionate.
He’s basically been living easy ever since. Whether it be Johnny Toast or Peewee Ghost trying to hold him back, they’re ultimately his biggest enablers of all time. Between the hilarity of Ghost’s stress and the effort his loved ones put into cleaning Casket’s messes, he can do whatever he wants whenever he wants it. Casket was basically out 24/7 while Ghost was in college, and he’s more resting now that Ghost has graduated. He’s grown rather fond of this life. Mostly because it constantly gives him the means to leave bodies in his wake.
Johnny Ghost
“This kid can fit SO many problems into him!”
DAMN he has issues, and Casket is obsessed. Sometimes he likes to just sit and watch Ghost fail at being a human being without any intervention whatsoever. It’s just that hard for him on his own.
Casket has a lot of control over Ghost’s memories, and he finds it funny to just eat as many of them as possible. There is no telling what Ghost does or does not have an understanding of thanks to Jimmy Casket. This is why Toast wrote the book out of the two of them.
Kind of holding Ghost’s body together Venom-style, and if Casket ever leaves Ghost will both experience a rush the of memories that Casket was suppressing and possibly an organ failure. It’s now because of this that Casket does not jump possession, even though he sometimes really, really wants to.
Johnny Toast
His first choice for someone else to possess if the opportunity presents itself, Jimmy thinks it’s hilarious that Toast seems to be under the impression that he can be in any way shape or form “held back”.
Thinks that there’s more going on with him than he makes obvious, mostly because Toast absolutely has ‘latent but incredibly strong power rests inside of me’ vibes, and Casket can tell.
Weirdly enough, he does not approve of the drug dealing.
Peewee Ghost
Jimmy found it hilarious how much effort Ghost’s father put into trying to get rid of Casket without Ghost noticing. Sometimes he’ll still poke out when Ghost visits home just to taunt him. Hard to attack him, though, the house is covered in safety wards and curses and stuff to stop Casket from getting to feisty.
As much as Peewee hates Casket, he and Ghost are a package deal, meaning Peewee will clean up any mess Casket is too lazy to take care of himself, so long as he’s willing to sit through a lecture and multiple threats.
Fred “The Spooker” Soup
Thinks that Spooker would be his favorite person on the team if he were to just go crazy go stupid. It’s why Casket will jump out and kill Spooker all the time— he’s kind of hoping the guy is going to snap and try to get Casket back some day.
It hasn’t worked yet, but come on, how much longer can the guy have before his patience wears thin?
I think Spooker x Casket is a viable crackship bc i find it funny. Maybe not if the Casket is as murder-motivated as mind, but I could see it happening otherwise!
Chris “Colon” Ghostie
Colon hates that the team harbors Casket from justice, Casket thinks Colon’s righteous indignation is hilarious.
Casket will sometimes admit to cold cases that he might not have even done just to get Colon upset with him for getting away with it. Colon is the most invested in looking for a way to banish Casket for good.
“The power of love failed you? Better Luck Next Time!”
His first victim after possessing Ghost that didn’t happen to be an animal or something like that. He was kind of hoping it would be enough to emotionally destroy Ghost, but found that others in her family took the loss a lot worse.
If she survived, it would have been a good lesson not to trust everyone who claimed to be your friend when you knew he was hosting some kind of evil spirit. She was a little too optimistic for her own good.
Johnny “Roast”
Jimmy genuinely considered switching from Ghost to Roast, feeling like Roast had a bit more of an underlying violence to him.
After seeing how poorly he took his sister’s death, and how much misdirected anger he lashed out with, Casket decided it would probably be more rewarding to watch this kid spiral on his own. At this rate, there was no way he was going to develop “Healthy Coping Mechanisms” or whatever that means.
If given the opportunity/if something ever happens to PIE, Roast will absolutely be his first pick for a new host.
Gavin Toast
“What do you MEAN there are two of them?”
Since Casket possessed Ghost after Toast moved back to the UK, Casket didn’t meet Gavin for a loooong time, and their meeting what a very confusing experience for specifically Casket.
Gavin is, weirdly enough, a little bit too normal for Casket. Casket can also tell that out of everyone, he’s the most likely to get Ghost arrested so that Casket faces justice. Mostly because every vengeful spirit will bombard Gavin any time the two are near each other, begging for retribution and Gavin does not think Ghost’s freedom is worth it.
Plus, Ghost has means to get out, he’ll be fine.
Johnny Cranky
“I dunno what your deal is, but you had me at joining a team named DIE.”
Exactly what it says on the tin, Jimmy is ready and willing to be apart of Cranky’s weird club so long as it means he gets to do some stabbing.
He doesn’t really consider Cranky to be anything other than a conduit for murder, he’s barely even a person to Casket. Casket frequently ignores him, talks over him, walks out of the room mid-conversation, and other things that really show that he does not care about Cranky’s existence.
Cranky only puts up with it because he thinks Casket is too dumb to realize he’s being rude. He’s not.
Cardboard Friend
“Back off! You already gave up on this one, it’s my turn!”
No matter what CBF is, no one ever said that Jimmy Casket had the common sense not to pick fights with demons or vassals of gods...
CBF, whether good or bad, is emotionally distressing for Ghost. While Casket appreciates the easy exit into the world, he does NOT want CBF to be near him. Either because CBF is a threat to the body (that Casket lives in) or CBF loves Ghost and is a threat to Casket, they do not get along at all.
I do think he met T.Casket at some point, but I think they got out alive mostly out of dumb luck, and Casket still hasn’t realized that he’s the same person as Ghost’s dad yet. He probably knows a secret or two about the guy.
Jimmy is probably afraid of old people because he finds old age to be one of the most disastrous things to experience. He wants to be able to move around as much as possible, and an ailing body is probably an uncomfortable one to be in if you have the chance to move between them.
Could also be memento mori, a reminder of death would be uncomfortable to a being that is just barely not immortal.
Going by a bunch of other names throughout the time he’s had on the world, the name Jimmy Casket mostly came to spite Ghost’s family. Feeling bad about Ghost knowing so little about himself, his dad (Peewee) tried explaining his bio family and the CBF incident to him, and at the time Ghost understood and though he needed time to process it, he didn’t take the news horribly. Casket basically ate the memory of that conversation and took the family name specifically to mock Peewee’s efforts.
Jimmy taunted Toast about killing his wife once and got shot to death for his efforts. Jimmy considers this his most rewarding interaction with Johnny Toast of all time and doesn’t bring up Mary just to not spoil the memory of that interaction.
CBF and Jimmy might’ve met before Jimmy could possess Ghost but after Gregory ran away. Jimmy probably attacked it at the time, and it was likely in a weakened state, which is why it’s genuinely kind of afraid of him, even if its more powerful than he is.
Started a diary and wrote in it whenever Ghost stumbled upon it just SPECIFICALLY to scare Toast when he eventually stumbled upon it.
Would absolutely spill the secret about the Destroyers of the Investigators Extraordinaire existing and Spooker being offered a membership roll if he thought it would tear PIE apart.
Has had rabies before.
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overthinkingtaleblr · 9 months
Tell me more about your Acachalla parents hc pls?
My Acachalla Parents Headcanon Masterlist
I don't think you wanted me to answer like this, but I was excited to use this as a jumping-off point. I hope that's okay! This is a couple days late but I had so much to say ^^; there’s a chance I’m still missing stuff, and I mostly focus on their relationship!
When it comes to two quasi-immortals getting together in middle age and having to raise a bunch of children after collecting enemies like it was a hobby for most of their life… no one can beat the Acachalla Parents. Papa Acachalla with his murderous ex-gangs and ex-spouses, and Gertrude with her frequently changing identity as she hides from literal space cops. Between the two of them, it’s surprising that either of them wound up assumed to be the “wholesome” parent, since I’m not sure that’s actually possible for either of them. The best part about the energy they bring to this relationship is that they Both bring it together.
While I don’t know if they’re in love in canon, to me there is nothing that means more to me than these two entities of murder and chaos swooning over each other. There is no i can fix her, there is no i can make him worse, they like the other for who they are now. Warts and all… So how did we get here?
General Headcanons
Controversial of me to myself, but I’m not reviewing old videos for this and I’m barely looking at the wiki. When I say all of this is in my head, I mean that literally.
Billion Year War - Gertrude is one of many characters who does not appear during the BYW arc, even though Papa appears frequently. Since Papa was kind of the cause of the war, it’s possible that he finally managed to do something bad enough that she couldn’t excuse it anymore.
Crimes - Papa is known more for his criminal behavior, but Gertrude has been a menace. Being together didn’t mellow them out, it’s only made them worse. I say that with love.
Date Night - Part of the reason why the kids have so many unsupervised adventures is because the adults drop them off somewhere random and tell them to have fun so that they can have some peaceful hours to themselves. This often involves getting them distracted before leaving as quickly as possible since the faster kids can and will chase the car home if they weren’t up for the day trip.
Paranormal Visitors - Not every ghost at the Acachalla house is a stranger, and most of them are from the pasts of the parents. When the hauntings first started, they usually pretended like they had no idea as to what ghosts they had a history with would want with them. After multiple years of this and some establishment of trust, they concluded that their connection doesn’t matter, what does matter is keeping their family safe first and foremost. They still don’t bring the topic up, but they’ll actually argue with ghosts now for being petty. It also makes it easier to work with PIE.
Raising Monsters - I’m sure only one of them would even jokingly refer to the Acachalla children as monsters, and only two technically qualify, but still. There is no way that they’ve gotten their act together yet— boy have they tried, but that just means they’ve failed. They’re not doing a bad job raising the kids overall, but they’re frequently overwhelmed and confused and there’s no guide for how to take care of your daughter who can turn into a demon or you son who claims to be a god. I think the chaos makes their organized moments all the more rewarding to Gertrude and Papa.
Relationship History HC
Crossing Paths in Cowboy Times
Gertrude is actually older than Papa by a lot, being a Gingarian alien. She arrived on the planet running from space police for crimes against her world that her family committed. She stayed flighty, moving from place to place on Earth to avoid being caught, and eventually finding herself in the middle of New Mexico during what would be come to be known as the “Wild West”
She intentionally chose a town that outlawed guns, knowing that she’d be able to crowbar anybody who aimed to do her harm and chose to work at a bank.
Papa Acachalla was running the Acachalla Gang while the real leader, his older brother, was dealing with a magical ailment no one understood. This was soon after he left his boyfriend to die when a heist went wrong, and he was having a really hard time keeping his head in the game. He probably would have lied about being sick if he wasn’t the only option.
Unsure who to bring with him with the list heavily exhausted, he decided to bring his younger cousin, Maxwell, allegedly to “get the kid some experience”. Real answer: he was out of options and desperate for an extra pair of hands. Maxwell trusted him, though.
Papa let Maxwell take the lead, borderline dissociating in the meantime while he wallowed in his own shame.
Gertrude, recognizing the Acachallas to be something that wasn’t human, mistook them for being apart of the police force she was running from. Taking advantage of the smaller one’s nativity, Getrude allowed him to come toward the money before bludgeoning his head in and threatening his partner.
Papa snapped back to reality in time to see what was about to happen, but wasn’t able to bring himself to warn Maxwell. He didn’t have the strength, physical or mental, to go up against this woman to get the kid’s body, either. Sputtering excuses, he turned and left when she told him to.
A diffferent group met the Sheriff at the town border a day later to pick up the body and take him home, though the woman who killed him was kicked out of town before they could ask for vengeance.
Though the local sheriff was happy to see the Acachallas leave them alone, Gertrude still got heavily chewed out for killing a child, especially in such a brutal manner. Not understanding where she went wrong, she sounded like a monster when pried for her thought process, making the Sheriff inclined to kick her out of the town. She was ready to go on the road again, anyways.
The Union of Acachallans in New Mexico started disappearing soon after this incident, the tragedy proving to be the last straw most of the inhabitants could take. Papa was left feeling solely responsible for the disintegration of both his metaphorical and literal family.
It wasn’t until years later that Gertrude came to understand how vulnerable humans are when they’re young, and this incident would start to haunt her as she realized she severely overreacted and someone died for it.
The first time the two met, they accidentally screwed over the other’s sense of normalcy and changed their life direction seemingly for the worst, all over a heist gone wrong… and they never even got the other person’s name.
First Connection
After almost two hundred years worth of downward spiraling between the both of them, Gertrude and Papa Acachalla truly met each other for the first time, entirely across the country from their initial interaction.
Papa didn’t jump around too much, it’s more like the world was moving too quickly around him. He entered and exited romances, he started working at a 7-11 when it first opened and found himself the manager and borderline owner just by being there, and he only got the house because he initially moved in with roommates who all left him. He had family in the area, but he never took the time to actually see them. He was drifting.
Gertrude on the other hand was rapidly oscillating from place to place, moving too quickly to really settle down anywhere. She would walk in, burn bridges, walk out. If her reputation in a cluster of towns got too high, she’d take a train to the next state and start over from scratch. Wasn’t just jobs and relationships, but her sense of self as well, Gertrude caught onto any new trend that passed her by, but got bored of it quickly. Part of her was only doing it to hide from the aforementioned space police, the other part of her was desperate for a sense of belonging.
So that’s how an overworked yet overpayed Papa Acachalla encountered an emo phase Gertrude in his 7-11.
I’m not entirely sure what happened next, but two things need to happen before Gertrude moves in with Papa. First and obviously, the two need to connect, actually communication with each other. The second is that Gertrude needs to encounter the space cop who’s been looking for her.
The way I’d suggest this is that Gertrude ends up trying to live inside the 7-11 without Papa noticing, he absolutely catches on like the second day but doesn’t say anything because he doesn’t care enough to bother.
The two eventually begin to chat from across the building, relating to each other a lot partially because of how secretive they both were being about their past. After a couple weeks, she basically became his unpaid front-desk buddy.
They’d sit in silence for most of the day, only really talking over meals. Sometimes Papa would order takeout if Gertrude mentioned being sick of noodle cups. They were beginning to get along.
After awhile of this becoming the new normal, the aforementioned Gingarian Space Cop (he’s an actual character, he’s named Agent Knock), comes in looking for someone of a different name, but it’s real obvious that Gertrude has been hiding since he came in.
Papa decides he’s siding with her over whatever galactic federation is in charge even if she WAS wrong and flaunts his metaphorical power as an Acachallan to get the Agent to leave.
Before feeling safe enough to be relieved as Agent Knock leaves, Gertrude realizes that Papa would technically be able to harbor her as a criminal. First thing she does when it’s all over is turn to Papa and ask if he had room for someone else in his house.
Again, overpaid, Papa doesn’t need a roommate financially. He does, however, live in a massive house that gets lonely, and he’s aware that Gertrude might just up and leave if the Agent comes back, so after a bit of waffling to tell himself that he’s not going soft, she’s just twisting his arm on the matter, he agrees to let her stay with him so long as she keeps her head down.
It’s not important for the list but Gertrude Does eventually kill Agent Knock good for her.
Adjusting to Domesticity
Two explicit criminals who previously incidentally ruined each other’s life— now living together under one roof, might fall in love.
Might have already fallen in love, but who’s keeping track.
Sadly for fanfiction tropes, there was very much not one bed in the house, so they wound up sleeping on different floors entirely in the beginning.
Gertrude hasn’t had a steady place to live in a long time. She keeps her belongings in one place so she can grab it all and leave at a moment’s notice if her good fortune suddenly sours. It isn’t that she distrusts Papa or what seems to be his kindness, but… it wouldn’t be the first time something didn’t work out for her.
The last time someone else lived in the house with him, Papa Acachalla was counting the days until they left and he’d have the freedom to do whatever he wanted with his own space. Now that they’re gone, nothing’s changed. Without having someone to interact with, the days began to blur together and nothing felt like it was worth doing.
Even just living together is enough to make life a little bit easier for both of them. Gertrude doesn’t realize it, but she’s stopping Papa from slipping into another stupor, and Papa is fully aware that his family reputation is keeping her safe.
It doesn’t take long for both of them to adjust to each other’s company, and when the children get added to the family dynamic as well, they grow closer as partners-in-crime (that crime is caretaking) as well.
As emotionally immature as they both can be, it isn’t the first time either of them had caught feelings like this. They’ve been burned before. With any luck, it’ll turn out okay this time around.
Optional: There is a chance that Billy and Sally entered Papa's life before Gertrude. I never considered it before now, but it would be very interesting for Gertrude to come in not just to Papa, but his adopted children as well. Lecture him for letting them get away with not eating their veggies.
Parenthood Attempt
Despite both of them having experience, to say either of them knew what they were doing when taking on the challenge of raising several children would be a lie.
Papa feels like people depending on him has only led to hurting them in the past, so he has a tendency to push the kids away, pretending like Gertrude is the only one who wants them there. If the kids ever claimed that Papa didn’t care about them, though, he would cry.
Gertrude tries her best to come off as responsible, but that’s because she knows they’re all human-ish. No matter how strong they seem, they will always be fragile compared to her. They won’t be able to survive forever, and she doesn’t know what injury might be dangerous enough to be their last, thus her protective parenting style.
Papa accidentally got Billy involved in a lot of stuff he was too young for and tried passing it off as after-school activities.
In fact, most of Papa’s group bonding activities are crime based… because the only other time he ever had to parent someone, his main interest was the gang Papa was in.
Gertrude genuinely thought Spencer was just low-maintenance until he one day vented about how much he felt like crap and she realized he was actively not taking care of himself and realized no matter how much he pushed away, he DID need her to make an effort.
Neither Gertrude or Papa know how to talk on the PTA without sounding absolutely insane, and both are fully aware that the other parents are counting the days until their kids all graduate.
If you asked if Maddie counted as one of their kids, Gertrude would explain that she was just a close friend who could be seen as a daughter if you really wanted, but surely she had other parents and they couldn’t just adopt someone illegally. Papa would think about it before going ‘sure, she’s one of ours’.
Johnny Ghost is an honorary Acachalla kid and almost had a stroke when he found out.
It’s mostly because he’s an ill-tempered orphan who frequents the house and can keep up with the chaotic energy of the kids and adults, and both the parents HAVE had to… well, parent him in a tense situation before. They’ve grown attached, he’s theirs now.
Addendum: ghost is not an orphan, he has a dad. He is so confused as to why they think he is an orphan but doesn’t want to tell them in case they decide the answer is to MAKE him an orphan.
Rapid Fire HCs
Gertrude proposed, but the rings are Papa’s. She used a random object as a stand-in for a ring since she didn’t know Papa’s ring size, and this gave Papa Acachalla time to tell his mother and for her to pass along his parent’s wedding rings like an heirloom. It was very touching for both of them.
If they didn’t accidentally screw over each other’s lives, they wouldn’t have gotten together. They both needed a hit to their pride to get the world into perspective. Before, Papa was too egotistical, and Gertrude was a little bit out of control.
Gertrude has a larger criminal record than Papa, but she lets Papa take the lead for larceny and stuff. Papa actually knows how to steal— Gertrude’s crimes are predominantly war crimes, planetary eviction, and murder.
Papa and Gertrude both like doing grand gestures, but they love the unplanned soft moments more. The tender moments. Their lives have been too action-packed to not appreciate the change in pace.
Sometimes shaving your husband’s back in a dark bathroom is a tender moment, idk.
Both have a skill-based preference when it comes to chores. Not because either are good, but more because there is one task they’re terrible at. Papa is a bit too experimental in the kitchen, and Gertrude mixes the wrong cleaning supplies. They’re happy to take the other responsibility if it means everyone in the house doesn’t die.
They keep secrets from each other, on purpose and on accident. When there are so many skeletons in your closet, it’s hard to know which ones should be dug up and which ones can stay. They’ve learned not to be too judgmental when the past gets dredged up.
Papa and Gertrude both come from absolutely massive families that they’ve been basically exiled from due to bad behavior.
Gertrude is on the space equivalent of a “no-fly list”, so any time they want to travel with her, they either have to fake her passport and identity… or find their own, unofficial methods.
Papa Acachalla is haunted by Jose Jose Jose Jose, who I like to see as an incredibly bitter ex. You’d think this would be difficult for Gertrude, but I think it’d be funnier if she and the vengeful spirit wound up besties.
On the other hand, Maxwell fucking hates Gertrude. Even if Papa didn’t recognize her from the incident, Maxwell did. It caused a bit of a relationship hiccup, but they worked through it.
Both Gertrude and Papa were disowned by their family after an incident that killed most of the ones they were close with, only difference is that Gertrude’s family still refuses to talk to her and Papa’s reconnected with his mother.
Papa has to do the taxes because last time he asked Gertrude to do it she told him she had a brilliant idea and explained tax fraud to him. He does not want to fight the IRS again, so he let her down gently.
An Alternate Understanding of their relationship is one that is more… “Should have been divorced a decade ago” but weirdly tongue-in-cheek and self-aware of the toxicity. I don’t like to do that one anymore because I prefer the conflicting tenderness of active criminals being caring and tender, but that read requires Papa to be genuine every time he says he doesn’t see the others as Family.
Songs and Why
- Tangled up by Caro Emerald (Remix)
“You’re quite the same | If love’s the game”
Yes, I was an animation meme kid growing up and this song has a soft spot in my heart now. I try to push it aside for these two, though. I want them to dance, and this song has a good beat!
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overthinkingtaleblr · 8 months
My T.Casket Headcanon Masterlist
Sorry for missing yesterday! I was having a hard time deciding what to talk about this week. Since I’ve been pretty focused on this area of the lore for the past couple weeks, I thought I’d address the head of the Original PIE Team before going deeper into what the Original PIE Team was and what they became. This will also give context for Ghost’s childhood, Ernest Ghost’s whole deal, and other things that T.Casket has a finger in. He’s essentially got a lot of influence on the lore despite being dead for up to 20 years by the time Ghost and Toast found their PIE team.
Which is ironic, because he really isn’t that much of a developed character on his own, I barely had anything on him before starting this.
History Headcanons
While he was originally scared of what the supernatural meant for living humans, he grew to be more calm and accepting as he became more involved with the undead, eventually coming to the conclusion that his initial assessment was dead wrong. He saw the paranormal as just a different type of person, no more or less inclined to violence or danger than the average human. With that realization, he became more and more inclined toward the supernatural over the living, making it all kind of sad when he stayed deceased after his own passing.
Modeling Career It was stated in the videos that some point that at some point in his life, T.Casket was a male model! This was likely meant to be a one-off joke, but I feel like it does add something to his character to have him previously in that type of career. Models are kind of seen as air-headed and self-absorbed, but the career is actually really competitive, and for someone to become well-known they often have to go above and beyond to be recognized. It’s also a job that tends to come with overcoming physical exhaustion and strain, while also not being taken seriously.
All of that is to say that T.Casket being a model before he was a paranormal investigator sounds like a sudden and unwarranted change, but really the only thing he’s lacking is an understanding and the incentive. I like to think that what happened to T.Casket is really simple— he had a live-threatening paranormal encounter he couldn’t deny and became enraptured at the concept. Though he was already used to being kind of blown off, he found that running around claiming he met a paranormal being of some kind had people rolling their eyes at him, even people who were skeptics or already believed in the supernatural. Frustrated by this response but innovative enough to do something about it, he came up with an idea to try to remedy what he saw as the issue— understanding.
In his research, T.Casket found that, at least in the Taleblr universe, it was pretty obvious that ghosts existed, and once he started digging and was increasingly easy to prove it. He approached his superiors with an idea for a television show about attempting to prove the existence of the supernatural, arguing that they were either doing something impossible (meaning the show would go on forever) or something that would change history and the world as they knew it. That didn’t really work, so he also emphasized how a lot of people would probably watch it no matter how scary or not scary it was, especially if it had big names tied to it.
Concocting a Plan After a couple of years of insisting, they finally let him have it… but it had to be paid for entirely out of pocket. Not actually making too much on his modeling salary— and the hours for the show having to operate around said salary— he stuck as local as possible when hiring crew. The “manager” and editor, Teddy, was actually a friend from work who he had worked closely with in the past and already believed in the supernatural herself. Additionally, everyone he got to work on cameras were in a similar boat, being people he knew from his modeling career. And he had quite a few people on cameras.
The first stranger he was really desperate to bring onto the team was Ernest Ghost, an amnesiac mechanic who made it into the news for randomly appearing in the middle of the city one day. The more T.Casket read into his story, the more he was convinced that something else was going on there and figured if anyone would have a personal connection to the paranormal, it would be someone who survived a paranormal event. It also helped that he would frequently post supernatural-involved devices to local message boards.
Ernest was pretty open to joining, so long as his brother from the family who took him in was allowed to join too. T.Casket wasn’t quite sure what to make of Johnny Ghost, who was still kind of a skeptic and only made ghost-catching tools because he thought it was an interesting hypothetical. He ended up going over Ernest’s head to attempt to hire Johnny’s “close friend”, Marion as well, thinking that the one who actually believed in spirituality would say yes. In the end, the believer said no and the skeptic said yes, which while initially disappointing, meant that T.Casket had a team!
It took a little while of training and research to make sure everyone was on the same page and that the supplies they had did what they claimed. Some things didn’t work as intended, and there were some disagreements as to what the supernatural were, but by making sure they were all on the same page, it kept those arguments from happening on camera.
“The Paranormal Investigators Extraordinaire - Now On Cable TV!” The show went off without a hitch and while they didn't fully understand things when they first started, it became easier to understand things once they were able to have a conversation with the ghosts and ask them questions. While the original thesis of the show was that the paranormal were a danger to people and were going to hurt people if they did not know about it, that VERY quickly changed as the conversation progressed.
As T.Casket met more kind-hearted ghosts, the goal moved from banishment to conversation.
An Uncertain Demise
I have three options for who certain killed T.Casket. There may still be other people who were involved, of course, but there are three who I am for certain about could be an option.
Option 1 - CBF was actually a threat to T.Casket and led to him getting hurt or killed. This makes the most sense to me in a world where T.Casket is bad to Gregory outside of possible neglect because otherwise I'm punishing him for an improvement to his worldview. CBF could have been a danger to Gregory without being a danger to his dad, and further CBF could have been seen as just imaginary to T.Casket. Even if CBF wasn't the sole reason, it could have also have been involved.
Option 2 - Darth Calculus got to him. He really didn't like Casket because he wanted the whole paranormal thing to be as secret as possible. He has a lot of influence and is not above killing people. He's also not above killing people using their own children to explain how this ties to the option under it.
Option 3 - Something happened, and it ended with Gregory being responsible for what happened to his father. Jimmy Casket? CBF suggestion? Influence from DC? T.Casket was a bad dad and Gregory fought back? There's many options, mostly because Gregory doesn't remember. I'm not leaning toward this one though because otherwise Jimmy would probably have a secret like "I killed my father!" bubbling around if it was.
Misc. Headcanons
According to the wiki, T.Casket was born in 1928 and died in 1986, meaning that based on my own headcanon of when Ghost was born, T.Casket was 53 when Gregory was born and 58 when he passed away. I’m not sure if I’m going to keep it because I always imagined T.Casket as being a bit younger, but it genuinely works kind of well.
“Casket” was not his original family name, but one he chose to take for his initial modeling career. Additionally, between Timothy and Tommy, one of those names were his stage name, giving himself another degree of separation between himself and his career. He didn’t take Casket as his legal name until after his paranormal investigation career took off.
Though T.Casket frequently operated in the area the modern PIE team now covers, there are many creatures who T.Casket never had the opportunity to encounter. This includes Maxwell Acachalla, who wasn’t undead at the time and the Toilet Toucher, who was actually apart of the team without knowing his own future.
In spite of his level-headed persona, T.Casket is “secretly” a bit of a romantic. I say secretly like that because everyone who knew him personally figured it out pretty quick.
Salt guns and other weapons weren't popularized in PIE's process until after T.Casket, Ernest, and Johnny Ghost were all either dead or missing (thanks Marion). The main way they handled situations was banishment.
T.Casket was invited to do a lot of talks at universities who were incredibly excited about his discoveries. He worked with multiple researchers across the country to prove his theories and is cited in most paranormal investigation articles. Most people who have professional and amateur experience in paranormal investigation has heard of either T.Casket or PIE.
Meaning that Ghost being T.Casket's son lowkey makes him a nepobaby. he wouldn't even have been allowed to keep the PIE name if Peewee didn't have the copyright.
Relationship Headcanons
- Aimee
I like to think that part of the reason why Aimee is so drawn to Ghost is because she knew his father for some period of time! I think that Aimee was either one of his first encounters, or one he remembered incredibly fondly, empathizing immensely with the young girl
- Cardboard Friend
Gregory’s imaginary friend! Or maybe something more? There's no way of knowing if T.Casket was aware of the supernatural aspect of CBF before his death. Our only two sources are Ghost (who doesn't remember and can be unreliable) and CBF (who depending on the interpretation, stands to benefit from lying). There are two directions to take their relationship imo.
Either CBF was telling the truth in its second appearance. I don't remember if CBF said that T.Casket was its father, but I could see T.Casket seeing this childlike ghost clinging to his child and choosing to attempt to raise it like Spooker and Colon did with Woah.
Or CBF was a danger to T.Casket, no matter how kind it was to Gregory, for one reason or another. Maybe it saw T.Casket as competition, or maybe he really wasn't the best father and CBF saw him as a danger. There's many things that could be up, that ranges from CBF being in the right to being severely in the wrong.
- Darth Calculus
An enemy to the PIE team who wanted to see T.Casket dead even if the PIE team dismantled by itself first. Since everything Darth Calculus is doing only works so long as the supernatural stays a secret, he found the PIE TV show especially to be disgusting and did everything in his power to nip it in the bud. He failed, obviously, and ultimately T.Casket didn’t even realize that there was someone out there literally trying to kill him.
- Ernest Ghost
He sprouted WINGS. WINGS. T.Casket should not be picking favorites of his technicians but this guy is literally made of magic. Even if they did not fully understand what was happening to Ernest, T.Casket was So So supportive and interested. They did not come to fully understand that respawns, sadly.
On a personal level, minus the magic, T.Casket is kind of friends with Ernest but they keep each other at a personal arm's length.
- Gregory Casket
His child! His boy! In spite of T.Casket’s romanticism, he never shared who the kid’s other parent was, just showing up to work one day after frequent absences with a swaddle to ask if Ernest or Johnny wanted to be the godparent because Teddy turned him down.
He was admittedly a bit neglectful, always putting his exploration of the paranormal above his child. He could have been worse, too, but I'm not going that direction this time around!
- Johnathan Ghost
Friends through work, T.Casket was invited to his wedding and entrusted Johnathan to take care of his son if anything were to happen to him. T.Casket also keeps Johnny at arms length because he values his social privacy... but that's nothing against Johnny himself. (They're friends but Johnny knows next to nothing about Casket. By design.)
- (Doctor) Johnathan Toast
A British scientist with close ties to the royal family and one of the guests on T.Casket’s show, Johnathan Toast was a researcher looking into how the supernatural could be both dead and alive, arguing that if the reason could be discovered, then it could help to prevent illnesses, bring the dead back to life, or even expand a person’s lifespan. His theories helped the team understand how an undead body might function, which helped them come up with theories on how to communicate with the ones without corporeal form.
The two stayed in touch until Johnathan got a new employer and had to become more secretive about the direction his work was going. T.Casket was pretty happy for him, anyways— he seemed to be much more enthusiastic about the direction his work was going.
- Marion Ghost
Also known as Peewee, Marion was a very close friend of Johnathan Ghost’s. T.Casket knew they were together, though they might have only started dating after they met T.Casket, but he didn’t press them to tell him anything about it. If they didn’t want to talk about their relationship, he’d respect that— not like he was telling them everything about the people he was with, either.
He was eventually asked to come to their wedding and trusted the two to raise his child if anything happened to him. Marion was the most questioning if T.Casket was expecting something to happen, but secretive as always he didn't say. Marion and Johnny ended up the legal caretakers of T.Casket's son by the time he was six.
- Papa Acachalla
They met, Papa was uncooperative, and it ended with the cameramen almost getting shot. This was before Papa had a family-- if he had anyone at the time it was either Sally Betty or Gertrude. Either one wouldn't have pulled him in too much. In spite of this, T.Casket remembers his meeting of the Acachalla incredibly fondly.
- “Teddy”
T.Casket's closest and longest friend, she probably knows the most about him of anyone on the team. It doesn't help much, seeing as she's a complete mystery herself.
She, if anybody, knows who Gregory's other parent is, but doesn't share to be respectful to T.Casket's wishes.
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My Taleblr Werewolf Headcanon Masterlist
While not the most present aspect throughout the entirety of Taleblr, the small and infrequent appearances made by lycanthropy has found its way into the hearts of the fandom. Of course, this may be largely because PIE is so beloved and just about every werewolf was involved in a PIE video. Not a bad thing, but it does also call into question How werewolves work, who has been one, and why we don't see them more often. Werewolves are a popular movie monster even outside of Taleblr, but every series has it's own rules. I think that defining what makes the werewolves that are encountered during the videos similar or different to other popular werewolves to be important in its own rights.
Whether it be Ghost being cured preemptively by eating fresh berries, or the Wyomingwolf getting her own unique title, I'm going to explore what it breadly means to be a werewolf in the Taleblr Universe.
While I would love to start by deconstructing the mod that was used for Toast's transformation and continue with a fandom exploration of the idea, I do want to open with determining what is meant by Werewolf here.
What are Lycanthropes?
General Mythology
The idea of people turning into wolves exists back to the Epic of Gilgamesh, the first written story in the world.
From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary: "The word lycanthropy comes from the Greek words lykos, meaning “wolf,” and anthrōpos, meaning “human being.”"
From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary: "Though some doubts about the word's etymology still remain, werewolf probably comes from a prehistoric West Germanic compound whose constituent parts gave Old English wer ("man") and wulf ("wolf")."
Werewolves as we know them likely comes from European Folklore. However, the first werewolf story is said to be the Greek Myth of Lycaon, who was turned into a wolf with his sons.
Additionally from the previous source, a lot of British serial killers were thought to be werewolves devouring their prey. Kind of messed up.
Okay, no more links.
The general consensus is that Werewolves are people who are, in some way, also wolves, likely done through a transformation of some kind. In history, we see the transformation to be permanent, but when the legend came home it became something one could turn back from.
Scientifically, the full moon doesn't do anything to creatures, whether it be wolves or humans (no hate to people who's spiritual beliefs include the moon <3). However, the idea of humans turning into wolves on the full moon likely came from previous ideas that wolves howl Only at full moons... and then from there the idea that humans act weird on full moons followed.
While I'm not sure where it came from, most interpretations of werewolves has them as humanoid wolves, others as basically humans as rabies, and others still as sentient wolves. It seems like it doesn't matter where on the scale between human and wolf a werewolf falls, so long as it is a human who is turned into a wolf, whether temporary or permanent.
Apparently a full moon in January is called a wolf moon.
In Taleblr
There were about two to three videos about werewolves and the werewolf arc, which is about curing lycanthrope. Unfortunately, I'm struggling to find out how many videos are counted for that arc, and apparently Toast was cured off-screen and we never got proper closure until a livestream years later.
The werewolves most known for Taleblr are the ones from Toast's time as a werewolf. These werewolves use this player model and this mod on Gmod, for anyone wanting to experiment with it themselves ^^
Just about every example of a werewolf in Taleblr is a human-shaped creature with wolf claws and a wolfish face covered in fur. They can infect others through bites-- though whether this is only in wolf form or also in human form I'm not sure.
Based on the transformation mod's description, they are stronger than people, they are faster than people, they regenerate themselves when hurt, the infection can be spread incredibly quickly and begin affects on the same full moon they were bit.
Johnny Ghost says that Lycanthropes can be cured with a specific berry, because he was able to prevent his own transformation by eating them in advance... I think he may be partially wrong, though.
If Johnny was right about the berries, the arc wouldn't exist. They already had leftover berries and knew where several bushes are. No, I think the distinction is that Ghost was infected by Toast, who was not fully infected and was still switching between wolf and human.
Either that, or the cure only worked because Ghost ate so many BEFORE the infection settled, and Toast was too late.
Fun Fact; the June full moon is apparently named after strawberries... I think we found the berries? (I was totally going to say it was blueberries before this)
Werewolves sneak when hunting and may be color blind like dogs.
According to Toast, they love jelly and can be cured by berries, though I do think that may be him craving berries mid-transformation. Funnily enough, a British version of the word Jelly is Jell-o, cuz british people only call jelly jam.
According to Ghost, they can be killed with silver bullets, but according to other videos, they can be killed with normal weapons too.
The Werewolves
Johnny Toast
We don't know who infected Johnny Toast, so there isn't much to say about how the infection spreads aside from what we see between Toast and Ghost. What wee see between them is Toast lashing out and attacking Ghost and Ghost being only infected temporarily while Toast oscillated between forms. Unlike what Ghost thinks, there are a variety of reasons as to why the infection may not have taken to Ghost while solidifying on Toast. This includes:
Ghost just has a better immune system at fighting supernatural threats.
Toast was infected longer before he started taking measures to cure it.
Ghost's berry theory is real and Ghost just ate all of them in the area like a dick.
Whether or not the infection takes depends on entirely chance and Ghost got lucky
Because Toast killed someone while in the form of a wolf, it solidified the transformation.
Because Ghost died soon after being infected, it purged the infection before it could take root.
Since serial killers used to be considered werewolves, the infection vanished because Ghost is technically Already Infected.
However there's no confirmation as to what the real case is. I am not taking Ghost at face value because. The man just for infected and uninflected with lycanthropy in an hour, an infection process that caused actual delirium in Toast.
While Toast can't remember anything while a wolf, he has reacted to things that Ghost told him to do while infected, implying that the wolf either recognizes Ghost or has some basic dog training. People taking quirks of Toast and applying it to the wolf? Amazing. People making stories about Toast trying to hide his infection only for people to end up hurt? Chef’s kiss. People who depict the werewolf as a lumbering shadow intimidating others? love it. People who depict the werewolf as a little guy a little boyyy? Cute as fuck. Whatever the case, the fandom is incredibly creative and I love everything y’all do with him.
I think that the fandom choosing to not acknowledge Toast's cure is for the best. Toast being a werewolf allows for sooo much character and is another threat to consider from inside the house. What isn't to love about a consistent problem that can't be solved with banishment or stabbing? I'm a fan of the posts that ask if Toast is worried about being a danger to his friends and associates, and I'm a fan of the fluffier posts that allow for Toast to just be a massive dog. I’d draw stuff for it if i could draw dogs.
For Toast I'm going to say that he was a British Columbian wolf because they were apparently notably Large. They also notably have the darker colors of brown and black that Johnny Toast was while infected. Also, they can be found in America despite being British.
The Wolfman of Wyoming
The Wolfman, also known as Alberto Guppy's sister (who I'm gonna call Amelia Wulf) was apparently an anomaly in Wyoming based on how she got her own title by existing freely. We don't know if she can turn back, or if her transformation is permanent. Both she and Alberto are genetic experiments done by who Alberto thought were their parents, and she especially got the short end of the stick. When they escaped the lab, we know that Alberto got his memory erased, and with no memories or experiences in the world, he began living on the streets around the same time that people would've started to notice his sister in the area.
Unlike Johnny Toast, the Wolfman definitely wasn't infected the same way. Because she was created by what I can only assume was gene-splicing in an attempt to recreate certain animal-based monsters from mythology. While Alberto seems to have either been an attempt at sirens or mermaids, it's obvious that Amelia was a at least partially-successful attempt at making a werewolf. While she is terrorizing a state now that she’s free, my guess is that she’s looking for her brother, since we don’t know when they got separated, and is fucking shit up in the meantime. I think that Amelia’s “parents” were working to re-capture her before the authorities, or in this case PIE, could find her and find out what they were doing.
Since gray wolves are native to the area, it's likely that's what type of wolf Amelia was genetically fused with. More specifically, the northern Rocky Mountain subspecies of gray wolf.
Unwolf Werewolves
And now, a list of character who apply for the label of werewolf if they only turned into specifically a wolf.
- Officer Maloney, turns into a bird at will
- Gregory Gregory. Gregory, turns into a bird at will
- Sally Acachalla, turns into a “demon” when frustrated
- All Gingarians have two forms that they somewhat alternate between.
- Johnny Ghost/Jimmy Casket, turns into a serial killer at random
- Princeton Quagmire/Jimmy Casket, ditto
- Light Zeron, ditto
- Billy Acachalla, kinda turns into a bird.
Some of these are more werewolf-y than others. If any of these were wolves, it would qualify. Except maybe billy.
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Hey— in honor of the AF theme (and also bc people have been talking about the werewolf arc a lot recently) how would y’all feel about tomorrow’s masterlist being about Lycanthrope in the Taleblr Universe and also known werewolves?
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