#Katrina roast
bstroobery · 1 year
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Hey Taleblr! Blue gave me permission to share this! They decided to turn their PIE rewrite into an original type series thing. Mostly because it’s actually really interesting.
We’re honestly debating ways to go about it, but it all mostly involves self publishing of some sort. Mostly because we want to get it out there, but Blue also absolutely loves the idea of having physical copies of this as well.
Meh. Idk. Kinda why I’m posting this here. But yeah! It follows similarly to the original idea. These are just some concept doodles though.
Idk. Anyway: key to who is who.
Ash Hunter = Johnny Ghost
Thomas Pain = Johnny Toast
Chris Collins = Chris “Colon” Ghostie
Francis “Spooky” Hunter = Fred “Spooker” Soup
Sierra Pain = Jenny Toast
Gareth Pain = Gavin Toast
Katherine “Katey” Hunter = Kitty Ghost
Katelina Duke = Katrina Evans/Roast
Marylyn “Mary” Pierce = Mary Toast
Ashlyn Hunter = Jenny Ghost
Virgil Quinn = Venturian Québec
I dunno. Let us know what you think! ^^
- Johnny Ghost
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Ghost absolutely was a feral child. Even if you took Casket out out of the equation, he'd still be a screeching ankle biter.
Also I thought it'd be funny if the teacher paired Ghost with Toast for some project to see if he could calm him down but instead Ghost released Toast's inner raccoon and they became friends in the process.
And now they're two feral adults. One just has better fashion sense.
Ghost and Toast both being absolutely feral as children is funny to me. But also hear me out
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All early PIE kids are feral. Like they feed into each other’s chaotic energy and just Wreak havoc and that’s early PIE. (Kids from left to right is Ghost, Kat, Toast, Boast)
… Except maybe Johnny Roast
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chaocardboard · 1 month
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Hey I'm making a comic for funsies!
It'll follow Ghost and his high school friends on the night of their disappearances :3
More soon to come!!
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lunadreamscaper · 4 months
Sometimes I think about what could’ve been…
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It wouldn’t have been great but still would’ve been cool.
Now you’re probably wondering “what happened to it.”
My dad and brothers who also shared the computer this and other projects were on (even though though they barely ever used it) factory reset the computer for space and storage reasons. And I lost everything. I lost this project and many others. And not a day goes by where I’m not pissed about that. 😭
I mean I’m glad I never released Ventalia bc that would’ve been terrible lmao (if you know you know)
But yeah this would’ve been such a cool concept if… Ghost knew how to read. So like andjxjjckw
The characters in the photo is Johnny Ghost, Johnny Toast, Johnny Boast, Johnny Roast, Dark Pit and Katrina. (In this version Katrina is the younger sister of Johnny Roast, don’t come for me on that lol)
This art is probably from 2017 or 2018.
Also I drew it on only one layer bc the only thing I had was Paint 3D at the time lmao
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twilightthefoxicorn · 6 months
Taleblr Characters as LPS Pets Part 1 (P.I.E.)
As inspired by @evilmagician430, here’s a list of what LPS animal I think various Taleblr characters would be!
As there are over 3,000+ pets, it’s kinda hard to narrow down which ones suit the characters, so I’ve included several. I’ll try to explain why I chose the ones I did, but some of them were purely just off of vibes so some may not have much of an explanation, oof.
Also, as everyone has a different take on the characters, I encourage anyone interested to share which pets you think the characters would be (I’m sure we’ll all have different answers lol). It’d be cool to see all the different pets everyone thinks suites the characters :3
Due to the sheer amount of characters within the Taleblr universe, I am most likely forgetting several characters. Sorry in advance, as my memory isn't the best ;-;
As there is a limit to 30 images per post, I've had to divide this post into several posts. I've kept them organized, though, and this one is for P.I.E. characters (in honor of P.I.E. Day). The Acachallas will be in the next post!
All of the images used are either from the LPS Collector's Wiki, or from ToySisters.com. The images with the blue backgrounds are from Toy Sisters, along with the 2nd image in Mary's section, and the images with the white background are from the wiki.
List of characters with their respective LPS animal under the cut!
P.I.E. Characters
Johnny Ghost
So LPS #1953 fits Ghost the best, imo. The color palette suites him, and for whatever reason when I look at this pet I just think, “Yeah, that’s literally Ghost.” So there’s that. It's literally Ghost as a cat, idk what else to say. Looks like it is not a physical contact type of pet.
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Purely off of vibes, but LPS #1142 could potentially work. Idk, just reminds me of Ghost for whatever reason (I think cause I saw a horse like this irl and it reminded me of Ghost). Looks like it'd bite you if you're pushing its buttons too much, so maybe best not to get on its bad list.
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Jimmy Casket
As Jimmy is associated with blood and vampires, I think LPS #1470 is a good match! Besides, bats are pretty cool! I didn’t really see any other pets that I thought would work, though, so it’s just this one for Jimmy. An absolute gremlin. Would probably fly up high and dive-bomb unsuspecting pets.
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Gregory Casket
When I think of Gregory, I think of dinosaurs and space. Unfortunately there aren't any dino LPS pets (unless you're counting the birds), but I did find two pets I think would work. LPS #661 works imo because it seems like a younger pet, and it gives energetic younger sibling energy. Wholesome little guy, must be protected.
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I could also see LPS #1154 fitting Gregory. I tend to associate greens, blues, and oranges with him, and this gecko has all three. I headcanon that Gregory loves reptiles and amphibians, so I could definitely see him being one in the LPS world. Give it some paper and crayons, and it'll think you're great.
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Johnny Toast
When I think of an animal that fits Toast, I’ve always associated him with border collies and huskies for whatever reason, so I think LPS #210 would work well for him! It looks like a dapper gentledog, too, so that’s a plus. Would make the best pancakes, too, I think.
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LPS #785 fits, and I think the color palette works as well (there are some other LPS with the same mold that are dark blue, and those could work as well! One of them is LPS #1217).
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Gavin Toast
I’ll be honest, I didn’t really see any LPS pets that just screamed Gavin to me, but I think LPS #523 could work! Looks like the type of pet to try to act aloof and mysterious, but secretly just doesn’t want others to get involved.
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LPS #55 could also work, as that cat looks like it’d try to con me (that look says it all…). I think of Gavin when I see tuxedo cats anyway, so I guess that's another reason why I think this pet could work.
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Jinny Toast
Johnny and Gavin’s sister Jinny is a slightly hard one, as I can not for the life of me remember if we’ve ever seen her in a video (she’s been mentioned a few times, though). So purely going off of headcanon, I think LPS #1209 works well for her! I associate purples with her for whatever reason, so this pet’s colors fit her to me. Seems like a pet with tons of ambition, who isn't afraid to speak what's on its mind.
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LPS #815 suites her as well! Something about the dark gray mixed with the little bits of the light blue here and there gives me Jinny vibes.
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Mary Toast
It was hard to narrow down what pet I think best suites Mary, as I found several. That being said, I think that LPS #347 works best. It looks like a confident, fun-loving pet, and its coloring matches what I headcanon her hair and eye colors to be :3
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I could also see her being LPS #69 from the newest line. I just think it gives Mary vibes, idk. Sorry for the picture being so small; couldn't find one that was bigger :(
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Fred Spooker
I have always associated Spooker with cats, so that’s why I think LPS #1521 is a perfect match! While the pet itself doesn’t automatically have the pink beanie, it did come with its set! As with the cat for Ghost, this pet just screams Spooker to me.
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I could also see LPS #511 working for them, as I think the color palette and markings fit Spooker’s aesthetic!
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While rather basic, I think LPS #2034 would also match, as I think of yellow tabbies regarding Spooker :3
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Chris “Colon” Ghostie
There were a few pets (albeit repetitive) that I thought could work for Colon, but I ultimately landed with LPS #1602. This bear just makes me think of Colon a lot, and it seems like it’d be a cool pet to be around! Probably very logical as well (Chris is the most logical one of P.I.E. after all).
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LPS #366 could work as well, mainly due to the color palette (I heavily associate purples, blues, and greens with Colon). Seems like a chill pet to be around. Would definitely want to hang out with it. Could have some interesting conversations with it, I'm sure.
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Maybe because she is a ghost and floats around wherever she goes, bit I tend to think of birds representing Woah. Due to this association with birds, along with Woah's color palette, I think that LPS #1650 is a good match! This pet also gives me Woah vibes, idk. It seems polite but shy. (While not pictured, LPS #372 is a pet from the same mold that I think could fit Woah, too. It has brighter colors than LPS #1650, but it's still pink, blue, and purple.)
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I could also see LPS #1660 fitting. It looks like a sweet younger sister who likes to be with others, but also gives me shy vibes. Definitely suits Woah, imo.
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Johnny Boast
I don't exactly have a lot to say about Boast, oof. But for whatever reason, I think that LPS #1191 fits Boast a lot. It seems like the type of pet that's somewhat reserved but once you get to know it, it's got quite the sense of humor. A good vibes pet for sure. Would definitely want to be friends with this pet.
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I could also see LPS #650 working for Boast. Idk, when I look at it it reminds me of him a lot, so there's that. I think it's the colors, but I'm not quite sure. This pet seems loyal and calm, which are attributes I see Boast having.
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Johnny Roast
I didn't really know how to choose a pet for Roast, so I decided to choose his based off of vibes. With that, LPS #753 gives me major Roast vibes to the point that this is a case where this pet is literally just him. Can't really explain it, but yeah. Probably a prankster, and was definitely the class clown when he was in high school.
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Dark Pit
Since there isn't a lot to go off of with Dark Pit when it comes to canon, I'm relying on my own take of the character for choosing what pet I think works for him. I usually associate blacks, purple, yellows, and blues with them, and that definitely influenced what pet I chose. That said, I think that LPS #2708 would work well for his angelic form. I wanted to stick to a pet that could fly, then I remembered that there was a LPS fairy line. This pet looks like a sparkle dog, and sparkle dogs are cool; Dark Pit is cool, so they get to a sparkle dog.
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For his human form, or in this case animal form, I think that LPS #1748 is a good fit. This pet gives me vibes that it would be the type to constantly observe/watch other pets, which would fit along with an angel watching over humans (animals in this case). Like, you're at a party and this pet is just in the corner sipping punch and observing everyone. Mysterious. Totally not trying to see how it should interact with the others.
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William Barricade
If I'm remembering things correctly, wasn't it stated that William Barricade used to be a member of the OG P.I.E. (like, when Boast, Roast, Pit, etc. were around)? I just remember that he was part of P.I.E. in the past, but he quit (not on bad terms or anything, though). Anyway, I think that LPS #61 suits him a lot. Idk why, but I feel like he'd definitely be a German shepherd if he was an animal. I don't really have much to say about him, sorry ;-;
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As there is very little info about Katrina in canon, my picks for what LPS pet she would be are probably going to be different than what's expected? (Idk what the general consensus surrounding her is, oof.) That being said, I think that LPS #2135 works well for Katrina, as its color palette makes me think of her and the pet gives me similar vibes to who Katrina is (at least according to my headcanons). This pet seems friendly, but it also looks like someone that I wouldn't want to be on bad terms with, you know? Seems really smart, but maybe a bit too kind to people for its own good, putting others before itself.
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I also think that LPS #879 would be a good match, as it gives me vibes that it would be a friendly pet who has a good sense of humor, and also likes learning new things. Also, for whatever reason, I associate sheep with Katrina? I genuinely don't know why I do, but for as long as I've known of her I have.
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Jenny Ghost
Idk what all to say about Jenny Ghost, but I honestly can't remember much about her? I know her and Jenny Toast showed up in 2 or 3 videos, but I can only vaguely remember 1 :( Anyway, I associate grays, pinks, and purples with her, as well as cats, so I think that LPS #1921 fits her well. Coincidentally this pet is from the same mold as the pet I chose for Johnny Ghost. This pet gives me sassy girlboss vibes, lol. Could probably have some of the most thought-provoking conversations followed by the most mind-baffling ones with this pet.
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Jenny Toast
Like I mentioned for Jenny Ghost, I unfortunately don't really know a lot about Jenny Toast :( That being said, she seems like such a cool, fun person to interact with. They would probably try to get me involved in some wacky shenanigans, and I for one would probably be down to join. Anyway, I think that LPS #1676 fits Jenny Toast well! I associate her with purples, blues, and blacks, as well with dogs and rabbits. This pet also just gives me Jenny vibes. It seems very polite but also like a bit of a troublemaker. Very fitting of Jenny Toast, if you ask me. (This may be me misremembering, but wasn't Jenny slightly a prankster in the videos they were featured in?)
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I can't upload the image of this next pet due to the 30 image limit on posts, but I think that the LPS Kohl's Rabbit could also work for Jenny! It's a white bunny with light blue accents, and it reminds me of Jenny Toast a lot for whatever reason.
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bethie-crossing · 2 days
🍓 New Animal Crossing Ideas 🍓
I predicted some things in horizons let’s hope these happen too lol, my main want is more progression!
Island types: choose between a classic walled in or “forest” island, a tropical island, a snowy island, a desert island, like Happy Home Paradise! You can still pick the hemisphere. Because there’s many types, you can have multiple saves but you have the same character (to avoid online issues etc)
Transport: arrive by train, taxi, boat, water plane, or bus, depending on the type of island you pick! You can use a bike and cart when doing deliveries for Nook
You can buy and use a bike of your own as you progress, you can add a cart & a hand basket, very customisable, add decorations like flowers, bell or horn, & lights, lanterns! You can also buy & customise a caravan! (Stationary?)
Camp ground: tents and caravans overseen by Harvey, you can do cute outdoor activities like roasting marshmallows, pitching and chilling out in a tent, & cloud watching / stargazing! Celeste comes by sometimes with a telescope, you can invite her to the museum this way!
Villagers interests & hobbies: learn about villagers favourite foods, items, activities, dream job, etc. There is special dialogue when their related favourites are mentioned or with what they interact with, maybe you can encourage them to pursue their dream!
You can also invite them to do activities and mini games (they can say no if you have low friendship or are sick or enraged)
Activities: meet-ups (e.g inviting to hanging out in a certain area), and mini games, you can invite animals to do these in dialogue or letters (for later dates), you invite friends to do these via the NookPhone
Odd jobs: work for Tom Nook to pay off the first debt, Brewsters coffee job in New Leaf returns, working at Able Sisters!!! Offering styling to villagers, unlocked with Labelle? Shine shoes at Kicks? Put together bouquets requests with Leif! Cook and serve at the restaurant / café! Design shops and animals homes!
You’re payed in bells and special items. Animals can also work odd jobs depending on their interests. Doing odd jobs can increase friendship with NPC characters
Shops: Tom Nook upgrades to Nookingtons, Able Sisters has a top floor where the sister live that you can visit when you gain friendship with them, Auto Shop from Pocket Camp to buy Bikes etc, restaurant, school(?), and hospital are customisable & furnishable (happy home paradise), Gracie Gracie, Kicks, Re-tail, shampoodle, theatre (dr shrunk), Katrina fortunes, HHA, dream suite also returns
In the theatre, you can obtain emotes from Shrunk and buy cinema food & drinks. Villagers with a theatre interest will also do short performances on stage which plays when you sit down, you can leave at anytime.
Villagers with a film interest will showcase or act in “films” (depending on their preference for acting or filming), similar to stage performances. If you have high friendship, you can be invited to join in on these!
The Hospital building is where you will go when you fall off your bike or faint, villagers will also go here for the same reasons as well as extended sickness (can happen if not given medicine). Gulliver can be found here if you don’t find him on the beach the day before. If not new NPC, possibly Luna or Leilani runs it
Shop functions: other than odd jobs, you can order food and drinks, buy a custom bouquet, and be styled by your villagers and NPCs, return of post office to send letters and gifts
Tasks: NPC / special characters and villagers can ask for more things like craftable items and foods, shop items like paper for letters, and obtainable clothing and accessories
Personal interests: you can set your own faves (in the scrapbook) which you can mention to villagers and NPC when relevant, they can give you items based on these and share their opinions in dialogue and letters
Collecting: stickers and stamps, medals (achievements), gyroids (you can give these to Brewster), crafting recipes, bugs & fish
Scrapbooking & letters: type or hand write letters and draw on them, as well as your scrapbook. You can decorate both with stickers and stamps! You can also send letters to special characters like Isabelle!
The Scrapbook is where you can see a calendar, planned events, interests, friendship levels, collections and recipes, achievements (medals), saved letters and photos! Custom designs also
NookPhone: you can use the phone to call or message villagers to locate them (sometimes they ignore you!) or make meet-ups, friends list & messaging, online shopping, and take photos! (All the Social things)
Event planning: events from other games return but you can also make your own! There are templates but you can do custom events, also set optional tasks to do at these events
Rainbow day - basically a pride parade, similar to festival, face paint & colourful outfits, a proud atmosphere, can march along a selected path
Beach party - take part in beach activities and mini games with animals and friends (sunny warm days only), vacation juice crafting recipe obtainable
Valentines Day - craft chocolate to give to animals or encourage them to give to others, high friendship villagers can also give you chocolate! Kaitlin can teach you to make chocolate related recipes on this day
Friendship levels: you can progress from small talk and exchanging letters with animals, tasks, exchanging gifts, meet-ups, being invited over and inviting them over, getting their photo, photo booth photo together (customisable), can hug them or ask for a hug
Friendship levels also apply to animals, your villagers will gain friendship with other villagers! Most will inform you if they have a best friend, but more polite villagers will only talk about who they’re not friends with / might dislike at a high friendship level
Crafting: instead of recipe cards you can read books (take one a day) in the Museum Library (Celeste runs it as well as the planetarium), or are given certain types of books by villagers with the relevant interest or NPCs - Tom will give you some to start out (furniture) and also sell all skill books
Cooking & baking: so many more recipes and you can do relevant mini games if you choose to do so! Giving a villager their fave food homemade will avoid them getting sick when it’s cold! It will also make them feel better after taking machine if the medicine doesn’t heal them the first time
Many cake options for birthdays and also event themes. You can also learn to cook from Franklin, he stops by occasionally to sell food at events! Joan and Daisy Mae will teach you turnip related recipes. Katie’s mum, Kaitlin, will teach you baking recipes and icing piping at her night class (at the restaurant or café)
More fruits & ingredients: all the New Leaf fruits return plus strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, red and white grapes, black currents. You can also make pasta. When sending food items they appear as a cake box or delivery box and open like a wrapped gift
Online & other stuff: Tortimer Island returns! A new plaza area for players? Shows featured player custom designs, showcases player homes and customised houses, you can auction items, race bikes with friends!
Custom designs: shirts, jumpers, hoodies, dresses, shorts & trousers, skirts, shoes, hats, face paint & accessories. You can change the length and style of each item!
I have more ideas probably but I can’t think of the rest rn, I might draw some concepts :]
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warcrimesimulator · 1 year
Let's see what the tunglrinas have in common with me :-)
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Chapter 8 - Wǒ de Huxian
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Katrina didn't spend a long time at the Phantomhive manor, despite receiving the noblewoman luxurious treatment that she deserved, and having the comfort of a demon watching over her, making sure she had a restful, safe sleep, there was still something about her home, the funeral parlor. She wasn't sure why she had gotten so attached to such a place, let alone go as far as to call it her safe haven, the place where she felt most comfortable. Was it that the home was small and cozy? Or was it the company of the eccentric mortician who did such an active job to care for her and make sure she was doing well. 
Given his underground connections, he was often informed about the moves of her family, in case they tried to go out of their way and seek her out. It wouldn't be too hard, Katrina thought, considering the Queen knew of her, and though she hadn't received letters at the parlor, Ciel got them all at his mansion, thus, everyone would easily be able to track her down. She couldn't help but wonder if her parents were involved in this mess with Kelvin, but in a way, she doubted, considering he was more like a cheap rip-off, than a real threat with real ties to the cult.
Still, Undertaker became a solid father figure for her as soon as he allowed her to stay over at his home - Never would she have expected to get so close to the weirdo, but truly, she was thankful for everything that he's done for her, and how well he treated her. Everything he did, it almost felt as though he did for her. It didn't matter to Kat whether that was true or not - If it worked in her advantage, she wasn't going to complain.
"Little songbirds like yourself belong in a cage, my darling." she heard the mortician speak all of a sudden. "Look at you - I keep you safe and sound here, yet as soon as you step out of your enclosure, someone tries to snatch you away and make roast quail out of you. How can I rest easy at night, knowing that the Earl isn't taking proper care of you?" 
Kat looked up from the cadaver she was working on, raising a quizzical eyebrow at the man. "Ciel had an asthma attack. I got kidnapped while Sebastian took him to the doctor. There can't be much he could have done in that regard." she explained awkwardly. "Besides... There was that annoying Reaper there also. Going out of his way to warn me to stay out of trouble under the pretext of caring for a child, only to end up completely disregarding my danger - He is no better."
"I agree, little nightingale, there is nothing worse than the hypocrisy of Reapers." Katrina looked at him with a blank expression.
"You knew of Reapers before I first mentioned them, didn't you?" the man grinned dryly, only to completely deflect the conversation.
"I might even be tempted to pull you out of school - If even among a bunch of humans, some of which, your guardians, and you still got so severely damaged - Well, how can I, in good health, allow my dear little fox to get hurt, hmm~?" the man picked the skeleton he had on display, waltzing around aimlessly through the room.
"I am going to die anyway. What's the point of worrying about me?" Katrina stood up, wiping her hands with a towel, only to get startled by a loud thud and the sound of rattling bones rolling to the ground.
"What ever could have convinced you of such folly?" for once, the man looked rather... Nervous. Uncertain even, perhaps, if she could even call it that.
"Considering you know more about Reapers than I do, perhaps you are familiar with this little book they carry around." Kat said, walking over to him and kneeling, she started picking up the skeleton as though it was some discarded ragdoll. "I stole it from Will. Searched my name. Found my time of death... Relatively speaking, at least." she hummed, only to get snatched up, the bag of bones falling and spreading around the wooden floor.
"And are you going to listen to some ink on paper?" he asked in a somber voice, his nails digging into the material of her dress. "Are you going to keel over and die on me? Just like that?" Katrina couldn't help but chuckle softly, her hands going up to cup his face. "I just turned 18, Undertaker. I have a whole life ahead of me. It is MY life. I'm not just going to let some jerk take what's mine, you know? I am rather possessive over things that I own." she smiled tenderly at the man. "Don't tell me you're going to miss your little apprentice?"
"Life is the most precious thing a human has, little fox. Don't play around like that." he muttered. "There's only so much death an old man like myself can handle."
Katrina felt her heart shattering in pain at the mellowed words the melancholic mortician spoke. One of her hands trailed up to brush the fringe from his eyes, only to see the glowing green Reaper eyes. "I see now. Only an immortal would know the suffering of watching everyone around his perish." she sighed, pulling him into a tight embrace. "Don't you worry. I have no intention of just handing over my life. It was you who showed me that life has meaning, and it is worth living. It was you who gifted me so many opportunities. For you, no matter what, I will live. I promise you that."
"Since when did you know?" the silver haired man asked, resting his chin on her head.
"Since I found out that a Death Scythe is supposed to cut through anything, but Grell's chainsaw was blocked by the sword you gave me." he hummed in understanding.
"To think you'd be figuring things out so swiftly. I am glad my little apprentice is so bright... But to think you'd be brought down to the underworld like that... Alas, the Queen's leash is going to strangle you to death, just like everyone else." despite his worries, he was met with a sweet smile.
"Now, now, Undertaker - What's life without a little risk, after all?" though Undertaker wasn't happy with that notion, he remained silent. That was exactly the same thing Vincent Phantomhive said, and look at him now, very much dead. There was little destiny spared. Life was a cruel crone, but the mortician was ready to fight her and alter the fate of those he held dear to him, yet lost indefinitely. "So, I was thinking!" suddenly, Katrina grinned at him, changing the mood entirely. "All Reapers I've seen have awful vision and wear glasses. How come you don't?"
"Well, dearie, I suppose one gets used to the disadvantage." he shrugged simply, only to see that mischievous grin, dazzling brightly. 
"I can't imagine you wearing glasses, Undertaker - But! I think I've got something for you!" at once, Katrina sprinted back to her room, returning with a small box. She opened it, as though it was the velvet box of an engagement ring, and displayed before him two small, circular membranes. "Would you like to give it a try?"
"My, oh my, look at you, thinking so dearly of me - How could I refuse you, little fox?" with a giggle, the mortician snatched the box and waltzed to the mirror, somehow managing to put on the contact lenses without much difficulty, in spite of even those abnormally long nails of him. He blinked a few times, allowing the lenses to settle on his eyeball, before abruptly turning to the girl, his long fringe off his face. "These lenses make you even prettier!" 
"Yes, that's right, you guessed it - I made contact lenses to have people see me as the prettiest girl alive!" she laughed merrily. "Jokes aside - How is your sight?"
"Definitely improved." the smile of excitement on her face was contagious, as the mortician, too, found himself smiling. "Keep it up and we might as well start a side business!"
"Yeah, a side-business for dumbass Reapers." the girl snorted at him. "I can't only be fighting Shinigami all the time. Might as well charge money for healing them too."
Katrina's health always seemed to flourish while staying home, but her long break had to end at some point, and return back to Weston. There was only so many absences she could be allowed, right? Or perhaps not, considering the unknown relations the Undertaker has, so that she can freely leave the campus at will for days and weeks on end, and face no repercussion. With her luggage packed and done, the mortician accompanied her to the train station like the gentleman he was. "Say... Undertaker... I was wondering something, if you don't mind me saying it out loud." Katrina cleared her throat as she got off the carriage, and they started walking towards the station. "Adrian Crevan... It is your name, isn't it? But you never tell anyone your real name, nor does anyone ever address you as anything else other than by your career's name. Why is that? It's a... A really nice name." she asked awkwardly, unsure of the proper words to choose.
"Now, now, aren't you a very curious little fox? It couldn't possibly be that you want to address me any differently than anyone else, could it?" his soft chuckle was met with silence for a few seconds.
"In fact, it is the truth. I do want to call you by your name. Whether it is your real one, a nickname, or something completely fabricated, I'd much rather call you by your name than a job. You are not defined as a mortician, no matter how much you want to. It'd be really weird if people on the streets would just call me something like... Doctress all the time!" she exclaimed comically, eying him with faux confidence, which, in turn, made those giggles turn into louder chuckles.
"Very well, very well, you may call you as you wish, I mind naught. Now, off you go, find yourself a nice seat by the window and may you have no difficulty with your classes." the man ushered her inside the train, but just before he left, Kat quickly turned to look at him with nervously, calling out his name.
"I, uh... You said you know the Principal. Do you think that... If I may have done something bad... Or, perhaps not done personally, but have been unintentionally implicated in something bad... That I may still be able to graduate somehow?" she asked him in a shushed voice.
"Don't you worry about such trivialities, my dear! If you need to hide a body, you know you can always count on me!" he laughed, and though it wasn't exactly what she wanted to hear, it somehow calmed her down enough to let out an amused chuckle as well.
"That's good to know. Thank you... Adrian. I'll see you soon." and with a nod of goodbye and a quick hug, she rushed inside the train and thankfully, actually got that nice seat by the window.
Returning at Weston was, at first, a rather anxious experience, but as soon as she went inside her bedroom, in the eerily eccentric Purple House dormitory halls... As soon as she went to take a relaxing walk by the Gazebo and saw the Prefects so leisurely chatting and drinking lemonade, as per usual, she could only let out a sigh of relief and join them. All of a sudden, being in their company, all of her worries vanished altogether and she could lean back into Edgar's shoulder and enjoy the song that Cheslock was playing on the flute. Maurice brought some really nice strawberry cakes, Clayton continuously dusted around the place and Edward... Poor Edward looked as uncomfortable as ever being there with her present. Poor boy.
At last, the peace finally settled over everyone at Weston and things were looking greater than every. Even, thanks to some renowned doctors and specialists, the students were able to attend medical classes and lectures extracurricular from the actual courses, and Katrina finally felt like she was able to accomplish something whenever questions were asked and she knew how to answer to so many of them, whilst many of her fellow colleagues had no idea whatsoever. Brownie points for Undertaker! The many days spent learning about human anatomy and physiology were paying off. It was, by far, one of the greatest feelings there were... And Kat have to admit, she was enjoying this College environment very much, especially because most of the people she would hang out with were very friendly and didn't really bother getting uncomfortably private and nosy.
Now that the Easter holidays were quickly approaching, everyone was pretty much vibrating with excitement, wanting to go home to their parents and celebrate the family holidays... Sweet Edgar even invited her to party at his family. How could she possibly refuse him? She could never. Likewise, Edward invited her, albeit, extremely awkwardly, on Lizzy's behalf, to come over for the holidays, or at least meet at Ciel's, should he have an Easter Ball or something. Once again, the invitation was gracefully accepted. 
She never realised how much fun social interaction could be, with the right people that is, so of course, how could she refuse when things don't have to revolve around fan conversations and champagne in flute glasses alone?
Few weeks before the vacation, however, Katrina was chatting and relaxing in the Gazebo with the other Prefects and their fags, only to spot a familiar white silhouette approaching. Surprised, she sprinted towards the man. "Mr. Crevan, how lovely it is seeing you after so long." the man chuckled, mocking her.
"Charles, what a surprise! Come over, we wouldn't want our conversation to be heard, do we?" she quickly held his arm, guiding him to a more remote part of the park, as they took a detour stroll through the many different, yet well-taken care of flower gardens.
"Does anyone actually get fooled by your poor disguise, Fox girl?" the usual amused tone of Charles Grey was never lacking.
"I have no idea, but as long as I can study here, who cares, really? I haven't had this much fun in my entire life." she chuckled, sighing as the mesmerising perfume of the spring flowers flowed around.
"Well, sorry to ruin the fun for you, dear, but Her Majesty, the Queen, is requesting your aid once again, little fox." and with that, he took out a letter from his pocket.
"Hmm... I see..." she hummed, reading the letter. "However, I have to ask, is this really okay? I did run away from home, I'm not sure how I, alone, can have much influence with such people from the higher circles. On the other hand... That puppy must be implicated in this plot as well, isn't he? I'm not sure how we can... Entertain the guest if not for his manor as a ball venue." she muttered, already scheming a ploy. 
"On point as always, Kitty-Kat. The Queen always needs your wits and shrewdness, especially after what happened with the Pup's report of the Circus. He needs to gain back her trust, and you will have to keep an eye on him. But don't worry, I will be there too... In case you get kidnapped again by the enemies." he taunted her, making her gasp in complete disdain and humiliation.
"She told you that?! Oh, how very embarrassing! Listen, you...!" she huffed at him. "I was walking outside, completely absent-minded as I kept thinking of the evidence I found in those guys' circus tents while Ciel was having a severe asthma attack, and all of a sudden, I get hit in the head, and there's that! Next thing I know I'm kept hostage, I get mistreated, I black out, and then... Ciel got me out of there! Mind you, I have no idea what happened, I just woke up in his manor, and if that's not embarrassing, I don't know what is, Charles!" she exclaimed, incredibly indignant, as her cheeks turned slightly red from the shame.
"Good thing there's no way you'd be kidnapped in the Earl's on home, under my vigilant watch." he smirked, making her roll her eyes at his arrogance. 
"Look. I have to go and make a paper for the Principal, telling him I have to leave the premises to go back home, and I have to pack up and return back to London. It will take a while, but-" however, mid-sentence, he cut her off.
"But nothing. Everything's already arranged. No need to pack, we're leaving right now! The Earl's already almost done with the preparations, all you have to do is go to his manor and have a talk with him about the details of whatever hell you're going to unleash." and with that, he completely turned her around with a twirl, and dragged her towards the exit of the campus.
"You are a completely insane man, Charles Grey! You really are insane!" she chuckled from surprise.
"No, dear. I'm just the Queen's Butler." he smirked oh-so-charmingly at her, opening the door to his carriage and helping her up.
"Bite your tongue." she rolled her eyes, looking out of the window.
"Would you~?" he sniggered, annoyingly teasing.
"...Yep." Kat clicked my tongue, chuckling at the surprise in his eyes.
"What a bold vixen we have here." the man chuckled, leaning back on his seat.
"That's why I ran away, Charles." she winked at him playfully, as the long way home was beginning.
As expected, Undertaker already knew about her timely return, and the first thing he did was take her to Nina so she could tailor a ball dress for her, all whilst he told her some of the business he discussed with Ciel, and that she need only attend the ball and be vigilant as always. Still, he seemed rather upset that he wasn't invited - Only she knew how much he loved waltzing. And such, the evening of the ball has arrived and it was outright raining cats and dogs, as if the Gods were ready to instill divine punishment and call forth the resurrection of Noah and his animal Ark, but thankfully, the umbrella was enough to keep her dry on the short walk from her carriage, to the mansion. With a quick scan, Kat noticed most of the guests have already arrived, with the exception of the guest of honour himself and a certain white weasel.
On the other hand, her favourite Chinese man and his sister were engaging in a rather interesting light talk and, of course, she couldn't not go and interrupt them. "Ni Hao, Lau, Ran Mao. How are you?" she smiled at them cheerfully, as Lau gasped dramatically before smiling, as per usual.
"Tian na, Katrina! Now I can truly see why the Queen loves her little fox so much!" he exclaimed so casually.
"Now, now, Lau, there's no need to flatter me... But if you want to continue, I won't say no either." she demurely covered her smirk with a gloved hand.
"Wǒ měilì de xiǎo hú xiān." he chuckled, bowing to take her hand and kiss it.
"I don't claim to be fluent in your language, however, I'm pretty sure you called me beautiful. And if you didn't, you should." she grinned, unable to stop herself.
"My beautiful little vixen, you truly are a Fox Fairy. If you have heard the tales of the nine tailed foxes, you wouldn't be surprised I believe you to be one of their kin." and thus, his hand caressed a strand of her long, carmine red hair, rather affectuously. "With how slender and graceful your figure is, I am sure the dresses from the Tang Dynasty would suit you so much better than these heavy, pompous ones, wouldn't you say, Ran Mao? Would you be willing to play dress up with Miss Fox and show her our pretty dances?" he asked, caressing his sister's face.
"Yes, yes." she nodded with as little emotion on her face as always.
"I would be honoured! I have never had the chance to learn anything about your culture, despite knowing each other for so long. Now then, I have interrupted your conversation with this lovely gentleman enough, how very rude of me. With whom do I have the pleasure?" she asked, turning her attention towards the shabby-dressed and very panicked man.
"I-I, no, n-not at all, miss! I'm an eye specialist and also a bit of a writer... Uhm... Nothing special at all! M-My name is Arthur." the poor man stuttered miserably.
"It's a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Arthur. Also, as a person pursuing a medical career, I cannot accept seeing you underestimate your knowledge and capabilities. On the other hand... I do believe I may have read some of your work in the newspaper at some point. Those short stories, in fact, are rather brilliant. It's all about perseverance." she explained calmly as the man freaked out even more. "Ah, right, before I forget to introduce myself, my name is Katrina Raymond and I am the daughter of the High Court Judge, Duke Nicholas Raymond. Other than that, I am a medical student and I work at the Undertaker's parlor. Pretty fun, wouldn't you say?" she giggled teasingly, seeing him sweat nervously and very much intimidated.
"A-Ah, I don't know what to say, miss, uh... It's - It's an honour meeting you!" he managed to stutter after a long time.
"Whenever a fox meets a hound, things are bound to be interesting. Probably. After all, the Earl hates the staunch social life and is famous for being a rare character that hardly ever shows himself.
In fact, I do believe it's the first time that he's invited people into his own house!" Lau chuckled, teasing the poor man.
"Wha-... What kind of person is he?!" poor Arthur was almost dying from shock and fright.
"Hmm... Let's see... Basically, he has either a sour or angry look and extremely high pride. It's also said that he wears a pirate-like eye patch." the more Lau spoke, the more Kat laughed, especially at how the poor writer was shaking more and more.
"Why don't you leave your teasing of the guests at that?" Ciel's voice suddenly boomed from the top of the staircase.
"The depiction was pretty accurate though, I have to agree with Lau." the lady smirked in amusement.
"A child...?" Arthur gasped, looking in awe at the young earl.
"That tiny little child is Earl Phantomhive." Lau told the writer.
"Little was unnecessary!" Ciel grumbled, as he walked down the stairs, and put on his war smile. "Thank you for accepting my invitation today. I am Ciel Phantomhive, the Head of the House."
Soon after they finished their pleasantries, Charles Grey arrived with the Guest of Honour, Georg von Siemens, and thus, Sebastian began calling their names in order. Everything went weirdly according to drunk social etiquette and, despite not being numerous, people were obnoxiously loud. Poor Ciel couldn't even have a proper conversation with Arthur because Grimsby, the producer, butted in the conversation. The Baron got shitfaced drunk and started lecherously touching Katrina and Irene, but the vixen simply went to cling on Lau's free arm, just like Ran Mao, to avoid anyone bothering her.
The poor opera singer, however, was the last remaining, unfortunate target of his lechery, and she even had to slap him when he wouldn't let go of her, groping and spewing disgusting words. He, in turn, threw a glass of champagne at her, only to be completely blocked by Sir Knight Ciel who mediated the case pretty quickly. Grimsby, angered by his lover being assaulted by the shameless pervert, threw a champagne bottle at the lecher - Thankfully, Sebastian was there to save the day once again, do some flips in the air as though they were back at the circus and, as he perfectly landed on top of the ladder, poured flawlessly the champagne on the pyramid of neatly arranged champagne crystal glasses, making everyone gasp and stare in awe. Everyone was now merry and cheerful. Katrina went by Ciel's side and smiled pitifully at him. 
"To think that our esteemed guest of honour would be such a disgusting lecher..." Kat muttered in French, knowing the code of those two well enough.
"So once that solemn man gets some alcohol, this is how he becomes? From the looks of it, he's a repeated offender." Ciel rolled his eyes as Sebastian was drying him down with a towel.
"Even so, showing how little self-constraint one has... I wonder whether he's just an immense fool or he knows no shame at all." Sebastian smiled, amused.
"Funny how appearances are all this society has and, in the end, even they all crumble to hell and show how wretched people can be." she sighed simply.
"He seems like the incurable type that would make a doctor hopeless." however, as he said that, a small, stifled laugh was heard, revealing that Mr. Arthur knew French well enough to understand the trio, and even be amused by their shady charade.
With the Baron having fallen asleep after drinking himself into a mini-coma, Sebastian had to get him to his assigned room while Ciel, very conveniently, went to sleep because he was a child. Kat, on the other hand, since there was nothing to fear anymore, decided to stay by Charles and indulge in some light drinking and small talk that easily turned into a dissing contest about their most interesting guests - the Baron being the first priority target.
Hours passed by with far more entertainment since Siemens was sent to his room, and everyone was having a great time, until, at some point of the night, they heard a loud commotion by said guest's room. With everyone going to investigate, they noticed Sebastian having to kick down the locked door. Force of a demon, how impressive. The way the man was blankly, limply sitting on the arm chair by the fire place seemed to indicate he was very much dead, and upon further inspection, as Kat went to verify his pulse, she realised, there was none.
"Alright, so, either he is very much dead, or he wanted to play the role of Romeo. The only problem is, he is the farthest thing away from a Romeo and I doubt there is any contender to the role of Juliet to begin with." Kat clicked her tongue sarcastically as she shrugged and stepped back, letting Arthur investigate the body as well.
"He's... He's really dead...!" Arthur's shocked... No, petrified expression made Mr. Phelps faint on the spot and a general panic took over most of the people present.
"This blood on his chest seems to come from a wound. I suppose that's the cause of death." Katrina explained simply.
"Isn't it kinda hot in this room?" Bard grumbled, wiping the sweat off his forehead.
"Yes, it is. I heated up the room before-hand, but... Maybe he was cold." Sebastian deduced.
"What's all the racket?" Ciel finally arrived, guided by Tanaka. As he noticed the dead body, he and Sebastian shared a suspicious look.
"Anyway, we shouldn't move anything until the Yard arrives." Grimsby spoke nervously.
"No. It'd be better if we move the body now. I can't say it any nicer than this... But meat rots faster than you might think. Even if we turn off the fire now, time will be up before you know it if he stays next to the hearth." Bard explained, revealing once again his unfortunate military knowledge.
"Bard is right. Not to mention... With a weather like this, the Yard isn't going to come any time soon. It is quite the storm, after all." the lady shrugged, looking with slight disgust at the weather.
"So you mean we can't leave here either?!" Woodley exclaimed in alarm.
"Why do you ask that now? It's fine, right? Everyone was meant to stay over anyway." Lau agreed with the vixen-like lady as Sebastian had Finny and Bard get a stretcher and move Siemens's body down to the cellar.
"Like you can call this fine! I'm not staying at a place where a murder took place!" Woodley cried out angrily.
"By all means, have fun going out in this storm by yourself, without a carriage and with such a long road ahead. On the other hand, it seems I have to point out the obvious. The killer is definitely among us. With such a weather, there is no way anyone else other than us could come inside without leaving heavy traces of water, mud and footprints. Not to mention, the window is locked from the inside, so no way of going out either." Katrina smirked, very much amused at the alarm of everyone else at such an accusation, as she could only look at Charles, who seemed to smile vaguely as well.
"WHY US?! This isn't a joke!" Grimsby, along with Woodley, agreed.
"Lady Kitty-Kat here is right. Moreover, not only this room is on the second floor, so there is no way of accessing it to and fro' the window, the door was also very much locked, therefore, no way of accessing this place." Charles came to her defense, approaching the window.
So this is where the real fun of this case begins, it seems. Absolutely splendid. Not only do they have a locked room murder, but they also have guests that would have no way of escaping out of the window, with such a weather. Now, now, Charles, you're playing dirty. Is this what you mean by entertaining the guest? How sneaky of you, little white ferret. Another theory that Grimsby came up with was that someone somehow had the key for the door, but Sebastian meticulously reassured everyone that no one could have accessed any of the manor keys other than himself. Ciel then pointed out the situation was much like a locked room murder novel and  perhaps the thread and needle mechanism of locking a door from inside while you are outside was used. This, once again, instigated a lot of manic panic as everyone was hitting their chests  and declaring they weren't the killers. How hilarious.
"Enough yelling. Let's hear your alibis." Katrina clapped her hands together loudly to get everyone's attention.
"Lord Siemens was killed after he had retired to his room... Actually, to be precise, it was between the time that the lord rang the servants bell and the time that the butler and co. arrived at his room. If you have an alibi to cover that time, you're safe." Lau shrugged carefree. He was enjoying the ruckus of the common folk.
"Also, we could keep in mind the fact that the killer may have rang the bell himself, solely for this situation to be created." she smirked very much amused.
"I and Irene were in the billiards room." Grimsby and Irene testified.
"I was in there too, with Lady Kat." Grey chimed in quickly. Katrina nodded also at that statement.
"So were me and Mr. Phelps." Arthur said, by the fainted one's side.
"Yep. For the whole time, from the moment that Lord Siemens went to bed, up until the disturbance, we were all in there. During that time, no one left their place either." Charles continued.
"What were you guys doing?" Ciel asked, looking at Lau.
"We were drinking in the lounge with Mr. Woodley. Weren't we, Ran Mao?" the man said, as the girl in his arms nodded simply.
"Right! We were together the entire time before the commotion started! If I remember correctly, after midnight, the alcohol ran out and we had the butler fetch us some more, right?" Woodley pointed out.
"Yes, I brought it to you at around 12:10." Sebastian confirmed.
"U-Us servants were all cleaning up together!" Mey-Rin managed to stutter up quickly.
"First and foremost, none of us even knew what room Siemens was staying in. To find him in such a large mansion would take quite the time, right?" Grimsby completed the idea.
"Which means..." and thus, all eyes were sent on the young Earl.
"Excuse me for asking, Earl, but what were you doing at the time?" Lau asked, in a smooth, sly manner. And since Ciel has no provable alibi, Lau went on to drill the suspicion onto him thus, he was the one accused, despite what the servants tried to say in claiming his innocence.
"I'd like some insurance." Charles said, stoically, yet very much accusatory. "Insurance that we'll get out of here alive. This mansion is currently under the control of a killer, you know? And we can't get out until this storm settles down. What if we were all 'gagged' before the storm settles?" his voice was now somber and menacing.
"Let's confine him!" Lau's cheerful idea made everyone gasp in shock. What a monster - Kat had to stifle a laugh.
"If we're going to confine him, it can't be in his own room. Nobles' rooms generally have some kind of secret escape route built in. My place has them too." Charles pointed out, and Kat could only nod in agreement.
"Well then, we'll keep an eye on him while attending to his -" Sebastian tried to say, but was quickly cut off by the tradesman.
"That won't do, seeing as you might help the earl." Lau smiled serenely.
"That means one of the guests has to keep watch over him." Katrina point out, looking around.
"And that can't be you either, Miss Fox." Charles said merrily, making her shake her head and chuckle. Of course, everyone else declined until finally, the Chinese man designated Arthur to keep watch over Ciel as Charles took out the chains and shackles very, very happily to bind the poor earl.
First, Sebastian went to tuck in Ciel, while everyone else went by to their rooms to prepare for sleep. Kat, on the other hand, searching for danger as always, as soon as she got in her sleeping wear, went out to search for the magical butler. By the time she found him, he was holding a pillow to his torso, looking rather annoyed. Such that she could only chuckle and lean on the wall, tsk-ing in amusement.
"My, My, Mr. Sebastian, how fareth thou?" Katrina grinned, seeing as he discreetly removed the pillow for a split second, revealing the blood spot on his clothes.
"Wonderful now that I am seeing you, considering the events of this dreadful night." he replied, his sneaky, devilish expression back on his face.
"Charles Grey truly has no qualms now, does he?" she chuckled, shaking her head at his childishness.
"Yes, indeed, I would have to say he is quite ruthless. By how aggressively he impaled me, I am tempted to say he has a personal vendetta against me." he replied acidly.
"Competing for the Butler of the Year award or something?" she teased him, only to earn a sigh from him.
"There is no possibility of losing to such a man. Now then, My Lady, as it seems very likely you are completely unbothered by the cold, how about you help me out with our well-planned scheme?" he asked as he completely disposed of the pillow.
"What, you want me to stab you too?" she mocked him, only to see the smirk on his face widening.
"Certainly." he spoke with such is that it almost surprised a shocked expression on her face.
"Is it Christmas? To what do I owe this wonderful gift of an opportunity?" she couldn't help but laugh at him.
"Wouldn't it be positively wonderful, seeing the confused look of Mr. Grey's face as he wonders why exactly was I stabbed twice, instead of once? The fear and possibility of being more than one culprit, after all? Or a new party involved that may have been hiding quietly inside the manor?" his feline eyes flashed magenta, and she could only grin mischievously at him.
"But that's a pity, you're going to leave me all alone. How dull my time spent here will be. Surely, you as well, will get bored by staying alone, in the cellar, until I and Ciel finish this whole mess." Kat pouted in mock pity, only for him to tower over her, then bend to her height.
"One wouldn't have said that, considering how well you were getting along with Mr. Butler and Mr. Lau. Is it, perhaps, that one demon alone is not sufficient in satisfying a lovely kitten's spoiled needs?" by the way he devilishly smiled, so wickedly, Kat could see his fangs sticking out just enough to offer a very attractive view.
"That may have been the case, should I have been a mere kitten. I, however, pride myself with being quite the vixen. On the other hand, considering how you very much neglected me since I have arrived, on the pretenses of being a pristine butler taking care of your master, I would say, I quite needed my fix of a good enough company and entertainment... Alas, not splendid enough for my esteemed needs, unfortunately." oh, how much she missed these back and forths with this demon.
"Very well, Lady Fox, to my understanding, you are unsatisfied by my lack of attention and affection towards you, is that right? My, but that would be such a big ink blot on my pristine ethics that it would be impossible to clean. May I, in any way, rectify my mistake and attitude towards you, my lady?" as such, he took off his glove and caressed her face, lifting up her chin so she would look directly into his hypnotizing eyes.
"You may... Alas! Sebastian, you are supposed to be dead, therefore, for the next many days, you will be unable to do as you claim to so desire, how dreadful! Worry not, I promise to be the main hand in preparing you for you funeral, I am sure you would very much love that, wouldn't you?" she cheekily tilted her head, as, very subtly, she could see him flicking his tongue, as if very consumed by a certain demonic gluttony.
"I can only imagine the hedonistic pleasure My Lady would offer me as she so would delicately touch my flesh and awaken desires that no other human has been able to ignite in a long time." the way he was licking his lips as if they were painted with the sweetest aphrodisiac of lust seemed to have an effect on anyone who would ever dare look him in the eyes.
"Speaking of desire... If we stand so close to each other... So close that you can feel my breath on your skin, my words in your mouth... Can you feel the tiniest tint of my soul? Is it as appetizing and unsatiable for a demon as the Last Supper was for Jesus? Is it worth all this teasing, all those animalistic urges you so desperately try to keep under control? Is it quintessential? Is it something without which you couldn't continue calmly living on?" the more she approached, the more shushed her voice became, until she was sure no human ears would be able to hear them, yet he could, perfectly in fact. So perfectly, her lips almost touching his, as she mimicked his temptation discourse.
"If I didn't know better, I would assume you are not only a lustful demoness, but a succubus. A vixen you are, indeed, and a truly spoiled, unruly one at that. A bratty vixen who needs some discipline. Were you not taught that being so merciless is not nice, My Lady? Or perhaps you feel safe with the notion that I am unable to do anything in such regards without a word of consent?" it was obvious how hard it was for him to keep his composure, no doubt, her soul must be some kind of trigger to him, same way as vampires react to blood in those stories, and being so deliberately close to him, without allowing him to touch her more than he already did, must be torture.
"Such naughty words from an otherwise perfect butler; Sebastian, Sebastian, you couldn't be falling into your own lusty temptation? Are you being captured by sin? Are the shackles too strong to break? Perhaps we can make a deal... If you promise to behave nicely I may... Allow you a little taste of this Forbidden Fruit you so desperately desire. I told you, didn't I? It is not Ciel, but me, who will be leaving you craving for more." with an abominably sultry smirk, Katrina turned from him, going towards the hearth of the room where he was 'killed' so to speak, and took the ash poker from the ground.
"A little kitten like you, attempting to look menacing with such a ridiculous weapon, my, I could only laugh looking at you. A mere human, attempting to mock a demon, how daring of you, if not, rather intriguing and positively endearing. I suppose I cannot deny that I am, in fact, attracted to you as I have been to no other human before, which, in all essence, is quite strange considering the infinite amount of humans that I have encountered over the many centuries that I have walked the Earth and the Netherrealm. If you would do me the honours, my dear Kitten, I can only promise you to make up for my previous ignorance. Is this deal to your liking?" he asked, getting on the right spot, as she could only smirk, very amused.
"Much obliged, Sebastian. Much obliged." and without a single warning, she drove the sharp ash poker through his torso; Seeing him falling to the ground, Katrina could only start laughing, albeit, as she tried to stifle it. "You look ridiculous. Come on, what's with that look on your face, there's nothing aesthetic about your supposed death." she grinned, harshly taking out the bloody poker and dropping it to the ground with a loud clank.
"You couldn't possibly wish for a human to have any kind of dignity, would you?" he asked, rolling his eyes.
"You insult me, Sebastian, surely, I have more dignity than whatever pretense you are trying to mimic." she reprimanded him harshly. "However, there is no dignity in death, Sebastian, for anyone. The physiological processes through which the body goes upon death is the most disgusting thing there is. So, I rest my case. There is no dignity in death. Although... I promise to help with the full body autopsy when the time comes. I will be very gentle with you, if you promise to reciprocate. Sweet dreams on the cold, hard floor, little demon~." winking and waving him goodnight, as mocking as ever, Katrina made sure to not have any bit of his blood on her as she carefully made her way back to her room without anyone seeing her. Now, the the time is neigh for yet another murder to be discovered in this huge mansion.
The rolling thunder and pouring rain were like a blessing performed by an orchestra of demons. The curtain rises on the Phantomhive Manor Murder Case.
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simersims4 · 3 months
Часть 4 / Part 4
День 5-6 «Посиделки у костра»
Day 5-6 “Gatherings by the fire»
День прошел не заметно, сегодня мы учились ухаживать за садом. Целый день сажали, поливали, рассматривали и изучали растения. 🌱
Близился вечер, вожатый предложил собраться у костра и послушать истории, пожарить зефир, и весело провести время.
Выслушав историю я держалась, а вот Галя видимо сильно было расстроена. Распустила тут нюни.
После рассказала все разбрелись по комнатам. А мы с Катриной и Геной сидели еще у костра и дожаривали зефир, обсуждая историю. Как вдруг нас перебил вожатый со словами «Так, ребята дожариваем зефир и идем спать».
____________________________________________The day passed quickly, today we learned how to take care of the garden. The whole day they planted, watered, examined and studied plants. 🌱
Evening was approaching, the counselor suggested gathering around the fire and listening to stories, roasting marshmallows, and having fun.
After listening to the story, I held on, but Galya was apparently very upset. She's been nagging here.
After she told everyone, they scattered to their rooms. And Katrina, Gena, and I were still sitting by the fire, roasting marshmallows, discussing history. Suddenly the counselor interrupted us with the words “Okay, guys, let’s finish roasting the marshmallows and go to bed.”
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Перевожу историю для тех кто говорит по английски
I translate the story for those who speak English.
I have a story for you. Now I'll tell you...
In one zoo they showed wild animals and they charged money or dogs and cats to feed wild animals.
One man wanted to see the animals: he grabbed a little dog on the street and brought it to the menagerie. They let him in to watch, but they took the little dog and threw him into a cage with a lion to be eaten.
The dog tucked its tail and pressed itself into the corner of the cage. The lion came up to her and smelled her. The dog lay down on its back, raised its paws and began wagging its tail. The lion touched it with his paw and turned it over. The dog jumped up and stood on its hind legs in front of the lion.
The lion looked at the dog, turned his head from side to side and did not touch it. When the owner threw meat to the lion, the lion tore off a piece and left it for the dog. In the evening, when the lion went to bed, the dog lay down next to him and put her head on his paw. Since then, the dog lived in the same cage with the lion, the lion did not touch her, ate food, slept with her, and sometimes played with her.
One day the master came to the menagerie and recognized his dog; he said that the dog was his own, and asked the owner of the menagerie to give it to him. The owner wanted to give it back, but as soon as they began to call the dog to take it from the cage, the lion bristled and growled.
So the lion and the dog lived for a whole year in the same cage. A year later the dog got sick and died. The lion stopped eating, but kept sniffing, licking the dog and touching it with his paw.
When he realized that she was dead, he suddenly jumped up, bristled, began to whip his tail on the sides, rushed to the wall of the cage and began to gnaw at the bolts and the floor.
All day long he struggled, thrashed about in the cage and roared, then he lay down next to the dead dog and fell silent. The owner wanted to take away the dead dog, but the lion would not let anyone near it.
The owner thought that the lion would forget his grief if he was given another dog, and let a live dog into his cage; but the lion immediately tore it into pieces. Then he hugged the dead dog with his paws and lay there for five days.
On the sixth day the lion died.
Irene: Agree, the story was not very sad, I like more fun ones
Gena: I agree/How cool is it to roast marshmallows! And how delicious it is.
Katrina: But I saw the meaning of this story.
Counselor: So, guys, let's finish roasting the marshmallows and go to bed!
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
Weekly Book Recs: 9/29-10/6
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Love, Theoretically by Ali Hazelwood
I read The Love Hypothesis, enjoyed it, and didn't read another Ali Hazelwood book until now. Not because I have anything against her work; contemporary books just aren't often my main priority, and when they are, I tend to learn towards more erotic contemporaries. But this was lovely! It felt weirdly cozy, which is what I needed, I loved the way Hazelwood dealt with both the issues in academia and the heroine's diabetes, and the hero was... quite hot. Like, a stern nerd who went down on her while she was watching Twilight because he needed to "amuse himself". Which, I gotta say? Is kinda the dream. She lived the fantasy. I feel like Hazelwood is often framed as this "spicier Emily Henry" thing, and while her books are definitely hotter than Henry's, they're very much their own thing. And I personally find her messy approach (with Big Fucking Guys) a lot more appealing.
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The Many Sins of Lord Cameron by Jennifer Ashley
Sometimes I forget how good a historical romance can be--like, not just fun, but a special kind of good that makes me feel warm and happy and comforted but also amused and entertained and emotional. I love the first two books in this series, The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie and Lady Isabella's Scandalous Marriage; and I also love this installment, about a rakish Scot who's actually a horse girl/Single Dad Trying His Best and a seemingly innocent (but seriously complex) widow with a penchant for theft. It's passionate, it's fun (God bless the scene where Ainsley just begins jacking Cameron off at the opera while he presses his head into his hands to hide how badly he is losing his miiind) and it takes some turns I didn't expect. It's more character than plot, and it does that very well. Heads up before reading: there are fairly explicit discussions of previous domestic violence and sexual assault (not against the heroine). The book actually takes a pretty different approach to this than... any historical I've read.
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Hollow by C.M. Nascosta
Perfect for spooky season, this is essentially a novella-length bind-up of two short stories revolving around Sleepy Hollow and the Headless Horseman. The second story is a bit more of a conventional retelling, leaning on the romance side, with Katrina Van Tassel caught between Brom Bones and ol' Headless. It's a bit Gothic, a bit dark, and fairly spooky (and sexy). The first story is an erotica short about Ichabod Crane being spit roasted by two headless horsemen (one of which is named Brom Bones--different one) in a locker room. Yes, the heads are carried around separately. Yes, they are used. And while I enjoyed both--I would be lying if I told you my favorite wasn't... the locker room one.
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The Duke's Perfect Wife by Jennifer Ashley
Perhaps my favorite historical romance in quite a while--this one just blew me away. You spend the previous three novels on Hart Mackenzie's younger brothers; he's an overprotective, domineering force in their life, determined to control the world. Here, you see him completely thrown off guard when his former fiancee and first love, Eleanor, returns to his life (not because she wants to get back together, but because someone is sending her Hart's old nudes). It's passionate, it's angsty, you have a perfect "alpha hero and the woman who sees straight through him" dynamic. Eleanor fucking owns this man, and she does so with a smile and a crook of her finger. There's also a lot of intense emotion and melancholy, a strong sense of loss and misspent youth. And like. Passion. It's really fucking good, basically, and I enjoyed everything about it.
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mamasplat · 2 years
HAPPY PI DAY i fully believe katrina was the original peacekeeper of pie before her death even if she wasn’t a part of the team her close relationship to ghost and toast means she might have been able to play a role similar to the role we see colon plays now; i mean it’s more than possible because pie was officially started sometime around 2008 and she passed in 2014 so there is more than enough time for it
i also think johnny roast and boast were supposed to be her fill in but after that didn’t work out toast and ghost gave up and chose to stay as a duo team till spooker and colon found them and made their ways into their hearts found family style
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incarnateirony · 2 years
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss old fandom. And this isn't a "whining about the Winchesters" post.
It's just.. literally the fandom.
Watching these clout chasing goblins spread lies, play games, come back into my DM trying to talk out both sides of their mouth to fish for what I have, "big name fans should stick together", "don't you care what people think?"
Like guys. I don't just come from the gulf. Some of me, unfortunately, is stuck here, despite my best valiant efforts to get out.
But I remember many things.
I remember the postcards this fandom sent to the crew during writers strikes when we had no other way
I remember feathers sent to save Castiel and rehire misha.
I remember the many years fans repitched wayward until berens picked it up.
I remember SPN Rescue, and when the government wouldn't save New Orleans, we went out there as a family on our fucking life rafts saving lives for no glory of our own, but because it was the right fucking thing to do
the remaining trivial loud bitches around here dont even know what Nola is, Katrina is, what cultural shit set that up or that we even WENT there to fight, while they try to White Wander into Nola and establish their own nonsense.
These were the things that made the fandom ours. Really ours. Over time, well intended fundraisers available online became click and order activism and it's like everyone just. Forgot. What we used to do.
I remember when Lua and I put aside our differences, and SPN Rescue and BT worked together so wide we got travis banned from worldwide conventions, not just SPN.
Like this fandom used to be a power force but all of the old blood got burned out by assholes and the new kids filling their roles genuinely seem to gauge all things in clout trade rather than that.
Like. It seems to be frying one person in particular's brain. We don't get along. They found out, apparently, somehow, that I am in fact correct, and they've been bouncing off my dms on alts on various socials trying to wiggle in since because it's just. Utterly roasting them how this could mutually be true and how at the same time nobody cares about a bunch of privileged assholes roleplaying on twitter.
Yeah, big name fans SHOULD stick together, but you new kids came in acting like privileged assholes that think you can speculate and rumor your way through life. If me and Lua used to be able to work out our shit to do what was important, you guys can too, but your little digital thrones matter more to the current lot than the actual actions and results. All talk
nah man you new kids lost the plot. fuck sticking together. i'm here for the guys, not for myself and not for you. i'm here for PEOPLE and RESULTS. You're here for. Whatever the pile of constantly edited narrative on 2p0's wall is. Or the 72 alts trying to get back into my server now that they were told the truth by someone on high who has been screaming BUT HOW DID YOU KNOW since. yeah. uh, i already told you how. not sure why your gears are getting stuck here
Yall lazy ass victim mindset late invaders coming in trying to demand everyone be as lazy and noisy and pointless as you and just trying to bury an entire past of this fandom many like 2p0 are wholesale oblivious to. That history makes them irrelevant attention seekers rather than people of action, and man they will do anything in their power to drama llama it out but like
how shall i say
we're here now
at the end of the road
...was it worth it?
seriously tho that BNF line I got sent was such a red flag and you don't even realize it
realistically bnf is an illusion as it is
the most powerful people in this fandom, you never know until it's too late.
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overthinkingtaleblr · 2 years
Drew a bunch of Goobers
My tablet pen got a bit busted so here’s a bunch of doodles I did while trying to get used to the less-than-optimal pressure. Honestly, the chibi picture feels like it came out best, so I might use a more squishy style on my digital stuff until things get properly fixed. Gonna keep doing things as usual with the art I do in my sketchbook, though.
Anyways, focusing on Goober.
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I know he doesn’t really have much personality in the original videos, he’s mostly just the ~ghostly toilets~ guy, but I’ve been attached to my slowly-developing interpretation of him for ages. I like his carefree attitude toward unfortunate situations even if it isn’t really anything deeper than that in canon… But I like to make things deeper than they actually are because I think it makes things so much more fun to think about. Gave him a bunch of lore that’s borderline unsubstantiated that I personally think is a lot of fun but I’d prefer to properly put into writing or drawing or something instead of just saying it Jsdfjkfdjfhs—
This isn’t the first time I’ve drawn Goober when he isn’t spirit, or that I’ve mentioned I like him being apart of the Roast family. I will say that part of the reason I like him being siblings with Katrina and Roast because I think it, for start, gives him a time frame of when he was alive. I also think it gives him some fun connections and associations! I think they probably have other siblings, too, but Roast losing what I imagine might’ve been his oldest and youngest sibling sequentially contributed to his moody behavior and distaste for the paranormal. Kat having a large family at home with a lot of siblings puts her in stark contrast to Ghost, with no siblings (also two dads), and I think that helps to add more to their friendship. Katrina gets to hang out with someone who doesn’t see her as the youngest sibling, and Ghost gets company from someone his age when Toast or Ronnie aren’t in the picture. Also a friend brave enough to get stabbed—
Thanks for reading!
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chaocardboard · 1 month
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Pg3 - remember to click for quality!!
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awholelotofladybug · 2 years
Sentimonsters: A Stammering Adrien AU Moment
Based on this AU
During a rather taxing week, the team finds themselves facing some pretty nasty Akumas. Mayura decides to step in with some fearsome sentimonsters, three of her personal favorites
Torcher: No escape, you miraculous misfits. Get ready to feel the heat when I... *gets kicked in the head by a horses hoof* ARRGH!
Mayura: *atop a light blue pegasus* Big talk, firebrand. But why don’t you pick on someone your own size?
Torcher: Woah! A flying horse?! Hardcore!
Mayura: Thanks. His name is Tempest. Appropriate, I think, since you called down the thunder.
Tempest: *rears up and neighs*
Torcher: Uh oh...
Large Akuma: HA HA HA HA HA HA! You puny heroes think you stand a chance against the mighty Gogmagog?! *hears and feels stomping* Huh?
Mayura: *riding a large, dark blue T-rex* I don’t know, but why don’t you try taking on someone in your weight class?
Gogmagog: *gulp* Y-You think you and your overgrown lizard scare me?!
Mayura: Ugh! Well, that was rude! *talking to her dino* Come on, Tyrannus. Let’s show this bruiser why they call you the king.
Titania: *pinning Ladybug, Queen B, and Chat down onto a rooftop with one hand* HA HA HA HA! No one’s gonna stop me this time! I will be the empress of Paris! Everyone will... *has fire shot at her* YIKES! *looks up* Who dares to... What the...? *spots a giant, dark blue western-style dragon* A DRAGON?!
Mayura: *from another rooftop* Titania, meet Drakon.
Ladybug: Woah! A dragon!
Chat: Awesome!
Queen B: Nice!
Titania: I-I’m not scared of some flying gecko with bad breath.
Drakon: *blows fire at her*
Titania: *gets her rump roasted a bit* YEOUCH! *starts running* 
Titania: Stop! I give! I give! Uncle! UNCLE!
Queen B: Hm, she spends so much time roasting others, now she’s the one getting burned.
Ladybug and Chat: *scolding tone* Queenie...
Queen B: Kidding, kidding.
Mayura: *leaps over to them* Don’t worry. I told Drakon he should subdue her, not maim her
Ladybug: Good. At least we know Katrina won’t become barbecue.
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thehungrykat1 · 3 months
Seafood Nights at the Admiral Club Manila Bay in Admiral Hotel Manila - M Gallery
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Thursday and Friday evenings just got more exciting as Admiral Hotel Manila proudly offers its Seafood Night dinners at the Admiral Club Manila Bay. Guests can catch an array of specialties such as grilled spiny lobsters, cajun prawns, Rockefeller oysters and so much more.
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The Hungry Kat was invited back at the Admiral Hotel Manila - M Gallery two Fridays ago to enjoy this delightful weekend offer. Our family actually loves dining at the Admiral Club, usually during their Sunday Brunch Buffet and especially with our Accor Plus dining discounts. This time, we were here for something even more special with the buffet station overflowing with their signature seafood dishes and specialties.
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Set along the sweeping Roxas Boulevard, the Admiral Hotel Manila is a gorgeous hotel offering a storied legacy, a prime location, and lavish indulgences in many forms. A gateway to the city’s vibrant past and present, this luxury boutique hotel is designed to evoke Manila’s Golden Age. We were hosted by Ms. Katrina Nocom, Assistant Director for Marketing Communications at Admiral Hotel Manila.
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Before we started with the seafood night, we had some time to relax at the Coconut Grove which you can find on the roofdeck level just outside Admiral Club Manila Bay. The hotel is currently featuring their World Cocktail Month celebration so we had to try some of their signature destination cocktails that lets you sip your way around the world.
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The Coconut Grove is a day-to-night alfresco rooftop destination where Miami party vibe meets Manila’s tropical flair. The panoramic Manila Bay view is best enjoyed with a drink in hand as you kick back to the funky soundtracks from the in-house DJs. Stunning sunsets are served with a fine selection of specialty crafted cocktails and a delicious menu of classic bar bites with a twist and elevated tapas.
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After watching the sunset, we then went inside the Admiral Club Manila Bay. This is a unique rooftop dining destination located on the top floor of the Admiral Hotel which comes with a stunning view of the Manila Bay sunset and even a catwalk table that will spice up your dining experience.
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The food philosophy is inspired by The Admiral’s travels around the world, perfectly executed by passionate Chefs crafting a-la-minute delights from East to West. Taking inspiration from his travels, he celebrates a sense of community with story-telling and curated dining experiences.
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Seafood Night at The Admiral Club is available every Thursday and Friday from May 9, 2024 to July 26, 2024 for P4588 nett per person. If you have an Accor Plus membership card, you can even get a 10% discount on this price. Let's start with some appetizers from the Grazing Table where guests can enjoy various cold cuts, cheeses, pintos, and salads.
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Next up is the Asian Atelier which features a collection of authentic noodles and flavorful broth. There's also a selection of steamed dimsum baskets, sliced roasted duck, and Lechon Macao.
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Since it's seafood night, there's more seafood dishes on the buffet table including sweet and sour fish fillet, steamed fish, blue crabs, shrimp, and more.
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Over at the Japanese Station, there's some pretty Takoyaki or Japanese Octopus Balls topped with mayonnaise and garnished with bonito flakes.
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Of course, there will always be sushi and sashimi for everyone. Admiral Club offers a creative selection of nigiri, sushi, maki, and fresh sashimi together with an assortment of Japanese cold starters like udon.
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There's also a pasta station with other international dishes like Sausage Alla Vodka, Mussel Marineire, Fajitas Pork, and Beef Stroganoff.
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The highlight of Seafood Night is here at the seafood station which houses all our favorite fresh seafood items.
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There's fresh Oysters on display which you can devour as is, or you can also have a few of them baked with cheese and turned into Rockefeller Oysters.
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Choose the seafood items you like and have them grilled and delivered straight to your table. There's plenty of salmon, tuna, squid, prawns, blue crab, mussels, and other varieties of fish to choose from.
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I had quite a few rounds of these delicious seafood which comes fresh and hot off the grill. I particularly liked the salmon and the prawns.
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But the best items that you can have at Seafood Night are definitely these Spiny Lobsters! These are not on display at the seafood station but you can order them directly from the waiters. You can have the lobsters grilled or baked with different ingredients and sauces.
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Seafood Night is not just about seafood, because there are also plenty of meats for the carnivores. The grill station also showcases various skewers with chicken, pork, and beef.
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Then there's the carving station with this juicy US Angus Steak as the centerpiece. Ask for a slice or two of this premium beef then have it seared at their state-of-the-art Josper grill charcoal oven.
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Make sure to save room for desserts because the Dessert Station at Admiral Club Manila Bay is one that you should not miss. Enjoy all these colorful sweets and treats such as the Chocolate Fountain, crepes, cakes, macarons, fruits and other bite-sized delights.
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My favorite here is the Ice Cream Spinning Wheel which comes with 16 flavors, 16 colors, and 16 shades of sweetness for everyone. Some of the unique flavors you can find here include the Kinder Bueno, Coconut Milk, Leche Flan, Dalton, Mangga't Suman and many other interesting variants.
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The night wasn't over yet, because after our spectacular seafood night dinner, we headed down the hotel's hidden entrance for a nightcap at the enchanting Ruby Wong's Godown.
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Ruby Wong’s Godown is a hidden and exotic locale that will transport you to another place and time. Located on Admiral Hotel Manila's basement level, the very colorful bar calls out to its lost patrons who have seemingly stumbled into this hidden corner of the city.
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I was introduced to Ruby Wong's Godown last year and I was really amazed by this charming speakeasy (Read: Ruby Wong’s Godown: A Hidden Speakeasy Inside Admiral Hotel Manila). We asked the bartender to prepare some of their signature concoctions to welcome the upcoming weekend.
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The Fiery Dragon (P500) is a magical interpretation with its mixture of Mezcal Durango, bell pepper cordial, fire water tincture, plus lime and grapefruit juice. The dragon exhales a puff of smoke and presents this chalice to its chosen warrior. The one of the right is one of their new creations for World Cocktail Month which are also available here at Ruby Wong's Godown.
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Another cool libation is the Green Opium Heaven (P800). This one packs quite a punch and comes with jasmine-infused Roku, Tanqueray No. 10 gin, sage-infused Mancino Blanco, Kaffir tincture pandan, and a herb cigarette to complete the incantation. We would like to thank Admiral Hotel Manila for letting us get a taste of their Seafood Night and their World Cocktail Month beverages. Make sure to catch these special promotins and enjoy the best that Manila has to offer.
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Admiral Hotel Manila -MGallery
2138 Roxas Boulevard, Malate, Manila
5318-9000 / (0917)-863-6614
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