#taleen's thoughts and theories
taleen777 · 4 years
I’m pretty sure by now most of you have read multiple posts and theories on FF7R’s ending, but here’s my take on it - based on my limited knowledge of Crisis Core, my faint memories of the OG, and Max Dood’s playthrough (I’m waiting for the PC version of the remake).
The overarching theme in this first part of the remake is ‘destiny’. The Whispers exist to ensure that the events of the OG play out in the exact same way, because that’s what’s best for the planet. They were not there before, so why are there here now? If things were going according to plan, there would’ve been no need for them to try and keep things intact. What, or who, could possibly be a threat to destiny itself?
First choice, Aerith. The last of the Cetra. The bubbly local florist who’s also an adept mage and healer. She’s known as a compassionate and kind person among the Sector 5 slums residents. What could she possibly gain from altering destiny’s course? Well, that’s easy - her life. But it’s her death that ensures the planet survives. If there was no other option, she’d let the OG timeline events unfold in the same way. She couldn’t possibly be deemed a threat by the Whispers, right?
Here comes Sephiroth, the bad guy who just can’t be stopped, can he? Now that’s someone who’d want the OG timeline destroyed and erased from the history of the world. After all, he failed. He has much to gain from the whole ‘destiny altering’ business.
So on one hand we have someone who’s hellbent on changing the course of the story we know and on the other, someone who’d be interested in preserving the original timeline. Yet the one who has more to lose should destiny remain intact is Aerith. Sephiroth somehow always finds a way to come back around. Aerith’s got just one shot at experiencing life with all its ups and downs.
Maybe that’s why she fought against the Whispers.
She fought for the freedom to choose her own course of action.
It’s a popular theory that both Sephiroth and Aerith are aware of the OG timeline. If that’s indeed the case, and I do think it is, Aerith knows what’s coming for her. There were a few instances in the remake that made me go, “Yeah, girl wants to experience life in the best way she can... while it’s still possible.” I don’t think she’d go as far as putting her friends in danger just so she could live a while longer, but maybe, just maybe, if there was a way to get her happy ending AND still beat the bad guy, well, why not give it a try?
Speaking of her happy ending, you saw her at the end of the remake, right? The bubbly girl was gone. Her tone was serious, she looked a bit confused, and she mentioned missing “the steel sky”, which is quite possibly a reference to her love story with Zack...
... the man who lived - whether in this timeline or another. It was a glimpse of what could possibly be a huge part of Aerith’s happy ending. Yet she wasn’t happy. Even if we assume she didn’t see what the players saw, although it did look like she was aware of Zack walking right past her and the gang, they still beat Sephiroth and the Whispers. It’s a victory, isn’t it?
Having the freedom to choose comes with bearing the responsibility for the choices you make. By fighting off the Whispers, Aerith made a choice that put her and the gang on an unknown path with an unknown outcome to the conflict with Sephiroth. It’s a lot of pressure and if she made the wrong choices on this new path, she could put the whole planet in danger - and that just isn’t who she is.
So while I do think the next part of the remake will be an unknown territory for the most part, the main plot points will remain the same - it’s just that this time our heroes will have a little more control over the situation.
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taleen777 · 6 years
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The type of content I live for.
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taleen777 · 6 years
I never realized how much I missed Fairy Tail and more specifically Team Natsu until I read the first chapter of the spin-off. It’s like, you can tell it’s not Mashima’s style, but it’s so close to it that you can’t tell the difference. It makes you feel like you’re finally home after a long journey and I love that.
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taleen777 · 6 years
Things that made me happy in chapter 2:
Aquarius’ key.
The fact that there’s a 99% chance Lucy will find it and even though I’m not the biggest fan of Aquarius, there’s no denying how important she is to Lucy.
G O D S !
... that are actually dragons...
D R A G O N   G O D S !
“I’m all fired up!”
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taleen777 · 6 years
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Nishinoya, is that... is that you?
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taleen777 · 6 years
Imagine if Rebecca’s last name was Marbles or something. 
Rebecca Marbles.
Or Rebeccaplier.
Or CutieBeccaPie.
Or || SuperRebecca ||
Now I want her to vlog with Shiki.
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taleen777 · 6 years
Lavilla’s character is so different from Wendy’s that I think I wouldn’t have any problems separating the two. I’d say she’s a lot like Edolas Wendy, but I barely remember the Edolas arc. ^^’
I love how her ponytail just flows.
Just please. Please don’t turn her into... a certain blue-haired mage from Fairy Tail whose name I shall not write.
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taleen777 · 6 years
Chapter 3 of Edens Zero solidified my love for Shiki.
Or as the meme goes, I LOVE ONE (1) BOY.
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taleen777 · 7 years
After Sir died, I was thinking that maybe Horikoshi will have a page or two dedicated to his funeral. His death was an emotional one, especially because of his goodbye to Mirio, so I wasn’t sure I want any more of those feels™.
And then this happens.
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And I’m emotional again. Thanks. T_T
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taleen777 · 7 years
The theme of family has been present in pretty much every route so far, but I have to admit I love its representation in Saeran’s story the most. In some of the routes and after endings, marriage and kids have been mentioned on a few occasions and while I know many players find that fascinating, it has an opposite effect on me. It drags me out of the story and puts me in real life again.
Saeran’s route is different and that is especially prominent in his calls on day 10 and 11. What he cares about is true love and happiness in their purest form. He’s been through so much in his life that he’s realized what he needs is the peace and comfort that come with just being under the same sky as the one who understands him the most in this world. That, my friends, is exactly the thing I needed to experience through this game.
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taleen777 · 6 years
Please consider owl-bokuto in BNHA. Like...his quirk manifests in his hair, eyes, and hands/feet (wings/talons). Though he doesn't have wings all the time, they manifest when he calls on his quirk. The more strength he draws and the longer he calls on his quirk, the more severe the emotional backlash when he finally releases it.
Considered AND accepted, nonny! His eyes would be this hauntingly deep shade of yellow that can almost hypnotize a person and I just can’t get that image out of my head.
Also, can we talk about how his mood swings, while being treated as comic relief in hq!!, will make him one of the most tragic, emotionally drained characters in BNHA? The kindhearted kid he is, he will want to be a hero at all costs. And since he’s the type of person who’s always active and faces things head-on, he will resort to using his powers often, which means severe emotional backlash, just like you said. He will have to deal with so much pain on his road to becoming a hero that he might become unstable and fall into a pit of darkness and self-loathing. (cue the angst)
But at least he’ll get to fly and that’s cool.
Joking aside, thanks for sharing your idea with me, nonny!
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taleen777 · 6 years
What is your opinion on Yo Shindo and his quirk and do you think he’ll appear more as the series continues?
I haven’t formed a solid opinion on him yet, but I can tell you this. I LOVE his quirk. Not just because it reminds me of earthbending and I love ATLA, but also because of its drawbacks, as strange as it sounds. An extremely powerful quirk that comes at a great price. Yeah, he can create earthquakes and all, but it’s gonna render him immobile. It’s kinda cool, you know? Plus, I love how Horikoshi has played with contrasts here. Yo usually appears kind and warmhearted, but can also be cold and calculative. His quirk allows him to shake things, but that results in him not being able to move due to the aftershocks. I HOPE we get to see more of the other schools in the manga, especially if BNHA is headed in the direction many people think it is.
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taleen777 · 7 years
Can we talk about
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how tall Dadgum is? Cause I can’t get over it, I love him so much!
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taleen777 · 7 years
I’m relieved everyone seems to be fine or at least safe, but.
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I also wanna talk about the small panel my girl Nejire got. Her quirk allows her to convert her own vitality into pure energy, so, naturally, she’s drained after this rescue mission.
That’s it. I just wanted to acknowledge her efforts. And if I could, I’d make her a cup of hot jasmine tea and order her favorite pizza and watch her favorite movie with her.
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taleen777 · 7 years
“His day ends with a peaceful smile on his face...”
“Good night, Nighteye.”
Who needs a heart anyway?
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taleen777 · 7 years
What do you think of MHA take on superhero is compared to well most of western culture take on superheroes. The government for the most part is seemed as an alley and its a good thing they regulate heroes although at Marvel/DC it almost always project as a bad thing and the government is extremely shady
Oh, interesting question! I’m not really familiar with how Marvel and DC treat their superheroes tbh, but I’ll do my best to formulate an answer.
Superpowers are something people simultaneously desire and fear. We want them, because we feel like they’d make our lives better, but we fear them because they might destroy us. One thing is for sure, though. If you have superpowers, you are labeled as “different”, maybe even “strange” in some cases. And as such, you become subject to isolation in the worst case scenario. That’s pretty much how the X-Men are treated from what I’ve seen. Bear in mind though, this happens because their superpowers haven’t been around for long. They’re still “unknown” and thus - feared.
Have you noticed that it hasn’t been mentioned for how long quirks have been around in BNHA? Judging by how many successors OFA has had so far, it seems like it’s been at least a hundred years. Which means that people have had plenty of time to get used to quirks and all the new things that come with them. Quirks are no longer “unknown” and “different”. They might have been feared in the beginning, but that’s not the case anymore. According to the BNHA wiki, "80% of the world population possesses a quirk”. Quirks are common. Superpowers, however, are not.
As for the governments’ role in all this, I think it’s directly connected to how common and well-studied superpowers/quirks are. If you give a stone age man a gun, of course he’ll fear it. He wouldn’t even know how to use it and when it goes BOOM in his hands, he’ll fear it even more. There might be a correlation between the level of public trust in government and the way it is represented in fictional stories, but I don’t think I have enough knowledge on the matter to discuss this. ^^
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