rubykissed ยท 11 months
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"Come what may." (from Christian to Satine). @talesofshadowandlight
Satine smiled and laid her head on Christian's chest. These moments were it was just them, and there was no more work to do, were Satine's favorite.
"You were brilliant in rehearsal today."
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tofeelthecold ยท 1 year
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titanic meme || accepting
@talesofshadowandlight said: โย I put my faith in you, good sir. โž
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Obi-Wan couldn't help the smile at her words. "Thank you, Princess," he replied. "Let's get out of here before something or someone finds us," he replied as he held his hand out to her. "Let's get you home before you're parents send an army after us."
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forceconnected ยท 1 year
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"You look so much like our Mother." (from Raiden, little brother Kenobi). @talesofshadowandlight
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The comment threw Obi-Wan off, he didn't have any memory of his mother, and just hazy memories of his father, more specifically his father's hands. The clearest memory he had was of his little brother, and even then the memory wasn't that clear.
Still, if his brother said he looked like their mother, then it must be true.
"I... thank you, did she speak of me?"
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twistedtangledfate ยท 1 year
@talesofshadowandlight sent a confession
"You're Clotho, aren't you?" Obi-Wan asked.
Clotho looked up, a smile curving her lips at the sight of the boy whoโ€™d been lost, now a man who had come back to them. Oh, yes, she was familiar with him and his thread, had examined it more than once, running her finger across the strand.ย โ€œIndeed I am young Archeon, little boy lost but now, look at you. I see power, deep and true.โ€ย 
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mxrvelouscreations ยท 1 year
"Hello and welcome back to the universe." Shadow said, moving over to Pietro. "It seems we've been able to help you outrun death for now."
Pietro gazed around the room frantically. He had no idea where he was, or what was going on. The last thing he remembered, he had been running, trying to stop Ultron from shooting Clint and one of the civilians. He had felt the bullets pierce through him and then it had gone black. That was until he woke up here.
"What's going on? Who are you?" He asked, "what did you do to me?"
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illbringthechaosmagic ยท 11 months
๐Ÿ˜˜ (from Shadow).
Wanda happily welcomed Shadow's kiss, her arms wrapping around him gently to keep him close. "You weren't there when I woke up this morning, I was worried that perhaps I had dreamt you that whole night," she mused, kissing him back gently before pulling back ever so slightly to look up at him. "Have you had a busy morning my love?"
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percentstardust ยท 11 months
continued from here | @talesofshadowandlight
"I am related to several demigods. I view them no different than I view my fully divine siblings." She did not see the point. She was much more mild tempered than one would think a goddess like her would be. "Becoming an excellent hunter does not happen in one night. It takes practice. I see great potential in you."
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scavxngerprxncess ยท 2 years
"Leia." (from Obi-Wan).
Blinking, Leia turned from the small desk she sat at to study. That voiceโ€ฆ his presenceโ€ฆ Her face lit up. โ€œBen! Itโ€™s you!โ€
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ofthestcrs ยท 11 months
@talesofshadowandlight said: i believe in you completely. (Obi-Wan to Anakin).
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What a heavy burden to carry, but Anakin squares his shoulders as if he's preparing for a war. That was the thing about expectations, Anakin was always so ready to carry the weight. Especially if it came from his former master. To be believed in was better than to be doubted. The rest of the council did as much. To know that at least one person was on his side -- counting on him -- praising him was enough to keep him going.
"I will not let you down." Anakin said, but deep down it felt like a promise he wasn't sure he could keep. It made his chest twist uncomfortably.
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neversith ยท 1 year
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loyaltyandchaos ยท 11 months
@talesofshadowandlight [x]
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Luke nodded. He could understand now. He and Leia were hunted because their parents were respected and strong people who opposed evil. And that evil killed his father. Their mother died in childbirth and Ben saved them by separating them from his sister. And now he and Leia are back together and can learn Jedi things. And one day he will meet with this Vader and defeat him, avenging the death of his father.
"I understand now. I really want to learn how to be a Jedi, to be as strong and amazing a person and Jedi as my father was!"
He thought for a moment. Luke had a chance to learn about his parents and the Jedi. This is what he dreamed of all his life.
"Will you tell Leia and me more about our parents and Jedi now? Will Leia be a Jedi too?"
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rubykissed ยท 11 months
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โ€œIโ€™d promised Iโ€™d stay away from you, and Iโ€™ve stuck to my word. However hard that was for me." (to Satine from Christian). @talesofshadowandlight
Him leaving her had shattered Satine's heart, usually she was the one breaking hearts. Though these days she was no longer The Sparkling Diamond of the Moulin Rogue.
"It was hard for you?" She felt so many conflicting emotions at these words.
"It was hard for you. How do you think it was for me?"
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tofeelthecold ยท 2 years
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god of war: ragnarok starters || accepting
@talesofshadowandlight said: โ at least something out here doesnโ€™t wanna kill me. โž
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"Let's hope it stays that way," Obi-Wan said to Leia. "But right now we should get inside before something comes along and tries to do just that."
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forceconnected ยท 1 year
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"You are my sunshine." (Obitine).@talesofshadowandlight
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"You are an idiot." Satine said as she tended to Obi-Wan's wounds. Memories of their time on the run flooding her mind as she did so. How many times had they been in this exact situation when they were young? And here they were again.
"I think I got the bleeding to stop for now, you should rest."
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twistedtangledfate ยท 1 year
"Mama!" Archeon ran over to his mother, Styx, clearly happy. He came to her as fast as his little legs could take him. The three year old was a good boy, who liked to explore and be involved in anything he could. "Cerebrus licked me with all of his heads! I like him."ย 
She had been attending to her duties as was necessary although she had kept somewhat of an eye on Archeon. He was a precocious child and his spirit was like a light in the Underworld. For all that she had tried to keep him contained as such, he had a way of wriggling out from underfoot. At least this time she knew where he had gone to.ย 
She heard him coming, lifting her head and holding out her hand to him, a smile on her lips that could only ever be for her golden child. She tried not to play favourites but Archeon was special to her. He was the exact opposite of her in so many ways and that made him cherished.ย โ€œDid he now? That is high praise Archeon because Cerberus is particularly fierce.โ€ย 
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kylo-wrecked ยท 1 year
"I have something for you." Obi-Wan said. "Your uncle told me you wanted to make your own lightsaber instead of continuing to use the one from your grandfather. To do that, you'll need a Kyber crystal." He moved to pull out a wooden box he had on a shelf in his living quarters. He held the box out for Ben. "There's a Kyber crystal inside. It belonged to my Master. It served him well and if you want it, it should serve you as well."
"To Master Qui-Gon?"ย Ben asked.ย "Really?"
His eyes never moved from the box; his mouth hung open. Though he quickly pressed his lips together and girded himselfโ€”some other padawan had called him a mouthbreather, and Ben had done his best merely to visualize the boy's bone-face crunch in the mud. Later, in the stonewall of his mind, he made amends for the thought.
Luke permitted Ben to build his own saber; he must have beenย so proud.
But observing Obi-Wan hold the box so tenderly made Ben ache. It hurt to accept, to lay it on the ironwood table. Ben opened the chest postmortem with faintly shaking, bumbling hands, hands that were too big and yet too fine for him. The kyber heart shone within.
He sank into the adjacent seat, overcome. Defiance drained from his sharp, young face.
"I'm honored,"ย Ben murmured, stroking the wood with his thumb.ย "But shouldn't it go to one of the others? Their combat skills are..."
"Admirable,"ย he added quickly.ย "What about Voe? Voe is strong."
And balanced, he might have said but closed the lid on the thought along with the container.
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