#talk of tramic brain injury
Unafraid of Being Me CHAPTER ONE Sebastain Stan & daughter ficlet
SUMMARY: Sebastian Stan has always had big dreams and hopes of becoming a father, but had never thought it to be achievable. True, it would’ve been easy to knock some girl up, but he wasn’t that kind of man. He wanted to fall in love, get married, start a family- do it the old fashioned way. But that’s not easy, with him being a famous actor with famous credentials to his name and high demanding roles in movies. But one day, he gets a phone call that changes his life forever…
         I glanced at my boyfriend from the corner of my eye, my posture straight, hands resting in front of me on the handrail.
         “You nervous?” Matt, my boyfriend since freshman year of high school asked me, his hand rubbing comforting circles into the back of my neck. I nodded, unable to speak, partly due to the muzzle- like mask that I wore as a part of my cosplay. “Do you need help getting that off?” He tapped the half mask that covered the bottom half of my face, going from underneath my chin and to midway up my nose. I nodded, turning my head so that he would have better access to the Velcro, snaps and buttons that kept the mask from sliding down my face.
The two of us didn’t have much time to stop by the hotel that we were staying at to get changed into normal, everyday clothes, so here we stood, with Matt dressed as Captain America and me dressed as the Winter Soldier.
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“Thanks,” I smiled softly before turning back to face the sunset. He leaned on the railing so that we were more on level with each other- I was pushing four foot nine inches in height while Matt was six foot two inches. The two of us made a hysterical duo- the mouse sized girlfriend and her giant of a boyfriend. “What if I not he expect? What if he thinks I fake? What if-”
         “Okay, stop right there.” Matt wrapped a protective arm around my shoulders and pulled me in closer to his side in a comforting and loving hug. “If he doesn’t like you, then I swear on my life, I will personally kick his ass for you.”
         I barely cracked a smile as I leaned into his familiar body. We both stood there, in pensive thought until we heard the door behind us open. I grabbed a hold of Matt’s hand as we both turned around to face my biological dad.
         Matt turned me to face him and wrapped his arms around me in a comforting hug before pulling away to give me a loving kiss on the forehead. I stared up at him, terror on my face as I silently told him that I changed my mind- I didn’t want to meet my biological dad.
“Go on- I’ll be right here,” he told me, giving me a gentle push towards him. I took three or four hesitant steps towards him before stopping to glance over my shoulder. Matt smiled encouragingly at me and I took in a deep breath of air, and turned to take the remaining steps towards where he stood, seemingly in shock.
 Sebastian Stan stared at me, examining my face for any similarities. I closed my eyes, taking off the wraparound sunglasses that I had been wearing. His eyes widened- I had inherited his baby blue eyes and thick eyelashes that wrapped them; I had spent hours looking at pictures of him that I scrounged from online, comparing everything about us.
 Suddenly, he enveloped me in a bear hug, and I felt…
 The same kind of safe that I felt in Matt’s arms.
 “You have my eyes,” he mumbled from my shoulder. He pulled away and took my face into his hands. I then realized that he was on a knee, crouching down so that he was more at level with me. “You’re so beautiful.”
 My felt my face heat up- the only person to call me beautiful was Matt and my parents- everyone else called me pretty or cute.
 “You look so much like Stella,” he whispered. “How is she?”
 “Gave up adoption- hours old,” I scoffed, looking away- I hated seeing people’s reactions to hearing me talk for the first time. It was something that I was extremely self conscious of. “Researched- now porn actress.”
 He gently gripped my chin and pulled it towards him. I saw a gentle smile on his face.
 “Tell me when you’re ready,” he murmured softly. “I don’t need to know about your speech patterns right now.” He kissed me on the forehead before wrapping me in another hug.
 At that very moment, the Avengers theme song began to play and I pulled away from Sebastian to look on as Matt answered his phone.
“Hello? Hey, man… okay, okay, okay, text me the address? Okay cool- that’s to be determined. I’ll text you with an update, okay? Yeah, cool. See you.” He turned to face us, removing his cowl to scratch at his head. “That was Tony- wants to know if we can meet up with everyone for pizza in about forty five minutes.”
 I turned to face Sebastian. “Want come?” I loosely held his hand, swinging my arm.
 “I don’t want to intrude- I mean, they’re your friends-” he started to protest.
 I rolled my eyes.
 “Wrong answer- correct answer, yes,” I deadpanned, sending him a glare.
 “Okay, okay- on second thought, yes, I would love to join you,” he quickly corrected himself. “Do you need to change?”
 “Nah, we generally go out dressed up,” Matt answered causally. “It’s really cool- we get people that stop us for pictures, ask us about the numerous charities we partake in, etc.”
 “Much fun,” I piped in, shrugging my backpack up further onto my shoulders. “Make smiles, meet kids.”
 “What is it that you do professionally?” Sebastian asked, leading the way inside.
 “I work as a barista at Starbucks,” Matt answered, taking place on my other side and taking my hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.
 I leaning my head into Matt’s side. Out of the side of my eyes, I could see Sebastian’s eyes were on me as we made our way out to the front of the hotel where Matt, our mutual friends and I were staying while in New York.
 “In city, 5K, hospital visits, charity events,” I piped in shyly, burying my face into Matt’s side and he wrapped an arm around me, protectively pulling me in closer to him. “Much fun.”
 “Excuse me, but can we please get a picture?” a gentleman asked us, holding a little boy’s hand. He suckled on his hand as Matt gave the go ahead and the three of us quickly got into position.
 “Thank you!” the child squealed, giving the two of us big hugs around our knees before running off back to his father.
 “Love little kids,” I told Matt and Sebastian, a small smile on my face. We soon reached my boyfriend’s motorcycle- an exact replica of the one that Captain Rogers rides in First Avenger.
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  Sebastian whistled softly as he walked around my boyfriend’s bike a couple of times, inspecting everything closely, but not touching.
 “You make all the modifications yourself?” he asked, turning to face Matt, who still had an arm wrapped protectively around me.
 “I can’t claim all the credit, sir,” Matt humbly responded, squeezing me gently. “Julianna here did the paint job and close up detail work, found a compatible engine and worked the oil.”
 “Work bike shop- mostly motorcycles and vintage cars,” I piped in, doing my best not to talk Sebastian’s ear off about Mustangs and Fords.
 Sebastian gave me an odd look as I awkwardly stood underneath Matt’s arm.
 “We go now?” I finally asked, drawing in the two men’s attention. I fitted my head with the 1940’s inspired helmet that Matt had commissioned for me three years ago, when he got his motorcycle license. Over my eyes I placed goggles, also custom made, though by me and my handy 3D printer.
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  “Do you want to ride with me or Matt?” Sebastian asked me gently. In response, I jumped onto the back of Matt’s motorcycle, wrapping my arms around his waist and leaning my cheek in between his shoulder blades.
 “I’ll go get a taxi and follow you guys there, okay?” I could hear the slight tone of hurt in his voice as Matt’s started up the engine. We both sat there as Sebastian hailed a taxi before the three of us took off.
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