#talk to me ab c!wilbur im so normal ab him i promise
keirawantstocry · 7 months
hi! im not very good at getting my ideas across but i will try :)
do you ever think about how aware revivebur was that ghostbur was a better person than him? I mean he was gone for so long and was replced by this sad, see-through version of himself that somehow made friends. And all revivebur has is a little brother whos scared of him and a homoerotic rival. poor guy tbh.
also, about quackity. he went from being vice precedent to owning an entire country. like girl. he was paranoid, but to a length that made sense, and the one time he let his guard down his one friend left him. guys. augggggg.
ermm yeah i tired
oh rats i see you. i Get you
wilbur has never really thought that highly of himself deep down. i dont think anyone with destructive tendencies that are so high can. and then. when he is finally freed from his own personal hell he finds he has been replaced by a version of him that is almost him but also so emotionally distant from who he is. ghostbur is still very much wilbur but a wilbur who doesn't have the tramua and expirences that revivebur does.
his own brother prefers him dead. the one person who is supposed to never leave him
and Quackity i mean. wilbur sees them as rivals but also foils of each other, he sees quackity as the only one who can understand him. they both get left time and time again. betrayed by the ones they trusted
quackity. the tragedy that is c!quackity oh my. always in someone else's shadow. husband/fiancee schlatt? dead. if you consider more lore canon then others you could even put eret on the list as someone who just honestly didn't care. then lets be honest there was wilbur. he went to wilbur during pogtopia. he trusted him. gosh he opened up even with all the tramua of schlatt so close behind in his past and wilbur ends it. betrays that trust if you really think about it. leaves him. so then come the fiancess and quackity finally thinks that there's hope for him, someone who won't leave. and then karl forgets him and sap cares more ab karl. so he's alone. once again. time after time hes been betrayed and abanoned. no wonder hes so hostile when wilbur comes back. its the rehashing of fresh and old tramua. and then. oh. he opens up to slime. slime dies.
maybe hes just not meant to be loved yeah?
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