lesbianismx · 5 years
CLOSED STARTER for @talkingbodvs
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SAWYER: hey, what are you up to? SAWYER: i’m with blake right now, but i can come over tonight. SAWYER: i’m really missing the way you taste.
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edgecfeden · 5 years
continued from here for @talkingbodvs !
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oscar let her finish her biting little comeback before tilting his head back and laughing. "ohh, you really are a dumb little cunt, aren't you?" he chuckled. "you're not getting it. none of this is up to you. you're not making any choices i don't let you." his brow raised as he leaned forward. "i own you, girl. the only reason more of you isn't black and blue is because you're prettier like this—keep putting up a fight and i might get frustrated with you. might change my mind. you catch up to that fact and your stomach won't have to start gnawing on itself." he snapped the chain against the hard floor before beckoning her closer with two fingers. sara was hardly the first girl he'd had chained up who had a little too much pride and self-worth to be properly useful, at first. he always got the fight out of them eventually, in one way or another, though. taught them where they belonged.
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weirdnovelties · 5 years
The fake I.D he’d bought had, honest to God, been the best hundred and twenty bucks Logan had ever spent. He and a couple friends had bought them on a whim over the summer and by now, they all knew the right bars to use them in. Not that Logan himself ever had much trouble, looking the way he did. Tonight, he and his buddies were in one of the more upscale places, flirting with sorority girls from the college one town over, when he saw one of the last people he expected to see. She was at a table on the other side of the bar, laughing at something her friend was saying. And if he’d thought the snug sweaters she sometimes wore at school accentuated her body, he had not been at all prepared for the clingy little cocktail dress she was currently wearing. He actually found himself leaning back on his stool to get a better look. “Holy shit.” he muttered, eyes eagerly drinking in the sight of her long, bare legs. She definitely didn’t dress like that at school. Now, a few beers ago, he might have been a little smarter - might have realized that she could blow his cover, get him kicked out, and have his I.D confiscated - but that was all a few beers ago. Now he had just enough of a buzz going to pull himself to his feet and walk across the bar to the woman who occupied way more of his fantasies than even he was willing to admit. “Well, well, well,” he started with a leisurely grin, pulling a chair over to the end of her table and helping himself to a seat. “Fancy seeing you here, Miss Wilson.” Logan smirked in an undertone before letting his eyes roam over her. He checked her out at school daily, but it was never while he had this much alcohol in his system or when she looked this hot. His teeth sank into his bottom lip as his gaze moved back up to meet hers. “Gotta say, I definitely do not hate this look at all.”
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clctomidnite · 5 years
Duty Bound
Elliot’s stoic expression never faded, even as he and his new wife were lead to the ceremonial consummation. Out of all the wives he’d taken, this one seemed the most nervous. He had no idea what to say to her to calm her nerves, nor was he sure he really cared. Her anxieties regarding their union were worthy of little weight considering their duty to produce strong, able children. “You will bear me a child tonight,” he whispered in her ear, his hands moving to her waist as everyone settled into their rightful place. “Do not worry. I know you will not disappoint me.” @talkingbodvs
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annawintcur-a · 5 years
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"what? you said that you wanted to de-stress and this is the best way i know how.”  there were definitely better approaches in helping out your friend you had a long week that wasn’t kissing them and cupping their crotch, but quinn had wanted this for a while and it was a whole lot better than spewing out ‘words from the heart’. still, until she was pushed away, quinn idly rubbed them through their clothes, a small smirk pulling at her lips as she intently watched their face. the brunette’s head tilted off to the side. she wasn’t used to having the word no being said to her - that would’ve been a first - so she certainly hoped the other trusted her enough to let quinn continue what she was doing. “you’ll feel a thousand times better, i promise you.” / @talkingbodvs
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cottoncandysoul · 5 years
@talkingbodvs liked this for a starter!
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      her bounty is bound at the wrist, hands settled against her lower back, secured tightly in the backseat of her jeep. it’d be more conspicuous to leave her in the trunk, but kai had a soft spot for pretty girls. “look, i’m just here to do a job. i don’t care what you’ve done or haven’t done, but i’m being paid to bring you in and that’s what i’m going to do. arguing with me isn’t going to win you any favors.” now, if the girl was more than willing to earn her freedom in other ways, they might be able to talk.
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thewiire · 5 years
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      he sits in the private section of his club, watching his girl from across the room. with his whiskey in hand, wolf took a small sip before calling one of his employees over to him. nodding in the direction of his lover, he made it a point for them to get her bring her over to his closed off section. ––- as she made her way over to him, wolf stood up, grabbing her hand and helping her onto the platform. ❝ thought i told you not to come here anymore. ❞ he says, cocking his head to the side. ❝ can you not hear or do you like being disobedient? ❞
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ofginjxints · 5 years
closed starter for @talkingbodvs based on this prompt
It wasn’t the first thing he did after Anthony left prison, but he’d had it on his mind for a few days. No longer did he have to talk to the girl through that stupid website, but he had her phone number, he could call her at any point.
He was alone, he was all caught up on his business at last. He wondered if she wondered where he was. Whether she was just a bit of entertainment whilst he was behind bars. She kept him going, and he was intrigued. And so, picking up his cell, he dialled the numbers and held the phone to his ear. What was the worst that could happen?
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freckledsiiin · 5 years
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“baby girl, c’mon,” roxie motions, curling delicate fingers around tessa’s hand - as small as her own, softer, though - before she’s tugging the blonde towards her. “god, i can’t wait for rex to loose his shit over seeing you in this,” the fiery redhead sighs, her free hand fingering the tie of the bikini bottoms settled low on tessa’s hips. it’s not uncommon for the twins to share things - especially lovers - and when tessa happened into their lives, it’d been one of the greatest days roxie can ever remember having. their blonde angel was so compliant, so eager to please, and talking her into the two piece bikini, a pretty sapphire blue which complimented well against her pale skin, was easy. “oh, rex,” roxanne calls in a sing-song voice as they step into one of the villa’s their family had rented for the weekend. the twins always got one of their own for their own nefarious purposes. “i have a surprise for you!” she calls then before she beams at tessa and leans into her to give her a sensual little kiss. 
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he’s lounging in the sun room in nothing more than a pair of board shorts, his toned abs on display. he’d been a gangly, weird looking kid, but puberty had been kind to him, and at nineteen, he definitely looks more dangerous than weird. roxie’s voice catches his attention instantly, followed by the tinkling sound of tessa’s soft laugh, and he’s drawn in the direction, bare feet padding against the beautiful hardwood floors of the villa they’re staying in for the weekend. “what’ve you two been up t-” rex can’t even get his query out, because his gaze falls on tessa and every inch of her skin on display and he’s fucked. his shorts are suddenly a lot tighter than they were as all the blood rushes south and he let’s loose a low whistle. “jesus, rox. warn a guy before you bring a vision like this home, will you?” running a hand through his red hair, he takes another step closer before instructing tessa to do a spin for him with a mild twirl of his finger. “c’mon, princess... show daddy what roxie talked you into,” 
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ripetogether · 5 years
CLOSED STARTER. @talkingbodvs
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Feeling genuine jealousy was uncommon for Minty. What did she have to be jealous of? What was there that she couldn’t have with a snap of her fingers? It had seemed for so long that her best friend would never possibly be on that previously non-existent list and yet there she was, being so irritatingly defiant with that oaf she called a boyfriend. To force her to sit there seething as she ground her hips against that idiot, as she kissed him and made a whole fucking show of it. She knew exactly what she was doing, the brat. It had the blonde’s blood boiling, her heartbeat in her ears, sitting there watching for so long. Her eyes practically burned a hole in Sara’s skin, but when she finally got her opportunity to interrupt their perfect little public display of affection, she took it. Rising from her seat, she sailed across the room towards the shorter girl, her expression still filled with annoyance as she took her wrist. “You’re fucking insufferable.” She muttered, ignoring whatever she had to say about Minty leading her away from the makeshift dance floor.
There weren’t many options as far as where to take her, but she figured her best bet was the first empty bedroom she came across. Not as upscale as she liked, but chances of booking a last minute hotel were slim to none, especially when Sara was being so damn difficult. Her boyfriend clearly hadn’t noticed them and even if he did, she was sure he’d assume it was some girly best friend stuff. If only he could see her turning around and practically pinning the his girlfriend against the door. so it slammed shut. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” 
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unsctisfied · 5 years
based on this. 
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Diego knew better. His father would have his head on a stake if he caught wind of any ulterior motives. She was his best dancer. The amount of money she made from regulars lined their pockets. That didn't stop him from openly gaping at the girl always. Every day, he'd just carefully watch her. He'd take in her beauty with an air of hopefulness. If someone asked him what it was that he wanted to happen-- he couldn't say. He just wanted to be around her. With her. And even, inside of her, but that was somehow the least of his concerns. Worse, he didn't want any other guys looking at her-- not like he did. Outside of the ethics of this, he was aware that someone as stunning as her would never take notice of him. Even then as she stood in the doorway of his office, he would still say the same. Diego's lungs carefully filled, trying to find something of any essence to speak. He was anxious as hell. The things she did to him. “Uh, hey, you're here late,” he commented, realizing a beat later that maybe late wasn't the right term. The sun was peeking through the supposed blackout curtains. “Did you need something? Did I forget to pay you again?” @talkingbodvs
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lesbianismx · 5 years
TEXT ✉ 🌙 ⭐✨
STEVIE: hey gorgeous
STEVIE: guess what?
STEVIE: i just got off work early
STEVIE: and i really miss your pretty face
STEVIE: what do you say we go out and do something?
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brcthcl · 5 years
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@talkingbodvs / dear anyone. — cue celeste biting down onto her plump lower lip bashfully before she shrugged, a light shade of rose decorating her cheeks. “i dunno... i’ve just... never tried it before.”
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emotionlcss · 5 years
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❝ did you have something to say, or did you just plan on staring me from afar? ❞ the girl asked, as she had only barely glanced up to the other before back down at the papers in her hand. the last bell for the day was about to ring, though veronica hadn’t started packing up any of her things at all, figuring that if she waited she wouldn’t have to deal with half of the amount traffic of other students leaving. ( @talkingbodvs )
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clctomidnite · 5 years
Biggest Mistakes
“Would you stop?” Caius snapped, looking up without glancing over his shoulder at the creature in his possession. He was so on edge that it really didn’t matter what she was doing - even her breathing seemed too loud given the circumstance. He braced himself on the counter, his palms digging into the edge while his fingers curled over the side. “I’m trying to think over here and you aren’t helping.” @talkingbodvs
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tragedienes-a · 5 years
@talkingbodvs, theresa — cruel intentions but in an office building.
the intern roulette: every year, vasiliy and his co-workers challenge each other to a little bet, and vasiliy rarely lets a challenge slip through his fingers. rarely does he allow an opportunity to be better than someone else get away from him, to show others that nothing could ever hurt the great vasiliy burlakov. he’s their superior in every way, not just in being their boss, and he’ll let them know it every moment they have to suffer his presence. the white collar professional world of new york city has made men like him the norm, his own proclivities no longer strange and cruel in a place where nearly everyone is just like him, and the few that aren’t are well on their way. really, vasiliy is a ceo in name only, but that’s the best position to be in, the one that does the least but owns the most. he has all the power in the world and he yields it horrifically and indiscriminately. 
the bet? incredibly simple in theory: make an employee fall in love with you. first one to complete the game wins, a girl (or boy) being in love with you is just a side effect. it’s been running for years now and vasiliy has only lost once or twice. it’s not all that hard, as he is the ceo and the power dynamics are already titled so heavily in his favor, but there a few caveats. first, there’s a time limit. the employee in question must utter ‘i love you’ within three months of the start of the game. second, he must dump them cruelly only days after they utter those special little words (that, clearly, mean nothing and have never meant anything to vasiliy). other than that, there are no rules, and the player is allowed to use any tactic they want to win the bet.
vasiliy doesn’t actually know anything about the intern he’s chosen for this round, only that she’s a pretty blonde named theresa and she’s probably his easiest target yet, or at least he assumes so. she’s got the wide-eyed, innocent stare of a porcelain doll and he doesn’t expect this challenge to take very long. perhaps he’ll even win faster than ever before. leaning over the desk, he looks down at theresa with a closed lipped smile that’s intended to be pleasant. “hello there. can you fax this for me?” he asks, waving the paper in his hand for emphasis. as an opening line, it’s not all that creative, but all he needs is a simple start.
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