kg2hub · 5 years
@tallandfacelessman replied for a starter!
It seemed out of nowhere that Theodore had stopped just before the limo, hesitating. He didn’t take another step further, as much as he knew it probably annoyed the driver. He couldn’t. He gave the new kid what he wanted, and now he knew what would be waiting for him as soon as he returned home to father and mother. A long talk. Punishment. Yelling. They would be distraught to know their favourite son had been killed and it was Theodore’s fault. 
Wasn’t everything always his fault? His fault he was useless enough to convince his brother to kill him. His fault Felix was killed instead.
Did he want to deal with that? He’d dealt with his family all his life, and yet... Something inside him had snapped that day. No more. Theodore couldn’t deal with it anymore. That was why his brother was dead. That was why, without thinking of the possible consequence if he were caught, Theodore turned himself around and broke into a solid sprint, running as fast as he could from the limo. That was why his legs moved all on their own, leading him to God knows where. He wouldn’t be coming home.
And there he ran, into the trees. Into the forest with no plan and no thoughts in his head other than blame, blame, guilt. His fault. Always his fault. Felix was gone and it was his fault and something in that thought brought physical tears to his eyes and unease at the bottom of his stomach as he realized for the first time in his life he was alone in every sense of the word. It blurred his vision and it took time to realize he didn’t know where he was.
How long had he been here? How far had he been running? He didn’t know. And Theodore slowed down, trying to perhaps go back the way he came. He didn’t want to be here. He didn’t know why, but he felt he shouldn’t be here.
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lastfallen · 5 years
♡ @tallandfacelessman​ liked for a starter ♡ ————————————————————
A focused hum comes from Holly as they stare intently at their knitting work. Their grandmother had made this look so easy on countless occasions, but the little human was already having trouble making a simple scarf without the yarn ending all tied up in a knot! Sighing after a moment they put down the knitting needles they’d found and glance over towards their tall friend’s project with a slight pout.
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“I’m s-starting to think I should’ve stuck to sewing...” They said with a light grumble, “I c-can’t remember how to knit stuff. Are you having any l-luck?”
There were many sweaters Holly had hand sewn in the past, or just decorated with heart patches for fun, the sweater that was hidden under their poncho being the best example. Seems trying to learn how to knit from just watching someone else hadn’t worked out as well though, leaving Holly feeling mildly frustrated. But perhaps Slender was having an easier time getting the hang of the knitting craft!
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revoltwithlcve · 5 years
Pink had been alone in her palenquib. Even Pearl was out, on some small errand or perhaps with the opportunity to spend time for herself. there were the guards outside, or course, but they'd been unable to delay the faceless humanoid that suddenly was standing in front of the diamond. he was tall, head nearly against the palenquins's roof, and seemed to be... staring. and his dress echoed fancier human attire.... but he had come out of nowhere. (tallandfacelessman)
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Pink was more just sitting in her palanquin to distract the gems around her from the real task she’d sent Pearl out to do. Their ‘rebellion’ was just getting started, and going off to show sightings of the Renegade Pearl was meant to stirr up rumors and worries among the other gems. Pink would be able to do her part as Rose Quartz soon enough, but the two had to take every precaution so as to not arose suspicion.
Her bored expression was quick to leave however, when an incredibly tall creature suddenly was standing before her, seemingly having teleported in as it escaped the notice of the guards at the front of palanquin.
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For a few moments she quietly stared up at this humanoid with no face, wide-eyed and stunned. But soon enough she tapped an invisible button on the arm of her throne to close off the palanquin doors and offer a bit more privacy for… whatever this creature might be. It didn’t seem like a threat yet, not when it was just standing there, though Pink would be lying if she said the lack of eyes wasn’t disturbing.
♦ … Can you speak?
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inxpinatum-archive · 7 years
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When your boyfriend keeps eating your Twinkies so it's time. @tallandfacelessman
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cxrruptedhxpe-blog · 7 years
oh hey there's a stick in the inbox this won't be fucking awkward at all ((HAVE FUN WITH SLENDER))
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    “Pri, I will come through this fucking laptop to personally choke you.”
  One glance at Slender and she turned bright red. This wasn’t right at all. “...Fucking... Excuse me for my language, sir..”
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salesmanofhappiness · 7 years
Rest of Thread Here @tallandfacelessman
there was an unnatural stillness to this place, and the silence seemed to be a cause of the shade around. there was no immediate reaction to the Salesman’s presence, infact, it would seem as if nothing was going to confront him for a moment.
That is, until there was suddenly sound- the sound of running, and an adult male wearing a white mask with black features tackled the older gentlemen on the ground, going for a pin. the mask made any sort emotion or intent literally impossible to read, but he knew what he was doing, and was younger than Tortus.
Still, it didn’t seem like he had any magical abilities.
Tortus was easily taken down by the younger, and much faster being. It hadn’t taken him long to realize this had been one of the proxies he was told about. Even if he had been frightened out of his mind --though being in a fit of anger made feeling those at the same time difficult, he had a mission he was on. The merchant had carried a large, heavy pack for years of his life, thus, his arms were fairly strong enough to latch onto the other man’s mask and hold him back just a bit. “GET OFF OF ME! I AM HERE TO SEE MR. SLENDERMAN! SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH BEN.” He snarled. 
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emptyxhere · 5 years
the distorted humanoid had been wandering around silently, taking in what there was to 'view'. it was desolate here, yet it was not empty. He sensed the source of this devastation nearby. even so... well, not as if there was a threat in this realm. whether the child was prepared... the faceless figured approached and stared with that blank head of his. he spoke, but there was no voice. no sound, only words. "You've been trapped for quite a while, haven't you?" @tallandfacelessman
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The last thing Frisk expected while wandering the Underground for possibly the umpteenth time, was to run into some really tall... monster? That couldn’t be right. They had killed every monster. And although they met some tall monsters during their adventure, they had not once run into anyone like this before. They’ve never seen him before. And it had been so long since Frisk had dealt with the last living monsters, other than Flowey, that it didn’t make sense why this person would suddenly show up now.
Looking up curiously, they gripped their knife as they itched to stab him just to know they haven’t gone insane at this point. Was he real? They couldn’t tell. The way he spoke didn’t help either. They took a step forward, albeit a cautious one. “Yeah.” They muttered, “Who’re you?”
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“...Heh, surprised yer’ still goin’ round these parts.”
The skeleton said with a grim smile as he peered behind him and spotted a familiar creature, the same one he’d been letting slink around here freely. He would have thought this thing would have gotten sick of the stench of death in this land, but perhaps that wasn’t the case.
“Somethin’ perk your interest? Or has this place just grown on ya Stick Man?”
Hm...seemed the brutish skeleton still had his arsenal of lovely nicknames for the creature, but it seemed to be in a more teasing manner this time.
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landprotectedby3 · 6 years
A quick guide to my blog
Stolen from @rpmemes-galore from 
because reblogging would make too long a post (that’s the blank post though)
repost and:
BOLD what always applies. Cross out  what never applies. Italicize what sometimes applies. Feel free to add clarification where needed.
My name is… 
I am…    UNDERAGE  /  OF AGE
I am…
mutuals only
mutuals preferred
I am…
au muse friendly
oc muse friendly
twin muse friendly
canon muse friendly
crossover muse friendly
multi-muse blog friendly
all of the above
I am comfortable writing…
smut (haven’t really touched it yet bc it doesn’t interest me, but if that’s the direction a thread goes with certain characters who knows)
all of the above
none of the above
Certain topics I will not write are…  ( incest, rape (though i’m all for implying it as a part of the character/something that happened) )  
You can contact me through IMs…       YES  /  NO
If applicable: other blog(s) where you can find me…  
@no-thefather @drownedstatue @littleredsoul @thebestassistant @the-roleplay-assistant @tallandfacelessman @threeprimaryroses @pris-ocs @copywrited-devianta ((there are more that i literally can’t recall the urls of rip))
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drownedstatue · 8 years
Wait BEN died what happened I missed something??? Help???
((It’s a little event that’s going on for the rest of febuary. i kinda sent boxes of BEN’s belongings with a note to the people he was closest too, and so yeah. BEN’s kinda dead. if you want to see the effects this is having, look at @cxrruptedhxpe @salesmanofhappiness and @myspiritforasword
i’ll also be posting little things @tallandfacelessman and @no-thefather . the most recent posts there actually happen to be event relevent!))
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lastfallen · 5 years
@tallandfacelessman​ liked for a starter : ____________________________________
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“ Hey, um... c-can you come down here for a sec? ” The human said with soft, hesitant tone as one hand was kept behind their back, and the other gestured for the tall tree-like monster to come closer from his looming height. By now Holly had decided that, despite being scary, this was a nice creature who wouldn’t harm them. However...
If they were going to become friends, they’d need to make him less scary somehow, at least until they were more used to him. And to help with that, they’d made something which they were currently waiting to give him.
Once the tall monster had brought himself closer to Holly, close enough so that they could reach his face (as they kept insisting he keep approaching until that point), the child then pulled out their hidden hand to reveal a paper mask of sorts, with a ribbon to tie around the back of the other’s head. Holly does so to test how the mask looked over all, nodding in approval when a hand-drawn smiley face was now gracing the monsters features.
“ There, n-now you have a smile! Can you st-still see okay? ”
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inxpinatum-archive · 7 years
@tallandfacelessman from this 
“This… in the end, doesn’t have to be legally binding. I-I don’t understand how this happened either. but i am considered dead. as such this document means nothing really.” was he flustered? he sounded flustered. he was stuttering a lot. “A-anyways.  how does a marriage last for only four days? it-it-it doesn’t make sense.” he was definitely not prepared for this.
Adjusting the scarf to hide most of the red covered face. “That is true since you are dead and I’m considered missing until proven otherwise. Some marriages last for a few days due to couple problems... Which I think is awful spending so much time, energy and money... Off topic.” Clearing her throat again and tried her best to look at him but she was just embarrassed. 
“I think what we can do is just try to go along with it- oh...” Kaphona’s face lit up like Rudolph's nose because it’s hella red. “D.... Do we have to share the same bed? I didn’t sign up for this.”
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cxrruptedhxpe-blog · 7 years
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@princce7 requested some drawings. For @landprotectedby3 and @tallandfacelessman
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salesmanofhappiness · 7 years
Someplace hidden and where it's easy to get lost. he doesn't want to be found, after all... but then again, we find even the most wonderful hiders.
Tortus snarled at the anonymous. The temptation to get the wolfos mask had been strong, but even in his angered mind he managed to resist it. Instead, he flicked his wrist, locking the door. He kept a form grip on the anonymous as took a step, entering a Pocket. He left go, leaving them in the dimensional void of impossible clarity. 
If that faceless wouldn’t tell himm where BEN might be, he knew someone that would. The merchant stepped out. Looking at the bleak forest ahead of him. Normally, he would have been afraid of his place, but his anger and determination to find his son. Hasty steps where taken as he stormed into the thick treeline. 
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drownedstatue · 8 years
ROLEPLAYING HISTORY The rules are simple! Post ten ( don’t have nor could I ever think of ten thank you) characters you’d like to role play as, have role played as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can and tag the same amount of people). Aside from that, please repost instead of reblogging!
Slenderman @tallandfacelessman
BEN’s Dad @no-thefather
many OCs @pris-ocs
more multimuses then listed here
Blue exorcist muses
idk normally if i wanna do something i just do it?
Aversa from Fire Emblem Awakening
Lissa from FEA
TAGGED BY: @salesmanofhappiness​
TAGGING: @ten-x-snyder​ @axktheterrifyingghost​
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lastfallen · 6 years
👁‍🗨 @tallandfacelessman
Send in 👁‍🗨 for my Muse’s First Impression Of Yours______________________________________________
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… Alright, they know they shouldn’t be that scared of monsters now, after seeing all kinds of monsters through their venture in the Underground. But the fact that this one was so eerily humanoid, and didn’t have a face at all? It’s hard for them not to get a huge creep factor from this tall lanky creature.
Holly would probably be tempted to draw a smiley face on a piece of paper, and just tape it on the other’s head to help them feel better.
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