#tallships and starlights
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Name a cuter babysitter I’ll wait.
Revamped Ta’taied aka Yautja’s best friend. You want a best friend too? I intend on designing more doggies/pets for my favorite alien species. Prepare to be harassed with alien dog content.
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Sunflower thinks that when the time actually comes for her first mating season she is just gonna not participate. She is already pretty sick of any present attempts to woo her.
A funny thought came to life in this quick doodle. I had way too much fun with the fighting males in the way back.
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Don’t talk to me or my extremely anxious hunting dog ever again.
Quick doggy doodle featuring a random Yautja
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Not me using leftover yarn so that just can better visualize how braiding and weaving tresses would look like. Not me also realizing how inherently difficult it is to do with more than 5 strands at a time.
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Surfing is a recreational sport and hobby amongst the Ju’dha-vak’ra where a hunter gets to showcase not only their skills on the water but their weaving skills with fashionable headdresses decorated with shells, beadwork and an array of knots for both themselves and their hound should they be participating in a partner based competition.
I apologize I really do not like to color digitally. It aggravates me like nothing else.
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I come bearing gifts in the form of my two new children.
Sunflower whose actual Yautja name I have yet to figure out is a prime example of a member of the Ju’dha-vak’ra clan. The age equivalent of a 17 year old Sunflower is leagues ahead of her age group as a surfer and fisherman. Because of this she is allowed to partake in a very difficult form of fishing that is typically reserved for experienced hunters and elite, as seen by her traditional garb and jewelry.
I don’t have much else to put out at the moment but Im in the process of trying to create a whole post filled to the brim with all data regarding the Ju’dha-vak’ra and its people.
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Basics from the clan that most of my OC's hail from that most of you know nothing about
The Ju'dha-Vak'ra, or Vak'ra for short, are a unique Yautja clan deeply connected to the sea, embodying the spirit of Earth Mediterranean cultures in their family and community structures. Despite their fearsome reputation as hunters, the Vak'ra are known for their jovial and friendly demeanor, fostering strong bonds within their clan and with neighboring communities.
Clan Name and Meaning: Ju'dha-Vak'ra, meaning "water weavers," signifies their mastery of the sea and the intricate weaving of their lives with its rhythms.
Settlement Design:
The Vak'ra settlement is carved into a sheer cliffside overlooking the sea. Homes are constructed halfway between the sea level and the cliff's top, ensuring safety even during storms.
Interconnected by bridges and ladders, the homes form a tight-knit community where families thrive.
Below the cliff, a sandy beach provides a natural harbor for the clan's boats. Docks line the shore, bustling with activity as fishermen prepare for their journeys.
At the summit of the cliff, guild artisan buildings stand proudly, each dedicated to a specific craft such as boat building, weaving, and other traditional arts.
Beyond the settlement, farmer's fields sprawl out, where livestock graze and crops are cultivated. This sustains the clan's agricultural needs and reinforces their self-sufficiency.
The surrounding forests act as a protective barrier, shielding the clan from outside threats and providing a hunting ground for game.
Family and Community Structure:
The Vak'ra emphasize strong family ties and communal bonds. Extended families often reside together in the same home, fostering a sense of unity and support.
Clan gatherings and celebrations are frequent, with feasts and festivals celebrating the sea's bounty and the clan's achievements.
Elders hold revered positions within the clan, serving as guides and advisors, passing down traditions and wisdom to younger generations.
Each member of the clan contributes to its prosperity, whether through fishing, boat building, weaving, or other crafts. Cooperation and collaboration are fundamental values.
Cultural Practices:
Rituals honoring the sea and its creatures are central to Vak'ra culture. Offerings are made to appease sea spirits and ensure bountiful catches.
Traditional dances and music are passed down through generations, reflecting the rhythm of the waves and the spirit of the sea.
The Vak'ra hold a deep respect for nature, viewing themselves as stewards of the land and sea. Sustainable practices are employed in fishing, farming, and resource management.
Hospitality is a cornerstone of Vak'ra culture, with travelers welcomed warmly into their homes and feasted upon with generosity.
Relations with Other Clans:
Despite their amiable nature, the Vak'ra are fiercely protective of their territory and resources. They maintain diplomatic relations with neighboring clans but are prepared to defend their homeland if necessary.
Trade and alliances are forged with coastal and maritime clans, exchanging goods and knowledge to mutual benefit.
The Vak'ra's reputation as skilled fishermen and artisans earns them respect among other Yautja clans, enhancing their standing within the broader community.
Education and Training:
Young Vak'ra children begin their schooling at a young age, where they are taught the history of the clan, including its traditions, legends, and the pantheon of gods and deities they worship.
As they progress through their education, they are trained in essential skills such as combat, hunting (both on land and at sea), and weaving. These skills are crucial for survival and play integral roles in Vak'ra society.
Graduation from schooling requires mastery of these skills. Students must demonstrate proficiency in combat techniques, hunting strategies, and weaving techniques before they can proceed to the next stage of their lives.
Chiva - Rite of Passage:
Upon graduation, students are formed into groups of three, each member possessing a different set of skills learned during their schooling.
These groups are tasked with a significant challenge: to build a boat, weave a sail, and craft necessary weapons for their Chiva, or rite of passage.
The group isolates themselves on the beach, living in their own homes for a period of six to seven moon cycles (roughly six to seven months). During this time, they dedicate themselves entirely to their work, honing their skills and preparing for the ultimate test.
Once the boat is completed and the necessary equipment is crafted, the group sets sail to hunt a large sea serpent, believed to be the progeny of the sea god's mount.
Successfully defeating the sea serpent is a symbol of maturity and prowess. The entire serpent's body is brought back to the clan, where it is utilized in various ways, including consumption of its flesh and crafting of clothing, weapons, and trophies.
The group that felled the beast is now considered adults within the clan, earning them the right to participate in mating season and to build their own homes within the cliffside settlement.
Career Paths:
As adults, Vak'ra clan members have the freedom to choose their career paths, based on their skills, interests, and the needs of the clan.
Career options include weaving, boat building, smithing, farming, soldiering, fishing, or dedicating oneself to the role of healer, which involves serving in the clan's temple and providing spiritual and physical aid to fellow clan members.
God of the Sea:
The god of the sea is depicted as a powerful figure, with large tusked lower mandibles and a scaled cape, wielding a massive bone spear.
He rides atop a massive serpent, using it to traverse the depths of the sea and reach the horizon to meet his lover, the goddess of the moon.
The tale of the sea god's love for the moon goddess begins with his declaration of love. Despite his swimming prowess, he cannot reach the horizon to meet her.
The moon goddess sends down a serpent from the heavens, tasking the sea god with taming it to ride to the horizon. After days of relentless effort, he successfully tames the beast using a net woven from ocean plants.
Riding the serpent, the sea god reaches the horizon and weds the moon goddess, uniting the realms of sea and sky.
Goddess of the Moon:
The goddess of the moon is portrayed as ethereal, with a large crest adorned with a white mark symbolizing the cradle of the moon.
She calls to the sea god, inviting him to meet her on the horizon for their wedding. When he struggles to reach her, she sends him the serpent as a means of transportation.
The moon goddess's union with the sea god results in the birth of twin boys, who became the twin suns that illuminate the earth.
However, the playful nature of the sun's leads to them scalding the sea, revealing the land beneath. To console her husband, the moon goddess molds clouds into various animals, which she casts into the sea to amuse him.
Despite her efforts, the sea god grows lonely over time. In his loneliness, he swims to the edge of the sea and creates a daughter from the clay formed by the waves battering the rocky coast.
The daughter of the land becomes the steward of the earth, shaping its landscapes and populating it with flora and fauna. Her creation of life brings balance to the world and sustains both sea and land.
These myths, passed down through generations, serve to explain the origins of the natural world and reinforce the interconnectedness of the sea, the land, and the celestial realms in the eyes of the Vak'ra people.
God of the Sea: [God of the hunt and weaving]
Name: Thal'rok, meaning "Master of the Depths"
Goddess of the Moon: [Goddess of light, creation, fertility]
Sel'thara - Combining "Sel," referencing the moon, with "Thara," representing divinity
Twin Suns: [Gods of light, fire and mischief]
Names: Ra'kar and Ra'thar, signifying "Sunrise" and "Sunset" respectively
Daughter of the Land: [Goddess of art, fertility, earth and the hunt]
Drakara - Combining "Draka," meaning earth, with a suffix denoting femininity
If you actually read this whole thing than you are the coolest person ever thank you so much. Please feel free to ask me questions. I will be posting more art about this soon. Been drawing everything traditionally so...
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You can obviously tell that I have never drawn a lobster in my life. When I was looking up references for them I stumbled upon this beauty A Warm Response by William Strut 1899 and couldn’t help myself.
While the Ta’taied are known for having a very tough exterior this is in part due to having a dense bone structure mostly seen on their back and skull, their feet do not have the same level of protection as seen here. Pups are notoriously playful and tend to get into trouble when not being supervised by an adult.
Meanwhile their fuzzy bodies are similar to that of a seals skin and they are very receptive to scratches. All round an excellent companion who would be more than happy if you could scratch their backs for them for they cannot reach despite having six legs.
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Who wants a widdle pubber?
PSA before adopting a pubber: Beware of those jaws. They may not have sharp teeth for tearing but they have a wicked crushing force for chowing down on heavily armored crustaceans. If not trained correctly they may accidentally break the bones in your hand.
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It’s dangerous to go hunting alone, take this.
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I’m playing with gradients and patterns for my fishy tribe. Trying to find references of fish I like is a pain in the tush. Big fan of my first pattern. The polka dot sun fish pattern doesn’t look all that right me thinks. Thoughts?
Can’t wait to get a solid base of world building down so that you all can interact with my children.
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I drew a bunch of miscellaneous shapes on Titi just to show that she is a pack beetle and can hold a lot of things. Ive been having trouble drawing on the iPad so I am drawing just traditionally for now. Titi is the gargantuan Hercules beetle that transports goods such as weapons, fabric and water to and from the desert. She is raised and bred by her owner Ha’nuk, a desert fairing merchant from the city of Kortoza.
Ive placed a 7ft Yautja and a 6ft human for height reference.
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Sketch dump 2/2
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Ngl looking back at old art in retrospective makes me more sad then pumped to draw. Didn’t even realize just how long of a an art block I have been in until now. 3 years, Jesus fuck
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Fish food for the fish tank for you
Featuring Blorbos that you know nothing about:
It was a fatal moment of weakness, an illusion of safety and familiarity that felt too much like home. He knew that she only let him stay by her side because he intrigued her. His culture and his habits differing so much from her own isolated upbringing amongst the stars. He told her of his tribe, his family and in turn his brother. He told her of his fate and his sacrifice to destroy the xenomorph outbreak. "He died an honorable death."
He decided then not to mention how his brother had become infected and how he had to run him through, because the med pods were all destroyed and that his brother did not go out in a blaze of glory like he had weaved the story of his chiva for her. He could not bear the thought of whatever insult he was sure would be thrown at him if he did. Ship dwellers and their lack of bedside manner and empathy never ceased to make his skin crawl.
"What of the aura wielder?"
Had he known that humans were seen as simply pray and nothing more by her people, then he never would have opened his fucking mouth. With the high of sex still reeling in his mind and body, he was far too loose with his tongue. He never would have imagined what carnage would be wrought with his words. He should have kept his mouth shut.
Okuill didn't know what he did was wrong until he felt Saat's hands grow still on his chest. She splayed her palm against his ribs as she sat up. "The ooman is on the surface?"
Okuill simply nodded his head. A small click leaving his teeth in reply. He was far too lethargic and lightheaded to notice the flex of his paramore's claws until she had grabbed his throat and tore his stomach open.
He didn't even have enough forethought to howl out from the blinding pain as he desperately tried to keep his organs from spilling onto the bed. All he could do was gasp for air like a fish. His stomach pooling blood, like some kind of macabre play where the curtains of his skin was jammed shut by the death grip he had on them. Saat slowly lifted herself off of him and backed up to the door of her room all the while glowering at him as he gaped at her.
She glanced down at her stomach and pushed her hand from her waist to her navel with the same clawed hand that was drenched in his blood all the while sneering at him from his place on her bed, his death bed no doubt.
She continued this motion a few more times before spitting in his direction and stomping out the door no doubt to inform the elders of his transgression. After a few moments he realized what it was she was doing. She was trying to remove his seed from her womb, now that she made it abundantly clear how much of a disgrace he was in her eyes. He hoped it would stick if only to spite her.
As he lay there, gasping and reeling at the dizzying pain and blood loss he prayed to his gods with all his dying might that they protect his family, his people and that they would not suffer from his mistakes. If only he had heeded his father's words.
Never trust a star walker.
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Sketch dump 1/2
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Ive been looking through my archives for ideas and references. Alas 2018/19 was the golden age for drawing for me. I need to get myself back to doodling everyday like I used to.
I don’t know if I will ever get around to finishing any of these…
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No Yautja Prime fauna designs today. Just a few side by side pictures of my alien hound sculptures, one from last year and the smaller one from today. Just finished painting it.
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Featuring my assistant for morale
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