#tam might also be an exillium coach. but I feel like it better suits linh
bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
What jobs do you think Sophie & co will have/want to have when they grow up? Shannon has talked about how they want to fix society but like. then what. What are they doing after that?
Oo interesting question! I'm not sure all of them will have "jobs" in the sense that they do something and are paid for it given elven society provides money, but I do think they'll have more specific/elevated hobbies that they focus on.
Sophie: Whatever the situation turns out to be with humans, Sophie is at the forefront of it all. She wants to make sure humans are considered and represented fairly, and who better to do that than someone who lived with them for over a decade? Whether she's an ambassador, part of a new human assistance program, etc., she's working with humans
Fitz: Either working for the council as an emissary because he wants to stay involved and have access to information, or working as a mentor because he loves the kids and wants to help guide them through the scary world of having such a valued and challenging ability. He wants to help people be better and grow into the best version of themselves they can be, and being in their lives like that seems like the perfect way to do it! He may invest a lot more in his baking as well and truly master a bunch
Keefe: He's taking his artistry to the next level. I don't think he'd sell his work or really let other people see it--unless they were close to him, but even that's rare. His art is something he hasn't truly done recreationally in a while, and i think once everything calms down he'd find himself going back to it for himself
Biana: An ambassador/representative/diplomat to the other species. She's good at fitting in with traditional elven lives while also asserting her mind and being unafraid to snap back. She's unafraid to explore new things. I think she'd do well in a situation where she's working things out with other species and reporting back to make life better for everyone involved and would enjoy making that kind of difference.
Dex: He's probably going to be stuck helping his dad at Slurps and Burps for the rest of his life, but I don't think he minds. Aside from that I think he'll be tinkering around with various gadgets, contraptions, and machines for the rest of time. Some of them radicalize elven life and become part of their world as if they've always been there, but that was never his goal. He's just messing around and enjoying himself and sometimes makes something revolutionary on accident
Marella: Possibly a healer. Getting a greater understanding of medicine could help her take care of her mother with more nuance and involvement, and from there she could help people who were in positions like hers with family's misunderstood by the rest of the world.
Linh: Either working at the sanctuary/some rehabilitation center where she can let her love of animals shine through or as an Exillium coach. She knows the exact feelings all those kids are going through and knows what Exillium was like at once of its worst times, who better to guide them through what's probably the lowest point in their lives?
Tam: Okay hear me out but. A historian with a healthy dose of activism. He doesn't want any part of the mistakes elves--or other species for that matter--have made to be swept away and forgotten the way he and his sister were mistreated and forgotten. He wants everyone to face what they've done and be accountable for their choices, ensuring nothing is lost to history. But of course he can't do everything from the shadows, so when it truly matters you can find him fighting and arguing against others for what's right.
Stina: She's sticking around her childhood home to work with the unicorns. She's been training for it since she was a kid and now that she's an empath her connection can be even deeper, and it seems like something she's good at. She's got the knowledge and will only become better at what she's already doing
Maruca: I'm thinking she'd either be an emissary or a councillor. She's the most connected to the usual ways of elven life, so that path would be more open to her and her connections with the rest of the crew would be an opportunity to make a lot of change. And I don't think she's above using her position to sway things for her friends to make the changes they want to see
Wylie: I don't think he would go for a typical job, he instead wants to spend time with his family. He has no respect or need for the rest of the elven world, not as it is right now, I just don't know what hobbies he has that he might turn to instead. Perhaps he hasn't had time to explore them and would spend his time finding himself in the future, exploring the limits of his ability and taking time to himself. If his friends call on him though, he'll be there, whatever it is
those are just some ideas though! they may go completely different directions, but they're what I first thought of :)
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