#tankies are still much worse then anarchists
xzilinov · 2 years
People using that one Emma Goldman quote ("If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal") as a deflection from valid criticism of their ideology is the anarchist equivalent of tankies constantly citing On Authority.
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niconiconwo · 4 years
Would in your opinion a tankie group to oppose antifa be possible or useful? I mean when you have the black clad group as happy to disrupt normal workers as any rich guy they're pointed at, wouldnt a more discerning group be useful?
Generally, auth-left groups tend to oppose anarchos precisely because they are a rogue element that is as much a threat to the “good state” as much as any Capitalist state. Historically speaking, the Soviets supported Makhno during the rebellion just long enough to defeat the White Russians and then decimated the Black Army and Free Ukraine in short order.
So it isn’t unprecedented to utilise anarchist groups against common enemies, but it’s certainly a tactical decision more than any sort of unity with them.
As for specifically forming a group to counter anarchist activities, I’m somewhat hesitant to say it would be possible though I feel it would be useful. Many auth-lefters imo seem to support other anti-caps uncritically believing that were we in the prole utopia they would give up their anti-state activities and assimilate peacefully. Needless to say, the reason I respect anarchos more than many auth-lefties is because anarchos hold their convictions quite seriously so not only do I doubt they’d peacefully assimilate, I’d find it offensive to insult their strong beliefs that way. Not to say I don’t try to convince them to convert when possible, just that I wouldn’t look down on their convictions as much as I belittle and scorn their particular views.
This kind of is related to my point of punching down, anti-cap circles tend to hold this asinine solidarity dogma which makes almost no sense at all imo. It’s useful to have thugs running amok stressing the Capitalist society sure, but the wanton violence doesn’t serve any practical or ideological goals and worse still conflating them with us only harms public perception. I’d like for roving bands of auth-left tankies showing a distinction between us and the anarchos but I’m not optimistic. It’s telling that one of the things I liked about fashie circles is the stark operational superiority of many of their meme ops and political shenanigans, it’s something the farther left appears to desperately lack.
I’ll take this chance to also say I’m firmly opposed to (American) Antifa in so far as they oppose Statism and are wanton thugs in the end. It’s a grave error to hold solidarity with them, and will only serve to delegitimise the auth-left. The only use they have is to create unrest and provide a foil to an auth-left movement seeking to dethrone the establishment and usher in a proletariat State. Getting the people cheering some auth-left state putting anarcho Antifas to the wall should be the terminal goal of their role in leftist statecraft.
Not to make this even more tl;dr but it’s a damn shame that the anarcho left is what has risen as the counter balance to the American liberalist establishment instead of auth-left partisan groups. I’m not sure if this answers all of what you asked but I hope it gives you some idea what I’m getting at.
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