#tanusha 'kayo' kyrano
laughing-moonlight · 2 months
Riding the teacups at Disneyland
John, Virgil & Kayo: [Spinning calmly while talking]
Scott, Gordon & Alan: [Flying past them, spinning as fast as they can, screaming]
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forest-falcon · 27 days
The Butterfly Effect
Chptr 7
⚠️ Trigger Warning for whump and major angst.
To her shame, she froze.
The island; usually so quiet and peaceful, suddenly detonated with sound.
Birds flocked to the sky in terror as smoke began to rise steadily from the location she knew to be home.
Kayo felt her stomach somersault with guilt and unbridled horror.
She was in charge of security. She had failed.
Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.
Her brothers!
Her feet began running, her legs tearing through harsh foliage and vines faster than she could feel the pain, faster than she could think.
Grandma! Brains!
Breaking free from the forest, she finally found herself with a vantage point, high up on the cliffside.
One...One was lying stricken across the pool. A portion of the rocket had torn through the villa. How much? She couldn't tell. Smoke, distance and debris all conspiring to deny her vital intel.
Faster! Oh God, faster!
The agent practically threw herself down the cliffside path, ripping divets in the earth as she skidded and sprinted back towards her home.
*. *. *
His name tore out from somewhere deep within her. Her lungs barely functioning, completely shredded from her run.
Kayo gulped and choked on air as she approached the wreckage. Sweat forming rivers down her body.
Bracing her hands on her knees, she took a few steadying breaths, allowing herself a moment to assess the situation.
A significant portion of debris too heavy to move, blocked both the stairs and the lower level doors to the villa. One's cockpit was similarly out of reach, hanging over the break-neck drop of the poolside concrete, or the cavernous abyss of the retracted pool- it was hard to tell from this angle.
She needed equipment. How could she treat her wounded family without supplies? Or scale the villa in only her running gear? How could she call for help? She was completely alone, on a secret island, surrounded by ocean.
There was nothing for it. She'd have to get inside of One. There was a manual opening to the cockpit on the outside of the ship, but she'd have to scale her starboard wing sans harness to get there first.
Tentatively, Kayo placed a foot onto One's wing, ignoring the sinister drop to the hangar below.
A second foot, and One groaned.
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spaceshipsoutthepool · 5 months
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"spoiling your plans is the best part of my job."
Kapril kontribution. Markers ate my watercolour gum oops
(Image id. A mixed media illustration portrait kayo from thunderbirds are go from the chest up. She's an athletic brown skinned young woman with dark brown hair and green eyes. She is wearing a turquoise t shirt and matching scrunchie. Kayo is look to the right with a slight smirk. Kayo is written next to her and the the artists signater is by her arm)
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tanushakyrano · 6 months
happy kapril !!!!! the month where @avengedbiologist (and now also me) draws kayo!!!!!! im doing weekly posts because exams are soon upon me and I don't think I can draw every day BUT I am sure as hell gonna try :]
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round one of photos :D
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My Thunderpride Secret Santa gift for @tracybirds.💛💛
• Scott gets a heckin' break/beach christmas.
• Brains and Kayo, engineering buds.
Scott getting a break, I pictured him chilling out on the beach so I decided to combine it with the beach christmas, sparkly shorts and Santa hat complete with holly shades.
The engineer prompt gave me an excuse to draw buff lesbian Kayo, she lifts weights to kick ass, carry girls and now also work on heavy machinery. I also haven't drawn Brains in a long time so that was fun.
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hebuiltfive · 2 years
So, I never posted my finished Kayo…
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lenle-g · 2 years
How about Brains and/or Kayo. These two are seriously lacking in the fandom
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They're an unlikely pair, but I actually think they'd be really firm friends - Kayo would look out for Brains and beat up anyone who looked at him wrong and Brains gives her the best upgrades for Shadow because she actively takes an interest in his work on her 'bird. She has some wild suggestions ["I want it to go invisible, Brains, like, literally invisible."] but they're the kind that are right up his street - Brains loves nothing more than a mad engineering challenge, after all.
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laughing-moonlight · 1 month
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forest-falcon · 1 year
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First attempt at Kayo 🩵
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Kayo : kicks arse and kissing girls. Tell me I'm wrong.
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lenna-z · 1 month
I know I said this morning at the latest, technically I should have posted much earlier... but this morning was a little busy...
I've edited this so many times even today I'm still not sure if I should send it away...
There were many nice RBs in the quote, thank you very much for all of them!
You can find the whole fic here on my ao3 account, it has been so long that it has become very difficult to find old chapter on tumblr.
I hope you will like it!
What Happened There? Chap.7:
Hospital Room
She was in pain, she could see it. So she hoped she could postpone this conversation until later. But there were words that needed to be said.
Somehow Kayo was able to persuade Scott and Virgil to go out. Maybe the fact that she literally came back from the dead had an effect on their inability to stand up to her.
And maybe that was the reason why Penny couldn’t insist on postponing this conversation either. Kayo was normally good at hiding the emotions in her eyes, but now she could see everything from the vulnerability to the concern in her eyes.
She didn't like to see this, of course she had become adept at reading even the emotions Kayo didn't want her to see, but she was already like an open book because of the drugs.
“Dad, I understand- you want to see me... I understand... you want to come here... but you know you shouldn’- leave.”
She could see that her words were sincere. But the worry in Kyrano’s eyes still hadn’t left since she first saw him.
Unfortunately, she was too late to tell him what had happened, and by the time she contacted Kyrano he already knew something had happened.
“And Penny..." Glassy, tired eyes turned to her, and Penny hated herself for not being able to put off this conversation. "After everything we’ve done, why would- you risk everything?”
She was totally right to be angry, but Kayo still didn't know what happend and her eyes looked more disappointed than angry.
And it would be a miracle if she was just angry if she knew what happened last night. She didn't know if what happened was because of Kyrano or if it was related to Kayo's incident.
“I would have come here whether Lady Penelope helped or not, Tanusha.”
They didn't even know what Kayo's incident was about.
The truth behind the words stunned Kayo for a moment. It was something she would normally never show anyone.
She turned to her again, this time not even trying to hide the pain. If they had told her that the GDF had accused her with evidence, they wouldn't have been able to stop Kayo even in this state.
“Thank you for keeping him safe, Penny.”
That's what she was trying to do. Kyrano’s enemies were still out there, hiding in their hiding places, waiting for him to appear. If Parker hadn't gone to get Kyrano and the man had come here on his own... the chances of people finding out about this would be greatly increased.
“Always sweetheart.”
Yet there was still much that was unknown. Even if only someone had a suspicion that Kyrano was here or if one of the families of the dead learned that they were in this hospital, that was reason enough to keep watch on the hospital.
She hadn’t been able to talk to Ames yet, but she knew the man from last night was being followed.
She just hoped things would get better before they got any worse.
Trying to stay awake was tiring her more than she wanted to admit. After convincing his father to leave and Penny leaves, Scott and Virgil had came back into the room and started talking about ridiculous topics that were obviously just a distraction.
She must have fallen asleep at some point because when she opened her eyes next, it was dark.
Even breathing felt like being stabbed again, so she had couldn't escape Virgil, who was right next to him.
He had said something to her about it being medicine time, then a few nurses remembered.
In the morning she finally found him asleep. Virgil had literally taken care of everything while she was in the hospital.
She couldn’t blame him, she knew she had scared them all, but Virgil hadn’t left her side since she first woke up and it was obvious he hadn’t been sleeping properly.
She wasn’t sure how long she’d been here and how many days Virgil had been with her, but she didn’t want to put this conversation off.
“I understand you don’t want to eat anything, but you’re thinking too much and you should at least try to eat.”
“What do you mean, I think too much?”
She must have sounded more accusatory than she intended, because he held up his hand, which wasn’t holding a plate, even though it was a fork. “I was just trying to get your attention here..!”
And she laughed and pointed with her head in the air, “Drop your weapon, Mr. Tracy.”
Laughing made the pain worse, but-
“Drop your weapon..!”
Her own voice was echoing as a humming sound filled her ears.
“... Kay? Kayo?”
All she had to do was look at his face to understand what he was asking. His eyebrows were knitted with concern.
“I’m okay. Just headache.”
After this answer, the worry in his eyes didn't disappear and she wished another made-up idea would come to her mind instead.
And what she said wasn't a lie, even if it was just to get past him.
"I'm fine, Virgil. You follow the doctors, you know I'm taking the meds I need."
It was her own voice she heard, but she wasn't sure what it was. She wouldn't worry Virgil any further until she was sure.
“Okay. Do you think you could eat something?”
So she turned her attention fully back to Virgil. She should have at least tried to eat, right?
When she nodded, she immediately regretted it because of her pain signals.
He dipped something in the plate and handed it to her.
“You know I can move one arm easily, right?”
But she still took the food offered to her into her mouth.
She was more hungry than she wanted to admit, and she finished everything on her plate, albeit slowly.
Virgil placed the plate on the far corner of one of the floating shelves next to her and then poured water from the jug sitting there.
She was preparing herself for an argument about whether she could hold the glass, but this time he surprised her and handed it to her.
He had certainly done everything he could, but only for her, not for himself.
“What about you?”
“What about me?”
“You haven’t eaten anything.”
She knew he was trying to find an excuse in his head to avoid more questions, it wasn’t the first time she caught him in situations like this.
If a brother was avoiding eating, this was a sign of trouble and could not be overlooked.
When their eyes met, he immediately looked away and was preparing to say something, but she silenced him.
“Virgil, you need a real bed and shave.”
His hands spontaneously wandered over his stubble and the scabbed wound.
“I’m sure I still look attractive.” She couldn’t help but smile at the grin on his face.
He knew he was already caught, so she could let it slide because she didn’t want to push him any further.
“I’m sure the whole hospital is already talking about you.”
His hand brushed against his beard again. “Ohh... That explains all the whispers behind me when I go to get coffee.”
She really wanted to laugh at this. She hoped that it would at least reach her eyes that she was enjoying this moment.
“Virgil,” she said in a voice she hoped wasn’t too serious.
It wasn’t that she wasn’t happy with his company, but she thought that if he looked in the mirror, he would be able to admit that he didn’t look good either even if he doesn’t admit it out loud.
“I need you to be okay, Kayo.”
Of course he wanted her to be okay, she knew that, but Virgil was being more of a mother hen right now than he normally do.
“Virgil... Whatever you’re thinking will eat you up if you don’t tell me."
She wasn’t sure until she saw that look in his eyes, but when he took a deep breath she knew it was a step in the right direction.
He looked quite hesitant, and she wasn’t sure if it was for an emotional reason or because he was revealing something he shouldn’t say.
“I was the one- who found you.... like... that...”
She didn’t remember what happened there, she had been told she was lucky to be alive, and considering her injuries, it wasn’t hard to guess how Virgil had found her.
Acutally she never thought about the possibility that one of them had saved her, she thought the GDF had found her.
She must not have asked the right questions when she woke up, how could she skip this topic?
“You saved me.”
He had to believe this, who knows what he was thinking about in his head for days.
She had questions, but they could wait.
“Virgil, you saved my life.”
She wanted him to look at her, so she gently placed her hand on his.
Instead of turning his head towards her, he turned it lower and shook it.
“If I had arrived a few minutes late-“
“But you didn’t, you were there on time.”
“Your heart stopped, Kay, It was a few minutes away from the hospital and your heart stopped.”
But she was here, telling him these things. She was alive.
She shook his hand softly.
“Virgil, look at me.” When he looked at her, albeit reluctantly, she smiled in response. “You saved me. I’m here and it’s because of you.”
He needed to remind himself of these.
“I think it was too close and I Just-“ He looked away, but then he found hers again. “Thank you.”
She was thinking of asking for a few minutes for the both of them to process everything, but they were distracted by the notification sound.
As soon as Virgil picked up the device that received the notification, his face lit up.
“This is Scott. He says everyone wants to see you, if you are suitable.”
She was sure that her face also brightened. “Of course.”
“So you don’t want me to accompany you anymore?” She sensed a hint of jealousy in the question.
They both knew that wasn’t the point, but serious topics were rarely discussed in hospital rooms, it was just a distraction.
“Not that I’m bored of you, Virgil, like I said, bed and shave.”
“Okay, so I’ll have to get a brother who’s more boring than me to stay the night.”
She would say there was no need for someone to stay with her, but she knew that was out of the question.
“Do you want to try walking a little until they come? The doctor said that if we take care of your stitches, you can walk for a few minutes for now.”
Sooo... what do you think? 👀
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More Kayo for ya.💛💛
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Who said you can't be head of security and still wear something very stylish?
Drawing No: 2, continuing my series of the Tracy Family. Thier adopted sister Tanusha "Kayo' Kyrano
Of course, I had to draw Kayo, I gave her slightly different outfit because she would definitely kick ass and look great doing at the same time.
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astranite · 11 months
Trick or Treat! 🎃
Have some itty bitty Kayo! She'd certainly say she's tricky!!
(4) Kyrano’s kid staying with them, Tanusha or as the boys had started called her, Tin Tin, resolutely refused to dress up. Eventually, with much suspicious glancing around, she whispered in Lucy’s ear that she was already dressed up, because she was a spy and didn't need a costume. In the kid way like it was totally obvious and how didn't Lucy already know this, Tin Tin stated, “The only spies that look like spies are dead spies.” Lucy manage to keep a straight face through that rather threatening sentence delivered by a kid with pig tails, missing front teeth, and a expression she likely throught was intimidating with a wrinkled up nose and screwed up eyes, but to Lucy was adorable.
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Hey everyone! As you can probably see, this is my first time posting on Tumblr (and on AO3...) but this is fortunately not my first fic. Very grateful to @shirubie for providing me with motivation to finish this thing I started a while ago - I've been working on it the last few days despite school and everything, but I finally managed to finish it today! Hope you enjoy and don't forget to leave a comment/repost your thoughts!
Two Skies, One Promise (12137 words) by tos1701_voy74656_cc Chapters: 8/8 Fandom: Thunderbirds Are Go (Cartoon 2015) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Scott Tracy/Original Female Character(s), Scott Tracy & Tracy Family Characters: Scott Tracy, Original Female Character(s), Virgil Tracy, Gordon Tracy, Alan Tracy, John Tracy, Tanusha "Kayo" Kyrano, Grandma Tracy (Thunderbirds), Brains (Thunderbirds) Additional Tags: Family, Repression, Angst with a Happy Ending, Reconciliation Summary:
In another life, a minor error in judgement on Scott Tracy's part during his Air Force days causes a rift in the timeline. When his prime universe counterpart is called in, secrets are unearthed and trust is broken, but that doesn't mean that what's left of International Rescue can't step in in time and repair the damage.
A little story about Scott Tracy and Emma Lancaster, another gifted pilot he shouldn't have forgotten about.
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kaijuboarcreations · 2 years
Into the Andersonverse: A full timeline of events for the confirmed continuity of Gerry Anderson Supermarionation shows (Fireball XL5 to Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons)
(Disclaimer*: i actually opted to follow Thunderbirds are Go canon for ages *don't ask me why it's a process plus the actual ages and birth order for the boys is heavily debated in both the og series and are go so don't at me* Also yes I took a few creative liberties to fill in some blanks they are marked by ** so you know what isn't canon, and yes it doesn't always make sense *aka how Venus is a war orphan if the war ended before she was born* but you can't blame me for that, that's just how it was written)
Anyways yall better love me for this it took me three days to make
1988: Sally "Grandma" Tracy is born (maiden name unknown)
2012: Professor Mathew Matic is born in Britain -Aloysius "Nosey" Parker is born - Jeff Tracy is born in Kansas to Grant and Sally Tracy**
2015: Commander Sam Shore (real name Samuel Arthur)is born in Kansas
2017: Charles Grey (Colonel White) is born in England
2028: European Atomic War and Mass Riots in France
2029: Conrad Turner (Captain Black) is born in Manchester, England
2030: Steve Zodiac is born on Mars -Sam Shore leaves home to join the navy
2031: Edward Wilkie (Dr Fawn) is born in Yalumba, Australia
2033: Professor Matic graduates with 22 degrees in astrophysics, robotic, and astronomy, and becomes a navigator for Zero-X interplanetary missions -Sam Shore is given command of a World Security Service submarine -Bradley Holden (Captain Gray) is born in Chicago
2034: Sam Shore befriends Admiral Jack Denver -Patrick Donaghue (Captain Magenta) is born in Dublin Bay, Ireland -The European Atomic War ends (the war left Venus and Conrad Turner orphaned)
2035: Venus is born in Paris -George Lee "Phones" Sheridan is born in South Carolina -Adam Svenson (Captain Blue) is born in Boston -Richard Fraiser (Captain Ochre) is born in Detroit
2036: Paul Metcalfe (Captain Scarlet) is born in Hampshire, England
2037: Jeff Tracy becomes a Colonel for the US Air Force and later transfers to the Space Agency -Patrick Donaghue and his parents immigrate to the US, living in poverty in Manhattan
2038: Troy Tempest is born in New York City -Jeff Tracy marries Lucielle** -Charles Grey graduates from the University of East Angila -Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward is born to Sir Hugh and Lady Amelia**
2040: War damage fixed -Sam Shore marries Elaine MacDonald -Scott Tracy is born**
-"Brains" is born -The Southeast Asia revolts -Juliette Pontoin (Destiny Angel) is born in Paris
2041: Atlanta Shore is born from Elaine and Sam in California -Seymour Griffiths (Lieutenant Green) is born in Trinidad
2042: John Tracy is born** -The Iceland Dispute -The Panama-Ithsmus rebellion begins -Karen Wainwright (Symphony Angel) is born in Cedar Rapids -Chan Kwan (Harmony Angel) is born in Tokyo
2043: The Panama-Ithsmus rebellion ends -Magnolia Jones (Melody Angel) is born in Atlanta -Dianne Simms (Rhapsody Angel) is born in London
2044: Virgil Tracy is born**
2045: Professor Matic takes the role as a professor for Universe University -Conrad Turner joins the British Air Force
2046: Marina is born -Gordon Tracy is born** -Charles Grey moves up to the rank of 'Captain' -The British Civil War begins (during which Conrad Turner is badly wounded)
2047: Steve Zodiac joints WSP Academy -Tanusha "Kayo" Kyrano/Tintin Kyrano is born** -Britain joins the World Government -Charles Grey becomes Admiral while commanding the World Navy Destroyer fleet -Conrad Turner joins the World Air Force
2048: Charles Grey joins the Universal Secret Service and marries his field partner Elizabeth Sonmers -Edward Wilkie starts medical school in Brisbane
2049: the British sector of the USS is reorganized by Charles Grey
2050: Professor Matic designs and builds the world's first Nutomic Hyperdrive Motor and is given an honorary position as Major while heading the XL project -Alan Tracy is born** -Charles Grey is promoted to the head of the USS British sector
2051: Steve Zodiac becomes an astronaut and sub-lieutenant at Space City -Prototypes of the XL project are debuted including XL1 Alpha -Adam Svenson receives a full ride scholarship to Harvard University at age 16
2052: the Anti-Bereznik Riots (of which Patrick Donaghue was involved where he was later arrested and imprisoned for 90 days)
2053: Steve Zodiac befriends space explorer Jim Ireland who sets off on a 10 year voyage -Seymour Griffiths loses his parents in an air disaster
2054: Richard Fraiser joins the World Government Police Corps after being rejected from university and the Air Force -Bradley Holden graduates from the World Navy Academy in San Diego immediately enlisting in the World Navy submarine service
2055: Steve is promoted to captain and is assigned to co-pilot Fireball XL5 -Conrad Turner joins the World Space Patrol and mans Fireball XL3 -Adam Svenson joins the World Aeronautic Society as a test pilot -Patrick Donaghue finishes his studies and graduates from Yale University with degrees in physics, electrical engineering, and technology and he takes a job as a computer programmer for a firm in Brooklyn but soon quit for a life of crime -Edward Wilkie graduates from Brisbane with degrees in medicine and biology and joins the Australian sector of the World Medical Organization as assistant medical controler. Later that same year he is promoted to health controller of the Scandinavian sector.
2056: Venus joins the World Space Patrol -Colonel Grange suffers a mental breakdown while piloting Fireball XL5 leaving Steve to bring them to safety -Marina's mother dies -Troy Tempest joins the World Navy Academy in San Diego -Lucielle Tracy passes away
2057: All Fireball XL ships are outfitted with the Nutomic Hyperdrive Motor -Paul Metcalfe graduates from Winchester University with degrees in History, Technology, and Mathematics -Adam Svenson is promoted to active field agent for WAS -Patrick Donaghue becomes a kingpin for organized crime in New York due to his leadership over several gangs and hacking abilities -Edward Wilkie revolutionizes the WMO's medical technology through robots which places him in the position of Administrator for Advancements in Medicine and Medical Science -Juliette Pontoin attends University in Rome
2058: Elaine Shore suffers a heart attack and passes away -Phones takes on work as a mercenary -Karen Wainwright attends Yale University at age 16
-Lady Penelope becomes chief operative of the Federal Agents Beareu where she meets Jeff Tracy (wait...... F.A.B..... so that's what that stands for....)
2059: Paul Metcalf begins study at West Point Military University in New York -Richard Fraiser transfers to Chicago and takes on one of the toughest crime syndicates in the country
2060: An attack on his vessel causes Sam Shore to lose use of his legs. He and Atlanta move to Marineville to command the World Aquanaut Security Patrol (which is newly established)
-Gordon Tracy interns with WASP** -Troy Tempest is captured on a failed mission and is rescued by Phones who he convinces to join the navy -Troy Tempest arrives at WASP Marineville -Juliette Pontoin joins the World Army Air Force and is transferred to the Intelligence Corps where she hones her skills as a pilot, leads the Woman's Fighter Squadron
2061: Magnolia Jones joins the World Army Airforce at age 18
-Gordon Tracy suffers an accident while working with a high speed hydrofoil**
2062: the start of the events of Fireball XL5 -Jeff Tracy establishes International Rescue -Seymour Griffiths graduates University in Kingston Jamaica with degrees in telecommunications, technology, and music and joins WASP as a junior hydrophone operator (his brothers followed but were killed in an accident which Seymour transferred as a telecommunications operator at Marineville) -Bradley Holden joins WASP as the Lieutenant commander security chief and takes the role of piloting Stingray in her prototype years -Karen Wainwright becomes a full fledged field agent for Universal Secret Service after several years of training -Magnolia Jones becomes lost while taking the XKF 115 aircraft on a test flight and loses contact with control -Chan Kwan graduates University and is determined to fly solo around the world
2063: Venus earns a degree in Space Psychology -Steve Zodiac is awarded Astronaut of the Year -Paul Metcalfe graduates from West Point and joins the World Air Force -Juliette Pontoin leaves WAAF to start her own pilot contracting firm -Magnolia Jones returns after being lost for almost a year after rebuilding her craft from the wreckage. She shortly leaves to focus on flying and setting up a freelance air taxi service -Dianne Simms meets Lady Penelope and is offered a position in the FAB to train as an agent
2064: Bradley Holden receives a severe back injury taking him out of the line to duty and landing him a desk job at Marineville -Troy Tempest becomes captain of Stingray and takes on Phones as his co-pilot -Chan Kwan attempts her voyage around the world but stops to answer a distress call to rescue a group of men from a burning tanker ship in the Pacific. Six months later she tries again and succeeds
2065: the events of Thunderbirds begins -the Spectrum Organization is established and Charles Grey turns down the position of Supreme Commander of the USS to take on his role as "Colonel White" for Spectrum under the Spectrum Selection Committee -Seymour Griffiths joins Spectrum under the codename "Lieutenant Green" -Conrad Turner joins Spectrum under the codename "Captain Black" and quickly climbs the ranks as Spectrum's top agent -Paul Metcalfe joins Spectrum under the code name "Captain Scarlet" (thanks to recommendation from Conrad) -Adam Svenson joins Spectrum under the code name "Captain Blue" -Patrick Donaghue is pardoned for his crimes and is offered a position as an agent of Spectrum under the code name "Captain Magenta" -Dr Edward Wilkie is approached by Spectrum to become the Supreme Medical Commander of Cloudbase and given the codename "Doctor Fawn" -Juliette Pontoin is approached to join Spectrum's squadron of fighter pilots and is given the codename "Destiny Angel" -Magnolia Jones is selected by Spectrum as a fighter pilot and is given the codename "Melody Angel" -Lady Penelope quits her role in the FAB to focus on her work with International Rescue. The FAB dissolves soon after. -Dianne Simms is forced to leave the FAB and becomes a chief security officer for the Euro-Charter Airline company -Chan Kwan's father dies and she takes over the family air taxi company 2066: Richard Fraiser fakes assassination and joins Spectrum under the code name "Captain Ochre" -Bradley Holden clears a health check under Spectrum and is recruited as an agent under the codename "Captain Gray"
-Karen Wainwright quits her work with the USS to become a pilot full time. Shortly after she passes her exam to join Spectrum and joins the Angel squadron under the codename "Symphony Angel" -Dianne Simms is approached by Spectrum to join the Angel squadron and is given the codename "Rhapsody Angel"
-Chan Kwan is approached by the Spectrum Selection Committee to become an Angel pilot, in which she is accepted and given the codename "Harmony Angel"
2068: the events of Thunderbirds end and the events of Captain Scarlet begin (the Mysterons declare war on Earth after the Zero X Mars expedition comes across their settlement and attacks)
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