#taraka wulandari
lucaonthropy · 1 year
A certain trans twins OC backstory or the classic, "When you and your twin want to come out to your oldest sibling but he somehow already knows."
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"Mm, it's wrong to think of this world as fair, because that would be saying everyone is fair to everyone and that is wrong," Taraka started to talk, head tipped towards the ceiling. "But, there's give or take. For example, remember when I told you about me putting my worth on my siblings?"
Hayu waited for him to continue, but he only did after she nodded her head.
"In a way, that is me putting a burden on them. In another, that is also them putting a burden on me. Is it fair? No. Is it some kind of give or take? Yes." At that, Taraka leaned forward, his elbows on the table and fingers weaved to support his chin. "To live, you have to give to people, but you also have to take your fill from them. Sometimes it will be fair, sometimes less so, but it will always be a circle and that's what's important."
"Wait," Hayu chimed in when there was a pause. "How can it be less fair if you give and you take?"
Tarak shrugged. "Sometimes you can take less or more, give less or more. Sometimes it's the other person who does that. Most of the time, it'll be fair when it's between strangers or lukewarm relationships and it'll be less fair when two people are closer."
"Uh." She tried to wrap her head around the concept. "How so…?"
"Imagine this. I will give you a plate of food, maybe two slices of toast and an egg. The next day, since we're not close and you're afraid the food will cost you something, you give some food to me. The chances are bigger that you give me the same amount of food as I gave you the day before."
"That's … I guess that makes sense. But when it comes to someone anxious like me, wouldn't it be the same whether or not the person is close to me? I would be afraid of owing too much to them anyway."
Taraka tapped his finger to the table, his expression thoughtful. "I suppose when it comes to giving, people would generally say that they wouldn't differentiate people. But, back to the previous example. If I gave you food, would you accept a plate just like that? Would you question me or try to refuse because it's a burden to cook for you?"
"Oh, I wouldn't dare assume that," Hayu said. "If it's someone like you, they won't do anything they don't want. If you offered me food out of the blue, I'd first assume you're just in the rare mood to do so."
"Correct. Good. Now imagine the same scenario, but replace me with Binatri. Would you take all of the food she offers you? Would you give back the same amount, or more? Would you even take it at all?"
"No, I–" She blinked. The answer was instinctive, pulled out of her like a coiled spring that was finally released. Her forehead formed creases. "I would give back to her more."
Taraka waved his hand at her, as if saying 'there you go'. "And like that, it's already unfair. But there's still a circle of give and take going on, so it's mostly fine. If you're starting to give more and more but feeling bad to take anything back, the circle will break and your sense of self will be lost. The other way around is also the same."
(Taraka and Hayu talking)
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lucaonthropy · 1 year
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More Taraka and Adinata stuff!
Anyway, I can't really translate this into English. Not because it's rude (it's really rude), but my brain just can't compute on how to fucking translate 'halah' lmao
Basically they're just finishing each other's words and those words are insults
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lucaonthropy · 1 year
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Dani (lil' boy): Big Bro, did you lose your canine tooth again?
Taraka: Ah? Yes.
Adinata's thoughts: New tooth....]
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lucaonthropy · 1 year
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As they said, opposites do attract (or annoy, in this case)
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