#taran bio
tryin · 1 year
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lithuanianking · 3 months
I saw the best little shop of horrors production ever (photos at the end)
So yesterday I saw little shop of horrors at a local community theater that was a bit away from my house. My friend also happened to be doing spot light! Here's some notes I took at Intermission+while waiting for my friend
-Seymour longing looks at audery during skid row and she does the same during day doo
-everyone is such a talnted actor it's fucking insane
-orin wants Seymour so bad
-orin has the perfct dash of elvis and Taran killam + his own stuff
-urchins steal the show everytime there on-stage it's insane
-the absolute rage Seymour has affter orin hits audery is insane also the fear when orin comes in and the confusion before mushnik and son
-the first customer jumps when he walks by And runs to get inside,hallrious
-made eye contact with orim during dentist and don't feed the plants (3 times then)
-made eye contact w Seymour during meek and ronnette during don't fees
-orin was twisting in a anguish in final
-orin actor had tension with him in every role even bows
-Seymour cried till morning and then got up ans went to his desk to cry
-all actors had such unique voices that if you lisinted for one in particular you'd here it
-orin was the best performance I've ever seen. In his bio he only talked about how passionate he was and that it was his dream role. Whenever a dentist actor (Steve martin,Taran killam) are extremely devoted it allways makes for the best performance. Get this,he was better then Steve martin
-ngl mushnik was a little weak. He didn't get really silly in mushnik and son but he definitely wasn't bad at all it did not effect the show at all.(the issue was probably that he's like a middle aged man)
-the puppetry was amazing oh my god
-all the acting was insane. Every character even ensemble embodied the 60s campy feel
-Seymour was so guilty about killing mushnik he couldn't look at him and was like on the verge of vomiting
-the lighting was so good oh my god it blew me away I had like a great seat and it was like this larger then like performance
But yeah I genuinely don't ever want to see another production because it was perfect
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vicekillx · 9 months
6 and 10 please!
6. Which artists inspire you right now?
Saren Stone ♡ @reddokkaebe ♡ Taran Fiddler ♡ @nataliedecorsair ♡ @shpepyao ♡ @marcusto ♡ Bruno Redondo ♡ @monstrifex-art ♡ @beastsoulart ♡ @peachiewizardart ♡ @thefusspot ♡ @phobs-heh ♡ @sasharjones ♡ @dark-kanova ♡ @hannahorca ♡ @bucketofrobots ♡ @shibara ♡ @nightspin--sfmt ♡ @muepin ♡ @namiinstone ♡ @extra-vertebrae ♡ @finzphoenix ♡ @shin-arei ♡ @liktar-art ♡ @shoomlah ♡ @thefuzzyaya ♡ @lurelin ♡ @qugre ♡ @bioatomic ♡ @nataliehall ♡ @stjepan-sejic ♡ @pirate-cashoo ♡ @tendermiasma ♡ @dunesand ♡ @crispy-ghee ♡ @kelogsloops And a bunch more that are either too spicy to link or have me blocked (good art is good art, man)
10. What's the one thing that inspired you to make drawing your consistent hobby?
Nothing. There was no inspiration. I started drawing when I was old enough to hold a crayon and never stopped, because I can't stop. It's just intrinsic to who I am
But I know that's an unsatisfying answer, and also art is my career rather than a hobby, so for a slightly less unsatisfying but still kind of anti-climactic answer: I became a professional artist because I wasn't "good enough" (read: I wasn't interested enough to put in the effort to get good) at anything else. I actually wanted to go into zoology, but after doing 4 years of marine bio and absolutely hating all the aspects of it that had nothing to do with animal science, I decided I never wanted to do math or chemistry ever again. And then I was a teenager with undiagnosed depression and anxiety and ADHD and autism and the very concept of a muggle job was fucking terrifying to me. So I stayed home and let people pay me to draw their dog people getting frisky instead lol
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Character Bios: Rising DAWN
At the urging of @ftmshepard: My eight (!) RWBY original main characters, along with their weapons and Semblances, complete with Fate/series-inspired elemental affinities, parameters, and Type-Moon style descriptions.
Diomedes Aiolos
5′ 11″, blond, grey-eyed human
Element: Electricity / Origin: Storm
Str B / Dex A+ / Aura B / Semblance B
Weapon: Taran-Nuada (shifting spear/rifle)
Semblance: Stormcaller
Combat wear: Black boots & gloves, khaki slacks, grey waistcoat, navy blue long coat & button-down shirt
Born in Vale, where he attended Pharos combat school before applying successfully to Beacon. 
Aurora Raines
5′ 9″, pale blonde, green-eyed human
Element: Earth, Ether / Origin: Refraction
Str B / Dex A / Aura B / Semblance B+
Weapons: Hyperborean Divide (shifting pistols/batons/quarterstaff)
Semblance: Prismatic Aegis (hard-light shield projection)
Combat wear: Magenta jacket, black knee-length boots, white pants, midnight blue collared shirt, teal-green sweater vest, necklace with six-petaled flower pendant and red center
Raised in Mantle by independent Huntsman Telamon Raines, Aurora twice topped the combat rankings at Iapetus combat school.
Willow Nox
5′ 6″, black-haired, violet-eyed human
Element: Water, Void / Origin: Transference
Str C / Dex A / Aura C / Semblance C
Weapons: Crimson Shadow (chain dart), Vernal Call (dagger)
Semblance: Inverse Shadow (Phasewalk/Aura Siphon)
Combat wear: Black boots, pants, shirt, waistcoat, and hooded, knee-length jacket
Born in the village of Ilios, north of Vale, Willow was rescued from a bandit attack and trained in combat (although fortunately not humor) by a time-dilating mercenary.
Nevis Mithraosha
6′ 7″, dark brown-haired, golden-eyed faunus (bovine horns)
Element: Fire / Origin: Self-Overcoming
Str A / Dex B / Aura A / Semblance A
Weapon: Sunbreaker (short sword/fangtian ji)
Semblance: Dawnblade (weapon-focused fire attacks)
Combat wear: red leather & bronze breastplate w/ winged pauldrons, knee-high boots/sandals w/bronze greaves, red shorts, leather calf-length half-skirt w/ bronze faulds
Born and raised in rural Vacuo, Nevis made a name for herself locally before applying to Beacon in the hopes of elevating her monster-hunting skills to the greatest possible degree.
Cereus Tallow
5′ 10″, white-haired, brown-eyed human
Element: Earth, Ether / Origin: Paradox/Reversal
Str B / Dex B / Aura B / Semblance C
Weapon: False Promise (Gravity Dust-infused short sword)
Semblance: Armamentarium (replicate worn or carried items)
Combat wear: Black boots, pants, dress shirt, band-collared jacket and duster, and gloves; silver key pendant
Diomedes’ classmate at Pharos; characteristically withdrawn, introspective, and spiritual, although she has a penetrating capability to infer others’ strengths, desires, and psychological weaknesses.
Nova Aiolos
6′ 2″, blond, brown-eyed human
Element: Fire, Earth / Origin: Bulwark
Str A / Dex B / Aura A / Semblance A
Weapon: Sol Verdict (Greatsword/reverse shotgun)
Semblance: Luminosity (Temporary Aura overcharge)
Combat wear: Bronze plate armor over dark boots, pants, and shirt, with orange fabric tucked below the faulds and worn as a mantle
Diomedes’ younger brother; due to his combat aptitude, and with significant effort in his schoolwork, he was able to enter Beacon a year early.
Domanya “Anya” Ember
5′ 4″, red-haired, amber-eyed human
Element: Fire, Void / Origin: Belonging
Str B / Dex A / Aura C / Semblance D
Weapons: Accuser & Defender (Shifting pistol-knives)
Semblance: Hearthstone (Creation of safe-return teleport keys)
Combat wear: Dark pants, tank top, and leather boots; red leather jacket; and brown fingerless gloves and gunbelt
Born in a small village near the border with Vacuo, Anya was orphaned in a bandit attack and adopted by the raiders, before striking out on her own in her early teens.
Leaina Phoebis
5′ 7″, copper-blonde, blue-eyed faunus (lion tail)
Element: Ether, Fire / Origin: Resolution/Catastrophe
Str C / Dex B / Aura A / Semblance A++
Weapon: Lunar Echo (shifting bow-staff)
Semblance: Soul Arrow (aura-generated projectiles)
Combat wear: Black knee-high boots, dark blue knee-length dress, and silver cuirass, pauldrons, and left arm vambrace, all with white detail
Born and raised on the island of Patch, and attended Signal. Leana has social yearnings but an introverted nature, preferring to hunt on her own rather than socialize conventionally.
Forms: Baton (storage), spear, rifle
Ammunition: Dust rounds
The silver arm of the king of storms. The gun component, optimized for lightning-dust rounds, is located in the butt end of the staff, allowing it to be fired in melee form and for the hooked spear blade to be used as a bayonet in rifle form.
Hyperborean Divide
Forms: Dual machine pistols, dual shot-batons, quarterstaff
Ammunition: Hard-light Dust
A complex weapon partly inspired by that of a certain Mistralian tournament champion. Internal mechanisms regulate rate of fire in proportion to the weapon’s current melee capacity, resulting in slower but more powerful shots as the weapon assumes larger forms.
Crimson Shadow
Forms: Chain dart
Ammunition: None
A black metal chain dart with curious Aura-conductive properties, uniquely suited to a certain Semblance. Also useful as a close-range melee weapon and for entangling opponents.
Vernal Call
Forms: Straight dagger
Ammunition: None
A black metal dagger, identical to the blade of Crimson Shadow. Can be thrown once or used as a secondary weapon in melee.
Forms: Short sword, fangtian ji
Ammunition: None
An oddly shaped short sword that extends into a truly impressive polearm; however, it lacks ranged capability unless wielded in conjunction with a certain Semblance.
False Promise
Forms: Hilt (storage), short sword (jian)
Ammunition: Gravity Dust (Internal)
A single weapon optimized for use with an unusual Semblance and fighting style.
Sol Verdict
Forms: Single-edged greatsword with collapsible blade
Ammunition: Burn Dust explosive slugs
A massive sword with a small reverse-oriented grenade launcher built into the hilt and base. The long blade can fold down for easier use of the firearm.
Accuser & Defender
Forms: Dual shotgun-axes
Ammunition: Dust cartridges, Dust slugs
Twin weapons designed for brutal efficacy and simple maintenance. 
Lunar Echo
Forms: Baton (storage), quarterstaff, compound bow
Ammunition: None
A simple, versatile weapon designed for use with its bearer’s Semblance, although not much help to anyone else who might attempt to wield it.
Rank: B
Damage Type: Electricity, Anti-Army
An affinity for the generation and manipulation of electricity from one’s Aura. Although it can be used directly, the strength of this Semblance lies in its versatility, allowing the user to augment their physical movement and attacks rather than being a purely destructive tool.
Prismatic Aegis
Rank: B+
Damage Type: Kinetic, Anti-Army (Self)
The ability to project palm-sized hexagonal crystals that can withstand significant damage. In their base manifestation, these panes appear in a dome around the user, although with practice they can be used to entrap an opponent or given velocity and used as projectiles, although this is more Aura-intensive.
Inverse Shadow
Rank: C
Damage Type: Ether, Anti-Unit (Self)/Anti-Unit
An assassin’s Semblance, given to a noble-hearted young woman. One aspect allows the user to step out of physical existence momentarily, appearing from the outside to “teleport,” although this is inaccurate from the user’s perspective. The other utilizes the same liminal perspective to drain the Aura of an antagonist who has been immobilized by appropriate means.
Rank: A
Damage Type: Fire, Anti-Army
The power to generate flames through one’s weapon. Although somewhat restrictive in its means of use, this is a Semblance with almost unparalleled destructive capacity; it drains Aura very little when used efficiently, allowing for well-timed power attacks without inflicting rapid exhaustion.
Excelsior Solar: The full-scale, maximum-intensity form of attack this Semblance makes possible, unleashing a torrent of flames over a wide area that can destroy even powerful common-type Grimm.
Rank: B
Damage Type: Kinetic, Anti-Unit
The power to project copies of any worn or carried object. These projections are given form by the user’s Aura but do not drain it continuously; however, a small amount of Aura is sacrificed as long as a given object remains in existence. The effects of Dust imbued into a copied object may also be utilized.
Rank: A
Damage Type: None, Anti-Unit (Self)
A Semblance that makes the user an unconquerable beacon, able to withstand any attack or strike through any defense for the moment that it persists, although the user will suffer Aura loss afterwards in proportion to the damage sustained.
Rank: D
Damage Type: None, Anti-Unit
An item-creation ability that allows the user to link an object to a place of safety, creating an emergency teleportation key. The effect persists until used, but destroys the object on activation; additionally, the bound location must be one the user personally considers a refuge, although the effect will not wear off or alter if that location later ceases to be considered safe.
Soul Arrow
Rank: A++
Damage Type: Ether, Anti-Fortress
A power for creating ammunition from the strength of one’s soul. The more spiritual energy is put into a manifested projectile, the more powerful the attack will be; therefore, one can use a projectile weapon without concern for physical ammunition, but Aura will be depleted more quickly.
Resolution of the Falling Star - Celestial Catastrophe: The true ‘ultimate attack’ that can be achieved with the full strength of Soul Arrow, capable of slaying a dragon in a single shot. However, the amount of power required is equivalent to the user’s maximum supply of Aura.
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nightsidewrestling · 2 years
D.U.D.E Part 8 - Hospital Stays and Fears (Set in 2020)
Note: This is set in a universe where Men VS Women / Intergender matches can happen.
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Chapter 1: here Chapter 2: here Chapter 3: here Chapter 4: here Chapter 5: here Chapter 6: here Chapter 7: here
Tags: @piratewithvigor @tantamount-treason @thedollmaker16 @janetreader
Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places (those chapters will be marked as 'Mature / sexual content' just to be safe). Please inform me if you wish to be tagged or untagged from posts. If the text is in italics and orange it's Kirby's inner monologue. If the text is coloured but not in italics, it's either dialogue or a P.O.V change (P.O.V changes will be in bold and translated dialogue will appear in square [ ] brackets), Key below. Quick note on Geia's text colour: Yes I do know that as Greed she should be in yellow but I decided to colour the men's dialogue yellow so Geia was changed to be pink like the other women in the story outside of the main 8.
The Main 8: Damo - Bio. Vi - Bio. Billie - Bio. Geia - Bio. Kirby - Bio. Honey - Bio. Eli - Bio. Sara - Bio.
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Gluttony's P.O.V:
When Kirby 'comes around' she's in a hospital bed, Eddie whispering a prayer by her side, holding her right hand tight, and her parents rushing into the room.
"Eddie... Edward... why are my parents here?" She asks, her voice weak, but just loud enough to hear.
"Kirby? Sweetheart, you're awake?!" Eddie beams, leaning over the hospital bed to kiss her deeply, then realising that she wasn't kidding when she asked the question.
Her father clears his throat, before walking up to his daughter's opposite side, followed by Kirby's mother, who scoots past her husband to check on her only baby.
"Helo [Hi] Mam." Kirby whispers, smiling softly, when her mother kisses her on the head.
Eddie seems to back off slightly, letting Kirby's mother hug her close.
"O fy maban bach tlawd, wyt ti'n iawn fy nhywysoges? Fe gawson ni'r awyrwen gyntaf allan, methu â mentro peidio â gweld ein merch fach pan mae hi wedi brifo. [Oh my poor little baby, are you alright my princess? We got the first flight out, couldn't risk not seeing our baby girl when she's hurt.]" Kirby's mother whispers.
"Byddaf yn iawn, mae'n debyg mai dim ond anaemia neu rywbeth sy'n dod yn ôl o fy arddegau. Dw i'n dy garu di hefyd, mam. [I'll be okay, it's probably just anaemia or something coming back from my teenage years. I love you too, mum.]" Kirby replies weakly, looking over at her parents and then at Eddie.
Eddie turns his cap backwards and smoothes his tank-top out, hiding his rosaries between his two tank-tops, clearly trying to present the best version of himself in his mind.
"Eddie, my parents. Mam and Da, this is Eddie, the guy I lost to and the man I am in love with."
"You better be nice to my little girl, or else I'll-" Kirby's dad growls protectively.
"Hywel Críostóir Taran Donndubán Rhydderch, you apologise to that young man right now." Kirby's mother orders.
"Oda, I'm just-" Hywel attempts to argue his case, before looking at the anger in his tiny, Scottish fireball, wife, "I'm sorry, Eddie. Obviously, I need to trust my little princesses' choices more."
"It's fine, I get it, ya daughter starts datin' a guy, you don't know him, ya get worried because what if she's in a bad situation. My brother went through it with his wife. Her folks thought that this kid, from New York, was a little too 'street' for their angel, ended up telling him to be extra careful."
"Yeah, but you, my handsome warrior, Kingy, are Irish-American on your father's side, hence those beautiful green eyes of yours." Kirby mumbles, stroking Eddie's arm as she talks.
Hywel's eyes light up, "An Irish boy, I really should trust my daughter more... Also, 'Kingy', princess, are you forgetting that we are already considered royalty by our surname? After all, 'Rhydderch' means 'Exalted King'." He states proudly.
"So, you're Half-Irish?" Oda asks gently, "What about the other half?"
"Puerto Rican, though my mother still raised me Catholic. Kirby knows all about my Catholic guilt, and how bad I wanna beat Damien's head in." Eddie grunts, clearing his throat and standing up, getting pulled into a 'manly' hug by Hywel.
Kirby's parents soon leave her and Eddie alone together, Eddie still slightly shaken by the hug from Kirby's dad. Kirby distracts him from his thoughts, pulling him into a kiss by the front of his tank-top.
"You just said the one thing my Da's been waiting to hear someone, anyone actually, say since Damien got involved in my career." She whispers, her eyes locking with his.
"Your father's fuckin' scary for a guy shorter than me." Eddie murmurs, holding Kirby close.
"You smell like cigarettes, it's strangely calming to me."
"I've been here all night, Moxie had to drag me away so I would eat somethin'."
Eddie kisses Kirby's forehead, holding her close and breathing deeply. Kirby grips onto Eddie's shoulders when the lights shut off in the room, the emergency power sustaining the machines in the room and deep red 'emergency' lights.
"The fuck is goin' on? Was there a power outage or somethin'?" Eddie grumbles, about to go and see what's going on, Kirby tightens her grip on his shoulders, "You scared of the dark, babe?"
"Please don't tell anyone, but yes, I'm terrified of the dark." She whispers, her voice trembling.
Eddie raises an eyebrow, holding Kirby tighter, kissing her forehead and neck to keep her calm. Kirby moves her hands to Eddie's face, cupping his head in her hands. He climbs into the hospital bed next to her, holding her close as they fall asleep. When they wake up, entangled in each other's embrace, Eddie kisses Kirby lazily, breathing a sigh of relief when she opens her eyes.
"What's the time, Kingy?" Kirby murmurs, still half-asleep.
Eddie checks his phone, "It's eight in the mornin', babe-alicious."
"The feck did you just call me?"
"Babe-alicious." He shrugs, kissing her before getting up.
It takes around an hour for Kirby to be released, with a new prescription, her parents joining her and Eddie as they head to the drug store. Eddie never once lets go of her right hand, clinging to it like a lifeline. Kirby gets her iron supplements and Xanax, picking up enough to last her a month. Her father then drives them to a café, they get a small table in a quieter area, making sure Eddie sits next to him.
"So, you plan on kicking Damien's ass?" Hywel asks Eddie, keeping an eye on Kirby.
"Yea, I plan on makin' him pay, for all the shit he put my lady through. I will pound him into Hell, where he says he's from, so it'll be a warm welcome home. I am gonna show him how much pain he put Kirby through, and more, much fuckin' more."
Hywel nods in agreement, holding his hand out to Eddie, "Well, I feel secure in this," He looks over at Oda, she nods in agreement, Kirby raises an eyebrow in confusion, "Welcome to the family, son."
Eddie accepts the handshake, "You mean that... sir?"
"Absolutely, but I will still destroy you if you break her heart, after all she's still my little princess." Hywel growls in Eddie's ear.
Eddie looks nervously over at Kirby, he's already backed into the corner of the building, a look of fear in his eyes.
"Da, stop threatening my boyfriend, this is why no one dated me before. They met you and it was, 'I'll destroy you, you hurt her, I'll hurt you, I know every weak spot, I own an axe, I can chop you up'." Kirby murmurs, doing a rather spot-on of her father.
"Hywel, stop it. Do you ever want grandchildren? Because this is not how you get grandchildren." Oda grumbles, smacking his arm.
"I think that could be arranged," Eddie smirks, "you keep me alive, I give you and Oda grandchildren."
"Eddie, no." Kirby whines, not quite ready for children.
"Deal." Hywel grins
"Dad!" Kirby squeaks in shock.
"Hywel!" Oda groans, shaking her head, at her husband's habit of talking without thinking.
"But ya gotta keep me alive, I ain't being a deadbeat dad, or a dead dad." Eddie explains, smiling when Kirby's father nods in agreement.
Kirby stares at Eddie, a look of total confusion on her face. It takes her a while to even close her mouth, let alone recognise that Ethan, Eli and Moxley have come to check up on the couple. Her parents leave them to order and get their meal.
"Everything okay Kirby?" Eli asks, gently checking on her tall friend.
"I'm fine, this motherfucker though, ain't getting any sex, for a year, if he says anything else to my Da." She grumbles.
"What did you do, Eddie?" Mox chuckles, sitting next to him as Ethen tries his hardest not to laugh.
"I made a deal. Her dad keeps me alive, I give him grandchildren. He could've said no. It's her father's fault she's mad. All I gotta do is try to get her pregnant, He's gotta make sure Damien doesn't kill me."
"You did what?" Ethan giggles, "You made a deal? That's not a deal, Eddie."
"Technically it is a deal, If Eddie were to just say 'we're trying for a baby' every time we fuck, my Da would have no choice, but to keep up his end of the deal, providing Eddie with the protection of my entire family." Kirby explains.
Eddie's eyes go wide, "Ya entire family, that's a fuck ton of people, all I gotta do is say that... and I get, like a hundred or more, trained wrestlers as protection? Kirby, baby, sweetheart... I know what I said was dumb, but that's crazy."
"But it's true, except for maybe my uncles, they would have to meet you... all of them would have to meet you, then they'd decide. Either you charm my whole family, and get a literal wrestling family as protection, or you fail at that and get your ass kicked."
"You only have, what, seven uncles?" Eddie shrugs.
"No, Eddie, my entire family... ugh, just forget it, I'm gonna grab my coffee from my Da before he drinks it." Kirby huffs, getting up as Eddie does the same.
Eddie pulls her into a heated kiss, stopping her from leaving his sight, he traps her in his arms and refuses to let go.
"Eddie, my Da will actually drink my coffee, Edward, you gotta let me move."
"I'm not lettin' you outta my sight, I thought I lost ya yesterday." He whispers in her ear.
"Then come with me, you oaf." She groans, still grumpy with him.
"The fuck does that mean?" He raises an eyebrow.
"It means you're being a jackass, you know, like making a deal to get me pregnant... We aren't even married, and I've never met your parents... and you're Catholic, which makes that deal sinful."
"Shit," Eddie murmurs, "ya right, I really should have thought about it. A'ight, I'll see if my parents can get down here before your folks leave. I'm sure they'll love ya, but I gotta make sure ya dad won't kill mine. Can I still kiss ya, babygirl?"
Kirby kisses Eddie softly before leaving to get her coffee, returning and sitting on Eddie's lap. He pushes Ethan's phone away as Kirby's parents come back, making 'All Ego' move to stand behind Eli as he films.
"Hywel, Oda, this is Ethan Page, Eli Lucifarian and, my best friend, Jon Moxley," Eddie introduces Kirby's parents to the trio.
"Lucifarian, as in you represent a sin. Envy, I'm guessing." Oda says, shaking hands with Eli.
"Your best friend? So I can tell you to stop my future son-in-law hiding his rosaries. I was raised an Irish Catholic too." Hywel chuckles, shaking hands with Moxley and Ethan.
"Are we still on for the gaming stream later, Me, you and Geia?" Eli asks Kirby.
"Yeah, I'll text you when I'm outside your hotel room. Two hours, right, six 'till eight?"
"Wait, you didn't tell me 'bout that, and should ya really be doin' that after yesterday?"
"I'll be fine, Eddie, don't worry."
"Kirby, you fuckin' fainted. I ain't lettin' you outta my sight, for anythin', especially not for two hours."
"Then come with me, Eddie. I'm sure the fans will love seeing big, strong, Eddie Kingston, taking care of his girlfriend." Kirby teases, kissing his temple.
"That's fine with me, I'll see you two later." Eli smiles softly, leaving the group and heading off.
Eventually Eddie and Kirby leave, Her parents get a room next to the couple. Eddie calls his parents, and keeps Kirby in his grasp for the majority of the day.
"Ma says she'll grab dad and fly out tomorrow, how long are ya parents stayin'?"
"According to my Da, they'll be here for a month. Judging from the look Mam gave him, they'll be here at least two."
"You wanna get started on my end of the deal now, or?" He smirks, winks and raises an eyebrow.
Kirby glares at Eddie, hitting him in the arm and changing her clothes (finally) into something fresh.
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eilonwy-pelydryn · 2 years
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Task Eleven → Intro & Connections
Eilonwy Pelydryn
Character Information*
The Basics*
FULL NAME: eilonwy pelydryn
GENDER: female
PRONOUNS: she/her
AGE: thirty-three
OCCUPATION: psychologist and paediatric doctor at redwood hospital
FACECLAIM: vanessa kirby
PETS: has a pet dog called gurgi - he’s a dobermann
The Personality*
+ Brave, Talkative, Strong-Willed - Cynical, Guarded, Anxious
there’s no doubt about it that eilonwy is a brave woman after everything she’s been through, however, she remains completely guarded in fear of letting the wrong person in. she’s cynical and anxious about the world and has a bleak view about it, and as a psychologist, she knows that this is down to the trauma she experienced as a child that she’s never fully processed and healed from.
since moving to town she’s met people that have become friends and slowly started bringing down those walls she had built years ago. she doesn’t care for people in her personal life easily, but once she does she’s loyal to her core and will go to the ends of the earth for you. 
Additional Notes*
has a black belt in karate
lives in a home by the water, she finds it soothing and it calms down her nightmares
hates cheese
Wanted Connections*
work colleagues
gym buddies
Wanted Plots / Plot Ideas*
taran - the boy who was the son of her captors and was always kept away from her. when they were older, he used to sneak down and talk to her and bring her extra food. he was the person who freed her and saved her life. eilonwy remembers him from all those years ago and sometimes finds her mind drifting to him wondering if he is okay ((taran could be a fake name used or the characters name))
trauma - eilonwy’s trauma comes out to play and _____ either finds her or remembers the news stories at the time of her disappearance & triggers her
fun - eilonwy is admittedly not someone that has a lot of fun between what happened to her & work. ______ decides to take her somewhere/arrange an activity that lets her live some of the key things she missed when she was younger - fun fairs, theme parks, prom etc
Taken Connections*
best friend - @honeymxren​ 
boss - @cxrlfredricksen​
friend/dog walking buddy - @elliefredricksxn​ 
??? - @flash-hundredyarddash​
One character from the open tag you would like to see taken / added to the Most Wanted page -  from the most wanted page - the lost boys & from the open tag to be added to the most wanted page - sebastian clarke
One Character you want to see a bio for in relation to this specific character - the other neptune sisters!
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Taranis, the Celtic god of thunder: . Taranis (who's name means 'thunderer')In celtic mythology, taranis, is the god of thunder, who was worshipped primarily in Gaul, Gallaecia, Britain, and Ireland but also in the Rhineland and Danube regions, amongst others. Taranis, along with Eaus and Toutatis as part of a sacred triad, was mentioned by a poet Lucan in his epic poem as a Celtic deity to whom human sacrificial offerings. Monuments to Taranis have been found all over the Celtic world from the Adriatic coast to the northern regions of Britain. Taranis is usually depicted with his symbol, the cross (also multiple crossed) wheel. The word "taran" is still used in modern Welsh and Breton to mean thunder. . Photo: @juhanikalervonpoika thank you! Check out his page! . _________________ 🔔 Turn on post notification 🔔 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ - DON’T FORGET TO: 😊 - ❤️LIKE 💬COMMENT 🚩SAVE ➖ ☑️ Checkout the link ↙️ @nord_blod for my craft shop !! ☑️ And discover my Blog and my best books about the Nordic mythology and viking story. ↙️ Link in my bio: @tyrenis_northern_shaman Website ↙️ www.northern-shaman.org . . . #vikings #celticgods #viking #norse #irishhistory #deities #celticwarrior #anglosaxon #celticgod #pagan #vikingwoman #taranis #mythsandlegends #cuchulainn #celticwomen #godofthunder #pagansofinstagram #celticgods #celticshamanism #celticwarrior #vikingmythology #mythology #tuathadedanann #folktale #celticfolklore #fertilitygod #folklore #celticmythology #deity #heathen #thundergod _________________ https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj25usgt81z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bloodrevel · 3 months
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Tav Character Statistics
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full name: Senna Holimion
nicknames: Sen, Cub
gender: female
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: bi
aesthetics: cottages in the woods, wild roses in bloom, wolves howling, sunlight filtering through trees
age: 30
date of birth: unknown (she celebrates her bday on the day her adoptive dad found her, which is Ches 3)
place of birth: unknown
residence: cottage deep in Cloakwood, on the road for a time (pre and during bg3), Waterdeep (post bg3)
occupation: keeping nature's balance (ranger, druid)
species: half wood elf
known languages: common, elvish
height: 5'7"
build: slender, athletic
eyes: brown
hair: golden brown
tattoos: rose tattoo on her neck that represents the wild roses that grew in the woods where she was raised
other distinguishing features: freckles across her nose, one lobe and one helix piercing in her left ear, one lobe and two helix piercings in her right ear, many scars on her face and body from living a wild life in the woods/her job as a ranger
style: comfortable, practical leather druidic armour, with a hooded cloak, in shades of brown and green
traits: loyal, courageous, perceptive, dedicated, wary, tenacious, playful
likes: animals, archery, drawing, storytelling round the campfire, close-knit community, forests, lakes
dislikes: cruelty against children and animals, disloyalty, disrespecting nature, cities
fears: losing her loved ones, being caged
phobias: crowds of people
hobbies: playing the flute, drawing and writing in her journal, smoking her dad's old pipe, cooking with Gale
skills: athletics, acrobatics, stealth, nature, animal handling, perception, survival, archery, hunting, foraging
quirks: gets up early before the sun rises, feels most at home in the forest among wolves, collects random things like rocks, gems and feathers, hums while she works (crafting arrows, cleaning armour, etc), inclined toward cooperation/helping people but not the best communicator, prefers animals over people, obsessed with cheese, messy eater, grumpy when hungry, more terrified of public speaking than she is of any monster, is very cute but has an intense glare
pet peeves: people who don't say what they mean
mother: unknown
father: bio unknown, adoptive father Caelan Holimion (former ranger druid of a grove in High Forest, left when his wife died and retired to a life of seclusion in Cloakwood forest, far from everyone and everything that reminded him of his lost love)
siblings: none
spouse/lover: Gale is her thiramin (soulmate in elvish)
children: none
pets: wolf named Taran (elvish for gift), Scratch the dog, owl bear cub (Sen calls him Who - she thinks it's funny)
notable close relatives: none alive
best friend: Shadowheart, Astarion, and Gale <3
rival/nemesis: Lae'zel, but they're rivals/competitors not enemies; they butt heads a lot at first, but grow to deeply respect each other, and become begrudging friends over time
time of day/night: sunrise
weather: warm and sunny
food: her dad's mushroom stew
snack food: nuts and dried berries
colours: green, purple (bc of Gale)
songs: flute songs her dad taught her
Other random stuff:
a cherished item: this pipe, which belonged to her dad
first love: Gale
1 thing they want to do / experience before they die: visit Unicorn Run in the High Forest
defining moments: being raised in the wilds by her father and his wolf pack, getting a tadpole inserted into her head, pulling a rizzard out of a malfunctioning magical rune, falling in love with said rizzard
questions from here
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biographyonair · 1 year
Who is Shaelyn Cado Killam?
#biographyonair #ShaelynCadoKillam #actor
Shaelyn Cado Killam is the child celebrity of well-known American actor Taran Killam and Canadian Actress Cobie Smulders.
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novytaran · 1 year
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Assalamualaikum semua.
SDIT Al - Fathonah Pendaftaran Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru SDIT Al - Fathonah sudah mulai dibuka. Segera daftarkan putra-putri anda sebelum kuota habis. Pendaftaran bisa dilakukan secara langsung dengan datang ke sekolah atau registrasi online melalui official website kami (link tertera di bio)
Dapatkan potongan harga sebesar 2.000,000,00
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Gedung 55 Taran Mutiara Jl.Lenteng Agung Raya Rt. 001/ Rw. 005 Kec. Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan (Depan stasiun lenteng agung)
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conteramme · 4 years
Taran Basics
FULL NAME: Taran Patil
AGE: 17
ZODIAC: Taurus
DATE OF BIRTH:  May 3rd 1959
SPOKEN LANGUAGE(S): English (fluent), Marathi (fluent), and French (fluent)
HOUSE: Slytherin
YEAR: Seventh
SEXUALITY: Questioning
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HEIGHT: 6′2″
WEIGHT: Around 185 pounds
HAIR COLOUR: Deep brown
SCARS: One on his left pec from a Diffindo that backfired
TATTOOS: The Dark Mark on his left forearm
FAMILY RESIDENCE: Windsor, England
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Hogwarts castle, Scotland
FINANCIAL STATUS: Extremely wealthy parents
PATRONUS: Erumpent
WAND: Dragon heartstring, black walnut wood, 12 ¾ inches, unyielding
POSITIVE TRAITS: Courageous, passionate, strong willed
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Arrogant, entitled, judgemental
LIKES: Poking and prodding until he finds a weakness in his peers, crisp white shirts, crups, liquorice wands, Quidditch.
DISLIKES: The colour yellow, having a future laid out for him, exploding bon bon’s, group activities, people who snore.
Taran Patil is the only child of wealthy wizarding extremists, Arjun and Priya Patil. His grandparents on his fathers side emigrated from Mumbai in 1902 and began an antiques business in France that was eventually passed down to his own father. He grew up with his parents in Paris and attended daily lessons with his tutor at the request of his mother until he received his acceptance to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. 
His father was noticeably cold and absent during his childhood, preferring to spend his time on business trips rather than with his son, but his his mother was a constant presence in his life and he considers himself very close with her. When he wasn’t taking lessons, taran spent many happy hours talking to her in the garden over tea during the summer months or holed up in their cosy home library when it rained. His lack of connection with his father and the seeing his mother constantly alone and left behind shaped the way he views relationships in a negative way.
Taran isn’t one for team sports, never has been and never will be. But he likes flying and Quidditch and while he never tried out for the team he still enjoys a lazy sunday game of Quidditch with his mates in the grounds of his own home or the Quidditch pitch at Beauxbatons with his school friends. 
In 1976 his family moved from Paris to Windsor, England at the insistance of his father who had become an avid follower of the Dark Lord during his trips to the UK. His mother had no complaints about the move and Taran was pulled from Beauxbatons at the end of his sixth year and began his seventh and final year at Hogwarts as a transfer student.
He made friends easily, charming his housemates in no time at all, but branching out and making friends with students from other houses isn’t something that’s high on his priority list. After all, he’s only got one year left at school and most the influential family’s are in Slytherin house anyway so why waste his time. He has little to no patience for most people, but will make exceptions for certain friends. 
As of his seventh year, Taran is still unaware that he is not the only child of his parents. Taran is in fact a twin - the child that his parents chose to keep while offering his twin sister up for adoption. He has heard whispers from the house elves that perhaps he wasn’t the only child born to his parents, but he assumed that his father had had an affair at some point and produced an illegitimate heir. It’s not until he meet’s Harriet - the spitting image of his own mother - that he realises he needs more than the odd fragment of information here and there to piece together parts of his life that he didn’t know were missing. 
Taran is expected to take over as head of the family antiques business when he leaves school, but secretly he’s been looking into joining the international Unspeakables as a Legilimens.
Tran can be unnecessarily unkind, if not outright cruel when he wants to be, and he’s the kind of person that seeks to undermine other peoples confidence. If he finds a weakness he will exploit it, either for his own gain or his own enjoyment. There has never been a limit to how far he’s willing to take something and  if he’s being honest with himself that kind of scares him. Not that he’d ever admit to being scared.
Taran has terrible insomnia and there’s every chance if you’re up early enough you can find him outside in the frigid morning air or reading in the common room.
Wandless magic and Legilimency are carefully curated talents that Taran possesses.
He can produce a corporeal patronus
Taran is accomplished with dark magic though he has yet to use an Unforgivable
Upon leaving school, Taran hopes to join the international Unspeakables as a Ligilimens.
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yensidhq · 2 years
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☾ ✦ ⋆*✩ ║▌║█║▌│║▌║▌█  AESTHETIC :
you spend all of your free time daydreaming of a bright future - and sometimes use up time that is not so free. journeying into the woods for the next grand adventure, sure that this time will work out for you. annoying tagalong at your side all the time, chattering up a storm, fearful of their own shadow - why? piglet in trouble, a beloved pet that you must chase after, lest it get away. where is she going?
☾ ✦ ⋆*✩ ║▌║█║▌│║▌║▌█   BIOGRAPHY:
Written by applicant
☾ ✦ ⋆*✩ ║▌║█║▌│║▌║▌█   CONTACTS:
Eilonwy Llewellyn: boss of sorts, friend. Gurgi Prydain: sibling.
☾ ✦ ⋆*✩ ║▌║█║▌│║▌║▌█   THOUGHTS:
Taran's service was given to Eilonwy as a gift. They made a mistake a few years ago, got caught up in something that they shouldn't, and now they're made to work it off until someone above their head decides that they are done. While Eilonwy is tolerable - and doesn't ask much of them - it's the principle of the matter that leaves them prickly.
TARAN IS ___________________ OPEN
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fuckitallbackdown · 7 years
Taran Killam look GOOD w a beard
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nightsidewrestling · 2 years
D.U.D.E Bios: Hywel Rhydderch
The Dragon King of C.R.C Hywel Rhydderch (2020)
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Kirby's father and the husband of Oda, Hywel. An Irish-Catholic living in Wales and a confident, protective father. If you ever hurt Kirby within the view of Hywel, run and pray.
“You better be nice to my little girl, or else I’ll-”
Full Legal Name: Hywel Críostóir Taran Donndubán Rhydderch
First Name: Hywel
Meaning: From Old Welsh 'Higuel' meaning 'eminent, prominent' (literally 'well-seen').
Pronunciation: HUW-ehl
Origin: Welsh
Middle Name(s): Críostóir, Taran, Donndubán
Meaning: Críostóir: Irish form of Christopher, which comes from the Late Greek name 'Christophoros' meaning 'bearing Christ', derived from 'Christos' combined with 'phero' meaning 'to bear, to carry'. Taran: Means 'Thunder' in Welsh, fro, the Old Celtic root 'toranos'. Donndubán: Composed of the Old Irish element 'donn' 'brown' combined with 'dub' 'dark' and a diminutive suffix.
Pronunciation: KRIS-door. tah-RAHN. DUN-duv-awn
Origin: Irish. Welsh Mythology, Pictish. Old Irish
Surname: Rhydderch
Meaning: From the given name 'Rhydderch’, from the Old Welsh name 'Riderch’, derived from 'Ri’ 'King’ and 'Derch’ 'Exalted’
Pronunciation: HRUDH-ehrkh
Origin: Welsh
Alias: Dragon King, Hywel Rhydderch
Reason: This is Hywel's ring name.
Nicknames: Da, Boss, Sir, King
Titles: Mr
Age: 59
Gender: Male. He/Him Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: Welsh. Irish-Welsh Mix. Dual Citizenship ROI-UK
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: July 2nd 1961
Symbols: Dragons, crowns
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: Irish-Catholic
Native Language: Irish
Spoken Languages: Irish, Welsh, Scottish (Scots Gaelic), English
Relationship Status: Married
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Theme Song: 'Hit Me With Your Best Shot' - Pat Benatar (1981-1983), 'Young Guns (Go For It)' - Wham! (1983-1996), 'Star People' - George Michael (1996-2004), 'Flawless (Go To The City)' - George Michael (2004-)
Voice Actor: Dylan Moran
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Tullahought, Kilkenny, Republic of Ireland
Current Location: Llanfaethlu, Anglesey, Wales
Hometown: Llanfaethlu, Anglesey, Wales
Height: 5'9" / 175 cm
Weight: 165 lbs / 74 kg
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: (Born Blond) Black
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: An 'Average' Spread
Facial Hair: Clean Shaven (when wrestling)
Tattoos: (As of Jan 2020) 40
Piercings: Ear Lobe (both)
Scars: Surgical scars on his back, scalp and legs
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Clean
Illnesses/Disorders: None Diagnosed (Possible Autism or Anger Issues)
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: (As of Jan 2020) The Rhydderch Clan
Enemies: (As of Jan 2020) None
Friends: Naoise Rhydderch, Rhodri Rhydderch, Uinseann Rhydderch, Yorath Rhydderch, Bran Rhydderch, Delwyn Rhydderch, Fergus Rhydderch, Conall Pritchard
Colleagues: The C.R.C locker rooms / Too many to list
Rivals: None
Closest Confidant: Oda Rhydderch
Mentor: Geralt Rhydderch
Significant Other: Oda Rhydderch (60, Wife, Née Gilchrist)
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Gearalt Rhydderch (R.I.P, Father), Angharad Rhydderch (101, Mother, Née MacMathan)
Parents-In-Law: Lachlan Gilchrist (93, Father-in-Law), Wenche Gilchrist (R.I.P, Mother-in-Law, Née Losnedahl)
Siblings: Naoise Rhydderch (80, Brother), Rhodri Rhydderch (77, Brother), Uinseann Rhydderch (74, Brother), Yorath Rhydderch (71, Brother), Bran Rhydderch (68, Brother), Delwyn Rhydderch (65, Brother), Fergus Rhydderch (62, Brother)
Siblings-In-Law: Sorcha Mac Dhuibh (63, Oda's Sister, Née Gilchrist), Peter Mac Dhuibh (64, Sorcha's Husband), Talulla Rhydderch (81, Naoise's Wife, Née MacGinnis), Grania Rhydderch (78, Rhodri's Wife, Née Kavanaugh), Odharnait Rhydderch (75, Uinseann's Wife, Née MacCarthy), Deryn Rhydderch (72, Yorath's Wife, Née Heffernan), Meinir Rhydderch (69, Bran's Wife, Née Gallagher), Rhosyn Rhydderch (66, Delwyn's Wife, Née Dougherty), Aoife Rhydderch (63, Fergus' Wife, Née Daugherty)
Nieces & Nephews: Matthew Mac Dhubh (36, Nephew), Gwendolen Mac Dhuibh (37, Matthew's Wife, Née MacCallum), Jonah Mac Dhuibh (33, Nephew), Gwenllian Mac Dhuibh (34, Jonah's Wife, Née Henderson), Timothy Mac Dhuibh (30, Nephew), Meinwen Mac Dhuibh (31, Timothy's Wife, Née Fairbairn), Maeve Pritchard (50, Niece, Née Rhydderch), Conall Pritchard (51, Maeve's Husband), Deirdre Llewellyn (47, Niece, Née Rhydderch), Ivan Llewellyn (48, Deirdre's Husband), Jarlath Rhydderch (44, Nephew), Ursula Rhydderch (45, Jarlath's Wife, Née Cavanaugh), Patrick Rhydderch (41, Nephew), Moira Rhydderch (42, Patrick's Wife, Née Callaghan), Bridget Griffiths (38, Niece, Née Rhydderch), Raeburn Griffiths (39, Bridget's Husband), Rosaleen O'Sullivan (35, Niece, Née Rhydderch), Rafferty O'Sullivan (36, Rosaleen's Husband), Lochlainn Rhydderch (32, Nephew), Vanessa Rhydderch (33 Lochlainn's Wife, Née Sauvageot), Fionn Rhydderch (47, Nephew), Unity Rhydderch (48, Fionn's Wife, Née Savageon), Aisling O'Hannigan (44, Niece, Née Rhydderch), Keaton O'Hannigan (45, Aisling's Husband), Caiomhe O'Hannegan (41, Niece, Née Rhydderch), Cadell O'Hannegan (42, Caoimhe's Husband), Uilliam Rhydderch (38, Nephew), Whitney Rhydderch (39, Uilliam's Wife, Née Savageau), Ivor Rhydderch (35, Nephew), Oneida Rhydderch (36, Ivor's Wife, Née Richelieu), Eithne O'Hannagan (32, Niece, Née Rhydderch), Januarius O'Hannagan (33, Eithne's Husband), Kathleen Mulrennan (44, Niece, Née Rhydderch), Fachtna Mulrennan (45, Kathleen's Husband), Sean Rhydderch (41, Nephew), Yvette Rhydderch (42, Sean's Wife, Née Plamondon), Wyn Rhydderch (38, Nephew), Ragnhild Rhydderch (39, Wyn's Wife, Née Perreault), Haf McFarlane (35, Niece, Née Rhydderch), Keaton McFarlane (36, Haf's Husband), Tydfil McFarland (32, Niece, Née Rhydderch), Keith McFarland (33, Tydfil's Husband), Vaughan Rhydderch (41, Nephew), Maeve Rhydderch (42, Vaughan's Wife, Née Pelletier), Neifion Rhydderch (38, Nephew), Beatrix Rhydderch (39, Neifion's Wife, Née Patenaude), Olwen McDermott (35, Niece, Née Rhydderch), Caden McDermott (36, Olwen's Husband), Gwen McCracken (32, Niece, Née Rhydderch), Caderyn McCracken (33, Gwen's Husband), Mostyn Rhydderch (38, Nephew), Genista Rhydderch (39, Mostyn's Wife, Née Lestrange), Darach Rhydderch (35, Nephew), Gertrude Rhydderch (36, Darach's Wife, Née Lesauvage), Branwen McCormick (32, Niece, Née Rhydderch), Faron McCormick (33, Branwen's Husband), Llinos McConnell (35, Niece, Née Rhydderch), Faust McConnell (36, Llinos' Husband), Roderick Rhydderch (32, Nephew), Gethsemane Rhydderch (33, Roderick's Wife, Née Guillaume), Flann Rhydderch (32, Nephew), Ginger Rhydderch (33, Flann's Wife, Née Gardiner)
Children: Kirby Rhydderch (29, Daughter)
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: Kilkenny, Ireland
Trainer: The C.R.C Wrestling School, Gearalt Rhydderch
Managers: Oda Rhydderch
Wrestlers Managed: Oda Rhydderch
Debut: 1981
Debut Match: Hywel Rhydderch VS Uinseann Rhydderch. Double count out.
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: Highflyer
Stables: The Rhydderch Clan (1981-)
Teams: No Team Names
Regular Moves: Double Leg Drop (To the Gut/Groin), Diving Leg Drop, Sitout Inverted Suplex Slam, Plancha, Mulekick, Wild Punches to the Gut, Dropkick, Diving Clothesline, Rope Aided Corner Dropkick, Tiger Feint Kick From Between The Middle And Lowest Ropes, Sitout Jawbreaker, Open-Handed Chops
Finishers: High-Angle Snton Bomb, Inverted Facelock Neckbreaker, Splash Into a Pin
Refers To Fans As: The Fans, The Family
Backstory: Hywel Rhydderch of the C.R.C (Welsh Wrestling League / Cynghrair Reslo Cymru) owning Rhydderch family. Hywel has a 1/8th ownership of the promotion and is the 'Dragon Style' (Highflyer) trainer. He's Half-Irish, Half-Welsh.
Trivia: Nothing of Note
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actiobellicahq · 4 years
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Name: Taran Patil Year: Seventh Age: Seventeen House: Slytherin Blood Status: Pureblood Allegiance: Death Eaters Faceclaim: Dev Patel
+  Courageous, Passionate, Strong-Willed
-  Arrogant, Entitled, Judgemental
                                           contact II open II application II submit
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normallyxstrange · 4 years
Rules - shortened ‘em 
added backstory to Taran’s bio. He’s a fucking shitheel. 
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