#targaryen ramily
camilbarnessss · 2 years
《 Masterlist 》
¤ The Invitation ¤
{ Aemond Targaryen }
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When Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen's big family arrive at King's Landing for princess Haelena and prince Aegon Targaryen's wedding, things go as they always do. Dragons, uncles, nephews and cousins discussing and fighting, tension on every look, and disconfort when being with each other. Just the usual stuff...until the princess Daera Targaryen got drunk at a ball where The One-Eyed Prince happened to sneaked in
□ Part 1
□ Part 2
□ Part 3
□ Part 4
□ Part 5
□ Part 6
□ Part 7
□ Part 8
□ Part 9
□ Part 10
□ Part 11
□ Part 12
□ Part 13
□ Part 14
□ Part 15
□ Part 16
□ Part 17 [ Final Part ]
■ ■ ■
《 Second Part 》
¤ The Dance
of the Dragons ¤
{ Aemond Targaryen }
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The One-Eyed Prince and The Rogue Princess married. Secretly, but they did, even after all the schemes and plots of their families so they couldn't. The lovers made their own discreet plot as well, and it is working just fine. Daera understands their position, the causes of their harsh decisions. However, anyone who was wronged like Aemond so many times was, is going to feel some sort of hatred, wether it's subconsciously or consciously, towards the people who did it. That is a hard true. But, what Aemond ends up doing above the skies of Storm's End, out of rage, and eternal resentment...ultimately starts the domino effect that would lead to The Dance of the Dragons, which will mean the lost of his sanity...and his love.
A/N: "The Dance of The Dragons" takes no sides at all. This is not a "team black" or "team green" story. Both sides and their characters will have all of their own flaws, their own victories, their own mistakes, and their concrete motives in each case.
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□ Part 1
□ Part 2
□ Part 3
□ Part 4
□ Part 5
□ Part 6
□ Part 7
□ Part 8
□ Part 9
■ What is Coming...
□ Part 10
□ Part 11
□ Part 12
□ Part 13
□ Part 16... in proccess
□ Part 14
□ Part 15
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