#tarot readers of philadelphia
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February 1, 2021:  #HowDoesChironShowUp4U?  Let’s Have A Real Conversation! #chironchronicles
Hey Truthseekers, how’s it going? Today, the moon is in Libra (opposing my Midheaven almost to the minute!!), with transit Venus solidly in Aquarius, joining 4 other planets, including the Sun!  I thought would be a great opportunity to check in and let you know where things stood with the #ChironChronicles series.  I am knee deep in my #ChironReturn, my friends, and I must be honest… this trip ain’t easy. More about that in a bit.
One of the things that #Chiron represents in our natal charts is the degree to which we are able to mediate a working relationship - an understanding, if you will - between our inner taskmaster (Saturn) and our inner rebel (Uranus) so that we don’t overdo one to the detriment of the other.  In this, as with everything else in life, sometimes we’re able to strike a balance, and sometimes we fail miserably.  The key is to feel the feelings either way, find a way to learn from our mistakes or missteps, and move on.
Let me share with you what happened to me when Chiron temporarily abdicated his role of mediating the fragile but functional relationship between my own taskmaster and inner rebel, and ongoing negotiations (temporarily) broke down at the end of 2020… and how I plan to get back on track in 2021.  
In May 2020 I launched a series of semi-autobiographical musings about #Chiron here on the website called #ChironChronicles.  My goal was to write a post a month, but because I had other responsibilities, it didn’t happen to the degree that I envisioned.  To be completely honest with you, there was a part of me that remained very open and willing to being talked out of maintaining a regular writing schedule.  So instead of achieving the goal of writing 8 posts last year, I was only able to crank out 6. Not sure what to make of that, but it is what it is.
Even though I didn’t quite meet my writing goal, I was thinking about the #ChironChronicles series constantly… I’ve been reading (and in some cases, re-reading) everything I could get my hands on; I’ve been lowkey obsessing over what to write about, where I wanted to take the series, the whole bit. But before I could really put a stake in the ground, I needed to overcome a host of self-doubts, anxieties and fears about putting my ideas out there, the whole shot, and that meant I needed to do some serious inner healing work.  I’m not done yet, there’s definitely more work to do, but now that it’s 2021, I’m a lot more comfortable with and clear about the idea that part of fulfilling my soul contract involves making a novel, meaningful and substantive contribution to the discourse about Chiron, while keeping things lighthearted and fun and relatable.  
The thing is, though, I don’t want to make this leg of my #Chironic journey alone.  I really don’t.  Yes, my natal Chiron is in #Aries, but I realized not too long ago that my understanding about Chiron will be enriched so much more through heartfelt conversations with others about their experiences.  Chalk that up to my secondary progressed Libra Moon LOL.  Anyway, to that end, I want to have a REAL conversation with you about the good, bad and ugly about #Chiron.  Let me propose two ways in which we can make this happen together.
First, as I resume my writing duties this month, and ramp up my social media posts, I will be using #ChironChronicles and a new second hashtag -  #HowDoesChironShowUp4U - and I encourage you to do the same as you share your comments, insights, reactions and experiences.  
The other thing is this:   I am now on #Clubhouse as @iamtieshkasmith… Ultimately, I plan to host a regular #ChironChronicles gathering on that platform.  If you think you would be interested in joining me, and you are already on Clubhouse as well, feel free to give me a follow. 
The final thing is this:  I will be dropping a series of posts over the next few weeks that speak to how Chiron showed up in the remarkable (but short) life of Dr. Martin Luther King.  I invite you to follow along and weigh in when the Spirit moves you!  And if there are other people of color whose Chiron cycles you would like to see explored in future installments, hit me up !!
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psychicsobalti021 · 4 years
Address: 111 S Calvert St, suite 412, Baltimore MD, 21202
Phone: 410-202-2121
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Most commonly, a deck of 52 playing cards with four suits (spades, clubs, hearts, and diamonds) and 13 cards in each suit (numbers two through ten, plus a jack, queen, king, and ace) is used for cartomancy readings. Sometimes jokers and blank cards are also added to the deck for cartomancy readings. Each suit, number, and face card are given a meaning, which is then related to your specific situation.
Tarot card readings are appropriate for nearly any situation, and a phone tarot reading can be just as powerful as visiting a reader in person. One of the most popular types of psychic love readings is a love tarot reading, which focuses on questions of the heart.
Tarot readings are among the most well known and popular types of psychic readings and clairvoyant readings. Tarot cards date back to 15th-century Europe, when they were mostly used for game playing. It was in the 18th and 19th centuries that psychic tarot readings for divination, or future telling, became popular.
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philcon-programming · 5 years
Philcon Programming: Craft of Writing & Business of Writing panels and workshops
PHILCON IS ONE WEEK AWAY!  Philcon.org   Nov 08 - 10, 2019 Cherry Hill, New Jersey Our listing on Sched.com will be live soon, but in the meantime, here’s an overview of the weekend.
And here are the items aimed specifically at those looking to improve their writing, and those who are looking to get published or who are already published and looking to up their book-creating and book-selling game: Friday, 6pm Intro to NaNoWriMo & Flash Fiction Challenge National Novel Writing Month is an annual event designed to push both original fiction and fanfic writers past their doubts and all the way to a goal of 50,000 words in 30 days. Learn how to tackle the dreaded writer's block and try your hand at some wacky writing prompts to get your imagination going! [Presented by Katrina S. Forest] Friday, 7pm Genre Publications in 2019 How has the nature of SF&F magazines evolved to survive in the era of the internet? Friday, 8pm Will My Publisher Expect Me To Go On Tour? We talk a lot about ways to sell your first novel, but what happens after your novel sells? A discussion of debut author questions, issues, opportunities, and challenges.  Friday, 10pm Workshop: Plot Planning with StoryForge and Tarot Cards ~ 90 min How do you go from story idea to outline? What motivates your characters? Who are their antagonists? Discover how to use StoryForge cards and classic Tarot layouts to build a bridge from vague concept to finished narrative. [Presented by D.L. Carter] * Saturday, 10am Games as Character Builders Writers often think of games as distractions, but they can also be a great source of inspiration. We'll explore how we can use creative games (both board and video) to help springboard ideas and flesh out new characters. [Presented by Katrina S. Forest] Saturday, 10am Workshop: Performing a Reading You may write the best dialogue, descriptions, or sentences ever to see print, but the art of presenting your work orally presents a different set of challenges. Let's go over what they are, and how to overcome them. [Presented by Gordon Linzner] Saturday, 11am How To NOT Sell Your Book Common (and not-so-common) mistakes to avoid while approaching publishers. Saturday, Noon Ask a Small Publisher What do you want to know about getting into the world of publishing? Here’s a chance to ask the pros what they suggest. Saturday, Noon I Want To Do Better How to write non-European fantasy settings without resorting to stereotypes and offensive tropes. Saturday, 1pm How to Establish Your Own Imprint How to legally establish your imprint, obtain ISBNs, what distribution options are available, what you need to know about formatting for the digital age, and how to design (or find a designer for) a good logo. Saturday, 3pm Building Your Own Anthology What goes into the creation of an anthology? Is it better to have a broad topic for it or a narrow one? How do you solicit works? And who can you get to publish it? Saturday, 3pm Adapting Novels Into Screenplays Is there still room for the subplots? Does the pacing need to change? Should certain characters be given a smaller- or larger- part? How do you discern which elements can easily be portrayed in visuals, and how do you handle the ones which can't? Saturday, 4pm Borrowing From Literary Fiction There's been a spate of genre-blending novels and films lately; think Annihilation Station Eleven, and The Magicians. These stories borrow elements of literary fiction and mix them with sci-fi, fantasy, and horror. What benefits arise from blending them together? What are the complications? And what can writers learn from these works to better their own style? [Presented by the Phoenixville Writer's Group] Saturday, 5pm Building Your Readership with Libraries The ebook landscape is in flux and there’s no better time to get your self-published books into libraries and in front of millions of readers. Learn how to make your ebooks available to libraries via Overdrive- and how to make your print books orderable as well. Explore different lending models as well as how to connect personally with your local librarians to further your visibility. [Presented by Dena Heilik of the Philadelphia Free Library] Saturday, 5pm Workshop: Writing Knockout Fight Scenes! How do you write a fight scene that feels immersive to your reader, rather than just a recounting of its choreography? [Presented by Christopher D. Ochs] Saturday, 7pm What Kind of Editor Do I Need? Yes, there's more than one kind! There are developmental editors, line editors, copy editors, proofreaders... We'll explain the difference between them, how to tell which you want, and where to find reliable ones. Saturday, 7pm Workshop: Getting Real About Fantasy Writing ~ 2 Hours Bring your stories! This workshop will focus on writers reading from their work, and getting feedback about what elements are strong and how others might be improved. [Presented by Charles Barouch and Ann Stolinsky] Saturday, 10pm Meet the Editors! Magazine and small press editors discuss what goes into creating their publications, from the economics of staying viable in the electronic age to getting appropriate submissions. * Sunday, 10am Self-Publishing for [Error - No Longer Exists] You've selected your self-publishing venue, submitted your work, but then the platform shuts down or changes their rules in a significant way. What are your options? Sunday, 10am Workshop: How To Give an Interview Once you've reached a certain level of success as a writer, editor or expert in a field, you ought to be prepared for journalist interviews. After all, the better you can present yourself and your work, the more likely you are to receive future publicity! [Presented by Randee Dawn] Sunday, 11am Your Story Doesn't Start Until Page Eleven? ...and that's a problem. How does a writer recognize when a narrative needs major surgery? Sunday, 11am Non-fiction Books that Fiction Writers Should Read Panelists discuss books they find important, and why. Sunday, Noon Rituals for Conjuring Novel Titles Is an actual summoning circle required to find the perfect name for your book, or are there other methods you can use? Sunday, 1pm The Art of the Pitch Whether it’s a novel or a TV show, how you present your product will make or break a potential publisher’s interest. What are the do’s and the do-not’s for different media types? When is less “more?” How do you decide what needs to be removed versus what should remain? Sunday, 1pm Book Layout and Design for Beginners [Presented by Danielle Ackley-McPhail] Sunday, 1pm Elements of Cover Design [Presented by Christopher D. Ochs] # Stay tuned for updates about our other content tracks for the weekend!
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seancekitsch · 4 years
Today i am:
Writing some Rey x Reader
Pulling Tarot cards (ask for a card and maybe a question you want the cards to guide you in answering. I’ll explain its meaning, and I’m using my Philadelphia deck)
I guess re-formatting these Headcanons from the past that tumblrs just taken a big old dump on lmao
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peek-mag · 6 years
Fear of Flying
I detest LA. The smell when the air hits is so distinct and familiar – similar to something you once ate that made you violently ill. It’s an involuntary reaction on a cellular level that I have to this place. And I say ‘this place’ because I am in LA right now; in a corporate hotel near enough to the airport to enviously hear the planes taking off.
Sure. Maybe I’m scarred. It is, after all, where someone I cared deeply for came and lost himself. At least that’s how I saw things from Pennsylvania. It was also where I spent the brokest summer of my life right after college; where I dinged my rental car and had my heart broken (again); where I’ve always felt lonely.
It’s a tough place to find your niche – your people. Not a place for wanderers. Not a place for ones without an agenda. And even after having spent so much time here, I can never figure out where the fuck I am in relation to any other place I’ve been.
LA is just not my scene. And I’ve tried. I stayed in an Airbnb in Venice for a week that almost made me entertain the idea of a West Coast life. I will admit that I think the ramen is better here than in New York. And being near the ocean is...being near the ocean. Epic and indulgent.  
I came out for a work trip in the middle of the week. We had just spent the previous weekend in Philadelphia for the Thanksgiving holiday and to attend the wedding of someone my boyfriend had gone to summer camp with. Two nights in my own bed later and it was off to the LA. I left on a Wednesday and he was to come out that Thursday morning. The annoying thing was... as soon as a I took off in a car to head for the airport I started to miss him. And as I navigated my way from LAX the short distance to the hotel I was burdened with a longing that he were just out here already.
We spend so much time together in a way I feel off balance without him. It’s an odd effect that generally only lasts the first day or so of being apart. But it creeps up in the side of my mind, like I forgot something but I’m not sure what.
My first instinct is to really not like that, to not like that feeling of being a part of a whole. Because I’ve always advocated for completing yourself; of belonging to no one but yourself. And it’s hard for me to understand how you can participate in a partnership without sacrificing some deep and sacred part of yourself. And it’s disorienting to understand how I could be a person who really would prefer to  spend most of her time with one single individual.
For so long I had this fear of the ‘shared identity’ – of being in a relationship where the ‘girlfriend’ version of myself was not exactly aligned with the just-plain-old-me version of myself. I feared there was an expected way to act as a girlfriend and an expected way treat another person as a girlfriend. That all of a sudden because you were in this committed thing you had certain expectations placed on you, and that The Relationship required the fulfillment of some specific curriculum in order to be successful.  
I feared having someone out there in the world on whom my behavior reflected, who was associated with me and everything that came with it. And that once the cat-and-mouse chase of early infatuation wore thin, it would be revealed I was just a flesh and blood human being, maybe nothing dramatically special at the end of the day.
I guess in large part this fear boiled down to inexperience. I only knew how to be an individual, of how to blatantly disregard what anyone thought of me. I didn’t want a shared identity where I was viewed as a reflection or extension of anyone. 
My tarot card readers really dug into my relationships – past and present – during my last reading. It had been almost three years since I had last seen them, and needless to say a lot was different. I went into the session with the intention to talk about work, and careers, and my future, since that’s what had been on my mind. But the conversation eventually turned towards relationships. I got them up to speed and introduced them to key information regarding my current boyfriend.
They are… unorthodox, to say the least, when it comes to relationships. Although, I find their point of view to be true to the authentic nature of human beings. They believe soul mates are those who come into your life for a certain period of time because on a cosmic level you have been drawn to each other. Sometimes that connection lasts a lifetime, sometimes it doesn’t. They believe ‘marriage’ is an identity that carries with it it’s own expectations and demands – separate and apart from any of the couples who enter into it – and for that reason to be wary of rushing into one. And they believe that relationships should serve, at the end of the day, the two individuals in them.
That is to say… your relationship should help you develop as an individual, should assist you on your personal aims, should enhance you as a person first and foremost. The primary purpose of a partnership is to further elevate the participants. Period.
Being yourself in a relationship and accepting the other person for who they are are really your only options. I realize this now. There is no changing another person, not even if in your heart you believe it’s for the better. And there’s no changing yourself, there’s no performing a version of yourself you think you should be.
I’ve begun to understand that the thing I’ve feared most – feeding this third and invisible entity called The Relationship – isn’t the gold standard of modern dating. Being in a healthy, committed relationship doesn’t mean sacrificing parts of yourself to satisfy some unnamed whole. It’s about honoring the relationship by being exactly who you are. Of expecting your relationship to be the primary place where you can be yourself. Where who you are is embraced and respected and fulfilled and encouraged. 
And, not to gush, but I am in just this type of relationship. Once I calm the jitters it becomes clear that I don’t have anything to worry about. So long as I stay true to myself. And never move to LA.   
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letterboxd · 5 years
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“Jodorowsky gives Refn a tarot reading at the start of every potential project, helping the Danish filmmaker decide whether or not he’ll do it and if so, what form it should take.”
Letterboxd correspondent Doug Dillaman reports from Toute la Mémoire du Monde, the International Festival of Restored Films, held in Paris this past month.
Every day in Paris can seem like a film festival, with a clutch of cinemas devoted to retrospective screenings from John Cassavettes to John Carpenter to John Ford (plus dozens of directors whose names aren’t John, of course). No surprise that when La Cinémathèque Française, Paris’s crown jewel of film history, hosts a festival dedicated to retrospective and restored cinema, it goes all out.
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Toute la Mémoire du Monde occurs over five days, but that’s the only thing that’s small about it, with over 100 films on offer spread over several venues across town. There’s also a parrain du festival, a celebrated guest of honor. This year: Nicolas Winding Refn, presenting some of his own films, some films he loves, and a selection of films from his streaming site byNWR. Other guests included directors Jerzy Skolimowski and James Ivory, cinematographer Stephen Goldblatt, and several film historians.
The festival screens films every film fan knows (Alien, Philadelphia, The Shining), films that are under the radar but holy grails to dedicated cineastes (Andy Warhol’s Chelsea Girls, Francis Ford Coppola’s One From The Heart) and films so little-seen that they were met with a blank stare: Les Mouettes (Maurice Mariaud, 1917, which at the time of writing had been logged exactly zero times on Letterboxd); Le Marchand de Poison aka Big Jim Garrity (George Fitzmaurice, 1916, which is not in our database but is mentioned in this list of silents), and Herbert Kline’s 1940 documentary Lights Out In Europe. Only a couple dozen die-hard cineastes showed up for those vintage picks, but when it came to the guest of honor, Paris turned out in force.
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Nicholas Winding Refn (right) directs Ryan Gosling on the set of ‘Drive’.
Refn. We chose Drive as our selection from Refn’s retro programme (as the Pusher films, which your correspondent is yet to see, didn’t cater to English speakers). Refn introduced the sold-out screening in English, in the Salle Henri Langlois (the largest of the Cinematheque’s three screens) with his story of meeting Ryan Gosling (who had the rights to Drive and was searching for a director) while he was trying to put together a spy movie with Harrison Ford and simultaneously coming down with a flu, so high on cold medication.
Letterboxd would like to report that we asked a thoughtful and insightful question on behalf of our readers, but, in what seemed like a noble move, he only took questions from women. This corrective seemed progressive… until he invited the winner of the best question on stage at the end to receive a prize, which was—drumroll please—the opportunity to touch his hand. “This is the softest hand you will ever touch,” he intoned. Weird. Drive: still great, and hearing it loud in a cinema with proper surround really underscores Refn’s fantastic ear for detail.
His selection of influential films (mostly predictably violent genre fare—alas, he revealed during his Q&A, the Cinematheque didn’t allow him to include Sixteen Candles) included one big title I’d never seen, John Huston’s Fat City, featuring a young Jeff Bridges as an up-and-coming boxer and Stacy Keach as the over-the-hill counterpart.
Fat City turns out to be the first film Refn remembers seeing (a well loved 35mm print complete with burned-in French subtitles). He marginally spoiled his upcoming 13-hour Amazon streaming series, Too Old To Die Young, by revealing that he and director of photography Darius Khondji were both fans of Fat City and decided to steal the ending for their series. (It’s not really a spoiler, as Fat City ends on a marvellously ambiguous note. And never mind the name; for anyone who loves boxing films or American 70s cinema, Fat City is up there with the best in either category.)
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Garrett Brown (left) explains the Steadicam.
Brown. Another 70s American gem screening at the festival was Hal Ashby’s biography of Woody Guthrie, Bound For Glory, hosted by one particularly legendary guest: Garrett Brown, inventor of the Steadicam. With several films featuring his invention dotted across the program, including Marathon Man, The Shining, and Philadelphia, I chose this film in part because I recently saw Hal, last year’s documentary on the director, and discovered that Bound for Glory contained the very first Steadicam shot. (It’s a common misconception that The Shining holds this honor; one courageux French audience member interrupted Brown’s opening to attempt to correct him on this point.)
If you haven’t seen the Steadicam shot that opens Bound For Glory, it’s astonishing—a three-minute take that begins on a crane, descends through a crowd, follows David Carradine through that crowd, and then back. It’s the sort of shot that helped win Haskell Wexler an Oscar for cinematography (not to discount his work on the rest of the film, obviously).
Anyway, if you can ever see Brown speak, do so. He’s a garrulous man, generous and proud at the same time, and his masterclass was the highlight of the weekend. Over an hour and a half, he chronicled how he moved from folk singer to industrial filmmaker to inventor to being the man responsible for some of cinema’s most iconic shots. I’ve included some of his stories in this list of Brown’s picks for most iconic Steadicam shots.
It’s interesting to note that Brown isn’t a fan of long takes for the sake of them, often highlighting how they can be used more effectively edited with other shots. He’s also not a fan of handheld. In his opinion, Children of Men’s famous handheld work unnecessarily calls attention to itself and suggests the presence of a person, taking away the immediacy from the characters.
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Alejandro Jodorowsky (right) with Refn (center).
Jodorowsky. The weekend closed out with an in-person appearance by one of my cinematic heroes. I’ve loved Alejandro Jodorowsky ever since I had The Holy Mountain dropped on my brain during the wee hours of a 24-hour movie marathon, and when I learned that Refn was programming El Topo with Jodorowsky as his guest, I had to go (even though I’d understand next-to-none of the Spanish-language dialogue… with French subtitles).
I’d noted earlier in the week that Jodorowsky was thanked in the credits of Drive; ever since that film, Jodorowsky gives Refn a tarot reading at the start of every potential project, helping the Danish filmmaker decide whether or not he’ll do the film and if so, what form it should take.
Stories like that do nothing to reduce Jodorowsky’s mystical reputation, but wearing an aged sweater while standing next to the suit-wearing Refn, he seemed charmingly down-to-Earth, making fun of Refn’s capitalist ways and discussing his recently completed new movie, Psychomagic. At 90 years old, he shows few signs of diminishing.
Refn says he made Jodorowsky promise he’d be around to 150 so they can be friends when he’s 100. We wouldn’t rule it out.
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French director Agnès Varda (1928–2019).
Varda. Letterboxd would like to take this moment to note the passing of celebrated French filmmaker Agnès Varda. If you are in or near Paris on Tuesday 2 April, La Cinémathèque Française will host a tribute to her life and career from 11:00am (her funeral will take place the same day, at Cimetière du Montparnasse, at 2:00pm). French speakers will enjoy this Varda masterclass, filmed just last year.
Repose en paix, Agnès.
Hot tip № 1: If you’re going to Paris to see movies, the Latin Quarter is the place to stay, with several of its most devoted repertory cinemas clustered together. Hot tip № 2: Check out this evolving list of chronological French cinema.
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breakcost8 · 2 years
Getting The HUSH TAROT - Jucarie si Magie To Work
Indicators on Hush Tarot - Memorabilia & Collectibles - Carousell You Should Know
He invests his evenings painting in his studio, getting ready for gallery displays. More In-Depth has been revealed around the world. All orders ship for a flat rate of $6. 00. Orders over $80. 00 Ship Free All orders ship direct from our warehouse in California. Tarot, Arts will thoroughly load and ship orders Monday-Saturday.
Orders positioned after 11:00 AM EST will ship the following business day. Orders delivering to California will be charged sales tax At this Time Tarot, Arts just Ships to locations in the U.S. Tarot, Arts desires to guarantee you more than happy with your purchase. Unopened Products in their initial condition and packaging can be returned for a refund.
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If you would like to understand more about our Refund policy please evaluate the full Refund Policy.
How Hush Tarot Cards – January 7, 2020 - Canada can Save You Time, Stress, and Money.
Hush Tarot offers a shift in point of view that reveals profound responses to life's secrets. Hush Tarot beckons readers to explore an attractive world where animal and human spirits are merged, and even the smallest creatures like ravens and hares have fantastic significance. At times, they appear lost in the weeds however there is always a hidden hint guiding them to the escape.
Hush Tarot uses a shift in viewpoint that exposes profound answers to life's secrets. Consists of 78-card deck and 68-page guidebook. Jeremy Hush begin his imaginative profession in the underground world of punk and metal bands, designing album covers and flyers, along with booking bands and taking a trip around the world.
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🔮Hush Tarot , Hobbies & Toys, Memorabilia & Collectibles, Religious Items on Carousell
Jeremy currently lives in Philadelphia, concealing and working in the Convent Gallery where he is the manager and renovator. He spends his evenings painting in his studio, preparing for gallery shows. His art has been revealed around the world. ISBN: 9781572819993Auteur(s): Jeremy Hush, Afmetingen: 114x76x38 mm, Gewicht: 318 gram, Taal: Engels, Uitgeverij: United States Games System, Inhoud: 78 cards and booklet.
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U.SGames Systems, Inc> Tarot & Inspiration > Hush Tarot
3 Simple Techniques For The Tarot World 2010 – 2019: Decade in Review - benebell wen
Posted On 2020-07-24 How appealing and bizarre is the world of the Hush Tarot. Birds, bees, beatles and bones all dance in an odd harmony of this deck. However is the deck legible? And does it carry out under scrutiny? Keep checking out for an evaluation of the Hush Tarot. Basic information Hush Tarot was created by Jeremy Hush and released by U.S.
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Lady Gaga - Venus (Official Audio)
Writer(s): Germanotta Stefani, Monson Nick, Leclercq Hugo Pierre, Sun Ra
album: "Artpop" (2013)  
[Verse 1]
Rocket #9 take off to the planet (to the planet) Venus Aphrodite lady seashell bikini (garden panty) Venus Let's blast off to a new dimension (in your bedroom) Venus Aphrodite lady seashell bikini (get with me) Venus [Pre-Chorus] I can’t help the way I’m feeling Goddess of love, please take me to your leader I can’t help, but keep on dancin' Goddess of love! Goddess of love! Take me to your planet (to the planet) Take me to your planet (to the planet) Take me to your leader (to the planet) Your leader, your leader (to the planet) Take me to your planet (to the planet) Take me to your planet (to the planet) Take me to your Venus (to the planet) Your Venus, your Venus (to the planet) [Chorus] When you touch me I die Just a little inside I wonder if this could be love This could be love 'Cause you’re out of this world Galaxy, space and time I wonder if this could be love Venus [Verse 2] Have an oyster, baby It’s Aphrod-isy Act sleazy Venus Worship to the land A girl from the planet (to the planet) (to the planet) [Pre-Chorus] I can’t help the way I’m feeling Goddess of love, please take me to your leader I can’t help, but keep on dancin' Goddess of love! Goddess of love! Take me to your planet (to the planet) Take me to your planet (to the planet) Take me to your leader (to the planet) Your leader, your leader (to the planet) Take me to your planet (to the planet) Take me to your planet (to the planet) Take me to your Venus (to the planet) Your Venus, your Venus (to the planet) [Chorus] When you touch me I die Just a little inside I wonder if this could be love This could be love 'Cause you’re out of this world Galaxy, space and time I wonder if this could be love This could be love I wonder if this could be love This could be love Goddess of love I wonder if this could be love Venus [Bridge] Neptune Go Now serve Pluto Saturn Jupiter Mercury, Venus - uh ha! Uranus! Don’t you know my ass is famous? Mars Now serve for the gods Earth, serve for the stars! When you touch me I die Just a little inside I wonder if this could be love This could be love 'Cause you’re out of this world Galaxy space and time I wonder if this could be love This could be love I wonder if this could be love This could be love Goddess of love I wonder if this could be love Venus
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prophecycanvas · 5 years
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Hey loves, I’m doing some specials on tarot reading this week until the 6th! Lately I’ve been feeling the call to keep going with this, & want to get some more experience under my belt. At times arises a resistance to the title of “tarot reader” for fear of being judged or misconceived, then someone again asks for a reading or for me to table for an event. So I’m going to release that resistance & step up when I’m asked to be 🕊 let’s have some fun, folks. Special pricing: • One Card Snapshot - $5 (reg. $10) • Past, Present, Future - $10 (reg. $20) • Five-Card Odin’s Cross - $20 (reg. $35) • Relationship Spread, Pictured - $30 (reg. 45) If you’d like to schedule a reading, please DM me or email me! Payment is upfront & I can do phone/video chat readings or in person ones for anyone in Philadelphia. Blessed be! (Oil painting by yours truly) (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw2cjE1gnqX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1t34u345l63sa
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Psychic X Ray Vision Jean Grey-Summers is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.The character has been known under the aliases Marvel Girl, Phoenix, and Dark Phoenix.Created by writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby, the character first appeared in The X-Men #1 (September 1963).. Jean is a member of a subspecies of humans
Karissa Hartley is a psychic medium and paranormal investigator. After two near death experiences she traveled the country for three years investigating the unknown, strange, and taboo, she now is a stay at home psychic wife..
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Psychic Access Phone Number We provide you with a free reading to sample the best psychic reading services on the Internet. If you are looking for a tarot reader, dream interpreter, rune … <img src='https://i.ytimg.com/vi/o_JeKvzJxmk/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEjCPYBEIoBSFryq4qpAxUIARUAAAAAGAElAADIQj0AgKJDeAE=&rs=AOn4CLDZsZ4ZZmXkgXGQciL85OeKN67i9g' alt='free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.com ‘ class=’alignleft’>Our psychic advisors have been instructed to never give out their home addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses or any Psychic Astrology Near Me Psychic X Ray Vision Jean Grey-Summers is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.The character has been known under the aliases Marvel Girl, Phoenix, and Dark Phoenix.Created by writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby, the character first appeared in The X-Men #1 (September 1963).. Jean is a member of
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16 reviews of Derrick Joseph Psychic Medium "I contacted Derrick to do a reading … Photo of Derrick Joseph Psychic Medium – Philadelphia, PA, United States.
Yoga Psychic Abilities Clairvoyance. The term clairvoyance (from French "clair" meaning "clear" and "voyance" meaning "vision") refers to the ability to gain visual telepathic information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the known human senses. doctors agree that yoga is a great exercise for the body, but did you know it not
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burtonldilo2n-blog · 6 years
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Each relationship goes through struggles however for those who've been combating for a very long time to keep yours alive, you could be asking yourself if it's really definitely worth the effort. In addition to the benefits you'll be able to reap from meditating with someone else, incorporating the observe into your each day routine can improve spirituality, relieve stress and anxiety and likewise assist you reach private objectives. Some analysis has even claimed that it could possibly assist cut back blood strain and reduce the time duration of the flu. First you need to be sturdy by being strong you may be revered then ask your heart & mind if this particular person look after you because unless each folks take care of each other nothing is worth worrying too much about just transfer on - BUT ups & down are a part of each relationship give it time so there are no regrets later. Teddy is a very successful gambler - so successful that she has been banned from every poker desk in Las Vegas. Unfortunately, she needs to make some huge cash very quickly, so disguises herself to get into a poker recreation at one of many huge casinos. Teddy has all the time been in a position to when somebody is lying, so calling a bluff in poker is second nature. What she does not realise, is that it is a manifestation of her psychic skill. Even less does she realise, that the flat-out attractive” man at her table just isn't what he seems, and this is the one time that her ‘6th sense' is going to go critically fallacious. Her solely option is to take up Clint's ‘provide' of enrolment at the Whitfield Institute. That each one started to vary within the West within the 1700s. The rise of wage labor freed younger individuals from their households and gave them extra autonomy to decide whom to marry. The Enlightenment put freedom of choice into vogue. The word spinster” emerged, a pathetic determine in comparison with blissful girls in love.
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What are the requisite ingredients that assure a long-lasting union? Successful and lengthy-lasting marriages have options and qualities that allow the companions to go through turbulent times and the nice times collectively. One of the keys to an enduring relationship is sustaining a versatile and positive angle. Another key's the readiness to strike a steadiness in your actions (not letting one factor undergo due to another) and extra importantly, being open with one another and also having the willingness to adjust or make adjustments when mandatory. Word : Writing out this prayer reminded me of the many periods of learning about understanding our youngster and a few of the sharing of our moms. Thank You Heart2Heart for these classes. Thanks Vivian for helping us perceive our baby a bit higher. And thanks mothers for the perception and the encouragement you give every time. My precise face-to-face experiences with psychics have been restricted to 2 encounters - the first pro-psychic and the second, not so much so. The positive meet was a studying by a Philadelphia's High Ten Psychic Valerie Morrison who advised me her predictions for my good future in particular person and also recorded them on a tape cassette that I by no means heard, as a result of the gadgets that performed that specific cassette went kaput shortly after the recording. Certified Psychic Reading. Looking for spiritual reading services like psychic readings, tarot card readings, clairvoyant services, or something else? Check out reviews and recommendations for the top spiritual readers on the web and over the phone. The not so professional was with the Hadassah psychic, who, at an chapter meeting, consistently assigned the right ailments to the incorrect Hadassette.
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iiamsshe · 5 years
For powerful in depth readings schedule an appointment with #Thehebrewgoddess 🖤
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arlington435-blog · 4 years
Address: 800 Misty Cove Dr, Arlington TX, 76013
Phone: (817) 886-4506
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Love, romance and relationships are far and away the foremost common subjects of tarot readings. are often " this is often probably because Tarot readings can be extremely insightful and valuable in addressing questions of the guts .
Like every Tarot reading, a Tarot Love Reading begins with a deck of cards containing drawings and symbols which will be associated with your specific question or situation. Most readers use an equivalent 78-card deck for Love Tarot Readings that's used for all other sorts of Tarot readings, of which 22 are called major arcana and 56 are called minor arcana.
The spread may be a particular arrangement of the cards, which during a love tarot Reading depends on the question you ask and therefore the reader’s intuition that question.
Whether a card appears upright or the wrong way up is additionally vital crazy Tarot Readings but reversals don’t always mean the precise opposite. Sometimes it can indicate the energy is there but something is obstructing the complete expression of the cardboard .
Interpretation really depends tons on the card’s position and therefore the interaction with the cards around it. are often " this is often one among the explanations why a psychic tarot reading can be a useful way of reading the energy of the cards instead of counting on a interpretation of the symbolism.
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callpshi819-blog · 4 years
Address: Serving, Edison NJ, 08817
Phone: (732) 504-6575
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Spiritual psychics can tell you about the universal truths about you and your loved ones. Tap into the understanding with Psychics.
Spiritual psychics can provide a significant amount of insight about you and your loved ones. The knowledge and wisdom found within the spiritual realm can be accessed by the best psychics and talk to you about some of life’s truths in order for you to understand yourself and those around you more effectively.
There are many ways to tap into your spirituality – religious rituals, music, art, yoga, and other areas can help you to find peace and help you to cross over to the spiritual realm. Various aspects of spirituality cannot be explored on your own - and this is where you will want to rely on a spiritual psychic to provide you with assistance.
A psychic advisor can help you to see patterns within your personality, look at your history and your relationship and gain a better understanding as to who you are and what possibilities your future holds. If you are tired of living in the now and becoming stressed out about all of the things that are happening around you that you feel incapable of changing, tapping into the spiritual realm can ease your worries and reveal more truth about the situations to help you understand what needs to be done.
It is important to meet each reading with an open heart and an open mind. This will allow the gifted psychics to open the doors and make discoveries about you and for you. You will learn what makes you unique and what you can do in order to maximize your happiness and fulfill your life’s destiny.
When you are ready for your spiritual reading, you can call (732) 504-6575.
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