#mercury rx in aquarius
d4rkpluto · 19 days
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thank you for the 10,000+ followers! a game with no exchange will be released:)
now that i've written and understand planets in retrograde thoroughly they will be included in chart readings for free.
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♇ having mercury in rx makes someone think more often, especially over the most pettiest things they think is big. they're very anxious people, and since it is in retrograde it could be implied that they're "wired differently" they think more out of the box, and even speak different, how they speak and write could be very distinct.
♇ mercury in retrograde could give someone inactive relatives, or cousins and siblings they're not close to. and since they're people who doubt themselves a lot, they could stall themselves from the path they're supposed to take, being their own obstacles. they could also be people who take some time to take in/process information.
♇ as i said they're people who hold themselves back a lot, this could link to their childhood, might've had people speak over them and silence them when they were younger.
♇ people who have venus in retrograde might focus on love too much, and they could be people who have a struggling relationship with women. sisters, women who are their cousins and women who are their friends.
♇ they could also be very secretive people, they have a hard time opening up, which could make them be deemed as cold. they have a hard time giving and receiving affection.
♇ they could be bad at handling money, and might think everyone is out to get them. they could find it hard to love themselves, having venus in rx, is the peak of the "tortured poet".
♇ those who have mars in retrograde could have a hard time getting along with men, or even with the opposite sex. to have mars in rx could mean you could be considered as someone who i very intense. can a hard time expressing your sexuality and aiming for your goals.
♇ instead of learning life lessons quick, they are normally stubborn people and barely listen to advice given to them by trusted people. could be people who are too hesitant, say and do things at the wrong time and place.
♇ people with mars in retrograde might've gone through sexual trauma, could be scared to be intimate with other people. they're people who hate authority or people trying to have dominance over them. the type of people to not listen to the rules and break them.
♇ people who have jupiter in rx are the definition of "thinking out of the box", they're people who do have moments that question their faith and some of these people tend to have a God Complex.
♇ sometimes they feel like they're the unluckiest person in the world, might feel like they wont be able to travel the world like they want to. could also have long cycles of depression.
♇ having jupiter in retrograde can mean they're someone who marches to the beat of their own drum, they can be very detail-oriented people, which sometimes mean they feel like they can judge anyone and think of themselves to be flawless. jupiter in rx people are the type of people who want everything in their future to be perfect also, without life's trials and tribulations. can be unrealistic.
♇ as it is told, saturn in retrograde brings a father that wasnt in the person's life, the person who has the saturn in rx can make someone feel like they're being punished by life all the time.
♇ this could also mean they might find it hard to express themselves emotionally, could be due to their childhood. they go through many trials and tribulations, makes them depressive, but in the end they become really wise.
♇ they doubt themselves a lot, could have trouble balancing themselves, and their masculinity, could be too domineering.
♇ people with uranus in rx do not like change, they're likely insecure, [not all are going to be due to different commodities in a chart], but these are usually people who think they are not going to succeed in life.
♇ they sometimes feel like they're in control of nothing which pushes them into their need of controlling everything. they're quick-thinkers but still over-thinkers. they feel like they can never feel nice in a platonic or romantic connection.
♇ it leads them into being paranoid and chaotic. they might also put themselves in a box to make things easier, don't know they're limiting their potential when doing that, they're so much more and need to understand it.
♇ to have neptune in rx could make the kin be very delusional, might find it hard to separate idealistic views with reality. definitely reminds me of alice in wonderland. they're very spiritual people but can over-whelm people by adding their faith into everything.
♇ could be really good at manifesting; trust issues but sometimes are stubborn from learning their mistakes. can be deemed as very dreamy and compassionate.
♇ they could have this feeling of needing to save everyone. their trials and tribulations are a creative outlet for them, another indicator of being the tortured poet. [but the tiring and damaging things they go through are usually expressed through their art, which includes writing, story-telling, writing music, painting etc].
♇ i do get surprised when i come across these in a natal chart reading, but, pluto in rx folks definitely do hate constraint, they dislike authority and feeling like they're being controlled, which could push them into trying to control other people.
♇ could be escapists through drug and sex, they could also find it hard to accept their dark-self. easily infatuated people, people can get easily obsessed with them as they can get with other people.
♇ good money makers, could manipulate others with materialism, though, they might not be confrontational, could feel easily intimidated. sometimes could never see the potential in themselves can be their own obstacle.
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lunarliyah · 2 months
Juno In Sagittarius people love to travel with their partner. Prefers someone that is out of state and sometimes even out the country. Their obsession with travel and exploring is also a huge part of their love language.
Both experiencing major headaches. In fact, they get headaches easier than others. If they don’t eat enough or take long periods of time without eating can result in headaches. Being tired can cause headaches. Quicker than normal and typically more painful.
Aquarius placements can be some of the most delusional people. They can lack self awareness. They are be so opinionated on others and what they’re doing. They can try so hard to pick apart what others have going on. As soon as someone says “you” to them, defense mode.
Leo and Capricorns have very similar energy. Both can be very sure of themselves and what they want. Both are goal oriented. Having both Leo and Capricorn in a natal chart, specifically in the big three, makes someone very reliable and independent. (My favorite type of placements tbh lol) Both energy care about how they’re perceived, they don’t do anything without thought. Contrary to popular belief, Leo’s are very calculated people. All earth signs are calculated in different ways of course. Capricorns in particular have a way of playing chess and making sure that they do things that benefit them in the long run. As far as these energies being together in a relationship, perfect match. Leo being a fixed sign, this energy wants to make things work. They are not easy to give up on things and people. They make change happen if need be but only to keep the stability in their connection with others. At the end of the day you can summarize that as being loyal. Capricorns never leave people high and dry. They are straightforward with their ACTIONS. They are honest and if they care enough (lol) they’ll speak up. For the most part, they are showers. They show people how much they care. Which Leo’s loves. A doer, not someone who’s all talk. They’re the show off and the ones doing to talking! Not their partner. Capricorns are also very loyal as well. I personally love love love these two together. Power couple for real. Also makes the best of friends too!
These people are considered the scout. The leaders. What this means is when it comes to relationships, they are more upfront about what they want and what their needs are. They enjoy people to let them take the lead. They are not afraid of pursuing people they want in their life. Romantically or friendship wise. They’re more picky and they are definitely more independent. It doesn’t take them long to move on. (cancers.. yeah maybe a little different but once they’re gone, it no way possible for anyone to get the back) They shoot their shot directly and can even be flirty. They do not beat around the bush at all. They like to jump straight into things. Sometimes this does backfire. Moving too fast into things. Rushing even. Thinking too far ahead. Sometimes they can stress themselves out by thinking too much into the future or may even be seen as bossy. Or pushy even.
(Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, & Libra)
These people are more inclined to fluctuate. They love having variety and options. They tend to not sit still, ever. Always on the go. Tend to go well with someone who helps balance them out. They are not the neatest people, yes even Virgos. These people are not that straightforward I’ve realized only when it comes to things they aren’t passionate about. In comparison for cardinal signs, it doesn’t take much for them to pursue anything. These people struggle with finishing project, ideas, etc. They can have an idea that they sit on for days (or forever). These people are very creative though. Don’t underestimate their creativity. They just need that push to execute and consistency.
(Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, & Sagittarius)
These will be your most unconvincing, stubborn, my way or the highway type of people ever. They rarely change their minds. The way they’re used to something is how it will be for a long time. How they were raised shows up a lot in their adult life. These people enjoy routine. These people also love the thought of continuous things. These people don’t like forming deep relationships with new people. They will try to make things work. They will be very loyal people. Aquarius is known to be flaky. But they’ll be there for those who give them space and don’t conflict with their decisions and beliefs.
(Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, & Scorpio)
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Thank you all for reading. I’m open for doing synastry readings and natal chart readings all week. Make sure to book your reading in my bio. Again, thank you all for reading have a nice day!
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celestialxtasy · 11 months
astrology observations 🌌
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☆ ♄ saturn in water houses [4H, 8H, 12H] tends to make the native either very good at disciplining their emotions or makes it hard to contain them. nonetheless, that house is subject to saturn because it resides there.
☆ ♄ saturn ℞ conjunct ☌ moon indicates that the native is very introspective and reflective. saturn’s expression is internal rather than external because of the ℞ motion. its extremely hard for these natives to express their emotions and may turn to substances. ☌ 0° = oneness. orb of 1-10°. closer the orb, the more potent.
☆ ☉ sun exalts in aries ♈︎ because it takes bravery, courage, and vitality to shine. sun resides here like a beloved guest, because aries is the first fire cardinal sign, it indicates a very energetic and courageous native. be wary about burning yourself here, as sun in aries can also be very naive, impulsive, and prideful.
☆ ☉ sun falls in libra ♎︎ because libra is the first air cardinal sign which brings autumn/[fall], giving the sun less time to shine throughout the day. sun likes to express its light; its truth and essence. in libra, the sun’s energies hasn’t disappeared but more effort is required to activate them. listen to yourself, not others.
☆ ☿ mercury in aquarius ♒︎ can indicate a very active and intelligent mind. collective thoughts, introspective thoughts, revolutionary and very quick-minded. aquarius is ruled by saturn [uranus modern] and although its very eccentric, its also disciplined, or lacks it. these natives need/love mental stimulation and human connections.
☆ ♀venus in scorpio ♏︎ indicates a native who expresses their love through intimacy, trust, and vulnerability. scorpio is ruled by mars [pluto modern] which makes scorpio fight for their life in a very intense way, and being a feminine sign, its intuitive and reflective. venus is in detriment here, she feels exiled, as her ruler is opposite scorpio, where she has all the resources she requires to feel safe and secure.
☆ ♀venus sextile ✶/ trine △ mars ♂ indicates a benefic communication between the two, giving the native a very strong vitality and attractive demeanor. they know what they want, and have no problem attaining it. △ 120° = harmony and ✶ 60° = opportunity.
☆ ☉ sun sextile ✶ pluto ♇ indicates a native who is not afraid of transformation, they crave it. sun illuminates truth, and pluto is lord of the underworld, the ✶ creates an opportunity for sun to work with pluto for greater good. these natives are transformational, constantly shedding their skin, born anew. death is nothing but a new beginning.
thank you for reading! do you have any natal placements listed?
all observations are according to my direct experience and knowledge <;3
- @celestialxtasy
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starsworldd · 1 year
solar return observations (pt 1):
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ ੈ✩‧₊˚ ੈ✩‧₊ ੈ✩‧₊˚
- mars square jupiter can show a year of overworking yourself ♛
- a year in which you have capricorn venus could mean not hanging out with friends that much, maybe more of a focus on career/goals ♛
- mars sextile/trine venus 🤝 success with social things throughout the year ♛
- chiron in 12th house could show troubles with mental health or sleep for that year ♛
- saturn conjunct asc (whether that be in the solar chart or natal x solar) indicates a year of hard work and getting your sh*t together. it may bring you a new perspective on yourself + outlook on life ♛
- solar moon in natal 4th house means being especially emotional for that year ♛
- solar rising sign shows most prevalent themes throughout the year, e.g. libra rising = partnership/friends, leo rising = ego/confidence, cap rising = work + career/calling ♛
- having libra placements in general can mean making new friends + connections for that year ♛
- neptune in 8th house may mean scary things regarding your mental health/internal thoughts and feelings (please take this with a grain of salt, 8th house also rules other people’s money so could have to do something with that too) ♛
- scorpio in a solar chart shows where you have the most push/pull, e.g. scorpio in 7th = tug-of-war with friends/partners, scorpio in 2nd = tug-of-war with self-esteem or money ♛
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- having a leo mc may mean prioritizing fun and having more gatherings for that year ♛
- mercury shows what area of life is this busiest for the year, e.g. mercury in 2nd = self-care and/or financial things, 11th house = social media and communities ♛
- venus in scorpio/aspecting pluto could mean separations due to things that were hidden from each party involved in the relationship (any type of relationship) or deepening a connection that was made beforehand ♛
- part of fortune in 11th house means new communities, friends, and aspiration awakenings <3 really lovely placement for a solar chart ♛
- 11th house in 3rd house may mean making online friends or mainly talking to friends via social media that year ♛
- mars retrograde in solar chart shows an area of life where you may struggle to feel confident or fail to assert yourself, e.g. in 11th house may mean amongst friend groups and new groups of people ♛
- strong saturn in solar return chart means having to be patient for that year (it’s very frustrating but saturn rewards and teaches us important skills!!) ♛
- gemini in 11th house could mean more activity with social media ♛
- venus in natal 6th house means spending more time with friends and feeling a little more relaxed regarding work/tasks ♛
- pisces and scorpio show where the most change is happening, pisces being in a more fluid, dreamy way, scorpio being in a more dramatic and in-your-face way ♛
⭐️ hope you’ve enjoyed! ⭐️
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l3xistentialism · 1 year
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5 OF SWORDS RX ⚔️ | Similar to the 7 of Swords Rx, the 5 of Swords Reversed illustrates a restoration of power, and the overcoming of challenges & obstacles. While the figure on the 7 is alone, stealthily taking back what’s theirs (which is questionable…), the smug figure on the 5 seems to have bested not one, but *two* opponents. Whether we find ourselves to be the victor or one of the bozos that potentially tried to jump them, the reversed 5 of Swords asks us to think on how we approach conflict, debate, & verbal arguments. If we are the type to get flustered & lose ourselves, this card may be guidance towards slowing things down and making sure we’re prepared for the battles to come. If we take none of this shit seriously & find verbal disagreements stimulating (hi Aquarius), the challenge of the reversed 5 is bringing a little more care and compassion to these situations. How we speak to each other can cause all sorts of damage if we are not deft with how we deliver criticism, bad news, or even jokes/roasts that have no ill-will behind them. Seeing this card in our readings is a call to take a beat & a breath before blurting out the first thing that comes to mind. Even if it is a sick ass burn.
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theseeingsage · 2 months
mutable signs ⋆。°✩
gemini virgo sagittarius pisces
logical, critical thinking is needed at this time. emotions have no place in this situation & you are going to have to rely on research & reasoning. there is an energy here of you focusing on one thing to the detriment of another. or you may need to! & by that, i mean you need to choose yourself & risk hurting someone else in the process. evil is a point of view & sometimes our path may require us to go in a different direction than others want. this doesn’t appear to be a malicious or intentional harm, just more so you have to go your own way. this recent new moon eclipse brought in a shift for you & this next chapter will require you to leave some things behind. both mentally & physically. you are no longer chasing or worrying about the things you can’t control or change. instead you are allowing what’s meant for you to be attracted towards you in divine timing. or at least learning to. you are independent yet you are also very well taken care of & Spirit is about to show you just how good it can get. this may start out a little uncanny & uncomfortable yet don’t worry, you are divinely guided & protected as you embark on this journey. allow time for decompression & rest as you transition & be sure that you are not taking on too much before you are ready. there is no rush & you have time to adjust, so take it. even the most exciting changes in our lives can sometimes be overwhelming. prosperity is in the cards for you yet there is a partner or person of the opposite sex that is looking to cash in on your gains. be aware that they may try to take you to court or start an argument about money. for some of you, this is going to end with someone’s feelings getting hurt or them feeling betrayed. this may have something to do with a breakup or divorce. yet all in all, this leads to a new beginning in your finances & even if you end up having to pay out money, it will release you from any future obligations to this person. look at it as “just going ahead & getting it out the way.” this person was greedy & out for your money anyway! once you are past this, you will notice more harmony & balance in your business & professional relationships. you are coming up with new strategies to keep your plans in motion & though things may not be going exactly how you planned, any resistance is only temporary. this new chapter offers much more security & independence. it’s time to go out on your own & create your path. outside forces are at play yet this cycle will soon shift & you will be placed in a position of long term wealth. the cultivation of this new chapter is underway & as you continue to water the seeds you’ve planted, you will reap the rewards. in times of doubt, simply meditate. your guides & spirits are with you.
signs of significance:
gears, mechanical, lock & key, cats, full moon, rings, marriage, a field (wheat, cotton, corn), farming, new moon, chains, capricorn placement, fire, cruise ship, game of thrones, spa day, rest & recovery, virgo season, february pisces, rosary beads, started a new job, july cancer, brown hair, libra season, taller than 5ft, engaged or married, in a connection, an air sign, crossroads.
take only what resonates & leave the rest for someone else. check your rising, moon, sun, venus, & north node placements for the most accurate reading.
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neptuneasc · 11 months
1048 close octuplet
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li-bruh · 2 years
Hello! Can I ask you your opinion about my placements? I'm an Aqua sun/mercury rx, pisces moon, sag venus, leo mars rx and cancer rising.
I stopped doing these - but I’ll do it one last time ఇ
For me these placement scream, restlessness. Somehow your brain is constantly busy, overthinking and never resting. Probably feeling misunderstood by a lot of people you’re surrounded by. Great ideas, not everyone can relate to / agree on.  Overall a very emotional person who has difficulties putting feelings into words. But it’s more like you can’t describe exactly what is on your mind because it’s just so much. Deep down you feel all the feels but it takes someone equally as emotional (understanding) to feel like you can open up. 
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spirit-of-phantom · 2 months
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why do i always see scorpio moons taking care of children and honestly valuing them so much !?!? and not even their own most of the time!! it’s their siblings they end up taking care of at such a young age themselves !!!
rx planets will always effect the personality in introverted ways… idk how many times i’ve seen aries mercuries rx being shy as hell or jupiter in leo rx being insecure
aquarius jupiter natals just seen for being individuals in the most natural ways
pisces mars need a creative outlet for life source energy !!! they can’t live without putting some of their energy into the metaphysical
cancer venus individuals end up giving so much of themselves they let so lost in the dreamy aspect of their past, they end up forgetting who they are and their true power
aries mars natals always had some phase where they ended up being too aggressive or physical with others
something about libra pluto generational that gives a chaotic neutral vibe… the diplomacy and chaos all in one… very cool to my capricorn / aquarius venus values
people who have neptune in scorpio are paranoid as hell for no reason LMAO
jupiter in gemini brings so much ease and growth in communication and learning. this transit is gonna be so liberating!!!
libra moons know all the gossip and drama… it’s needed for their wellbeing!
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astrow1zar6 · 7 months
Astro observations- 003
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People with Mars in the 8th house tend to have stalkers. Whether it be exes or people who at school. Ppl become obsessed with them easily (good or bad)
Capricorn risings usually came from a household with an absent father & a very immature/narcissistic mother (Aries in 4th house) a lot of them had to parent themselves & their mother which caused this strong independence they have ☹️
I believe Eore from Winnie the Pooh had Saturn in his 5th house. I read somewhere this is the ultimate party pooper placement lol. They have a very serious tone to fun and it can feel very awkward to them to let loose. These are usually the people that try to leave parties/ social gatherings early. Can have a very monotone speech as well.
The most likable/easygoing person I’ve ever met’s big three was an Aquarius rising, Sagittarius sun, and a Libra moon.
12 house placements ( especially Venus) prefer relationships in their head then in the physical. They are hopeless romantics & long for a partner but I see a lot that will daydream about their crush but never make a move. The fake scenarios they make in their head with their crush are usually too good for most people to live up to & deep down they know this😂 the types to have fictional character crushes
Pisces placements are very big into cartoons/anime.
Many Virgo risings were born in very strict or religious households. Parents could’ve limited certain clothing or taught them sex was bad & not to have it before marriage. Parents had a big focus on making them “pure”. This is why they grow up with such humbleness and modesty. Were usually taught showing off was bad (Leo in 12th) even tho they deeply want to:(
Aquarius/ Pisces placements are the most likely to experiment with drugs
Uranus in the 12th people are actually big weirdos but due to trauma hide their quirkiness under a very conventional mask to fit in.
Sun in Capricorns aren’t into money as everyone claims. I find a lot that never go to college and work regular jobs. Very hardworking tho. I notice they care more about nice materials & designer instead of having high paying jobs & moving up the social latter like the (rising or moon).
Imo cap moons/risings are the breadwinners not so much the sun.
I notice people with grand trines have so much talent but most do nothing with them🙃 (me included)
People with Jupiter in the 12th house are sooo lucky. They put themselves in a lot of dangerous situations that they get out of safely everytime🙏🏽 think the cricket from Mulan 😂
People born with Mercury Rx I hear think in pictures and not words, very visual learners. Takes them longer to grasp language and logic early on which is why school & social situations can be difficult for them.
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punksocks · 1 year
Astrology Observations No. 8
*based on my personal experiences, take them with a grain of salt
-I wanted this to be my 18+ edition bc 8th house but I don’t have enough spicy observations yet lol
-Virgo placements & Scorpio placements having 100 invisible tests some has to pass before you let them get close to you
-Why yes my Jupiter is in my 3rd house. Why yes I did start recommending documentaries to documentary students because I watch that much educational content for fun.
-Cancer suns can beat out Leo suns for being the most charismatic one in the room and that’s coming from someone that loves Leo suns.
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-Someone said to be a full time artist you either need the external structure of a rich sponsor/family with money/sugar daddy or the internal structure of being an earth sign and I love that lol (Idek how to explain how I got to the mad men zodiac roast where I saw that line lmao)
-Geminis lie but get so boldfaced they often contradict themselves a lot. And Cancers manipulate but often go so hard on it that it starts to become pretty obvious. Pisces can actually be the best at both, especially if they don’t have any earth placements, no energy to ground those illusions.
-Ok I’ve been googling birth charts to practice reading them (thank you for your dms I’ll reply soooon!) and I was surprised Robert j Oppenheimer (the guy that spearheaded making the atomic bomb) was a cancer moon because of all the destruction the bomb caused (and from the beginning they knew that was going to be a destructive endeavor) BUT Cancer’s are very nationalistic so I could see this being his rationale. Until all the violent consequences, of course. (Very specific but he may have been apart of the scientists that advocated for peace after the bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki but I don’t know fs)
-Also a LOT of actors have aries moon and/or Leo mars (including aries moon for Cillian Murphy who’s playing Oppenheimer in that new movie, full circle connection)
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-Virgo mars people can embody a certain gender fluidity. The women can dress in masculine clothing and carry a certain tinge of a masculine vibe and vice versa for feminine energy and virgo mars men. (Not sure if this applies to all mutable mars or not).
-Scorpio rising/pluto in the first house and wearing sunglasses on the streets just to avoid weird eye contact with strangers
-Saturn conjunction moon/Capricorn, Aquarius moon/Aquarius and/or Uranus 4th house - what was it like not having a childhood? (Gang, gang)
-*reads that Capricorn Mercury is straight forward*
Me with Capricorn Mercury rx:
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meafortuna · 1 year
I’m not a professional astrologer, part of the things are just my observations. Enjoy it! 🫶
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• Okay, hear me out… the most underrated house imo is the 6th house. 🔮 The sixth house it’s one of the most intuitive and let me tell you why i think like that - as we know it is ruled by Virgo, which represents the virgin and you know there is nothing more innocent than a child or a virgin, because they are so pure and that’s why they have very strong intuition. Next one 6th house = 6th sense. Virgo is responsible for our digestive system and that lead me to that phrase “trust your gut”. Also 6th is the opposite house of 12th, and 12th house it’s about intuition too, but maybe more like dreams, psychic thoughts, on the other hand the sixth house intuition comes from the body, as i said strong gut feeling. And last, but not least, take a look at the “6” you will see how that circle in “6” seems like the belly in the human body and what represents Virgo again - our digestive system, which is known as our second brain. So don’t ever underestimate a Virgo/6th house placemants, they can read any person or situation like a book, not just because they are ruled by Mercury, but also because they have that gift from the mother nature.
• Venus conjunct Saturn, Venus Rx and Venus at 29 degree may have same experience in love, seems like they always end up with karmic lessons in their love life. Also if the conjunction between Venus and Saturn is in 12th house can represent some disfunction when it comes to s*x.🪐❤️‍🩹
• Libra rising is one of the most beautiful rising sign, what a bless, huh? 💄But there is a big price that comes with that, because of their Aries ruling 7th house seems like these natives always find partners with anger issues or some kind of more dominant, which is not so good, because most of the times Libra have problem with boundaries and saying "no", but that’s not the only “bad” thing. They have Capricorn IC, which is known for burdened childhood. And Cancer MC, which is soo sweet, they always want to take care for the others and people often find comfort in their presence, but because of their empathetic nature other can take easily atvantage of them. ⚖️
• The most private house is the 4th house. The 4th house is under the horizon, so that make the native with planets in 4th more secretive than those with 8/12 house placements, yes they are private too, but in a different kind of way. You know how people say "You don't really know a person until you live with him" and what else represent 4th house - home, i guess that’s the only way to really get to know 4th houser, to became a part of their family circle or to start live with them, which is not that easy.🛖🪴
• If someone have Pluto or Saturn that makes transit through their 12th house, they can have that feeling like they are losing their mind, can be very hard and draining for the native. 🫥😵‍💫
• Scorpio in big 3 and their stare. For example: my bf (Scorpio asc) doing something like cooking or gaming and all of the time i’m (Scorpio Moon) like 👁️, and sometimes doesn’t even watch at him, it’s something more like staring trough him. Yes, sometimes i look at him in that way, because i admire him, but most of the times no. And he does just the same with me, when i have been cleaning or whatever. It’s crazy. 😁 Not without a reason plutonian placements are famous with their intense and sometimes intimidating look/eyes. I think it’s because of their sense for acknowledging everything in depth, something more on subconscious level, not because they are doing it on purpose. 🦂
• I don’t want to be rude, but Aquarius Moon in fire dominant chart are one of the most egoistic people out there, sorry not sorry. 👻
• Lilith conjunct MC/square/opposite Asc it’s an aspect that can’t stand unseen. Because the raw power of the Moon it’s in a public house or make an aspect to 1st house, which is about ourselves, our look and etc. People with this position of Lilith often can feel like “all eyes on them” and the truth is how other sees them depends on the energy they give of. If the native feels good today people will be watching at them, because of their positive vibe, but if they are in a bad mood, people will look at them with some kind of embarrassment. Their appearance may not in any way suggest what mood they are in, but the energy they radiate is very powerful. 💥🔥
~meafortuna 💙
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starseed-twenty · 2 years
Mini Astrology Observations pt. 2 - Compatibility Edition
💕 Juno is the best determiner of a long-term romantic union. It is not the only one (!) but it is the one that counts the most. Juno can also indicate a soulmate or twin-flame connection.
💕 This is all based on a stereotypical opinion (not facts), but toxic/unfaithful relationships I've seen a lot of times are always between 1. Virgo males and Pisces females. 2. Sagittarius males x Libra females. 3. Aquarius x Scorpio. 4. Aries x Cancer. 5. Gemini x Scorpio. And this is always because one of them is too forgiving and loving, and the other is free-spirited and has a more independent mindset. [If that’s not like this with you and your s/o (and you guys are in this top five) then it may last.]
💕 The three best green flags I've seen in synastry that could indicate a great relationship of longevity are 1. Your sun conjunct your partner's moon or jupiter, or vice versa (their sun conjunct your moon or jupiter). 2. Your sun or moon in your partner's 4th house, or vice versa. 3. Mars in opposite signs or sextile [two signs next to each other].
💕 The three biggest red flags I've seen in synastry that could indicate a shaky relationship [may end up taking time to find stability] are 1. Your partner's moon or venus conjunct your saturn, or your moon or venus conjunct their saturn.2. Your partner's moon or saturn in your 8th house, or vice versa. 3. Your partner's Juno conjunct your south node, or vice versa.
💕 The signs love in different ways. So the way they show love could be different to what you may expect. Pisces, Sagittarius and Leo usually feel the love in their soul. Capricorn, Taurus and Aries usually feel the love in their body. Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius usually feel the love with the mind. Libra, Cancer, Scorpio usually feel the love in their heart. (This is taking into account Venus, Moon and the Descendant)
💕 Placements that square in synastry are actually not bad, but it takes some work. Square signs usually have a bad rep of being the signs you find the hardest to get along with, because they represent what you don't. However, in synastry it isn't as bad as it could be. Sun, moon, mercury and venus signs that are square in synastry actually last pretty long and have marriage potential (e.g, an aries moon and a cancer moon. or a libra sun and a capricorn sun).
💕 (Not necessarily based on compatibility per say, but) If you have a planet in 7th house and it is in Retrograde, the Retrograde could play quite a big role on why it may be hard for you to keep the people you love or are interested in. This is because a planet in Retrograde is one that's not moving, so since the planet has stopped, the traits of that planet have to be reinstated manually (which is why during a Mercury Rx, people have to rely on consistent manual communication, by double-checking with each other). There's no help from the Universe. So with that in 7th House, relationships become reliant on manual practice. So the best way to actually keep them and last in a long-term union is for you to consistently & confidently practice and display the traits of that planet to your partner (e.g, If you have a 7H Mars in Rx, practice putting in energy, healthy leadership, passion and action in the relationship. If you have a 7H Jupiter in Rx, practice being optimistic, and confidently speaking your wisdom and higher knowledge to your partner would benefit the relationship.) Ultimately though, the best advice is to actually be with someone who also has your same placement (Mars in Rx, Jupiter in Rx, etc.) It doesn't have to be in the same house/sign. Just that same planet being in Rx for them as well.
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starsworldd · 1 year
☆ short astro observations part 3 ☆
a little reminder to stream domino 1 by iamsagsssssss!! out on all platforms now, i promise it’s a good song <3
⭒ sag people give off horse energy (big 3 predominantly)
⭒ jupiter in 7th house in a lunar return (lr) chart could mean that there’s some ✨opportunities✨ to get a partner that month
⭒ so many celebs and famous ppl have libra risings
⭒ venus opposite mc in a lr chart may mean family is coming over to visit
⭒ solar return (sr) and lr saturn in 7th house may mean that there’s a lot more responsibility with school (mind you 7th house is the house of the “other”, it’s opposite the first house which is all about you)
⭒ i’ve noticed that people who have sun in their 1st house are naturally liked by people
⭒ natal venus in 7th house 🤝 not standing up for yourself in order to keep the peace (adding onto this, if you have cap venus in 7th house teachers/school staff may naturally like you???)
⭒ tw ed: i’ve noticed a lot of virgo moons having eds or just dealing with weight issues in their early years
⭒ sun opposite asc in a lr chart may mean talking to someone ;) 💞
⭒ mars in 9th house in a lr chart may mean expanding your horizons in a particular area of life (check in whole signs where the planetary ruler is for the 9th house)
⭒ libra moon people are so pretty i don’t care how many times it’s been said
⭒ venus aspecting saturn/cap venus 🤝 having crazy glow-ups. it doesn’t even have to be physically looks necessarily but it can be the energy and vibe too
⭒ cancer placements (big 3) imo are pretty magnetic (ariana grande, princess diana, angelina jolie, etc..)
⭒ leo mercuries become friends with people so easily even if they’re quiet they just attract people
hope you enjoyed have a nice day/night <3
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ms-m-astrologer · 19 days
Transiting Jupiter enters Gemini (pre-retrograde zone)
Saturday, May 25 - Monday, July 15, 2024
Welcome to Jupiter’s annual change of signs, hot on the heels of ingresses into Gemini by the Sun and Venus, kicking off the northern hemisphere summer.
First off: Jupiter isn’t always very comfortable in Gemini. That’s because the sign of the Twins is opposite Sagittarius, Jupiter’s sign. (The official astrology term is “detriment.”) Jupiter is on Mercury’s turf now, and must follow Mercury’s rules. It’s the difference between “can’t see the trees for the forest” (Sag) and “can’t see the forest for the trees” (Gemini).
But, it’s not necessarily a bad thing to have to follow somebody else’s rules. It can prod the planet into growth, discovering new effective ways to operate. We can discover hidden strengths and broaden (Jupiter!) our perspectives.
Jupiter wants us to make the most of life, and one way it can do that via Gemini is to learn something entirely new, from the “ABC” beginner level if necessary. Languages, listening skills, how to drive a car or ride a bicycle, all those Gemini type things. There are a couple of very promising aspects helping us with these areas, during this time.
People ruled by Gemini include classmates, siblings, and neighbors. Some of us are going to “expand” these relationships.
And speaking of “expanding” - some people will have transiting Jupiter in aspect to their Ascendant. If we aren’t careful, Jupiter expands our physical body, and not always upwards. What I’ve done in the past, when I’ve had Jupiter aspecting my Ascendant, is make a conscious, deliberate intention to grow my hair.
Between now and Jupiter’s pre-reteograde shadow, the big planet will move from 0° to 11°17’ Gemini. If you have anything important between those degrees, especially in mutable signs or yang signs, Jupiter will make one aspect to that placement.
Jupiter is expansive - so we can allow plenty of time around these one-and-done aspects. Starting with:
Sunday, June 2 - Tuesday, June 4:
Jupiter/Gemini trine Pluto Rx/Aquarius, 1°53’
Tuesday, June 4 - Jupiter/Gemini conjunct Mercury/Gemini, 2°12’
This is a powerful way to start a transit! It’s very political; I expect a lot of yapping politicians. If we want to learn something new, we can use this energy to figure out what we should learn.
Monday, July 8 - Jupiter/Gemini sextile Mercury/Leo, 9°50’. Again with the “learning” - maybe we’ve made some progress and have an opportunity to kick it up a notch. Q
Friday, July 12 - Jupiter/Gemini sextile North Node/Aries, trine South Node/Libra, 10°38’. Learning helps us be more independent.
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imnotevenusin · 2 months
The Astrology of: John Lennon
Often considered the leader of The Beatles—an insanely talented and influential rock-band coming out of Liverpool—John Lennon was a complicated artist in every sense of the word. His songs were honest and vulnerable, as his personal life (and behavior) was questionable, unpredictable, and even violent. After The Beatles disbanded in 1970, he’d relocate to New York, where his public image would now center around peace and love. Unfortunately, New York is the place where he would unexpectedly be gunned-down in front of his apartment by a deranged fan - which makes his life story and legacy even more intriguing.
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no official birth time for him, so just focus heavily on aspects
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Jupiter-rX conjunct Saturn-rX: Seen as the strongest conjunction ever, Jupiter conjunct Saturn is a success placement; Jupiter gives us abundance, while Saturn gives us boundaries and longevity. This can attribute to his long-standing artistic influence—he was apart of The Beatles. Both in retrograde tells me that his life felt very unlucky and unstable at times - which makes sense.
Sun conjunct North Node: This is another fame placement. North Node is our life “goal” and the Sun is how we express pride and ego. Most people with this aspect may feel like they are supposed to take center-stage and be the “main character”. He’s an ultra-famous musician, who is still talked about 40 years after his death.
North Node in Libra: Libra energy is all about social gracing, attractiveness, and fairness. Earlier in his life, Lennon struggled with maintaining his anger—he would take his anger out on his family and get in random fights at bars. Later on, he would be a famous advocate for peace. South Node would automatically be in Aries, showing that he was already a fighter and aggressor early on in life.
Mercury square Pluto: Pluto is a controlling planet, while Mercury looks for problems and communicates. Disharmonious aspects between the two planets give someone a very paranoid personality, and no filter in what they say. Lennon would always get himself in trouble with what he said: he claimed The Beatles were more popular than Jesus and later would make fun of Beatles’ songs that were written by other members.
^He also had a song titled “Woman is the N*gger of the World”??? He had no filter.
Venus sextile Mercury: Venus gives an aesthetic touch to how we communicate and work. Lennon was a great songwriter. He even published a few books.
Moon opposing Pluto: The Moon is our emotional comfort, while Pluto is intense and addicting. This aspect points to emotional upheavals and an inability to control your reactions to things. This can add explanation to his behaviors earlier on in his life and the emotional turmoil you hear in his music.
^Pluto can also signify death and being overpowered, while the Moon is the mother figure. Lennon’s Mother unexpectedly passed away when he was just 15 years old.
Moon in Aquarius: Despite how personal the Moon placement is, Aquarius deals with impersonal subjects (i.e., human evolution, new-ways-of-thinking, and inventions). The good side about this placement is, when Humanity feels good, they feel good. This gives insight into his humanitarian approach later on in life.
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