aeridanus · 2 years
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Was sorting through older sketchbooks and came across this first page from one of 2018′s books. I didn’t remember drawing this and had a good chuckle :D Man, that’s the only thing I miss about pre-covid times - all the sketching on the commuter trains.
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aeridanus · 6 years
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Train doodles of the Tarrateen. Slowly building their place in the world. Still doing overtime, so tired. I’m really getting too old for this.
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aeridanus · 7 years
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Slowly getting back to it. Played with Tarrateen anatomy and some Unland ideas on the first spread and put all Teuthis/”sea creature” heads from the last months onto one sheet. I’m not sure how I’ll work them into a phylogenetic tree... but I’d like to, after their design has progressed farther.
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aeridanus · 7 years
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We’re currently moving to a new office and the art team (which I am a part of) now has so much space. After seven years in rather crowded conditions, I’m relieved. :) You can take a look at the photographic history of our perfectly coordinated, quiet and quick move here: https://twitter.com/deck13_de?lang=de
I’m rather worn out these days, but I try to draw and research stuff in the evenings in order to get into the swing of things - only five days until departure and seven until the Anatomy Tools course begins. I looked at insects in order to get moving with the Tarrateen family, and I half-dreamed of the insectoid creature below.
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aeridanus · 8 years
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Two more pages that looked nice enough to share. It’s interesting, I start to write thoughts down and actually experiment with stuff - maybe it was a good decision to work with this sketchbook!
I’m currently detailing the Tarrateen/Ytt ecosystem and it’s coming together rather nicely. As soon as there’s something more presentable, I’ll include babbling with it. :)
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aeridanus · 8 years
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Another page of Ytt sketches. Getting there!
Sickness made me cancel all weekend plans, but now I had the time to complete the Alolan Pokédex. I circle-traded for all Ultra Beasts because I don’t want to rush through the post-game for these. :/ Regular Pokémon designs are superb in Sun/Moon, but with such good Pokémon, the “deliberate deviation” of Ultra Beasts just doesn’t work like intended. Doesn’t matter, will happily indulge in Shiny Pokémon now. :3~
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aeridanus · 8 years
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I had this panorama sketchbook lying around for years, afraid to do something with it. Finally started to use it for loose sketches of everything that crosses my mind, and I’d like to stick to the ballpen to avoid “perfection madness”. I thought this page looked rather nice, it shows the “Ytt”, a scrap eater dwelling in the shadows of the Tarrateen.
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aeridanus · 6 years
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Train sketches of Ytt variations and more ruminating on strider ideas. Life’s too wild of a ride right now, I’m glad that Christmas break is almost here. Gotta wind down from everything, finally.
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aeridanus · 9 years
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Something small and unspectacular today because le tired. Many of the bigger equatorial craters eventually develop crater lakes which attract the scrawny plants (creatures), Areamedae, seen on yesterday’s image. They move, albeit extremely slowly, and gather in the middle of the lake. The abundance of water helps them grow to impressive heights, and it becomes a race between Areamedae and the Tarrateen. Outgrow them and your tasty buds will be spared...
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aeridanus · 9 years
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You’ve seen so much Iskaric beauty, now it’s time to show the nastier corners of the planet through a little color sketch ;) Aeskareion has a small, but quaint ring system - as long as you’re not near the equator, that is. Rocks from the rings crash there and turn every stay to a dangerous gamble. It’s even worse to live by the coast or on isles, floodings after an aquatic impact are frequent. Nevertheless, the ring system is a sight to behold. At the equator, you’re looking straight at the inner rim of the disc, like a silvery beam shooting across the sky... and this unland is where Tarrateen have their natural habitat.
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aeridanus · 9 years
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A quickly colored sketch of the leftovers creature. I think I can keep it like that for now. :)
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aeridanus · 9 years
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Directly inspired by the photo mydeadthingsdiary posted yesterday (Warning for the faint of heart, maggots and bare muscle). These creatures may run around between the Tarrateens and pick up leftovers on the ground. I’d like to do a colored sketch today... let’s see if it happens!
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aeridanus · 9 years
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Tarrateen in their natural habitat.
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