#tatiana tarasova clutching her pearls
sunskate · 1 year
"i wonder if Tessa thought she was safe to stand alongside the other athletes and was blindsided to be singled out in these quotes"
I'd be surprised if she really thought her name wouldn't stand out among the signatories. I'd also hope that she wouldn't sign something that she wasn't prepared to defend, so being singled out shouldn't be a big deal. If anything, it only makes her position stronger.
i'm thinking of how she was paralyzed to respond to the Humboldt bus crash, how she responded to the Nivea mask criticism in 2020, how she declined to comment on the Kamila Valieva doping scandal during Beijing while doing commentary when she's so eminently qualified to speak on it - safe sport for girls, clean sport - she restoried a quote of Scott's but didn't speak on it herself at the time.
I have no doubt she believes in what she signed. I just don't know that she thought she'd be singled out by Russian media and members of the skating community, including people she knows well, one with whom she has a pretty charged history. i don't have the impression that this type of blowback would be nbd to her, even if she knows she's right
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