#tatiana vasiliev { threads. }
xbeautifulmonsters3 · 2 years
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@moonxshadowx​ Tatiana to Fenris
She walked into the crypt, letting out a sigh as she stepped over a puddle of blood. “I think Vlad should’ve spent more time with you, Fenris,” there was a small click of her tongue, “And why exactly do you insist on living like this?” She looked around them. Considering who she was as a human, this wasn’t exactly a setting she cared much for. “One of these days,  мой дорогой*, I’m going to show you how to live,” she looked away from him and at the mess he had clearly recently made. 
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xbeautifulmonsters3 · 2 years
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@recklesseeker-x​ Tatiana to Vlad
“I think we should go to the burlesque club tonight,” the vampire spoke from her position on the daybed next to his chair, “I’ve wanted one of those dancers since the masquerade.” Of course, it was the heart of werewolf territory, guarded by werewolves and mostly staffed by them too. Even if the Gray wasn’t there, one of his dancers was a beta. It would be quite the delicate thing to hunt there, which made it sound all the more fun. While she didn’t wish to vex her dear, beloved alpha - hunting in vampire territory was just far too easy most of the time. “But if you don’t wish to join me, I could always call on Luna,” she turned to him with a small smirk starting to grow on her lips, “She’s been dying to take your sweet, little Freya out.”
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xbeautifulmonsters3 · 2 years
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@collextivesoul​ Tatiana to Gray
“Моя любовь*,” her voice sang out the second she heard him walking through Canis Lupis. She, of course, had helped herself to the VIP table she used to have. She looked behind her, looking up at him with a smirk. “I’ve found myself wondering how my dear alpha has been,” her blue gaze didn’t falter once from his golden eyes, “It’s been quite a while, Gray.”
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