#tattooer jaskier
IUI- Favorite Weirdo
i missed the idiots 🤷‍♀️ 
Warnings: none i think? its a lil ‘slice of life’ thing idk
Triss’ face lit up as Geralt walked into the tattoo shop, arms laden with coffee and muffins, as promised. 
“Oh thank fuck you’re here,” Triss sighed, snagging the largest drink out of Geralt’s tray and almost sending the whole thing crashing to the ground, “I haven’t been able to get to a single email all day. Can you distract Ciri for like an hour? Maybe two?”
Geralt set the rest of his coffee shop haul down on the counter before kissing Triss on the forehead and handing her her favorite flavor muffin, “Where did you lock the little beast?”
Taking a massive bite of the muffin, Triss pointed toward the little kitchenette/break room just as the sound of stainless steel bowls clattering to the ground burst out of the crack in the door. She just looked at Geralt with pleading eyes for a moment before taking a massive swig of coffee. 
Frowning, and a little scared to see what had happened, Geralt poked his head into the kitchen, “What’s going on in here kiddo?”
Ciri was desperately trying to scoop what looked like pancake batter back into a bowl but froze as soon as she heard Geralt, staring at him as only a nine-year-old who’s been caught red-handed can, “Nothing.”
“Mhm, looks like it,” Geralt snickered, “Would you like some help with nothing?”
Sitting back on her heels, Ciri let her batter-covered hands plop onto her jeans as she nodded, giving him her biggest puppy eyes. 
“I brought snacks, do you just want to clean up and eat those or do you want pancakes still?”
“Uncle bear, this isn’t food it’s homemade playdough! Kind of… I don’t think I got it right...” 
Geralt could only sigh, “You’re so lucky Mum sent me in after you.”
Forty-five minutes later, they’d somehow removed all evidence of the failed craft project and Geralt had offered himself up as the walking talking coloring book as per usual. 
“Hey, Geralt?” Ciri asked, coloring each feather on his Griffin tattoo a different highlighter color.
He immediately perked up at the use of his actual name but kept his tone casual, “Yeah, Kiddo?”
She took a moment to glance up at him, looking oh so much like her mother as she turned around and pretended to dip the marker she was using in an ink cap and tucked her hair behind her ear as she got back to filling in the tattoo, “Do you think I’m weird?”
He could barely keep from cracking up at the question. She was easily the weirdest kid he’d ever met, and it was only reinforced by the way she treated the marker like a tattoo machine and even wiped a paper towel over the spot she was working on. But something in the way she asked made him think that would be the wrong answer. 
“Why do you ask?”
“Dara called me weird at school and some other kids laughed.”
Geralt waited for her to continue, but she just leaned a little closer to the tattoo to work on coloring the eyes bright blue so he prodded her a bit, “I thought you and Dara were friends?”
“We are, I think he meant it nicely. But why would the other kids laugh if he wasn’t being mean?” 
“Ah…” Geralt nodded sagely, a move he’d perfected over the years that tricked Ciri into thinking he was far wiser than he really was, “They haven’t learned how much fun weirdos can be. I fill my life with weirdos.”
Ciri giggled, “Are you calling your family weirdos?”
“Absolutely,” Geralt confirmed, an over-exaggerated serious look on his face that made Ciri give another round of giggles. 
“I’m your favorite weirdo though, right?”
“Nope” he answered, popping the p with a shit-eating grin on his face. Ciri shoved at his arm with a gasp as he continued, “You’re my second favorite.”
She capped the marker and folded her arms, looking far too much like her other mother with mock offense on her face, “Who beat me?!”
“Uncle Ask,” Geralt answered as if it was the most obvious answer in the world and making Ciri roll her eyes as she picked out another color.
“But you said he was the coolest person you knew last week?”
“Yup,” Geralt nodded, “A cool weirdo.”
Ciri shot him a suspicious glare as if she was trying to figure out a puzzle, “I think he’s just your favorite person.”
“Well, yeah. That’s why I married him.” 
Making a face Ciri poked him a little extra hard with the maker she was using, another painfully Yen action, “I’m still mad I didn’t get to go to the wedding.”
Geralt couldn’t help but belly-laugh at this, “Kid you weren’t even born yet.”
“But I like weddings!”
“Well if you find a Tardis you’re welcome to go attend!”
As the conversation spiraled into stubborn nine-year-old silliness, Triss and Jaskier leaned against the door to the large open tattooing area.
Sipping his chai latte, Jaskier frowned and pointed at his husband, “Every time they hang out it seems like he turns into even more of a child.”
Triss stifled a laugh so they wouldn’t be caught watching, “I find it cute. Until she convinces him to do something stupid.”
“Like the hand-stand incident?” Jaskier asked, snickering as quietly as possible. 
“What possessed him to let her do a handstand on a moving horse?!” Triss asked, both amused and baffled. 
Jaskier sighed and shrugged, “He’s a himbo.”
“This himbo can hear you!” Geralt called, raising his hand behind Ciri’s back to flip them off with a grin over his shoulder. 
Triss and Jaskier turned to each other with wide eyes and a guilty look before cracking up. 
Guiding Triss back to the front desk, Jaskier called over his shoulder, “I love you, honey!”
Geralt raised his voice so they could hear him as they walked down the hall, “Weirdos can also be lovable assholes, Ciri.”
The last they could hear from the room as Jaskier and Triss got back to work was Ciri squealing about a swear jar in absolute delight. 
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IUI - Roach is Baby
Wifey told me Jask needs to meet Roach and fuck she was RIGHT
warnings: I... went a little horse girl on main? sorry? no triggers, just cuteness. also i was tipsy whilst writing the last half so like... im sorry if theres typos or its unreadable lol
“I’m sorry. I just have to go check on Roach before we go to dinner,” Geralt cringed as he turned away from the restaurant Jaskier had wanted to go to. 
Jaskier just put a foot on Geralt’s dash and made himself comfortable, “Oh what’s wrong with our baby?”
“Our baby?” Geralt nearly swerved into a ditch. 
“I’ve seen enough pictures and heard enough stories that I happen to have grown attached. Now answer my question,” Jaskier didn’t seem phased at all. In fact, he seemed to think it was perfectly normal to just adopt your partner’s animals after three months of dating.
Geralt took a steadying breath and tried not to read into it. Jaskier said wild things all the time, he was just beginning to get used to it, “She got her teeth floated.” 
Jaskier was quiet for a moment, tapping Bonnie the Blue Footed Boobie on his thigh, “I’m having some horrible image of pumping her mouth full of water until her teeth come out, please tell me what this means.” 
“Horse dentist filed down the sharp bits of her teeth so she can chew better.”
“Oh! Ow!”
“Oh no, they sedate the horses. That’s why I didn’t answer last night. I- uh. Didn’t want to leave her in case she laid down and got cast.”
Jaskier shifted and peered at him over the rim of his sunglasses with a fond smirk, “Sweetheart, I don’t speak Horse Girl.”
“Cast is… cast? Getting stuck laying down? But stuck on or under something? Once Roach did it by rolling on a pile of shavings I hadn’t spread yet so she couldn’t roll back over where she had room to get up. I had to pull her back over it by her legs…” he chuckled at the memory then paused as he turned into the barn’s driveway, “I see how this sounds odd.”
Jaskier sat upright and leaned forward, mouth open in awe as he took in the stables that looked like something straight out of a high(er) budget daytime soap, “So this is why you live in a studio.”
Geralt sighed as he parked the truck in front of Roach’s barn in between the indoor arena and the massive covered wash racks, “Yup.”
Jaskier got a brief tour, or more accurately, he followed Geralt to Roach’s stall and pointed at things and asked questions the entire time. There were so many horses. He’d never seen a horse up close, except for that one mounted police officer on his trip to Canada and that wasn’t an all too fond memory. He was almost vibrating with excitement when they reached Roach’s stall. 
Geralt stepped in and greeted her so softly Jaskier thought he might faint, “Hey, Ro. How’s my sweet girl?”
She pressed her forehead into the hand he held up and nickered. Geralt just laughed and scratched under the little tuft of long hair between her ears. He leaned forward to give her a kiss and whispered something in her ear that Jaskier couldn’t catch despite his best efforts. 
Geralt turned back to face Jaskier, looping one of his arms over Roach’s neck and giving him a proud almost-smile, “Wanna come say hi?”
Jaskier ever so hesitantly stepped down into her stall, “She won’t step on my toes if she doesn’t like me right?”
“She might. She’s never met someone in Berks and daisy dukes,” Geralt winked as he ran his fingers through Roach’s mane. 
Jaskier took a moment to register his sarcasm and flipped him off with a grin. Geralt gently gripped his wrist and manipulated his hand into a flat surface, popping a sugar cube in his palm.
“Just keep your hand flat and let her sniff you. She’s easy to win over,” Geralt’s voice was unbearably fond and Jaskier found him watching his face more than the horse reaching her nose toward his outstretched hand. 
It was one of two times since he’d known Geralt that he didn’t have at least one solid worry line in his forehead. Hell, his whole body was more relaxed.
Roach took the sugar cube and explored his hand, wiggling her upper lip over his palm and wrist before snorting and shaking her head.
Jaskier yelped and jumped back, earning a confused head bob from Roach and a laugh from Geralt, “It’s okay. Something just tickled her nose.” 
“She’s just so big…” Jaskier muttered, stepping forward and holding his hand out just like Geralt had shown him.
“You can pet her too.”
Jask just brushed his fingertips over the white patch on her face but she pressed into him, bobbing her head a bit to use his hand to scratch at a certain spot between her eyes. 
“Oh! Hello! Does this mean she likes me?”
Geralt’s smile covered his whole face, another thing Jaskier had only seen a handful of times, “She does. You want to go for a ride?”
“Now!? In shorts?!”
“Oh no, sometime next week maybe? You’re not supposed to ride for a couple days after a float.” Geralt started running his hands over her back and belly, then her legs as if he was looking for something. He pinched right at the peak of her rump, making her flinch a little bit and swish her tail, which he seemed satisfied with. Then he pushed at her middle, just gently leaning against her and watching her feet. When nothing happened he seemed pleased and moved on to checking her water and kicking around some of the shavings and, to Jaskier’s disgust, poop. 
“Darling what are you looking for?” 
“Anything unusual. She looks fine though,” he draped his arms over her back, now on opposite sides from Jaskier, “Could I convince you to walk her up and down the breezeway for me?”
Was this the date night Jaskier had been expecting? No. Was it absolutely adorable and delightful to see Geralt so clearly in his element? Fuck yes. He giggled and played little games with Roach and was so gentle and patient with both Roach and Jaskier. It was, so far, the best date they’d been on, first one included. Jaskier had gotten a little peek at who Geralt was when he was truly at home. 
After a brief and very goofy showmanship lesson, they strolled out of the barn with Geralt’s arm draped over Jask. 
“I’m sorry. Restaurant’s probably full by now…” Geralt sighed, opening Jaskier’s door for him. 
Jask hopped up on the seat and pulled Geralt to stand between his knees, “I don’t give a flying fuck about where we eat. This was lovely.” 
There was a look in Geralt’s eyes that reminded Jask of a little kid being told they could play outside for one more hour, “Really? You had fun?”
“Of course, darling,” Jask mumbled as he pulled Geralt further into a kiss, “Just give me heads up next time so I can wear my boots.” 
“You have cowboy boots?”
“Well they’ve got a rather high heel… but they’re still technically cowboy boots.” 
Geralt leaned his head back and laughed, “I’m getting you barn boots.” 
“If you insi-,” Jaskier shrugged, cut off by Geralt’s lips on his, where they stayed for several minutes. 
They were definitely too late for a table. 
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Commitment - Inked Up Idiots
good morning! this is so self-indulgent i truly have no excuses. it just happened. idk what to tell yall.  
Warnings: its the beginning of a therapy sesh? idk if that upsets people. Geralt recognizing his illogical/anxious thinking pattern?, i mean this is IUI we’re talking tattoos, talk of past anxiety - but also improvement!, this one isn’t heavy i promise!
“How are things?” Geralt’s therapist always started with the same question. It was comforting now, even if at first Geralt had found it annoying. He’d found everything pretty annoying back then. 
“Steady,” Geralt winced as he sat down, the scabbed over tattoo on his knee stinging, “The bar manager is retiring soon and I might be in the running to take her place. I’m not sure if I’m worried or excited about it.”
“More nervous than usual if you’re flinching. Why would it be bad?”
Geralt shook his head, “New tattoo. Still tender.” 
Dr. Ellis smiled and nodded, “It seems every time I see you you’ve got a new one.”
“Do you think I’m getting too many? Can you actually get addicted?” Geralt really couldn’t think of anything worse than having to tell Jaskier his therapist disapproved of… all the tattoos he got to remind himself of the things he loved. At her initial suggestion. Kind of. Even before she spoke, he was pretty sure he knew what she would say.
“Do you like them?”
“Does it worry you that you’re getting so many?”
“Only that I’ll run out of room,” Geralt grinned, earning a soft smile from Dr. Ellis. 
“Then I see no problem,” Geralt nodded along to her words, sinking back into the chair a bit as she continued, “What’s the newest one?” 
“A wolf’s head over my knee. For my brothers and my dad.”
“Have they seen it yet?”
“No, Jask and I are going to Dad’s for dinner tomorrow though.”
She set her pencil down on her pad and her smile changed. Geralt would hesitate, but he might call it proud.
“When you got your first tattoo you were almost crying talking about what might happen if Roach colliced and you had a reminder of her. Two years later you’re getting tattoos for actual people and surprising them with it! You’ve come a long way.”
Geralt bit his lip and picked at his nails, still not entirely used to praise, but getting there, “I just realized how nice it was?”
“Getting them?”
Geralt snorted, having told her about his first date with Jaskier a long time ago, “No, having someone get one for you.”
“Jask uhm… got a flower a couple months ago I said I liked- well, I actually said it was my favorite when we just started dating. I’d never really thought about flowers before but it looked nice? He- he got a bunch of them on his neck and the... permanence… it felt nice.”
“So you wanted to do that for your family?”
Geralt nodded.
“You got really close to the ‘C’ word…”
“Commitment. Yeah…”
She gave him a little time to elaborate if he wished, but moved on when he went back to picking at his nails. Even after years, words still didn’t come easy to Geralt. At least not right off the bat. But he’d get there at some point during their hour.
“How are you and Jaskier now that you’ve been living together for a while?”
Geralt rolled his eyes fondly, “Good. He bought a new couch as a ‘treat’ and we had to define what ‘treat’ actually meant. He’s a little more impulsive than I am.”
“You asked him to move in with you on a whim, didn’t you?”
“With a tattoo,” Geralt confirmed. 
“Geralt from two years ago would never have done that. You being impulsive worked out.”
“It did…” 
Dr. Ellis just nodded, jotting a note quickly before looking back up at him expectantly. They did this every session. Dance around the soft stuff for a bit before Geralt finally said what he’d been wanting to for two weeks.
He took a deep breath and wiped his sweaty palms on his thighs before he glanced up at her and finally admitted it, “I’ve been thinking of proposing.” 
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Buttercups - Inked Up Idiots
Warnings: kissy-kissy-smoochy-smoochy, spicy, not quite horny, new tattoo talk, jask is big possessive
Jaskier had given Geralt a key to his place months ago, but it was still a surprise every time his boyfriend was there when he got home. He was lounging across the couch, pressing a cold washcloth to his hip and one to his collar bone.
“Ooo! New tattoos?” Jaskier chimed as a greeting, dropping his laptop bag and jacket by the door. 
“Jask, I put hooks there for a reason,” Geralt chuckled. 
The artist just shrugged and lifted up one of Geralt’s legs to situate himself on the couch between his thighs, “But you’re just so enticing… I can’t focus on anything else,” he hummed. 
Geralt lifted an eyebrow as if to say ‘bullshit’ but cracked a smile all the same, “So you had a good day?”
“It was fine,” he dismissively waved his hand around before laying it on Geralt’s thigh, “But what did you get?” He was practically bouncing in his seat. I didn’t matter how long he’d been around tattoos, or even doing them himself, he always got excited to see new ones. It was a rush of excitement and he had an addictive personality. Really, no one should have been surprised that this was what he chose to do with his life. 
Geralt shimmied to sit up a little straighter, one of his legs still draped over Jaskier’s lap and the other behind his back, “Okay I have two things to say first.”
“For fuck’s sake, Geralt! Just let me see!”
Geralt squeezed his knees together playfully, “Patience.”
Jaskier gave him an indignant look but pointedly kept quiet. 
“One,” Geralt took a deep breath and swallowed hard before he continued, looking to Jask like he might faint on the spot, “I saw a really nice apartment for a good deal a couple blocks over and thought it might be nice. For us. If… if you want to? Like, move in together?”
Jaskier blinked once, then twice, his mind running a mile a minute trying to remember if he was still month to month on his shitty one bedroom or if he’d signed for the six month again. Then he jumped to what he’d need to purge from his closet, which he’d been meaning to do anyway, and wondering if he could convince Geralt to throw away his fire hazard of a crock pot if they were sharing a kitchen. He almost forgot Geralt was waiting for a response as his mind launched full force into the fantasy he’d been keeping himself from indulging in. 
He leaned up and over, placing a soft kiss on Geralt’s lips, taking in the cute little confused pout on his boyfriend’s face for just a bit longer before he answered, “I’d love to.”
Geralt grinned, “Really? You took a little while there. You sure?”
“Abso-fucking-lutely,” Jaskier giggled, “I love you and I think I could live with you without wanting to kill you. I don’t know how you’ll live with me, though.” 
Geralt gave him a quick peck on the lips, “Use the hooks.”
Jaskier rolled his eyes, plopping back between Geralt’s thighs, “Maybe. What was number two?”
“Nothing,” Geralt shrugged, “just a disclaimer in case you didn’t want to move in together before I show you these.”
He gingerly plucked the wash cloths off his tattoos and Jaskier felt like he’d had the wind knocked out of him. Under his collar bone was a string of mint and buttercups and baby’s breath to match Jaskier’s sleeves, and on his hip opposite the swallow was one giant magnolia surrounded by buttercups and mint to match. Jaskier’s jaw was in his lap as he looked from the fresh tattoos to Geralt’s face and back. 
“You- those- Did Yen- Here I thought you were terrified of commitment?!” Jaskier sputtered, shifting onto his knees to get a better look at the patterns, gripping Geralt’s hips. 
“I like seeing my flowers on you..” Geralth breathed, laying his hands over Jaskier’s.
Jaskeir couldn’t take his eyes off the red and raised lines over Geralt’s hips. He only half registered his words, nodding along as he rocked forward to get a closer look at the flowers on his collarbone. Geralt rested his hand over Jaskier’s jaw, fingers splaying over the hellebore flowers on his neck. Jaskier breathed a little laugh of disbelief and placed soft kisses over the saniderm covered tattoos, the warmth of the still irritated skin almost making his lips tingle. 
“Hmm… do these make you mine?” Jaskier whispered, feeling something dark and primitive swirling in his gut. 
Geralt hooked a finger under his chin, leveling him with a solemn look, “I’ve always been yours.”
Jaskier’s eyes flickered down to Geralt’s lips, a growl bubbling up in his throat as he surged forward and sealed their lips together, only breaking away for a moment to mutter, “mine” before both of them were far too busy to say anything else. 
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Blade and a Babe - Inked Up Idiots
@jaskierswolf hit me with a ‘Geralt has a Baywatch moment’ prompt and i just- *clenches fist* love it so fucking much
I put it in Inked Up Idiots au bc i missed these fuckers so much
Warnings: tattoo healing talk, horni not smutty, mild horni at that, cute swimming shenanigans, lots of swearing bc of who i am as a person. 
That little fucker.
Jaskier had warned Geralt not to get his back piece a week before their honeymoon. Geralt always healed slowly and he was so whiney about it, but no. He’d gone and gotten a, frankly extremely sexy, sword down the length of his spine right before they were scheduled to leave for Santorini. This meant he wasn’t allowed to go swimming until the flaking stage was over with, which was going to be rather disgusting when the sheets in their room were white. 
But Geralt was a ‘little fucker’ because he’d ignored Jaskier and ran down the beach, diving into the waves headfirst as soon as they’d unpacked in their rented villa. 
“Geralt! I swear to fuck! Get out! Now!” Jaskier yelled, stomping down the powdery white sand, “If you get an infection or if it heals funky I’m-” 
He didn’t finish his threat because Geralt burst out of the waves, straightening up and arching his back as he flung his hair back, making a huge arc of water as his white locks fanned out. Jaskier barely remembered he was annoyed with him enough to cross his arms over his chest, but he couldn’t remember why. 
Geralt smoothed his hair back and twisted to look at Jaskier, looking absolutely ethereal with all those tattoos dark against his pale skin and water running through his chest hair and over his rippling muscles in rivulets, “Come on Jask! It’s even warm!” 
“I- your- fuck you’re so hot.” Jaskier sputtered, kicking off his sandals and pulling his shirt over his head to wade into the waves after his husband. The word still had a novel ring to it and he planned on overusing the shit out of it. 
Geralt grinned and splashed him when he got close enough, “My what?”
“Your tattoo could get infected!” Jaskier grumbled, looping his arms around Geralt’s neck when he reached him, “Though I did enjoy the show.”
“Mhm. That’s what I thought,” Geralt snickered, pulling Jask in for a kiss.
“No More after this. And you have to shower right away.” Jaskier’s chiding was only half-hearted as Geralt kissed down his neck. 
“Yes, sir.” Geralt hummed. 
“Fucking hell, Geralt,” Jaskier breathed before trapping his lips is a needy kiss. 
Geralt smiled into it and wrapped his arms around Jaskier’s waist before pulling him close and falling back into the waves. Jaskier giggled, sending bubbles out of his nose, but kept their lips together as they bobbed to the surface, Geralt walking them out deeper. He wrapped his legs around Geralt’s waist and pushed the hair out of his eyes as he pulled away for breath.
“I love you, you little shit.”
Geralt grinned, stealing a chaste kiss before he replied, “I love you too, husband.”
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Inked Up Idiots Masterlist
Okay, I’m going to try to keep this in chronological order in universe (rather than as they were written) but who knows how well that’s going to work lmao - but without further adieu - the idiots 
Swallow 2 - smut
Pepperoni Delight
Shelley The Raven
Roach is Baby
The Way I Love You
Banana Bread
Blades and a Babe 
Little Blue Bag
No Lube Required
NYE at the bar
Knife Cat
Geralt gets his nipples pierced
Geralt has a rough day at the bar
So Sensitive - smut
Favorite Weirdo
Inked Up Idiots’ Tattoos
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Swallow p2
this is plotless filth. plz don’t drag me lol. I’ve been writing so many canon universe fics and ancient greek smut i almost forgot condoms were a thing, but always rubber up unless you and your partner(s) have been tested and are not getting frisky with anyone outside the agreement. 
Warnings: its smut, anal sex, anal fingering, blowjobs, multiple orgasm, semi public sex, should they be fucking in the tattoo studio at like 2am? prolly not. is it happening anyway? yes. I’m telling myself Jask sanitizes before each new client, okay?
-if you want the plot the first part is here and we pick up right where we left off-
...And kiss him, Geralt did. Desperately and sweetly, savoring the taste of Jaskier’s tongue in his mouth and the way his fingers curled into Geralt’s shirt. It was like the steam valve had finally been eased back and Geralt couldn’t help but press their bodies together, sighing in the bit of relief the contact brought.
Jaskier pulled back and trailed his finger tips down Geralt’s torso to catch on his beltloops, “Let’s deal with that, shall we?”
“Fuck, please.” Geralt groaned as Jaskier flicked open the button on his jeans. He hadn’t been this uncomfortably hard since he was 18 and every little brush of Jaskier’s skin against his was like lightning. 
Jaskier kissed him once more before backing him into the chair and dropping to his knees. 
He flicked his fringe out of his eyes and winked up at Geralt as he tugged his jeans and briefs down just enough to free him, “Normally I’d tease you a little more,” he hummed, pausing to place a kiss to the tip of Geralt’s cock that made him shiver, “but I think you’ve waited long enough.”
Geralt whined, his fingers digging into the soft leather of the chair as his eyes rolled back in his head. 
Jaskier took him in hand and squeezed gently, brushing his thumb over the underside of his glans, “Oh that’s a lovely sound. You’re fucking gorgeous.”
“So much talking,” Geralt panted, closing his eyes and tipping his head back to take a deep breath only for his eyes to snap open in surprise when Jaskier’s lips closed around him. His legs started to shake when Jaskier swirled his tongue over the underside of his shaft as his head bobbed up and down his length. 
“Holy shit-,” Geralt gasped as Jaskier took more of him with each movement, making eye contact as he took Geralt down his throat and paused with his nose brushing Geralt’s pubic bone. 
Geralt growled through clenched teeth, fighting the sensation creeping up his spine that threatened to push him over the edge, “Sonofa- Jask I’m not gonna last if you keep this up.”
Jaskier pulled back and made a loud popping sound as he released Geralt’s cock, “Thought that was the point, love.”
“But you-”
“I’m having a great time.” Jaskier emphasized his statement by licking up Geralt’s shaft.
Geralt just nodded, too far gone to do much else as Jaskier started up again, picking up his pace. He worked what he couldn’t fit of Geralt with one hand and squeezed at his thigh with the other, drawing moan after moan out of him. Jaskier only had to hollow his cheeks once and Geralt was gone, shaking and growling as his orgasm ripped through him. Jaskier lapped up every last drop of his spend and stood to look in Geralt’s eyes before he swallowed. 
“You okay?” he asked, tucking a stray tendril of hair behind Geralt’s ear.
He nodded, still trying to catch his breath but leaning in for a soft kiss regardless, “Way better than okay.”
Jaskier grinned as he kissed down Geralt’s jaw and over his pulse point, his hands roaming over Geralt’s sides, “How would you feel about a round two? Not a deal breaker by the way. You’re probably exhausted.”
On the contrary, Geralt felt like he was conducting electricity, he was in no way completely spent for the night, “Hmm, what do you have in mind?”
Jaskier kissed back up his neck to nibble at his ear before he whispered, “I want to take you bent over the chair and make you cum again.”
“Fuck, yes.” Geralt laughed, half in excitement half in awe of how lucky he’d gotten, “Don’t tell me you’ve got lube and condoms here somewhere.”
Jaskier rested his still roaming hands on Geralt’s chest, “I’m not a perv, I promise. But yes.”
Geralt gripped Jaskier’s hips and pressed an urgent kiss to his lips, “Go get them.”
Jaskier gave him one more quick peck before he dashed to a cupboard and pulled out a backpack that he unceremoniously dumped on the counter, snatching the bottle of lube and a small foil packet, holding them up triumphantly. Geralt snatched the lube out of his hands as soon as he came close enough, hopping off the chair and setting the little bottle in his place. He kissed Jaskier as he worked the buttons of his shirt open lazily, pausing to let Jaskier pull his own t-shirt over his head before he shoved the button up off Jaskier's shoulders. His hands traced the vines and petals that stood out against the black on Jaskier's arms squinting at the lines and bits of shading running through the blank spaces here and there. 
His finger found an especially dark line cutting at an odd angle through a petal, "What's this?" 
Jaskier unbuckled his belt and placed a rushed kiss to Geralt's lips, "Later." 
Geralt kissed him back before he dropped to his knees and tugged at the pockets of Jaskier's jeans, leaving him in just his briefs, straining against the fabric. Geralt mouthed at him through the cotton, savoring the soft gasps he earned. He watched Jaskier's face go slack with pleasure as he sucked at his head through the fabric and felt his own erection start to return. 
Jaskier gently tugged at his hair as he hooked a finger under the waistband of his underwear, "As much as I love this view, I want to last long enough to make you growl again." 
Geralt hummed and left one more open mouthed kiss to his tip before he stood and walked backwards to the chair, pulling Jaskier after him with a mischievous glint in his eyes, "Just tell me where you want me." 
Jaskier moaned just at his words, "Pants off, elbows down." 
His commanding tone sent thrills through Geralt's whole body and he did as he was asked as Jaskier rid himself of his briefs. Geralt almost gasped at just how big Jaskier was. He'd guessed he was larger than average but fuck almighty, his mouth started watering as he watched Jaskier roll a condom over his length.  
Jaskier rested a hand over his hip as he settled on his elbows, "Do you want me to prep you or do you like to do that yourself?" 
Geralt groaned, holding the lube back over his shoulder, "You." 
Jaskier hummed in satisfaction as he took the bottle and slicked up his fingers. His clean hand rubbed gentle circles on Geralt's ass before one slicked finger slid over his hole with just enough pressure to make Geralt shiver. 
"So pretty, you're absolutely beautiful." He hummed, his hand roaming the expanse of Geralt's back as he circled the tight ring of muscle with increasing pressure. Geralt whined and canted back against his hand, making him chuckle, "You ready?" 
Geralt nodded, moaning as Jaskier slowly pushed a finger in. It had been so long Geralt had expected a burn, but all he got was heavenly pressure. Jaskier caressed every muscle and dip of his back as he showered him with praises and worked him open. At three fingers Geralt was quivering and fully hard again. 
"Fuck me Jask. Please. I'm ready." 
Jaskier curled his fingers and stroked Geralt's prostate, making him groan, "You sure?" 
Jaskier pooped open the bottle of lube and coated his dick before resting the tip against Geralt's hole, "Tell me if anything's uncomfortable." 
Geralt just whined but that didn't seem to be answer enough for Jask, "I mean it, Geralt. Will you tell me?" 
Geralt reached back to squeeze Jaskier's hand, "I will." 
Jaskier gave his ass cheek a light squeeze and pushed himself in, tantalizingly slow, pausing when he was just tip deep, "Okay?" 
Geralt shifted back ever so slightly, "Amazing." It was an understatement really, he'd never felt so full or taken care of, he was on cloud nine. 
Jaskier pushed in further, rocking back a bit before plunging deeper as filthy praise littered with curses fell from his lips. When he was completely sheathed he let out a deep sigh and leaned forward to press kisses to Geralt's shoulders, making his hair stand on end in the best way. 
Geralt made a small circle with his hips, "Jask, please." He panted. 
Jaskier straightened up and slowly rocked back and forth, drawing a low groan from Geralt, "Fuck you're so good. So tight, so eager."
On 'eager' Jaskier snapped his hips forward a little faster and Geralt gasped, "Yes! So eager, fuck me harder, Jaskier!"
Whatever restraint he was using before disappeared as Geralt sighed his name. He thrust in hard and fast, the sound of skin slapping skin only being drowned out by their moans. Jaskier ran a palm up Geralt's spine and he nearly collapsed onto his chest at the shiver it sent through his body. 
Jaskier’s hands moved to Geralt's ribs, gently squeezing, "C- fuck. Can I hold you up?" 
Geralt pressed up to his hands and whined his consent, sinking into Jaskier's arms like they'd been lovers for years. He continued thrusting as his hands roamed Geralt's chest, pressing him back against his own as Geralt whimpered and laid his head back against his shoulder.
One of Jaskier's hands brushed over the tuft of curls between Geralt s hips, "Are you close?" He asked, placing sloppy kisses up and down Geralt's neck. 
All he could do was nod and hum in pleasure when Jaskier's hand found his cock and started pumping in time with his thrusts. He came suddenly, the orgasm longer and gentler than before, his body rocking through it rather than shaking. Turning his head as he writhed he placed wet kisses to Jaskier's neck and jaw. The gentle brush of his lips sent Jaskier over the edge and he came with a desperate moan as he buried himself deep in Geralt's ass. 
One of Geralt's hands rested over Jaskier's hand splayed over his abdomen and the other found its way to his hair, carding through it and gently scratching his scalp as they both trembled. Geralt pressed another few kisses beneath Jaskier's ear as their breathing slowed. 
"Holy shit," Jaskier breathed, slowly pulling out but not releasing his hold on Geralt.
They slowly parted and cleaned each other up with blue, medical grade paper towels before getting partially dressed and collapsing in the tattoo chair. Jaskier adjusted the back so they were reclining at a comfortable angle, Geralt sitting between Jaskier's legs with his back to his chest. 
Jaskier gently pulled the tie out of Geralt's hair and combed through it with his fingers, humming an old 70's soft rock song as they floated back down to earth.
"I have to ask," Geralt's voice was completely shot and he had to clear his throat before continuing.
He paused just long enough for Jaskier to leap ahead of him, giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze as he spoke, "You're the first. Definitely the first person I've fucked in the studio." 
Geralt hummed in pride, "I'm only a couple blocks away if you want to come over? Have some cold pizza and a hot shower?" 
"Oohhhh, you had me at ‘couple of blocks’."
They walked to Geralt's place hand in hand and fell asleep snuggled under Geralt's duvet where they would stay until well into the afternoon. 
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More on Jaskier’s tattoos? You said he had black shaded flower sleeves if I remember right? Tell me all the things. Or if that doesn't float your boat...how'd Jaskier get roped into being the slutty elf? What bet did he lose?
mkay so I'll go by limbs bc that's how I have it in my Google doc.
So his arms are cover up blackout floral sleeves that taper off into a floral design that kinda stretches over his collar bones. Kinda like this but with magnolias, mint leaves, baby's breath, and buttercups and less blank space:
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I see Jask as the tattoo artist who just like didn't give a fuck what was going on his body as long as it was fun for him? Then he got burned by this mentor/lover and was like "Yen I feel sick every time I look in the mirror cover me in anything". And you bet your ass she cancelled all her appointments the next day and stayed up all night drafting it up and drawing everything out. His sleeves are his favorite tattoo by far (until Geralt comes along 👀)
His left leg is his meme leg. I have a full list in my Google docs of which ones he has. He sends a a pic to his mom every time and she doesn't get them at all but she loves that they make him happy. He got the first meme she sent him tattooed on his ankle for mother's day and she cried.
His right leg is the bird leg. He's got Elana the Flamingo, Chad the seagull, Shelly the Raven - yen does it bc they besties, Tia the Toucan, Bonny the Blue Footed Boobie, Clarissa the Shoebill stork, and Alfie the Emperor Penguin. They are all lovely ladies except Chad, who is a disaster child and who he blames for misplacing his keys. If he sees a funky lookin bird he gets it tattooed. It's just his weird little thing.
He's also got a music themed tattoo on one of his hips (I just haven't decided what)
He's got too much chest hair to make a chest piece worth the pain and money, so that's a no go but he eventually gets a matching swallow on his other hip for Geralt.
He's got the Hellebore flowers on his neck where Geralt always gives him little kisses
They tattoo each other's wedding bands on their fingers. He did a great job with Geralt's and made it ornate and beautiful and his looks like a child did it but he loves it the most (mainly bc they both cried) (this was also the last time he tattooed Geralt)
As of right now, that's the only tattoos we've got on the books 😂 Geralt however...👀 But that's another ask 😂
Thank you baby this was FUN
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NYE at the bar
I missed my Inked Up Idiots and my old bar so yall get a little self indulgent drabble for the holiday lol
warnings: unwanted advances, protective geralt, its pretty tame tho, we got some cuteness too.
“Pounder and two buckets,” Geralt shouted over his shoulder to Jask, who promptly pulled down one tall pint glass and two shorter glasses from the shelves behind him. Jask had sat his ass in the same spot on the bar for four years in a row, washing and drying dishes for Geralt, and he wasn’t going to bread tradition this year. 
Geralt had a line at least 20 people deep almost all night but the clock said 11:50, which meant it was almost next year and almost last call. Jaskier was practically giddy. 
He wiggled and danced along to the music as he dried glasses and lined them up on the counter. Customers would drop their glasses behind him and he would load them up in the rack. 
One decided to put a hand on his hip and slur something about ringing in the new year but only got halfway through their proposition before Geralt had pulled Jask off the counter, “Hands off.”
Jask placed his hand on his chest, “Go back to your drinks, I’m okay.”
Geralt growled and kissed him on the forehead before he turned back to his station.
The customer was already disappearing into the crowd with their tail between their legs. If anyone wasn’t intimidated by Geralt and his angry scowl and all his monster tattoos, then Jask might be worried. But his husband looked quite the formidable character, even if he was a big softie. People finally started filing through the other lines handing out little plastic champagne flutes and Geralt had a moment to sit on the dishwasher for the first time all night. 
Jask came to stand between his legs and massaged his shoulders, “Tired love?”
Geralt leaned his forehead on Jaskier’s shoulder, “Hungry.”
“I could see if Eskel has started breaking down the kitchen?” Jaskier offered, moving Geralt’s slightly sweaty hair off his neck to cool him off. 
Geralt’s hands wrapped around his waist, “No, the countdown will start any second.” 
Jaskier laughed, “You’ve hit cuddly tired early this year.”
“You tire me out,” Geralt teased, kissing at the floral tattoo on Jaskier’s neck and leaving a little bite below his ear. 
“Technically, that was your idea. Not my fault we were late.” 
“It was a good idea,” Geralt chuckled, sitting up and wrapping his legs around Jaskier’s waist, “Happy New Year, J.”
The crowd started counting down as Jaskier set his hands on Geralt’s cheeks, “Happy New Year, Sweetheart.” 
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