#tatzelwyrm watches critical role
tatzelwyrm · 2 years
Percy: *missing an arm and bleeding out*
VM: Keyleth! Keyleth, do something! 
Keyleth, having to waste a 7th level spell on a throwaway joke:
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katistrophe · 3 months
Rules: answer & tag 9 people you you want to get to know better and/or catch up with!
Tagged by @toooldforthisbutstill - thanks ^^
Favorite color: blue, in any and all shades
Last song I listened to: the theme song of Australian music quiz show Spicks and Specks because I wanted to know if it was what I thought it was (the Bee Gees song, and yes)
Last film I watched: it’s been a while, but I think it was one of the documentaries about the Bee Gees
Currently reading: just finished a book about Danish food culture and household life during the German occupation. (It’s really fascinating how much things haven’t changed in some aspects - you have family photos with kids failing to sit still, people stockpiling food, everyone becoming an „expert“ in how to save resources, there’s even an „influencer“ plugging a superfood with health claims pulled from thin air (of all the things, margarine being good for patients with tuberculosis)… I would have sworn it was from the last few years with its „you can probably recognize a lot of the ideas back then nowadays“ wink and nod in the introduction but no, it’s from 2018.) Next up is probably something about keeping an easy kitchen garden.
Currently craving: more sleep - all the football matches I was interested in so far were laaaate
Currently watching: been meaning to see if I’d missed some Bakeoff episodes. Mostly listening to stuff right now, going through my audio drama backlog (Station Blue right now) and trying to catch up to Critical Role.
Coffee or tea? TEEEEEAAAAAA.
Tagging… @awordwasthebeginning @having-conniptions @mutantenfisch @thattalviel @wippsteertt
@tatzelwyrm @black-cat-aoife @mishidraws @sjofn-lofnsdottr and whoever else wants to 💜
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tatzelwyrm · 2 years
That one time Scanlan didn't buy his friends a wedding present, so instead he cast reality altering magic and broke the laws of the gods and the universe so Vex's dead twin brother could be at her wedding.
It's fine, I've just got something in my eye.
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tatzelwyrm · 2 years
Vex’ahlia offering her wedding ring for Lieve’tel’s resurrection ritual because all of the party’s other diamonds got stolen is so sweet, I love her so much,
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tatzelwyrm · 2 years
Look, I love the character design for Orthax in TLOVM, it’s gorgeous. But the superior and canon character design will always be the one from the jewellery ad they ran during Dalen's Closet.
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That is the happiest little guy I’ve ever seen.
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tatzelwyrm · 2 years
Vex: *taking the wedding ring off of her husband’s severed arm*
*Someone suggesting they can grow a second Percy from the arm.*
Vex: *pockets the entire arm*
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tatzelwyrm · 2 years
Sam: Is the hunt for the Githzerai another story to be told? Matt: Nah! Sam: On another day? Matt: No. The next video in the play list:
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tatzelwyrm · 2 years
Oh, it’s The Bugbear Incident.
It’s so good to finally have context for this:
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tatzelwyrm · 2 years
After all the times that Travis made Sam have Scanlan and Tary interact, I love that Sam is the one to heal Betrand on the verge of death, thus forcing Travis to play two characters simultaneously.
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tatzelwyrm · 2 years
*Keyleth and Pike are looking for bits of Lieve'tel's split skull so they can put her together again for her resurrection ritual*
DM: You find a couple of errant scraps of Lieve'tel to complete the puzzle.
Keyleth: Oh look, I also found a fossil, that's awesome!
[Travis:] Are you going to put stuff back in there that doesn't belong?
Pike: I'm going to mush her face back together. Maybe an extra bit in there.
DM: An extra bit?
Pike: I don't know, but just on the outside so she can pull it out if she wanted.
Keyleth: Give her the fossil piece! Maybe it will make her look like a cool cyborg.
Pike: It'd be like a battle scar.
Keyleth: It could be like a battle scar. It could also be like a hair clip!
Pike: Okay, so I'm going to try to make it like a plate. Put everything together real nice.
Keyleth, deadpan: I think she'll appreciate us making these body modifications for her.
DM: I'm just envisioning a Subway sandwich artist and there's too much stuff in the sandwich and they're trying to hold it closed. 
Vox Machina are not the heroes Tal'Dorei deserves ... or the kind of heores anyone really needs, lbr.
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tatzelwyrm · 2 years
Pike: Grog picked a card and he looked at it and he smiled and he was happy and then he fell over. Scanlan: No, no, no, Pike, that would be ridiculous. We're heroes, we just saved the world, why would– Why would he do such a thing? This is the end of the story, Pike, the end!
This entire episode is just a roast of Travis/Grog, isn’t it.
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tatzelwyrm · 2 years
Laura: Was it his left arm or his right arm? Do I need to get the wedding ring off of the other arm that just dropped?
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tatzelwyrm · 2 years
There were four HDYWTDT in this battle, all divided equally between Mr. & Mrs. Vex.
Your OTP could never!
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tatzelwyrm · 2 years
Nobody told Gilmore about Vax?
Oh no!
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tatzelwyrm · 2 years
If Matt didn’t want this NPC to be named Bob, surely he wouldn’t have let the players name him.
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tatzelwyrm · 1 year
Ok, now I HAVE to watch campaign 2.
Bc I may have seen the Caduceus pin in the EU critrole shop and I may have spontaneously bought it because it may be the cutest thing I have ever seen in my entire life.
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