#tauntaun & rayboo
sleepingobsidian · 7 years
Beeing yourself
Thorn was watching as his brothers put the unconscious crew of the unity, the star destroyer orbiting coruscant, into the escape pods. Capturing the ship was fairly easy, especially with two squads of ARC-Troopers. With a wave of his hand he motions for Captain Snow to launch the escape pods. He activates his commlink, „Fox, we launched the escape pods. All personal has been removed from the ship“. „Good, the others allready commed. We are ready to leave. Head to your bunks, your company will take gamma and delta shift“, Fox answers him and with an affirmative noise Thorn ends the call. He looks at the troopers around him and grins, „You heared the commander, of to your bunks“. Cheering the troopers leave, joking with each other, playfully shoving the brother next to them, just having fun with each other. Walking next to Captain Snow they share an amused smile, rarely have they seen their brothers acting so carefree. „Snow and Blizzard Platoon take delta shift“, he says and leaves for the private quarters he had been given. The quarter right next to the admirals cabin. He quickly punches a code into the control panel and walks in his room. As the light slowly goes brighter he notices the odd shape on his bunk. „Damn you Lothal“, with a sigh he pets the Lothcat the medic had left on his bed. Quick he removes his armor, black undergarments and switches into a thick and comfy pajamas. Picking up the cat, which immediatly snuggles closer, he climbs in his bed. Under his blanket he lays the little cat down next to him on the pillow. He take the remote control and sets the temperatur for his electrical blanket. Setting his chronometer to wake him for gamma shift, he pets the cat one last time falls asleep to the purring of the animal.
With a cup of caf in his hand he watches as they drift trough space, the little Lothcat brushing against his legs. According to Jek they had made some random jumps through hyperspace in beta shift, to shake off any potential persecutors, before they ended up in the Malastare system in the Mid Rim. „Anything on the sensors?“, he asks taking a sip of his hot beverage. One of his brothers looks at the monitor before him and shakes his head, „No, sir. Nothing“. A chorus of groans errupts on the bridge. Yeah, they were safe. No one was dead and they had succesfully deserted, but they currently were bored. Clones are used to an active life, this was the opposite of that. „Is there anything nearby, even if it's just an asteroid field?“, he asks hopefully, drowning the rest of his drink. The brothers from the guard aren't used to being stuck on aship. They rarely left Coruscant and than only for missions planet side, which means that some brothers aren't used to or comfortable with space travel. „Sir, we're not far from Malastare. Only 30 klicks“; Peak answers, glad that there is anything. Anything from keeping him bored that is. A bored Peak is never a good idea. A plan forming in his head Thorn turns grinning to Jonez, „Set course for Malastare. Let's give our brothers something to do“. Nodding Jonez sets course for Malastare.
Silent the brother look at Malastare. „Well, it ain't the prettiest planet but it ain't the ugliest either“; comes it from Mist, sipping on his still steaming cup of tea. Ignoring how his brothers beverage is still hot, even if it shouldn't be, he turns to Swerve, his current communications officer, „Contact Rayboo and Tauntaun squad. Let's give those boys some time for flight training“. At the mention of their names the two Massifs raised their heads. With a little pat on the head from their handlers, they settled down again.
Over the next few hours they orbit Malastare he sents his brothers, in two gunships, through various flight drills. After their flight drill his brothers were whining and groaning, cursing his name, while walking of to the showers and than to their other various activities. „You're evil Thorn“, chuckles Flake while petting one of the Lothcats he had pulled out of the vents. Shrugging his shoulder he motions fo Swerve the lead the last squad inside. Accepting another cup of caf, Mist is offering him, he leans at the durasteel wall and looks at his brothers. Snuggles and Plates, sitting next to each other, each a Lothcat in their lap, talking and laughing. Dream and Jonez looking over the monitors before them, a Lothcat napping between their feet, and whispering to each other. Branch and Powder looking a vid on the holonet, Powders legs in Branchs lap. Mist and Flake standing before the viewport each a steaming cup in their hands, silent shoulder by shoulder. Ice had joined Crevasse and Hoth, talking animatedly and gesturing wild. Swerve silent at the comm unit Froze leaning over his shoulder and gesturing at a monito nearby. Glacier had sat down in Csillas lap, petting Tauntaun and Rayboo, while talking to Mygeeto, Csillas arm around Glaciers waist, napping against Glaciers back. „It's good to see them so relaxed“, murmurs Peak as he leans next to Thorn. Sighing Thorn takes a large sip of his caf, „On Coruscant we were unter the constant observation of the natural borns and the antagonizing and painfull looks and actions of our Brothers. This is the first time ever they can savely be themselves“. In silence the two watch as their brothers enjoy their time beeing free. He wasn't joking when he said that this was the first time they could savely be themselves. On Kamino individuality was seen as a crime and every brother who acted more like a person than some kind of flesh droid was culled. On Coruscant the natural borns just looked at them strangely when they acted even just a little bit like a sentient being. The only ones beeing accepting of the brothers beeing themselves, were some of the Jedi and a handful of Senators and the children. The children of the civillians were allways easier to get along with. Probably because children are more adaptable than adults. So watching his brothers just beeing themselves is a relief and he is so glad that Fox had decided to grab for freedom eventhough the trigger was more than repugnant. He hopes that never again something like what happend to Rys happens to any of his brothers again. Peak turns fully to him, „Sir, there is a rumor going around. About Sergeant Rys and Sergeant Slick.       How true is it, Sir?“. Cold fury runs through Thorn at the mentioning of that name. Seeing the rage in his commanders eyes Peak swallows, „I see, Sir. I'll make sure that the rumor dies down and no one speaks to Rys about it. Until he is ready to talk to one of them that it“. Sighing Thorn slides to the ground, letting the peskering cat in his lap, „Thanks, Peak“. Confused his brother looks down at him, „For what, Sir?“. Smiling Thorn looks at Peak, allways considerate Peak, the allways reliable Peak. Peak who was like an ironrock in Kaminos water. A constant caring brother. „For beeing yourself“, he mutters and drinks his caf. Looking at his brothers.
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