#tav bastille.bg3
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(Apparently I was closer to the end of Act 2 than I thought)
For Tav, although she did let Gale show her his home in Waterdeep, she *really* doesn't like Mystra (in fact she's come to have a distaste for gods & almost-gods thanks to this adventure; the things people do for their gods, the things those gods *make* them do; it doesn't sit right with her) and would rather be with Gale himself than an astral projection. As beautiful and fascinating as magic can be, it comes with a price (even if she has yet to know what the price of her patron's magic is); and besides, she takes comfort in knowing things with certainty. The physical is certain & knowable, but magic is infinitely vast and unknowable, no matter how many wizards dedicate their lives to studying it.
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Decided that instead of starting the Kay save all over again, I would use the Appearance Edit mod (the "risky" version to completely redo a character instead of just their appearance) to turn Tav Bastille into Kay. My choices as Kay are largely the same or similar, so it's just easier to turn the longer save into my self-insert instead of playing essentially the same way twice.
I may or may not end up revamping Tav? Idk yet. But from here on out, my main save is with Kay.
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I guess she's afraid of krakens now, thanks Halsin.
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Gotta love how there's no explanation for why the dream visitor is suddenly wearing a dress instead of armour & no option to even ask about it. She's just chillin' in her jammies.
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I got the scene where you can dance with Wyll & it kinda broke my heart to leave at the end; I've settled on Tav dating Gale, but goddamn he's taking a while. The orb is stabilized dude, make your move! Or let me make one!!!
Trying so hard not to flirt with Shadowheart or Halsin or Wyll, trying to be patient with Gale, but I looked it up & his Act 2 romance scene comes towards the end of the act? And I'm like, *maybe* halfway through at the time of typing this (a couple hours of gameplay after getting the dance scene). I helped Minthara escape, I'm partway through helping the gnomes & tieflings escape about & to go fight this orthon thing where Balthazar supposedly went. I have been taking so many long rests in the hopes that the romance with Gale would move forward but nooooo, I have to wait till I'm almost done with Act 2!
I suppose reading fanfics will have to suffice in the meantime.
Also I completely forgot tot look for that lance of light thing that I assume is at the Lathander temple. Unfortunately, we already angered the githyanki & they're kinda hunting us now, so idk how wise it would be to go back there (especially since we're kinda in the middle of dealing with the whole Moonrise tower situation).
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Oh hey, a warlock option that fits my Tav! Reaching out to an absent patron! :D
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So I got the infamous post-battle horny Gale convo
And it is of course kinda funny on it's own, but it was after fighting the tiefling kid & his shadow family
I had Tav put on the hag mask in the hopes that it would help me find the kid, & thus was wearing it when Gale started going on about how alluring she is even in the awful lighting of the shadow curse shit
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Tav's reaction was basically "oh really? A vampire? Wow that sounds dangerous, well if we see one we know who to call k thx bye"
Which Astarion didn't seem to appreciate but Tav was in a "let's *not* solve all our problems with murder maybe?" mood. Mostly because they had just fought the hag (which she didn't even want to fight in the first place! But she was being nosy about the fireplace & suddenly the hag attacked :/) & she didn't feel like picking another fight.
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So yesterday I finally got to the Tiefling party!
I've pretty much settled on Tav pursuing Gale (much to Astarion's dismay; I don't like the red glow & disadvantage that comes from being Bloodless so I haven't been having her let Astarion feed on her for a few long rests)
Also I've decided that Tav loves animals (because I have her use Speak with Animals with nearly every animal we come across lol)
So when Gale compares her to Tara she is not at *all* offended, especially since it's obvious that he holds Tara in very high esteem. She's disappointed when he tells her to go have fun though; she would've liked to hang out with him, even if nothing sexual came of it.
She ended up promising Shadowheart she would visit her one things settle down for the night... but then when I had the option to choose between going to her or thinking about Gale, I went with the latter. So I'm going with Tav chickening out because although she is kinda into Shadowheart (she's kinda into *everyone*), her heart is kinda set on Gale. What she tells herself though, is that it wouldn't be fair to Shadowheart (if Tav is thinking about Gale while they're together) or Gale (to be with someone else), & could potentially cause unnecessary drama. So while she feels pretty guilty about kinda leading Shadowheart on, she would rather have just not promised to meet with her after the party than to have actually followed through.
As the game goes on, Tav is going to become less of a people pleasure & compulsive liar and think more for herself. Growing up as an outlander, she didn't encounter nearly as many people as she has since the start of the game, so it was a lot easier to stay in the good graces of the people around her. She's having a harder time now though, and even just amongst her companions it's difficult because of their vastly different personalities and values. She's forced to realize that she *can't* please everyone, she can't make everyone like her all the time, so she either has to pick whose opinions she's going to prioritize or just say fuck it & only say/do what will make herself happy. The latter isn't really possible for her right now (old habits die hard & she's been a lying yes man for so long she doesn't even really know what *she* wants most of the time), so she's picking and choosing... but there are moments where she does think for herself.
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