#taxi tracking software
nelsonseo567 · 2 years
Vehicle Tracking System Software - AIS Technolabs
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Custom taxi GPS tracking system software gives you improving security, operational productivity, workforce, and an up-to-date picture of where each vehicle is. AIS Technolabs offers a high-performance custom taxi GPS tracking system. Contact us for a quote now.
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cabexpert · 4 months
Maximizing Efficiency with Automated Garage Management Systems
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In today's fast-paced world, efficiency is key. Whether it's in our professional endeavors or in managing our daily lives, finding ways to streamline tasks and optimize processes is essential. This holds true even for something as seemingly mundane as garage organization.
The Evolution of Garage Organization
Gone are the days of cluttered, disorganized garages. With advancements in technology and innovation, automated garage management systems are revolutionizing the way we approach storage and organization. These systems offer a plethora of benefits that not only save time but also enhance the overall functionality of the space.
Enhanced Space Utilization
One of the primary advantages of automated garage management systems is their ability to maximize space utilization. By utilizing smart storage solutions such as vertical carousels and overhead storage racks, these systems make efficient use of every inch of available space. This allows homeowners to store more items in their garage while keeping them easily accessible.
Time-Saving Convenience
Imagine never having to search through piles of clutter to find what you need. With automated garage management systems, this becomes a reality. These systems utilize intelligent inventory tracking and organization software to categorize and store items efficiently. With just a few clicks, homeowners can locate and retrieve any item from their garage, saving valuable time and frustration.
Improved Safety and Security
Safety is paramount, especially when it comes to storing potentially hazardous items such as tools and chemicals. Automated garage management systems offer enhanced safety features such as secure locking mechanisms and remote access control. This not only helps prevent accidents but also ensures that valuable items are protected from theft or damage.
Customizable Solutions
Every homeowner has unique storage needs and preferences. Automated garage management systems offer a range of customizable solutions to suit individual requirements. Whether it's installing adjustable shelving units or customized cabinetry, these systems can be tailored to fit any space and accommodate specific storage needs.
Eco-Friendly Options
In today's environmentally conscious society, sustainability is a top priority for many homeowners. Automated garage management systems offer eco-friendly options such as energy-efficient lighting and recycled materials. By reducing energy consumption and minimizing waste, these systems help minimize their environmental impact.
Investing in the Future
As we look towards the future, the demand for automated garage management systems is only expected to grow. With their ability to enhance efficiency, improve organization, and maximize space utilization, these systems offer a multitude of benefits for homeowners. By investing in automated garage management, homeowners can transform their garage into a functional and organized space that meets their needs both now and in the years to come.
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“Disenshittify or Die”
I'm coming to BURNING MAN! On TUESDAY (Aug 27) at 1PM, I'm giving a talk called "DISENSHITTIFY OR DIE!" at PALENQUE NORTE (7&E). On WEDNESDAY (Aug 28) at NOON, I'm doing a "Talking Caterpillar" Q&A at LIMINAL LABS (830&C).
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Last weekend, I traveled to Las Vegas for Defcon 32, where I had the immense privilege of giving a solo talk on Track 1, entitled "Disenshittify or die! How hackers can seize the means of computation and build a new, good internet that is hardened against our asshole bosses' insatiable horniness for enshittification":
This was a followup to last year's talk, "An Audacious Plan to Halt the Internet's Enshittification," a talk that kicked off a lot of international interest in my analysis of platform decay ("enshittification"):
The Defcon organizers have earned a restful week or two, and that means that the video of my talk hasn't yet been posted to Defcon's Youtube channel, so in the meantime, I thought I'd post a lightly edited version of my speech crib. If you're headed to Burning Man, you can hear me reprise this talk at Palenque Norte (7&E); I'm kicking off their lecture series on Tuesday, Aug 27 at 1PM.
What the fuck happened to the old, good internet?
I mean, sure, our bosses were a little surveillance-happy, and they were usually up for sharing their data with the NSA, and whenever there was a tossup between user security and growth, it was always YOLO time.
But Google Search used to work. Facebook used to show you posts from people you followed. Uber used to be cheaper than a taxi and pay the driver more than a cabbie made. Amazon used to sell products, not Shein-grade self-destructing dropshipped garbage from all-consonant brands. Apple used to defend your privacy, rather than spying on you with your no-modifications-allowed Iphone.
There was a time when you searching for an album on Spotify would get you that album – not a playlist of insipid AI-generated covers with the same name and art.
Microsoft used to sell you software – sure, it was buggy – but now they just let you access apps in the cloud, so they can watch how you use those apps and strip the features you use the most out of the basic tier and turn them into an upcharge.
What – and I cannot stress this enough – the fuck happened?!
I’m talking about enshittification.
Here’s what enshittification looks like from the outside: First, you see a company that’s being good to its end users. Google puts the best search results at the top; Facebook shows you a feed of posts from people and groups you followl; Uber charges small dollars for a cab; Amazon subsidizes goods and returns and shipping and puts the best match for your product search at the top of the page.
That’s stage one, being good to end users. But there’s another part of this stage, call it stage 1a). That’s figuring out how to lock in those users.
There’s so many ways to lock in users.
If you’re Facebook, the users do it for you. You joined Facebook because there were people there you wanted to hang out with, and other people joined Facebook to hang out with you.
That’s the old “network effects” in action, and with network effects come “the collective action problem." Because you love your friends, but goddamn are they a pain in the ass! You all agree that FB sucks, sure, but can you all agree on when it’s time to leave?
No way.
Can you agree on where to go next?
Hell no.
You’re there because that’s where the support group for your rare disease hangs out, and your bestie is there because that’s where they talk with the people in the country they moved away from, then there’s that friend who coordinates their kid’s little league car pools on FB, and the best dungeon master you know isn’t gonna leave FB because that’s where her customers are.
So you’re stuck, because even though FB use comes at a high cost – your privacy, your dignity and your sanity – that’s still less than the switching cost you’d have to bear if you left: namely, all those friends who have taken you hostage, and whom you are holding hostage
Now, sometimes companies lock you in with money, like Amazon getting you to prepay for a year’s shipping with Prime, or to buy your Audible books on a monthly subscription, which virtually guarantees that every shopping search will start on Amazon, after all, you’ve already paid for it.
Sometimes, they lock you in with DRM, like HP selling you a printer with four ink cartridges filled with fluid that retails for more than $10,000/gallon, and using DRM to stop you from refilling any of those ink carts or using a third-party cartridge. So when one cart runs dry, you have to refill it or throw away your investment in the remaining three cartridges and the printer itself.
Sometimes, it’s a grab bag:
You can’t run your Ios apps without Apple hardware;
you can’t run your Apple music, books and movies on anything except an Ios app;
your iPhone uses parts pairing – DRM handshakes between replacement parts and the main system – so you can’t use third-party parts to fix it; and
every OEM iPhone part has a microscopic Apple logo engraved on it, so Apple can demand that the US Customs and Border Service seize any shipment of refurb Iphone parts as trademark violations.
Think Different, amirite?
Getting you locked in completes phase one of the enshittification cycle and signals the start of phase two: making things worse for you to make things better for business customers.
For example, a platform might poison its search results, like Google selling more and more of its results pages to ads that are identified with lighter and lighter tinier and tinier type.
Or Amazon selling off search results and calling it an “ad” business. They make $38b/year on this scam. The first result for your search is, on average, 29% more expensive than the best match for your search. The first row is 25% more expensive than the best match. On average, the best match for your search is likely to be found seventeen places down on the results page.
Other platforms sell off your feed, like Facebook, which started off showing you the things you asked to see, but now the quantum of content from the people you follow has dwindled to a homeopathic residue, leaving a void that Facebook fills with things that people pay to show you: boosted posts from publishers you haven’t subscribed to, and, of course, ads.
Now at this point you might be thinking ‘sure, if you’re not paying for the product, you’re the product.'
The people who buy those Google ads? They pay more every year for worse ad-targeting and more ad-fraud
Those publishers paying to nonconsensually cram their content into your Facebook feed? They have to do that because FB suppresses their ability to reach the people who actually subscribed to them
The Amazon sellers with the best match for your query have to outbid everyone else just to show up on the first page of results. It costs so much to sell on Amazon that between 45-51% of every dollar an independent seller brings in has to be kicked up to Don Bezos and the Amazon crime family. Those sellers don’t have the kind of margins that let them pay 51% They have to raise prices in order to avoid losing money on every sale.
"But wait!" I hear you say!
[Come on, say it!]
"But wait! Things on Amazon aren’t more expensive that things at Target, or Walmart, or at a mom and pop store, or direct from the manufacturer.
"How can sellers be raising prices on Amazon if the price at Amazon is the same as at is everywhere else?"
[Any guesses?!]
That’s right, they charge more everywhere. They have to. Amazon binds its sellers to a policy called “most favored nation status,” which says they can’t charge more on Amazon than they charge elsewhere, including direct from their own factory store.
So every seller that wants to sell on Amazon has to raise their prices everywhere else.
Now, these sellers are Amazon’s best customers. They’re paying for the product, and they’re still getting screwed.
Paying for the product doesn’t fill your vapid boss’s shriveled heart with so much joy that he decides to stop trying to think of ways to fuck you over.
Look at Apple. Remember when Apple offered every Ios user a one-click opt out for app-based surveillance? And 96% of users clicked that box?
(The other four percent were either drunk or Facebook employees or drunk Facebook employees.)
That cost Facebook at least ten billion dollars per year in lost surveillance revenue?
I mean, you love to see it.
But did you know that at the same time Apple started spying on Ios users in the same way that Facebook had been, for surveillance data to use to target users for its competing advertising product?
Your Iphone isn’t an ad-supported gimme. You paid a thousand fucking dollars for that distraction rectangle in your pocket, and you’re still the product. What’s more, Apple has rigged Ios so that you can’t mod the OS to block its spying.
If you’re not not paying for the product, you’re the product, and if you are paying for the product, you’re still the product.
Just ask the farmers who are expected to swap parts into their own busted half-million dollar, mission-critical tractors, but can’t actually use those parts until a technician charges them $200 to drive out to the farm and type a parts pairing unlock code into their console.
John Deere’s not giving away tractors. Give John Deere a half mil for a tractor and you will be the product.
Please, my brothers and sisters in Christ. Please! Stop saying ‘if you’re not paying for the product, you’re the product.’
OK, OK, so that’s phase two of enshittification.
Phase one: be good to users while locking them in.
Phase two: screw the users a little to you can good to business customers while locking them in.
Phase three: screw everybody and take all the value for yourself. Leave behind the absolute bare minimum of utility so that everyone stays locked into your pile of shit.
Enshittification: a tragedy in three acts.
That’s what enshittification looks like from the outside, but what’s going on inside the company? What is the pathological mechanism? What sci-fi entropy ray converts the excellent and useful service into a pile of shit?
That mechanism is called twiddling. Twiddling is when someone alters the back end of a service to change how its business operates, changing prices, costs, search ranking, recommendation criteria and other foundational aspects of the system.
Digital platforms are a twiddler’s utopia. A grocer would need an army of teenagers with pricing guns on rollerblades to reprice everything in the building when someone arrives who’s extra hungry.
Whereas the McDonald’s Investments portfolio company Plexure advertises that it can use surveillance data to predict when an app user has just gotten paid so the seller can tack an extra couple bucks onto the price of their breakfast sandwich.
And of course, as the prophet William Gibson warned us, ‘cyberspace is everting.' With digital shelf tags, grocers can change prices whenever they feel like, like the grocers in Norway, whose e-ink shelf tags change the prices 2,000 times per day.
Every Uber driver is offered a different wage for every job. If a driver has been picky lately, the job pays more. But if the driver has been desperate enough to grab every ride the app offers, the pay goes down, and down, and down.
The law professor Veena Dubal calls this ‘algorithmic wage discrimination.' It’s a prime example of twiddling.
Every youtuber knows what it’s like to be twiddled. You work for weeks or months, spend thousands of dollars to make a video, then the algorithm decides that no one – not your own subscribers, not searchers who type in the exact name of your video – will see it.
Why? Who knows? The algorithm’s rules are not public.
Because content moderation is the last redoubt of security through obscurit: they can’t tell you what the como algorithm is downranking because then you’d cheat.
Youtube is the kind of shitty boss who docks every paycheck for all the rules you’ve broken, but won’t tell you what those rules were, lest you figure out how to break those rules next time without your boss catching you.
Twiddling can also work in some users’ favor, of course. Sometimes platforms twiddle to make things better for end users or business customers.
For example, Emily Baker-White from Forbes revealed the existence of a back-end feature that Tiktok’s management can access they call the “heating tool.”
When a manager applies the heating toll to a performer’s account, that performer’s videos are thrust into the feeds of millions of users, without regard to whether the recommendation algorithm predicts they will enjoy that video.
Why would they do this? Well, here’s an analogy from my boyhood I used to go to this traveling fair that would come to Toronto at the end of every summer, the Canadian National Exhibition. If you’ve been to a fair like the Ex, you know that you can always spot some guy lugging around a comedically huge teddy bear.
Nominally, you win that teddy bear by throwing five balls in a peach-basket, but to a first approximation, no one has ever gotten five balls to stay in that peach-basket.
That guy “won” the teddy bear when a carny on the midway singled him out and said, "fella, I like your face. Tell you what I’m gonna do: You get just one ball in the basket and I’ll give you this keychain, and if you amass two keychains, I’ll let you trade them in for one of these galactic-scale teddy-bears."
That’s how the guy got his teddy bear, which he now has to drag up and down the midway for the rest of the day.
Why the hell did that carny give away the teddy bear? Because it turns the guy into a walking billboard for the midway games. If that dopey-looking Judas Goat can get five balls into a peach basket, then so can you.
Except you can’t.
Tiktok’s heating tool is a way to give away tactical giant teddy bears. When someone in the TikTok brain trust decides they need more sports bros on the platform, they pick one bro out at random and make him king for the day, heating the shit out of his account.
That guy gets a bazillion views and he starts running around on all the sports bro forums trumpeting his success: *I am the Louis Pasteur of sports bro influencers!"
The other sports bros pile in and start retooling to make content that conforms to the idiosyncratic Tiktok format. When they fail to get giant teddy bears of their own, they assume that it’s because they’re doing Tiktok wrong, because they don’t know about the heating tool.
But then comes the day when the TikTok Star Chamber decides they need to lure in more astrologers, so they take the heat off that one lucky sports bro, and start heating up some lucky astrologer.
Giant teddy bears are all over the place: those Uber drivers who were boasting to the NYT ten years ago about earning $50/hour? The Substackers who were rolling in dough? Joe Rogan and his hundred million dollar Spotify payout? Those people are all the proud owners of giant teddy bears, and they’re a steal.
Because every dollar they get from the platform turns into five dollars worth of free labor from suckers who think they just internetting wrong.
Giant teddy bears are just one way of twiddling. Platforms can play games with every part of their business logic, in highly automated ways, that allows them to quickly and efficiently siphon value from end users to business customers and back again, hiding the pea in a shell game conducted at machine speeds, until they’ve got everyone so turned around that they take all the value for themselves.
That’s the how: How the platforms do the trick where they are good to users, then lock users in, then maltreat users to be good to business customers, then lock in those business customers, then take all the value for themselves.
So now we know what is happening, and how it is happening, all that’s left is why it’s happening.
Now, on the one hand, the why is pretty obvious. The less value that end-users and business customers capture, the more value there is left to divide up among the shareholders and the executives.
That’s why, but it doesn’t tell you why now. Companies could have done this shit at any time in the past 20 years, but they didn’t. Or at least, the successful ones didn’t. The ones that turned themselves into piles of shit got treated like piles of shit. We avoided them and they died.
Remember Myspace? Yahoo Search? Livejournal? Sure, they’re still serving some kind of AI slop or programmatic ad junk if you hit those domains, but they’re gone.
And there’s the clue: It used to be that if you enshittified your product, bad things happened to your company. Now, there are no consequences for enshittification, so everyone’s doing it.
Let’s break that down: What stops a company from enshittifying?
There are four forces that discipline tech companies. The first one is, obviously, competition.
If your customers find it easy to leave, then you have to worry about them leaving
Many factors can contribute to how hard or easy it is to depart a platform, like the network effects that Facebook has going for it. But the most important factor is whether there is anywhere to go.
Back in 2012, Facebook bought Insta for a billion dollars. That may seem like chump-change in these days of eleven-digit Big Tech acquisitions, but that was a big sum in those innocent days, and it was an especially big sum to pay for Insta. The company only had 13 employees, and a mere 25 million registered users.
But what mattered to Zuckerberg wasn’t how many users Insta had, it was where those users came from.
[Does anyone know where those Insta users came from?]
That’s right, they left Facebook and joined Insta. They were sick of FB, even though they liked the people there, they hated creepy Zuck, they hated the platform, so they left and they didn’t come back.
So Zuck spent a cool billion to recapture them, A fact he put in writing in a midnight email to CFO David Ebersman, explaining that he was paying over the odds for Insta because his users hated him, and loved Insta. So even if they quit Facebook (the platform), they would still be captured Facebook (the company).
Now, on paper, Zuck’s Instagram acquisition is illegal, but normally, that would be hard to stop, because you’d have to prove that he bought Insta with the intention of curtailing competition.
But in this case, Zuck tripped over his own dick: he put it in writing.
But Obama’s DoJ and FTC just let that one slide, following the pro-monopoly policies of Reagan, Bush I, Clinton and Bush II, and setting an example that Trump would follow, greenlighting gigamergers like the catastrophic, incestuous Warner-Discovery marriage.
Indeed, for 40 years, starting with Carter, and accelerating through Reagan, the US has encouraged monopoly formation, as an official policy, on the grounds that monopolies are “efficient.”
If everyone is using Google Search, that’s something we should celebrate. It means they’ve got the very best search and wouldn’t it be perverse to spend public funds to punish them for making the best product?
But as we all know, Google didn’t maintain search dominance by being best. They did it by paying bribes. More than 20 billion per year to Apple alone to be the default Ios search, plus billions more to Samsung, Mozilla, and anyone else making a product or service with a search-box on it, ensuring that you never stumble on a search engine that’s better than theirs.
Which, in turn, ensured that no one smart invested big in rival search engines, even if they were visibly, obviously superior. Why bother making something better if Google’s buying up all the market oxygen before it can kindle your product to life?
Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Amazon – they’re not “making things” companies, they’re “buying things” companies, taking advantage of official tolerance for anticompetitive acquisitions, predatory pricing, market distorting exclusivity deals and other acts specifically prohibited by existing antitrust law.
Their goal is to become too big to fail, because that makes them too big to jail, and that means they can be too big to care.
Which is why Google Search is a pile of shit and everything on Amazon is dropshipped garbage that instantly disintegrates in a cloud of offgassed volatile organic compounds when you open the box.
Once companies no longer fear losing your business to a competitor, it’s much easier for them to treat you badly, because what’re you gonna do?
Remember Lily Tomlin as Ernestine the AT&T operator in those old SNL sketches? “We don’t care. We don’t have to. We’re the phone company.”
Competition is the first force that serves to discipline companies and the enshittificatory impulses of their leadership, and we just stopped enforcing competition law.
It takes a special kind of smooth-brained asshole – that is, an establishment economist – to insist that the collapse of every industry from eyeglasses to vitamin C into a cartel of five or fewer companies has nothing to do with policies that officially encouraged monopolization.
It’s like we used to put down rat poison and we didn’t have a rat problem. Then these dickheads convinced us that rats were good for us and we stopped putting down rat poison, and now rats are gnawing our faces off and they’re all running around saying, "Who’s to say where all these rats came from? Maybe it was that we stopped putting down poison, but maybe it’s just the Time of the Rats. The Great Forces of History bearing down on this moment to multiply rats beyond all measure!"
Antitrust didn’t slip down that staircase and fall spine-first on that stiletto: they stabbed it in the back and then they pushed it.
And when they killed antitrust, they also killed regulation, the second force that disciplines companies. Regulation is possible, but only when the regulator is more powerful than the regulated entities. When a company is bigger than the government, it gets damned hard to credibly threaten to punish that company, no matter what its sins.
That’s what protected IBM for all those years when it had its boot on the throat of the American tech sector. Do you know, the DOJ fought to break up IBM in the courts from 1970-1982, and that every year, for 12 consecutive years, IBM spent more on lawyers to fight the USG than the DOJ Antitrust Division spent on all the lawyers fighting every antitrust case in the entire USA?
IBM outspent Uncle Sam for 12 years. People called it “Antitrust’s Vietnam.” All that money paid off, because by 1982, the president was Ronald Reagan, a man whose official policy was that monopolies were “efficient." So he dropped the case, and Big Blue wriggled off the hook.
It’s hard to regulate a monopolist, and it’s hard to regulate a cartel. When a sector is composed of hundreds of competing companies, they compete. They genuinely fight with one another, trying to poach each others’ customers and workers. They are at each others’ throats.
It’s hard enough for a couple hundred executives to agree on anything. But when they’re legitimately competing with one another, really obsessing about how to eat each others’ lunches, they can’t agree on anything.
The instant one of them goes to their regulator with some bullshit story, about how it’s impossible to have a decent search engine without fine-grained commercial surveillance; or how it’s impossible to have a secure and easy to use mobile device without a total veto over which software can run on it; or how it’s impossible to administer an ISP’s network unless you can slow down connections to servers whose owners aren’t paying bribes for “premium carriage"; there’s some *other company saying, “That’s bullshit”
“We’ve managed it! Here’s our server logs, our quarterly financials and our customer testimonials to prove it.”
100 companies are a rabble, they're a mob. They can’t agree on a lobbying position. They’re too busy eating each others’ lunch to agree on how to cater a meeting to discuss it.
But let those hundred companies merge to monopoly, absorb one another in an incestuous orgy, turn into five giant companies, so inbred they’ve got a corporate Habsburg jaw, and they become a cartel.
It’s easy for a cartel to agree on what bullshit they’re all going to feed their regulator, and to mobilize some of the excess billions they’ve reaped through consolidation, which freed them from “wasteful competition," sp they can capture their regulators completely.
You know, Congress used to pass federal consumer privacy laws? Not anymore.
The last time Congress managed to pass a federal consumer privacy law was in 1988: The Video Privacy Protection Act. That’s a law that bans video-store clerks from telling newspapers what VHS cassettes you take home. In other words, it regulates three things that have effectively ceased to exist.
The threat of having your video rental history out there in the public eye was not the last or most urgent threat the American public faced, and yet, Congress is deadlocked on passing a privacy law.
Tech companies’ regulatory capture involves a risible and transparent gambit, that is so stupid, it’s an insult to all the good hardworking risible transparent ruses out there.
Namely, they claim that when they violate your consumer, privacy or labor rights, It’s not a crime, because they do it with an app.
Algorithmic wage discrimination isn’t illegal wage theft: we do it with an app.
Spying on you from asshole to appetite isn’t a privacy violation: we do it with an app.
And Amazon’s scam search tool that tricks you into paying 29% more than the best match for your query? Not a ripoff. We do it with an app.
Once we killed competition – stopped putting down rat poison – we got cartels – the rats ate our faces. And the cartels captured their regulators – the rats bought out the poison factory and shut it down.
So companies aren’t constrained by competition or regulation.
But you know what? This is tech, and tech is different.IIt’s different because it’s flexible. Because our computers are Turing-complete universal von Neumann machines. That means that any enshittificatory alteration to a program can be disenshittified with another program.
Every time HP jacks up the price of ink , they invite a competitor to market a refill kit or a compatible cartridge.
When Tesla installs code that says you have to pay an extra monthly fee to use your whole battery, they invite a modder to start selling a kit to jailbreak that battery and charge it all the way up.
Lemme take you through a little example of how that works: Imagine this is a product design meeting for our company’s website, and the guy leading the meeting says “Dudes, you know how our KPI is topline ad-revenue? Well, I’ve calculated that if we make the ads just 20% more invasive and obnoxious, we’ll boost ad rev by 2%”
This is a good pitch. Hit that KPI and everyone gets a fat bonus. We can all take our families on a luxury ski vacation in Switzerland.
But here’s the thing: someone’s gonna stick their arm up – someone who doesn’t give a shit about user well-being, and that person is gonna say, “I love how you think, Elon. But has it occurred to you that if we make the ads 20% more obnoxious, then 40% of our users will go to a search engine and type 'How do I block ads?'"
I mean, what a nightmare! Because once a user does that, the revenue from that user doesn’t rise to 102%. It doesn’t stay at 100% It falls to zero, forever.
[Any guesses why?]
Because no user ever went back to the search engine and typed, 'How do I start seeing ads again?'
Once the user jailbreaks their phone or discovers third party ink, or develops a relationship with an independent Tesla mechanic who’ll unlock all the DLC in their car, that user is gone, forever.
Interoperability – that latent property bequeathed to us courtesy of Herrs Turing and Von Neumann and their infinitely flexible, universal machines – that is a serious check on enshittification.
The fact that Congress hasn’t passed a privacy law since 1988 Is countered, at least in part, by the fact that the majority of web users are now running ad-blockers, which are also tracker-blockers.
But no one’s ever installed a tracker-blocker for an app. Because reverse engineering an app puts in you jeopardy of criminal and civil prosecution under Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, with penalties of a 5-year prison sentence and a $500k fine for a first offense.
And violating its terms of service puts you in jeopardy under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986, which is the law that Ronald Reagan signed in a panic after watching Wargames (seriously!).
Helping other users violate the terms of service can get you hit with a lawsuit for tortious interference with contract. And then there’s trademark, copyright and patent.
All that nonsense we call “IP,” but which Jay Freeman of Cydia calls “Felony Contempt of Business Model."
So if we’re still at that product planning meeting and now it’s time to talk about our app, the guy leading the meeting says, “OK, so we’ll make the ads in the app 20% more obnoxious to pull a 2% increase in topline ad rev?”
And that person who objected to making the website 20% worse? Their hand goes back up. Only this time they say “Why don’t we make the ads 100% more invasive and get a 10% increase in ad rev?"
Because it doesn't matter if a user goes to a search engine and types, “How do I block ads in an app." The answer is: you can't. So YOLO, enshittify away.
“IP” is just a euphemism for “any law that lets me reach outside my company’s walls to exert coercive control over my critics, competitors and customers,” and “app” is just a euphemism for “A web page skinned with the right IP so that protecting your privacy while you use it is a felony.”
Interop used to keep companies from enshittifying. If a company made its client suck, someone would roll out an alternative client, if they ripped a feature out and wanted to sell it back to you as a monthly subscription, someone would make a compatible plugin that restored it for a one-time fee, or for free.
To help people flee Myspace, FB gave them bots that you’d load with your login credentials. It would scrape your waiting Myspace messages and put ‘em in your FB inbox, and login to Myspace and paste your replies into your Myspace outbox. So you didn’t have to choose between the people you loved on Myspace, and Facebook, which launched with a promise never to spy on you. Remember that?!
Thanks to the metastasis of IP, all that is off the table today. Apple owes its very existence to iWork Suite, whose Pages, Numbers and Keynote are file-compatible with Microsoft’s Word, Excel and Powerpoint. But make an IOS runtime that’ll play back the files you bought from Apple’s stores on other platforms, and they’ll nuke you til you glow.
FB wouldn’t have had a hope of breaking Myspace’s grip on social media without that scrape, but scrape FB today in support of an alternative client and their lawyers will bomb you til the rubble bounces.
Google scraped every website in the world to create its search index. Try and scrape Google and they’ll have your head on a pike.
When they did it, it was progress. When you do it to them, that’s piracy. Every pirate wants to be an admiral.
Because this handful of companies has so thoroughly captured their regulators, they can wield the power of the state against you when you try to break their grip on power, even as their own flagrant violations of our rights go unpunished. Because they do them with an app.
Tech lost its fear of competitin it neutralized the threat from regulators, and then put them in harness to attack new startups that might do unto them as they did unto the companies that came before them.
But even so, there was a force that kept our bosses in check That force was us. Tech workers.
Tech workers have historically been in short supply, which gave us power, and our bosses knew it.
To get us to work crazy hours, they came up with a trick. They appealed to our love of technology, and told us that we were heroes of a digital revolution, who would “organize the world’s information and make it useful,” who would “bring the world closer together.”
They brought in expert set-dressers to turn our workplaces into whimsical campuses with free laundry, gourmet cafeterias, massages, and kombucha, and a surgeon on hand to freeze our eggs so that we could work through our fertile years.
They convinced us that we were being pampered, rather than being worked like government mules.
This trick has a name. Fobazi Ettarh, the librarian-theorist, calls it “vocational awe, and Elon Musk calls it being “extremely hardcore.”
This worked very well. Boy did we put in some long-ass hours!
But for our bosses, this trick failed badly. Because if you miss your mother’s funeral and to hit a deadline, and then your boss orders you to enshittify that product, you are gonna experience a profound moral injury, which you are absolutely gonna make your boss share.
Because what are they gonna do? Fire you? They can’t hire someone else to do your job, and you can get a job that’s even better at the shop across the street.
So workers held the line when competition, regulation and interop failed.
But eventually, supply caught up with demand. Tech laid off 260,000 of us last year, and another 100,000 in the first half of this year.
You can’t tell your bosses to go fuck themselves, because they’ll fire your ass and give your job to someone who’ll be only too happy to enshittify that product you built.
That’s why this is all happening right now. Our bosses aren’t different. They didn’t catch a mind-virus that turned them into greedy assholes who don’t care about our users’ wellbeing or the quality of our products.
As far as our bosses have always been concerned, the point of the business was to charge the most, and deliver the least, while sharing as little as possible with suppliers, workers, users and customers. They’re not running charities.
Since day one, our bosses have shown up for work and yanked as hard as they can on the big ENSHITTIFICATION lever behind their desks, only that lever didn’t move much. It was all gummed up by competition, regulation, interop and workers.
As those sources of friction melted away, the enshittification lever started moving very freely.
Which sucks, I know. But think about this for a sec: our bosses, despite being wildly imperfect vessels capable of rationalizing endless greed and cheating, nevertheless oversaw a series of actually great products and services.
Not because they used to be better people, but because they used to be subjected to discipline.
So it follows that if we want to end the enshittocene, dismantle the enshitternet, and build a new, good internet that our bosses can’t wreck, we need to make sure that these constraints are durably installed on that internet, wound around its very roots and nerves. And we have to stand guard over it so that it can’t be dismantled again.
A new, good internet is one that has the positive aspects of the old, good internet: an ethic of technological self-determination, where users of technology (and hackers, tinkerers, startups and others serving as their proxies) can reconfigure and mod the technology they use, so that it does what they need it to do, and so that it can’t be used against them.
But the new, good internet will fix the defects of the old, good internet, the part that made it hard to use for anyone who wasn’t us. And hell yeah we can do that. Tech bosses swear that it’s impossible, that you can’t have a conversation friend without sharing it with Zuck; or search the web without letting Google scrape you down to the viscera; or have a phone that works reliably without giving Apple a veto over the software you install.
They claim that it’s a nonsense to even ponder this kind of thing. It’s like making water that’s not wet. But that’s bullshit. We can have nice things. We can build for the people we love, and give them a place that’s worth of their time and attention.
To do that, we have to install constraints.
The first constraint, remember, is competition. We’re living through a epochal shift in competition policy. After 40 years with antitrust enforcement in an induced coma, a wave of antitrust vigor has swept through governments all over the world. Regulators are stepping in to ban monopolistic practices, open up walled gardens, block anticompetitive mergers, and even unwind corrupt mergers that were undertaken on false pretenses.
Normally this is the place in the speech where I’d list out all the amazing things that have happened over the past four years. The enforcement actions that blocked companies from becoming too big to care, and that scared companies away from even trying.
Like Wiz, which just noped out of the largest acquisition offer in history, turning down Google’s $23b cashout, and deciding to, you know, just be a fucking business that makes money by producing a product that people want and selling it at a competitive price.
Normally, I’d be listing out FTC rulemakings that banned noncompetes nationwid. Or the new merger guidelines the FTC and DOJ cooked up, which – among other things – establish that the agencies should be considering whether a merger will negatively impact privacy.
I had a whole section of this stuff in my notes, a real victory lap, but I deleted it all this week.
[Can anyone guess why?]
That’s right! This week, Judge Amit Mehta, ruling for the DC Circuit of these United States of America, In the docket 20-3010 a case known as United States v. Google LLC, found that “Google is a monopolist, and it has acted as one to maintain its monopoly," and ordered Google and the DOJ to propose a schedule for a remedy, like breaking the company up.
So yeah, that was pretty fucking epic.
Now, this antitrust stuff is pretty esoteric, and I won’t gatekeep you or shame you if you wanna keep a little distance on this subject. Nearly everyone is an antitrust normie, and that's OK. But if you’re a normie, you’re probably only catching little bits and pieces of the narrative, and let me tell you, the monopolists know it and they are flooding the zone.
The Wall Street Journal has published over 100 editorials condemning FTC Chair Lina Khan, saying she’s an ineffectual do-nothing, wasting public funds chasing doomed, quixotic adventures against poor, innocent businesses accomplishing nothing
[Does anyone out there know who owns the Wall Street Journal?]
That’s right, it’s Rupert Murdoch. Do you really think Rupert Murdoch pays his editorial board to write one hundred editorials about someone who’s not getting anything done?
The reality is that in the USA, in the UK, in the EU, in Australia, in Canada, in Japan, in South Korea, even in China, we are seeing more antitrust action over the past four years than over the preceding forty years.
Remember, competition law is actually pretty robust. The problem isn’t the law, It’s the enforcement priorities. Reagan put antitrust in mothballs 40 years ago, but that elegant weapon from a more civilized age is now back in the hands of people who know how to use it, and they’re swinging for the fences.
Next up: regulation.
As the seemingly inescapable power of the tech giants is revealed for the sham it always was, governments and regulators are finally gonna kill the “one weird trick” of violating the law, and saying “It doesn’t count, we did it with an app.”
Like in the EU, they’re rolling out the Digital Markets Act this year. That’s a law requiring dominant platforms to stand up APIs so that third parties can offer interoperable services.
So a co-op, a nonprofit, a hobbyist, a startup, or a local government agency wil eventuallyl be able to offer, say, a social media server that can interconnect with one of the dominant social media silos, and users who switch to that new platform will be able to continue to exchange messages with the users they follow and groups they belong to, so the switching costs will fall to damned near zero.
That’s a very cool rule, but what’s even cooler is how it’s gonna be enforced. Previous EU tech rules were “regulations” as in the GDPR – the General Data Privacy Regulation. EU regs need to be “transposed” into laws in each of the 27 EU member states, so they become national laws that get enforced by national courts.
For Big Tech, that means all previous tech regulations are enforced in Ireland, because Ireland is a tax haven, and all the tech companies fly Irish flags of convenience.
Here’s the thing: every tax haven is also a crime haven. After all, if Google can pretend it’s Irish this week, it can pretend to be Cypriot, or Maltese, or Luxembougeious next week. So Ireland has to keep these footloose criminal enterprises happy, or they’ll up sticks and go somewhere else.
This is why the GDPR is such a goddamned joke in practice. Big tech wipes its ass with the GDPR, and the only way to punish them starts with Ireland’s privacy commissioner, who barely bothers to get out of bed. This is an agency that spends most of its time watching cartoons on TV in its pajamas and eating breakfast cereal. So all of the big GDPR cases go to Ireland and they die there.
This is hardly a secret. The European Commission knows it’s going on. So with the DMA, the Commission has changed things up: The DMA is an “Act,” not a “Regulation.” Meaning it gets enforced in the EU’s federal courts, bypassing the national courts in crime-havens like Ireland.
In other words, the “we violate privacy law, but we do it with an app” gambit that worked on Ireland’s toothless privacy watchdog is now a dead letter, because EU federal judges have no reason to swallow that obvious bullshit.
Here in the US, the dam is breaking on federal consumer privacy law – at last!
Remember, our last privacy law was passed in 1988 to protect the sanctity of VHS rental history. It's been a minute.
And the thing is, there's a lot of people who are angry about stuff that has some nexus with America's piss-poor privacy landscape. Worried that Facebook turned grampy into a Qanon? That Insta made your teen anorexic? That TikTok is brainwashing millennials into quoting Osama Bin Laden? Or that cops are rolling up the identities of everyone at a Black Lives Matter protest or the Jan 6 riots by getting location data from Google? Or that Red State Attorneys General are tracking teen girls to out-of-state abortion clinics? Or that Black people are being discriminated against by online lending or hiring platforms? Or that someone is making AI deepfake porn of you?
A federal privacy law with a private right of action – which means that individuals can sue companies that violate their privacy – would go a long way to rectifying all of these problems
There's a pretty big coalition for that kind of privacy law! Which is why we have seen a procession of imperfect (but steadily improving) privacy laws working their way through Congress.
If you sign up for EFF’s mailing list at eff.org we’ll send you an email when these come up, so you can call your Congressjerk or Senator and talk to them about it. Or better yet, make an appointment to drop by their offices when they’re in their districts, and explain to them that you’re not just a registered voter from their district, you’re the kind of elite tech person who goes to Defcon, and then explain the bill to them. That stuff makes a difference.
What about self-help? How are we doing on making interoperability legal again, so hackers can just fix shit without waiting for Congress or a federal agency to act?
All the action here these day is in the state Right to Repair fight. We’re getting state R2R bills, like the one that passed this year in Oregon that bans parts pairing, where DRM is used to keep a device from using a new part until it gets an authorized technician’s unlock code.
These bills are pushed by a fantastic group of organizations called the Repair Coalition, at Repair.org, and they’ll email you when one of these laws is going through your statehouse, so you can meet with your state reps and explain to the JV squad the same thing you told your federal reps.
Repair.org’s prime mover is Ifixit, who are genuine heroes of the repair revolution, and Ifixit’s founder, Kyle Wiens, is here at the con. When you see him, you can shake his hand and tell him thanks, and that’ll be even better if you tell him that you’ve signed up to get alerts at repair.org!
Now, on to the final way that we reverse enhittification and build that new, good internet: you, the tech labor force.
For years, your bosses tricked you into thinking you were founders in waiting, temporarily embarrassed entrepreneurs who were only momentarily drawing a salary.
You certainly weren’t workers. Your power came from your intrinsic virtue, not like those lazy slobs in unions who have to get their power through that kumbaya solidarity nonsense.
It was a trick. You were scammed. The power you had came from scarcity, and so when the scarcity ended, when the industry started ringing up six-figure annual layoffs, your power went away with it.
The only durable source of power for tech workers is as workers, in a union.
Think about Amazon. Warehouse workers have to piss in bottles and have the highest rate of on-the-job maimings of any competing business. Whereas Amazon coders get to show up for work with facial piercings, green mohawks, and black t-shirts that say things their bosses don’t understand. They can piss whenever they want!
That’s not because Jeff Bezos or Andy Jassy loves you guys. It’s because they’re scared you’ll quit and they don’t know how to replace you.
Time for the second obligatory William Gibson quote: “The future is here, it’s just not evenly distributed.” You know who’s living in the future?. Those Amazon blue-collar workers. They are the bleeding edge.
Drivers whose eyeballs are monitored by AI cameras that do digital phrenology on their faces to figure out whether to dock their pay, warehouse workers whose bodies are ruined in just months.
As tech bosses beef up that reserve army of unemployed, skilled tech workers, then those tech workers – you all – will arrive at the same future as them.
Look, I know that you’ve spent your careers explaining in words so small your boss could understand them that you refuse to enshittify the company’s products, and I thank you for your service.
But if you want to go on fighting for the user, you need power that’s more durable than scarcity. You need a union. Wanna learn how? Check out the Tech Workers Coalition and Tech Solidarity, and get organized.
Enshittification didn’t arise because our bosses changed. They were always that guy.
They were always yankin’ on that enshittification lever in the C-suite.
What changed was the environment, everything that kept that switch from moving.
And that’s good news, in a bankshot way, because it means we can make good services out of imperfect people. As a wildly imperfect person myself, I find this heartening.
The new good internet is in our grasp: an internet that has the technological self-determination of the old, good internet, and the greased-skids simplicity of Web 2.0 that let all our normie friends get in on the fun.
Tech bosses want you to think that good UX and enshittification can’t ever be separated. That’s such a self-serving proposition you can spot it from orbit. We know it, 'cause we built the old good internet, and we’ve been fighting a rear-guard action to preserve it for the past two decades.
It’s time to stop playing defense. It's time to go on the offensive. To restore competition, regulation, interop and tech worker power so that we can create the new, good internet we’ll need to fight fascism, the climate emergency, and genocide.
To build a digital nervous system for a 21st century in which our children can thrive and prosper.
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Community voting for SXSW is live! If you wanna hear RIDA QADRI and me talk about how GIG WORKERS can DISENSHITTIFY their jobs with INTEROPERABILITY, VOTE FOR THIS ONE!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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inwintersolitude · 11 months
- October 25th 2023 -
Do you take a walk every day? Not quite every day, but I do go on walks often.
Who was your favourite musical artist when you were 15? Do you still listen to them? I don't remember exactly, but I'm guessing it was either Metallica, AC/DC, Coldplay, or Queen. I still listen to Metallica, Coldplay, and Queen but I'm not really into AC/DC anymore.
What's your preferred way of getting the news? Online, from various sources that don't have any political leanings. I also like Apple News and Google News.
If you go to flightradar24 dot com to see the radar, are there any planes or helicopters in your area right now? Yep there's a Cessna 172 nearby, the same type of plane I did a lot of my flight training in. I actually use the FlightRadar24 app a lot to track my husband's flights, and also just to browse around and see if I can find any interesting/rare aircraft types.
When was the last time you ate at a food court and what did you get? A few weeks ago. My husband and I got breakfast from a food court area in the Dublin airport, before our flight back to the U.S. I got a breakfast burrito.
Would you consider yourself traditional/old-fashioned? Only in a few specific ways. Mainly when it comes to etiquette/manners stuff.
How do you like your eggs cooked? Over easy or poached.
Have you ever taken a ride in a yellow car that wasn't a taxi? I don't think I have.
What was the last thing you had to return to a store and why? I think it was the curved gaming monitor we bought for the desktop. The screen was faulty, it flickered in the upper left corner.
Do you need to get groceries right now? No, I just went grocery shopping yesterday.
What's your favourite place to go on vacation? My favorite regular vacation spot is Hilton Head Island, but some other favorite vacations I've been on were to London, Bermuda, and Vermont.
What state/territory did you grow up in? Do you still live there? Mostly Ohio. My parents and I moved here when I was 3. Then my husband and I moved away from Ohio, to Virginia, when I was 23. And then when I was 31 we moved back here.
What colour were the last socks you wore? White.
Do you mark your emails as read even if you didn't open them, or do you let them just sit there? I just let them sit there. My inbox is a crowded mess but oh well LOL.
Do you have a LinkedIn profile? Nope.
Have you ever done your own compost? No.
Do you have any plans for tomorrow? If no, what about the day or two after that? I think my husband and I are just going to have a chill day at home tomorrow. Not yet sure about Friday. And then on Saturday we're going to go hiking along the coast, and I'm going to take my camera and drone for some photography.
Would you ever get a tattoo on your hand or foot? Nope.
Do you open your doors and windows on warm days? Yep.
Are the blinds/curtains in the room open or closed right now? Closed.
Who was the last person you said "I love you" to? My husband.
Does your town have a bar or pub? It has a few.
Were you mean to anyone in high school? No.
What's one of your favourite features of your phone? I recently switched back to an Android phone (Google Pixel) after having iPhones for over 5 years, and I had forgotten just how highly customizable Android phones are. I've been having a ton of fun tinkering with it and customizing it just how I want it. But I think what I like even more than the customizability is the amazing camera. It also uses AI to edit photos, like if you take a picture of a landscape and there's a person in the photo, you can select them and the software will use AI to automatically edit out that person.
Have you ever accidentally started a fire? Nope.
Do you ever wonder where everyone's going when you're driving around? Haha yes, sometimes.
Do you forget things as quickly as you think of them? That mostly only happens when I'm really tired.
What is the last note you edited in your phone's notes app? My note where I write down Christmas gift ideas.
Who is your favourite coworker? You can tell me about one from your past if you don't have one right now. The little bit of work I do now is on my own, but at my last job, my favorite coworker was either Stephanie or the older semi-retired guy who worked there just for fun, I can't remember his name anymore.
Can you hear birds chirping right now? Nope, it's nighttime. I put my birds to bed about an hour and a half ago. And all the wild birds outside are asleep, too.
Have you ever learned a language on your own, as in, not attending classes or lessons? I've attempted to learn German on Duolingo, but I had a really hard time, I kept reverting back to French because that was the first foreign language I learned.
Do you know anyone who's adopted a child? No, I don't think so.
Are you good at parallel parking? Yep.
What scent is your body wash? Sort of a nutty vanilla smell.
Do you tend to wear your clothes more than one day before washing them? I oftentimes do. It extends the life of the clothes. But it really depends on the clothing item, like I obviously won't wear workout/hiking clothes more than once.
What was the last video game or board game you purchased? I can't remember.
Pulp or no pulp in your orange juice? No pulp.
Is your middle name common? Not at all, it's my maiden surname which is very uncommon.
What's your favourite Robin Williams movie? I don't really have a favorite. I don't think I've seen very many of his movies. I thought he was a great voice actor in Aladdin, though. Can't think of a better actor to voice the Genie haha.
Do you decorate your house for Halloween? I usually decorate the front porch with a few pumpkins, but that's more like general autumn decor. I don't do any decorations that are super specific to Halloween.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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USAF is ready to accept the T-7s, flight tests start in the 'next few weeks'
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 12/08/2023 - 20:01in Military
The U.S. Air Force will officially take ownership of its first production T-7A training jet “in the coming weeks” and will quickly move on to flight tests at the Boeing contractor's facility in St. Louis, a service officer said last week.
After that, the first two Red Hawks will be transferred to Edwards Air Base, California, within "September" to continue testing, T-7 division chief Colonel Kirt Cassell told reporters at the Life Cycle Industry Days conference on July 31.
In April, U.S. Air Force procurement executive Andrew Hunter announced that the T-7 would not reach initial operational capacity until the beginning of 2027 - three years after its original 2024 target. Then, the Office of Government Responsibility (GAO) said in May that the relationship between the USAF and Boeing was "tend" and predicted that Boeing might not even meet the revised 2027 schedule.
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Cassell said that the U.S. Air Force and Boeing have redefined their relationship since then. “There were leadership changes,” he said. "At the PEO level and at my level within Boeing, they reorganized the attack. ... And then there were many changes, which actually just gave us a new set of eyes. I have a new deputy who joined the program. So, we have a new pair of eyes and we really just invigorate our relationship."
In May and June, the first T-7 production representative began to undergo taxi tests and then made his first official flight with a USAF pilot.
Behind the scenes, Cassell said, the U.S. Air Force and Boeing have been working together to ensure that flight tests can begin as soon as the first jet, dubbed the T-2 or ATP-2, is officially transferred to the U.S. Air Force.
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"The team, collectively Boeing and the U.S. Air Force, has been working overtime," Cassell said. "As if I wasn't joking, working overtime, until late at night, to overcome acceptance. We should accept this aircraft here in the next few weeks. Once completed, we worked hard to prepare for the flight tests. We have completed the appropriate test readiness reviews, these are completed. We have completed the appropriate test planning requirements."
Soon after ATP-2 is accepted by the U.S. Air Force, the service expects to appropriate a second aircraft, called T-1 or ATP-1. The two fuselages will test different factors - flight sciences and charges, respectively, Cassell said.
"There is little or nothing on our way to get this jet, ATP-2, up and running," Cassell said. "Let's start flight tests in St. Louis. And then, around September, that's when we'll transition from APT-2 and then APT-1 to Edwards for continuous flight testing."
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Putting the T-7 back on track and avoiding further delays will likely be crucial to satisfy lawmakers who have expressed concerns about the program. Acclaimed at its launch for proving how engineering and digital design are innovative technologies to accelerate the launch of the product on the market, the first aircraft representative of production went from the clipboard to the first flight in 36 months.
Digital design is “completely transforming the way we do systems engineering,” said General Duke Z. Richardson, head of the Air Force Material Command, in 2022. Boeing and Saab employees predicted that this would "revolutionize" the way aircraft are designed and built.
Then came the delays. In 2021, the U.S. Air Force said that the T-7 suffered from vortex detachment at high angles of attack, making it unstable on the rolling axis. Problems arose with the jet's flight control software, and then doubts arose about the coach's ejection seat system - which was necessary to accommodate a wide range of body sizes. The USAF and Boeing discussed the test data and how to interpret it.
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In May, USAF Secretary Frank Kendall suggested that digital engineering had been "exaggerated" as a way to reduce development time and cost, warning that there are no shortcuts to testing in the real world.
Boeing and the U.S. Air Force now say that the T-7 problems have been largely fixed. But the legislators are skeptical. A provision in the House version of the National Defense Authorization bill would require the Air Force to assess the "risks associated with the overlap of the development, testing and production phases of the program and risks related to the management of contractors". It is not yet known whether this provision will survive the House-Senate conference to reconcile the versions of the House and Senate bill.
Source: Air Force & Space Magazine
Tags: Military AviationBoeing T-7A Red HawkUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Daytona Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work around the world of aviation.
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logistifies · 2 days
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Advanced Taxi Dispatch Software in the UK for Streamlined Operations
Description: Enhance your taxi service with cutting-edge taxi dispatch software in the UK. Featuring automated dispatch, GPS tracking, driver and customer apps, and seamless payment integration, our software optimizes fleet management and boosts operational efficiency. Ideal for both small and large taxi companies looking to improve response times and customer satisfaction.
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ruteappz · 25 days
Kickstart your taxi business today with a powerful, customizable, white-label Uber clone solution - RUTE. Unlock the power of convenience with our Uber clone app that comes with real-time tracking, route optimization, online payment integration & much more.
Get a free 60-minute consultation for your project -
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nishithakrish1 · 25 days
Start Your Own On-Demand Ride Platform with Uber Clone Development
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The on-demand ride industry has grown rapidly in recent years, changing the way people travel. With platforms like Uber establishing the bar, many companies see the opportunity to enter this profitable sector. Creating your own on-demand taxi booking platform with an Uber clone script is a wise and cost-effective approach to profit on this trend. In this article, we'll look at why creating an Uber clone is a smart idea, which features you should include, and how to get started.
Why Choose an Uber Clone Script?
Building an on-demand ride platform from scratch may be time-consuming and costly. By utilizing an Uber clone script, you implement a ready-made solution that has been previously tried and tested. Here's why choosing an Uber clone makes sense.
Creating an app from scratch necessitates major investments in technology, staff, and time. An Uber clone script offers you a pre-built solution, significantly lowering costs.
By using a clone script, most of the foundation is already done. It enables you to launch your platform rapidly and begin earning profits sooner.
Scalable and customizable:
An excellent Uber clone software is very scalable and customizable according to your individual requirements. Whether you wish to add new features or interact with third-party services, the platform can be tailored to your company strategy.
Proven Business Models:
Uber has already proven the on-demand transportation model, making it simpler to attract consumers and drivers with a similar platform.
Key Features of an Uber Clone App
To be successful in the competitive ride-sharing industry, your platform must provide a seamless and user-friendly experience. Here are some key aspects that should be included in your Uber Clone App:
User-friendly Interface:
Both passengers and drivers require a user-friendly interface. Ensure that the app is simple to use, with clear instructions and few steps necessary for booking or accepting a ride.
Real-time GPS Tracking:
GPS monitoring enables riders to view their driver's whereabouts in real-time, which increases transparency and improves the customer experience.
Multiple Payment Options:
Offering many payment options, such as credit/debit cards, digital wallets, and cash, makes it easier for consumers and promotes more reservations.
Ride Scheduling:
Allow users to arrange rides in advance, appealing to people who want to organize their journeys ahead of time.
Driver Management:
 A thorough driver control system guarantees that your platform only contains validated and trusted drivers. Add features such as background checks, ratings, and reviews.
Administrative Dashboard:
A straightforward admin dashboard allows you to effectively monitor and control the whole platform. From tracking rides to resolving disputes, the dashboard should provide you with complete control over the platform.
In-app notifications:
Keep users and drivers up to date with real-time updates about ride status, payments, promotions, and more.
Fare Estimation:
Implement a fare estimation function so that consumers may estimate the cost of their journey before booking.
Steps for Building Your On-Demand Ride Platform
Selecting the Right Uber Clone Script:
Begin by choosing a trustworthy Uber clone script provider. Verify that the script is adaptable, scalable, and has all of the essential functionality.
Customize the platform.
Personalize the platform's style, features, and functions to meet your specific company goals and target audience.
Set up infrastructure:
Your platform will necessitate a powerful server, secure payment gateways, and dependable APIs for GPS tracking, alerts, and more. Collaborate with experienced developers to establish a robust infrastructure.
Launch and Marketing:
When your platform is complete, launch it in your desired area. Use excellent marketing methods to attract both drivers and passengers. Offer promotional bargains or discounts to generate popularity.
Monitor and improve:
After launch, continue to evaluate platform performance and user feedback. Use this information to make changes and introduce new features as required.
Launching your own on-demand ride platform with Uber clone development is a great way to enter into the thriving ride-sharing marketplace. You may launch a successful and beneficial firm by adapting a tried-and-true business model to your own idea. With the proper features, a user-friendly design, and an emphasis on excellent service, your platform may become the preferred option for riders in your area. So, take the first step now and invest in a reputable Uber clone script to launch your on-demand transportation business!
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projectcubicle1 · 1 month
Why High-Quality Content is a Must-Have for SEO Success
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As the adage goes, content is king. But then, not every content is equal. Have you ever thought about why search engines like Google rank some web pages at the top while several other pages with similar content are buried deep down in search results? It’s because those pages at the top feature content that people want to read. That’s why content quality matters. Leveraging white label link building solutions can also significantly enhance your content's reach and impact, helping you climb higher in search rankings. High-quality, user-engaging content can bring more organic traffic, improve rankings and boost the online visibility of your website significantly. In this blog, I’ll tell you how you can harness the power of high-quality content to drive SEO success for your website. Let’s get started.
How to Create High-Quality Content?
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You need quality content to bolster your SEO efforts. Here’s how you can create it. First, high-quality content production goes far beyond being familiar with your content topics. It requires you to understand your target audience and the nature of your industry. Make sure your content is relevant to your target audience and that it effectively addresses the pain points they face. If your industry deals with multiple audience segments, you can segregate them using buyer personas. For example, if you are selling a taxi booking software like Uber, your buyer personas will be taxi business operators, taxi drivers and their end customers. Identifying buyer personas will help you to have a clear idea about who exactly you are going to address using your content. Consider focusing on one buyer segment at a time. This will allow you to maintain consistency throughout your content and make it more relevant to specific user searches. As a result, your website will attract more qualified leads for your business. Second, ensure that your content delivers value to your readers. Google advocates helpful content and it has been rolling out multiple updates to its helpful content system in the past few years. Even better, the helpful content system is part of Google’s March 2024 core update and the search engine giant expects to reduce the surfacing of low-quality, unoriginal content in search results by 40%. That means websites that don’t focus on creating high-quality, value-added content will lose almost half of their chances of ranking higher on Google. That said, if you are investing in quality content that your users will find helpful, you are on the right track. Quality content will boost user engagement, improve your site’s E-E-A-T and help position your brand as an authority in your industry in the long run. Most importantly, all these will send positive signals to Google and make way for your SEO success. Content can come in different forms, including blog posts, videos, infographics, social media posts and much more. Irrespective of the form your content takes, what matters is delivering quality and value to your prospects every step of the way.
How to Unleash the Power of Content for SEO
Here’s a look at how you can channelize the potential of your content to complement your website’s SEO. Keyword Research
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Including the right keywords in your content can boost the appearance of your content for relevant searches. You can use tools like Ahrefs and Semrush to conduct keyword research. As keywords are terms people use to find pages like yours, they also come in handy when choosing your content topics. When infusing keywords into your content, make sure they are naturally placed and align with the content’s flow. Don’t resort to keyword stuffing for the sake of ranking higher. It will affect the quality of your content and produce a negative SEO effect. On-Page SEO On-page SEO is the practice of optimizing individual web pages on your site to attract traffic and rank higher in SERPs. Alongside featuring high-quality content on your website, optimize your headings, meta tags, images and main content using the right keywords. Interlink relevant content pieces on your site to prompt users to navigate similar resources on your site easily so that they will spend more time on your site. That’s, again, a positive user experience signal. Plus, interlinking your web pages helps the search engine to make better sense of your content and your website’s structure. This increases the probability of the search engine ranking your site higher for relevant online searches. Link Building Backlinks are a ranking factor. Backlinks from authoritative sites in your industry vouch for your expertise and trustworthiness. The content surrounding these backlinks is pretty important because it adds more context to the links. Both users and search engines love contextual backlinks alike. Plus, you need to use the right keyword to place the link. That adds to the context of the backlink as well. As you build backlinks from other sites that share a common customer base, they drive referral traffic to your site. When these links are contextual with high-quality content, users are more likely to click on them and land on your site. Now, how do you earn external backlinks using your content? Guest blogging is the best way. Browse online to identify sites accepting guest contributions in your niche. Create convincing email pitches and get in touch with website owners to write guest posts for them and earn backlinks. This process may be time-consuming, but it is worth it. If you think that puts too much on your plate, you can get a guest blog posting service provider to get the job done for you. Ensure that you opt for a good guest blog posting service partner who has a rich inventory of high-quality blogs and can fetch you powerful contextual backlinks using quality content.   Social Media Today, over 62% of the world’s population use social media. Creating and posting content on social media can get a wider reach for your content. But the catch is different social media platforms support different content forms. So, craft your content or repurpose it to meet the requirement of each platform in question. Also, caption your content in such a way to hook the curiosity of social media users so that they want to read your content. Even there in captions, content has a significant role to play.
Wrapping Up
Content quality matters everywhere in SEO. Focus on imparting quality and value to your content to make it both user-friendly and search engine-friendly. This way, your content will bring you more traffic, improved conversions and higher rankings. Follow the above practices to boost your content quality and leverage it to reach your SEO milestones. Read the full article
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librarianrafia · 1 month
Aug 2024)
Today's links
"Disenshittify or Die": My speech from Defcon 32.
Hey look at this: Delights to delectate.
This day in history: 2009, 2014, 2019, 2023
Upcoming appearances: Where to find me.
Recent appearances: Where I've been.
Latest books: You keep readin' em, I'll keep writin' 'em.
Upcoming books: Like I said, I'll keep writin' 'em.
Colophon: All the rest.
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"Disenshittify or Die" (permalink)
Last weekend, I traveled to Las Vegas for Defcon 32, where I had the immense privilege of giving a solo talk on Track 1, entitled "Disenshittify or die! How hackers can seize the means of computation and build a new, good internet that is hardened against our asshole bosses' insatiable horniness for enshittification":
This was a followup to last year's talk, "An Audacious Plan to Halt the Internet's Enshittification," a talk that kicked off a lot of international interest in my analysis of platform decay ("enshittification"):
The Defcon organizers have earned a restful week or two, and that means that the video of my talk hasn't yet been posted to Defcon's Youtube channel, so in the meantime, I thought I'd post a lightly edited version of my speech crib. If you're headed to Burning Man, you can hear me reprise this talk at Palenque Norte (7&E); I'm kicking off their lecture series on Tuesday, Aug 27 at 1PM.
What the fuck happened to the old, good internet?
I mean, sure, our bosses were a little surveillance-happy, and they were usually up for sharing their data with the NSA, and whenever there was a tossup between user security and growth, it was always YOLO time.
But Google Search used to work. Facebook used to show you posts from people you followed. Uber used to be cheaper than a taxi and pay the driver more than a cabbie made. Amazon used to sell products, not Shein-grade self-destructing dropshipped garbage from all-consonant brands. Apple used to defend your privacy, rather than spying on you with your no-modifications-allowed Iphone.
There was a time when you searching for an album on Spotify would get you that album – not a playlist of insipid AI-generated covers with the same name and art.
Microsoft used to sell you software – sure, it was buggy – but now they just let you access apps in the cloud, so they can watch how you use those apps and strip the features you use the most out of the basic tier and turn them into an upcharge.
What – and I cannot stress this enough – the fuck happened?!
I’m talking about enshittification.
Here’s what enshittification looks like from the outside: First, you see a company that’s being good to its end users. Google puts the best search results at the top; Facebook shows you a feed of posts from people and groups you followl; Uber charges small dollars for a cab; Amazon subsidizes goods and returns and shipping and puts the best match for your product search at the top of the page.
That’s stage one, being good to end users. But there’s another part of this stage, call it stage 1a). That’s figuring out how to lock in those users.
There’s so many ways to lock in users.
If you’re Facebook, the users do it for you. You joined Facebook because there were people there you wanted to hang out with, and other people joined Facebook to hang out with you.
That’s the old “network effects” in action, and with network effects come “the collective action problem." Because you love your friends, but goddamn are they a pain in the ass! You all agree that FB sucks, sure, but can you all agree on when it’s time to leave?
No way.
Can you agree on where to go next?
Hell no.
You’re there because that’s where the support group for your rare disease hangs out, and your bestie is there because that’s where they talk with the people in the country they moved away from, then there’s that friend who coordinates their kid’s little league car pools on FB, and the best dungeon master you know isn’t gonna leave FB because that’s where her customers are.
So you’re stuck, because even though FB use comes at a high cost – your privacy, your dignity and your sanity – that’s still less than the switching cost you’d have to bear if you left: namely, all those friends who have taken you hostage, and whom you are holding hostage
Now, sometimes companies lock you in with money, like Amazon getting you to prepay for a year’s shipping with Prime, or to buy your Audible books on a monthly subscription, which virtually guarantees that every shopping search will start on Amazon, after all, you’ve already paid for it.
Sometimes, they lock you in with DRM, like HP selling you a printer with four ink cartridges filled with fluid that retails for more than $10,000/gallon, and using DRM to stop you from refilling any of those ink carts or using a third-party cartridge. So when one cart runs dry, you have to refill it or throw away your investment in the remaining three cartridges and the printer itself.
Sometimes, it’s a grab bag:
You can’t run your Ios apps without Apple hardware;
you can’t run your Apple music, books and movies on anything except an Ios app;
your iPhone uses parts pairing – DRM handshakes between replacement parts and the main system – so you can’t use third-party parts to fix it; and
every OEM iPhone part has a microscopic Apple logo engraved on it, so Apple can demand that the US Customs and Border Service seize any shipment of refurb Iphone parts as trademark violations.
Think Different, amirite?
Getting you locked in completes phase one of the enshittification cycle and signals the start of phase two: making things worse for you to make things better for business customers.
For example, a platform might poison its search results, like Google selling more and more of its results pages to ads that are identified with lighter and lighter tinier and tinier type.
Or Amazon selling off search results and calling it an “ad” business. They make $38b/year on this scam. The first result for your search is, on average, 29% more expensive than the best match for your search. The first row is 25% more expensive than the best match. On average, the best match for your search is likely to be found seventeen places down on the results page.
Other platforms sell off your feed, like Facebook, which started off showing you the things you asked to see, but now the quantum of content from the people you follow has dwindled to a homeopathic residue, leaving a void that Facebook fills with things that people pay to show you: boosted posts from publishers you haven’t subscribed to, and, of course, ads.
Now at this point you might be thinking ‘sure, if you’re not paying for the product, you’re the product.'
The people who buy those Google ads? They pay more every year for worse ad-targeting and more ad-fraud
Those publishers paying to nonconsensually cram their content into your Facebook feed? They have to do that because FB suppresses their ability to reach the people who actually subscribed to them
The Amazon sellers with the best match for your query have to outbid everyone else just to show up on the first page of results. It costs so much to sell on Amazon that between 45-51% of every dollar an independent seller brings in has to be kicked up to Don Bezos and the Amazon crime family. Those sellers don’t have the kind of margins that let them pay 51% They have to raise prices in order to avoid losing money on every sale.
"But wait!" I hear you say!
[Come on, say it!]
"But wait! Things on Amazon aren’t more expensive that things at Target, or Walmart, or at a mom and pop store, or direct from the manufacturer.
"How can sellers be raising prices on Amazon if the price at Amazon is the same as at is everywhere else?"
[Any guesses?!]
That’s right, they charge more everywhere. They have to. Amazon binds its sellers to a policy called “most favored nation status,” which says they can’t charge more on Amazon than they charge elsewhere, including direct from their own factory store.
So every seller that wants to sell on Amazon has to raise their prices everywhere else.
Now, these sellers are Amazon’s best customers. They’re paying for the product, and they’re still getting screwed.
Paying for the product doesn’t fill your vapid boss’s shriveled heart with so much joy that he decides to stop trying to think of ways to fuck you over.
Look at Apple. Remember when Apple offered every Ios user a one-click opt out for app-based surveillance? And 96% of users clicked that box?
(The other four percent were either drunk or Facebook employees or drunk Facebook employees.)
That cost Facebook at least ten billion dollars per year in lost surveillance revenue?
I mean, you love to see it.
But did you know that at the same time Apple started spying on Ios users in the same way that Facebook had been, for surveillance data to use to target users for its competing advertising product?
Your Iphone isn’t an ad-supported gimme. You paid a thousand fucking dollars for that distraction rectangle in your pocket, and you’re still the product. What’s more, Apple has rigged Ios so that you can’t mod the OS to block its spying.
If you’re not not paying for the product, you’re the product, and if you are paying for the product, you’re still the product.
Just ask the farmers who are expected to swap parts into their own busted half-million dollar, mission-critical tractors, but can’t actually use those parts until a technician charges them $200 to drive out to the farm and type a parts pairing unlock code into their console.
John Deere’s not giving away tractors. Give John Deere a half mil for a tractor and you will be the product.
Please, my brothers and sisters in Christ. Please! Stop saying ‘if you’re not paying for the product, you’re the product.’
OK, OK, so that’s phase two of enshittification.
Phase one: be good to users while locking them in.
Phase two: screw the users a little to you can good to business customers while locking them in.
Phase three: screw everybody and take all the value for yourself. Leave behind the absolute bare minimum of utility so that everyone stays locked into your pile of shit.
Enshittification: a tragedy in three acts.
That’s what enshittification looks like from the outside, but what’s going on inside the company? What is the pathological mechanism? What sci-fi entropy ray converts the excellent and useful service into a pile of shit?
That mechanism is called twiddling. Twiddling is when someone alters the back end of a service to change how its business operates, changing prices, costs, search ranking, recommendation criteria and other foundational aspects of the system.
Digital platforms are a twiddler’s utopia. A grocer would need an army of teenagers with pricing guns on rollerblades to reprice everything in the building when someone arrives who’s extra hungry.
Whereas the McDonald’s Investments portfolio company Plexure advertises that it can use surveillance data to predict when an app user has just gotten paid so the seller can tack an extra couple bucks onto the price of their breakfast sandwich.
And of course, as the prophet William Gibson warned us, ‘cyberspace is everting.' With digital shelf tags, grocers can change prices whenever they feel like, like the grocers in Norway, whose e-ink shelf tags change the prices 2,000 times per day.
Every Uber driver is offered a different wage for every job. If a driver has been picky lately, the job pays more. But if the driver has been desperate enough to grab every ride the app offers, the pay goes down, and down, and down.
The law professor Veena Dubal calls this ‘algorithmic wage discrimination.' It’s a prime example of twiddling.
Every youtuber knows what it’s like to be twiddled. You work for weeks or months, spend thousands of dollars to make a video, then the algorithm decides that no one – not your own subscribers, not searchers who type in the exact name of your video – will see it.
Why? Who knows? The algorithm’s rules are not public.
Because content moderation is the last redoubt of security through obscurit: they can’t tell you what the como algorithm is downranking because then you’d cheat.
Youtube is the kind of shitty boss who docks every paycheck for all the rules you’ve broken, but won’t tell you what those rules were, lest you figure out how to break those rules next time without your boss catching you.
Twiddling can also work in some users’ favor, of course. Sometimes platforms twiddle to make things better for end users or business customers.
For example, Emily Baker-White from Forbes revealed the existence of a back-end feature that Tiktok’s management can access they call the “heating tool.”
When a manager applies the heating toll to a performer’s account, that performer’s videos are thrust into the feeds of millions of users, without regard to whether the recommendation algorithm predicts they will enjoy that video.
Why would they do this? Well, here’s an analogy from my boyhood I used to go to this traveling fair that would come to Toronto at the end of every summer, the Canadian National Exhibition. If you’ve been to a fair like the Ex, you know that you can always spot some guy lugging around a comedically huge teddy bear.
Nominally, you win that teddy bear by throwing five balls in a peach-basket, but to a first approximation, no one has ever gotten five balls to stay in that peach-basket.
That guy “won” the teddy bear when a carny on the midway singled him out and said, "fella, I like your face. Tell you what I’m gonna do: You get just one ball in the basket and I’ll give you this keychain, and if you amass two keychains, I’ll let you trade them in for one of these galactic-scale teddy-bears."
That’s how the guy got his teddy bear, which he now has to drag up and down the midway for the rest of the day.
Why the hell did that carny give away the teddy bear? Because it turns the guy into a walking billboard for the midway games. If that dopey-looking Judas Goat can get five balls into a peach basket, then so can you.
Except you can’t.
Tiktok’s heating tool is a way to give away tactical giant teddy bears. When someone in the TikTok brain trust decides they need more sports bros on the platform, they pick one bro out at random and make him king for the day, heating the shit out of his account.
That guy gets a bazillion views and he starts running around on all the sports bro forums trumpeting his success: *I am the Louis Pasteur of sports bro influencers!"
The other sports bros pile in and start retooling to make content that conforms to the idiosyncratic Tiktok format. When they fail to get giant teddy bears of their own, they assume that it’s because they’re doing Tiktok wrong, because they don’t know about the heating tool.
But then comes the day when the TikTok Star Chamber decides they need to lure in more astrologers, so they take the heat off that one lucky sports bro, and start heating up some lucky astrologer.
Giant teddy bears are all over the place: those Uber drivers who were boasting to the NYT ten years ago about earning $50/hour? The Substackers who were rolling in dough? Joe Rogan and his hundred million dollar Spotify payout? Those people are all the proud owners of giant teddy bears, and they’re a steal.
Because every dollar they get from the platform turns into five dollars worth of free labor from suckers who think they just internetting wrong.
Giant teddy bears are just one way of twiddling. Platforms can play games with every part of their business logic, in highly automated ways, that allows them to quickly and efficiently siphon value from end users to business customers and back again, hiding the pea in a shell game conducted at machine speeds, until they’ve got everyone so turned around that they take all the value for themselves.
That’s the how: How the platforms do the trick where they are good to users, then lock users in, then maltreat users to be good to business customers, then lock in those business customers, then take all the value for themselves.
So now we know what is happening, and how it is happening, all that’s left is why it’s happening.
Now, on the one hand, the why is pretty obvious. The less value that end-users and business customers capture, the more value there is left to divide up among the shareholders and the executives.
That’s why, but it doesn’t tell you why now. Companies could have done this shit at any time in the past 20 years, but they didn’t. Or at least, the successful ones didn’t. The ones that turned themselves into piles of shit got treated like piles of shit. We avoided them and they died.
Remember Myspace? Yahoo Search? Livejournal? Sure, they’re still serving some kind of AI slop or programmatic ad junk if you hit those domains, but they’re gone.
And there’s the clue: It used to be that if you enshittified your product, bad things happened to your company. Now, there are no consequences for enshittification, so everyone’s doing it.
Let’s break that down: What stops a company from enshittifying?
There are four forces that discipline tech companies. The first one is, obviously, competition.
If your customers find it easy to leave, then you have to worry about them leaving
Many factors can contribute to how hard or easy it is to depart a platform, like the network effects that Facebook has going for it. But the most important factor is whether there is anywhere to go.
Back in 2012, Facebook bought Insta for a billion dollars. That may seem like chump-change in these days of eleven-digit Big Tech acquisitions, but that was a big sum in those innocent days, and it was an especially big sum to pay for Insta. The company only had 13 employees, and a mere 25 million registered users.
But what mattered to Zuckerberg wasn’t how many users Insta had, it was where those users came from.
[Does anyone know where those Insta users came from?]
That’s right, they left Facebook and joined Insta. They were sick of FB, even though they liked the people there, they hated creepy Zuck, they hated the platform, so they left and they didn’t come back.
So Zuck spent a cool billion to recapture them, A fact he put in writing in a midnight email to CFO David Ebersman, explaining that he was paying over the odds for Insta because his users hated him, and loved Insta. So even if they quit Facebook (the platform), they would still be captured Facebook (the company).
Now, on paper, Zuck’s Instagram acquisition is illegal, but normally, that would be hard to stop, because you’d have to prove that he bought Insta with the intention of curtailing competition.
But in this case, Zuck tripped over his own dick: he put it in writing.
But Obama’s DoJ and FTC just let that one slide, following the pro-monopoly policies of Reagan, Bush I, Clinton and Bush II, and setting an example that Trump would follow, greenlighting gigamergers like the catastrophic, incestuous Warner-Discovery marriage.
Indeed, for 40 years, starting with Carter, and accelerating through Reagan, the US has encouraged monopoly formation, as an official policy, on the grounds that monopolies are “efficient.”
If everyone is using Google Search, that’s something we should celebrate. It means they’ve got the very best search and wouldn’t it be perverse to spend public funds to punish them for making the best product?
But as we all know, Google didn’t maintain search dominance by being best. They did it by paying bribes. More than 20 billion per year to Apple alone to be the default Ios search, plus billions more to Samsung, Mozilla, and anyone else making a product or service with a search-box on it, ensuring that you never stumble on a search engine that’s better than theirs.
Which, in turn, ensured that no one smart invested big in rival search engines, even if they were visibly, obviously superior. Why bother making something better if Google’s buying up all the market oxygen before it can kindle your product to life?
Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Amazon – they’re not “making things” companies, they’re “buying things” companies, taking advantage of official tolerance for anticompetitive acquisitions, predatory pricing, market distorting exclusivity deals and other acts specifically prohibited by existing antitrust law.
Their goal is to become too big to fail, because that makes them too big to jail, and that means they can be too big to care.
Which is why Google Search is a pile of shit and everything on Amazon is dropshipped garbage that instantly disintegrates in a cloud of offgassed volatile organic compounds when you open the box.
Once companies no longer fear losing your business to a competitor, it’s much easier for them to treat you badly, because what’re you gonna do?
Remember Lily Tomlin as Ernestine the AT&T operator in those old SNL sketches? “We don’t care. We don’t have to. We’re the phone company.”
Competition is the first force that serves to discipline companies and the enshittificatory impulses of their leadership, and we just stopped enforcing competition law.
It takes a special kind of smooth-brained asshole – that is, an establishment economist – to insist that the collapse of every industry from eyeglasses to vitamin C into a cartel of five or fewer companies has nothing to do with policies that officially encouraged monopolization.
It’s like we used to put down rat poison and we didn’t have a rat problem.Then these dickheads convinced us that rats were good for us and we stopped putting down rat poison, and now rats are gnawing our faces off and they’re all running around saying, "Who’s to say where all these rats came from? Maybe it was that we stopped putting down poison, but maybe it’s just the Time of the Rats. The Great Forces of History bearing down on this moment to multiply rats beyond all measure!"
Antitrust didn’t slip down that staircase and fall spine-first on that stiletto: they stabbed it in the back and then they pushed it.
And when they killed antitrust, they also killed regulation, the second force that disciplines companies. Regulation is possible, but only when the regulator is more powerful than the regulated entities. When a company is bigger than the government, it gets damned hard to credibly threaten to punish that company, no matter what its sins.
That’s what protected IBM for all those years when it had its boot on the throat of the American tech sector. Do you know, the DOJ fought to break up IBM in the courts from 1970-1982, and that every year, for 12 consecutive years, IBM spent more on lawyers to fight the USG than the DOJ Antitrust Division spent on all the lawyers fighting every antitrust case in the entire USA?
IBM outspent Uncle Sam for 12 years. People called it “Antitrust’s Vietnam.” All that money paid off, because by 1982, the president was Ronald Reagan, a man whose official policy was that monopolies were “efficient." So he dropped the case, and Big Blue wriggled off the hook.
It’s hard to regulate a monopolist, and it’s hard to regulate a cartel. When a sector is composed of hundreds of competing companies, they compete. They genuinely fight with one another, trying to poach each others’ customers and workers. They are at each others’ throats.
It’s hard enough for a couple hundred executives to agree on anything. But when they’re legitimately competing with one another, really obsessing about how to eat each others’ lunches, they can’t agree on anything.
The instant one of them goes to their regulator with some bullshit story, about how it’s impossible to have a decent search engine without fine-grained commercial surveillance; or how it’s impossible to have a secure and easy to use mobile device without a total veto over which software can run on it; or how it’s impossible to administer an ISP’s network unless you can slow down connections to servers whose owners aren’t paying bribes for “premium carriage"; there’s some *other company saying, “That’s bullshit”
“We’ve managed it! Here’s our server logs, our quarterly financials and our customer testimonials to prove it.”
100 companies are a rabble, they're a mob. They can’t agree on a lobbying position. They’re too busy eating each others’ lunch to agree on how to cater a meeting to discuss it.
But let those hundred companies merge to monopoly, absorb one another in an incestuous orgy, turn into five giant companies, so inbred they’ve got a corporate Habsburg jaw, and they become a cartel.
It’s easy for a cartel to agree on what bullshit they’re all going to feed their regulator, and to mobilize some of the excess billions they’ve reaped through consolidation, which freed them from “wasteful competition," so they can capture their regulators completely.
You know, Congress used to pass federal consumer privacy laws? Not anymore.
The last time Congress managed to pass a federal consumer privacy law was in 1988: The Video Privacy Protection Act. That’s a law that bans video-store clerks from telling newspapers what VHS cassettes you take home. In other words, it regulates three things that have effectively ceased to exist.
The threat of having your video rental history out there in the public eye was not the last or most urgent threat the American public faced, and yet, Congress is deadlocked on passing a privacy law.
Tech companies’ regulatory capture involves a risible and transparent gambit, that is so stupid, it’s an insult to all the good hardworking risible transparent ruses out there.
Namely, they claim that when they violate your consumer, privacy or labor rights, It’s not a crime, because they do it with an app.
Algorithmic wage discrimination isn’t illegal wage theft: we do it with an app.
Spying on you from asshole to appetite isn’t a privacy violation: we do it with an app.
And Amazon’s scam search tool that tricks you into paying 29% more than the best match for your query? Not a ripoff. We do it with an app.
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Our service booking app is designed to cover a wide array of services, from home cleaning to car washing. It includes sub-categories, manual bookings, and features for both customers and service providers, making it an excellent choice for agencies looking to expand their service offerings.
7. Ecommerce Software
A robust ecommerce platform that includes a mobile app, web app, and web admin panel. This solution is tailored for businesses aiming to establish or expand their online presence, offering features that drive sales and customer engagement.
Why Choose Us?
Expertise Across Technologies: Our team is proficient in various development technologies, including Flutter, Angular, PHP CodeIgniter, and more.
Custom Solutions: While we offer ready-to-use software, we also customize our solutions to fit your specific business needs.
Comprehensive Support: From development to deployment, we provide ongoing support to ensure your software is always running smoothly.
Proven Track Record: With a portfolio of successful projects across multiple industries, we have a proven track record of helping businesses grow and succeed.
Get Started Today!
Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Explore our ready-to-use software solutions and discover how Apptech Mobile Solutions Pvt Ltd can help you achieve your goals. Whether you’re in the taxi, courier, car rental, or service booking industry, we have the perfect solution for you.
Contact us today to learn more about our offerings and how we can customize them to suit your unique needs. Together, let’s build a digital future where your business can thrive!
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shrugst · 2 months
Car Rental Management Software
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How Car Rental Management Software Has Changed the Rental Business? 
The car rental industry has been booming rapidly in today's world. This owes to the need and convenience offered to the consumers.
The car rental industry is booming and is used by most customers worldwide. The car rental business emerging in the market is thriving with new challenges in managing vehicles, drivers, and operations.
With growing competition in this industry, the implementation of the best car rental management software makes your brand simpler. Car rental management software can help the rental operator manage vehicles, data, online bookings, and much more.
Car rental management software is a specialized platform that automates all types and sizes of car rental operations. This simplifies online distribution, booking management, guest engagement, and other day-to-day operations. This also helps you to give your guests an outstanding experience.
Rental Car Solution is a versatile integrated open source car rental management platform that can completely streamline and automate car rental business processes, simplifying overall management tasks.
These days, car rental companies look for unique software to manage their business. A lot of car rental system software is available on the market, selecting the right option is the most important aspect.
Car rental software helps track every car that has been deployed in your business enterprise. Software that controls and gives an overview of any rented vehicle.
With the help of the car rental system, you can not only display car rentals on your website, and you can also sell their equipment. This car rental app is becoming a pioneer that allows you to manage your rentals and accounts at the same time and can also be tailored to suit your business needs.
Travelopro is a reliable travel technology company offering a car rental management software. We are also specialists in the design and development of custom car rental booking systems.
We establish a car rental booking system that will help you maintain and manage all your work only through a unified system. We have offered the car rental system to both domestic and international customers.
A car rental portal must offer secure and affordable services so that consumers can take full advantage of the rental system with just a few clicks.
Look for reliable, secure, and scalable software to boost your business. Travelopro will certainly help your car rental business thrive and win the market.
We offer fully customized online car rental software that allows travelers to make reservations, modifications, and cancellations easier directly from the website.
Our online car rental software helps our customers increase sales, reduce operating costs, streamline the guest experience and outperform the competition.
We build car rental applications with mobile apps (Android & iOS) and fleet management systems for car rental companies, cab companies, and taxi operators.
The car rental management system is a comprehensive package of car rental websites, booking engines, end-user and driver mobile applications, and fleet management modules.
This cloud-based car booking system can be incorporated into your existing website and allows your customers to search for the availability of cars in real-time, pricing, and instant booking confirmation.
Here are some more reasons why a Car Rental Business Needs Management Software: 
Convenient to Use:
The app helps a lot in business management and provides convenient service to book rental cars. Detailed listing and smooth online booking are the key features of the easy-to-use software. Customers can directly see the details and prices of all the cars available to them. With advanced car rental apps, you can also add additional benefits and discounts to your customers.
Car rental software allows authenticated users only. With the integration of safe payment gateways, the payment becomes secure and efficient. As the car rental app is designed with efficient multiple modules, the data will be stored appropriately.
Vehicle Management:
Complete packed car rental management program includes various modules such as car management, owner and driver management, seamless booking, detailed listing, earnings report, etc. With our car rental management app, it's easy to connect travelers and the car owner can control and manage cars, find and track the car's status.
Data Management:
Automated processing data is a delicate task for a car rental operator. Using the car rental management app, it is easy to accomplish all essential data regarding cars, owners, pricing details, rental data and agreements, invoices, etc.
Billing and Invoicing:
Using a car rental management system, it is easy for operators to track payments, generate online invoices and billing options. You will keep track of your cash flow as a rental owner.
Manage Sales:
Rental software makes it simple to manage inventory. There is no need to evaluate your available vehicles and allocated vehicles manually. The software shows all cars, rented vehicles, and reserved vehicles via a single dashboard. In this way, it is very easy to manage sales and achieve the target.
How we help you with Car Rental Management Software Development Solution? 
Travelopro designed an impeccable software solution to operate a profitable car rental business. Our car rental management system platform is packed with features that assist car rental companies in all aspects.
We provide car rental software that is simple and revolutionary online application software for car rental entrepreneurs to manage the vendor, driver, vehicle, reservation, dispatch, billing in one place and to make informed decisions anywhere effectively.
Travelopro provides you with the best development team to develop your car rental app. You can upload multiple products and services related to the car rental process as per your requirements.
We offer a car rental management system by which the Rental Company Owner controls and overview every rented car. They can see details about various cars and see their status.
Gain better and structured control with car reservation management system software that is simple and fast to implement. With the custom Car Reservation System, you can increase the efficiency of your booking and management process, control the fleet and expenses associated with it. and generate detailed reports.
On a B2B level, an online booking system for car rental connects you with other travel businesses and agents who offer only flight or hotel bookings. It also maximizes deals with affiliates to optimize your business. By centralizing all operations and sales teams to a single car rental booking software, you gain full control over day-to-day operations to achieve long-term goals.
Streamline your car rental business with our booking tools, including booking, scheduling, dispatch, and payment processing. Connect to virtual customers with a specially branded mobile customer app for your business.
Car rental software program is much more than just an online booking system, it also provides information on vehicle maintenance and service monitoring, driver management, user management, billing, invoicing, and easily interfaces to third party systems.
The rental car software application can be run in multiple languages and allows users to control their entire fleet of vehicles efficiently. Rental Car Software managers and their employees can conveniently book reservations by generating revenue.
With an easy-to-learn, intuitive workflow, the staff can spend less time on administrative tasks and be able to focus on what really matters. delivering outstanding customer service.
Drive More Turnover with the Accurate Car Rental Management Software 
Travelopro has been in the travel portal development industry for years, offering an outstanding range of car rental portals or car rental management systems. Our online car rental services provide customers with endless availability.
Through the API Integration, car management companies and tour operators can include features such as search car accessibility, car rental fares, check out the driver details, enter pick up and drop address, car features, and more.
Travelopro comes with a car rental management app customized to your rental services. Our solution comes with unparalleled infrastructure and a plethora of features that will boost your car rental business.
Car rental software brings additional benefits to all aspects of the car rental business. Whether it is the ease of use for your operators or the convenience to customers being able to book directly from the website, car rental software will make a difference.
The Car Rental Platform built by Travelopro is dedicated to helping clients achieve greater reach and opportunities, and also help the customers make booking easily to fulfill the needs.
With the significant rise in the number of organizing and in turn making bookings over the Internet, car rental companies are searching for ways to offer the customers deals with lower costs.
We constantly strive to satisfy our customers with the best facilities, and that is why when it comes to designing car rental systems, we incorporate the portal, website, or software with an upgraded and modified feature, with special regard to customer requirements.
We developed custom online car rental software to manage all aspects of rental operations. You can track reservations, inventory, and payments on a single board.
Our Car Reservation Management System offers real-time connections to global rental suppliers. We allow the negotiated contract system to enter into car deals and make them available on both B2C and B2B platforms.
Our system is user-friendly, easy to use, and designed to meet the unique needs of an independent car rental agency at affordable rates
Our car rental booking system manages both your car rental business and your website easily, accepting online bookings and managing your entire fleet, all from a single control panel.
By providing a highly customizable reservation system and software, your customers will be able to get exact quotes, check the availability of vehicles, and make a booking system on your website with just a few clicks.
With this app, global travel companies are capable of managing inventories and reservations directly on their website and are also able to provide our customers with a seamless and streamlined operation.
In case you are looking for a car rental booking application or want to customize a car rental online booking system, you can feel free to contact Travelopro.
Simple car rental software can manage bookings and verifications from an individual customer account. Your visits can check the availability and book requirements in a flash.
As a result, take the opportunity to create a car rental booking app with real-time availability, multi-language support, and log in for agents and even for customers, quick quote, discount coupons, and promotions, seamless global API integration, instant booking with a confirmation number.
For more details on our services, car rental management software development process and the rates, contact Travelopro Now!
Using a Car Management System has many benefits, such as: 
Streamline the process of renting and managing a fleet
Easy management of booking and quotation
Quick & convenient process for booking
Ensuring that drivers use company vehicles safely and responsibly
Reducing administration processes to increase efficiency
Saving time and money by searching for multiple suppliers on a single platform
Features of Car Rental Software: 
Fast customization
You can configure or customize the open-source car rental software as per your business requirements.
In addition to improving market presence, our white-labeled app lets you rebrand your brand with your own logo and name.
Go mobile
Go on mobile, access your business anytime. Gain more visibility via android & iOS mobile apps.
Set up your dynamic pricing
Keep your customers up-to-date on improvements in car rental prices through our car rental management software. You can set flexible prices for holidays and on special occasions.
The system supports online car booking, offering users convenient access to car rentals at any time.
Payment gateway integration
We allow multiple payment gateways, such as PayPal, Stripe, and Authorize.net, to accept online payments in a reliable and versatile manner Manage and make a payment seamlessly with our payment gateway integration support of your choice.
Multi-language support
Our rental management platform is compliant with multiple languages that enable users to use the application with ease. Having apps in multiple languages is a perfect way to attract more customers.
Currency set up
Let your customers pay for the preferred currency. Our rental system supports multiple currencies that help make payments easier and more versatile.
24/7 Customer Support
Outstanding customer service is dedicated to helping you get the best results for your rental business by using our car rental management software.
Advanced reporting
Keep track of your key performance metrics in an easy-to-use customized dashboard and export everything you need.
We bring remarkable app features that are intuitive and easy to use with iOS and Android. We're offering a seamless user system to enhance the user's booking experience. Increase your business reach and boost your customer experience by automating your rental process with our user- friendly website module.
Fleet Tracking:
Getting full control of the fleet and tracking vehicles in real-time is the most desirable feature of car rental operators. Modern GPS-enabled car rental apps will easily find the location and status of your vehicle from anywhere. Opting for online car rental software is the simple way to go.
All-in-One Software
Enrich competitiveness and profitability for all types of car rental companies. Packed with a user-friendly system and rich features, the program is low-cost and most productive.
Manage Bookings
All bookings are managed by admin and sub-admin. Booking approvals can be made on an automatic or manual basis depending on the protocol set. Admin and sub-admin have full control of over-bookings and cancellations.
Fleet Management:
This function is ideally suited to helping users manage large fleets. You can check car details such as insurance, registration, maintenance, driving history, and much more on a single platform.
Booking Management:
With modern up-to-date technology, many customers prefer online car rental apps. This booking functionality lets the user manage multiple bookings while avoiding repeated or overlapping bookings.
For more details, Pls visit our Website:
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eagleeyelimo · 3 months
Latest trends in ground transportation services in the Bay Area
The Bay Area is known for its vibrancy, and thus its transportation landscape is always changing to accommodate its inhabitants. The ground transportation services in the Bay Area industry are going through exciting changes, ranging from growing concerns about traffic congestion to growing acceptance of environmentally friendly options. Let’s explore the most recent developments and trends impacting Bay Area transportation!
Sustainable Solutions: The Bay Area Ground Transportation services are more and more embracing eco-friendly practices due to environmental degradation. Electric and hybrid vehicles are now frequently seen on the streets, decreasing emissions and minimizing the carbon footprint of transportation, thereby contributing to the environment.
Technology Integration: Technology continues to change the way we travel in the Bay Area. Mobile apps have become indispensable tools for travelers; allowing them to book rides, track cars instantly, and pay for services. Advanced navigation systems and traffic management software are also used to optimize routes, increase efficiency, and reduce traffic.
Optional Services: People’s commutes in the Bay Area are becoming more efficient due to on-demand transit systems. With a few smartphone clicks, users of ride-hailing companies may easily and conveniently hail a ride. The traditional taxi sector has undergone a change with the shift to on-demand services, offering clients increased convenience and choice.
Safety precautions: Safety is a priority in transportation, and Bay Area Transportation Services continues to take steps to ensure the health of passengers and drivers. From stringent vehicle inspections to driver background checks, safety remains a top priority for service providers.
The Bay Area’s ground transportation system continues to evolve by maintaining sustainability, technology, and safety first to meet the needs of able-bodied people. Due to environmentally friendly options, optional services, or safety measures, these trends have made travel more efficient and enjoyable.
For top-notch service that keeps up with these innovations, call Eagle Eye Limo. Eagle Eye Limo makes your trip comfortable and stylish by offering Bay Area limousine service and ground transportation at competitive rates. Call (408) 404-8559 for the latest deals and let Eagle Eye Limo improve your transportation
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migrateshop21 · 3 months
The Rise of On-Demand Transportation: A Look into Taxi Booking Script
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In our modern, fast-paced world, convenience is paramount. Individuals seek efficiency and speed in all aspects of life, including transportation. This is where on-demand transportation services shine. With the introduction of taxi booking script, users can effortlessly book a taxi using their smart phones. But what exactly is a taxi booking script, and how does it improve the user experience? Let's delve into the realm of on-demand transportation and uncover the benefits of taxi booking scripts. What is a Taxi Booking Script? A taxi booking script is a software solution that facilitates the booking of taxi services through a mobile application. It allows users to search for nearby drivers, view real-time ETA, track the driver's location, and make secure payments, all within one seamless platform. Taxi booking scripts are revolutionizing the way people travel by providing a convenient and reliable means of transportation at their fingertips. Key Features of a Taxi Booking Script User-Friendly Interface: A well-thought-out taxi booking script provides an interface that is easy to use, enabling customers to swiftly book a ride. Real-time Tracking:  Allows users to keep track of their driver's whereabouts, providing them with accurate ETA estimations and peace of mind. Secure Payment Choices: To ensure hassle-free and safe transactions, taxi booking software provides secure payment choices. Driver Reviews and Ratings: By allowing users to evaluate and review drivers, the platform can keep its high standards for service quality. Creating a Seamless User Experience: The Power of Taxi Booking Script
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The true strength of a taxi booking script lies in its ability to deliver a seamless user experience. By harnessing cutting-edge technology and intuitive design, these scripts offer users a convenient and dependable means of transportation. Whether you're on your way to the airport, running errands, or meeting friends for dinner, a taxi booking script simplifies the process of finding a ride, tracking your driver, and completing your payment – all within a single platform. So, how exactly does a taxi booking script elevate the user experience? Let's take a closer look: Convenience: With just a few taps on your smart phone, you can book a taxi within seconds, saving you time and eliminating the need to wait on the street for a ride. Reliability: Taxi booking scripts connect you with licensed and vetted drivers, ensuring a safe and dependable journey every time.  Transparency: From real-time driver tracking to upfront pricing, taxi booking scripts provide transparency throughout the booking process, giving users peace of mind.  Personalization: By allowing users to set preferences such as favorite drivers or car types, taxi booking scripts offer a personalized experience tailored to individual needs. Conclusion In conclusion, the surge of on-demand transportation services, driven by innovative taxi booking scripts, is revolutionizing the way we travel. With their user-friendly interface, real-time tracking, secure payment options, and personalized features, taxi booking scripts are establishing a new benchmark for convenience and efficiency in the transportation industry. So, the next time you need a ride, consider using a taxi booking script and witness the future of travel firsthand.
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logistifies · 11 days
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booking experience with Logistifie's white label taxi booking app Create a unique and professional booking experience with Logistifie's white label taxi booking app. Our app is fully customisable, allowing you to brand it with your company’s logo, colours, and design elements. Provide your customers with an easy-to-use platform to book rides, track their taxi, and make secure payments. With advanced features and a sleek interface, our white label app helps you stand out in the competitive taxi industry. https://logistifie.com/booking-software/
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limo-software · 3 months
A to Z Dispatch: Elevate Your Limo and Livery Service with Our All-in-One Dispatch Platform
Welcome to A to Z Dispatch, your ultimate solution for revolutionizing your limousine and livery business. Our platform is designed to create optimized routes, track drivers, and reduce your delivery costs by up to 20%. Whether you're managing a single vehicle or an extensive fleet, our customizable, white-label taxi dispatch software is trusted by leading services around the world.
Why Choose A to Z Dispatch?
1. Optimized Routing and Tracking
With A to Z Dispatch, you can easily create and optimize routes to ensure timely deliveries and reduce fuel consumption. Our advanced tracking features allow you to monitor driver locations in real-time, providing better control and enhanced efficiency.
2. Comprehensive Dispatch Features
Experience seamless dispatch operations with our sophisticated software. Easily create, edit, and dispatch reservations from both mobile and desktop devices. Our platform supports online reservations, scheduling, and on-demand features, making it simpler than ever to manage your bookings and dispatch jobs with a single click.
3. Cost Reduction
Cut your delivery costs by up to 20% with our optimized routing algorithms and efficient dispatch system. By minimizing unnecessary travel and maximizing driver productivity, our software helps you save time and money.
4. Customizable and White-Label Solutions
A to Z Dispatch offers highly customizable, pre-built limo and chauffeur booking software. Tailor the platform to match your brand and business needs with our white-label solutions, providing a personalized experience for your clients.
5. User-Friendly Interface
Our modern, cloud-based Limo software is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly. Whether you’re a tech-savvy professional or new to dispatching software, our platform is easy to navigate and use.
6. 24/7 Free Support
We understand that your business never sleeps. That’s why we offer free 24/7 support to assist you whenever you need it. Our dedicated support team is always ready to help you resolve any issues and ensure your operations run smoothly.
Key Features
Luxury Limo Booking Software: Manage your bookings, drivers, and fleet with our all-in-one dispatcher panel.
360-Degree Management Dashboard: Gain complete visibility and control over your operations with our comprehensive management tools.
Driver Engagement: Attract and retain drivers with our easy-to-onboard driver apps and keep them engaged with continuous support.
Simple Pricing Plans: Enjoy transparent pricing with no setup fees or hidden charges. Our plans start at just $99/month.
Free Website Builder: Establish your online presence with our complimentary website builder, integrated with your dispatch system.
Payment Processing: Simplify transactions with our built-in payment processing capabilities.
Online Reservations and Tracking: Allow your customers to book online and track their rides in real-time.
Get Started Today
Sign up for free automated dispatches, courier tracking, and customer feedback, all in one app. Try A to Z Dispatch free for a 7-day demo trial (no credit card required) and experience a modern, cloud-based limo software that's innovative, user-friendly, and beautiful.
Elevate your limo business with our top-tier reservation and dispatching software. Experience the future of dispatching today!
"A to Z Dispatch has transformed our operations. The optimized routing and real-time tracking features have significantly reduced our costs and improved our efficiency." - John D., Limousine Service Owner
"The customizable platform allowed us to tailor the software to our specific needs, and the 24/7 support has been a game-changer for our business." - Sarah L., Livery Service Manager
Join nearly 100 limousine and livery services who trust A to Z Dispatch. Get started today and take your business to new heights.
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