friendsrpbg · 6 years
2014-12-21-15.06.17 ZS PMax Cheilanthes covillei by John Rusk Via Flickr: Myriopteris covillei (Syn Cheilanthes covellei)—Colville's lip fern. "This fern has green leaves which may be up to 4-pinnate, that is, made up of leaflets that subdivide 3 times, such that the leaflets are layered with overlapping rounded segments. The leaves have a bumpy, cobbled look. The undersides of the leaves have scales which are lengthened outgrowths of the epidermis. Tucked under the scales are the sporangia, which make the spores" (Wikipedia, Cheilanthes covillei.) The frond is from a plant at Regional Parks Botanic Garden located in Tilden Regional Park near Berkeley, CA
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