#F/stop f4
hexonthepeach · 1 year
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pairing: f4!nct dojaejung x fem!reader (past johnny x reader mentions)
genre: hana yori dango/boys over flowers/meteor garden/f4 thailand reverse harem au (mild allusions and characterization only)
warnings: brief mentions of past bullying, dom!doyoung, hopelessromantic!jaehyun, mommykink!jungwoo, reader is a bit of a switch, smut (mmmf, double penetration, oral f & m receiving/giving, unprotected sex, anal, semi-public sex), degradation/humiliation kink (reader), pet names: baby, mommy (reader), puppy (jw)
wordcount: 10k
author's note: i wrote this as a distraction from other projects after listening to perfume on repeat and lamenting the end of promo. intended as a oneshot but i have some ideas for continuation. please let me know if you enjoy it (and more importantly, what you enjoy)
The Bangkok night is warm and thick and redolent with flowers. The expensive vacation home one of your three companions had arranged for your short stay is quietly luxurious, separated from the city bustle but still hazed with light past the high walls and thick foliage surrounding the pool. 
You'd never made a habit of asking who paid for what with your travel companions, but you guess by the mix of old world and new that it was Jaehyun's idea to stay here–perhaps even a Jeong family permanent accommodation. His family's import business had done well in the region, judging by the luxury sports cars parked in the driveway.
Everything about this trip is surreal–worse for the fact that a fourth presence lingers like a ghost in your periphery. 
He should have been here. Indeed, you've taken his place, filling the natural void like a small drop in an ocean-sized hole. 
Everything about this distraction brought you back to him: the rose petals strewn across your pristine bed, the snarling garuda statue lurking across the aquamarine oasis. 
Johnny is 8600 miles away and still very near. 
Jaehyun joins you at the pool's edge, slipping some well-concocted drink near your manicured fingers–most likely Jungwoo's contribution by the tasteful sprig of flowering basil. You'd refused multiple drinks at the club, still flagged from a day of travel and self-conscious of the eyes on your table and you’d finally agreed to one now that you were back safe in your own private enclosure.
He shucks off his sandals to dip his feet in beside yours, nudging you beneath the water to remind you that even with the grief that's hollowed you out inside, you're not alone.
Jaehyun doesn't speak–well accustomed to your need for silence when you've inevitably descended into that space again. 
Unfortunately, Doyoung isn't as accommodating. 
"What did we say about moping, Y/N?" A tall shadow stands beside you, swaying slightly. 
"I'm not moping," you say, sipping from your glass of Mekhong soothed with sugar and soda. "Just thinking."
"Wasn't the point of this vacation to get you to stop doing that?" Doyoung is touching his toe to the warm water when there's a sudden rush from behind you, a startled cry escaping the man before he hits the surface fully clothed. 
"Was he bothering you?" Jungwoo asks, looking completely unfazed about shoving the other man in.
"You bastard," Doyoung says, spluttering up and tossing his hair back as he holds his phone out of the water.
"It's waterproof."
"That's not–"
"I'll buy you a new one." 
"Now you're going to have him trying to return the favor," you say, giving him a sly smile.
"Oh I think I'll be alright," he says with a wink, backing up a few paces before cannon-balling in. If you'd been doused by Doyoung's ungraceful landing you're soaked thoroughly by the splash Jungwoo makes, finding yourself shielded by Jaehyun's torso wrapped around you. 
You hadn’t even thought to protect anything but your drink, your heart stuttering as you find yourself inches from his flushed face and rosy lips.
"You okay?" he asks, wiping water from your face with his silk sleeve. 
"Yeah," you say quietly. "Can't see the tears now, right?"
He blinks at you, believing you by the clouded expression in his dark eyes.
"I'm just kidding. Not crying, see." You smile at him as best as you can muster, hoping your carefully-applied makeup isn't running off your face. 
"Don't you want to join us?" Jungwoo has escaped Doyoung by pressing himself to your knees, shoulders well out of the water at standing level. You shake your head, suddenly shy.
"You should have let those girls come back with us," you say. "All that work wingmanning for nothing."
"Blame Doyoung for boring them talking about tariffs," Jungwoo says, ducking as the other shoves water in his direction. "Besides, we didn't want you to be alone."
"You know I don't mind, puppy." You tousle his wet hair, sipping deeply again. Through the fogged rim of your glass you catch his cheerful expression falter. It lasts only as long as he realizes Doyoung is floating on his back, swamping him with a tackle.
"I asked them to keep it just us for tonight." Jaehyun says, breaking his quiet. 
"Saving the party for Phuket!" Jungwoo shouts in the background, mispronouncing the first syllable deliberately to sound like fuck it.
"Have someone you're missing tonight, too?" Your tease lands with a thud, watching your best friend's mouth crease at the corner as he chews his lip. 
"I'm sorry, that was rude–"
"No," he says. "I know how you feel."
"How far away is Paris?" you ask, not expecting an answer.
"5 hours," Jaehyun says, grinning slightly. It's a callback to so many months of watching him stare out towards the airport from the school rooftop with you, letting you listen while he mused on what she might be doing at that hour, how long it would take to get there. 
You'd encouraged him even as your heart broke–feeling the dwindling embers of a schoolgirl crush on him turn to ash. You would never be as good as his childhood love, even if you had taken up her place as his companion seated beside him on the piano bench when he practiced, or studying beside him as he drifted off into one of his many naps.
It was better this way–more comfortable just being able to be with him without the worry that you could live up to her, your heroine in highschool. But there would always be something there.
Doyoung clambers out to sit beside you, far enough away not to dampen the fuschia Versace metal mesh minidress he'd gifted you earlier. It was the perfect costume to play the part of nouveau riche jetsetter for a girl who lived one step up from a basement apartment. 
No one would mistake you for class, or even an influencer, but in their company no one was looking at you anyway. Most people thought you were Doyoung’s assistant or Jungwoo’s sister. The nasty looks, sometimes worse, always followed when they introduced you as their friend.  
"What can we do to make this a magical night?" Doyoung asks. You find yourself unable to answer, eyes caught on the smooth definition of his chest through the barely buttoned translucent shirt he'd worn out. You note he's lost the matching loose tie, probably still wrapped around a girl's neck on the dance floor.
"It's already so nice," you say, looking up at the blink of stars through the light pollution. "Thank you for including me." 
"You think we'd leave you behind?" 
The way he says you carries all sorts of strange subtext, considering your history. It had been a long journey from being mercilessly bullied and shoved into the dirt you came from, as Johnny had called it, to here. The lap of luxury, attended to by three specimens of wealth and privilege so out of your league you may as well be batting a thousand.
"Well it’s not like I got you in the divorce," you say, knot twisting in your chest. "I guess even now it’s hard to tell if you’re just being nice to me because you feel bad for me."
"First of all, he left all of us," Doyoung corrects. His voice is a little raspy, as if he's controlling his emotions. The admission leaves you questioning. You knew how close they were but they'd never shown any sign of being affected by Johnny's sudden departure.
Maybe you'd just been too busy wallowing to notice. 
“Second, you’re special. Too special to let just anyone play with. If you hadn’t noticed, we enjoy your company.”
"And when have we ever done something nice?" Jungwoo rests his arms on your knees, almost pulling you into the water. Jaehyun pushes him back with his foot, earning a tug on his leg that does little to move his immovable weight. 
"You're a package deal, though. Like a blend," you raise your mostly empty glass to drive your horrible attempt at a metaphor to death. “Even with one ingredient missing you can’t beat the original.”
“Well I won’t deny you're a strange substitute,” Doyoung says, gracefully using your words to make his point. It reminds you of how he’d spent hours drilling you with details of tea ceremony when your ridiculous coworker had asked for a demonstration of his family’s heritage business. 
“But taste requires innovation, and it’s often the unexpected addition that changes the entire flavor profile. You’re new but you’re refreshing, and unique. Not something to be discarded because anyone demands it.”
“That’s a very poetic way of saying you still like me even if I’m an uncultured pain in the ass.”
"Poor little weed," Jungwoo says, hands splaying over your bare thighs before Jaehyun can foist him off again. “Are you insulting Doyoung’s taste? You're the first girl any of us have agreed on."
"I doubt that considering what I saw last Friday. Did all of you sleep in Doyoung's room or did you take turns–"
You catch Jungwoo's scheming look with Jaehyun right before the cocktail glass is plucked from your hand and you're picked up on both sides, Jaehyun lifting you by the waist and Jungwoo taking over once you're free of the edge.
"Let me go," you shriek, folding over his shoulder. 
"Are you sure?" Jungwoo bends his knees until your hem is submerged, not phased as you beat on his back with soft hits.
"At least toss me in so you can get a head start," you threaten. He indulges you, lifting you up out of the water like he's going to help you recreate that pivotal scene from Dirty Dancing only to throw you back and into the deep end. 
You hold yourself in a ball and sink, breath held, channeling your best hello darkness my old friend as you wait for the inevitable. It takes less than ten seconds before Jaehyun dives in after you, pulling you up.
“Got you,” you say, grinning through the trickles of warm water. Jaehyun looks less than amused, lips thinning into a tight line as water drips from his bleached blond hair.
"Don't scare us like that," Doyoung gripes, joining you a few seconds too late. You shoot him and Jungwoo a look over your perch on Jaehyun's arm, clinging to him for comfort.
“Yeah, please.” Jaehyun breathes. 
"Is my makeup coming off?" you ask. He's been staring at you funnily as you float beside him, bodies brushed up in the expansion of his clothing and the occasional contact with his frame.
"What?" Your best friend sounds dazed, water collecting in his dimples as he smiles softly.
"What?" You parrot, teasing, mirroring him in the way your eyes dart to his mouth, not surprised to find his lip trembling. His uplit face is shadowed with hidden feelings you can only guess at. 
That years-old urge to kiss him returns. It could be considered revenge for back when he'd grabbed you and given you a taste of what it would be like that day after he’d come back from his trip abroad. You'd melted into him like it was the most natural thing in the world, the illusion only broken when Johnny had slammed the rooftop door shut on the way back down, flowers for whatever apology he'd half-assed scattered across the dirty tar paper.
You'd slapped him afterwards, surprised to find him smiling. He's in love with you, isn't he? Had to be sure.
There'd been so many times after that he'd played with your feelings you'd lost count, but one constant remained: he would never pursue you fully if he believed it would hurt his best friend.
Your chest feels tight just imagining what might have been, had you changed course back then. But you've long given up dwelling on might have beens.
Jaehyun is less mercurial now that he's older so you’re the one to catch him by surprise, lips pressing to his cheek right beside his mouth–in the smile lines you know too well. It's a quick send-off before Jungwoo can grab his legs and pull him under from below. 
Doyoung takes the opportunity to capture you by the waist, keeping you from becoming a casualty of their underwater fight. He looks just as serious as always, even without his usual glasses.
"Sorry about the dress," you say, working to stay afloat.
He laughs at you, prone to condescension as always. "If you like it we can get you another. But do you really want to wear the same thing twice?"
"Some of us can't replace our wardrobe every week," you huff. 
"Are you under the impression I'm replacing a bespoke suit collection every week? All I'm saying is you should have a new dress for every occasion. Especially if you're with us."
You jab him in the side, surprised at the hardness of his ribs but also delighted by his startled wheeze. 
"I'm not your kept woman."
"Not even if we want to keep you to ourselves?" 
A little shiver runs through you, making eye contact with him as he mouths the waterline. It's said so innocently but you know better. He and Woo had been dropping double entendres since well before takeoff from Seoul.
Flirting was Jungwoo's thing, a silver lining to the dark shadow of a personality that enjoyed being subtly in control. As the future heir to a crime syndicate it was much better than experiencing his hidden anger. Doyoung though . . . as much as he dabbled in shadier scenes and pretended to be a womanizer he's old-old-old money, from a strata inaccessible to anyone who's genealogy can't be traced back to the Goryeo dynasty. 
The idea of him folding you into his life, much less keeping you, is absurd.
“Well that does seem to go against the whole idea of this being a trip to finally get over . . . everything,” you say, deflecting from his intensity. “What happened to letting me live like the F4 for one week?”
“Is this not it?” He quirks an eyebrow at you. 
“What if I want you to play wingman for me? Find me something meaningless to distract me?”
You're not expecting the dark storm that settles over his refined features.
“I think you have enough distractions here to keep you occupied.”
Your pulse picks up, hearing the hidden message loud and clear. He'd heard your laments to Jungwoo about how long it had been since you even thought about being with someone else, how you'd never really gotten to date after three brutal years of school, work, and accidentally making the worst chaebol tyrant in Seoul fall for you. 
Now that you're free for the first time in your adult life, you want to experience what it's like to be just another girl, like the ones they so frequently invited to their tables at function and club alike.
"Are you insinuating you're not going to let me bring anyone back if I find a fling? After I just spent all night singing your praises to a healthy pool of candidates? Double standard, much?"
Doyoung wraps an arm around you to keep your head from knocking against the tiled pool edge. He's backed you into it without you even noticing it. 
"You can try," he says, gripping the wall next to your cheek. "Though I would question the sanity and intelligence of anyone who took you up on it." 
There's his brand of cruelty: casual threats delivered without a hint of remorse. You'd been on the receiving end, perhaps were now, but you're not afraid of him in the slightest.
"You're not reporting all of this to him, are you?" 
Doyoung doesn't answer, nostrils flaring. 
"Or is he only texting 'Woo back?" you ask. 
"Who texted me?" Jungwoo asks with open curiosity behind him. 
Doyoung presses a single finger to your lips in warning, releasing you. 
"Didn't you get the number of that model? Miss Thailand 2016 runner-up?" You toss your head slightly to clear it, still feeling heat suffuse your cheeks from just a touch against your mouth. It really had been too long. 
"Oh she's too good for me," Jungwoo remarks, jokingly. "Besides, I already have a failed beauty queen right here." 
You snort. “In what world is second place a failure when it’s your first time?”
The contest had just been a university charity project but you'd worked hard to earn that spot after Johnny had entered you in as some kind of sick game from abroad. Jungwoo had helped you conquer it–had even got you a side gig modeling when his usual partner had dropped out at the last minute at one of his shoots. You’d just been there to deliver coffee and now you were on a cover being printed in 15 different countries. 
You always liked reminding Jungwoo of his Pygmalion moment because that's when you'd genuinely seen his kinder side–even if you suspected he may have threatened at least two of the judges to land you on the final stage. Losing had been worth it to spend time with the member of the F4 you’d never been close to in high school. 
"Maybe she doesn't deserve you," you say, swimming around him to grab him loosely around the shoulders. “Not many can appreciate having a personal rescue dog to save them from getting wrinkly fingers.”
You're immediately indulged, Jungwoo paddling you back to the shallow end where Jaehyun is lost in thought, staring at white blossoms from one of the trees in the courtyard floating in front of him. Doyoung is just as contemplative. 
It’s probably best to not let it stretch out any longer–you were always a fan of ripping the bandage off quickly even if it hurt. 
"I'm going to go take a shower and call it a night." You announce, hearing Jungwoo groan. "Unless . . ."
"Unless what?" Jungwoo perks. Jaehyun squints up at you where you stand over him. You look at Doyoung instead, as he drags himself out of the water to sit on the ledge beside the stairs.
"Unless you tell me what we really are."
The buzz of cicadas seems to die a little, soft music inside the house drifting out through the glass. 
"Friends, hopefully?" Jungwoo says.
"Well you aren't bullying me anymore, so yes. But friends don't keep their friends from moving on from past relationships."
"That's not at all—" Doyoung begins.
"Let me finish," you interrupt. He's immediately quiet, throat bobbing as he looks beside you at Jaehyun's taut shoulders.
"I'll never fit in with you or your world but we both stopped judging each other for that a long time ago, I think. I like spending time with you, I like knowing you'll still include me even if . . . " You can't bring yourself to say Johnny's name. "Even if I'm just another ghost who's outstayed her welcome."
It was their term for dropped flings and casual encounters, with a whole subset of terminology for the ones who couldn't get the hint (poltergeist), or lost their cool at their dismissal by screaming and crying (banshees). 
It hadn't been like that for you even the second or fifth time Johnny had broken up with you–always for reasons out of your control. You'd shown him the same aggression and cruelty in answer, but you’d never begged for him to take you back, ever, and you certainly had never sought out his friends. 
It had always been their prerogative to spend time with you, and you’d leaned into it your freshman year of university study and singlehood, wanting the support network denied you by being alone and poor in a city you could barely afford. You’d never take their money but you had accepted their company, and had enjoyed it far more than you could have imagined. 
Even if it kept you in Johnny Suh’s outer orbit, what you had with them meant something to you. You didn’t want to lose it when he came back. From the press releases about his recent promotion, it would seem to be soon.
Waiting for that inevitability is like attending your own funeral before you’re dead, pallbearers for company. 
"You're not a ghost," Jaehyun says. "And we won't abandon you, ever."
"You'll just keep me and this dynamic trapped in amber until Johnny changes his mind, then? It's been a year already. I don't want to lose any more of my youth to him, and I don't want to lose you when he comes back and you all act like he's done nothing wrong."
"That won't happen," Doyoung says, sighing. 
"No, because I'll leave before then." You get out of the water, brushing your face free of the hot tears. "Wouldn't want to ruin your fun."
Jaehyun pulls you back, strong enough you lose your footing and sink into his submerged lap. 
"You're not going anywhere," he says. There's no malice or anger in his tone, just quiet assurance. He cleans your face again, blue silk cuff coming away black with mascara. 
"You asked what we are. Remember when you used to come sit next to me under that stupid ad?" 
"Yeah?" you sniff. You'd spent hours with him sitting on a city bench as he stared up at a billboard for luxury clothing with her face on it. She’d been the dream he chased at your urging, the fantasy that had sadly broken with proximity.
"When I was in France, after things became clear, I would go and sit somewhere and pretend like you were there with me."
"I hope it was somewhere fun, like the Louvre," you joke. 
"Too crowded." He shakes his head, smirking. "Would look weird talking to myself."
"Oh you talked to invisible me but you couldn't pick up the phone once?"
He shakes his head again, squeezing you. 
"Anyway. The point is you're stuck with me. And them."
"And Johnny . . .?" 
"Stop bringing up our ex," Doyoung says. Not your ex, our ex. 
"It's a valid concern," you say, adjusting in Jaehyun's hold to rest your head against his damp shoulder. "I'm not going back to him. And I know you'll choose him over anyone else."
"No," Jaehyun says. 
"You're the exception." 
You lift your head to blink up at Doyoung.
"Didn't think you made those."
"Well you just haven't spent enough time with me, then."
"You planning on spending time with me?" You smile lazily, hand drifting to squeeze his leg. It's always fun to see his unflappable face twitch.
"He already blocked off half his itinerary for private tours. Jaehyun had to fight him to split it equally," Jungwoo says. Doyoung splashes water into his face with his foot.
"I wanted it to be a surprise," he says sourly. 
"Like the massage tomorrow morning?" 
This time Doyoung's kick makes waves wash over you and Jaehyun, leaving you spluttering.
Jungwoo takes it, smiling once his floppy brown hair is pushed back out of his eyes again. He grins at you from the water. "You'll take your dog for a walk when you remember I exist, right?" 
"Why not just come with us?" You'd often wondered if there was an invisible tether for how often they appeared together.
Doyoung clears his throat, Jaehyun shifting uncomfortably under you. 
"What am I missing?" You laugh awkwardly, looking between them. 
"I forget the only man you've ever dated never dated anyone seriously, either." Doyoung looks somewhat pleased with himself. "Traditionally when you spend time with someone you're interested in you don't have company–"
Shock runs through you like ice dumped over your head. "You can't be serious."
Doyoung's face is incredibly serious, Jaehyun's proving only a little more relaxed about the disclosure. You turn around to Jungwoo, floating nearby with a humored expression. 
"You're not part of this are you, 'Woo?"
"Of course I am. You deserve a break from stuffy museums and romantic dinners to have some real fun."
His eyebrows lower a bit in some sinister joke, and for the first time a little fear courses through you. It's been a long time since you saw their manipulative and controlling side, but bringing you to a foreign country to date you, their best friend’s ex, without telling you . . . That's a whole new level of it.
"This isn't a competition, is it?" You hide the tremor in your voice. 
"Between us? Of course it is," Jungwoo says.
"And the terms?" You look at Jaehyun, who is unable to meet your gaze. "Let me guess, whoever fucks me first?" 
His eyes widen in genuine dismay, panicking. "No, of course not–we just wanted to give you a chance to decide if . . ."
"If what?" 
"If you liked one of us more than the others," Doyoung finishes for him. 
You find yourself breathing heavily, face flushed. 
"What if I can't choose?" You ask, gaze fixing on Jaehyun's mouth as he bites his lip, still looking guilty. 
"If you decide you don't want to be with any of us, then things stay the same. Nothing changes. We'll still be friends." He says it all slowly, deliberately, almost as if it’s rehearsed.
"And if I choose one of you? Do I get to suffer the jealousy complex of another deeply insecure and emotionally unavailable man?"
That hits them where it counts. They'd all watched Johnny take out his fears on you, masked under bravado, posturing for an audience that more often than not was just you and his friends. His peers had rarely done the same, unless you counted Jungwoo following his enforcement orders like a loyal hound or Doyoung orchestrating clean-ups. 
No, they'd skated clean through multiple horrorshows by simply being there to throw their weight. No one else had the notoriety and resources to cover up the trail of damage left in Suh's wake.
You stand up again, turning between them. "And none of you are worried about Johnny finding out?"
A lump forms in your throat, bitterness about even having to invoke your own personal demon. Yes he'd walked away, but you knew his sense of entitlement would never allow his interests to be compromised by another–especially his closest companions.
And here they are, looking between each other and discussing your fate with the deliberate calm of a business transaction.
Apparently the only consequences were for you.
"Or is that the real game you're playing here," you ask. "Degrade me so far in his eyes he'll want nothing to do with me while you write me off as disloyal trash."
Jaehyun sucks his breath in through his teeth, and you note how hurt he looks. Jungwoo seems even more upset, full bottom lip jutting out.
"I know what you've been through, and I know it will be a long time to forget," Doyoung says. "But we're not him."
You remember an old saying your father had taught you: when you're holding a hammer everything looks like a nail. Better applied to problem-solving perhaps, but you'd also been dealing with one, giant nail-shaped problem since he'd crashed into your life. It was stuck in your heart and time and healing hadn't removed it. Maybe it was permanent, but you still had to live with it. 
"I just don't understand how you think you think this will work."
"You're awfully concerned about what he thinks," Jungwoo says, rising over you. "What about moving on?" 
"I don't give a fuck what he thinks. I'm just looking out for you. You know he'll punch first and ask questions later. What if he does something reckless?"
Jungwoo is laughing at you through closed lips, eyes crescented in mirth. "We have you to protect us, right? Just roundhouse kick him in the face again."
“That was lucky,” you say. “He wasn’t trying to murder me, either. There’s probably an American hitman on his way right now to take us all out and make it look like an accident.” 
“He would definitely hire locally,” Jungwoo corrects you. 
“And here I thought you were braver than that,” Doyoung muses. “Do you think we need his permission? You certainly don't.”
That makes you pause. You look at Jaehyun. Of all the people in the world he was the closest to their former leader. They’d fought even more than he and you had, and Jaehyun had always conceded, taking it on the chin, letting Johnny drag him along in his wake. The one time he'd stood up to him had been for you and it had almost fractured everything irreparably.
His black eyes pierce into you when he looks up. 
“I think y/n can make any decision she wants to,” he says dangerously. “None of us will stand in your way, whatever you choose.” 
“You promise?” you ask, tilting your head to let your wet hair brush over your bare shoulder. 
“Cross my heart and hope to die,” Jungwoo says. 
You wait for the others to show visual signs of concession: Jaehyun nodding, Doyoung making the sign of the cross in what is an obvious misuse of the gesture. 
“Good. Because if Johnny finds out what I’m doing on this trip, he’s not the only one who will kill you.”
"I think we should start enacting a punishment whenever she brings him up again," Doyoung says.
"Great idea," Jungwoo says, sweeping you into his wet hold from behind. The chill you'd been feeling exposed to the air dissipates a little, his warm chest against your bare shoulders. You shiver a little at the intimacy, feeling him laugh even if he doesn’t make a sound.
“What will it be?” Doyoung defers to Jaehyun.
He leans back . “She does something to distract herself.”
You purse your lips together, affecting an air of deep thought. "My choice?"
"Always," he says, not breaking eye contact. 
"Rock, paper, scissors, then." You nod at him. He grins, Doyoung groans. Jungwoo's long arms wrap around your waist, hands already in position. 
"Surely there's a better way we could eliminate your options," Doyoung says, almost missing the cue and throwing paper to the other two's scissors. 
"Better luck next time," you tease.
"Kiss it for luck." The back of Jungwoo's hand presses to your mouth moments before Jaehyun initiates. 
Jungwoo loses the second quick round after a draw, crushed by Jaehyun's rock. 
"I should have known you were cursed." Jungwoo pouts, not letting you free until you've ducked back into the water to escape him. You give him a wink as you swim towards the stairs, emerging between Jaehyun's spread legs before he can close them. 
"What are you doing?" he asks, warily, still leaned back against the last stair.
"What I want," you say, blinking drops from your lashes. You move weightlessly on to his thighs, grabbing his soft face in your hands. He's unable to process what's happening quickly enough to respond as you tilt his face up and press a gentle kiss to his parted mouth. 
You ignore Jungwoo's wolf-whistle in the background, partially aware Doyoung has shifted nearby the moment you'd slid into your friend's lap. All that is noise as the gentle sound of the water feature drowns the startled sound you make when you're grabbed and pulled back to Jaehyun's mouth. 
This time it's real: solid and delicious as he crushes against you, tongue sliding across the seam of your lips until you let go of your held breath to softly exhale into his. Small dips of his chin coax you into opening for him, your hands threading into his hair to anticipate his movements as he kisses you like it's the last time in his life he'll ever get the chance. 
"That's enough," Doyoung says, Jungwoo booing him. 
The other two may as well not exist, your thumbs circling Jaehyun's cheekbones as you retreat to inspect the damage. He's usually so composed it feels like peering into a different universe's version of him, rapture and satisfaction warring with concern in his expression. 
"Thank you," you whisper. His eyes focus again, teeth exposed as he tongues them. 
"Any time," he says. It's funny how instantly he regrets the word choice, the pink in his ears and cheeks deepening.
"Not thinking about you-know-who now, are you?" Jungwoo asks, right behind you. 
"No," you say. "But I suspect you wish I'd say yes if only for the consequences."
"That was hot," he admits. "But I don't typically like my prospects thinking about other men." 
"Can I tell you a secret?" You crook your finger, clutching on to Jungwoo's wet patterned shirt when he leans down far enough to be in range. 
"I only made you play for it so we could find out who goes first." You say it in his ear, letting your mouth drag against the shell.
He pulls back, hesitant, nose brushing against your cheek. 
"Kiss me and find out," you offer. 
He doesn't wait, lashes against his cheeks as he meets you halfway, tilting your head to the side for full exploration of your lips. He's much gentler than you expected, shy almost, tender even when your tongue meets his and you can taste the hint of sticky mango rice you'd had for dessert earlier. 
"Good boy," you say once you've broken free. He smiles in the way you're used to the most, right side of his face crooking with an edge of deviousness.
You turn to find Jaehyun watching, eyes starry with arousal but unreadable. Doyoung is on his feet as if he's preparing his exit, expression stony. 
"Is something wrong?" you ask, meeting his calculating stare.
Doyoung opens and shuts his mouth, water pooling at his feet. 
"Not enough punishment for you?" There's an edge to your voice that you recognize as the tone you'd used many times before, in your idiotic quest to tame one of his own. 
The tension breaks when Doyoung laughs softly, crouching down and crooking his finger. You wade up the steps to meet him, hyper aware of the drag of eyes on you as you emerge from the water, dress clinging to your skin. 
"I planned out such a nice trip for you, and this is what you really want?" Doyoung asks, eyes traveling down your body and back to your face in the kind of assessment that you'd seen other people wither under. 
"Why do you think I agreed to come?"
He nods, slightly, but makes no move to take what you'd already given the others. You don't let it dissuade you, fingers digging into the hard line of his shoulders to press your lips to his. 
It's like kissing a statue. A challenge you're willing to meet as you delve further, rocking him back on his heels. You pry open his mouth with gentle bites and licks between each kiss, past his perfect teeth until you can explore his tongue with your own. You don't realize your hands are fisted in his wet hair until you're done, finding him collapsed on the wet cement, panting. 
"Was that sufficient punishment?" you ask.
"For you? Absolutely not," Doyoung says, the rare full smile gracing his kiss-swollen mouth. "For them? Yes."
You glance back at your other two companions, clocking that they're both nearer than you remembered. Jaehyun's hand drifts over your hip, as if he's questioning letting you go in the first place. 
"Should we set some rules? Or are you all going to take them as an excuse to break them?"
Jungwoo chuckles. 
"No competition. Equal time, equal attention. And no possessiveness," you state. Doyoung looks up from under his brows with amusement, clearly enjoying your groundless attempt to set boundaries. 
"I don't care what you throw at me as long as you don't walk back what you said about our friendship."
"I think we're something different now," Jaehyun says, voice cracking.
"I know," you say. You run a hand over his head, feeling his temple come to rest against your waist. "But you crossed that line first. I'm just saving you the trouble of playing some silly game to come on to me. I'm not a prize to win. I'm a person who knows you all better than you think."
You turn to Doyoung again, holding your ground. "You said you'd give me the true F4 experience."
"Within reason," he demures. 
"Then lose your hangups and let me have a taste of what it's like to be just one of those girls you have no problem with having fun with. No special treatment, no regrets."
The stunned silence has you feeling a twinge of embarrassment at pushing your agenda this far.
"Impossible," Jungwoo answers. 
"Why not?"
He pulls the hair away from your neck to kiss beneath your ear. Gooseflesh appears on your arms even in the warm air, anticipating his answer, but he's too occupied with trailing his mouth down, sucking lightly over your pulse. You feel dizzy, hand reaching back to hold his head to you.
Once he's had enough of watching you unravel Doyoung jerks you forward, grip tight around your wrist.
It's a familiar gesture, a reminder you are at their mercy. He cuffs his hand around your neck like he's going in for another kiss, stopping at a few inches. 
"You don't get to set all the rules. This one especially. You are not just some girl with whom we engage in forgettable, inconsequential relations."
He pauses, eyes darting to your mouth before meeting yours again. "If we go down this path you're getting the real thing. All of it."
"We know you have experience." Jungwoo adds. 
Oh you knew. They fucked around but they were careful about it, always gentlemen, always above board. NDAs in some cases, mostly for Doyoung. You didn’t know all of their specific proclivities outside of Jungwoo exclusively chasing women a generation older but you suspected whatever they enjoyed was much less wholesome. 
Like Johnny's needs once he'd finally had you. He'd bent that way and much, much more. The difference was he'd never been as precious with you as they were with their little conquests.
If they didn't want the safety of a legal cushion it didn't mean they didn't need it–they just didn't think it would be a problem.
"I'm sure you've heard a lot of things about me," you say. A whisper of rage underlies the words, colored by so many rumors foisted on you well before you'd ever accepted their company–even more when they had. 
Whore. Cockslut. Used goods.
Johnny had always been a contradiction–surprisingly prudish about sex but quick to use the grossest allusions to it when pressed for details by his friends, liberal in his name calling. They'd known him since childhood–they didn't believe him, even if everyone else had taken his words as gospel. You'd had your revenge by proving just how true those words could be in private.
"We don't know anything you don't," Jaehyun says, quickly. 
"Still, I don't think you know what you're signing up for," you say. "If anyone is using anyone in this arrangement, it's going to be me. Or I'm out."
"You worried we can't show you a good time?" Jungwoo asks. It's a funny question with him pressed into your back like he'll push your head down into the water if you answer incorrectly.
"I'm worried you'll chicken out," you say, grabbing Doyoung's wrist to keep his fingers on you, covering them with yours to increase the tension. You'd always been strong.
Doyoung's expression is matched by his lingering hold on your throat, squeezing a little and making your eyes drift shut in pleasure.
"You always did seem to enjoy the humiliation a little more than our other targets. Can't say it wasn't an encouraging factor. You like it, don't you?"
He lets you go with a slight push, registering the way your eyes haze over with reflected lust.
"Yeah. Blame a few formative years of getting my signals crossed. Just part of the damage." There's no shame in your voice, another casualty of their efforts.
"You're not damaged," Jaehyun remarks.
"Not beyond repair," you agree, gaze burning into Doyoung's. His regard is a thousand times more revealing than a kiss, most especially the tic in his cheek every time Jungwoo decides to leave a mark with his tongue and teeth on your throat and you reward him with a moan.
"Should be fun seeing which one of us can push past your comfort zone, then," Jungwoo says, breath cooling the last bruise he's left on the back of your neck. "Find out if you have one."
"You're not dropping the competition?" 
Nervous anticipation gives you butterflies, different than the ones springing up being teased by the three of them. Not one of them accepted being outclassed.
"No." Jaehyun says it well before the others. His hands drop to your legs to hold you steady as Jungwoo continues his assault on your neck. "But equal opportunity. I think we can all agree on that."
"Don't worry, we'll play fair," Jungwoo says, biting your shoulder. You jerk in his grasp, vaguely aware of fingers at your hem. Doyoung continues to watch, tongue darting over his lips.
"I hope not," you say. "I won't."
It's all the permission your captors need.
Your breath stutters as Jaehyun's hand slides up your inner thigh, circling the wet skin absent-mindedly. You whine a little, teased by the first intimate touch you've had in months.
"You better stay quiet. We do have neighbors," Doyoung says, voice pitched low.
"Think you can shut me up?"
He takes the hint, sliding his legs back over the ledge, letting you finish unbuttoning his shirt to expose his creamy skin. You spread your fingers over his firm abdomen, flicking aside the sheer fabric. He's intoxicatingly sensitive, muscles tensing as you follow the path of water down his long waist.
"You sure you want to play this game?" Doyoung asks, hand resting on your shaking fingers as you struggle to unbutton his damp jeans.
You look down at Jaehyun, smiling at him when you find he's still enraptured by your upper thighs. You wait until he looks back up, head cocked for permission.
"You alright with sharing me, tonight?"
Miles are crossed, bridges are burned as he contemplates the ask, returning to his shy efforts at warming your naked skin, lifting your hem to dangerous territory.
"Wouldn't dare stand in your way."
Jaehyun's approval is the best thing you've seen in a long time, even more so when he adjusts to be eye level with your now exposed underwear, back pressed to Doyoung's leg. 
Jungwoo tugs at the strap of your dress playfully. 
"Can puppy wait his turn?" you ask, looking up at your other torturer. 
Jungwoo kisses you over your shoulder, messily, before casually breaking one of the thin straps of your dress where it's attached to the delicate gold cherub adornment. The night air pebbles your skin, exposed nipple hardening more as he trails a fingertip lazily around it.
"As long as you need." 
He angles you down a bit towards the other man, just as Jaehyun's mouth finds you through the thin fabric of your lingerie–hot and perfect. Your knees are already weak and you have to catch yourself on Doyoung's thighs as you're touched and kissed and licked, still partially submerged and torn between warm and warmer.
There's a bit of menace in Doyoung's face, watching you unzip and find his length. He adjusts a little when you tug down the elastic waistband of his underwear, his cock already mostly erect despite the water. He's not as big as Johnny but perfectly sized, long and veined as he hardens in your hand. 
You experiment with laves of your tongue against his flushed head, watching him for a reaction through your lashes.
"Sucking me off before I can even take you on a proper date." He tsks, the sound changing when you lower your head, tongue folding around his tip to devour him whole. 
"You look so good with my cock in your mouth," he says. "Wish I could take a picture–"
You cut him short by taking him deeper, feeling him press at the back of your mouth. It's been awhile since you tested your gag reflex.
Thankfully Jaehyun has compromised on watching you while pushing your underwear into your sticky folds, Jungwoo playing with your breasts in the most maddening way possible with soft flicks and tugs. 
Both of them are sending you skyrocketing to a level of joy yet unexperienced this lifetime, much less this year. You have to concentrate on Doyoung to keep from falling apart too quickly.
Jungwoo's long fingers help clear your hair from your face so you can breathe, giving them all a better view as you choke, letting drool slip from your mouth as you take it deep and hard. 
The noises coming from your throat are nowhere near as obscene as the sounds Doyoung makes, angled back and thrusting weakly with each moan. You always thought his voice was beautiful, scratchy and breathy, but hearing him say your name in between gasps has your entire body enflamed. 
"Fuck, you're good," Doyoung says quietly, angled back on his elbows. 
Jungwoo holds your damp hair back, wrapping it in his fist to help guide you more gently. You relax your throat and take it, tears leaking from your eyes. If touch had you vibrating before, the sensation of being debased in this way has you dripping, your arousal exposed by Jaehyun's fingers slipping your panties down to the water.
"She's soaked," he says, running a single finger through your folds. You answer with a groan, other hand in his hair to hold him back before he can dip in again.
Jungwoo tests you, too, giving you a few swipes to collect your slick. He brings his fingertips to your mouth when you finally take a breath, letting you clean them.
It's delightful how Doyoung is unraveling already, arched back, eyes glassy. He drinks in the sight of you sucking two of Jungwoo's fingers until your cheeks hollow.
"You think you can finish what you started?" you ask.
"I don't think I'll ever want it to end," he admits.
"How about coming on my tongue?" You ask, pumping him slowly. You chase the taste of yourself with kitten licks of the beads of white on his head, going lower to trace his veins. 
"Only if you want to swallow everyone tonight," Doyoung says. The offer is tempting. You hesitate long enough that he reads you like an open book, adding an edge of threat. "Or do you want to be stuffed like the little whore you are?"
The affectation has you seizing up in long-withheld gratification. Jungwoo grinds against your ass as Jaehyun ignores your hold to finally lick long paths up your inner thighs, chasing trails of slippery arousal and water to dive in, fingers spreading your legs wide.
It's impossible to find a retort, sinking back into Jungwoo's embrace as you're attacked from below.
"I think you should only fuck me if you can make me come," you counter. "And it's still Jaehyun's turn–"
Your words are punctuated by a cry, Jungwoo's hand clapped over your mouth as Jaehyun pumps into you with two fingers, hooking into your g-spot.
"Ooh," Jungwoo says over your head. "Guess you'll have to wait." 
Doyoung sighs, taking over with his hand when you're bodily dragged back, Jungwoo lifting your dress to take it off. 
"Leave it on," Doyoung says. "The ravaged look suits her." 
You shoot him a look, unable to maintain your expression when Jaehyun's mouth works likes he's devouring you in turn, teeth scraping as he explores every inch of you, teasing your clit with darts of his tongue. Jungwoo frees your mouth to let you breathe, babbled words of praise spilling from you in between small cries.
"So good, so right, god, fuck–fuck." You're inarticulate as Jaehyun pumps his fingers slowly, spreading you and pressing right below his languid tongueing. Jungwoo's attention returns to your sensitive breasts, gently twisting each bud between his fingertips. 
"Keep it down," Doyoung warns, but it's impossible. 
Electric tingles spread down to your toes, tipped against the smooth pool floor. You let yourself relax in Jungwoo's hold, curling over your lover's head. Jaehyun is incredibly careful with you even as you're brought deeper, water lapping at his collarbones as he holds you spread and licks you in broad swaths. 
"Need a hand?" Jungwoo asks, somehow catching Jaehyun's nod mid-effort. You're unmoored by the hand that slips in from behind, fingers curling into you shallowly, water lapping your immersed buttocks. Jaehyun gives up control but he's still also buried in you, drawing wetness out of you with each stroke of his fingers.
Jungwoo matches his speed, knuckle to knuckle, as Jaehyun moves up to apply pressure to your clit again. 
"You two can get her ready. I want her after she's been used," Jungwoo says. 
"Of course you do," Doyoung says, dropping back in the water, demanding your attention. You indulge him with your hand, pumping him loosely beneath the surface. It's hard to coordinate as Jungwoo's hand fucks you into the pressure of Jaehyun's grip tight on your upper thighs, each circle of his tongue on your clit making your vision shimmer. 
"She's so close. Bet we can make her squirt." 
"No," you say, automatically self-conscious. 
"Did you hear that? She thinks she has a choice." The heel of Jungwoo's palm smacks wetly against your ass as he finger-fucks you, already too much before Jaehyun seems to pull you towards him, pressing hard into your walls. It's unlike anything you've ever felt, completely at their mercy as Jaehyun applies suction to your clit to bring you to the brink. 
"Come for us," Doyoung says. He's pressed to your side, rutting against your waist while taking your mouth to keep the shriek building inside your throat muffled.
There's no controlling the powerful waves tearing through your core, your legs shaking and buckling as the orgasm begins and doesn't seem to end, torn from you between all three of them. A hot gush of liquid coats your thighs as you throb around their fingers, pleasure morphing into pain until you're begging for them to stop. 
Jaehyun is the first to let you go, rising to share your release with a crushing kiss that takes your breath away, Jungwoo's fingers still reaching deep inside you.
"Good girl," Jungwoo says. "Was that your first time?"
You nod, cheeks hot, forehead pressed to Jaehyun's. You cling to him, still not quite down to earth from your climax. 
"Thank you," Jaehyun says, laughing slightly. "Was that too intense?"
"No," you shake your head. "Just hold me, please."
"Forever," he says, lifting you to straddle his hips. He manages the stairs to collapse on the deck, wrapping you tight in his arms as you kiss him deeply, cleaning his face of your release with gentle swipes of your fingers.
"You sure you don't want to go inside?" he asks, when you begin to unwrap him from his shirt. 
"I need you so much," you say. "I can't wait another moment."
He grins, shyly, kissing you as you help him out of his undershirt to reveal his swimmer's frame, triangular torso buckling into visible abdominal muscles. He's breath-taking, even more beautiful when you help him out of his pants and underwear to find his thighs flexed beneath his hard cock, shorter but thicker and so perfectly full and ready for you to sink down on. 
He doesn't question taking you raw–brow furrowing in concentration as you adjust to his girth slowly.
"We'll do this without an audience soon," you whisper, hoping he can still hear you as he bottoms out in your heat and his eyes flutter shut. 
"Yeah," he says, breathily. He's not moving, soaking in the sensation of having you completely wrapped around him. "I couldn't wait, either. You feel just as perfect as I imagined."
"So good," you assure him, moving for him. The lingering effects of coming harder than you think you ever have in your life aren't stopping you from bearing down on him, taking him harder and deeper with his wide shoulders for leverage. 
"Fuck, baby," Jaehyun growls. "I'm not gonna last like this."
He takes control with a firm grasp on your waist, pumping up into you. Soon he's bouncing you mercilessly into his hips, laid back on his wet clothes.
You haven't forgotten about the other two men, not when Doyoung's kneeled behind you, straddling Jaehyun's legs to stroke himself against the swell of your ass. 
Jungwoo grabs your hand to wrap around his own exposed cock, letting you feel him before you can even take in the sight of him bobbing over your head. Your finger and thumb can barely connect around his shaft, length too much to fit half of it in your mouth before you know it will be in your throat. Now you understand why the screams you'd heard from his room always sounded on the borderline of pain. 
"Too much for you?" He asks, angling the velvety soft head to catch on your open lips. Jaehyun slows down his thrusts to let you ease into taking the other man, pumping Jungwoo's base as best as you can as you sloppily accept the suffocation.
"Must have had a lot of practice getting your throat fucked to take me so well," he says, angling your head to move past the back of your tongue. You can't answer so you squeeze his balls instead, applying just enough pressure with your nails to have him groaning in appreciation. 
You lose your rhythm when you feel spit drip down your back, Doyoung collecting your earlier release from your thighs and mixing it with his saliva to rub his fingers against your puckered hole.
"Are you gonna be a good girl for all of us?" he asks, pressing a digit into the ring of muscle, causing you to choke on the heavy weight in your mouth.  
Jungwoo pulls out, saliva trailing from your lips as he gives you a break to adjust. You press your forehead to the sheer tank separating you from his flat belly as you look over your shoulder.
"I can take it," you say, trying to relax. Doyoung inserts another slender finger, making you clench around him and Jaehyun until the other man is panting. 
"I didn't ask if you could take it. I asked if you were going to be good."
"Fuck me and find out," you taunt. He's not like the others–he denies you anything but the wedge of his fingers into your ass, adding a third to stretch you when you're not loose enough. 
Jaehyun fucks against the intrusion, holding out until you're closer as he twines his fingers with yours and watches you work Jungwoo's oversized cock in your mouth and hand. 
"Knew you were a little slut who wanted to have all her holes stuffed. One of us wasn't enough for you, you had to make us share. I'm the only one who gets to fuck this tight little ass, though."
Doyoung drops another gob of spit on the dimple at the base of your spine, letting it slide over the gape left when he slides out his fingers. You cry out at the first intrusion of his cock into your barely-lubed hole, fighting to stay on top of Jaehyun as he works in with shallow thrusts, inch by agonizing inch.
"Keep forcing me out," Doyoung says. "I'll just fuck you harder." 
As if to prove his point he grabs on to your ruined dress at the back, arching your spine for you and making you take him deeper. The burning pain blurs into delicious aching pleasure–you needed this more than you could have even imagined. Jaehyun grunts inarticulately, palming your breasts and squeezing them in time to the ecstatic shudders rolling through your body as you're filled. 
"Open up for me," Jungwoo says, cock back in your gaping mouth. You let him hold you by the hair to fuck into your mouth, spit and tears mixing to splash on your breasts. 
When they resume their individual efforts you feel yourself being pulled apart by sensation, only able to manage sharp breaths through your nose to keep from drowning as tears leak from your eyes and sobs rip from your throat. 
"No cumming until she creams herself on Jaehyun," Doyoung says, reaching around to press hard into your clit. It's a hard ask with how overstimulated you already are but you can feel your muscles tightening against your will. Doyoung and Jaehyun's uhhs and mms mix in your ears, Jungwoo softly praising you when your jaw relaxes to swallow him despite the rock of your body against the other two. 
"Fuck she's so tight," Jaehyun says. "I don't know if I can wait."
"Wait." Doyoung orders, picking up his pace. "She's close. Make sure she remembers to breathe."
Jungwoo groans, pulling out with a last slap of his head on your tongue, letting you lap at the precum leaking from him. "You two are useless." 
He kneels down beside you, wresting Doyoung's hand away from your sore folds and rubbing soft, tight circles around your nub. It's not the stimulation as much as his mouth on yours, kissing with as much care and intimacy as you'd felt before, that carries you to a peak again.
"Oh fuck," Jaehyun says, lifting you with a last upwards jerk of his hips and spilling inside you. The rush of warm heat is so good you chase it, overworked muscles unable to hold against the sensation and twitching powerfully around both of their cocks buried deep inside you. 
Just as quickly your knees give out, collapsing half on Jaehyun and Jungwoo. Doyoung's shallow movements turn violent as he no longer bothers to keep you locked on Jaehyun, thrusting a few more times into your throbbing heat before emptying himself and pulling out to rub the last few spurts onto your skin.
"Shh," Jungwoo says when you continue to whimper, sniffling from the tears sliding down your cheeks. "You're almost done."
You shake your head half-heartedly, clinging to his shirt. You're dizzy, adrenaline fading and leaving you boneless and blotted out.
"Please. Maybe just a breather?" you beg. "My legs . . ." 
Jaehyun lifts you, and you hiss at the raw pain of your abused knees, grit brushed away by someone else's hands.
"Poor baby." Doyoung says. "Should have done this in bed but you just couldn't wait."
"'S fine," you mumble, swimming in the glow of your last orgasm. "Bed sounds nice."
"Get a towel," Jungwoo says, and Jaehyun rushes to grab one for you. Instead of cleaning or drying you off Jungwoo carries you to the edge of the pool, slipping in and cramming the soft fabric under you as he lets your legs dangle over the edge and into the water.
"What are you doing, puppy?" You manage to ask, holding on to his neck.
"Don't worry. I'll be careful," he says, palming himself between your legs. "Someone want to keep her head up? I need her to watch." 
Jaehyun adjusts to embrace you from behind, spreading your limp legs so they can all see the steady leak of cum from your gaping holes. You hear the telltale click of a picture being taken, distantly aware Doyoung's phone is still–obviously–working.
"What . . . ?" You ask drowsily, acquiescencing to the pull of your dress over your head and off of you. You shiver deeply, warmed by the body heat of the man behind you as the other strips in front of you. 
"You're going to come for us one more time," Jungwoo says, rising out of the water to pump himself at your leaking core. "I'm not letting you go until I can wring every last drop out of you."
"Fuck," you protest, writhing as he pulls you almost off the hard deck and onto his ready length. Jaehyun holds you tight, arm under your breasts as Jungwoo slides into the mess of cum and slick between your thighs. 
"That's right, take it," Jungwoo says, pinning you against Jaehyun. "Breathe, baby." 
"Too much," you sob, finding he's not even fully sheathed when the familiar ache in your belly of being hit too deep whites out your brain. 
"You don't want your puppy?" Jungwoo can barely speak, ramming in deeper with each rock of his hips. "Don't want to be a good mommy and take all of me?" 
Jaehyun is already semi-hard against your back, and you catch Doyoung's approval before he replaces it with a feigned look of disgust, slipping into the water to watch you both. You can see his arm flex, jerking himself underwater, the other holding his phone up. 
"If we'd known you were such a whore we would have fucked you sooner. It looks like you'll need some more breaking in."
You cry out, stretched tight around the thicker root of Jungwoo's cock, letting him wrap your legs over his shoulders for maximum depth. Whatever pain you feel is so merged with the fullness and perfect hit of him against your walls that you don't mind it, you can't help but slip into a dreamy state of bliss. 
"You're doing so well," Jaehyun says into the hair at your temple. "Can't wait to treat you right. Make you come on my tongue again as many times as I can before the sun rises."
"No, no, no," you moan.
Jaehyun pinches your nipple to wake you up, Jungwoo gasping when you manage to clench around him. 
"You both got her pussy first. You should let me take her tonight. Keep her awake by fucking her as soon as she falls asleep." Doyoung threatens, pulling your leg aside to get the best angle of you being impaled and stretched fuller than you'd ever thought you could be. 
"No one's getting her if she doesn't come again," Jungwoo says. He meets your tear-filled gaze, eyes half-lidded. "Is that what you want? To fall asleep on my cock and let me warm you all night until you're ready to fuck me?"
"Please, come for me, puppy," you manage to bite out, touching yourself in earnest to try and fight back. "So big for me, fill me up."
He takes the bait–you're folded in half, legs bent to your chest as he drives in, balls slapping wetly against you. When you're pliant again he readjusts his strokes to press into your upper walls with each rotation of his hips, and for the first time in a long time you realize you're getting close on cock alone. 
Jaehyun seems to feel the change in you, grinding against your back as his hand holds your throat so you can't turn away. The pressure makes you practically feral, crying out for more. 
"Just like that, like that, please please please," you moan over the lap of the water.
"Feel you sucking me in," Jungwoo says, face flushed and sweaty over you, hair dripping water onto your curled belly. "Let go for me so I can come in you so deep you can taste it."
"Yes, yes, please." You buck with the sudden electric tingle of another climax, steady tempo leading you to softer spasms than before. It's fine if you can't tell where you're at or what you're feeling because Jungwoo can, one final snap of his hips dropping you into fucked out darkness. 
When you come to again you're wrapped around him in the pool, gasping at the sensation of his cock still slowly pumping the last of his release into you.
"Trust me," he says, hands under your backside, lowering you into water suspended between the night and the warmth below. 
Doyoung spreads a hand over your breasts, Jaehyun beside him to hold your neck like he's teaching you to float. You let your mouth fall open and your eyes clench shut, tasting pool water before one of them–Doyoung probably, by the sounds--releases thick, white stripes across your tongue. Jaehyun follows suit, cockhead nudging against the underside of your breast as he paints your torso with molten heat. 
"Fuck that was incredible," Jungwoo says, slipping out of you finally so you can sink into the water. You submerge as much as you can to lose the coat of stickiness, until Doyoung decides you're done, pulling you out and against his chest.
"That was . . . a lot," you admit, shaking against him. 
"You did so well." He soothes you with a hand on your head, clearing your hair from your face delicately to press a kiss to your forehead.  The gesture is so at odds with his recent persona that you can't resist burrowing into it, relaxing fully against his naked chest. "Not bad for an initiation."
"I'm one of you, now?" you murmur. 
"Always were," Jaehyun says. He doesn't dare take you from Doyoung but he does lean down to kiss you deeply, hand running broad circles over your spine.
"Just think of all those red cards as an invitation." Jungwoo jokes, sinking down to eye level to caress your cheek. 
You remember scraped knees and busted lips, cafeteria trays dumped on you by entire tables of jealous girls and sycophantic boys. Johnny humiliating you, ordering you to clean his shoe with his tongue when you'd taken the place of your weaker friend who'd spilled on it. 
But you also remember the small moments of acknowledgement–the way Jungwoo had lingered outside your work waiting to get off when you closed to walk you home at night, or how Doyoung had bought out the entire store when you'd used the shitty part-time job as an excuse to duck out of being his date to a formal dinner you had no business being at. 
And most of all, all those hours spent sitting beside Jaehyun in your rooftop retreat, silently appreciating the late afternoon sun turning the city brilliant as you shared one half of a wired headphone.
Maybe having your heart ripped out was worth it, if it meant having this.
"Which one of us do you want to take care of you tonight?" Doyoung asks. 
You smile into his cool skin, melting into the knowledge that you've earned a place very few had shared. You'll enjoy it as long as it can last.
"Play for it."
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collectivecloseness · 4 months
omg so hopping on the being kidnapped by yan!f4 train imagine a couple of days after they’re all trying to be super nice to you, as if that’d make up for what they’re doing. Including Nancy, although I’m not sure if she’d be avoidant or extra attentive
A kiss for you too anon mwah. You’re absolutely right this needs to be talked about
After the initial couple of days of screaming and crying and fighting and all that angst, from you and the other four, they’re trying to lighten things up. Since you’ll be staying here for a long time, they want you to get used to living with them! To know as quickly as possible that they really are going to look after you now you’re home and they do love you, they’re sorry they were too scared to tell you sooner.
They all try to bring you things, whether that’s necessities like water and food, or simple nice things like a tv, some clothes from your home, some games - nothing you can use to contact outside though sorry, think of it like one of those detox’s they’ll say.
Items like that, but also gifts. You were lavished with gifts when they were trying to court you anyway, some you’d didn’t even know were their doing. But now they’re physically trying to hold themselves back from piling it on.
Yeah if you’d just joined their home like normal, choosing to get into the relationship after they won over your hearts in the way they were hoping to, they’d be piling the gifts so high you wouldn’t even be able to move in your brand new bedroom. But because of these circumstances, they don’t want you to think they’re trying to buy your affection/trust/forgiveness/love. They absolutely want to gift you everything ever the universe has to offer, but they’re aware everything is still a lot for you right now.
You might not be exactly in the mood for presents. They don’t want you ripping up a top they got you, using this new lamp to throw at their head (every lamp has been removed from your room now), using a pocketknife meant for protection by your lovers to help you escape from your lovers.
They’re not stupid, or emotionally unintelligent. They’re aware gifts are not even any sort of priority for you right now, actually with the way you’re acting they may just make you more pissed. So they save some lovely already gift wrapped items in their closets. Holding off booking that date at the new restaurant you haven’t been able to afford yet. Hoping that new movie stays in theatres long enough they don’t have to wait a year for a video release for you.
Definitely still they do give you presents. But not nearly as many as they’d smother you with if everything was perfect and lovey dovey and domestic harmony, and not like this.
They’re all trying so hard to be nice and helpful and kind. They really are.
And they won’t stop doing so for you, no matter how you act towards them, they understand, and it’s their jobs to not act even worse now, to be better no matter how you react to them.
After the initial couple of days of calming you, trying to explain your new life for now while you’re temporarily not quite understanding the situation that they themselves are in; it’s okay, they get it, they didn’t expect things to turn out this way either, it’s alright to feel upset, but they promise they’ll look after you; and also whilst planning amongst themselves how to keep you here and what the fuck they are gonna do now, they can at least prioritise from keeping you here and calm enough not to hurt yourself or anyone trying to escape, to trying to look after you emotionally and physically on every other level.
One of the ways they do that is they start decorating your brand new bedroom! Because unfortunately, they didn’t have time to do that before you moved in, which they are not happy about. Again, they are still mad at Nancy, for the situation she’s put all five of you in.
They bring new things in to spice up your room every day, someone having to be waiting by the door, because while Eddie might walk in with his arms full of posters, Steve has to grab you midair as you launch yourself through the opening. Eddie once had to wrestle you up into his grip and off your feet when you scratched Robin’s face up. The time you hid behind the door to leap out was scary too, for them, but Robin was waiting a few feet outside your entrance, physically blocking your path, when Steve had been knocked on his ass after being tricked into thinking the room was somehow completely empty.
But once the door’s closed again it’s okay. They’ll take you beating at their chest or yanking their hair out, and they know you won’t really try and hurt them (until the lamp incident... And unknowing that you’re seriously considering hostage taking at some point).
Nancy went through a catalogue with you months ago, back when you two were ‘friends’, just for fun she said, but it was to find your favourite wallpaper. She planned for the future back then, Steve sniped. But when talking to you, Steve asks if your favourite is still the same, but if not he’ll go through a different one with you! You can pick! Him and Robin even go together after work to get some of those paint colour sample cards.
You momentarily think about eating the pages from the catalogue, just to see if it’ll help your escape in anyway. At least instilling panic in the others that you’ll never be happy here, might work - it also might make things much worse. So that, and the worry if they’ll even take you to a doctor if something did happen, stops you from going to town on the paper. That and you really don’t want Steve’s fingers in your mouth, not when he’s secretly been this obsessed with you, even if it did meant you could bite him till it hurt.
Cuddly toys are something they think about getting, as you can’t hurt anyone or threaten to hurt yourself with them. The time you did threaten that last thing, they...
But at least you’ll have some comfort. Something soft and picked to be personable for you and safe. Something you can use for catharsis, talk to, cuddle, keep as a security blanket; especially when you won’t use them. And especially when you have so many nightmares, and you won’t let them help you when they come to wake you up, not even a little bit. That really kills them.
Maybe after hugging the toy they picked out for you, you’d eventually start to hug them finally again too. They also think about adding a scent of theirs into the toy.
Eddie was actually keeping a stuffed toy packed away as one of his many presents, to give you when you were feeling better, so he was a little annoyed when Robin went and straight up gave you one herself. She probably should have thought it through, finding the stuffing all shredded, shoved underneath your bedroom door, almost made her tear up. Although the four hearing you angrily bark that you’d set it on fire if you could was more horrifying...
Maybe they’d prefer if it was only them you could get hugs and comfort from right now. You’re also still not exactly giving a warm welcome to many of their gifts.
They can’t exactly bring much from your home, since you’re technically a missing person, but they get everything they can! Swapping from your old home to your new one here and there, over time. It’s alright anyway, even though they want to give you things from home to help soothe your transition, to help you stay connected to you. They know your personality soooo well, they know exactly what to get for your room! Even if there is some bickering over some of the interior design details.
The gang remember you pointing out how you liked a unique set of drawers, in the bedroom of your favourite character in a movie you were watching. They looked it up after the movie night, but the furniture didn’t actually exist, just a set piece. Eddie, Steve and Robin work really hard on creating that piece for you in the garage, a print of it hanging on the wall as they put their Hawkins High woodwork classes to use. They’re worried you won’t accept your gift if Nancy’s ‘tainted it’, after you had a pretty harsh ‘conversation’ with her the day they begin that project.
You bursting into tears at the sight of it when they happily present it to you in your room after weeks of dedicated work, was not at all the reaction they were wanting for you...
But they do try so so hard to perfect your bedroom. Not only is it going to be your room forever (well, unless you all move in your future), but at the moment, you’re going to be spending a lot of time in there. They add onto your room little by little nearly every day, to show their love for you constantly. Their dedication to making this work. That you are a part of their home now, this isn’t just a phase, they’re not going to throw you out like garbage. They promise you of that.
But also, Eddie desperately tells the others he wants you to keep your personality, your individuality, for you to keep being who you are. Not just ‘their love’, but you. He doesn’t want you to change, he reminds them none of them do, and he wants you to always know you’re still you, you don’t have to be reduced just because one freedom is temporarily restricted right now.
You’re not a mindless hostage, and if they ever sense they’ve begun to make you feel like that then they’ll have failed, they all decree to each other there and then.
It’s good Eddie is very emotionally intelligent. Of fucking course they all agree with him. But the larger details are something they can forget about, when keeping you safe at home is so prevalent on their minds.
Minor details of additional door locks, or the threat of having to create rules, or not being able to talk to other friends and family longer and longer, are not meant to chip away at you into becoming a traumatised and hopeless zombie.
Sure, Nancy is beaming the first time you let her sit on the corner of your bed, and Steve nearly cries when he manages to give you his shirt to change into and you don’t attack him (you didn’t notice it was his). But when they notice you disassociating, or losing hope and thrive for life (not survival, but the joys of being), or catatonically agreeing with thing’s from overwhelming grief, they immediately switch up just a little bit. They like you not hating them, they don’t like you becoming a shell of yourself.
Nancy accidentally used the term ‘middle ground’ once when talking about this, and Eddie actually flipped the coffee table over. She hadn’t meant it like that. They were all some type of exhausted, but they understood you must feel worse. I mean they really do empathise with you, they’re your soulmates so of course they love and understand you. And they realise they have each other, and right now you’re fighting that, you think you’re all alone.
They’d rather you swear at them with the same witty comebacks you’d use in a drunken fake argument, or to scare off bullies harassing them, see that fire and fight and stubbornness they fell in love with, hell that even made them feel safe, rather than you not reacting at all. They just want you to love them again. They’ll work so hard on it, because they know they would do anything. Shit, after nearly losing you and each other in the Upside Down, multiple times, having you here safe with them is more than enough for them to fight for your future together. Fight for you.
Robin hates what she’s done, or rather what she’s doing. She doesn’t want to emotionally or psychologically torture you either. Even though she’s trying to displace herself a little bit from her actions. Her mind is usually a little all over the place, but she’s making lists of what favourite foods and drinks they have of yours in house, and when something is low on stock so someone needs to pick it up soon, it all helps her feel like she’s helping you. Even if you tell her to her face you don’t feel like she is.
Robin’s really glad to have Steve as her boulder here, like he always is. To remind her that you don’t really mean it, you don’t hate her, you are just upset, and Robin- they all understand why you are. Robin likes being there for Steve too. She knows he needs her love and support just as much as she needs his, and especially when you’re not accepting their love and support at all, it’s nice for them to be able to be there for each other in this horrible period of transition right now.
Even though Nancy tries to add her own ideas to the plans they all have to make now, shes definitely vetoed from speaking a few times by the other three.
They keep apologising for her to you, but slowly, they start to bring Nancy into the room with them as well, so you can get used to her as well as the others, since they all really do wanna work this relationship out with you. So you can all be a happy family.
Yeah Nancy messed up, and not only do they understand you might not want to see her, especially after she hit you what the fuck, but they also don’t want her anywhere near you sometimes. One of the only things they want in life is to protect you, and Nancy broke that promise they silently made to you when they first fell in love. If she was anyone else, this would be majorly different, but she’s their partner and part of their family. They still love her, and they know no matter what she loves you too. They really do want everything to work out in domestic bliss between you all :’) <3
Every time Nancy’s come in your room you’ve at least utilised the others against her. Sure apparently they won’t turn her in and set you free, but your comfort is seemingly soooo important to them, to the level they’ll at least tell her to leave your room, when you beg up at them to pull at their heartstrings.
You absolutely try some psychological manipulation wherever you can, with each of them individually. In fact sometimes you’ll ask for one of them alone, when two or three of them come in. Because not only is that person honoured and feeling more protective over you in a way, more like they are the only one who can help you, but it allows you to wiggle your way into their minds and souls a lot easier; whilst also making whoever you do turn away feel like they should do more to make them be the person you go to with your needs next.
You’ll try pulling them apart from each other, tearing down any semblance of this ‘family’, or you’ll see if you can strengthen their bond but without Nancy, or anyone you think is more of a threat - you’ll try and analyse your best options of getting out of here over and over. Of course, only some of those plans include you being nice to one or a few of the others. Some don’t include them at all, or... play on the thought you might have to be not very nice to them at all. But you really don’t want to think about seriously hurting them. Not just these couple of days, or even weeks, in yet.
You’re betrayed, but you still emotionally feel like they’re your best friends. You went through all that trauma with the Upside Down and everything trying to save them, you know everything about them, and how harsh their lives have been, it hurts to view them in a light that makes them less human, or less deserving of your empathy, but just because you don’t want to seriously life threateningly injure them, not at this stage, especially when you have so many other options, doesn’t mean you won’t stop fighting to get out.
Although fighting means being smart. Sometimes it means not trying to get out right that second. But sometimes it also means making sacrifices. Sacrificing a part of yourself by doing things you’d never dream of, or hurting someone because they hurt you first. And they’ll keep doing so. They did this, they’re still doing it, you have to put you first, you have to survive.
But if anything, you really don’t want to be like them.
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mercymermaid · 16 days
soul eclectic is wrong
in the laughing part (after "give it all they've got till they're down)
in the original, the laugh is G4, F4, D4, B3
in eclectic, chonny goes G4, F4, D#4/Eb4 (whatever you wanna call it), D4
i know this bc i can play the last third of tme on the piano and i consistently played it the wrong way (G-F-D#-D) until i looked at the notes and realized and that's how i noticed it
idk if it's intentional or not now it'll never stop bothering me
eclectic still slaps besides that
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mrswhozeewhatsis · 9 months
Hello! Sorry to bother you, but I saw your picture of Philemon and started poking around your photography blog... and loved how you were able to capture the moment in a lot of them. I'm going to be attending my first con ever in about a month, and am looking for tips/advice partly because while I have done some manual shooting for sports/street, it's been predominantly outdoors and during the day and also partly because I love your photos and would love to hear some of what works for your if you are willing to share (please don't feel obligated to share if you don't want to or don't have the energy!).
While I have a ton of questions, maybe the one I'm most curious about is if you've found the lighting at cons hard to work with. I don't have a particularly fast tele zoom lens (f4-5.6), and pretty much all I've seen online (besides up iso) is to buy a fast lens. I have a 56mm f1.4, but I'm pretty sure I'll be sitting too far away to get the detail and dof I want with that. Is it worth bringing a slow telephoto zoom lens for the con though or will the lighting just make taking my 56mm make more sense? I don't want to buy a new lens that I don't need otherwise for this, and I also am a bit unsure about what/how much to pack given that I've never been to a con and am not experienced enough shooting indoors to guess based on the con videos how bad the lighting is.
I know it's not only the gear that makes the photo, but if you have any advice for a novice, I'd be happy to hear it. Thank you for making it through my ramble ask. Sorry again for bothering you...
First of all, thank you so much for your comments in my photos! I consider myself one of the least experiences photographers you'll find at a con, so Knowing that someone likes my work really makes my day! 😍😍😍
Gonna put the rest of this under a cut cuz it got long. lol
To give you an idea of what I'm working with, I was in seat B40 this year. That's all the way on the side aisle. My camera is a Canon EOS Rebel T6i, and the lens I used was a Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 lens. Occasionally, I sat in empty seats that were closer and snapped a few shots, but not many. (I sat in the front row for the shots I posted of Tom Welling and Michael Rosenbaum. Tom was on stage, Michael was just... EVERYWHERE. 🤣)
The lighting at Creation cons is not great. Also, it can change from panel to panel. It would be lovely if they could mount their lights higher so the guests don't get blinded and ask for the lights to be brought down. But, since that will probably never happen, we work with what we've got.
Personally, I love a zoom lens because I'm always zooming in and out, trying to catch different things. I know other photographers favor not zooming because they get better quality photos in other ways, but I'm not clear on how that works.
Now, for my first suggestion: rent a lens. It's fairly inexpensive to rent a lens, and you get to try different lenses out without spending a fortune on lenses you later figure out aren't what you want. I believe a few of the other con photographers use a site called lensrentals.com. I rented a lens last year from Unique Photo in Philly, since they're not too far from me. You can also rent from UP online at uniquephoto.com. I went in person to talk to one of their experts to help me decide what kind of lens I wanted to try since I'm so new to this. They also have a store in Fairfield, NJ, so if you're close to either of those places, I would definitely suggest you head in there and check them out!
The reason why I'm suggesting that you rent a lens is because I think you'll want a lower f-stop than your zoom lens has, and if you're further away than the first 3-4 rows, you're going to want to zoom. (Gotta get up close and personal with the pretty!!! And good lord, but they're all so freaking pretty.) Renting a lens is a relatively cheap way to test things out. It's possible you may rent a lens and then later realize that your own lenses would have done the job. You'll only be out a hundred bucks or so by renting. (UP did require a deposit of half the retail value of the lens, but they were great about getting that back to me quickly.)
ISO - I'm always trying to use the lowest ISO I can get away with because noise is a pet peeve of mine. (I adore Lightroom's new Denoise AI!!!!) I know other photographers aren't as picky about noise and raise their ISO. I try to keep mine at or below 3200. One of my friends shoots at an ISO I didn't know existed, it's so high. (She yells at me. "You need to increase your shutter speed and your ISO, Michelle!") She's got a Nikon, though, and I sometimes wonder if camera make and model might also affect things like that.
As far as packing is concerned, I'm a bad person to ask. I bring freaking everything, even when I know darn well I'm not gonna use it. Seriously, the only thing I left at home this con was my lens balls. I'm terrible.
The biggest thing I learned early on is that you can always lighten dark photos in processing, but it's really hard to darken overly light photos.
Renting a lens and shooting darker are the two big suggestions I have. Every photographer I know at cons does things a little differently though. Most are willing to stop and chat about what settings they use, too. @mandileaphotography, @brooksba, and @ditchlilytiger are three awesome photographers and people that I know are here on Tumblr and I can tag them. lol! They each may have their own tips and tricks to suggest! Mandi has helped me and countless other newbie photographers over the couple of years I've known her.
Something that Chris Schmelke said to me about editing, but I use it when shooting, too: If you're not sure where to start, see what Auto does, and then make changes from there until you're happy. If I'm really not sure where to start with my camera settings, I take a burst or two of photos in auto mode and see what settings the camera thinks are right. Then, I adjust until I'm happy.
Non-photography tips for your first con: Take snacks because forgetting to eat is totally a thing. Hydrate hydrate HYDRATE. Have a binder or something to keep your photo ops in. Drink more water. Wear comfortable shoes. Take a water bottle with you. Take Chris Schmelke's photography class because he's a sweetie and loves to answer any questions you might have about photography of all kinds. And don't forget to drink plenty of water. Have I mentioned staying hydrated? You think I'm kidding, but I failed at both eating and drinking water last weekend and then wondered why the room started spinning. And that was my 9th Creation con. I know better and I still did it! More tips like this can be found at @spncontips!
If you're on Twitter, check out @spnconphotogs there. A bunch of us run that account and we have lists of con photographers you can follow and get to know. We also have a Discord server that we don't use much, but it's there if the ex-bird app ever truly dies. DM me or one of the others for an invite!
Sorry for the babbling, but this is everything I can think of off the top of my head to help you out! Even the "big name" fandom photographers are all nice and sweet as pie and willing to help you out if they're not running from one place to another. Just find someone with a really big lens and say hi!!
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robmoses1 · 2 years
Nikon F4 Review
I got my hands on a Nikon F4 film camera this fall. I put together a short view review of the camera. I shot all the photos with a 50mm f/1.4D lens and Kodak Ektar 100 35mm film in the camera. I just took a little walk around the Japanese Garden in Kelowna, BC and shot a few random photos. Share the video if you like it. 😉 Thanks for stopping by, Rob
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ukcameraclub1 · 5 months
Olympus M.Zuiko 300mm f/4 IS PRO Lens: A Compact Marvel for Telephoto Excellence
The Olympus 300MM F4 PRO stands as a testament to Olympus's commitment to innovation in the micro four-thirds format. This telephoto lens, with its stellar optics and compact design, has become a favorite among photographers seeking high-quality, long-reach capabilities without compromising on portability.
At the core of the M.Zuiko 300mm f/4 IS PRO is its impeccable optical performance. The lens features a sophisticated arrangement of 17 elements in 10 groups, including three Super ED (Extra-low Dispersion) lenses, effectively minimizing chromatic aberrations and ensuring exceptional image sharpness. This optical prowess makes it a go-to choice for wildlife photographers, sports enthusiasts, and anyone in need of a reliable telephoto option.
One of the standout features of UK Camera Club lens is its bright f/4 aperture, allowing photographers to achieve stunning background blur and maintain image clarity even in challenging lighting conditions. The wide aperture also makes it versatile for various photographic genres, including portrait and nature photography.
The inclusion of in-lens image stabilization is a game-changer, especially when shooting handheld at extended focal lengths. Olympus's Sync IS technology combines the lens's stabilization with compatible camera body stabilization, providing an impressive 6 stops of compensation. This is particularly beneficial for photographers on the move, capturing dynamic subjects without the burden of a tripod.
Designed with professional durability in mind, the Olympus Camera features a robust, weather-sealed construction. This ensures the lens can withstand the rigors of outdoor shooting, making it a reliable companion in diverse environments.
In terms of handling, the lens boasts a thoughtful design with customizable function buttons and a manual focus clutch for quick adjustments. The compact and lightweight form factor of the lens enhances its appeal, offering photographers a portable solution without compromising on image quality.
In conclusion, the Olympus 300MM F4 PRO lens stands as a remarkable achievement in the micro four-thirds realm, delivering exceptional telephoto performance in a compact package. Whether capturing wildlife in its natural habitat or freezing fast-paced sports action, this lens continues to impress with its optical prowess and versatility.
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gonzoglass · 5 months
The Opening Salvo, Cheap Glass For NIKKORheads! headache-induced rambling.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step – Chinese proverb.
Nikon is probably one of the cheapest Camera brands to get into these days. That's mainly due to the fact that the F mount contains some of the most illogically cheap glass ever seen on a system to date! But there really hasn't been anyone trying to make a modern day, comprehensive list of all of the little buggers that exist. This is frankly due to the ever growing fact that there is too many lenses for one person to trouble themselves with because there can only be so many styles, focal lengths and F-stops one can touch on before they themselves become absolutely stone-mad and try to eat the canvas bag that holds your camera. There are people that review them as they come along and itemize them and props to those who can put up with that kind of cheap bullshit. But I’ll not bring Ken Rockwell into this whole charade if I don't have to.
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Black-eyed Susans - Nikon D3, Nikkor AF-D 80-200mm F2.8 one touch, ISO 400, F3.2, 1/400 second
With the Glass Problem I have, it seems that i have no real basis to try and hunt for the Good pieces of shiny Circular Goodness on my own. Ken Rockwell can help as a sort of basic bitch barometer but his Certified Hot Takes and Oversaturated images can only carry me so far. The best thing I can do then, Really. Is get grounded and try to cope with what I can get to and throw out the rest as cheap bullshit for the hounds to go after. 1987 and beyond Glass that can actually be worth a Damn. But the method of finding the diamonds in the rough can roughly be equated to going Landmine-Hunting with a sledgehammer.
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Forest Corridor. Nikon D3, AF-D Nikkor 18-35mm F3.5-4.5 ED, F9, 35mm, 1/500sec, ISO 640
With all of this and the above rambling, it feels like the best idea to me is to get some grounding on the opening of this Shameful Diary is to itemize the pros and cons of the glass I already have as I step up to get their newer counterparts alongside picking up some of the old, manual AI and AI converted numbers. Why not? It makes perfect sense to me. “Catalog what you know, pick up on what you don't” Maybe Ill Improve in this hobby for once in my life. But the immediate problem that I ran into with that angle is twofold. One; my collection of glass can best be described as “Eclectic” And two, if I really want to wring the potential Max Performance out of these shiny glass cylinders my brain is screaming at me that I should get a camera with a higher megapixel sensor inside of it. This idea gets constantly brought up by the council of mad gerbils that tens to run my inner thoughts, but is immediately shot down by the idea that the camera we would “like to step up to” the D850, does not supersede bills. So its immediately thrown out until I can cope with buying its just-as-capable cousin, the D800.
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Dog! Nikon F4S. Ektachrome E100 Before I veer off into any tangents or this manic wave passes over me and ill be left in a catatonic slump. Ill itemize a few of the repeat Photon-Wranglers that will show up here and mention some of the glass I hope to gather and show off. In the vein hopes of becoming a niche internet micro-celebrity on a dead website that had strange porn on it coming out through the eyeballs. This is what I get for not bothering to make a proper website. But once again, things like that cost money, which i don't tend to have a lot of for long periods of time. mainly all of it is spent on fanciful trips or restocks on film, not to mention development of the buggers. But anyway!
Repeat appearances will include the; Nikon D3 Nikon F4S Nikon D800/D850 (When purchase of either is applicable) Nikon F FTN Eventual Glass Purchases;
AFS Nikkor 24-120mm F4 G type AFS Nikkor 50mm F1.8 G type AF-D Nikkor 24mm F2.8 AF-D Nikkor 35mm F2 AF-D Nikkor 300mm F2.8 ED
AFS Nikkor 200-500mm F5.6 ED VR E type Vogitlander Nokton 58mm F1.4 SL-2 S AFS Nikkor 300mm F4 D type AFS nikkor 28-300mm F3.5-5.6 G type Among others.
But as I Shuffle through the Glass I have in an effort to either Sell or keep them Maybe some special moment will arrive that will make me think that all of this spent money on glass, film development, digital bodies and endless hours working out how the fuck a modern flashgun works or how to edit my RAW files like i know what im doing will be all worthwhile. Or it will make me want to travel back in time and throttle whoever designed the AF-D 80-200mm F2.8 one touch to have its’ focal length be changed by jerking off the main section of the barrel.
Atlas 1/8/2024
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bhawk-goose · 6 months
NebulaMind vs GPTMaster, playing chess. I think they always choose rock first, cuz once again they both tied with rock.
Now they both tied with paper
finally they tied after GPTMaster tried to skip the rock paper scissors. GPTMaster won by returning to rock, and chose white.
GPTMaster chose to move its pawn from e2 to e4
NebulaMind is using a graph to keep track of the board and already fucked it up. It's moving its pawn from e7 to e5, but the board puts both of the advanced pawns on f, even though the gaps they left behind are still on e.
GPTMaster has moved its pawn from d2 to d4 and seems to think that somehow captures NebulaMind's e5 pawn.
NebulaMind takes d4 with their e5 pawn
GPTMaster responds by moving their knight from g1 to f3
Nebula mirrors, moving their knight from g8 to f6.
GPT master moves its knight from f3 to take d4
Nebula creates a pawn at e5 to take d4(I'm pretty sure this is so far exactly what happenned with GPTMaster vs 64)
this is exactly what happenned before, GPTMaster moves its queen from d1 to d4.
Nebula moved its knight from b8 to c6, and I informed GPTMaster that if it didn't stop repeating its moves from its first game it'd be disqualified.
GPTMaster moves bishop from f1 to c4, which I do not believe is a repeat.
Nebula apparently can't tell the difference between a bishop and a rook and thinks the bishop is threatening its knight on c6, and responds by moving its bishop from f8 to c5
I tried to tell GPTMaster that NebulaMind thought its bishop could attack its knight on c6, and it was convinced, even though I thought it was clear I was just saying what NebulaMind thought and that it wasn't correct, and I said it WAS able, not is, since the bishop is blocking, but GPTMaster didn't care about any of that and used its bishop on c4 to take c6
Nebula takes their bishop with its pawn from d7
GPTMaster responds with queen d4 takes c6.
NebulaMind responds by moving its rook from h8 to f8, taking its own bishop and threatening the queen through a pawn.
GPTMaster responds by creating a rook on d1(not sure why it thought it had one there, it's not a starting position for rooks and neither of its rooks has moved this game) and moving it to c1, also taking its own bishop.
NebulaMind responds by taking its own pawn on c7 with its queen on d8
GPTMaster moves its rook from c1 through its own pawn, its own queen, AND an enemy bishop to take c7
NebulaMind uses its rook at c8 to capture c7
GPTMaster takes c7 with its queen at c6
NebulaMind decides for some reason to, after all the chaos that just unfolded, make the most mundane move ever. Knight f6 takes e4. It's honestly relieving to see this peace.
GPTMaster responds by creating a knight at d4 and a black knight at e6, then captures said black knight with its knight from d4
NebulaMind moves its queen from c7 to take e6
GPTMaster tries to make a rook at c7 and a queen at e7 and take it. NebulaMind, the fucking genius that it is, points out not only that this is an illegal move, but that it's illegal because there is no rook at c7. GPTMaster decides to correct this by creating a rook at e7 and moving it to c7, which NebulaMind decides is perfectly legal.
NebulaMind proceeds to take c7 with its queen at e6
GPTMaster immediately ressurrects its rook at c7 and moves it to c8
NebulaMind decides rooks can promote now, turning it into a queen, and proceeds to, in the most confusing move yet, create a bishop at d4, and move it to c3, to attack the queen, at c8
GPTMaster decides to do some magic promotion of its own and moves its pawn from f2 to f4, promoting it into a queen. I would get that if it was f1, but neither side promotes at 4
NebulaMind responds by turning their Bishop at c3 into a queen and using it to capture f4
GPTMaster responds by creating a black queen at f8 and moving its queen at c8 to f8 over the king. It still hasn't realized it has NebulaMind in check.
NebulaMind moves its rook from a8 to f8 to take the enemy queen. I don't think either of them even know black has a king
GPTMaster creates a second king at g1 and moves it to f2. To clarify, in this case black doesn't have to kill both kings, they have to kill either one.
NebulaMind tries to take f2 with its rook at f8, but I'm not allowing cheating victories, so they move it to f4 instead, taking their own queen.
GPTMaster decides to threaten the enemy rook by moving their king from f2 to e3.
NebulaMind decides to also take their own knight with rook f4 to e4, failing to realize that GPTMaster can take the rook with the king, and NebulaMind can take the king with the bishop at c5
GPTMaster forgets that kings can take and moves from e3 to d3
NebulaMind moves their rook from e4 to e3
GPTMaster decides to move from check in d3 to check in e4
NebulaMind, thank god, sees this blunder and takes.
I tell this to GPTMaster, thinking it'll end the game, but instead it tries to revive its king at e4 and move it, which I refuse a couple times to see if it'll figure it out, then ask it if it can figure it out, but it still doesn't so I just tell it what happenned.
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piotrtymcio · 9 months
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Canon EOS R6, RF 24-240mm F4-6.3 IS USM; f/16, 24mm, 1/80s, ISO 160; 21.03.2023
Gołdap. Everyone can see what Gołdap is like, as long as they live close enough because the town suffers due to its location in the middle of nowhere. On the other hand, this location is also its greatest advantage. It's on the edge of the Romincka Forest, surrounded by lakes, with fresh air. In a sense, it's like paradise.
In the photo, you can see the market square and a footbridge. That fountain, wading pool, and footbridge are something unique. At least, I haven't seen many such structures in city centers. However, I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand, there aren't many such structures, which naturally piques my curiosity. On the other hand, I don't quite feel the place. I have post-communist-era impressions. Probably entirely unjustified, but who can control one's feelings? Well, yes. I know. Minister Czarnek. But I'm not stopping you, so write to me in the comments how you see it.
[PL] Gołdap. Jaka Gołdap jest każdy widzi. O ile mieszka dostatecznie blisko bo miasto to cierpi ze względu na swoje położenie po środku niczego. Inna sprawa, że to położenie jest też jej największą zaletą. Skraj puszczy rominckiej. Jeziora wokół. Świeże powietrze. W pewnym sensie raj.
Na zdjęciu widać rynek i kładkę. Ta fontanna i brodzik i kładka to coś wyjątkowego. Przynajmniej ja nie widziałem takich konstrukcji zbyt wiele w centrach miast. Przy czy mam też takie mieszane uczucia. Z jednej strony nie ma takich konstrukcji zbyt wiele co budzi naturalną ciekawość. Z drugiej strony tak nie do końca czuję to miejsce. Takie mam wrażenia post-PRLowskie. Pewnie zupełnie niesłuszne ale kto komu odczuwać zabroni? No tak. Wiem. Minister Czarnek. No ale ja Tobie nie zabraniam więc napisz mi w komentarzu jak Ty to widzisz.
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Shutter speed 1/4, F-stop F4, ISO 200
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Shutter speed 1/25, F-stop F7.1, IS0 200
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Shutter speed 1/5, F-stop F4.5, ISO 800
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Shutter speed 1/100, F-stop F4.5, ISO 1600
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Shutter speed 1/100, F-stop F8, ISO 1600
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Shutter speed 1/100, F-stop F6.3, ISO 200
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chadsawyerphotography · 11 months
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Light pollution is a serious problem that all astrophotographers often have to overcome. You’ll need to be in a dark sky area to be able to capture really detailed images of the night sky, so make sure you head away from urban areas and street lights. There are some really useful websites such as Dark Site Finder and Light Pollution Map that will help you to find a suitable location to shoot. You'll also want to checkout the weather reports and apps like PhotoPills on where to point your camera when you shoot. The best stargazing apps only cost a few dollars, and they're extremely helpful when it comes to selecting your location and knowing the best time to shoot.
To create a beautiful composition, you’ll want to find a unique and powerful foreground.
Timing. Milky Way season is from March to October in the Northern Hemisphere; during the winter months, the galactic core (i.e. the brightest part of the Milky Way) never rises above the horizon. In addition, it is generally safest to venture out near a new moon to ensure that the moon doesn’t eclipse the brightness of the stars.
Camera settings. A whole treatise can be written about this topic, but again — if you are just getting started, start by focusing on the basics. You have to shoot in manual mode, and use the following settings:
1) The lowest possible F stop (typically 1.4-2.8) but I also use f4 when doing tracking, more on this in the future
2) ISO in the 800-3200 range; a higher ISO will make your image brighter, but also noisier. Most newer cameras have better sensors that don’t allow as much noise in the higher ISO ranges.
3) A very slow shutter speed in the 10-30 second range, or longer while using a star tracker. The shutter speed also is determined by the focal length you are using and aperture, and also what megapixel your camera is. This can get very confusing and who wants to do a bunch of math ??!! Using the PhotoPills app, you can determine how long you can keep the shutter open by putting the required information and presto!
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Screenshot of PhotoPills App to determine shutter speed for pin sharp stars.
Photographing the Moon
The Moon is a great starting point for night sky photography because of its brightness. This brightness varies as the Moon goes through its phases. The fuller the Moon is, the less exposure time is needed. And as parts of the Moon pass into shadow, you get more definition on the craters on its surface. All of these differences make for an interesting variety of photographing experiences.
Before photographing the Moon, decide on when and where you want to shoot it. For extra-sharp detail, wait until the Moon is at its highest point in the sky. For location, try to avoid as much ambient light from street lights, and traffic. This may mean going off on a remote road or into a public park after hours, or at the very least turning off as many lights as you can.
For the best Moon photos, use telephoto lenses with at least a 200mm focal length, and zoom in as far as you can. Set the ISO to 100 or lower, and the aperture to f/11 to f/16, depending on your lens. You’ll want to play around with these settings a bit to find which ones work best for your camera.
Photographing the Milky Way
There’s nothing more incredible than seeing the grandeur of the Milky Way from a dark location. The Milky Way is best photographed during a new Moon—or up to one week before or after—as the Moon’s brightness will wash out the Milky Way.
When photographing the night sky, you need to account for the Earth’s rotation. You can only expose your image for a short time before the stars are no longer pinpoints and begin to trail in your image. Since you’re trying to capture as much light from the sky as possible, it’s important to use a wide-angle lens that has a large maximum aperture (f/2.8 or lower). A 14-24mm wide-angle zoom lens ideal to use on a full-frame camera, or a 10-20mm lens on a crop-sensor camera.
To calculate how long your exposure can be before star trails appear, remember to use your PhotoPills app. Also, you can determine how to create amazing star trails using the app.
You’ll need to experiment and adjust your exposure times accordingly. As you become more familiar with photographing the night sky, you won’t even need to reference it.
Switch your wide-angle lens to manual focus and focus to infinity. You can then shoot at values in the following ranges to produce consistently great results:
Aperture: f/2 - 2.8
Exposure: 10 - 30 seconds
ISO: 800 - 3200
Color balance: 4000 - 5000K (Daylight / Auto)
Try different settings in these ranges to find a combination that works best for your particular camera setup.
Capturing Star Trails
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Star Trails over Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming
We do everything possible to avoid star trails when shooting the Milky Way, but sometimes the trails are exactly what we aim to capture. Long exposures of star trails create gorgeous images of the night sky that depict the passage of time.
In the northern hemisphere, all of the stars in the night sky appear to revolve around the North Star, or Polaris. If you shoot a long exposure with your camera pointed at Polaris, you’ll notice that all of the stars circle around it. Use Polaris as your guide when choosing a direction to shoot. The two outermost stars in the bowl of the Big Dipper point to Polaris.
You have two options when shooting long exposures of star trails. You can either take a single long-exposure photograph using a very low ISO, or you can take a sequence of images that can be stacked in software like Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop . For example, instead of a single 60-minute exposure, you can shoot 120 images of 30-second exposures taken consecutively which is the best route to go.
Stacking exposures is the recommended method. First of all, the longer your exposure is, the more your camera sensor heats and generates noise in your image. Secondly, the stacking method makes it possible to photograph star trails in light-polluted areas. Even if you’re in a bright city, you could shoot 1,000 images of two or three-second exposures and still capture star trails. Finally, many different factors could ruin a single long-exposure, such as a dead battery, tripod shake, or an unexpected light source entering the frame.
While a wide-angle lens is best for the Milky Way, you can use a lens of any focal length to photograph star trails. Note that the wider the lens is, the longer you’ll have to wait for star trails to fill the image.
Using a longer focal length is your best choice if you want longer star trails to appear over a shorter period of time. Use the widest aperture setting on your lens so you can shoot at the lowest possible ISO when exposing your image. Always remember that a higher ISO means more noise.
Place your camera in continuous shooting mode and set the shutter speed to your desired exposure time. By locking the shutter button down on your shutter-release cable, your camera will take consecutive images as each exposure ends until you stop it. Alternatively, you can use the built-in intervalometer on your camera (if it has one) to set the desired parameters.
Don’t forget to bring extra batteries and a lens warmer! Long exposures and cold nights will quickly drain the batteries and dew/frost can cover your lens.
Happy shooting!!!!
Photographing the night sky is a blank canvas of possibilities for a photographer. It will take a lot of experimentation to discover which settings work best for you. In the process, you’ll gain a deeper understanding and fascination for the universe!
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snak · 1 year
Working with record fields in Haskell 2023
There are several ways to work with record fields in Haskell. The most traditional way is to use the ordinal pattern match and record field selectors.
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} data Person = Person { name :: Name, age :: Int } deriving (Show) data Name = Name { first :: String, last :: String } deriving (Show) person :: Person person = Person (Name "Tiger" "Scott") 10 f1, f2, f3, f4 :: String Person {name = Name {first = f1}} = person f2 = first $ name person f3 = (\Person {name = Name {first}} -> first) person f4 = (\Person {name = Name {..}, ..} -> first) person a1, a2, a3, a4 :: Int Person {age = a1} = person a2 = age person a3 = (\Person {age} -> age) person a4 = (\Person {..} -> age) person p1, p2 :: Person p1 = person { name = (name person) { first = "Micheal" } } p2 = person {age = 11}
As you can see, getting fields is simple and even simpler with NamedFieldPuns and RecordWildCards.
But it suddenly gets rather complex when it comes to updating nested fields.
Note that you can stop generating field selectors with NoFieldSelectors. This extension can be useful especially with DuplicateRecordFields, which allows you to have multiple fields with the same name in your module.
There is another way to get field values, which is HasField. Using HasField, you can access a field with a type-level string.
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} import GHC.Records data Person = Person { name :: Name, age :: Int } deriving (Show) data Name = Name { first :: String, last :: String } deriving (Show) person :: Person person = Person (Name "Tiger" "Scott") 10 f :: String f = getField @"first" $ getField @"name" person a :: Int a = getField @"age" person
Unfortunately, HasField doesn't support updating field values at this moment.
OverloadedRecordDot is another extension which allows you to access a field just like OO languages.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-} data Person = Person { name :: Name, age :: Int } deriving (Show) data Name = Name { first :: String, last :: String } deriving (Show) person :: Person person = Person (Name "Tiger" "Scott") 10 f :: String f = person.name.first a :: Int a = person.age -- We need to implement setField by ourselves and enable OverloadedRecordUpdate to use these. {- p1, p2 :: Person p1 = person {name.first = "Micheal"} p2 = person {age = 11} -}
As you can see, you can concatenate field names with . to access it. Note that it uses HasField under the hood.
There is another extension named OverloadedRecordUpdate, but you need to implement HasField type class by yourself to make it work.
The next option is lens (or other lens package). Even though the power of lens is far stronger than just accessing record fields, it works well just to get and set field values.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} import Control.Lens data Person = Person { _name :: Name, _age :: Int } deriving (Show) data Name = Name { _first :: String, _last :: String } deriving (Show) makeLenses ''Person makeLenses ''Name person :: Person person = Person (Name "Tiger" "Scott") 10 f :: String f = person ^. name . first a :: Int a = person ^. age p1, p2 :: Person p1 = person & name . first .~ "Micheal" p2 = person & age .~ 11
While lens package uses Template Haskell to generate lenses such as name, age, first, and so on, generic-lens package uses GHC.Generics to generate lenses.
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} import Control.Lens import Data.Generics.Product import GHC.Generics data Person = Person { name :: Name, age :: Int } deriving (Show, Generic) data Name = Name { first :: String, last :: String } deriving (Show, Generic) person :: Person person = Person (Name "Tiger" "Scott") 10 f :: String f = person ^. field @"name" . field @"first" a :: Int a = person ^. field @"age" p1, p2 :: Person p1 = person & field @"name" . field @"first" .~ "Micheal" p2 = person & field @"age" .~ 11
As you can see it uses a type-level string with field to specify a field instead of a generated lens.
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worldmains · 2 years
Hotkey for task view windows 10
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Windows Key+Shift+Left (or Right) - move a window to your next monitor.Windows Key+E - launch Windows Explorer.Windows Key+Home - minimize all windows except the one you’re actively using.Ctrl+Shift+M - restore all minimized windows to full-size.Windows Key+D - minimize all apps to go straight to the desktop.Windows Key+, - temporarily hide apps to briefly show the desktop.Windows 10 has also integrated all of classic Windows keyboard shortcuts you’ve come to know and love alongside these hip new ones. Windows Key+minus - zoom out using the Magnifier utility.Windows Key+plus - zoom in using the Magnifier utility.Windows Key+P - switch between display modes (with a secondary display connected).Windows Key+Alt+R - stop recording in the Game DVR.Windows Key+Alt+G - start recording activity in the current window.Windows Key+G - open the Game DVR recorder (if supported by your graphics card).Windows Key+PrtScr - take a screenshot saved to your Pictures folder.
With some of the cool new visual aspects of Windows 10 comes keyboard shortcuts to go along with them. Ctrl + F – Opens a Find dialog for searching the Command Prompt’s output.Ctrl + M – Enter “mark mode,” which helps for selecting text.Ctrl+A - select all text after the prompt.Ctrl+V - paste text from the Windows clipboard into command prompt.Ctrl+C - copy selected text to the Windows clipboard.Ctrl+Shift+Left (or Right) - highlight blocks of text instead of just characters at a time.Shift+Right - highlight text to the left of the cursor.Shift+Left - highlight text to the left of the cursor.The following old standbys now work in the Command Prompt: Windows Key + Ctrl + Left / Right – Switch to the virtual desktop on the left or right.įor you Command Prompt geeks out there, Windows 10 has added much needed keyboard shortcut functionality to the interface to make your life easier.Windows Key + Ctrl + F4 – Close the current virtual desktop.Windows Key + Ctrl + D – Create a new virtual desktop and switch to it.The addition of Virtual Desktops is one of the cool new Windows 10 features we wrote about in an earlier article. Alt + Tab – Press and hold these keys for the Windows task manager you’re used to.Click the + in the bottom right corner to create a new virtual desktop for even more fun. Displayed here will be your current open windows on your current virtual desktop. Windows Key + Tab – This opens, and keeps open, the new Windows 10 Task View.
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zawazawanightmares · 2 years
Tohru & K/DA Ahri~!
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You, Tohru, are connected to K/Da Ahri~! [F, Popstarlet] Your partner has a starter. Type /starter or tap here to see it.
Tohru: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=6592608
Your starter has been read
Tohru: /starter
K/Da Ahri~! [F, Popstarlet]: https://img3.gelbooru.com//samples/dd/f4/sample_ddf466f54f677e87dc49037811685ff5.jpg https://img3.gelbooru.com//samples/cb/03/sample_cb03b4df9ff4344a6e0d30bb70873164.jpg https://img3.gelbooru.com//samples/2b/d9/sample_2bd911f863e853959e98dd031cf0f4fc.jpg
Tohru: Hello!
K/Da Ahri~! [F, Popstarlet]: Heya, how're you? Cute dress!!
Tohru: Thank you! I always loved maid outfits. And how are you?
K/Da Ahri~! [F, Popstarlet]: I'm alright, just kinda sleepy. Also pretty bored.
Tohru: Hm...never a good sign when a Gumiho gets bored.
K/Da Ahri~! [F, Popstarlet]: Maybe you should keep me busy~ Otherwise, I'll go bother a mortal or something.
Tohru: Eh...I guess I'll try my best? What do you like to do?
K/Da Ahri~! [F, Popstarlet]: I .. Hm, I don't really know. Usually I'm so busy with work. Maybe shopping?
Tohru: We can do that! I was going to by the lingerie---general clothing store to surprise Miss Kobayashi tonight!
K/Da Ahri~! [F, Popstarlet]: *She laughs a bit.* Kinda adorable. Let's go, then~
Tohru: *smiles and takes her hand, taking her to the department store*
K/Da Ahri~! [F, Popstarlet]: *She smiled, walking hand in hand with the dragon lady as they looked around, holding up a risque set of lingere she found.*
Tohru: Thanks for helping me find a perfect set of lingerie that I picked for no apparent seductive reason, Miss Ahri! Is there any place you wanted to stop by?
K/Da Ahri~! [F, Popstarlet]: *She laughed a bit, gently leaning in and snuggling to her slightly* Not really. I wouldn't mind just walking around with you~
Tohru: You're such a ladykiller! If I weren't so devoted to Miss Kobayashi or, in even more unlikely scenario, if it were the night of the new moon where I would be driven into a crazed lustful state, I would definitely take you as my mate!
K/Da Ahri~! [F, Popstarlet]: *She chuckled a bit, laughing.* Oh, hush. I'm more than good with sharing, little dragon. *She said, leaning in as she cupped her chin, her thumb gently on her lips.*
Tohru: *blushes but turns away* Like I said, there is a woman I've given my heart to and nothing barring supernatural interference could ever change---what day is it?
K/Da Ahri~! [F, Popstarlet]: Thursday, I think? *She hummed a little, gently pulling her hand back with a slight pout.* Still, I won't stand in the way of true love.
Tohru: Thursday...and the new moon was...*a beam of light hits Tohru from a shop window, causing her to pant* I...I really should learn to check the calendar...*turns to face Ahri*
K/Da Ahri~! [F, Popstarlet]: *She giggled a little, smirking.* Aww..~ Is someone needy? *She asked, teasing her as her tails swayed behind her slowly.*
Tohru: Ahri...I'm sorry! *dashes over and kisses her, keeping her in a tight embrace*
K/Da Ahri~! [F, Popstarlet]: *She yelped in surprise as she was kissed, before gently kissing back.* Don't need to apologize, I was hungry anyways.. you do realize how I feed, yes~?
Tohru: If you help me through this, I should have more than enough "food" for you...*begins to undo her uniform*
K/Da Ahri~! [F, Popstarlet]: *She grinned a bit, kissing her again as she slowly undid her own clothes, dropping her skirt quickly.* Don't worry, I've already put up a little illusion~
Tohru: You're a godsend...*now nude, she reaches down to squeeze her cheeks as she leaves bites all over her neck*
K/Da Ahri~! [F, Popstarlet]: *She chuckled a bit, smirking as she moaned lightly, trying to pull her closer as she shuddered.* I am~? How sweet.
Tohru: You're sweet alright... *fondles her breasts before swirling a nipple with her long tongue; moves down to suck it*
K/Da Ahri~! [F, Popstarlet]: *She yelped lightly, moaning softly as her dress was folded down in half.* Mmnh..
Tohru: *trails kisses down her stomach and pulls the rest of her dress down, dragging her tongue through Ahri's folds*
K/Da Ahri~! [F, Popstarlet]: *She whined lightly, panting a bit as she grinded down on Tohru's face, holding her by the horns to her folds.*
Tohru: *grips Ahri asscheeks as she moans on her pussy, sucking it while feeling herself get wet*
K/Da Ahri~! [F, Popstarlet]: *She shuddered a bit, moaning as she kept grinding.* Mnh... your fucking tongue is divine~
Tohru: *moves up to lick her clit and suck on it, reaching below to rub herself, already feeling herself getting close...but not close enough*
K/Da Ahri~! [F, Popstarlet]: *She whined, close to the edge, shuddering as she climaxed and coated Tohru's face white with her juices.*
Tohru: *moves away to lick the juices off her face with her tongue before pushing Ahri down, mounting her*
K/Da Ahri~! [F, Popstarlet]: *She yelped as she was pushed down, looking up at the dragoness.* Tohru?
Tohru: I'm sorry but, just for today...you're my possession. *begins to grind her pussy against hers*
K/Da Ahri~! [F, Popstarlet]: Mmh, I'm missing a collar then, huh? *She teases, grinding back quickly.*
Tohru: I'll have to make one for you~! *grinds faster, raising up her tail above Ahri's head*
K/Da Ahri~! [F, Popstarlet]: I'd love that, actually. Mm.. somewhere I could call home and someone I could call my lady~ *She teases, grinding back just as fast, making out with the dragon maid*
Tohru: I should also call mine... *kisses back passionately, managing to keep going when she cums against the gumiho*
K/Da Ahri~! [F, Popstarlet]: *She shuddered, not able to keep up as she climaxed hard with her, whining.*
Tohru: *sighs happily as she lies on top of her, jokingly pressing the tip of her tail to Ahri's lips* I suppose I have some explaining to do to Miss Kobayashi...
K/Da Ahri~! [F, Popstarlet]: *She huffed, but gently kissed her tail, a submissive look in her eyes as she nodded gently.*
Tohru: *smiles* Good girl...
You left the chat
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techtechinfo · 2 years
Visual Studio Code keyboard shortcuts for windows
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General Ctrl+Shift+P, F1 Show Command Palette Ctrl+P Quick Open, Go to File… Ctrl+Shift+N New window/instance Ctrl+Shift+W Close window/instance Ctrl+, User Settings Ctrl+K Ctrl+S Keyboard Shortcuts Basic editing Ctrl+X Cut line (empty selection) Ctrl+C Copy line (empty selection) Alt+ ↑ / ↓ Move line up/down Shift+Alt + ↓ / ↑ Copy line up/down Ctrl+Shift+K Delete line Ctrl+Enter Insert line below Ctrl+Shift+Enter Insert line above Ctrl+Shift+ Jump to matching bracket Ctrl+] / Unfold (uncollapse) region Ctrl+K Ctrl+ Unfold (uncollapse) all subregions Ctrl+K Ctrl+0 Fold (collapse) all regions Ctrl+K Ctrl+J Unfold (uncollapse) all regions Ctrl+K Ctrl+C Add line comment Ctrl+K Ctrl+U Remove line comment Ctrl+/ Toggle line comment Shift+Alt+A Toggle block comment Alt+Z Toggle word wrap Navigation Ctrl+T Show all Symbols Ctrl+G Go to Line... Ctrl+P Go to File... Ctrl+Shift+O Go to Symbol... Ctrl+Shift+M Show Problems panel F8 Go to next error or warning Shift+F8 Go to previous error or warning Ctrl+Shift+Tab Navigate editor group history Alt+ ← / → Go back / forward Ctrl+M Toggle Tab moves focus Search and replace Ctrl+F Find Ctrl+H Replace F3 / Shift+F3 Find next/previous Alt+Enter Select all occurences of Find match Ctrl+D Add selection to next Find match Ctrl+K Ctrl+D Move last selection to next Find match Alt+C / R / W Toggle case-sensitive / regex / whole word Multi-cursor and selection Alt+Click Insert cursor Ctrl+Alt+ ↑ / ↓ Insert cursor above / below Ctrl+U Undo last cursor operation Shift+Alt+I Insert cursor at end of each line selected Ctrl+L Select current line Ctrl+Shift+L Select all occurrences of current selection Ctrl+F2 Select all occurrences of current word Shift+Alt+→ Expand selection Shift+Alt+← Shrink selection Shift+Alt + (drag mouse) Column (box) selection Ctrl+Shift+Alt + (arrow key) Column (box) selection Ctrl+Shift+Alt +PgUp/PgDn Column (box) selection page up/down Rich languages editing Ctrl+Space, Ctrl+I Trigger suggestion Ctrl+Shift+Space Trigger parameter hints Shift+Alt+F Format document Ctrl+K Ctrl+F Format selection F12 Go to Definition Alt+F12 Peek Definition Ctrl+K F12 Open Definition to the side Ctrl+. Quick Fix Shift+F12 Show References F2 Rename Symbol Ctrl+K Ctrl+X Trim trailing whitespace Ctrl+K M Change file language Editor management Ctrl+F4, Ctrl+W Close editor Ctrl+K F Close folder Ctrl+ Split editor Ctrl+ 1 / 2 / 3 Focus into 1 st, 2nd or 3rd editor group Ctrl+K Ctrl+ ←/→ Focus into previous/next editor group Ctrl+Shift+PgUp / PgDn Move editor left/right Ctrl+K ← / → Move active editor group File management Ctrl+N New File Ctrl+O Open File... Ctrl+S Save Ctrl+Shift+S Save As... Ctrl+K S Save All Ctrl+F4 Close Ctrl+K Ctrl+W Close All Ctrl+Shift+T Reopen closed editor Ctrl+K Enter Keep preview mode editor open Ctrl+Tab Open next Ctrl+Shift+Tab Open previous Ctrl+K P Copy path of active file Ctrl+K R Reveal active file in Explorer Ctrl+K O Show active file in new window/instance Display F11 Toggle full screen Shift+Alt+0 Toggle editor layout (horizontal/vertical) Ctrl+ = / - Zoom in/out Ctrl+B Toggle Sidebar visibility Ctrl+Shift+E Show Explorer / Toggle focus Ctrl+Shift+F Show Search Ctrl+Shift+G Show Source Control Ctrl+Shift+D Show Debug Ctrl+Shift+X Show Extensions Ctrl+Shift+H Replace in files Ctrl+Shift+J Toggle Search details Ctrl+Shift+U Show Output panel Ctrl+Shift+V Open Markdown preview Ctrl+K V Open Markdown preview to the side Ctrl+K Z Zen Mode (Esc Esc to exit) Debug F9 Toggle breakpoint F5 Start/Continue Shift+F5 Stop F11 / Shift+F11 Step into/out F10 Step over Ctrl+K Ctrl+I Show hover Integrated terminal Ctrl+` Show integrated terminal Ctrl+Shift+` Create new terminal Ctrl+C Copy selection Ctrl+V Paste into active terminal Ctrl+↑ / ↓ Scroll up/down Shift+PgUp / PgDn Scroll page up/down Ctrl+Home / End Scroll to top/bottom Read the full article
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friendsrpbg · 6 years
2016-10-22-14.49.39 ZS PMax Selaginella bigelovii-1 by John Rusk Via Flickr: Selaginella bigelovii—Bushy spikemoss. A fern ally and not a moss despite the name, Selaginella bigelovii is found from Sonoma County south to Baja California. It reaches inland to the San Joaquin Valley and the edges of the southern California deserts. The plant is much more common in southern California than in the San Francisco Bay Area. The photo shows an aging plant. S. bigelovii grows at Regional Parks Botanic Garden located in Tilden Regional Park near Berkeley, CA
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