friendsrpbg · 6 years
N20140904-0069—Isocoma menziesii var sedoides—RPBG by John Rusk Via Flickr: Isocoma menziesii var. sedoides—Menzies' goldenbush. Grows in coastal habitats in Southern California and Baja California. Intergrades with other varieties of I. menzesii. Photographed at Regional Parks Botanic Garden located in Tilden Regional Park near Berkeley, CA
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friendsrpbg · 8 years
J20170302-0062—Ribes menziesii—RPBG—DxO
J20170302-0062—Ribes menziesii—RPBG—DxO by John Rusk Via Flickr: Ribes menziesii—canyon gooseberry. Photographed at Regional Parks Botanic Garden located in Tilden Regional Park near Berkeley, CA
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friendsrpbg · 7 years
J20170928-0026—Isocoma menziesii var sedoides—RPBG by John Rusk Via Flickr: Isocoma menziesii var. sedoides—Menzies' goldenbush. Grows in coastal habitats in Southern California and Baja California. Intergrades with other varieties of I. menzesii. You can watch a good video of one of close relatives of variety sedoides at youtu.be/lnSPkFrZE-o . Photographed at Regional Parks Botanic Garden located in Tilden Regional Park near Berkeley, CA
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friendsrpbg · 8 years
J20160303-0173—Arbutus menziesii—RPBG by John Rusk Via Flickr: Arbutus menziesii—Pacific madrone. Grows from Vancouver Island in British Columbia south to Baja California. Common in redwood and Douglas-fir forests, less so elsewhere. A desirable ornamental, susceptibility to various diseases and cultural requirements keeps it from being more widely used in horticulture. Fine cabinetry and furniture has been made from the wood of madrones. Photographed in Regional Parks Botanic Garden located in Tilden Regional Park near Berkeley, CA.
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