#taylir gar tracyn
holdyourfire · 4 years
taylir gar Tracyn
hold your Fire (Mando’a)
A/N: This is a fic based around a pre-TFA Poe. He’s been assigned to a mission with someone he doesn’t really like by Leia. This has been sitting in my head since January, and I’ve finallyyy written it out. It’s a long one, multi-chaptered of course. It’s not a Poe x Reader fic though I know that’s more popular than Poe x OC. Also it’s written from Poe’s POV.
Rating: Pretty much General for the first part but heads into a mature range in later chapters.
Tags: Poe x OFC, hurt/comfort, angst, massive slow burn, pining, eventual fluff, Mandalorians, enemies to friends to...,
Warnings: mild sexual content, panic attacks, minor character death.
Extra note: I suggest watching The Mandalorian if you’re interested by this fic. It does contain spoilers for the show.
Chapter 1 - Fire
1.5k words
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      Poe, smeared in grease and covered in sweat, was fiddling with his X-Wing’s engine, as he usually would in his rare periods of free time.
Snap was across the path on the other side of the landing area, working on his own ship.
BB-8 was whirring around the two starfighters, assisting when needed. 
      He was so focused in the task at hand, that when his little droid purposely crashed into his leg, Poe turned on him in a fury, prepared to scold.
      But, anything he’d been about to say was interrupted by the droid swivelling his body sideways to point out a figure heading towards them.
      It was Kaydel Connix.
As she jogged towards him, she tripped over a stray wire trailing from a power-unit.
Poe struggled to fight back a smile as he heard Snap snort behind him.
      ‘Collected-Kaydel’, not so collected after all, huh? Poe thought, a grin finally escaping him.
Kaydel scowled, seeing him watching her approach. “The General sent me to come and find you,” she snapped. “Apparently, you’re forgetting something?”
      His grin disappeared.
      “Did you really forget another meeting?” Snap called from across the path.
      Damn it, that man’s ears are too sharp. Poe shot an annoyed look at his friend.
      “They really should demote you,” Snap continued, blind to Poe's obvious irritation.
      “Well,” Poe yelled back, “at least I’ve never sh-”
      “Quit it you two,” Kaydel said, disrupting whatever dirt Poe had been about to spill. “You need to be at the General’s workstation twenty minutes ago.”
      She turned away dismissively, heading back to where she’d appeared from.
      “Yeah! Get moving nerve-burner,” Snap sneered, clearly delighted with the situation.
      Poe just flipped him off as he desperately shed his bulky tool belt onto the gravel under him. BB-8 trilled questioningly as Poe began to run towards the underground admin sector.
      “No buddy, you stay here with Snap. I’ll see you after dinner!” he called over his shoulder.
      He frantically made his way to General Organa’s workstation, dodging people, stumbling down stairs and hurdling the occasional crate, swearing under his breath the whole time.
      By the time he reached, he was out of breath. He burst into the workstation with a jumble of excuses. 
      “Sorry General! I forgot about this, I was with Snap- I mean Temmin, it’s really kinda his fault I’m late, he’s very, uh...” 
      Poe trailed off as he took in his general’s exasperated but entertained expression, before noticing another figure in the room. He shuffled his feet, frowning, suddenly self-conscious of his sweaty, grease-stained appearance.
      “Commander Dameron, I’m sure your friends have told you that you’re not a good liar?” 
      Not waiting for the indignant response that was about to come, she continued.
      “This is Commander Avara Deccol,” she said, gesturing to the unknown figure. 
      Poe shifted his focus to the newcomer.
      “She has recently joined the Resistance as a weapons expert and spy.”
      Deccol nodded curtly and Poe returned the gesture stiffly. 
       Sharp eyes, dark-ish skin. Her short, curly hair was flat against her head as if she’d been wearing a cap or helmet. It reminded him of his own hair whenever he pulled off his own flight helmet.
He had to admit to himself, she was pretty cute.
She was wearing a scuffed piece of armour with some symbol carved in the metal, on her right shoulder. 
      Deccol was observing him as carefully as he was her. Her face was expressionless as she watched him. Posture was perfect, almost like a soldier standing at attention. Poe got the impression that’s how she always held herself. Her hand rested on her hip- no, not her hip.
      It was rested on an empty holster, where a blaster would be.
      Is that a habit... or is she trying to be intimidating? he wondered. At least she’s shorter than me, way shorter. The top of her head would have barely reached his chin. Thank the Maker.
      This was a sore point for him, due to his squadron’s incessant teasing. He slipped his hands into the pockets of his dirty orange flight-suit and pursed his lips very slightly, trying to appear unbothered as he held Deccol's unflinching gaze.
       As he continued to scrutinise the new commander with his keen eyes, General Organa had turned to address Deccol. “Commander Dameron here is my best pilot. That’s why I picked him as your partner for the mission.”
      “Mission?” Poe asked, focus instantly shifting to Leia, bothered he didn’t know what was going on and that the newcomer clearly did. “What mission?”
      “Slow down, Poe. You’re needed for this mission because incredibly swift piloting will be required. Avara, you have been picked because I trust Maz Katana’s instincts. If Maz believes that a person is right for a specific job, then they are. Plus, she said you were the best shot she had ever seen. Good marksmanship is always valued.”
      Poe’s brows furrowed. Best shot? 
      Beside him, the new commander ducked her head slightly at the praise.
      “Your mission,” Leia continued, “will consist of several tasks. I cannot stress how important they will be to the downfall of the First Order. These tasks will include intelligence collection and assassinations.” 
      “Avara, that’s where you come in.” 
      She’s an assassin? What the-
      “It’ll be mostly First Order officials, as many as our agents can locate. Poe, before you ask, yes, BB-8 may join you. It’ll be a long mission.”
      Poe smiled slightly.
Leia always knew what he was thinking. Whether it was because she was capable in the force, or just because he'd grown up knowing her, he didn't know.
      The general walked behind her desk, fetching something from a drawer. A holoprojector. She passed it to Deccol, who examined it, squinting closely, flipping it several times in her hands.
      “It’s been altered," the newbie said slowly. "For long-distance transmissions?” Deccol asked, holding it out to Poe without looking at him. 
      Oh, is she a holoprojector expert too? Within second Poe’s annoyance had elevated again.
He almost snatched it from her, fuming. I've barely known her a minute and she's already infuriating. Is that even possible?
      “Yes, and to be undetectable. This is how you two will be receiving your tasks. Only after you leave the base, will you get your first mission. This is, naturally, to preserve confidentiality.”
      Both commanders nodded seriously. This, they understood.
      “You two don’t know each other, but I expect you both to be smart enough to know you have to work together." Leia looked at Poe pointedly. "No petty squabbling or fighting.” 
      Poe internally rolled his eyes.
      “You two will be leaving tomorrow at sundown. Poe, as the pilot, you’ll be picking a ship suitable for you both, but most importantly, suitable for the mission.”
      Leia looked from Poe to Deccol, studying them for a second.
      “Commander Deccol, my assistant, Kaydel, will show you to the mess hall. It’s almost dinner,” Leia said. “You can go, I’ll meet you tomorrow.”
      Both commanders turned to the door.
      “Poe, wait. I want a word.”
      Poe waited until Deccol had disappeared from view, speaking quickly before Leia could. 
      “Am I really just going to be the pilot for this mission?”
      “Poe,” she sighed. “Listen. Deccol is new to the Resistance, whereas you are not. You know how we operate, I expect you to show her our way. However, you will be respectful.”
      So, the usual lecture then.
      “I know what you can be like if you’re not particularly keen on someone," she sighed, rubbing her forehead for a second.
"Unfortunately, I get the feeling Avara is like that too. She is prideful and definitely not the sort of person to ignore an insult,” she said, continuing to make her point. “You both are experts in your own fields and you will listen to each other. She’s a ‘Fire’ and instead of picking a ‘Water’ as her partner, I’m picking another ‘Fire’. I’m taking a risk picking you as her counterpart and I need to know you will not let me down. I’m trusting you, Poe.”
      Poe pursed his lips at the lecture, still miffed. 
      “I- I’ll try, bu-” he cut off, seeing Leia narrow her eyes. 
      He sighed, glaring at the ceiling for a second, resigned.
      “I won’t let you down, General,” he corrected. “I promise.”
      “Good,” she replied, turning back to her desk. “Now, go make a new friend,” Leia said teasingly over her shoulder.
      Poe huffed. “Why do you always talk to me like I’m still a kid?”
      “Well, you haven’t yet proved you’re one hundred per cent adult yet, Poe. After all, you ran in here half an hour late and the first thing you did was try to blame your delayed arrival on poor Wexley.”
      Why is she always right?
      "It wasn't half an hour, it was twenty minutes."
      "Twenty-five,” she countered, humouring him.
      Poe grinned. "A five-minute improvement from last time then," he said, turning for the door.
      Something smacked against the back of his head. He whipped around, to see Leia had her back turned to him. 
      “Did you just-” He paused. "Who's the kid now?"
      "Still you, Dameron."
      He left the room before he was subjected to any more scathing comments.
      How did she- her back was turned! he grumbled to himself as he left the building, trying to ignore the fondness creeping up as the bell for dinner chimed.
      Kriffing Force.
E/N: next chapter will be up in like a day :) glad to see someone made it to the bottom of the first chapter lol. I know my writing isn’t the best but it gets better, trust me.
Chapter 2 is up!
20 notes · View notes
by iye
Poe Dameron is assigned onto a long and dangerous mission with a new partner. Assassinations, spies and... good hair? Is good hair necessary? Poe thinks so.
*** He burst into the workstation with a jumble of excuses tumbling from his lips. “Sorry General! I forgot about this, I was with Snap- I mean Temmin, it’s really kinda his fault I’m late, he’s very, uh, distracting...” Poe trailed off as he took in his general’s exasperated but entertained expression, before noticing another figure in the room beside the General. He shuffled his feet with a frown, suddenly self-conscious in his sweaty, grease-stained appearance. “Commander Dameron, I’m sure your friends have told you that you’re not a good liar?” Not waiting for the indignant response that was about to come, she continued.
Basically, a young Resistance flyboy goes on a long mission with someone he's not sure of. With BB-8 of course. BB-8 goes too.
Words: 3584, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types, The Mandalorian (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Poe Dameron, Leia Organa, Temmin "Snap" Wexley, Karé Kun, Jessika Pava, Iolo Arana, BB-8 (Star Wars), Kaydel Ko Connix, more characters will be added along the way - Character, Mandalorian(s)
Relationships: Poe Dameron/Original Character(s), Poe Dameron/Original Female Character(s), Karé Kun/Temmin "Snap" Wexley, Poe Dameron & Black Squadron, more will be added in time - Relationship
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, when i say 'slow burn' i mean 'slooooooooow burn, Poe Dameron is a loveable idiot, BB-8 is a darling, Poe's mother's ring is very important to me, Force-Sensitive Leia Organa, POV Poe Dameron, There are Mandalorians in this fic, this fic has spawned out of quarantine and procrastination, also my first fic
0 notes
holdyourfire · 4 years
taylir gar Tracyn
hold your Fire (Mando’a)
Fic Rating: General with a couple Mature chapters later.
Fic Tags: Poe x OFC, hurt/comfort, angst, massive slow burn, pining, eventual fluff, Mandalorians, enemies to friends to...,
Fic Warnings: mild sexual content, panic attacks, minor character death.
Chapter 1
No warnings for this chapter.
Chapter 2 - Contact
2.2k Words
      He was heading to his quarters, struggling against the stream of people flowing in the direction of the mess, when he spotted two familiar faces in the crowd. Snap and Karé Kun, another pilot in his squadron. He wriggled through the mass of people to reach them. 
      “Hey, I’m heading to my refresher, would y-” 
      “Yeah good,” Karé cut in, “You need to. No one wants you stinking up the mess hall while everyone is trying to eat.” Snap wrinkled his nose for further effect and Poe rolled his eyes. 
      “Yeah, yeah, shut up. I was trying to ask if you’d save me a plate of food.”
      “Of course, what else are friends for, right?” complained Snap. 
      Poe just grinned. “Thanks, buddy.” 
      He was about to squirm away through the crowd when another thought crept into his head. 
      “Hey, I need you to do something. There’s a new face on base today, one of the intimidating types. She’s got hair like mine and she, uh, she wears this shoulder pauldron thing. If you can find her, try to sit with her.”
      “Oooh,” crooned Snap, “has Poe got a new crush?”
      Poe shoved him, ignoring an unexpected twist of his stomach. “No, kriff off. I was called to the General’s station today because I’ll be on a mission with the newbie. I’ll explain that later.  Just…” he faltered, searching for the right words. “Just scout her out.” He shrugged noncommittally. “Y'know, see what she’s like. You're not the best reconnaissance flier for nothing, right?” he said, thumping Snap’s shoulder and moving away.
      “Just get me some intel!” Poe yelled over his shoulder. “That is what you’re most useful for after all.” 
      Smirking to himself at the victory against Snap, he slithered through the horde of people, the sound of Karé's laughter blending into the background.
        When Poe reached the mess hall after his (much-needed) shower, he automatically glanced towards the Black Squadron’s usual corner table to find it empty. Yells, accompanied by some arm waving from Snap and two other pilots, Jessika and Iolo, alerted him to his group sitting at the far side of the hall. Uncharacteristically he found himself hoping he looked good, as he sauntered over.  
       I’m not nervous, he thought running his fingers through his hair. As he approached the table he scanned it. Iolo, Jess, Snap, Karé… and Commander Deccol. So they did manage to find her. Neat.  
       Nodding at the group, he settled down on the empty stool left for him, with his plate in front. Funnily enough, it was directly opposite Deccol. Jess’ doing for sure. He uncovered the plate and dug in, and the conversation that his arrival had interrupted, restarted.
      “So what made you join the Resistance?” Jess asked, leaning over the table.
      “I haven’t really joined long term, this is more of a one-off job for me. I sympathise with the cause, I’ve seen what the Empire did, and the First Order is that all over again. So when I heard the Resistance needed someone like me, I came. Plus, it pays well.”
      “So you’re just here for the money?”
      It slipped out of Poe’s mouth before he could stop it. The air around the table thickened and Jess and Snap groaned softly while Karé pinched the bridge of her nose. Iolo bit his lip to hide a nervous smile.
      Deccol looked up slowly to meet his gaze with her own.
      “My family, my people, need as much help as they can get." She spoke softly, but the anger in her voice was evident. “I left them, to look for work. To earn for them.”
      Jess dug her elbow into Poe’s side as he leaned forward, before he could sneer a reply.
      “Your people?” asked Karé, her voice gentle, trying to clear the hostile atmosphere. “Where are you from?”
      The burning in Deccol’s eyes diminished as she shifted from Poe to Karé.
      “I think Nevarro. That’s where I spent my early years. I was adopted by a Mandalorian and now I’m one too.” 
      Suddenly all their eyes were on her. Even Poe who'd been sullenly staring at his plate.
      “A Mandalorian? I’d heard stories, I thought they were all dead,” Snap said, awed.
      Poe hated the fact he was suddenly interested in Deccol’s story. Just because she’s a part of a fabled warrior culture, supposedly as skilled as the Jedi...
      “Nope, there’s still a few. Just scattered around the galaxy. Imperial rule was not kind to the culture and the First Order is the same. We were and are a threat to them. We’re rebuilding, but it's hard with a junta like the Order in the galaxy.”
      “And that,” said Iolo, pointing at the pauldron on Deccol’s shoulder. “That’s Mandalorian, right? Mandalorian steel? I’ve heard of it before, but it’s so rare.”
      “Yeah, it’s Beskar."
      Snap shot Poe an impressed look, flicking his eyebrows suggestively.
      Great. I’m the only one here, who doesn’t like her.
      Poe forced himself to tune out for the rest of the conversation, focusing on his food instead, feigning disinterest. When he finished his meal a few minutes later, he scooped up his plate and stomped over to the row of sonics against the back wall, still fuming. 
      He wasn’t surprised when Jess appeared next to him, silently washing her plate as if he wasn’t there. He lasted about five seconds before he burst.
      “Oh for kriff’s sake!” he snapped. “Say it already! Tell me I’m being an idiot and that I’m being unnecessarily rude.”
      She turned to him, her half-washed plate lying discarded in the basin.
      “You’re being an idiot and you’re being unnecessarily rude.”
      He scoffed. “Very funny.”
      “Poe, this is serious. Snap and Karé said you’re going on a mission with her. You won't survive with this destructive friction between you. You’ll get yourself killed.”
      “That’s what the General said,” he mumbled, his anger fading.
      “And, as we know, the General is always right. If you can’t get along with Avara, you need to back out of this mission.”
      “I can’t do that! The General needs me to-”
      “Organa would rather you drop out than receive the news that you're dead, all because she took a risk.”
      Poe fell silent, staring at the floor, clenching and unclenching his fists. She’s right. I just have to suck it up and try to keep my mouth shut. I can do that. For Leia.
      “I’m not going to drop out of the mission,” he declared softly, looking his best friend in the eye.
      “I was never expecting you too,” Jess said, amused. “You’re too stubborn. If you do end up getting killed, it’s going to be because you’re saving the Mando’s ass, trying to prove you’re better than her.”
      The corner of his mouth twitched up. “Thanks.”
      “It wasn’t a compliment, wise-ass,” she retorted, swatting the back of his head. 
       He stayed mostly silent throughout the rest of dinner, but this time, in a much better mood. His friends had watched him carefully as he’d sat back down, relieved he was no longer smouldering. Deccol was still civil with the other pilots, but also quiet, just watching. When it had been time to leave, Poe stretched as he stood, straining his arms over his head with a huge yawn that was instantly caught by Snap and Jess. The latter punched him for it.
      “Every time, Dameron,” grumbled Jess, mid-yawn. “Every damn time.”
       As the group of pilots, plus the one Mando, strolled towards their barracks, Poe found himself trailing behind, lost in thought over his to-be partner.
      Why did Leia have to get this hot shot assassin for the mission? he found himself grumbling. Couldn’t it have been someone I would instantly get along with? Just my luck.
      He jumped when someone bumped his shoulder. Karé.
      “Hey, Poe. So… you wanna tell me what this is about?”
      “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
      “Don’t be difficult, Poe. This is why some people don’t like you.”
      He turned to her pretending to be shocked. “What? Who doesn’t like me?”
      She laughed and he smiled down at her, his laugh lines deepening as he properly relaxed in her company.
      “No but seriously. What’s so bad about her? Did she do something?”
      He pursed his lips. “No. She didn’t do anything.”
      Karé was quiet for a second before turning to him. 
      “I’m gonna ask you something, a serious question and you’re gonna answer seriously. No laughing.”
      “Go on.”
      “Do you like her? As in, do you have a crush on her?”
      Poe laughed. Hard. Are you kidding me right now?
      “You said you wouldn’t laugh!” she groaned, shoving him.
      “I never said that. And no! I don’t! What am I? A kriffing teenager ?” he snorted, lowering his voice. “I don’t get crushes.”
      “Urgh, whatever. Just apologise to her. I’m gonna tell Snap to brief you tomorrow.”
      “Brief me? What?”
      “You asked him to gather intel right,” she said grinning. “Well, he did.”
      Poe rolled his eyes. “That idiot either does too little or too much. No in-between for him.”
      “Hey! Don’t talk dirty about my boyfriend.”
      He turned on her with a yelp. She was trying to keep a straight face.
      The group in front turned at the sound of his shriek, and Karé almost collapsed in a sudden burst of laughter.
      “SNAP!” Poe screamed at the group in front. “Get your ass over here!” 
      Jess and Iolo cracked up, grabbing each other for support as Snap jogged towards Poe grinning widely. Deccol looked a bit puzzled but Poe wasn’t paying attention to her.
      “You idiot! We’ve been together a week and you didn’t notice!”
      “Why didn’t you tell me?” he whined pathetically, slapping Snap’s shoulder.
      They all just continued to laugh, not bothering to answer. He doubled over with a moan, his palms pressed to his eyes for a second.
      “You’re all asses!”
      They laughed harder. He straightened, pursing his lips and shaking his head in mock anger, stalking towards their barracks. Iolo pounced on him as he tried to walk past, dragging him to a halt.
      “No, no wait! We-” Iolo’s words were lost in more cackling.
      “What Iolo’s trying to say,” Jess said, somehow controlling herself, “is that we were betting on whether or not you’d find out by the time a week had gone by.”
      Deccol had started to smile, catching on to what was happening.
      They- they what?       “You were betting? On me?” He paused, blinking. “Who won?”
      “Honestly, all of us. Your reaction is the prize we all just received,” Jess managed to say before snorting back into laughter.
      “You,” Poe growled, pointing at Jess threateningly, “you shut up. Who won?”
      “Me and Jess obviously,” called Karé. “The boys are oblivious to your obliviousness.”
      “Do I get a cut? How many credits did you earn? I deserve some .”
      “They just got a hundred and fifty credits. Each,” said Iolo, suddenly forlorn.
      Poe couldn’t help himself. Starting to smile, he pointed at Karé. 
      “I better be getting some of those kriffing credits!”
       The group somehow made it to the pilot’s block of sleeping quarters, still breathless with giggles. 
      As a Commander, Poe had a bottom floor room, with his friends on the floor above, as they were lieutenants. They peeled away from Poe to head upstairs, leaving him standing there, grinning and shaking his head up at them as they trooped off with the usual raucous hoots. Leaving him with Deccol. 
      Kriff. Now isn’t this awkward?
      “What room are you?” she said, scuffing her boots against the gravel.
      Was she… nervous? 
      “I, uh, I’m in eight. You?”
      Poe nodded and jerked his head. “This way.”
      She fell in step with him as they strolled to the far side of the block.
      Could time really not go faster? he found himself thinking desperately, running fingers through his hair. Twelve more rooms to walk past. Eleven more. Ten. Ni- Urgh, just talk to her! 
       “I was-”
      “Did I-”
      Both of us starting to speak at the exact same time? More likely than you’d think, he thought sarcastically.
      Caught off guard, Deccol spoke first. 
      “Uh, please, you first.”
      “I was, uh, I was out of line at dinner today,” he began slowly, forcing himself to look her in the eye.
      Her gaze was piercing as she turned to him when they stopped walking to face each other.
      “I’m sorry. I guess I was in a bad mood or something.”
      She nodded. “I- I understand. We just... need to be able to work together.”
      He snorted. “Y’know you’re the third person to tell me that today?”
      She chuckled. “It’s because I’m right.”
      “Y’know no one likes a know-it-all?”
      “Why do I feel like people also say that to you?” she teased back, lifting her chin to meet his eyes.
      He narrowed his eyes at her and she didn't smile, but her eyes seemed to spark at him playfully.
      They turned to continue walking, Poe feeling much lighter.
      “I’ll see you at breakfast then? Is it in the same hall as dinner?”
      “Yep. There’s a base-wide alarm that sounds to wake everyone up, and then the second alarm signals first-meal.”
      “Convenient. See you there,” she said with a nod.
      He returned it with a slight smile and watched her walk the last few steps to her room as he unlocked his door.
      Maybe this would work after all.
      The instant he stepped into his room, his little white and orange droid began zooming circles around his legs in greeting.
      “Hey, Beebs. Boy have I got some stuff to tell you.”
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holdyourfire · 4 years
taylir gar tracyn
hold your Fire (Mando’a)
Chapter 1  Chapter 4
Chapter 5 - Flame
No warnings for this chapter.
2.2k words
      Poe was guiding the Ember into Naboo’s atmosphere when a loud thud sounded behind, startling him. 
      He whirled around in his chair to see Deccol grinning and he scowled heavily.
      “I told you, I like startling people.”
      “Not while I’m piloting, thanks!”
      She slumped into the chair next to him, still smiling to herself.
      “Where should we land? Somewhere outside the city, right?”
      “Um, no,” she began, frowning slightly. “We should set down in the city. In a landing bay. This ship won’t draw many eyes, so a city bay would be more convenient.”
      “Yes, but is it safer?”
      “It’ll be fine. I know how to deal with cities. If we land on the outskirts, it’ll look as if we don’t want to be noticed.”
      “And… we don’t want to be noticed,” he countered, knowing he was aggravating her. “So where’s the harm?”
      She turned her chair to face him, obviously getting bothered. 
      “But we don’t want them to know that do we? The best way to hide is to blend in. A city landing bay will do that.”
      Poe smirked and Deccol just gave him a sharp look.
      “You were doing that on purpose. Arguing just to argue. Just to be annoying.”
      She shook her head as he continued to grin. 
       “This is going to be a long mission,” came a sigh.
       Theed was beautiful. 
      Deccol and Poe leaned into the viewports to see the city below as they flew over smoothly. 
      Cream-coloured stone buildings, with tall pillars and arches, topped with blue domes. The warm glow from the street-lights turned the roads and paths gold. The setting sun had cast the west-facing sides of the buildings into pink and red and the rest into darkness. Arched bridges littered Theed’s winding rivers.
      In the distance, rolling plains of grass surrounded the city.
       “It really is beautiful.”
       Deccol just hummed in reply, still absorbed in the view. 
      A beeping noise sounded from the dashboard.
      “We’re being hailed by city landing services,” said Poe shifting to press the flashing button.
      “Hailing the Ghtroc Seven-Twenty, please proceed to Landing Dock E, Pad 3. The south side of the city.”
      “Pad E3, copy that.”
        The landing was swift and hardly a jolt was felt as Poe directed the Ember down. 
      Deccol disappeared to her cabin to change and Poe sauntered down the freshly lowered ramp to meet the dock officer waiting below, BB-8 at his heels.
       Naboo’s cool air was a sharp contrast to D’Qar’s humid climate and he sucked in a breath, filling his lungs, enjoying the sight of the river on the other side of the landing pad.  
       The smartly uniformed dock-officer was approaching.
      “Hi there!” 
      “Hello, sir,” she replied, “may I have your ship’s manifest please?”
      “Of course. BeeBee?”
      BB-8 whirred and extended the Ember’s projector chip in his claw.
      “Any other crew or passengers?” the officer asked, taking the chip and slotting into her datapad to read.
      “Just my co-pilot.”
       Though Deccol wasn't really his co-pilot.
       Poe waited for a few seconds, until the officer looked up with a polite smile, tugging the chip out from her datapad to hand back to BB-8.
      “You’re all good to proceed. Payment for the use of the landing pad can be organised up in that building there,” she said pointing towards a building across the river. “Enjoy your time here.”
      “Thank you.”
       “Oh, one last thing,” the officer called just as he was turning away. “Blasters are not permitted in public,” she said, pointing to his empty holster.
      “Oh, alright. I’ll keep that in mind.”
        Poe strolled back to the ramp, only to find Deccol coming down. She had changed, removing all her armour and was just wearing a simple black shirt on black pants and a dark grey scarf tied around her neck. Her blaster was tucked into her holster at her hip.
       “All fine?” she asked peering at the departing dock officer.
      “Yep. No blasters allowed in public though.” He gestured at her gun. “Ok, so what's the plan then?”
      She jerked her head behind her. 
      “We should talk inside.”
       They ended up outside the kitchen to discuss, Poe leaning back against his cabin door and Deccol standing in front of hers.
       He got the feeling she always stood so straight because everyone was taller than her.
      He had to hold back an amused smile at the thought.
       “Tonight, we should just go out and find out what we can about this Luc Shinn guy. If we even can. If we get enough information, tomorrow the mission can be completed and we can be out of here.”
      Poe frowned.
      “Don’t you want to spend more than just a day here? I mean, it’s so nice. We’ll also have extra time to plan.”
      “This is an assignment, not a holiday, Dameron,” she said, exasperated. “We need to do these tasks as quickly as we can.”
      He sighed.
      “Yeah, yeah, fine. It just seems like a nice place.”
      “Hmm. It does seem nice,” she admitted, nodding. “So, ready to head out? I’ll just go remove my holster.”
      “Same, one sec.”
      He turned, ducking into his room to quickly discard his holster and grab his commlink. 
      “Ok, let’s go.”
       About fifteen minutes later, Poe was leaning against a light pole on a street corner as he waited for Deccol. BB-8, the poor thing, had been left behind on the Ember. 
      Deccol was just across the street, talking with a couple of locals about where to find the best cantina in town.
      It was a known fact that if you want to know who people are and what’s happening in the area, a cantina was where to go. All information just seemed to flow through bars.
       He glanced down the street. Not many people about, the occasional loiterer or the groups of people who were out for a late evening stroll. 
      The sky was dark blue now, just a hint of an orange glow to the west. 
      He turned at the call. 
      It was a man who had just come around the corner. He was swaying on his feet and he had a slight leer on his face as he stumbled towards Poe.
      He stiffened, suddenly uncomfortable as the man neared. He was just reaching out to roughly grab Poe’s arm as he backed away, when Deccol appeared next to him, seemingly out of nowhere. 
      She firmly stepped in between Poe and the drunk man, lightly shoving him away.
       “Is there a problem here?” she snarled as she squared her feet.
      The man scowled and backed off, mumbling incoherently as he stumbled away from them, down the street.
       “C’mon let's go. There’s a cantina down that path and-”
      “I can take care of myself y’know,” he snapped, annoyed at the pang of relief he’d felt when she’d intervened.
      “I never said you couldn’t. Now let’s go.”
      She turned, walking toward the path she’d pointed out. 
      Poe followed, pursing his lips.
             The cantina was bustling with people. One long and crowded serving counter expanded across the back wall with human and droids serving the various people their drinks. 
      Dialects from all across the galaxy could be heard, in shouts and whispers alike. The lighting was dim, and the air was hot and muggy due to the crowd.
      “Seems like travellers and locals come here regularly,” Poe muttered, leaning down into Deccol’s ear.
      “Good for us. We’ll blend in,” she whispered back. “Drink?”
      “Obviously. I’ll get them. What’ll you have?”
      “Ask if they have tihaar. If not just get me one of whatever you have.”
       “I don’t know what that is, but I’ll ask.”
      She nodded her thanks and he slipped through the mass of people to reach a gap at the countertop, raising a hand to catch the attention of a drink-droid.
       “Hello, sir, what will you be served today?”
      “One bottle of Elba beer and do you have a drink called tee-har?”
      “It appears we do,” the droid replied after a second of computing. “It is a Mandalorian beverage, if my memory banks are correct.”
       It clunked off to fetch the drinks and Poe turned his attention to the people in his surroundings.
       A trickle of music from a group of musicians in the far corner of the cantina accompanied by a low beat was encouraging some to dance sensually with drinks in hand. Two Twi’leks were getting very friendly against a wall and Poe couldn’t help smirking at the sight, watching for a second before a sharp noise drew his attention to the other side of the cantina. 
       An argument appeared to be taking place between a Keshian and a member of a species he didn't recognise. Increasing in volume with both almost shouting, until the Keshian received a slap, followed by the furious exit of the slapper. 
       Poe huffed a laugh, wondering what they did to get that. 
      The Keshian glared around the room furiously, as if daring anyone to say something and ended up locking eyes with a grinning Poe. 
      The smile was hastily wiped off his face as he turned back to the counter, trying to avoid any trouble.
      The drink-droid had returned. 
      “Here are your drinks.”
      It handed over the familiar-looking bottle of Elba beer along with a small glass of a clear liquid.
      “Thanks,” he said, handing over credits.
       Holding the drinks, he turned on his heel peering through the crowd to search for his partner. 
       There she was. She was standing near the band, deep in conversation with two locals.
      Spotting him hovering a few paces away, she waved him over.
       “They had it,” he said, holding up her drink.
      She smiled, delighted. 
      “Thank you.”
      He took a sip of his and she took a large gulp of hers with a satisfied sigh, before introducing him to the men she’d been talking with.
       “This is my friend, Snap,” she said, gesturing to Poe. 
       Snap? Huh. 
       Poe nodded politely in greeting.  
      “And this is Jaeto and Enri,” she continued. “They’re brothers who tell me they used to work at a nearby plasma mine. However, they don’t anymore, as it’s been bought by a new owner who seemed to have also brought in his own workers.”
      Poe looked to the two brothers in surprise.
      “An entire mine was just bought? Must be wealthy,” he remarked sipping his beer.
      “Yeah. All of us workers were put out of our jobs,” said Enri. “Apparently this guy has influence in the Galactic Senate. Must’ve been able to pull some strings or something, because that sort of thing never usually happens on Naboo.”
      “Yeah, rumour has it he’s a big shot in the First Order,” Jaeto added in a low voice.
       Poe and Deccol exchanged a look. 
      “Oh? That’s not the best news. I always get uneasy when I hear about them,” supplied Poe, trying to ease into the conversation.
      The brothers nodded enthusiastically in agreement. 
      “They're a nasty piece of work that’s for sure,” muttered Jaeto.
      “This new mine owner, is he from Naboo?” 
      “He is, actually. From one of the wealthier families in Theed. House Shinn. Although I don’t know why we still call it a family. The parents are dead, it’s really just him now.”
       Poe struggled to keep his face neutral. 
      There he is. Time to hunt down a First Order plasma miner.
       “Is plasma mining the biggest industry on Naboo?”
      “It is, after all, the planet is pretty much made of the stuff. And it’s used all over the galaxy too, so it’s not just important for Naboo.”
      “What is it used for, most commonly?”
      “It can power weaponry and transport, mostly.”
       Both very important things for the First Order.
       Poe suddenly grabbed Deccol’s arm in an attempt to look urgent.
      “Oh, Maker! We said we’d meet Jess five minutes ago. She’ll be upset that we’re late!”
       Deccol caught on quickly.
      “Oh, kriff, you’re right!” She turned to Jaeto and Enri. “I’m so sorry, I forgot we had a place to be.”
      “Oh, no worries. It was nice to meet you,” said Jaeto, and Enri nodded in agreement.
      “You too, I hope the job search goes well for you,” said Poe as he and Deccol backed away.
      Deccol gulped the last mouthful of her drink before setting the glass down on an empty table they walked past. Poe elbowed her triumphantly, chuckling before swallowing more of his beer as they walked through the cantina’s doors. 
      She looked up at him with a smirk.
      “Done well,” he said.
      She nodded.
      “That was way quicker than I expected. Things like that usually take a long time. Now let’s go meet Jess.”
      He grinned.
      “Do you know the way back?”
      “Of course I do.”
        They walked by a river for a part of the way before turning down an alleyway. 
      Halfway through, Deccol stiffened.
       “We’re being followed,” she muttered out the side of her mouth.
      “You sure?”
      Two figures appeared on the path in front. 
       Deccol stopped moving, pulling Poe to an abrupt halt with a hand on his wrist. He glanced over his shoulder.
      Two behind them as well.
      He swallowed nervously. 
       Now was really not the time to get jumped.
       He slid a small knife out of his pocket, gripping it tightly in his right hand, the blade pointing downwards, opposite from his thumb.
      Deccol pulled out a vibro-blade from under her left sleeve and another from her right boot. Automatically they shifted, standing back-to-back.
       “What are you looking for?” Deccol called, voice level.
      “Oh, nothing in particular,” came a reply from a shadowed face. “Maybe some credits. Those vibro-knives look good. I have one just like them.”
      “You’re not getting anything without a fight,” Poe said, surprised with how calm he sounded.
      "Fine by us.”
   Chapter 6 coming soon :)
2 notes · View notes
holdyourfire · 4 years
taylir gar Tracyn
hold your Fire (Mando’a)
Fic rating: General with a couple Mature chapter in the middle
Fic Tags: Poe x OFC, hurt/comfort, angst, massive slow burn, pining, eventual fluff, Mandalorians, enemies to friends to...,
Fic warnings: mild sexual content, panic attacks, minor character death
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
no warnings for this chapter
Chapter 3 - Friction
1.6k words
      Poe was woken the next day, by a string of unrelenting beeps from his BB unit. He groaned.
      “Has the alarm even gone yet? Let me sleep ‘til the alarm goes off.”
      He stayed where he was, eyes beginning to droop shut when the familiar alarm blared through the barrack speakers. 
      Instantly, BB-8 rolled away from his charging port to intentionally bump against Poe’s bunk.
      Poe hauled himself upright, sitting on the edge of his cot and blinking blearily at his little droid who peered up at him.
      “Mornin’ buddy,” he drawled through a yawn. 
      BB-8 hummed before chirping excitedly. 
      “Well, you’ll see her when we're about to leave. Unless you come to first-meal. Why are you so excited to meet her?”
      BB whirred, jostling his body back and forth. Poe frowned.
      “I didn’t mean to make her sound really cool. Is that really how it appeared?”
      The droid just warbled affirmatively. Poe sighed heavily. Perfect.
      “Just remind me of the stuff I need to pack after first-meal ok?”
      Poe stood and stretched before shaking his head violently in the mirror, inspecting his hair. His usual routine of getting dressed was hastened by BB-8 bumping repeatedly against the door in his annoying but successful attempt to make Poe hurry up. 
      “Alright, alright! Let’s go,” he said nudging the little droid with the side of his foot to get past him. He stepped out and instantly collided with Karé.
      “Sorry,” he grunted. 
      She just snorted, amused.
      “Watch where you’re going, flyboy. I was just heading to get Avara.”
      She strode over to room three and knocked. No reply. 
      “She’s probably already gone with the others. C’mon, we’re late.”
      “Late? The second bell hasn’t gone yet." He blinked. "Has it?”
      Karé rolled her eyes. 
      “I guess it rang while you were washing your precious hair.”
        They jogged towards the mess hall, BB-8 bumbling after them. The pilots were sitting at the usual corner table this time, along with a lot more people than usual.
      Probably here because I’ll be off on a mission. Or, he thought, suddenly frowning, they’re here to meet Deccol. Word does travel fast in a small base like this. Who wouldn’t want to meet a Mandalorian? 
      Heads turned towards him as they walked through the rows of tables. Nods, waves and murmurs of ‘good luck’ and ‘be safe,’ followed him and Karé as they reached their table. A loud cheer rose from the pilots gathered as they spotted him, and he grinned, warmth exploding in his chest.
      He was stuck in the swarm of about fifteen rowdy pilots for at least twenty minutes, all of them wanting to say farewell and wish him luck. Even BB-8 got a round of pats.
      Iolo eventually came to the rescue, no doubt sent by Karé.
      “Sorry guys, but this guy needs his big breakfast and his caf, or you know what he’s like during the day. We wouldn’t want to inflict grumpy-Poe on his new partner now, would we?”
      After a smatter of laughter, a few more hair ruffles and back slaps, the group moved on, leaving the table to the usuals. Poe turned to Iolo.
      “Since when am I grumpy?” asked Poe indignantly, as he tried to fix his hair.
      “My friend,” said Iolo, mockingly wise, “Poe Dameron is thirty per cent recklessness, twenty-five stupidity and twenty cockiness.”
      “You missed out twenty-five per cent.”
      “That’s the grumpy part.” 
      Poe punched him as they sat down at the table. 
      Deccol was already there, tucking into her meal. She nodded in greeting, her mouth full. That’s when BB-8 decided to announce himself. He trilled loudly at her side and she turned to look down at him, confused. 
      “Avara, you don’t know binary, do you?” Jess asked.
      Deccol shook her head. The astromech moaned, upset.
      “Well, that’s BeeBee-Eight. He’s Poe’s son,” said Karé.
      BB-8 moved to nudge his master’s leg affectionately as Poe rolled his eyes at Karé’s description.
      “He’s my astromech droid,” he corrected. “The best one there is,” he added fondly.
      “He’s the one coming with us, isn’t he?”
      “Yep. You’ll learn how to talk to him in time, it’s not hard.”
      “So,” began Snap, disrupting the conversation about BB, “How much about this mission can you tell us? When will you be back?”
      Poe looked around at his friends, all leaning towards him, watching seriously, worry etched in their faces. His heart swelled in sudden affection for them. He sighed sadly.
      “I don’t know. We have tasks to complete,” he said looking to Deccol, “and we don’t know how many. Leia just said they’re important.”
      And dangerous.
      He swallowed nervously.
      “You’ll make it back. You always do,” assured Jess. Poe just nodded, his throat tight. Karé and Snap exchanged a worried look.
      “Now eat! Don’t let us ruin your appetite.”
      Poe smiled and ducked his head down to obey the command, his stomach loosening slightly.
      Deccol had just observed the whole interaction without a word.
        Poe was pacing his quarters, almost tearing his hair out.
      “No, no! Beebs, it’s something else! Kriff… what am I forgetting?”
      He was packing his carry-bag. 
      “You’d think this would be straight-forward,” he growled, kicking a box aside grumpily as he scanned the stuff thrown around his room.
      I’m forgetting something so obvious I’m going to kick myself when I remember it.
      “Clothes, toiletries, my jacket,” he began chanting, sticking out one finger with each. “Credits, my datapad, my hair stuff, my holster, my tools… What else?”
      Everything he had listed out was already in his bag.
      He and Deccol were due to leave in under half an hour. And he was still here, holed up in his quarters, fussing about what to pack, things strewn around in his haste to find what was needed.
      A sharp knock sounded on the door. BB-8 darted towards it, bumping over Poe’s various belongings.
      “No BeeBee, wait-” he cried, lunging for the droid.
BB opened the door before he could be stopped. To reveal Deccol. Kriff. Damnit, Bee. She was wearing more armour than she had previously.
      “Dameron, are you-”
      She took in Poe, stumbling over a discarded shirt in his haste to stop his little droid and instantly averted her gaze, looking pointedly away from him. It took him a second to realise why. 
      He leaned down and whipped his shirt up, the ring on the chain around his neck whacking against his forehead. He pulled the shirt over his head, pink dusting his cheeks. He thought he could detect a slight colour change on her face too.
      “Uh, sorry. BeeBee is always a bit hasty when opening my door.”
      “Yeah, I- uh- I heard through the door.” 
      Poe blushed more, fingers running through his hair as BB yipped gleefully. Poe glared at him.
      “So I take it you’re not ready to go?”
      “I will be,” he sighed. “I just hate packing. Nothing unusual.”
      “I could help?” she offered.
      He was about to give a snobby reply of ‘I don’t need your help to pack a bag, I'm not a child,’ when BB-8 hummed appreciatively before Poe could open his mouth. The droid stretched out his claw to grab Poe’s leather jacket on the floor, dragging it to Deccol's feet. She bent over to take it, smiling at his droid.
      “I think you need this.”
      Poe swiped it from her grasp and slipped it on, embarrassed.
      “Well, what have you got packed so far?”
      He listed it out reluctantly.
      She frowned. “Aren’t you carrying any weapons?”
      Poe Dameron, it’s time to kick yourself.
      “Shit! That’s right!” He darted over to his closet, kneeling down to open the lowest drawer, pulling out his blaster pistol and a knife. “I mean we do get issued the standard rifles, but everyone prefers to carry their own weapons for missions.” 
      “Makes sense.”
      Poe looked over his shoulder.
      She was leaning against the door frame, watching BB-8 roll back and forth, desperately trying to sort Poe’s scattered belongings. She had a bemused smile on her face and Poe almost found the corners of his mouth beginning to lift at the sight of it, before mentally slapping himself.
      Let’s not do that. You already look like an idiot, let's not make it worse.
      He dumped his blaster and knife into his bag and buckled it shut, hoisting it over his shoulder.
      “BeeBee, did you go scan those freighters at the end of the strip, like I asked you to? Did you find a good one?”
      BB-8 chirped.
      “We’re using a freighter? What model?”
      “You familiar with the Ghtroc Seven-Twenty light freighter? I figured that would be suitable for us. The Resistance has a couple of old ones lying around so I sent BeeBee to scan the ship systems to make sure we took the best one.”
      “That model does sound familiar. A small freighter should be good.”
      They stepped outside, Poe taking a last glance at his room before locking the door. I’m gonna miss this place, he thought with a pang. I always miss the familiarity.  
      Deccol picked up a long, unusual looking rifle and slung the strap over her shoulder, before picking up a small bag and a helmet with the famous T-shaped visor that she tucked under her arm.
      Poe took this chance to get a better look at the extra armour she had on. A cuirass, complete with a chest plate, pauldrons and backpiece, along with two thigh guards, one shin guard. 
      “Isn’t it a bit early to get all suited up?”
      BB-8 whirred ahead of them, leading the way to their freighter enthusiastically.
      “It’s easier to wear it than carry it.”
      “That’s true I guess. It must be a hassle to wear so much all the time though.”
      “At the start it was,” she countered, “but I’m used to it now.”
      BB-8 was rolling back towards them beeping loudly, interrupting their semi-small talk. He looped around the partners before barrelling off in front again, still beeping.
      Poe chuckled.
      “According to Beebs, we need to hurry up.”
E/N: Next chapter kicks off a bit more! Their mission begins in Chapter 4.
2 notes · View notes
holdyourfire · 4 years
taylir gar Tracyn
hold your Fire (Mando’a)
Fic rating: General with a couple Mature chapter in the middle
Fic Tags: Poe x OFC, hurt/comfort, angst, massive slow burn, pining, eventual fluff, Mandalorians, enemies to friends to...,
Fic warnings: mild sexual content, panic attacks, minor character death
Chapter 1 Chapter 3
No warnings for this chapter.
Chapter 4 - Ember
2.5k words
      When Poe caught sight of Snap waiting near his black and orange X-Wing, he dropped his bag and darted to it, running his hands affectionately along its hull.
       “I figured you’d stop by her to say goodbye,” said Snap.
      “I couldn’t not,” mumbled Poe, leaning against his bird, suddenly downcast.
      “Oh, buddy.” 
      Snap stepped in and gathered Poe up in a hug.
      Poe’s eyes began to sting as he felt Snap rub his back, so he pushed his face into Snap’s orange fly-suit.
       They were silent as they continued to the ship. As they approached, Poe picked out Leia, Kaydel and his remaining friends in the distance. 
      BB-8 was already there, looking up at Leia. They seemed to be having a conversation. 
       Deccol parted from Snap and Poe, walking to circle the ship, inspecting it, and Poe drifted over to Leia.
      “Hey, General. Come to wave goodbye to your knight in shining armour?” he teased lightly.
      “You’re not the one in shining armour here, Poe,” she retorted deftly. “Kaydel? Would you brief Poe on the arrangements?”
      “Yes, General. The ship has been stored with a fake ship’s manifest that should be enough to dispel any local suspicion on reasons for landing. It’s also been stripped of any identifying marks and its record has been cleaned off the holonet system. If you run into trouble, it won’t be caused by the ship.” 
       Nice way of saying if anything goes wrong, it was solely their fault.
       The General then handed over the altered holoprojector that she’d had shown them the previous day. 
      Deccol, having finished her inspection, was walking up to join them.
       “You will receive a message including a target or an objective with a location on this. Don’t lose it.” The two commanders nodded, glancing at each other, understanding the importance.
      “Avara, with your history of bounty hunting, I’m sure locating targets won’t be especially hard.”
       He shouldn’t have been surprised. Mandalorians did have a strong reputation in the bounty hunting business.
       “Also,” said Kaydel, “Enough rations are aboard for three weeks. It's an old ship but everything is in working order. Resistance standard-issue blaster rifles have already been placed on board but they’re not exactly conspicuous so I suggest not openly using them everywhere.”
       “Yep, noted.”
      “On the topic of being conspicuous, Avara, that sniper rifle of yours. Weapons that atomise are rare and will draw eyes,” Leia cautioned. “If you can alter it to shoot less powerful blaster shots, that may be wise for some missions.”
       Learning that Deccol’s rifle could atomise made Poe shift nervously.
       “Yes, General,” Deccol replied, dipping her head.
      “And one more thing. Come back safe. That's the most important thing to me,” the General stressed, an anxious glint in her eyes.
      “Of course, General.”
      “Good luck.”
       She was worried. That was never a good sign. It took a lot for Leia to get worried.
       “Safe travels,” said Kaydel. “It’ll be weird not having to chase you down because you’ve forgotten something.”
      Poe grinned at her sheepishly, then turned to face his friends.
       Without any words, they all wrapped their arms around him in a big group hug. 
      Someone was sniffling. Karé.
      Then all together, they loosened their arms and let him shuffle away towards the ramp. 
      Deccol walked over to say goodbye to the pilots, gripping their hands and sharing words. Karé, naturally, leaned in for a hug.
       “Bring us presents!” called Jessika as the two partners walked up the ship ramp. 
      Poe grinned and nodded as Karé slapped Jess’ arm. Iolo laughed with Snap, whose arms were around his girlfriend. 
       He still couldn’t believe they’re dating.
       “Commander Deccol?” Leia spoke. “Ret’urcye mhi.”
      Deccol straightened and nodded with a small smile on her face. 
      She turned and walked past Poe, up the lowered ramp. 
      He followed, clenching his jaw as his chest panged unhappily. 
       Their freighter had two decks, an upper and lower. The lowered ramp they entered the ship through, was directly under the cockpit and led to the lower deck where a second ramp led to the upper. 
       The moment the ramp shut behind them on D’Qar, Poe darted into the crew berth on the right and dropped his bag down, claiming the room as his.
      BB-8 beeped at him before rolling off to explore the rest of the lower deck while Poe clambered up the steeper second ramp to begin takeoff procedures in the cockpit.
       The ship was old. Scratches, scrapes and dents littered the floor and walls.
       He wondered who this ship had belonged to before. They certainly hadn’t taken much care of it.  
       Just as he’d thought it, something on the wall next to the pilot’s chair caught his eye. An inscription had been scratched into the metal surface. He leaned in closer to take a look, brushing his fingers over the scratches. 
       Aurebesh lettering. The Fifth Ember. 
      There was also a circular symbol engraved there too, but Poe didn’t recognise it. It had spikes around it, like a sun.
       There was a thump behind him and he jumped, startled, whipping around to see Deccol lounging in the co-pilot’s chair behind him.
      “You’re quite jumpy,” she drawled, amused. 
      Her boot was against the wall.
       She really kicked the wall just to startle him.
       Poe scowled. 
      “It’s not my fault you’re so quiet.”
      “No, it’s not,” she said, smirking. “But I think I’ll keep it up.”
      Poe just gave her a withering glance. 
       The light of the setting sun through the viewport caught on her armour, setting her alight in a fiery glow, forcing him to squint and look away from the brightness.
       “What were you looking at?”
      “Someone has scratched something in there. It says ‘The Fifth Ember’. The ship’s name maybe?”
       She got up to take a closer look, nudging him aside with her elbow.
      “Do you recognise that symbol?” Poe asked, slipping into the pilot’s chair to start the take-off.
      “You don’t? I’ve seen it before. It’s a crime syndicate,” she replied, looking over at him. “The Black Sun. They used to be a huge issue for the New Republic many years ago, but they’ve disappeared a bit recently. I think they even operated during the time of the Old Republic.”
      “Huh. You reckon it’ll be a problem that we’re using their ship?”
      The Ember lurched upwards and Deccol moved back to the chair on his right and stretched out comfortably.
       “Doubt it. If anything, we’ll be a bit less conspicuous. I think the First Order and the Black Sun were allies at some point. And if so, this would be a familiar ship model to the Order.”
      “That’ll certainly be a help.”
       They had barely left D’Qar’s atmosphere when the holoprojector began beeping. 
      Deccol, sitting in the co-pilot seat next to him, pulled it out to observe. 
      Poe glanced over.
      “It’s a human on Naboo, the city of Theed. Luc Shinn. Possible First Order connections.”
      “Ok, let’s go. Beebs? Coordinates for Naboo?” Poe asked his little droid.
      BB-8 beeped methodically and Poe punched in each number into the ship interface.
      He reached up, flicking a couple of switches before leaning in and gripping the largest lever on the dashboard. 
      “Good luck to us. I guess,” he said to Deccol, who just flicked her eyebrows in reply, a gritty glint in her eyes.
       Pushing the lever forward to ease the Ember into hyperspace, they watched as the stars turned to white smears.
       “It’ll be about five hours. If you want to sleep, now is a good time.”
      She turned to look at him with a scoff. 
      “I was sleeping barely six hours ago. I’m not tired. You can go to sleep. I can wake you up in three hours.”
      He rolled his eyes to himself as he turned away.
      “BeeBee-Eight can wake me up, thanks.” 
      The droid whirred, agreeing. 
      “I’m never one to turn down extra rest. See you in three hours, Deccol.”
       His berth wasn’t very big, but it wasn't as small as it could've been.
      An armchair, a bunk, a wardrobe and a desk. Deccol’s room was right across from his, probably with the same amenities.
      The refresher was just a few paces away, and the ship’s kitchen was right next to their cabins. 
      Poe sighed and sat down on his bunk heavily. 
      This ship was dreary. So grey and dull. 
       He glared at the bag he’d dumped on the floor. 
       Packing and unpacking was just the worst.
      He groaned silently as he dragged himself to his feet to dump the contents of his bag into the wardrobe. 
      A small holoprojector tumbled out and he smiled at the sight of it. Picking it up, he placed it on the small ledge next to his bunk and switched it on. 
      A hologram of his best friends flickered on. 
      Wide smiles, bright faces, all with their arms around each other, wearing their New Republic uniforms. 
      Before they’d joined the Resistance. Before their eyes had been opened. They had been so naive back then.
       Karé, Jess, Iolo, Poe and… and Muran.
       A lump grew in Poe’s throat at the sight of Muran. 
       What would he say if he saw Poe now? 
      Probably something like ‘you deserted the New Republic? What were you thinking!?’  
       Poe could almost hear Muran’s shriek in his head and a grin had begun to spread on his face before it disappeared with another thought. 
      He had been thinking of Muran.
       He kicked off his boots, shrugged off his jacket and slid onto his bed, disappearing into sleep.
       It was a repeated thumping against his bunk that woke him up.
      “Beebs? How long have I been out?” he moaned, blinking blearily, rolling over to face his astromech. 
      He got a warble from the little ball in reply. 
      “Four and a half? I told you to wake me up in three!” He drew himself up. “Why didn’t you wake me up earlier?”
      BB-8 just hummed as he rolled himself out of Poe’s room.
      “Of course she told you to let me sleep longer,” he snarled out loud, standing up to stretch before grumpily stomping over to the ‘fresher.
      “She would go over my head like that, wouldn’t she-”
      He froze, words cutting off abruptly. 
       Deccol was sitting at the kitchen table. Right outside. 
      Her weird rifle was in pieces in front of her, her hands frozen in some action. She'd obviously heard his outburst. 
       Just his luck.  
       They glared at each other. 
      Deccol’s eyes were glinting dangerously, so Poe decided to silently continue to the refresher, the hairs on the back of his neck prickling.
       She was going to kill him in his sleep, he just knew it.  
       When Poe was done in the ‘fresher, he came out feeling a bit foolish. He ambled to the kitchen pantry, next to the table Deccol was at. 
      She didn’t look up at him, continuing to fiddle with her rifle.
       Unable to bear the silence, Poe forced himself to speak.
       “Have you eaten?” he asked, grabbing a ration bar from the cooler.
       More silence. 
       He hesitated, then plonked himself down, directly opposite her, shifting around to get comfortable. 
      She paused in her work, her hands stilling as she drew in a frustrated breath.
      “Do you have to sit there?” she snapped, clearly annoyed.
      “You ever been to Naboo?” he replied, swiftly ignoring her question.
      She looked up at him furiously, but he held her sharp gaze, trying not to look away.
      “Well, have you? I’m not trying to start anything, I’m actually curious,” he said, trying to sound sincere. 
       It must’ve worked because after a few seconds she sighed and continued working on her rifle.
       “No, never been. Heard it’s nice though.”
      “It is. It’s real pretty.”
      Deccol glanced up. 
      “You’ve been?”
      “No, not me. My mother. She was Leia’s- I mean General Organa’s pilot for a mission to Naboo, not long after the Battle of Endor.”
      Deccol raised her head from her work, surprised.
      “Your mother was a Rebel pilot?” She frowned as he nodded. 
      “I don’t know why I’m surprised. Should’ve expected it.”
      “My father was a Rebel fighter too,” he said, trying to contain his pride. “Not a pilot though.”
      She met his gaze, curiously fascinated. “And now you are too.”
      He smiled and began to rip his ration bar packet.
      “Yep,” he quipped, tossing a piece of the tasteless bar into his mouth, then grimacing as he chewed. 
      “Maker, I forgot how shitty these things are.”
      “They’re not too bad. You’re just fussy.”
      “Am not. I just appreciate good food.”
      “Well, on the topic of good food, we Mandalorians have the best.”
      “Nope, Yavin Four has the best cuisine.”
      “Doubt it,” she said disbelievingly. 
      Before he could leap to defend his small moon, she continued.
      “Yavin Four? That’s where you’re from?”
      “Yeah. I was born there.”
      She nodded thoughtfully. 
      “It is a nice moon. Very green. I like green places.”
      “You’ve been to Yavin Four?”
      “I’ve been to a lot of planets,” she answered amicably.
      “What’s your least favourite?”
      “Coruscant,” she muttered, her nose wrinkling slightly in disgust
      He laughed and took another bite of his bar. 
      “Of all the places to hate, you hate the galaxy’s capital?”
      “It’s a terrible place,” she said, suddenly intense. “Dirty, polluted, filled with chakaare - criminals, and the people they exploit. It’s a sad planet.”
      “That’s fair I guess. That word, is it Mandalorian for criminals?”
      “Yeah, sort of. Mando’a is the language.”
      “Can you speak it fluently?”
      She shrugged. 
      “Well enough.”
      She shifted her focus back to her work as Poe finished the last few mouthfuls, still grimacing at its dull taste.
      “BeeBee-Eight,” she said, turning to look at the droid, “do you think there would be any blaster solvent on board?” 
      BB-8 beeped, happy she asked him for help and zoomed off.
       “He’s sweet,” she commented, nodding in the direction the droid had disappeared in.
      Poe smiled proudly to himself as BB-8 spun back in with a container and a dirty looking rag extended in his claw.
       “Thank you, Bee.”
      BB-8 hummed, thrilled.
       He was never gonna tell her that Beebs idolised her.
       “What are you doing with it?” he asked, gesturing at the weapon.
      “The Xciter needed checking, and I reduced its power as the General suggested. But now I’m just cleaning it,” she said, dabbing the rag into the container before rubbing it onto one of the rifle parts.
      “It’s an old weapon and powerful. If it’s not looked after well, it could get risky to use.”
      “Leia said it can atomise? Aren’t weapons like that banned?”
      Some amusement sparked in her eyes as she glanced up at him, confirming his thoughts.
      “It was my father’s. He’d had it for a long time before I came along. One of his favourite weapons.”
      “And he gave it to you?”
      She hesitated, a sly grin slipping onto her face.
      “I took it.”
      Poe huffed, smirking as BB-8 suddenly trilled loudly.
      He nodded and translated for Deccol. 
      “He’s saying we’ll be out of hyperspace in five minutes. I should go up.”
      “Right. I’ll be up soon.”
      He scooted off the bench and strolled up the ramp to the cockpit.
Mando'a Translations: Ret’urcye mhi - Goodbye (literally means 'Maybe we'll meet again') Chakaar(e) - petty criminal(s)
I’m sorry I haven’t been updating very regularly!! I’ll try to be better :)
Chapter 5 is up!
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