#taylor is flagging that she is queer 🌈
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bisluthq · 9 months
So do you think the rainbowsz/gay pride makes me ME of the lover era were misinterpreted, used for marketing/promo, or Taylor is just a dumb bitch (affectionate)? Or some combo ?
I honestly don’t think it was nearly as overt as Gaylors do but it wasn’t not there. Did no one who worked with/for her point out this might be a little suggestive given how she had trained fans to do the Easter egging nonsense?
I think a combo of all of the above: Taylor is a dumb bitch for sure (v affectionate), GAY 🌈🌈🌈 like she did it absolutely does sell in pop and I do think it most likely increased her queer man following substantially (she’s still not as beloved by that community as many other female pop stars) and obvs her queer woman following (which she courted with shit like the lover bestie necklace thingie so that wasn’t accidental), and obvi got misinterpreted to a point because like we all see what we wanna see lol and we all project stuff onto media we see.
I also frankly don’t think Taylor would care if someone said “this is in poor taste” because 1) no one would ever say that to her in person because as I said she’s surrounded by yes men and wtf would Scott, Andrea and Joe know what is and isn’t poor taste in the queer community 2) fwiw Todrick was super on board and I’m sure she was like “ok cool so the gays™️ think this is awesome” so if like idk Cara D was like “this looks like a bi wig r u sure you wanna wear one” Taylor would be like “yeah it’s so cool we’re doing all the flags Todrick loves that idea” and Cara in 2019 would likely be like “mmkay do you have ❄️ here or must I call my guy” lol. She did get pushback on it from media but she wasn’t that online at the time and also did ditch that marketing shortly after so maybe she did realize it was a bit off.
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rainbowdaisy13 · 1 year
Honest question, how long do you think you'd 'wait' for taylor to come out? I know it's not all about that of course i'm just curious. Like do you think your interest will wane, maybe you'll still care but just less as time goes on?
I’ve been here 6 almost 7 years, and I def already hit the point of waning interest in that I am no longer emotionally invested in her coming out. I absolutely still get disappointed and annoyed with her games, but I don’t feel like I’ve wasted years of my life or anything anymore when she does the 2 steps back dance.
I will be around observing and documenting as long as she keeps writing songs and making albums because she’s made it abundantly clear she wants to keep hinting🌈. Only way I’d stop checking in on tumblr is if she flat out stopped queer flagging and put out a statement saying she was straight and wanted everyone to leave her and her Ken of the moment alone—I’d assume she was cementing herself in the closet for good
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loveisforshow · 2 years
hey guys!!
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yesterday i confirmed (as i do every day) that taylor is gay af
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all of this consisted of a little research on sapphic and queer cult history in general 🌈
i decided to send a friend this post
and that caught my friend's attention and i don't know how she ended up finding this magazine called sappho speaks
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then we found too many coincidences in this magazine that blew our minds
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the pink triangle, the lambda
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the color lavender
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fuck the patriarchy keychain on the ground
colored hankies or bandanas
The handkerchief code (also known as the hanky code, the bandana code and flagging) is the wearing of various colored bandanas around the neck was common in the mid- and late-nineteenth century among cowboys, steam railroad engineers and miners in the Western United States.
It is thought that the wearing of bandanas by men originated in San Francisco after the Gold Rush, when, because of a shortage of women, men dancing with each other in square dances developed a code wherein the man wearing the blue bandana took the male part in the square dance, and the man wearing the red bandana took the female part.
blue bandana & red bandana
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"Emily-- I feel as if our relationship has been taken to the next level over the past few months and with much contemplation I decided I would bestow upon you one of my most prized possession: my flamingo bandana. This is a 3rd generation family heirloom and i suggest you frame it. I think it will look perfect in your apartment with the cat pillows. Enjoy".
this can be just a simple coincidence because most likely at that time she didn't know that but i couldn't help thinking about this letter 😂😂
code language
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a friend of dorothy
she's a friend of dorothy
i have no idea how to add more photos to this post, so i will make a part 2
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Taylor Swift’s ‘Midnights,’ ranked by queer subtext | Xtra Magazine
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